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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sole Connections : Exploring community dynamics and practices of the Sneakerhead culture

Göransson, Noel, Casagrande, Vito January 2024 (has links)
Digital Sneakerhead communities have gained significant attention in the fashion market in recent years, this is due to their unique dynamics and cultural significance. This thesis aims to explore the culture of sneaker collectors, pointing its focus on the intricate dynamics and practices used to drive their interactions, discussions and dedication. The study of Sneakerhead culture, traditionally more focused on commercial aspects and brand appeal, can be crucial for understanding contemporary consumption patterns and the connections between consumer culture and social identities. This thesis offers valuable insights into the cultural practices and dynamics of digital Sneakerhead communities, aiming to inform and provide new insights in the development of more empathetic approaches to consumer engagement, as well as to contribute to the broader body of consumer culture academic interest. The thesis uses Kozinets’ (2019) Netnographic method in order to observe and analyse social dynamics, knowledge exchange dynamics, and socially conscious consumption practices among participants in digital sneaker communities. After observing the Sneakerhead community through these theoretical themes based on Marketplace culture theory, the results produced are sub-themes which grants a deeper insight of the digital Sneakerhead community. 19 of these sub-themes were identified, following the three themes selected in accordance with the theory. The results of this thesis is then based on observation and analysis of the Sneakerhead community and provides new insider information about the culture created and sustained in digital communities, while also offering practical insight for marketers and other stakeholders. Delimitations of this thesis are mostly attributed to the method used and to the inherent problem of bias in qualitative research. Future research is suggested on different social media platforms, as well as on in-person meeting of the Sneakerhead communities; an outlook in different geographical areas could provide additional insight and validation to this thesis.

Integrated marketing communications and brand tribalism in a postmodern hospitality reputation management process

Tuominen, Pasi Petteri January 2013 (has links)
Internet and Social Networking Services have made accessing information as easy as lifting a finger and consumer can easily ‘Google’ the cheapest airlines, find reviews and opinions online or look up the restaurant whose name was on the tip of their tongue (Sparrow et al., 2011). Organisations must focus on developing methods of reaching and servicing customers that appeal to a new generation and utilise the advantages of new media (Moutinho et al., 2011). Social networking services, (mobile) websites, location-based services, and group bargaining are among the most recent forms of brand building and reputation management used by organisations to appeal to their stakeholders. Considering reputation management as a strategic necessity of building and sustaining competitive advantage, this thesis applies the discourse of the postmodern branding, Integrated Marketing Communications and Brand Tribalism within the context of online tourism and hospitality. No previous study has covered and combined the fractured knowledge of reputation management, brand tribes and integrated marketing communications within the hospitality industry, and therefore this work is an original and systematic study of the possibilities and pitfalls of the research area. Combining non-participant netnographic method and semi-structured management interviews, 164 hotels and 43 restaurants from seven countries were studied with the aim to find evidence on four different problem settings; (a) the general challenges found in the hospitality SNS presence and activities; (b) the formation of an online tribe within the hospitality context; (c) the effect of peer reviews, tribal activism, and entertainment provision in SNS, and (d) the means and effects of managing SNS’s interactions and implementation of IMC into the reputation management process. The findings of this study suggest that the management of the hospitality reputation is continual, and requires resources and well-articulated integration to overall strategy and vision of managing strategic relationships. The study concludes that by adapting the recommended Ambient Reputation Management framework it is possible to expand the exposure, and enhance the general feelings towards the company and its products and services. Furthermore, the study postulates that providing entertainment and non-factual conversation topics, besides responding to customer needs, are the most effective stimuli in the brand-related engagement enhancement process. These findings enable management to define the service brand’s promise in terms of how the practical and emotional tenets should be blended to grow brand personality in the minds of potential stakeholders. Finally this study accentuates the generation of brand awareness through the growing rapport between the brand and the consumers towards the formation of a brand tribe, and materialisation of an active tribal loop; and that taking advantage of the web analytics from the actions to measure the resultant brand awareness is a key element of Ambient Reputation Management.

Interação comunicacional de estudantes do ensino médio: netnografia para compreensão da nova ecologia cognitiva / -

Possa, André Dala 29 November 2018 (has links)
A interface entre Ciências da Comunicação e Educação no contemporâneo conectado se situa no limiar do ponto de inflexão epistêmico da sociologia em direção à ciência das associações. Esse fenômeno evidencia ecologias midiáticas que abrigam e promovem o desenvolvimento das Literacias Digitais, de Mídia e de Informação (MIL). Entre os meandros da rotina de hábitos tecnológicos da sociedade hiperconectada, a população brasileira vive inédita intersecção de cinco gerações. Estima-se que dos 208 milhões de brasileiros, 17,6 milhões são adolescentes e jovens com idade entre 15 e 18 anos - que deveriam estar no ensino médio - a fase final da educação básica, com a prerrogativa constitucional de garantir a autonomia do cidadão. Nesse contexto, a escola tenta, em sua institucionalidade tradicional e secular, manter os estudantes em sala de aula e formá-los sob a expectativa do exercício da cidadania sob a garantia de uma titulação. Este trabalho se propôs a realizar uma netnografia que se dedicou a estudar o comportamento comunicacional de 1,68 mil estudantes do ensino médio do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (IFSC), com o objetivo de descrever sua ecologia midiática em vivências de rua e de aprendizagem formal e informal. Para tanto, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográfica, documental, exploratória e de campo, esta última conjugando técnicas de Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS), observação participante e grupos focais. Para a sistematização e interpretação dos resultados, utilizou-se do procedimento de análise de conteúdo. A ecologia midiática cotidiana emersa dos resultados desta netnografia mostra-se dominada pelos usos do smartphone, pela persistência de mídias analógicas como o caderno, o livro e a apostila e por raras preferências de uso do computador portátil para algumas tarefas de produção textual (a televisão, o videogame e o computador de mesa se entrelaçam num cluster de pouca recorrência). Os conteúdos desta ecologia midiática foram analisados em três categorias que se destacaram: utilidade pública, humor e romance. Se observada a interação em sala de aula, o slide é a fonte mais citada para preparação às provas. Como resultado, na perspectiva da educação formal, a tese sinaliza que os adolescentes e jovens, estudantes do ensino médio, têm um percurso cognitivo diverso daquele prescrito nos currículos da escola e, por isso, lançam mão de estratégias de aprendizagem não formal. De um lado, a prática educacional observada privilegia conteúdos e verificação imediata de sua assimilação. De outro, os aprendizes têm expectativas e buscam aquilo que as demandas do mundo do trabalho requisitam - domínios avançados das MIL. Existe nessa diáspora um sistema que incentiva o conhecimento teórico - o domínio discursivo - em detrimento da valorização de uma rede de experiências, do saber fazer orientado à solução de problemas. / The interface between Communication Sciences and Education in the connected contemporary is situated at the threshold of the epistemic inflection point of sociology towards the science of associations. This phenomenon evidences media ecologies that foster and promote the development of Digital Literacies, Media and Information (MIL). In the technological routine of the hyperconnected society, the Brazilian population lives unprecedented intersection of five generations. Brazil has 208 million people and 17.6 million are adolescents and young people between the ages of 15 and 18 - who should have been in high school - the last stage of basic education, with the constitutional prerogative to give citizenship autonomy. In this context, the school tries, in its traditional and secular institutionality, to keep the students in the classroom with the promise of a degree. This netnographic research was dedicated to study the communication behavior of 1,68 thousand high school students of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC). The central objective was to describe their media ecology in the experiences between home and school in the formal and informal learning. The study had bibliographical, documentary, exploratory and field research, articulated techniques of Social Network Analysis (ARS), participant observation and focus groups. For the systematization and interpretation of the results, the content analysis procedure was used. The results present a daily media ecology dominated by the use of smartphones. The data indicate for the persistence of analogue media such as the notebook, the book and the handbook and by rare preferences of use of the portable computer for some tasks of textual production (television, videogame and desktop computer form a cluster with little recurrence). Three categories of contents of this media ecology were highlighted: public utility, humor and romance. In classroom interaction, the slide is the most cited source for preparation for the tests. As a result, from a formal education perspective, this thesis indicates that adolescents and young people, high school students, have a cognitive route different from that prescribed in the school curriculum and, therefore, make use of non-formal learning strategies. On the other hand, the educational practice observed emphasizes content and verification of your immediate assimilation. Whereas, apprentices have expectations and seek what the demands of the working world order - advanced domains of MIL. There is, then, a system that favours and practice theoretical knowledge - the discursive domain - against the development of a network of experiences, know-how problem solving-oriented.

Metodologia de segmentação de mídia social / Methodology of social media segmentation

Tavares, Luiz Wanderley 06 October 2017 (has links)
As primeiras mídias sociais da internet surgiram há pouco mais de duas décadas, segunda metade dos anos 90. Em comparação com a evolução humana, isso seria algo como um milésimo de segundo de sua existência. Neste período, vários estudos procuram entender o comportamento e o agrupamento dos seres humanos nesta nova forma de comunicação. Teorias sobre formas de analisar as pessoas neste meio e como elas se agrupam e criam novos modos de comunicação e propagação de suas ideias florescem e iluminam este desconhecido caminho a ser criado e percorrido. Os métodos de identificação do comportamento humano criados antes das mídias sociais ganham uma nova forma de serem utilizados. Estudos sobre o \"eu\" (Belk, 1988), tribalismo (Cova, B., 1997), etnografia (Danzig, 1985), netnografia (Kozinets, 1998) e filtragem colaborativa (Golberg, Nichols, Oki e Terry, 1992) entram em cena para colocar uma luz no estudo das relações humanas no mundo digital. A internet revolucionou o modo de as pessoas interagirem e a evolução constante da tecnologia vem incessantemente gerando profundas implicações para o marketing. A rede mundial passou a ser um canal global pelo qual as empresas podem divulgar e vender seus produtos. No entanto, mesmo oferecendo um enorme potencial para as empresas, a internet aumentou a complexidade de identificar os clientes. Os usuários presentes nas mídias sociais estão menos interessados nos produtos e valorizam mais as identidades e os laços sociais gerados em torno de seus assuntos de interesse. Estas tribos eletrônicas ultrapassam as fronteiras geográficas e independem de raça, sexo e aspectos culturais de seus integrantes. Este trabalho apresenta um método para identificar tribos nas mídias sociais. O método foi aplicado na identificação da tribo de MMA (MixedMartialArts, em tradução livre, Artes Marciais Mistas) no Twitter. A validação foi realizada usando a plataforma de anúncios do Twitter, enviando durante 72 horas uma publicidade para mais de 600 mil usuários, divididos em grupo de controle e segmentações do Twitter e do método proposto DNA. O estudo comparou os resultados obtidos pelo método proposto DNA com os resultados do grupo de controle e da segmentação realizada pelo Twitter. Os resultados obtidos apontaram o aumento de interações dos usuários identificados como pertencentes a tribo de MMA, validando o método. / The first Internet social media emerged just over two decades ago, at the second half of 90\'s. Compared to human evolution, this would be something like a millisecond of its existence. In this period, several studies try to understand the behavior and grouping of human beings in this new form of communication. Theories about ways of analyzing people in this environment and how they group themselves and create new ways of communication and propagation their ideas flourish and illuminate this unknown pathway to be created and traveled. Methods of identifying human behavior created before social media receive a new way of being used. Studies on the \"self\" (Belk, 1988), tribalism (Cova, B., 1997), ethnography (Danzig, 1985), netnography (Kozinets, 1998) and collaborative filtering (Golberg, Nichols, Oki and Terry, 1992) come on the scene to shed light on the study of human relations in the digital world. The Internet has revolutionized people\'s way of interacting and the constant evolution of technology generates profound implications for the marketing. The worldwide network has become a global channel through which companies can disclose and sell their products. However, while offering tremendous potential to businesses, the Internet has increased the complexity of identifying customers. Users present in social media are less interested in products and value more the identities and social ties generated around their subjects of interest. These electronic tribes transcend the geographical borders and are independent of race, sex and cultural aspects of its members. This paper presents a method to identify tribes in social media. The method was applied in the identification of the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) tribe on Twitter. The validation was done using the Twitter ads platform, sending 72 hours of advertisement for more than 600 thousand users, divided in control group and segmentations of Twitter and the proposed method. The study compared the results obtained by the proposed method with that of the control group and the segmentation created by Twitter. The obtained results pointed out the increase of interactions of the users identified as belonging to the MMA tribe validating the method.

Finns det någon här som kan ha en teori om vad det hela kan bero på? : En netnografisk undersökning av diskussionsforumet på träningssajten Funbeat

Bronow, Robin January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the Swedish site Funbeat which is a space dedicated to people who share an interest in exercising in general, and running in particular. By applying a netnographic analysis, I will investigate if Funbeat matches the criteria of a participatory culture and how the members manage to establish a collective intelligence within the community. In order to achieve this, I will analyze the interactivity between the participants which occurs in discussion threads concerning injuries related to running, in the sites discussion forum. The results will then be discussed in relation to previous research within the field for participatory culture, collective intelligence and interactivity. The outcome of the study revealed that Funbeat can be regarded as very good example of a participatory culture. By each member sharing their individual knowledge in matters regarding injuries, a collective intelligence was established. This knowledge has been acquired by personal experience, by consulting a physiotherapist or by sharing information which intend to serve as self-help for other members.

Måltiden och Autenticiteten : Habitus påverkan på uppfattningen av äkthet i måltidskontext

Sundqvist, Joachim January 2015 (has links)
En pojke på besök i Italien åt där pizza, men pizzan var inte italiensk pizza på riktigt, den smakade inte alls som den pizzan han hade fått i den stockholmsförort han var uppväxt i. Hur vi skildrar och uppfattar en destinations, eller en annan kulturs, måltid beror till stor del på vilka förutsättningar vi har för att utföra analysen. I den här uppsatsen så studeras begreppet autenticitet och hur det förhåller sig till Bourdieus teorier om habitus inom ramen för en måltidskontext. Studien har tagit avstamp ur netnografisk metod och naturligt förekommande data i form av reseskildringar som publicerats öppet på internet har använts för att analysera upplevd autenticitet i måltidskontext. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet utkristalliseras tre huvudområden inom måltiden som förmedlare av autenticitet nämligen, mötet med den Andre, platsen och maten och drycken. Studien visar på att det kan finnas ett samband på hur vi upplever autenticiteten i en måltidskontext och hur våra förväntningar på måltiden möts av verkligheten. / When, as a young boy, I was consuming pizza, during a visit to Italy, I got the impression that the food I had didn’t taste like the pizza i was used to from my home in the suburbs of Stockholm, the pizza wasn’t genuine. How we interpret and perceive other cultures meals does largely depend on the understanding we have of the culture we are visiting. In this paper the term authenticity, within the context of a meal, was studied and how it related to the concept of habitus as described by Pierre Bourdieu. The methodology used to collect natural occurring data, to capture meal contexts, in the form of travel diaries, was netnography. The method of analysis used was qualitative content analysis. In the result, three categories were clearly identified, within the context of a meal, as carriers of authenticity. These categories were the food and drink, the meeting with the Other and the place. The study shows that there might be a connection between how we interpret authenticity in the context of a meal and how our expectations of the meal are met by reality.

O gerenciamento de impressões e o eu estendido: um estudo netnográfico sobre o consumo de viagens a partir de uma rede social virtual

PAZ, Erica de Carvalho 13 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-05T17:35:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Erica_de_Carvalho_Paz_Dissertacao.pdf: 3046567 bytes, checksum: dba07c902de05881871c73faba488bb4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-05T17:35:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Erica_de_Carvalho_Paz_Dissertacao.pdf: 3046567 bytes, checksum: dba07c902de05881871c73faba488bb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-13 / As relações sociais virtuais se intensificaram na era da informação e as redes sociais virtuais, além de uma forma de interação social, se tornaram um canal de divulgação de posses para consumidores. O foco desta pesquisa é identificar se as pessoas fazem uso do Gerenciamento de impressões para a construção do seu Eu estendido, usando como objeto de estudo as publicações sobre viagens no Facebook. Assim buscou-se entender o significado que as pessoas atribuem às suas postagens sobre viagens e como estas contribuem para a formação do Eu estendido, bem como quais são e como são utilizadas as estratégias e táticas de Gerenciamento de impressões nessas publicações. As bases teóricas que fundamentaram este trabalho estão nos construtos de Gerenciamento de impressões, apresentado por Erving Goffman, em 1959, e de Eu estendido, trazido por Belk (1988). Este estudo qualitativo tem como base metodológica pós-modernista a Teoria da Cultura do Consumo, e faz uso de um método focado na análise das relações sociais virtuais, a netnografia, desenvolvida por Kozinets (2014). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o uso de Gerenciamento de impressões pode influenciar na formação ou fortalecimento do Eu estendido de quem faz postagens sobre viagens no Facebook. / Virtual social relations have intensified in the information age and virtual social networks, as well as a form of social interaction, became a dissemination of possessions channel to consumers. The focus of this research is to identify if people use impression management for the construction of its extended self, using as an object of study travel publications on Facebook. So we seeked to understand the meaning that people attach to their posts about travel and how they contribute to the formation of the extended self and what they are and how they are used the strategies and tactics of these publications impressions management. The theoretical bases that underlie this work are the impressions management construct presented by Erving Goffman in 1959, and the extended self, brought by Belk (1988). This qualitative study is postmodernist methodological basis the Theory of Consumer Culture, and makes use of a method focused on the analysis of virtual social relationships, netnography, developed by Kozinets (2014). The survey results indicate that the use of impression management can influence the formation or strengthening of the extended self for those that makes travel posts on Facebook.

Metodologia de segmentação de mídia social / Methodology of social media segmentation

Luiz Wanderley Tavares 06 October 2017 (has links)
As primeiras mídias sociais da internet surgiram há pouco mais de duas décadas, segunda metade dos anos 90. Em comparação com a evolução humana, isso seria algo como um milésimo de segundo de sua existência. Neste período, vários estudos procuram entender o comportamento e o agrupamento dos seres humanos nesta nova forma de comunicação. Teorias sobre formas de analisar as pessoas neste meio e como elas se agrupam e criam novos modos de comunicação e propagação de suas ideias florescem e iluminam este desconhecido caminho a ser criado e percorrido. Os métodos de identificação do comportamento humano criados antes das mídias sociais ganham uma nova forma de serem utilizados. Estudos sobre o \"eu\" (Belk, 1988), tribalismo (Cova, B., 1997), etnografia (Danzig, 1985), netnografia (Kozinets, 1998) e filtragem colaborativa (Golberg, Nichols, Oki e Terry, 1992) entram em cena para colocar uma luz no estudo das relações humanas no mundo digital. A internet revolucionou o modo de as pessoas interagirem e a evolução constante da tecnologia vem incessantemente gerando profundas implicações para o marketing. A rede mundial passou a ser um canal global pelo qual as empresas podem divulgar e vender seus produtos. No entanto, mesmo oferecendo um enorme potencial para as empresas, a internet aumentou a complexidade de identificar os clientes. Os usuários presentes nas mídias sociais estão menos interessados nos produtos e valorizam mais as identidades e os laços sociais gerados em torno de seus assuntos de interesse. Estas tribos eletrônicas ultrapassam as fronteiras geográficas e independem de raça, sexo e aspectos culturais de seus integrantes. Este trabalho apresenta um método para identificar tribos nas mídias sociais. O método foi aplicado na identificação da tribo de MMA (MixedMartialArts, em tradução livre, Artes Marciais Mistas) no Twitter. A validação foi realizada usando a plataforma de anúncios do Twitter, enviando durante 72 horas uma publicidade para mais de 600 mil usuários, divididos em grupo de controle e segmentações do Twitter e do método proposto DNA. O estudo comparou os resultados obtidos pelo método proposto DNA com os resultados do grupo de controle e da segmentação realizada pelo Twitter. Os resultados obtidos apontaram o aumento de interações dos usuários identificados como pertencentes a tribo de MMA, validando o método. / The first Internet social media emerged just over two decades ago, at the second half of 90\'s. Compared to human evolution, this would be something like a millisecond of its existence. In this period, several studies try to understand the behavior and grouping of human beings in this new form of communication. Theories about ways of analyzing people in this environment and how they group themselves and create new ways of communication and propagation their ideas flourish and illuminate this unknown pathway to be created and traveled. Methods of identifying human behavior created before social media receive a new way of being used. Studies on the \"self\" (Belk, 1988), tribalism (Cova, B., 1997), ethnography (Danzig, 1985), netnography (Kozinets, 1998) and collaborative filtering (Golberg, Nichols, Oki and Terry, 1992) come on the scene to shed light on the study of human relations in the digital world. The Internet has revolutionized people\'s way of interacting and the constant evolution of technology generates profound implications for the marketing. The worldwide network has become a global channel through which companies can disclose and sell their products. However, while offering tremendous potential to businesses, the Internet has increased the complexity of identifying customers. Users present in social media are less interested in products and value more the identities and social ties generated around their subjects of interest. These electronic tribes transcend the geographical borders and are independent of race, sex and cultural aspects of its members. This paper presents a method to identify tribes in social media. The method was applied in the identification of the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) tribe on Twitter. The validation was done using the Twitter ads platform, sending 72 hours of advertisement for more than 600 thousand users, divided in control group and segmentations of Twitter and the proposed method. The study compared the results obtained by the proposed method with that of the control group and the segmentation created by Twitter. The obtained results pointed out the increase of interactions of the users identified as belonging to the MMA tribe validating the method.

L’influence des leaders d’opinion sur l’engagement des internautes dans les communautés virtuelles / The influence of opinion leaders on commitment of Internet users in virtual communities

Kaygan Bahar, Belgin 09 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche explique la formation de l’engagement dans les communautés virtuelles, ainsi que ses déterminants. Bien qu'il existe de nombreuses études sur l'engagement, nous nous concentrons sur l'engagement en ligne, en examinant l'effet des leaders d'opinion au sein des communautés virtuelles. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons examiné quatre différents types de communautés virtuelles par une méthode netnographique. De plus, nous avons mené des entretiens avec les experts des marques pour comprendre comment ils abordent l'engagement en ligne. Nos résultats montrent qu’en plus de l'engagement envers la marque et de l’engagement envers la communauté, il existe un autre type d’engagement au sein de la communauté virtuelle. Cet engagement est envers une personne : le leader d’opinion. Dans cette recherche, nous avons développé une échelle de mesure d’engagement envers le leader d’opinion. Les résultats de notre étude quantitative affirment la fiabilité et la validité de cette échelle. Ainsi, les résultats indiquent que les bénéfices perçus et l’engagement envers le leader d’opinion ont des effets positifs sur l’engagement envers la communauté. Cette recherche permet d'approfondir les connaissances théoriques liées à l’engagement en ligne. Elle permet également aux professionnels du marketing d’utiliser les communautés virtuelles plus efficacement pour leurs stratégies de communication. / This research explains the formation of commitment in virtual communities, as well as its determinants. Although there are many studies about commitment, we focus on online commitment, by examining the effect of opinion leaders in virtual communities. To reach this goal, we examined four different types of virtual communities using a netnographic method. Besides that, we conducted interviews with brand experts to understand how they approach online commitment. Our results show that, in addition to brand commitment and community commitment, there is another type of commitment in the virtual community which is towards to a person: opinion leader. In this research, we developed a scale of commitment to the opinion leader. The results of our quantitative study confirm the reliability and validity of this scale. Thus, the results indicate that, perceived benefits and commitment to the opinion leader have positive effects on community commitment. This research allows to deepen the theoretical knowledge related to online commitment. It also allows marketing professionals to use virtual communities more effectively for their communication strategies.

A inquisição virtual : um estudo sobre a moralidade nos sites de redes sociais /

Kadooka, Aline. January 2019 (has links)
Orientadora: Rita Melissa Lepre / Banca: Maria Laura Nogueira Pires / Banca: Raul Aragão Martins / Banca: Antonio Francisco Marques / Banca: Luciane Guimarães Batistella Bianchini / Resumo: Os Sites de Redes Sociais são grandes dinamizadores do fluxo de informação e interconexões entre pessoas. Eles favorecem a construção e a produção de discursos que manifestam as múltiplas "verdades" sociais e suas representações. Além disso, são espaços complexos que estimulam o debate, geram ou desoprimem as tensões e, sobretudo, trazem os discursos sociais que refletem os valores e a moral de seus participantes. Nos Sites de Redes Sociais o ideal admitido é a liberdade e, portanto, os usuários tendem a avaliar e julgar a ação dos demais e vão além, aplicam sanções que bem entendem. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi verificar e analisar como algumas questões relativas à moralidade apareceram nas publicações dos usuários e moldaram as suas ações dentro do Facebook. Temos como justificativa a necessidade de estudos que explorem a moralidade "virtual" dos participantes e apresentem programas e estratégias que promovam o uso consciente e responsável. Para tanto utilizamos como metodologia a netnografia. Ela consiste em uma pesquisa observacional participante, pois permite que o pesquisador adentre no universo que estuda por um determinado tempo, utilizando-se além das ferramentas próprias do Facebook, o diário de campo. Para cumprir com objetivos acessamos a plataforma diariamente durante o período de Junho de 2017 à Agosto de 2018, em busca de casos que causavam grande indignação nos usuários e eram as mais polêmicas da época. Além disso, elas deveriam tratar de questões... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Social Networking Sites are great dynamizers of the flow of information and interconnections between people. They favor a construction and production of discourses that manifest as multiple "truths" and their representations. In addition, they are spaces that stimulate debate, generate or unfavor the tendencies and, above, bring social discourses that reflect the values and a moral of its participants. In Social Networking Sites the ideal is freedom, and therefore users tend to evaluate and judge an action of others and go beyond the attention that is understood. The purpose of the research was identified and shown as some issues related to morality. Studies justifying studies that explore a "virtual" morality and participate in programs and strategies that promote conscious and responsible use. For such use as a netnography network. It consists of a participatory observational survey, because it allows you to search in a universe that has a fixed rhythm, using the own tools of Facebook, the field diary. The date in the case of annual data to 2017 June of 2018, in the case of the case in the case of big data in the users are the greater data in time. In addition, they can be moral issues, such as: justice, robberies, lies, cooperation, altruism. We know that the feeling of indignation comes when the spectator disapproves of an action that considers a moral good and; in itself a value, and therefore what must be done must also follow the same foundations. Not accompanying the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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