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På egen hand : En litteraturöversikt om nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av omvårdnad under deras första år / On your own : A literature review about new graduate nurses experiences of nursing during their first yearLidman, Viktor, Östlund, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: I Sverige utexamineras årligen drygt 4000 nya sjuksköterskor från en utbildning som kombinerar yrkesexamen och akademisk examen. Den första tiden i yrket kan upplevas påfrestande och stressig. Det är under denna tid som stöd är av stor vikt. Sjuksköterskans kliniska utövande och ansvars-område, omvårdnad, beskrivs som ett vitt begrepp med många dimensioner.Syfte: Att beskriva nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av omvårdnad under det första året inom somatisk vård.Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Patricia Benners modell har använts som teoretisk utgångspunkt.Resultat: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor kan ha både positiva och negativa upplevelser av omvårdnad under deras första år. Resultatet delas in i två teman med underliggande kategorier. Positiva upplevelser handlade bland annat om att kunna prioritera, lärande, klinisk kompetens, ett gott stöd samt fördelar med minskat stöd och tillfredsställande patientrelation. Negativa upplevelser handlade bland annat om svårigheter i prioritering, osäkerhet i patientrelationen och ett påfrestande ansvar men också brist på tid, stöd, kunskap och kliniska färdigheter.Diskussion: Trots många negativa upplevelser så visade resultaten på att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor kan ha många positiva upplevelser under första året, som på ett passande sätt kan appliceras till Benners modell. Det visade sig dessutom att de nyutexaminerade uppvisade kompetenser som Benner beskriver i sina domäner. Resultatet visade på en mångfacetterad bild av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser.Nyckelord: nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor, omvårdnad, upplevelser, första året / Abstract Background: Every year nearly 4000 new nurses graduate in Sweden from an education that combines both a professional and an academic degree. The first time as a nurse can be experienced as testing and stressful. During this period support is of great importance. A nurse’s clinical exercise and responsibility, nursing, is described as a wide term with many dimensions.Aim: To describe new graduate nurses experiences of nursing during their first year in somatic care. Method: A literature review was carried out in which twelve scientific articles were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Patricia Benner has been used as theoretical basis.Results: New graduate nurses can have both positive and negative experiences of nursing during their first year. The result can be divided into two themes with underlying categories. Positive experiences included being able to prioritize, learning, clinical competence, support and advantages with less support and satisfying patient-relation. Negative experiences included difficulties in prioritizing, uncertainty in the patient-relation and a trying responsibility but also lack of time, support, knowledge and clinical skills.Discussion: Although many negative experiences, the results showed that new graduate nurses can have many positive experiences during their first year, which can be applied to Benners model. It was found that the graduates had the skills that Benner describes in her domains. The results revealed a multifaceted picture of new graduate nurse’s experiences. Keywords: new graduate nurses, nursing, experiences, first year
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Att arbeta som nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska / Working as a graduate nurseKjellberg, Hanna, Särman, Martina January 2014 (has links)
I dagens samhälle behöver allt fler personer vård. Sjuksköterskans specialitet är omvårdnad och de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna förväntas ta ett stort ansvar. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den första tiden i yrkeslivet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats. Resultatet baseras på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar och analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: kunskap har betydelse, stressfull period och betydelsen av stöd. I resultatet framkom det att många nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever kunskapsbrist på grund av otillräcklig utbildning. Kunskapsbristen resulterade i att sjuksköterskorna upplever det svårt att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter och omvårdnaden blir lidande. Den första tiden som sjuksköterska upplevs som en känslomässig utmaning och en stressig period. En viktig faktor i början av yrket är stöd från arbetsplatsen. Den första tiden som sjuksköterska upplevs som svår, men en bra introduktion och tillgång till stöd kan underlätta övergången till sjuksköterskeyrket. För att förbereda sjuksköterskestudenterna inför yrket är mer verksamhetsförlagd utbildning önskvärt. Vidare forskning kring sjuksköterskeutbildningens utformning och introduktion för nya sjuksköterskor behövs. / In today's society the number of people needing care are increasing. Caring for people is the main role of the nurse and the newly examined nurses are expected to take a big responsibility. The purpose of this study was to elucidate newly graduated nurses' experiences of being new in the profession. The study was conducted as a systematic literature review with an inductive approach. The result is based on eight scientific papers presented in three categories: knowledge has importance, stressful period and the importance of support. The result showed that many newly qualified nurses are experiencing skills shortages due to insufficient training. The lack of knowledge resulted in the nurses finding it difficult to perform their duties and that care then will suffer. The beginning of the nurses' career is experienced as an emotional challenge and a stressful period. An important factor in the beginning of the profession is the support from the workplace. Nurses find this initial time difficult, but a good introduction and access to help can ease the transition to the nursing profession. More clinical training is desirable to prepare nursing students for the profession. Further research is needed in designing nursing education, and the preparation of new nurses.
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Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av stöd på arbetsplatsen det första året : En litteraturstudieSara, Dahlberg, Isabelle, Bäverfjord January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: En sjuksköterska har stora och varierande arbetsuppgifter och en nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska förväntas göra arbetsuppgifter de inte känner sig kvalificerade för, men ansvariga för, i en miljö som andas stress. I övergången från student till arbetsliv är det många nyutexaminerade som väljer att lämna yrket när ansvaret blir alltför överväldigande. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av stöd på arbetsplatsen. Ett ytterligare syfte var att beskriva datainsamlingsmetoden i resultatets ingående artiklar. Metod: Litteraturstudien hade en deskriptiv design bestående av 13 systematiskt sökta artiklar. Databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed användes för artikelsökning. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att stöd i olika former kunde vara en ovärderlig hjälp för att klara av arbetet och för att hitta yrkesrollen. Stödet kunde komma från introduktion, att lära sig hur arbetsplatsen fungerar, möjlighet till utbildning, kollegor, handledare/mentorer och chefer. Slutsats: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde stödet viktigt för att de skulle vilja stanna kvar och trivas på arbetsplatsen samt för möjligheten att växa in i sjuksköterskerollen och utvecklas till kompetenta sjuksköterskor. Författarna till föreliggande litteraturstudie tolkar resultatet som att arbetsplatser bör se över sina rutiner för introduktion, information och strategier för utslussning och mottagande av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor då dessa är sjukvårdens framtid vilka tryggt ska vårda patienter. / Background: A nurse has large and varied tasks where a newly graduated nurse is expected to do work they do not feel qualified, but responsible for in an environment that breathe stress. In the transition from student to working life, many graduate choose to leave the profession when the responsibility becomes too overwhelming. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate newly graduated nurses experience of support in the workplace. A further aim was to describe data collection method in the result's depth articles. Method: The literature study had a descriptive design consisting of 13 systematically searched items. Databases Cinahl and Pubmed was used for article search. Main Results: The results showed that various forms of support could be an invaluable help to do the work and to find the professional role. The support could come from introduction, to learn how the workplace works, access to education, colleagues, tutors / mentors and managers. Conclusion: Newly graduated nurses felt that support was important to remain and thrive in the workplace as well as for the opportunity to grow into the nursing role and become qualified nurses. The authors of this literature interprets the result as workplaces should review their procedures for the introduction, information and strategies for channeling out and reception of newly graduated nurses since these are the future of health care which should be safely care for patients.
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Sjuksköterska och novis : En litteraturöversikt om upplevelsen av att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska / Nurse and novice : A literature review about the experience of being a newly graduated nurseLarsson, Emma, Stoltz, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket är en egen profession och det finns ett högt förtroende i samhället för den legitimerade sjuksköterskans kompetens. Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll framställs som komplex och mångdimensionell. Transitionen från student till nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska beskrivs som en central händelse där första tiden inom professionen har stor betydelse för sjuksköterskans utveckling. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelsen av att vara nyexaminerad sjuksköterska. Metod: Designen var allmän litteraturöversikt. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL Complete, PubMed och PsycINFO. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar identifierades, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet illustrerar upplevelsen av att vara nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska. Första tiden speglade känslor av kaos, överväldigande och ansvar. Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan upplevde rädsla att göra fel, säga fel och verka okunnig. Handledning och stöd ansågs som viktiga incitament i transitionen liksom att bli accepterade av kollegor och erkänd för sin kunskap. Professionell yrkesstolthet och självförtroende utvecklades med tid och erfarenhet. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån omvårdnadsforskaren Patricia Benners teori att gå från novis till expert samt tidigare forskning. Diskussionen belyser hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor ur ett internationellt perspektiv, upplevde ett glapp mellan utbildning och yrkesroll, osäkerhet i förhållande till patientsäkerhet och omvårdnad samt att introduktion och handledning under den första tiden var av stor betydelse. / Background: The profession of nursing has its own dicipline and there is a high level of trust in society for the qualified nurse's skills. The vocational role is presented as complex and multidimensional. The transition from student to newly graduated nurse is described as a central event where the first period in the profession is of great importance for the nurse's development. Aim: The aim was to highlight the experience of beeing a newly graduated nurse. Method: The design was a general literature review. The literature search was conducted in the databases CINAHL Complete, PubMed and PsycINFO. Eleven scientific articles were identified, quality-reviewed and analyzed. Results: The result illustrated the experience of being a newly graduated nurse. The first period reflected feelings of chaos, overwhelming and responsibility. The newly graduated nurse experienced fear in making mistakes, saying the wrong thing or to appear unskilled. Tutoring and support were considered as an important incentive in the transition, as well as being accepted by colleagues and recognized for their knowledge. Professional pride and self-confidence were developed with time and experience. Discussion: The result is discussed based on Patricia Benner's theory, from novice to expert and previous research. The discussion illustrates how newly graduated nurses from an international perspective, experienced a gap between education and vocational role. Furthermore, insecurity in relation to patient safety and caring, and finally how the introduction and preceptorship initially was of great importance for the nurses.
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Vårdenhetschefen sätter agendan : Att stödja nya sjuksköterskor att växa in i yrkesrollen / Nurse Managers setting the agenda : Supporting new nurses to grow into the professional roleOttosson Högberg, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nya sjuksköterskor upplever svårigheter med att möta den nya yrkesrollen. För att stödja nyexaminerade att växa in i sjuksköterskerollen samt för att utveckla sin kompetens och praktiska färdigheter spelar introduktionsprogram så som kliniskt basår samt ledarskapet en viktig roll. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vårdenhetschefers erfarenheter av att skapa förutsättningar för nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor att växa in i sin professionella yrkesroll under kliniskt basår. Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer samlades data in från nio vårdenhetschefer och analyserades sedan genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fem kategorier som beskriver hur vårdenhetschefer skapar förutsättningar för de nya sjuksköterskorna på vårdavdelningen: organisera introduktion till vårdarbetet, värna om personalgruppen, skapa tillfälle för lärande, att utöva ett engagerat ledarskap samt ha en stödjande attityd. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på att det är många faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskornas förutsättningar och att vårdenhetschefernas förhållningssätt är komplext. Genom att visa stöd, genom att delta i sjuksköterskornas socialiseringsprocess och genom att organisera introduktion och vårdarbete efter individuella behov så kan det främja sjuksköterskors lärande och rollbyggande. Det kräver ledare som är aktiva och engagerade och som förstår sin roll i den process det innebär för sjuksköterskor att växa in i yrkesrollen. De förutsättningar som presenteras i resultatet skulle kunna stärka nya sjuksköterskor i att växa in i den professionella yrkesrollen samt bidra till att de stannar kvar i yrket. / Background: New graduate nurses experience difficulties in meeting the expectations of the new professional role. Leadership has been shown to be important when supporting new graduate nurses develop a professional role and develop competence and practical skills. Aim: This study aims to describe nurse managers´ experiences of creating prerequisites for new graduate nurses to grow into the new professional role during an introduction program. Method: A qualitative method was used in this study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. A total of nine managers were interviewed. Results: The result presents five categories shown to be important when managers support new graduate nurses to grow into the new professional role: organize introduction to the clinical work, care for the group of personnel, create opportunities for learning, exercise a committed leadership and having a supportive attitude. Conclusion: The result suggests that many factors affect nurse's conditions on the ward and that the manager's approach is complex. By showing support, participating in nurse's social process and by organizing the introduction and clinical work, it could promote learning and professional role-building among new graduate nurses. This requires leaders who are active and dedicated, and understand their role in the nursing process of growing into the professional role. The conditions that are presented in this study could strengthen new graduate nurses to grow into the professional role and could promote their intention of remaining in the profession.
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Perceptions of an EBP Module Mobile Application by New Graduate NursesCarlson, Kristin Wilson 01 January 2018 (has links)
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a key driver of care and advancements within nursing. It is essential to emphasize EBP early in a nurse's career to promote inquisitive minds and enthusiasm for seeking evidence. The purpose of this project was to implement an EBP mobile app into a nurse residency program (NRP) to improve the process of providing EBP information and resources to new graduate nurses. The intent of the project was to leverage mobile technology to engage new graduate nurses in evidence-based practice. Roger's diffusion of innovation framework guided the project. The target audience for the project was 16 new graduate RNs participating in a health system's NRP who attend the EBP module and were required to complete an EBP project. The EBP module was provided during a classroom lecture and the mobile application was downloaded. After using the EBP module, all attendees were sent an electronic survey with open-ended questions related to the mobile application. Responses were reviewed to identify patterns. Survey responses reflected that a 50% did not utilize the mobile application. However, those that did use the mobile application (50%) found it useful and had a positive perception of the mobile application. Continued use of the mobile application and promotion of the mobile application for new graduate nurses may help with their own personal development of an EBP project. Ultimately, allowing nurses to effectively integrate nursing research into practice and impact patient care quality. This project impacted social change by empowering new nurses with knowledge and information related to evidence based practice and allowed for increased information to be accessible to a large audience of new graduate nurses.
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Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av yrket : En beskrivande litteraturstudieBjur, Monica, Larsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Behovet av legitimerade sjuksköterskor förväntas öka de kommande åren. Högskolor och hälso- och sjukvården har en utmaning i att locka till sig fler att utbilda sig och stanna kvar inom sjuksköterskeyrket då många blir sjukskrivna på grund av utmattning eller slutar redan det första året som yrkesverksam. Syfte: Att beskriva nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av yrket. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie med resultat från 13 stycken artiklar, som alla sökts fram i PubMed via biblioteket på Högskolan i Gävle. Huvudresultat: I studien framkom 3 huvudteman med tillhörande underteman: En överväldigande start på arbetslivet, Arbetsmiljö och Från Novis till erfaren. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde övergången från utbildningen till arbetslivet som svår, med brist på klinisk erfarenhet under studietiden. Detta bidrog till stress och en känsla av otillräcklig kompetens samt till att en holistisk omvårdnad inte hanns med. Bra arbetsmiljö och handledning med återkoppling från handledare, kollegor och chef beskrevs ha stor inverkan på den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelse, självförtroende och kompetens. Slutsats: Många sjuksköterskor upplevde brister i kliniska färdigheter och kände sig osäkra i sin nya yrkesroll vilket antyder att sjuksköterskeutbildningen bör integrera mer praktik med teorin. I studiens resultat framgår det att tryggheten och självförtroendet kommer med tiden, det gäller att inte ge upp under den första tiden med osäkerhet i den nya yrkesrollen, vilket stämmer väl överens med Benners modell Från novis till expert. / Background: The need for licensed nurses is expected to increase in the coming years. Universities and health care face a challenge in attracting more people to study and stay in the nursing profession as many either take sick leave due to exhaustion or quit during their first year as a professional nurse. Aim: To describe newly graduated nurses' experiences of the profession. Method: A descriptive literature study with results from 13 articles, all of which were searched for in PubMed via the library at the University of Gävle. Main results: In the study, 3 main themes emerged with associated sub-themes: An overwhelming start to working life, Work environment, and From novice to experienced. Newly graduated nurses experienced the transition from education to working life as difficult, with a lack of clinical experience during their studies. This contributed to stress and a feeling of insufficient competence, as well as a lack of holistic nursing. Good work environment and supervision with feedback from supervisors, colleagues and the manager was described as having a great impact on the newly graduated nurse's experience, self-confidence and competence. Conclusion: Many nurses experienced shortcomings in clinical skills and felt insecure in their new professional role, which suggests that nursing education should better integrate more practice with theory. The results of the study show that security and self-confidence come with time; it is important not to give up during the first period of insecurity and uncertainty in the new professional role, which is in good agreement with Benner's model From novis to expert.
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Interprofessional Collaboration and the New Graduate Nurse: A Mixed Methods ExplorationPfaff, Kathy A. 10 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>Background. </strong>Interprofessional collaboration is a cogent strategy to promote retention and safe, quality nursing care among new graduate nurses. This sandwich thesis describes a research project undertaken to understand how new graduate nurses engage in interprofessional collaboration.</p> <p><strong>Objective. </strong>The aim was to comprehensively understand the individual, team, and organizational factors that influence new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration.</p> <p><strong>Methods. </strong>An integrative review of the new graduate nurse literature was conducted within the context of interprofessional collaboration. Applying the Structuration Model of Interprofessional Collaboration as a framework, a mixed methods study examined the team and organizational predictors of new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration, and explored factors that influenced confidence among new graduate nurses toward interprofessional collaboration. Quantitative data were collected via mailed surveys. Follow-up interviews were conducted to explain the quantitative findings.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>The integrative review revealed individual, team, and organizational factors that were reported to influence new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration. The review concluded a gap in the current knowledge of the issue, and literature that was weak to moderate in quality. The team and organizational predictors of new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration were: satisfaction with the team, number of team strategies, participation in a mentorship or preceptorship experience, accessibility of manager, and accessibility and proximity of educator or professional practice leader. The interviews revealed respect, team support, and face-to-face interprofessional interactions as team facilitators. Supportive leadership and preceptorship or mentorships were organizational facilitators. Several variables had a relationship with new graduate nurse confidence in interprofessional collaboration. A model that explains this confidence was developed from the qualitative findings.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion. </strong>The Structuration Model of Interprofessional Collaboration was a valuable</p> <p>framework for understanding the structural elements of new graduate nurse engagement in interprofessional collaboration. This thesis identifies implications for education, practice and research.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Tandläkares upplevelse av att gå från utbildning till yrkesliv / Dentists' experience of the transition between education and professional lifeHansson, Linnéa, Karlsson, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur nyutexaminerade tandläkare upplever övergången mellan utbildning och yrkesliv samt hur de upplever sin arbetssituation inom Folktandvården. Material och metod: Studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med 13 tandläkare med maximalt tre års yrkeserfarenhet och som efter sin examen hade arbetat inom Folktandvården. Intervjuerna utfördes via Zoom eller via telefon och spelades in med diktafon. Materialet transkriberades, analyserades och sammanställdes sedan. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fem teman: att stå på egna ben, balansera tid med vårdkvalitet, balansera ekonomi med vårdkvalitet, stöttning, trivsel på arbetsplatsen och upplevelser kring yrkesvalet. Resultatet visar att de nyutexaminerade tandläkarna upplevde svårigheter kring att gå från utbildning till yrkesliv. Svårigheterna bestod av att ta eget ansvar, arbeta självständigt, hantera nya arbetsrutiner, hantera ekonomi och brist på tid och stöd. Slutsats: Nyutexaminerade tandläkare kan uppleva svårigheter när de kommer ut i yrkeslivet. Hur de nyutexaminerade tandläkarna kunde hantera dessa svårigheter berodde dels på hur förberedda tandläkarna kände sig, dels på stöd från mentor eller kollegor. De tandläkare som hade en närvarande och pedagogisk mentor hade lättare att bemästra svårigheter och trivdes i större utsträckning på arbetsplatsen och med sin yrkesroll, än de tandläkare som upplevde stödet som bristande. Studien kan vara av intresse för utbildningsansvariga för tandläkarutbildningen vid lärosäten och chefer i Folktandvården. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how newly graduated dentists experience the transition between education and professional life and how they experience their work situation within Folktandvården. Material and method: This study is bases on semi-structured interviews with 13 dentists with a maximum of three years’ work experience and who after their degree had worked at Folktandvården. The interviews were conducted via Zoom or by telephone and were recorded with a Dictaphone. The material was transcribed, analyzed and compiled. Results: The result is presented in five themes: Standing on your own two feet, balancing time with quality-care, balancing finances with quality-care, support, well-being at the workplace, the experiences around the choice of profession. The result show that the newly graduated dentists experienced difficulties in transitioning from education to professional life. The difficulties consisted of taking personal responsibility, working independently, managing new work routines, managing finances and lack of time and support. Conclusion: Newly graduated dentists can experience difficulties when they enter working life. How the newly graduated dentists were able to handle these difficulties depended partly on how prepared the dentists felt, and partly on support from mentors or colleagues. The dentists who had a present and pedagogical mentor had an easier time coping with difficulties and enjoyed themselves to a greater extent in the workplace and their professional role, than the dentists who experienced the support as lacking. The study may be of interest to education managers at dental education institutions and managers at Folktandvården.
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Transitioning to Critical Care: An Exploration of the New Graduate Registered Nurse ExperienceWhitson, Melissa L. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>With the increasing demand on the health-care system and increasing human resource shortages, the delivery of critical care services is facing a crisis. Although funding is being provided to increase the number of critical care beds to meet the physical demands, the supply of qualified registered nurses (RNs) is decreasing. To increase the required staff, new graduate RNs are being hired into critical care units more than ever before. The influx of newly graduated RNs has been deemed controversial as it is viewed that new graduates are unable to engage in complex decision-making or complete the technical skills required in critical care.</p> <p>The research objective of this study was to explore the experiences of new graduate RNs entering a critical care unit and to gain an understanding of the barriers and facilitators present when transitioning to the unit. Semi-structured interviews with eleven participants were conducted with new graduates from four critical care units within two major teaching hospitals in Southwestern Ontario. A qualitative descriptive design described by Sandelowski (2000) was used for this research study. The findings describe the experiences of new graduates including the emotional experience, the times of transition, becoming a professional, embracing team support and learning to feel comfortable within the unit.</p> <p>These findings will be of interest to a broad audience including nursing students, new graduates, hospital managers and administrators, educators and policy makers. It is anticipated that these results will help inform organizational policy and programs and will direct further research on this topic.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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