Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neurophysiological""
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Plasticité morphologique des astrocytes glomérulaires du bulbe olfactif chez le rat : rôle dans la relation entre l'olfaction et la prise alimentaire / Morphological plasticity of the glomerular astrocytes of the olfactory bulb in rats : role in the relationship between olfaction and food intakeDaumas-Meyer, Virginie 30 May 2017 (has links)
L’olfaction participe à l’élaboration de la valeur hédonique des aliments et à la régulation de la prise alimentaire. Réciproquement, la détection des odeurs alimentaires est influencée par le statut métabolique. Le jeûne augmente les performances olfactives, notamment en augmentant l'activité neuronale dans le bulbe olfactif (BO). Au sein des glomérules du BO, les synapses glutamatergiques entre les neurones sensoriels olfactifs et les cellules mitrales sont régulées par des astrocytes, des neurones périglomérulaires et des afférences centrifuges. En tant que partenaires synaptiques, les astrocytes sont à l’origine de mécanismes de métaplasticité dans le système nerveux central, qui pourrait participer à la régulation métabolique de la réponse olfactive au niveau du BO. Afin de tester si les astrocytes glomérulaires du BO sont impliqués dans la détection du statut métabolique par le système olfactif, nous avons comparé le déploiement des prolongements astrocytaires glomérulaires, par quantification de l’aire occupée par la GFAP chez des rats nourris et mis à jeun.Le déploiement astrocytaire est nettement augmenté chez les rats à jeun par rapport aux rats nourris, dans toutes les régions du BO dès 17h de jeûne. L'administration intra-peritoneale du peptide anorexigène PYY3-36 ou de glucose chez des rats à jeun diminue leur prise alimentaire ou restaure leur glycémie respectivement, et abolit dans les deux cas l'augmentation du déploiement astrocytaire induite par le jeûne. L'application directe des peptides orexigènes ghréline et NPY sur des tranches de BO entraîne une augmentation du déploiement astrocytaire alors que l'application de PYY3-36 entraîne une rétraction astrocytaire au sein des glomérules. Ces résultats concordent avec les variations de la morphologie des astrocytes, observées respectivement en situation de jeûne ou de satiété.Le déploiement des prolongements astrocytaires glomérulaires varie donc en fonction de l'état métabolique des rats, et il est influencé par les peptides régulant la prise alimentaire. Cetteplasticité pourrait participer à l'adaptation de la sensibilité olfactive à l’état métabolique des individus. / Olfaction plays a key role in the elaboration of the hedonic value of foods and the regulation of food intake. Reciprocally, the detection of food odors is influenced by the metabolic state. Fasting increases olfactory performances, notably by increasing neuronal activity in the olfactory bulb (OB). Within the OB glomeruli, the glutamatergic synapses between olfactory sensory neurons and mitral cells are regulated by astrocytes, periglomerular neurons and centrifugal afferents. Astrocytes, which support mecanisms of metaplasticity in the brain, may drive the metabolic regulation of the olfactory response in the OB. To test whether OB glomerular astrocytes are involved in the metabolic sensing of the olfactory system, we compared the astroglial processes expansion by quantification of the GFAPlabelled area in fed and fasted rats.Astroglial spreading was markedly increased in fasting rats, as compared to fed rats, in all regions of the OB after 17h-fasting. Intra-peritoneal administration of the anorexigenic peptide PYY3-36 or glucose in 17h-fasted rats respectively decreased their food intake or restored their glycemia and both reversed the increased astroglial deployment induced by fasting. Direct application of orexigenic peptides ghrelin and NPY on OB acute slices, resulted in an increase of the astroglial deployment, whereas application of PYY3-36 oppositely resulted in astroglial retraction within the glomeruli. These results are in close agreement with the effects of fasting or satiation on the morphology of astrocytes.The deployment of the glomerular astroglial processes clearly varies according to the metabolic state of the rats, and is influenced by food intake regulatory peptides. This plasticity may participate in the adaptation of the olfactory sensitivity to food intake.
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Differential distribution of co-transmitted cholinergic and GABAergic synaptic inputs onto substantia nigra dopaminergic neuronsLe Gratiet, Keyrian Louis 28 April 2021 (has links)
Neuronal communication in the mammalian brain relies on the presynaptic release of neurotransmitters which bind to ligand-gated ion channels found on postsynaptic neurons to modulate neuronal excitability. One such neurotransmitter is acetylcholine (ACh), a small molecule that is the signalling messenger of the cholinergic system. The cholinergic system is involved in a variety of behavioural functions including motor activity, sensory function, and higher executive commands. Dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the basal ganglia in general have long been implicated in initiation and completion of voluntary movement. Studies have shown that cholinergic neurons from two brainstem nuclei, the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus and the pedunculopontine nucleus, project onto substantia nigra dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the midbrain and release ACh, GABA or both to modulate motor behaviours. However, with prior research primarily focused on demonstrating the phenomenon of co-transmission itself, the subcellular distribution and dynamics of ACh and GABA release onto SN DA neurons receiving co-transmitted inputs largely remains to be investigated.
The present study investigates the spatial and physiological properties of ACh/GABA co- transmission from brainstem cholinergic axons synapsing onto medial SN DA neurons to understand its role in tuning the neuron’s excitatory-inhibitory balance. To that end, we developed a channelrhodopsin (ChR2)-based functional input mapping technique with high spatial resolution to probe the dendritic distribution of ACh and GABA synaptic inputs onto DA neurons in ChATcre::ChR2 mice. Using this technique, we discovered three different types of monosynaptic inputs from cholinergic axons onto DA cells: co-transmitted ACh/GABA, GABA only, and ACh only. Furthermore, we revealed a somatodendritic patterning of cholinergic input distribution onto DA cells with a predominant GABA conductance along the lateral dendrites and a soma-centered mix ACh/GABA transmission. Physiological findings were corroborated using immunolabeling against VGAT and VAChT, which showed many closely spatially clustered ACh and GABA- specific cholinergic terminals and few truly colocalized VAChT and VGAT terminals. This result revealed that true co-transmission represents a minority of the presynaptic mode of release from cholinergic axons onto medial SN DA neurons, and that the majority actually share closely spatially clustered ACh and GABA-specific cholinergic terminals.
To investigate the dynamic properties of soma-centered ACh/GABA transmission, we restricted our stimulation field to the cell body to measure the contribution of nAChR and GABAR-mediated conductances without recruiting the lateralized population of primary GABA inputs. We then employed a deconvolution method to understand the relative plasticity of contributions of nAChRs and GABARs to ACh/GABA transmission onto DA cells. We confirmed an initial dominant GABAergic component of ACh/GABA transmission that was previously reported. However, we found that the GABAergic contribution had a greater decay compared to the ACh component with repeated stimulations. As such the predominant initial inhibition is followed by a subsequent equalization of excitatory and inhibitory conductances. Finally, we performed similar experiments to compare the short-term plasticity of the isolated GABA conductance during 15 Hz stimulation between the populations of mix ACh/GABA inputs proximally and the population of primary GABA inputs found on the lateral dendrites 160 μm from the cell body. Interestingly, the lateral GABA component was more sustained across repeated stimulations compared to the proximal GABA conductance, suggesting a differential contribution to excitation/inhibition balance by spatially distributed populations of ACh and GABA inputs from cholinergic axons onto the dendrites of medial SN DA neurons. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the distribution and dynamics of ACh/GABA transmission onto midbrain DA system using fine-scale ChR2-assisted subcellular input mapping and conductance deconvolution. / Graduate / 2022-04-12
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Etude neurophysiologique multimodale de la valeur pronostique des réponses du tronc cérébral chez les patients de réanimation / Multimodal neurophysiological study of the prognostic value of brainstem responses in critically ill patientsAzabou, Éric 15 June 2016 (has links)
Malgré les récents progrès dans la prise en charge des patients en réanimation, la mortalité en réanimation reste élevée: environ 30%. L’atteinte cérébrale en est un déterminant majeur. Le concept de l'implication d'un dysfonctionnement du tronc cérébral dans la survenue de la mort en réanimation est bien établi. Cependant, les signatures neurophysiologiques de cette atteinte du tronc cérébral ne sont pas encore bien caractérisées. Certains paramètres de l'électroencéphalogramme (EEG) et des potentiels évoqués (PE) pourraient permettre l'évaluation de l'état fonctionnel du tronc cérébral en réanimation. La réactivité de l'EEG aux stimulations nociceptives permet de tester le fonctionnement du tronc cérébral par la voie extra-lemniscale (spino-thalamique). Les potentiels somesthésiques (PES) et auditifs précoces (PEAP) explorent respectivement les voies lemniscale médiane et lemniscale latérale dans le tronc cérébral.Dans les travaux présentés ici, nous avons évalué les anomalies de réponses neurophysiologiques du tronc cérébral et leur impact sur le pronostic dans différentes cohortes de patients en soins intensifs. En effet, le manque de réactivité de l'EEG à la stimulation douloureuse, ainsi que l'allongement du temps de conduction subcortico-corticale (PES P14-N20_ IPL) ont été chacun indépendamment corrélé à la mort en réanimation. L'allongement du temps de conduction ponto-mésencéphalique (PEAP III-V _ IPL) a tendance à être associé à l'apparition du délire ou du réveil retardé. Nos travaux fournissent des substrats neurophysiologiques des dysfonctionnements du tronc cérébral observés chez les patients gravement malades et leur relation avec le pronostic. Des études avec d'autres marqueurs neurophysiologiques ciblant le tronc cérébral comme les enregistrements du réflexe de clignement, des PE laser et des PE respiratoires, sont nécessaires. / Despite recent progress in the management of critically ill patients, mortality in the ICU remains high (around 30%). Neurological impairment is a major determinant of mortality in ICU. It has been hypothesithed that brainstem dysfunction might play a role in mortality in the ICU. However, neurophysiological signatures of brainstem failure in ICU patients have not yet been characterized. Electroencephalogram (EEG) and sensorial evoked potentials (EP) parameters could enable the assessment of the functional status of the brainstem at the bedside in the ICU. EEG reativity to intense painful stimuli allows testing the proper functioning of the brainstem via the extra-lemniscal pathway (spino-thalamic). Somatosensory (SSEP) and brainstem auditory (BAEP) evoked potentials respectively explore the median lemniscal and the lateral lemniscal pathways within the brainstem.In the works presented here, we assessed brainstem neurophysiological responses' and their impact on prognosis in various cohorts of critically ill patients. A lack of EEG reactivity to painful stimulation as well as the lengthening of subcortico-cortical conduction time (SSEP P14-N20_ IPL) was each independantly correlated with death in the ICU. The lengthening of ponto-mesencephalic conduction time (BAEP III-V _ IPL) tended to be associated with the onset of delirium or delayed awakening. Our work provides neurophysiological substratum for the concept of the brainstem dysfunctions in critically ill patients and their relationship with prognosis. Supplemental studies with other neurophysiological markers involving the brainstem such as recordings of blink reflexes, laser EP and respiratory EP, are needed to confirm these results.
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Pupil Constriction During Prolonged Exposure to Flickering Stimuli: Evidence for Cholinergic ipRGC StimulationGalko, Elizabeth 26 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Le rôle des cellules dopaminergiques dans la locomotion induite par l'olfaction chez la lamproieBeauséjour, Philippe-Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
La détection de molécules chimiques par l'odorat est importante pour guider le comportement des animaux. Chez la lamproie marine, Petromyzon marinus, l'olfaction est vitale pour plusieurs fonctions telles que l’alimentation, l’évitement des prédateurs et la reproduction. Les différents comportements olfactifs de la lamproie sont les mieux caractérisés parmi tous les vertébrés aquatiques et ils font l’objet du premier chapitre de l’introduction.
Les circuits du cerveau responsables des mouvements produits lors de la détection de stimuli olfactifs ont été examinés chez la lamproie. Des études récentes révèlent qu’il existe deux organes olfactifs périphériques ayant des projections parallèles qui innervent des parties distinctes du bulbe olfactif (BO). Dans les deux cas, le signal olfactif atteint éventuellement les cellules réticulospinales (RS), qui activent les réseaux locomoteurs spinaux. La littérature portant sur ces circuits neuronaux est décrite dans le deuxième chapitre introductif. Le substrat neuronal par lequel le signal olfactif est transmis aux cellules RS n'est pas complètement caractérisé mais des données du laboratoire Dubuc suggèrent que le tubercule postérieur (TP) serait une cible importante des projections du BO. Puisque cette région contient des neurones dopaminergiques (DA) impliqués dans le contrôle moteur, l’objectif principal de cette thèse était de déterminer leur rôle dans le traitement du signal olfactif et la production de locomotion.
Nos résultats ont permis de caractériser l'innervation DA du BO de la lamproie et d’observer que les neurones DA du TP projettent à la partie médiane du BO chez les animaux de stade larvaire et adulte. De plus, l’activation de récepteurs D2 dans cette région diminue la transmission du signal olfactif aux cellules RS. Dans le reste du BO, des neurones DA apparaissent au stade adulte. Ces observations sont rapportées dans le premier chapitre des résultats. Puisque les neurones DA du TP peuvent moduler la transmission olfactomotrice au niveau du BO, ils pourraient aussi jouer un rôle via leurs projections connues vers le tronc cérébral. Le deuxième chapitre des résultats se penche donc sur l’implication du TP dans le relai de l’information olfactive au système moteur. L’étude des projections du BO montre que les neurones DA sont ciblés, incluant ceux qui projettent à la région locomotrice mésencéphalique (RLM), responsable de l’initiation et du contrôle de la locomotion. Aussi, la stimulation olfactive active des neurones du TP qui projettent à la RLM. Dans une préparation dont la tête est fixée mais le corps peut se déplacer, la stimulation olfactive induit de la nage en recrutant simultanément le TP et les cellules RS. Nous montrons aussi que le TP est recruté durant la nage survenant spontanément, ce qui indique que cette région joue un rôle important dans le contrôle locomoteur.
Cette thèse révèle que les neurones DA du TP peuvent 1) être activés par la détection d’odeurs et ensuite 2) moduler la transmission au niveau du BO ainsi que 3) recruter la RLM pour produire un épisode de nage. Ces données suggèrent qu’ils occupent une position-clé dans l’intégration sensorimotrice des stimuli olfactifs puisqu’ils encodent à la fois de l’information sensorielle et motrice. / The detection of chemical molecules by smell is important in guiding the behavior of animals. In the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, olfaction is vital for several functions such as feeding, predator avoidance and reproduction. The various olfactory behaviors of the lamprey are the best characterized among all aquatic vertebrates and they were reviewed in the first chapter of the introduction. The brain circuitry responsible for producing movement upon sensing olfactory stimuli has been examined in lamprey. Recent studies revealed that there are two peripheral olfactory epithelia with parallel projections that reach distinct parts of the olfactory bulb (OB). In both cases, the olfactory signal eventually reaches reticulospinal (RS) cells, which activate the locomotor networks of the spinal cord. The literature describing these neural circuits is thoroughly reviewed in the second chapter of the introduction. The neuronal substrate by which the olfactory signal is transmitted to RS cells is not fully characterized, but data from the Dubuc laboratory suggest that the posterior tubercle (PT) may be an important target for OB projections. Since this region contains dopaminergic (DA) neurons involved in motor control, the main objective of this thesis was to determine their role in olfactory signal processing and the production of locomotion. Our results have allowed to characterize the DA innervation of the lamprey OB and show that DA neurons of the PT send projections to the medial part of the OB in larval and adult animals. In addition, the activation of D2 receptors in this region decreases the transmission of the olfactory signal to RS cells. In the rest of the OB, DA neurons appear in adult animals. These observations are reported in the first chapter of the Results. Since DA neurons of the PT can modulate olfactory-motor transmission at the level of the OB, they could also play a role through existing descending projections to the brainstem. Thus, in the second chapter of the Results, we studied the involvement of the PT in the relay of olfactory information to the motor system. The analysis of OB projections shows that DA neurons are targeted, including those that project to the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), which is responsible for initiating and controlling locomotion. Moreover, olfactory stimulation activates PT neurons that project to the MLR. In a head-fixed preparation in which the body moves, olfactory stimulation induces swimming simultaneously with PT and RS cell activity. We also show that the PT is recruited during spontaneously occurring swimming, which indicates that this region plays an important role in locomotor control. This thesis reveals that DA neurons in the PT can 1) be activated following odorant detection and then 2) modulate the transmission at the level of the OB as well as 3) recruit the MLR to produce a swimming episode. These data suggest that they occupy a key position in the sensorimotor integration of olfactory stimuli since they encode both sensory and motor information.
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Efficiently Combining Multiband Compression and Improved Contrast-Enhancing Frequency Shaping in Hearing AidsAnsari, Shahabuddin 07 1900 (has links)
<p>Sensorineural hearing loss imparts two serious hearing deficits in hearing-impaired
people: reduced dynamic range of hearing and reduced frequency selectivity. Psychophysically,
these deficits render loss of speech audibility and speech intelligibility
to a hearing-impaired person. Studies of an impaired cochlea in cats have shown that
the hearing loss originates from damage to or complete loss of inner and outer hair
cells. Neurophysiology of an impaired cochlea in cats shows that the tuning curves
of the auditory nerve fibers become elevated and broadened. Amplification in hearing
aids has been used to restore audibility in hearing-impaired people. Multiband
compression has been commercially available in conventional hearing aids to compensate
for the reduced dynamic range of hearing. However, little has been achieved to
improve the intelligibility of speech in the hearing-impaired people. The aim of this
thesis is to restore not only the speech audibility in a hearing-impaired person, but
also to improve their speech intelligibility through some hearing-aid signal processing.
The compensation technique used in this thesis for speech intelligibility is based on
the hypothesis that a narrowband response of the auditory nerve fibers to speech
signals ensure phonemic discriminability in the central nervous system.</p><p>Miller et al. [1999] have proposed contrast-enhancing frequency shaping ( CEFS) to
compensate for the broadband responses of the fibers to first and second formants (Fl
and F2) of a speech stimulus. Bruce [2004] has shown that the multiband compression
can be combined with CEFS without counteracting each other. In Bruce's algorithm,
a multiband compressor is serially combined with a time-domain CEFS filter. The
MICEFS algorithm, herein presented, is a combination of multiband compression and
an improved version of CEFS implemented in the frequency domain. The frequency
domain implementation of MICEFS has improved the time delay response of the
algorithm by 10 ms as compared to series implementation proposed by Bruce. The
total time delay of the MICEFS algorithm is 16 ms, which is still longer than the standard time delay of 10 ms in hearing aids. The MICEFS algorithm was tested on
a computational model of auditory periphery [Bruce et al., 2003] using a synthetic
vowel and a synthetic sentence. The testing paradigm consisted of five conditions:
1) unmodified speech presented to a normal cochlea; 2) speech modified with halfgain
rule presented to an impaired cochlea; 3) CEFS modified speech presented to
the impaired cochlea; 4) speech modified with MICEFS presented to the impaired
cochlea, and; 5) MICEFS-modified speech with some added noise in the formant
estimation presented to an impaired cochlea. The spectral enhancement filter used in
MICEFS has improved the synchrony capture of the fibers to the first three formants
of a speech stimulus. MICEFS has also restored the correct tonotopic representation
in the average discharge rate of the fibers at the first three formants of the speech.</p> / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Cortical circuits underlying social and spatial exploration in ratsEbbesen, Christian Laut 19 June 2018 (has links)
Um zu verstehen, wie das Gehirn von Säugetieren funktioniert, untersuchen wir wie neuronale Aktivität einerseits zu Kognition beträgt und andererseits komplexe Verhaltensweisen ermöglicht. Im Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit stehen dabei zwei Regionen der Großhirnrinde der Ratte: der parahippocampale Cortex und der motorische Cortex. Im ersten Teil haben wir neuronale Schaltkreise im parahippocampalen Cortex und in den oberen Schichten des enthorhinalen Cortex untersucht, während Ratten ihre Umgebung räumlich erkunden. Diese beiden Regionen tragen wesentlich zum Orientierungssinn bei. Dabei haben wir herausgefunden, dass anatomische Identität und Einbindung in den Microschaltkreis einerseits räumliche neuronale Signale, wie zum Beispiel der Aktivität von grid cells, border cells und head-direction cells, bestimmen. Andererseits tragen diese beiden Eigenschaften auch zur temporalen Präzision neuronaler Signale bei, wie zum Beispiel in Form von spike bursts, theta Modulation und phase precession. Im zweiten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit untersuchen wir die Aktivität von Neuronen im Vibrissen Motorcortex während komplexer Bewegungsabläufe der Schnurrhaare, die dem natürlichen Repertoire der Ratte entstammen: eigeninitiierte Bewegungen in freier Luft, Berührung von Artgenossen zur sozialen Interaktion und das Abtasten von Objekten. Dabei haben wir herausgefunden, dass neuronale Aktivität im Motorcortex während der Bewegung der Schnurrhaare unterdrückt ist, dass elektrische Microstimulation zum Rückzug der Schnurrhaare führt und, dass pharmakologische Blockade Bewegung der Schnurrhaare fördert. Um diese überraschende Beobachtung in einen breiteren Kontext zu integrieren, endet dieser Teil mit einer Bewertung der Literatur zu der bewegungsunterdrückenden Wirkung von Motorcortex Aktivität bei Nagetieren, Primaten und Menschen. / In order to understand how the mammalian brain works, we must investigate how neural activity contributes to cognition and generates complex behavioral output. In this thesis I present work, which focuses on two regions of the cerebral cortex of rats: parahippocampal cortex and motor cortex. In the first part of the thesis we investigate neural circuits in the parasubiculum and the superficial medial enthorhinal cortex, two structures that play a key role in spatial cognition. Briefly, we find that the in these regions, anatomical identity and microcircuit embedding is a major determinant of both spatial discharge patterns (such as the discharge patterns of grid cells, border cells and head-direction cells) and temporal coding features (such as spike bursts, theta-modulation and phase precession). In the second part of the thesis we investigate the activity of neurons in vibrissa motor cortex during complex motor behaviors, which play a vital role in rat ecology: self-initiated bouts of exploratory whisking in air, whisking to touch conspecifics during social interactions and whisking to palpate objects. Briefly, we find that neural activity decreases during whisking behaviors, that microstimulation leads to whisker retraction and that pharmacological blockade increases whisker movement. Thus, our observations collectively suggest that a primary role of vibrissa motor cortex activity is to suppress whisking behaviors. The second part of the thesis concludes with a literature review of motor suppressive effects of motor cortical activity across rodents, primates and humans to put this unexpected finding in a broader context.
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Repräsentation und Unterscheidbarkeit amplitudenmodulierter akustischer Signale im Nervensystem von FeldheuschreckenWohlgemuth, Sandra 27 May 2009 (has links)
Eine wesentliche Aufgabe auditorischer Systeme besteht in der Erkennung und Klassifikation verhaltensrelevanter Signale. Die akustischen Kommunikationssignale vieler Feldheuschrecken zeichnen sich durch artspezifische Modulationen der Signalamplitude aus, die im Kontext der Partnerwahl zur Erkennung der eigenen Art genutzt werden. Die Kommunikation ist jedoch auch als Basis für sexuelle Selektion von Interesse - einer Abschätzung der Qualität des Senders anhand der akustischen Signale, welche eine Bewertung subtiler Variationen der artspezifischen Musters erfordert. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand darin zu untersuchen, wie amplitudenmodulierte akustische Signale in den Antworten identifizierter auditorischer Interneurone der zweiten und dritten Verarbeitungsstufe repräsentiert werden, insbesondere, wie gut sie anhand dieser Antworten unterscheidbar sind. Dazu wurden (i) sinusförmig amplitudenmodulierte Stimuli genutzt und die Parameter Modulationsfrequenz und Modulationstiefe systematisch variiert, (ii) individuelle Gesänge der gleichen Art, und (iii) im Grundmuster zeitlich reskalierte Gesänge. Lokale Interneurone zeichneten sich aus durch: ein oft sehr hohes zeitliches Auflösungsvermögen, hohe Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Schwankungen der Signalamplitude, sowie gute Unterscheidbarkeit der sinusförmig amplitudenmodulierten Signale und der Gesänge auf der Basis von Spikeantworten. Bei den aufsteigenden Interneuronen nahm die Fähigkeit zur zeitlichen Ankopplung der Spikes an die Amplitudenmodulationen der Stimuli ab, was sich auch in deren reduzierter Unterscheidbarkeit äußerte. Ursächlich hierfür war einerseits die Zunahme der Antwortvariabilität (Jitter der Spikezeitpunkte), aber auch verstärkt auftretende Filtereigenschaften. Auf dieser dritten Verarbeitungsebene kommt es zu einer stärkeren Spezialisierung auf bestimmte zeitliche Aspekte des Stimulus, die als Grundlage einer verhaltensrelevanten Klassifikation von akustischen Signalen interpretiert werden kann. / A central task of auditory systems is the recognition and classification of behaviorally relevant signals. The communication signals of many grasshoppers can be characterized by a species-specific pattern of amplitude modulation, which is mainly used for species recognition in the context of mate finding. Additionally, the communication is also of interest with respect to sexual selection - an evaluation of the signaler''s quality from the signal pattern, which requires the quantification of subtle variations of the common species-specific pattern.The goal of this study was to investigate how amplitude modulated acoustic signals are represented in the responses of identified 2nd and 3rd order auditory interneurons, particularly, how well they can be discriminated on the basis of the responses. For this (i) sinusoidal amplitude modulated stimuli were used and the parameters modulation frequency and modulation depth were systematically varied, (ii) individual songs of the same species and (iii) songs with temporal rescaled basic pattern were presented. Local interneurons can be characterized by: mostly high temporal resolution capacities, high sensitivity to fluctuations of the signal amplitude as well as a good distinguishability of sinusoidal amplitude modulated stimuli and songs on the basis of the spike trains. In ascending interneurons the synchronization to the amplitude modulations decreased, which also appeared in a reduced discrimination performance. This is caused by an increase of response variability (jitter of spike timing) but also by distinctive filter properties of the respective neurons. Neurons on this third processing level exhibit a greater specialization to particular temporal aspects of the stimulus. This can be interpret as a basis of a behaviorally relevant classification of acoustic signals.
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Synthèse, évaluation biologique et structurale d'analogues cyclopeptidiques de l'ω-agatoxine IVB : etude des canaux calciques CaV2.1 et des conséquences de leur déficience (canalopathies) / Synthesis, biological and structural evaluation of cyclopeptidic analogues of ω-agatoxin IVB : study of calcium channels CaV2.1 and the consequences of their déficiencies (channelopathies)Pringos, Emilie 16 December 2010 (has links)
Ce manuscrit décrit la synthèse et l'évaluation biologique d'analogues de l'ω-agatoxine IVB dans le but de trouver de nouveaux outils pour l'étude de l'activité des canaux calciques. L'ω-agatoxine IVB est une neurotoxine peptidique isolée du venin d'araignée Agelenopsis aperta qui à ce jour est l'inhibiteur spécifique et sélectif des canaux calciques voltage-dépendants de type P/Q. Ces canaux sont impliqués dans la neurotransmission dépendante du Glutamate dans le système nerveux central. La synthèse de structures peptidiques simplifiées, en comparaison avec celle de la toxine native est décrite. La méthodologie de synthèse de différents analogues cycliques de cette neurotoxine est présentée. Les composés sont synthétisés par synthèse peptidique sur phase solide en stratégie Fmoc, avec une étude particulière sur les conditions de cyclisation et le choix des groupements protecteurs appropriés. Les modifications d es peptides naturels pour obtenir de nouveaux composés biologiquement actifs incluent l'insertion d'aminoacides non naturels et de liaisons pseudopeptidiques. Les analogues synthétisés ont été testés par des méthodes d'électrophysiologie (patch clamp) et d'imagerie calcium ; les activités biologiques des peptides sont corrélées à l'aide d'analyses structurales par RMN et modélisation moléculaire. / This manuscript describes the synthesis and biological valuation of w-agatoxin IVB mimetics with the intention of finding new tools for the study of calcium channels activity. w-Agatoxin IVB is a peptide neurotoxin isolated from the venom of spider Agelenopsis aperta which is a specific and selective inhibitor of P/Q-type voltage-dependent calcium channels. These channels are involved in Glutamate-dependent neurotransmission in the central nervous system. The synthesis of structurally simplified peptides, in comparison with native toxin is described. The methodology of synthesis of different cyclic analogues of this neurotoxin is presented. The compounds were synthesized by solid phase peptide chemistry and Fmoc strategy, with particular consideration for cyclization conditions and an insight into selection of protecting groups. The modifications of the natural peptide to get new biologically active compounds included the insertion of unnatura l amino acids and pseudopeptides bonds. The synthesized analogues were tested by methods of electrophysiology (patch clamp) and calcium imagery; the biological activities of peptides are compared with the aid of structural analyses by RMN and molecular modeling.
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Perceptual conflict during sensorimotor integration processes - a neurophysiological study in response inhibitionChmielewski, Witold X., Beste, Christian 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A multitude of sensory inputs needs to be processed during sensorimotor integration. A crucial factor for detecting relevant information is its complexity, since information content can be conflicting at a perceptual level. This may be central to executive control processes, such as response inhibition. This EEG study aims to investigate the system neurophysiological mechanisms behind effects of perceptual conflict on response inhibition. We systematically modulated perceptual conflict by integrating a Global-local task with a Go/Nogo paradigm. The results show that conflicting perceptual information, in comparison to non-conflicting perceptual information, impairs response inhibition performance. This effect was evident regardless of whether the relevant information for response inhibition is displayed on the global, or local perceptual level. The neurophysiological data suggests that early perceptual/ attentional processing stages do not underlie these modulations. Rather, processes at the response selection level (P3), play a role in changed response inhibition performance. This conflict-related impairment of inhibitory processes is associated with activation differences in (inferior) parietal areas (BA7 and BA40) and not as commonly found in the medial prefrontal areas. This suggests that various functional neuroanatomical structures may mediate response inhibition and that the functional neuroanatomical structures involved depend on the complexity of sensory integration processes.
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