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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den värdefulla socialsekreteraren för barn ochunga med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning(NPF) : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med NPFoch upplevelse av de långa vårdköerna för utredning av NPF hos Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin / The valuable social secretary for children and youngpeople with neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) : A qualitative study of the social secretary’s work with NDD andexperience of the long care queues for investigation of NDD at theChildren and Adolescent Psychiatic services

Eliason, Filippa, Elfström, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of how social secretaries in childwelfare service (CWS, in swedish BoF) work with children with symptoms ofneurodevelopmental disorder (NDD, in swedish NPF) and how they experience that the longcare queues at Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services (CAP, in swedish BUP) affect theirwork. The empirics were collected through six semi-structured interviews with socialsecretaries from CWS in six different municipalities in a county in Sweden. The empirics wereanalyzed through a qualitative content analysis, and the professional logic has been used as atheoretical framework in the analysis of the results. In summary, the study showed that thesocial secretaries felt that they often came into contact with children with NDD problems. It isfurther explained that, based on their area of responsibility, they handled different problems inthe child's social situation. The results also showed that social secretaries experienced that theyhad many different opportunities to handle these children's social situation. However, the socialsecretaries wanted more alternatives of interventions directly to the child and that they couldwork more preventively and less in an emergency situation. The social secretaries' workclimate, workload and cooperation between the two organizations are some examples of areasthat the results showed were negatively affected by the care queues for CAP. One conclusionwas that social workers did not experience working differently with children with suspected ordiagnosed NPF, in comparison with other children. Their work was instead guided by the child'sneeds. Another conclusion is that the social secretaries had different experiences about how thecare queues affected their work. The results of the study provided valuable experiences fromthe social secretary and invited further studies of the staff on CAP's experiences, in order tothen solve the problem areas that are also highlighted in the study. / Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla förståelsen för hur socialsekreterare på Barn-ochfamiljeenheten (BoF) arbetar med barn med misstänkt eller diagnostiserad neuropsykiatriskfunktionsnedsättning (NPF) samt hur de upplever att de långa vårdköerna till Barn- ochungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) påverkar deras arbete. Empirin insamlades genom sexsemistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare på BoF i sex olika kommuner i ett län iSverige. Empirin analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, och den professionellalogiken användes som teoretisk utgångspunkt vid analys av resultatet. Sammanfattningsvisvisade studiens resultat att socialsekreterarna upplevde att de ofta kom i kontakt med barn medNPF-problematik. Vidare förklarades att de utifrån sitt ansvarsområde hanterade olika problemi barnets sociala situation. Resultatet visade även att socialsekreterare upplevde sig ha mångaolika möjligheter att hantera dessa barns sociala situation. Socialsekreterarna önskade dock fleralternativ av insatser direkt till barnet och att de kunde arbeta mer förebyggande och mindre iett akut läge. Socialsekreterarnas arbetsklimat, arbetsbelastning och samarbetet mellan de tvåorganisationerna var några exempel på områden som resultatet visade påverkas negativt avvårdköerna till BUP. En slutsats var att socialsekreterare inte upplevde sig arbeta annorlundamed barn med misstänkt eller diagnostiserad NPF, i jämförelse med andra barn. Deras arbetestyrdes istället utifrån barnets behov. Ytterligare en slutsats är att socialsekreterarna hade olikaupplevelser om hur vårdköerna påverkade deras arbete. Studiens resultat gav värdefullaupplevelser från socialsekreterare och inviterade till vidare studier av personalen på BUP:supplevelser, för att sedan lösa de problemområden som också har lyfts i studien

Polycomb-mediated gene regulation in human brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders: Review Article

Bölicke, Nora, Albert, Mareike 22 February 2024 (has links)
The neocortex is considered the seat of higher cognitive function in humans. It develops from a sheet of neural progenitor cells, most of which eventually give rise to neurons. This process of cell fate determination is controlled by precise temporal and spatial gene expression patterns that in turn are affected by epigenetic mechanisms including Polycomb group (PcG) regulation. PcG proteins assemble in multiprotein complexes and catalyze repressive posttranslational histone modifications. Their association with neurodevelopmental disease and various types of cancer of the central nervous system, as well as observations in mouse models, has implicated these epigenetic modifiers in controlling various stages of cortex development. The precise mechanisms conveying PcG-associated transcriptional repression remain incompletely understood and are an active field of research. PcG activity appears to be highly context-specific, raising the question of species-specific differences in the regulation of neural stem and progenitor regulation. In this review, we will discuss our growing understanding of how PcG regulation affects human cortex development, based on studies in murine model systems, but focusing mostly on findings obtained from examining impaired PcG activity in the context of human neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer. Furthermore, we will highlight relevant experimental approaches for functional investigations of PcG regulation in human cortex development.

Authentication challenges for people with neurodevelopmental disorders

Chrzan, Patryk January 2023 (has links)
We live in a world where we increasingly depend on information technology, as much of our work and education occurs online, often from home. An average user has an increasing amount of accounts for all kinds of online services, making authentication more and more important. As people authenticate several times a day, it is important that everyone is able to use online services and authenticate themselves, including minorities such as individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. This thesis explores the challenges people with neurodevelopmental disorders have with authentication as well as authentication methods that can help them. This was achieved by doing a systematic literature review on collected bibliography with the help of thematic analysis. 18 studies were analyzed and helped us answer the research questions and give us an overview of the research field. The analysis showed that text-based authentication was a big issue for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, where passwords were often highlighted as the culprit. Alternative authentication methods were identified but showed us that there was no easy fix to the issue at hand, and that more had to be done to make authentication more accessible. / Vi lever i en värld där vi är alltmer beroende av informationsteknologi, eftersom mycket av vårt arbete och utbildning nu istället sker online, ofta även hemifrån. En genomsnittlig användare har ett ökande antal konton för alla sorters onlinetjänster, vilket gör autentisering allt viktigare. Då människor autentiserar flera gånger om dagen är det viktigt att alla kan använda onlinetjänster och auntentisera sig, inklusive minoriteter som individer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Detta examensarbete utforskar de utmaningar som personer medneuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar har med autentisering samt autentiseringsmetoder som kan hjälpa dem. Detta uppnåddes genom att göra en systematisk litteraturöversikt med insamlad bibliografi med hjälp av tematisk analys. 18 studier analyserades och hjälpte oss att svara på forskningsfrågorna samt ge oss en överblick över forskningsfältet. Analysen visade att textbaserad autentisering var ett stort problem för individer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, där lösenord ofta lyfts fram som boven. Alternativa autentiseringsmetoder som identifierades visade oss att det inte fanns någon enkel lösning på problemet och att mer behöver göras för att göra autentisering tillgänglig för alla.

Att vårda barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning på barnavdelning : Barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter / To care for children with neuropsychiatric disabilities in children’s ward’s : Pediatric nurses experiences

Johansson, Magda, Kruuse, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet barn som diagnostiseras med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning ökar i Sverige. Föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning har i tidigare studier beskrivit negativa upplevelser associerat till sjukhusinläggningar för sitt barns somatiska besvär. Sjuksköterskor har även uttryckt osäkerhet kring hur de ska bemöta barnen på ett optimalt sätt. Syfte: Att belysa barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar på barnavdelningar.  Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Nio sjuksköterskor och specialistsjuksköterskor intervjuades. Dataanalysen genomfördes med manifest innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman (2004).   Resultat: Intervjuerna genererade kategorin Gynnsamma strategier som underlättar för barnet i vårdmötet med underkategorierna Att skapa en relation till barnet, Att samverka med föräldrarna, Att ge tid till förberedelse och planering samt Att vara flexibel i vårdmötet. Nästa kategori som framkom var Utmaningar i omvårdnaden som påverkar barnet negativt med tillhörande underkategorier Att uppleva osäkerhet och kunskapsbrist, Att uppleva stressade och tidspressade situationer, Att behöva genomföra procedurer mot barnets vilja i större utsträckning samt Att samarbetet mellan läkare och barnsjuksköterskor brister. Slutsatser: Det är av vikt att sjuksköterskan individanpassar vården utifrån barnets behov och förutsättningar. Genom att utgå från Swansons omvårdnadsteori kan sjuksköterskor finna förståelse kring hur god omvårdnad kan uppfyllas. / Background: The number of children diagnosed with a neuropsychiatric disability is increasing in Sweden. In previous studies, parents of children with neuropsychiatric disabilities have described negative experiences associated with hospitalization for their child's somatic illness. Nurses also describe flaws in meeting the children as well as uncertainty in how the nurses can optimize the encounter. Aim:  Was to highlight pediatric nurses experiences of caring for children with neuropsychiatric disabilities in children's wards. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study with an inductive approach. Nine nurses and specialist nurses were interviewed. Data analysis was carried out with manifest content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Results: Interviews generated the category of Favorable strategies that makes the care meeting easier for the child with the subcategories of Creating a relationship with the child, Collaborating with the parents, Giving time for preparation and planning and Being a flexible benefitted the care meeting. The next category that emerged was Challenges in nursing care that affectet the child negatively with the associated subcategories of Experiencing uncertainty and lack of knowledge, Experiencing stressful and time pressure situations, Having to carry out procedures against the child's will to a greater extent and Lack of cooperation between the doctor and nurse.  Conclusions: It is important that the nurse adjust the care based on the child's needs and conditions. By practicing Swanson's Theory of Caring, nurses can find an understanding of how good nursing care can be fulfilled.


BARBARA CALMETO LOMAR PASSOS 21 October 2024 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os resultados da intervenção Análise Aplicada do Comportamento (ABA) em crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O TEA é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento marcado por déficits de comunicação social e comportamentos restritos e repetitivos. Este estudo investiga a evolução nas áreas de socialização, cognição, linguagem e desenvolvimento motor, avaliadas por meio do Inventário Portage Operacionalizado (IPO). Participaram da pesquisa vinte crianças: treze meninos e sete meninas entre dois e seis anos. A coleta de dados foi dividida em três etapas: entrevista inicial com os pais, aplicação do inventário antes da intervenção e reaplicação do mesmo inventário após doze meses de intervenção. Nossos resultados mostram que a intervenção ABA foi eficaz na área de socialização. Além disso, os dados indicam que a área de linguagem apresentou o menor desempenho tanto antes como após o período de intervenção. Esta pesquisa soma-se ao conjunto de evidências para o uso de intervenções ABA como ferramenta terapêutica no tratamento de crianças com TEA. A continuidade da pesquisa no Rio de Janeiro e arredores é importante para monitorar o progresso no tratamento do TEA, tanto local quanto nacionalmente. / [en] The present study aims to evaluate the results of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) intervention in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the city of Rio de Janeiro. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by social communication deficits and restricted, repetitive behaviors. Specifically, this study investigates developments in the areas of socialization, cognition, language, and motor development, assessed using the Operationalized Portage Inventory (IPO). Twenty children participated in the research: thirteen boys and seven girls between two and six years old. Data collection was divided into three stages: an initial interview with parents, application of the inventory before the intervention, and reapplication of the same inventory after twelve months of intervention. Our results show that the ABA intervention was effective in the area of socialization. Furthermore, the data indicate that the language area showed the lowest performance both before and after the intervention period. This research adds to the body of evidence for the use of ABA interventions as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of children with ASD. Continued research in Rio de Janeiro and its surroundings is important to monitor progress in the treatment of ASD both locally and nationally.

An ecosystemic approach to addressing attentional difficulties and heightened motor activity

Van der Westhuizen, Beulah 31 March 2007 (has links)
The study proposes an ecosystemic approach as an intervention for attentional difficulties and heightened motor activity, traditionally known as AD/HD. A literature study of AD/HD is presented first as a psycho-educational frame of reference. The focus then shifts to the symtoms of AD/DH to move closer to the possible underlying causes of these symptoms. In doing so, the focus changes from AD/HD as a diagnosis to attentional difficulties and heightened motor activity as presenting symptoms. Attention and motor activity as constructs are investigated in terms of their neuro-anatomical, neuro-chemical and neuro-physiological aspects. Furthermore, neurodevelopment, physiological stress, neurodevelopmental delay, information processing systems, sensory-motor subsystems and integration as constructs are investigated to understand their role in attention and modulation of motor activity. The study of attention and motor activity and their associated neurological factors motivates an alternative, ecosystemic method of intervention. The proposed approach includes an investigation into internal and external biochemical ecosystems such as environmental pollutants, deficiencies of essential nutrients and genetic deficiencies of the immune system. Other aspects such as time, maturation and neurodevelopment are also considered as well as the gentle interplay between these aspects. The therapeutic intervention includes sound therapy, neurodevelopmental movement activities, EEG neurofeedback and nutrition. Experimental research with a sample population of 12 diagnosed grade 4 and 5 AD/HD learners over a 11 week period was conducted. Statistically significant improvements in aspects of attention were noted using 2 standardised instruments and verification through parent interviews in the first and second experimental groups. Statistically significant improvements were noted in aspects of motor activity (a decline in hyperactive behaviour) in the second experimental group with verification from teacher interviews. Additionally, children in the first experimental group improved significantly more than children in the control group with regards to mathematic skills. The second experimental group showed significant improvement with large effect sizes on reading, mathematic skills and spelling. In conclusion, the statistically significant results obtained with the proposed approach motivates implementation, with improvements in attention, motor activity control and academic performance as a prospect. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed.(Psychology of Education)

The experience of caring for a child with cerebral palsy in rural communities of the Western Cape, South Africa.

Steadman, Jacqui 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : It has been suggested that the complex needs of children with neurodevelopmental disorders are best addressed with a family-centred approach. As this approach has been increasingly incorporated into healthcare systems over recent years, most children with disabilities are now able to remain at home as opposed to living in institutions or group homes. Many parents have thus been forced to adopt the role of a primary caregiver for their child that has been diagnosed with a disability or chronic condition. This study aimed to investigate the experiences of caregivers for children with cerebral palsy in rural communities of the Western Cape, with a specific focus on the barriers and facilitators that they encounter. An exploratory qualitative design was employed and 15 individuals (aged 27-62), who were identified as caregivers for a child with cerebral palsy through purposive sampling were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to analyse and generate themes from the semi-structured interviews that were conducted with participants. A number of barriers to caring emerged including the personal consequences of caregiving, difficulty adjusting to caregiving duties, environmental conditions, lack of access to healthcare services, lack of respite services, and negative perceptions towards disability. Various facilitators to caring were also identified, namely personal coping methods, personal transformation, social support, relationship with one’s child, community resources, child’s crèche, and financial assistance. The five levels of the Social Ecological Model were used to conceptualise the discussion of these findings and links were made to the existing literature on the caregiver experience in the developing context. In this process it was found that participants often encountered similar barriers and facilitators to caregivers for individuals with other types of conditions, such as HIV/AIDS, autism, mental illness, cancer, and neurological disorders. This could suggest that caregivers residing in developing countries share similar experiences, regardless of the condition of the care receiver. Although participants received support from a number of sources that aided them with their caregiving duties, it is evident that they still encountered gaps in the provision of a number of important services, including lack of information from healthcare professionals, lack of community programs to reduce stress and promote empowerment, and lack of disability-friendly facilities. It is vital that caregivers have access to these services to ensure their child’s well-being as well as their own. There is thus a need to explore how these services can be made more accessible to caregivers in rural communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Daar word voorgestel dat die komplekse behoeftes van kinders met neuro-ontwikkelingsversteurings die beste aangespreek word deur ‘n familie-gefokusde benadering. Aangesien hierdie benadering meer geredelik geïnkorporeer is in die gesondheidsorg sisteem oor die afgelope paar jaar is meeste kinders met gestremdhede nou in staat om by die huis te kan bly in plaas daarvan om in inrigtings of groepshuise te woon. Baie ouers is dus geforseer om die rol as primêre versorger aan te neem vir hulle kind wat gediagnoseer is met ‘n gestremdheid of kroniese toestand. Hierdie studie se doel was om die ervarings van versorgers van kinders met serebrale gestremdheid in landelike gemeenskappe van die Wes-Kaap, te ondersoek, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op die hindernisse en fasiliteerders wat hulle ondervind. ‘n Ondersoekende kwalitatiewe ontwerp is gebruik en onderhoude is gevoer met 15 individue (ouderdomme 27-62) wat deur doelgerigte steekproefneming geïdentifiseer is as versorgers van ‘n kind met serebrale gestremdheid. Tematiese analise is gebruik om die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat met die deelnemers gevoer is te analiseer en temas te genereer. ‘n Aantal van die hindernisse tot versorging het na vore gekom en sluit die persoonlike gevolge van versorging, probleme om aan te pas by die versorgingspligte, omgewingstoestande, tekort aan toegang tot gesondheidsorg dienste, tekort aan verligting dienste en negatiewe persepsies teenoor gestremdhede in. Verskeie fasiliteerders tot versorging is ook geïdentifiseer, naamlik persoonlike hanteringsmetodes, persoonlike transformasie, sosiale ondersteuning, verhouding met hulle kind, gemeenskapsfasiliteerders, kind se speelskool en finansiële hulp. Die vyf vlakke van die Sosiale Ekologiese Model is gebruik om die bespreking van hierdie bevindinge te konseptualiseer en verbintenisse is gemaak met bestaande literatuur wat handel oor die versorger se ervaring in die ontwikkellende konteks. In hierdie proses is gevind dat deelnemers dikwels dieselfde hindernisse en fasiliteerders ondervind as versorgers van individue met ander tipe toestande, soos MIV/VIGS, outisme, geestesiektes, kanker en neurologiese versteurings. Dit kan moontlik beteken dat versorgers wat in ontwikkellende lande woord dieselfde ervarings deel, ten spyte van die toestand van die persoon wat die versorging ontvang. Alhoewel deelnemers ondersteuning van ʼn aantal bronne ontvang het wat hulle help met hulle versorgingspligte, is dit duidelik dat hulle steeds gapings ervaar in die voorsiening van ʼn aantal belangrike dienste, insluitende ʼn tekort aan inligting van gesondheidsorg werkers, ʼn tekort aan gemeenskapsprogramme om stres verligting en bemagtiging te bevorder en ʼn tekort aan gestremdheid-vriendelike fasiliteite. Dit is baie belangrik dat versorgers toegang het tot hierdie dienste om die welstand van hulle kind en hulself te verseker. Daar is dus ʼn behoefte om te ondersoek hoe hierdie dienste meer toegangklik gemaak kan word vir versorgers in landelike gemeenskappe.

Physical and psychosocial effects related to sleep inchildren with neurodevelopmental disorders : A study of the relationship between motor proficiency, sleep efficiency and possible influencing factors / Fysiska och psykosociala aspekter av utvecklingsneurologiska störningar hos barn : En studie av sambandet mellan motorisk färdighet, sömneffektivitet och möjliga bidragande faktorer

Williamsson, Frida January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between sleep patterns, motor proficiency and commonly co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders in children, attitude to physical activity, mental health, and age. The study also looked at differences in sleep efficiency, as well as, perceived adequacy in physical activity between typically developing children and children with low motor proficiency. The sample consisted of 127 participants, 6-12 years old living in Perth, Western Australia. 51% participants were considered typically developing and 49% to have low motor proficiency. Motor proficiency, indications of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and anxiety/depression, adequacy in, or predilection for physical activity did not show a relationship to sleep efficiency. Significant differences between groups in sleep efficiency or adequacy in physical activity were not found. No interaction effect of neurodevelopmental disorders were identified. Sleep in children with movement impairments caused by neurodevelopmental disorders is an area where continued studies are of great importance. Although no relationship was identified in the current study, previous research has suggested sleep may play an important role for development and optimal everyday functioning. A better understanding of physical and psychological consequences and possible contributing factors of low motor proficiency in childhood is important as the risk of long-term dysfunction in emotional, cognitive and physical areas may be reduced in an optimal environment.

Prevalence of Communication Disorders in Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome on School Speech-Language Pathology Caseloads: A National Survey

Ratliff, Brittany V. 01 May 2017 (has links)
There is concern about the recently increasing number of infants born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), yet little is known about its long-term neurodevelopmental effects. School-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are in a unique position to comment on potential long-term consequences of NAS because their caseloads include children with a variety of communication disorders and comorbidities. School-based SLPs across the United States (N = 258) responded to a survey about the presence of children with NAS on their caseloads and their perceptions of the children’s communication disorders and comorbidities. Results revealed that children with NAS currently are being treated by SLPs. They primarily present with receptive/expressive language and literacy disorders, and comorbid Broad Developmental Delay, ADD, and ADHD. Furthermore, documentation of NAS is often not available to SLPs, hindering creation of protocols for identification and treatment. The results of this study indicate that investment in future research is warranted.

Konektom u poruch autistického spektra / Connectome in Autism spectrum disorders

Hrašková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This theoretical thesis covers the issues of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in relation to the brain connectome research. ASD belong to the group of neurodevelopmental syndromes and are characterized by deficits in communication skills, social interaction and stereotypic behaviors. The prevalence of ASD increases, its etiopathogenesis is very likely multifactorial. Within the ASD syndrome, precise differential diagnostic algorithms are difficult to implement in the absence of objective biomarkers. Extensive neuroscientific research, including the connectome projects, might improve the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of Psychiatry, including ASD. The individual's connectome profile might well serve as a new biomarker in psychiatric diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The brain connectome represents the net of all neuronal connections in the brain. Mapping of the connectome across all ages, in health and in disease, is the main goal of the Human Connectome Project (HCP). The first HCP data show great interindividual variability with the environmental factors playing a crucial role. Extensive neurobiology research data on mechanisms of memory support the vital role of environmental stimulation in compensating for behavioral symptoms in ASD. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is an...

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