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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educational governance in Turkey : the role of Islamic social movements in the New Public Management age

Ceylan, Ceray January 2014 (has links)
Framed within theoretical discussions on both New Public Management (NPM) theory and New Social Movement (NSM) theory, this thesis explores increasing religiosity in education delivery in secular Turkey. Particularly, it investigates the ways in which two Islamic religious groups, the Gulen Movement (GM) and the Iskenderpasa Cemaati (IC), engage with education as a result of neoliberalization in both the public sphere and public administration. Islam, and especially the Islamic Social Movements (ISMs), play an important role in politics and in the socio-economic spheres; therefore, it is necessary to consider their growing role in the delivery of public services such as education not only in Muslim countries, but also in secular societies. Since education is defined as a public service which has a significant role in the creation of social capital (Putnam, 1993), these movements increased their interest in education systems in order to make their own voice heard during the process of education delivery, or in other words, the creation of social capital. This research combines three different research methods: 1) documentary analysis of official papers from the public administration reforms, government archives, the GM and IC's own reports and web pages, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and World Bank reports on the Turkish education system; 2) in-depth interviews conducted with parents, teachers and alumni of GM an IC schools; 3) focus group analysis conducted with graduates from the IC and the GM schools. The data collected from the documents and field research suggest that in Turkey, NPM, which was applied to privatized public services and the deregulated public sphere, has created opportunity spaces for Muslims and ISMs to move upward in the social stratification ladder. The result is the emergence of an ISM controlled education service. The GM and the IC are the best examples of this process. The researcher used the GM and the IC as examples of a collective case study. Although both the GM and the IC have emerged in a similar socio-political and economic environment, in which there is an increasing trend of Islamisation in the social structure and neoliberalization in the economy and politics, these movements responded differently to the same changes. The GM has managed to integrate into the new conditions and produced a similar discourse to NPM. Therefore, rather than establishing an Islamic order, the GM focused on political, social and economic wealth by opening education institutions. However, by demonstrating a traditional form of Islam, the IC shows the other face of religious groups in Turkey. For this reason, the researcher refers to the GM as a 'movement' and the IC as a 'cemaat'. Additionally, by being visible in the public sphere and producing a neoliberal discourse, which is parallel with NPM doctrines, the GM managed to develop educational governance that increases secular and pious families' voices in the education system. This research provides an analysis of a new approach in public administration related to education, one that distances itself from the traditional, prescriptive structures, and instead engages in flexible and participative relationships. Finally, the findings of this research will provide a greater understanding of states where there are tensions between modernisation and democratisation, and demands for 'traditional values'.

Implementace modelu CAF v místní správě

Šanderová, Eva January 2006 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na metody zlepšování kvality ve veřejné správě. První část je věnována modelu CAF - jeho výkladu a zavádění především do místní veřejné správy. Druhá část je orientovaná na implementaci tohoto modelu hodnocení v Čechách a na území Evropy.

Managing Multiplicity : On Control, Care and the Individual

Wällstedt, Niklas January 2015 (has links)
This is a thesis about managing multiplicity. It analyses how people working in municipalities are managing, controlling, and caring for the complex and contradictory world they live in. Building on more than 100 interviews and observations, the thesis examines the multiple realities of those who work in public sector organisations. By studying (1) the work of managers on different organisational levels, controllers, professionals responsible for the care of others and, to a lesser extent, politicians; (2) the management control systems that are used in the work, and (3) the ongoing debates and legislations directed towards the management of care practices, the thesis makes an effort to analyse how the realities of these individuals; those active in controlling and caring, are constructed. The thesis makes several contributions to the literatures on management control and public management. Where earlier studies are either based on a functionalist conception of management control and public management (in which performance measures and control systems are tools in the hands of managers, that enable them to control other practices), or focused on understanding how control contributes to the construction of reality (making reality ontologically coherent, and therefore controllable), the present thesis argues that management can be approached and analysed as a practice devoted to managing ontological multiplicity, rather than as an activity devoted to control other practices or making reality controllable. By using the concept of ontological politics, the thesis shows that control often fails to make reality controllable, which makes the practice of management reliant on alternative ways to manage. The alternative to control that is analysed in the thesis is care, and the thesis argues that care could be seen as a way to manage, rather than as something that should be controlled: care is complementary to control when it comes to management. The thesis explicates how management by care is done in relation to management by control, and how they may become resources for each other in managing the complex and contradictory public sector. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Identifying barriers to school improvement : an examination of the impact of New Public Management on the dual role of the Head Teacher in Scotland, exemplified through the application of staff absence management as a surrogate for the adoption of New Public Management techniques

Vickers, Grace January 2015 (has links)
This empirical research uses interpretative enquiry in order to identify the barriers to school improvement by examining the impact of New Public Management (NPM) on the dual role of the Head Teacher in Scotland. For the purpose of this research staff absence management is employed as a surrogate for the adoption of New Public Management techniques. Three main concepts are covered within the context of this thesis: NPM; staff absence in the public sector and the dual nature of Headship in Scotland. The main frameworks that guide this research are Constructed Grounded Theory (Charmaz), Embedded Multiple Case-Study (Yin), NPM (Hood), Service-Dominant Logic (Vargo and Lusch), Co-production (Ostrom; Osborne et. al. and Pestoff et. al.), New Public Governance (Osborne), Occupational Professionalism and Organisational Professionalism (Evetts). Logic models are central to the cogency of the argument and throughout this thesis the logic models of Old Public Administration, NPM (Hood; 1991) and Service dominant logic (Vargo and Lusch, 2004) are central. Adopting Osborne’s position (2009), that the root of NPM is based on a product-dominant/manufacturing logic, this thesis argues that this logic model is at odds with the occupational professionalism (Evetts; 1994) that exists at the school level, a logic model rooted firmly within a service-dominant logic model. The thesis proffers that it is this clash of logic models that has created a void between the goals of NPM, the organisational professionalism that exists within the case study local authority, and the occupational professionalism found on the ground in practice at the school level. The thesis concludes by stating that NPM has had a damaging effect on the dual role of the Head Teacher in Scotland and offers three main themes to support this original contribution to theory. Firstly, that NPM has failed at the school level in Scotland because of an underestimation of how complex schools are and a systematic failure to understand the complex nature, and high level of variance, within the public service delivery as exemplified through a focus on absence management. Secondly, NPM has had a damaging effect by continually expanding the tasks and responsibilities devolved to the Head Teacher over the last two decades in particular. Finally, NPM has failed at the school level in Scotland because of a systematic failure to understand both the occupational professionalism of the Head Teacher and the service-dominant organisation in which the Head Teacher works.


Mongkol, Kulachet, n/a January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is about the impact of the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm on public sector reform in Thailand. The main objective of the thesis is to explore the question of whether Thai public sector reform belongs to the NPM paradigm, especially whether the intentions and contents of policy documents are actually realised in the implementation process. The study commences by reviewing the transformation of public administration to NPM and how this has affected developing countries. In theory, the traditional model of public administration, namely bureaucracy, has been considered as dysfunctional, no longer able to cope with changing circumstances and the new environment. NPM was introduced during the 1980s and 1990s in some rich countries in order to replace the traditional model of public administration. However, there are doubts about the appropriateness of NPM for the public sector in developing countries. The thesis is specifically concerned with Thailand and as a first step delineates the history of public administration and its reform in Thailand including current policies. This includes the introduction of NPM. The remainder of the thesis is comprised of a case study of one ministry in Thailand. Much of the data was collected from semi-structured interviews with officials in the ministry and government agencies responsible for reform. The case study focused on four dimensions of reform: organisational restructure and redesign of internal authority, public culture and values reform, workforce reduction, and internal NPM reform initiatives. The findings were mixed. Some NPM style initiatives such as restructuring of roles and functions were accomplished. However, some areas of NPM have either been partially implemented (downsizing) or not introduced at all (greater competition in public sector). It was also found that some reform initiatives, such as public culture and values reform, fell outside of the NPM paradigm. The research concluded that the NPM paradigm had made limited progress in the Thai public sector.

Service ur ett medborgarperspektiv : Skatteverket: service eller kontroll?

Lillieqvist, Mari, Nilsson, Marcela January 2005 (has links)
<p>Service är ett svårdefinierat ord och upplevs på olika sätt beroende på situation och person. Service kan också yttra sig, och erbjudas på olika sätt beroende på organisation. Tanken med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur service genom personlig kontakt upplevs i en offentlig organisation, där service kanske inte direkt förknippas med just den organisationen, nämligen Skatteverket. </p><p>Undersökningen genomfördes på Skatteverkets lokalkontor på Södermalm i Stockholm under våren 2004. Större delen av materialet samlades in på plats genom enkäter, som besökarna besvarade. Vi genomförde också intervjuer med informationschefen, samt använde oss av tryckt material, som tidigare forskning och olika policydokument från Skatteverket. </p><p>Använda teorier beskriver inledningsvis hur den traditionella offentliga förvaltningen är konstruerad och hur den har influerats av olika tankesätt från bl.a. den privata sektorn. Detta har medfört att nya arbetssätt har anammats från privata organisationer, begreppet kallas New Public Management. Vidare beskriver vi vad en tjänst är, hur den kan upplevas av kunden och att det är flera faktorer tillsammans som bygger upp själva tjänsten. Förutom detta påverkar också kundens tidigare erfarenhet och förväntningar hur denne slutligen kommer att uppleva tjänsten.</p><p>Undersökningen visar att Skatteverket, av besökarna, ses som en indrivande och kontrollerande myndighet utan flexibilitet. Därför har besökarna svårt att se de olika serviceåtgärder Skatteverket har gjort för att förbättra sin service. Dessutom anser många att de inte har någon möjlighet att påverka servicen. Vad det gäller det personliga mötet mellan tjänstemän och besökare har Skatteverket lyckats väldigt bra då många besökare var nöjda. Den allmänna bilden av Skatteverket, som helhet, måste förbättras om de vill framstå som en serviceorganisation.</p><p>Resonemang leder in på frågan om en myndighet som Skatteverket kan förena service med kontroll. Detta kan man se ur två synvinklar. Ur medborgarnas synvinkel kan det vara svårt att uppleva Skatteverket som serviceinriktade då det egentligen inte finns någon anledning för dem att vara det. Verksamheten bygger på att administrera skattesystemet, att erbjuda bra service är inte en nödvändighet för detta arbete. Ur ett annat perspektiv kan det vara riskfyllt att säga sig vara en serviceorganisation om förväntningarna sedan inte kan infrias. Det viktiga i relationen mellan medborgare och myndigheten kanske är att Skatteverket står för kompetens, vilket medför att medborgaren kan känna sig trygg i relationen. Om besökaren vid besöket upplever kontakten som positiv, vad gäller bemötande, skulle det mer ses som en bonus. </p>

God kontrakstyrning? : En studie av kontraktstyrning vid offentlig upphandling av skolskjutstrafik

Orlinder, Frida January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>C-level essay in political science, by Frida Orlinder, spring semester 2008</p><p>Supervisor: Susan Marton</p><p>“Good contracting? – A study of contracting in public procurement regarding the transportation of school children”</p><p>Over the last decades models influenced by the market have been gaining influence in public administration all over the world. New Public Management has been presented as a theoretical ‘shopping basket’ from which concepts can be applied to the administration of municipal services. The purpose of this essay is to investigate in an explorative way how New Public Management (NPM) views contracting and the role of the internal customer in contracting. Based on the normative approach of NPM it would also be possible to distinguish features of ‘good’ contracting. The study will result in a thematic model that will be applied to an empirical example; namely the case of transportation of school children in Grums kommun. The methods applied for this study will be scientific literature, public documents, and interviews.</p><p>The study is guided by two overarching research questions:</p><p>1. How is good management of contracting, from the internal customer, manifested according to NPM (in the literature that has been studied)?</p><p>2. Did Grums Kommun, as an internal customer, meet these criteria for good contracting in their 2006 public procurement of the transportation of school children?</p><p>The results of the study show that good management of contracting from the internal customer manifests itself through competition, targeting and monitoring of results. Grums Kommun, as an internal customer, has not met the NPM criteria of good contracting fully. By answering the purpose the author hopes to contribute to more knowledge on New Public Management, and to give further theoretical approaches to the subject of outsourcing.</p>

Samverkan på Kammarkollegiet : Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn i ett New Public Management perspektiv

Thalin, Annika, Carlsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om hur Shared service (SS) inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management (NPM). SS har beskrivits som ett verktyg för att uppnå de egenskaper som karaktäriserats som NPM, och denna uppsats syftar till att se ifall användandet av Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management. Genom en fallstudie på Kammarkollegiets Enhet för Administrativ Service har detta genomförts. Sekundärdata i form av rapporter har studerats samt intervjuer med direktören för Enheten för Administrativ Service Håkan Viberg har genomförts. Analysen visar på att detta fall i hög grad uppfyller kriterierna för NPM och motiven för SS, även om vissa skillnader har kunnat identifieras. Detta ger ett bidrag till att SS inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av NPM.</p>

Public Management - Eine neue Generation in Wissenschaft und Praxis : Festschrift für Christoph Reichard

January 2006 (has links)
Der vorliegende Band vereinigt Beiträge zu zentralen Bereichen des Public Managements. Dabei werden Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen für Wissenschaftler und Praktiker aufgezeigt, Entwicklungen im öffentlichen Sektor empirisch nachgezeichnet und Problem- sowie Erfolgsfelder der Verwaltungsmodernisierung beleuchtet. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, wie ein modernes Management von öffentlichen Dienstleistungen aussieht und aussehen kann. Die Autoren/innen nehmen die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre im öffentlichen Sektor zum Anlass, ihre eigenen Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich eGovernment, Wissensmanagement, Nonprofit und Hochschulmanagement, Finanzmanagement sowie dem Management öffentlicher Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren. Jeder dieser Beiträge ist das Resultat langjähriger und empirischer Beschäftigung mit dem Phänomenbereich des Public Management.

Samverkan på Kammarkollegiet : Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn i ett New Public Management perspektiv

Thalin, Annika, Carlsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om hur Shared service (SS) inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management (NPM). SS har beskrivits som ett verktyg för att uppnå de egenskaper som karaktäriserats som NPM, och denna uppsats syftar till att se ifall användandet av Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management. Genom en fallstudie på Kammarkollegiets Enhet för Administrativ Service har detta genomförts. Sekundärdata i form av rapporter har studerats samt intervjuer med direktören för Enheten för Administrativ Service Håkan Viberg har genomförts. Analysen visar på att detta fall i hög grad uppfyller kriterierna för NPM och motiven för SS, även om vissa skillnader har kunnat identifieras. Detta ger ett bidrag till att SS inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av NPM.

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