Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nontarget"" "subject:"fontarget""
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User information and the bus stop: designs and applications in the United States and CanadaSilveira, Christopher 17 January 2013 (has links)
Bus stops are interwoven into the urban landscape, providing direct access to the transit system and offering upfront information to users. This contact creates an ever-present opportunity for transit agencies to market their services to the public and attract ridership. The purpose of this thesis is to help transit agencies exploit this opportunity through the development and deployment of user information. The thesis examines how agencies are leveraging bus stop infrastructure in the United States and Canada. Site visits were conducted at twenty-nine transit agencies across the continent with observations photographed and processed into matrices. The photographs provide examples of innovative ways in which agencies have employed elements, while the matrices reveal the current state of the practice. The thesis concludes with recommendations for the conceptualization and development of bus stop signage that integrate many of these innovative elements as well as ADA regulations to improve user information at transit agencies.
The findings of this thesis may be of interest to transit agencies that are seeking to construct a new or improve upon an existing user information system as well as to those interested in or studying public transit, wayfinding, or environmental graphic design. While there exists a large degree of difference as to the level of information that is made available to users in different transit agencies, all agencies have room to improve.
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Analys av algoritmer för detektering av resonansfrekvenser i vibrationsmätningar på överhettartuber / Analysis of algorithms for detection of resonance frequencies in vibration measurements on super heater tubesEriksson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
På överhettartuber i värmepannor bildas beläggningar på grund av sot och partiklar från förbränningen. Beläggningarna isolerar överhettartuberna vilket försämrar värmepannans verkningsgrad. Sotning av tuberna sker under drift och ett system som automatiskt kan beräkna hur mycket beläggningar som finns på tuberna skulle kunna göra sotningen mer behovsstyrd.Resonansfrekvenser hos överhettartuberna påverkas av masspåslaget som blir när beläggningar bildas. En förändring i frekvens kan då översättas till en förändring i massa. Vibrationsmätningar har gjorts med töjningsgivare som är monterade på överhettartuber i en av Ryaverkets pannor och i SAKAB:s panna. I detta examensarbete har syftet varit att analysera olika metoder för att skatta resonansfrekvenser i genomförda mätningar. Algoritmerna MUSIC, ESPRIT och AR samt en heuristisk statistisk metod har testats på genererade signaler. MUSIC och ESPRIT har givit bäst skattningar och har därefter använts för att analysera mätningarna. Periodvis följer vissa skattningar av mätningar från Ryaverket trender mellan sotningarna vilket indikerar att det skulle kunna vara resonansfrekvenser. Annars innehåller skattningarna för mycket variationer. Skattningarna av mätningar från SAKAB:s panna är gjorda under en kortare tidsperiod men visar en tydligare trend som troliggör att det är resonansfrekvenser som detekterats.För att automatiskt hitta och följa resonansfrekvenser i skattningarna, även om dessa innehåller stora variationer, har en målföljningsalgoritm implementerats. Algoritmen hittar skattningar som följer en förväntad trend mellan sotningarna. Tester visar att algoritmen hittar troliga resonansfrekvenser i skattningarna men att det är svårt att kunna dra några slutsatser om skattningarna varierar för mycket. Bättre signaler skulle kunna minska variationerna hos skattningarna. Ett förslag presenteras hur MUSIC eller ESPRIT tillsammans med en målföljningsalgoritm skulle kunna användas för att beräkna masspåslag på överhettartuberna. / Combustion in thermal power plants emits particles which create coatings on the super heater tubes. The coatings insulate the tubes and impairs the efficiency of the heat transfer. Cleaning the tubes occurs while the power plant is running and a system that automatically calculates the amount of coatings could make the cleaning more needs-based. The resonance frequencies of the super heater tubes are affected by the added mass of the coatings. A change in frequency corresponds to a change in mass. Vibration measurements have been made with strain gauges on the super heater tubes in Ryaverket's power plant and in one of SAKAB's power plants. The purpose of this thesis work has been to analyse different methods to estimate resonance frequencies in the vibration measurements. ESPRIT, MUSIC, AR and a heuristic statistical method have been tested on generated signals. MUSIC and ESPRIT have given the best estimations and have thus been used to analyse the measurements. Periodically some estimations of measurements from Ryaverket are following trends which indicates that they could be resonance frequencies. The rest of the estimations contain too large variations. The estimations made of the measurements from SAKAB have been made during a shorter time period but shows clearer trends which make them probable resonance frequencies.To automatically trace resonance frequencies in the estimations, even though they contains large variations, a target tracking algorithm has been implemented. The algorithm finds estimations that follows expected trends between the cleaning periods. Tests shows that the target tracking algorithm finds probable resonance frequencies in the estimations but that it is hard to reach a conclusion if they contain large variations. Better measurements could give estimations with smaller variations.An idea is presented where MUSIC or ESPRIT together with a target tracking algorithm could be used to calculate the amount of coatings on the super heater tubes.
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Taktisk högenergilaser i luftvärnssammanhangOhlson, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats avhandlar möjligheter och begränsningar vid användande avhögenergilaser för nedskjutning av luftmål. Uppsatsen har inte ambitionen attvara heltäckande över området utan presenterar några av de fördelar ochnackdelar som finns. / This essay will illustrate possibilities and limitations in the use of high energylaser to shoot down air targets. The essay has no ambition to cover the wholearea in this field, only to exemplify some possibilities. / ChpT 08-10
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Analys av skillnader och likheter i EU-länders långsiktiga klimatstrategier / Analysis of similarities and differences in long-term climate strategies of EU-countriesHansson, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
De internationella klimatförhandlingarna handlar om att hitta lösningar för att stabilisera halten av växthusgaser i atmosfären och att uppnå tvågradersmålet. För att uppnå målet finns olika utsläppsmål att sträva mot. Ett är ett utsläppstak där varje land inte får släppa ut mer än 2 ton CO2-ekv/capita per år för att tvågradersmålet ska uppnås. Ett annat utsläppsmål är att minska de nationella utsläppen med en viss procentsats. EU:s del i minskningen ligger på 80-95 % till 2050. Som en del av arbetet mot målet presenterade EU i mars 2011 en färdplan för ett utsläppsnålt samhälle. Där presenteras åtgärder för fem olika sektorer samt hur stora utsläppsminskningarna beräknas kunna vara för varje sektor. Energisektorn är den sektor som beräknas minska mest och väntas nästintill nå en nollnivå. Även bostads- och servicesektorn väntas minska sina utsläpp kraftigt. Jordbrukssektorn är den sektor som beräknas minska minst. I färdplanen uppmanas varje medlemsland att ta fram en nationell färdplan till 2050. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att analysera ett antal av de nationella färdplanerna för att bl.a. ta reda på vilka förutsättningar och möjligheter som har en betydande påverkan. Resultatet visar att alla länderna antagit samma mål som EU, nämligen 80 %. Om alla länderna minskar med 80 % till 2050 är det bara Slovenien som når gränsen på 2 ton CO2-ekv/capita. Alla andra länder ligger över gränsen. Vägen till minskade utsläpp är framförallt utsläppsnåla energitekniker, energieffektiviseringar och en ökad användning av el eftersom den har potential att bli emissionsfri. Vindkraft är den teknik som många av de studerade länderna väljer att satsa på, främst till havs då utrymmet på land är begränsat. Kärnkraft är en energikälla som det råder delade meningar om. En del länder anser att det är en bra koldioxidsnål energikälla som gynnar klimatet medan andra länder menar att den är för osäker både ekonomiskt och säkerhetsmässigt. CCS (carbon capture and storage) tas upp av alla de studerade länderna som en möjlig åtgärd för att minska utsläppen. För att minska användningen av fossila bränslen i transportsektorn är det framförallt biodrivmedel och el som ska användas. Slutsatser som kan dras av arbetet är att CCS med de rätta förutsättningarna kommer att finnas i större skala 2050 än idag. Elbilar kommer att spela en stor roll i transportsektorn. Kärnkraft och förnybara alternativ är tekniker som kommer att spela en stor roll i energisystemet 2050. För att nå tvågradersmålet krävs internationella överenskommelser som också minskar risken för koldioxidläckage. / The international climate negotiations are to find solutions to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and to achieve the two degree target. To achieve this goal there are various emission targets to aim for. One is a ceiling in which each country must not emit more than two tons CO2-ekv/capita per year for two degree target to be achieved. Another emission target is to reduce national emissions by a certain percentage. EU's part in the reduction is 80-95 % by 2050. As a step towards the target in March 2011 the European Union launched a roadmap to a low carbon economy. It sets out measures for five different sectors and the size of the emission reductions estimated for each sector. The energy sector is the sector that is expected to decrease most, and is expected to almost reach a zero level. Also housing and service is expected to reduce their emissions significantly. The agricultural sector is the sector that is expected to decrease the least. The roadmap urges each member country to develop a national roadmap for 2050. This examination work aims to analyze a number of national roadmaps to find out what resources and opportunities that have a significant impact on the roadmap. The results show that all the countries have adopted the same target as the EU, namely 80%. If all countries reduce by 80% by 2050, only Slovenia will reach the limit of two tons CO2-ekv/capita, all other countries are above the limit. The ways to reduce emissions are primarily low-carbon energy technologies, energy efficiency and increased use of electricity because it has the potential to be emission-free. Wind power is the technology that many of the countries are choosing to invest in, mainly at sea when the space on land is limited. Nuclear power is an energy source where the opinion is split in two. Some countries consider it a good low-carbon energy source and favorable climate, while others argue that it is uncertain in both economy and safety. CCS (carbon capture and storage) is taken up by all the countries studied as a possible measure to reduce emissions. To reduce use of fossil fuels in the transport sector, it is primarily biofuels and electricity to be used. Conclusions to be drawn from this work are that CCS with the right conditions will be on a larger scale in 2050 than today. Electric cars play a big role in the transport sector. Nuclear power and renewable alternatives are techniques that will play a major role in the energy 2050. To reach the two-degree target requires international agreements that also reduce the risk of carbon leakage.
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In Google we trust : The information-seeking behaviour of Swedish upper secondary school studentsZunko, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
This study uses focus groups and a questionnaire to examine the information-seeking behaviours of Swedish upper secondary school students. Focus group interviews were conducted among students aged 17-20 at four Swedish upper secondary schools in two different cities. The interviews focused on how the informants themselves experienced their information seeking. In addition, a survey focused on the opinions of upper secondary school teachers regarding the source use of their students. The research questions considered were: What kind of information-seeking behaviour characterizes Swedish upper secondary school students? What kind of information do Swedish upper secondary school students seek when it comes to issues where corporations can be of assistance? How do Swedish upper secondary school students prefer to have information presented? The results of the study provided some valuable insights concerning these questions. The students turned out to use the Internet, and most often Google, in much of their information seeking. However, human contact in the form of face-to-face conversations or presentations was also considered highly important. Furthermore, the information-seeking skills, or information literacy, of secondary school students are not emphasized in their education. The study was performed in cooperation with AstraZeneca in the hope of the results providing the company with valuable information regarding one of their intended target groups.
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Modellbaserad ekoföljning i vätskefyllda tankar / Modelbased tracking in tanks with liquid contentFrövik, Christer January 2004 (has links)
This thesis discusses model based tracking of radar echoes in tanks with liquid content. The errors in the measurements are not always random in these cases, and the interference that occurs when nearby echoes moves in relation to each other makes tracking difficult. The tracking problem can be broken down to four parts; track initiation, track destruction, association of the measured echoes to the tracks and to update the tracks with the associated echoes. The radar measurement is primarily made on the surface. However, additional echoes from the tank floor or other structures and double bounces are normally present. There are often linear relations between the positions of the measured echoes. Kalman filters are typically used to estimate the positions of the echoes. Best performance is achieved if a model of the entire tank is used; however that model must be tailored to match the exact conditions in the tank. It is also possible to consider the echoes to be independent and track their positions using separate models. Some of the possiblemethods to automatically build a model for a specific tank have been explored.
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Transformations between Camera Images and Map Coordinates with ApplicationsBörjesson, Nils January 2005 (has links)
The quality of cameras is currently increasing very fast meanwhile the price of them is decreasing. The possibilities of using a camera as a measurement and navigation instrument are thus getting bigger all the time. This thesis studies the transformation relations between a camera image and the scene in space that is projected to it. A theoretical derivation of the transform will be presented, and methods and algorithms for applications based on the transform will be developed. The above mentioned transform is called the camera matrix, which contains information about the camera attitude, the camera position, and the internal structure of the camera. Useful information for several different applications can be extracted from the camera image with the help of the camera matrix. In one of the applications, treated in this Master´s thesis, the camera attitude is estimated when the camera is calibrated and its position is known. Another application is that of absolute target positioning, where a point in a digital map is searched from its position in a camera image. Better accuracy in the measurements can though be obtained with relative target positioning i.e., estimation of distance and angle between two points in the digital map by picking them out in the image. This is because that the errors of the absolute target positioning for each of the two points are dependent and thus partly will cancel each other out when their relative position and angle is measured.
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Icke modellbaserad ekoföljning för radarnivåmätning / Echo tracking for tank gauging applications using non model based methodsToverland, Anders January 2006 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar en fullständig metod för att följa, associera och klassificera ekospår. Vid radarnivåmätning ska ekon som härstammar ifrån samma fysikaliska objekt följas över tiden och klassificeras. Dagens radarnivågivare löser problemet genom konfiguration. Tankens geometri samt vilka störande objekt som finns anges vid installation. Den framtagna metoden har delats upp i tre delmoment. Först binds individuella inmätta ekon samman till linjesegment. Dessa segment associeras samman till ekospår varefter dessa klassas fysikaliskt. Metoden kräver betydligt mindre konfiguration än den lösning som används för tillfället. / In this report a method for target tracking, association and classification of echo tracks in radar level gauges is discussed. In tank gauging echoes from the same physical object are called an echo track. The echoes must be tracked over time and classified. Currently radar level gauge units requires configuration to achieve classifications of echo tracks. At installation tank geometry and disturbing echoes has to be registered. The method has been divided into three parts. Firstly individual measured echoes are replaced by line segments. Association algorithms then create echo tracks from these segments. The third step is to classify these tracks physically. This method eliminates registering of disturbing echoes.
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Market_based Framework for Mobile Surveillance SystemsElmogy, Ahmed Mohamed 29 July 2010 (has links)
The active surveillance of public and private sites is increasingly becoming a very important and critical issue. It is therefore, imperative to develop mobile surveillance systems to protect these sites. Modern surveillance systems encompass spatially distributed mobile and static sensors in order to provide effective monitoring of persistent and transient objects and events in a given Area Of Interest (AOI). The realization of the potential of mobile surveillance requires the solution of different challenging problems such as task allocation, mobile sensor deployment, multisensor management, cooperative object detection and tracking, decentralized data fusion, and interoperability and accessibility of system nodes. This thesis proposes a market-based framework that can be used to handle different problems of mobile surveillance systems. Task allocation and cooperative target-tracking are studied using the proposed framework as two challenging problems of mobile surveillance systems. These challenges are addressed individually and collectively.
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Towards a new paradigm in market segmentation : A case study of how corporate identity and image are influenced by market segmentationKarlsson, Daniel, Darnfors, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this report was to study if market segmentation could influence the corporate identity and indirectly the image of a company. The relevance of this purpose was due to a lack of development of the market segmentation theory in a long period of time. There are many authors in this area of research, but not much of a consensus between them. This report therefore delves deeper into one of these market segmentation theories in order to verify the multi-segmentation theory. During the process of investigation the management of four music festivals were interviewed to see how they use their market segmentation. Several interviews were done with one or more individuals of the organizations. The findings are two-folded. The use of multi-segmentation was proven through the interviews with the festivals. All four festivals used several different market segmentation variables, all focusing greater understanding of the values and personalities of their target group. The most interesting finding is that from the greater understanding of their customers, the festivals have been able to identify an identity with their target group. Their respective corporate identities have then been build around their target group identities in order to reflect the customers values and believes. This concept of a target group identity may have great impacts on the customers’ perception of the corporate identity and image.
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