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The Normans are an Unconquerable People: Orderic Vitalis’s Memory of the Anglo-Norman Regnum during the Reigns of William Rufus and Henry I, 1087-1106Sapp, Jonathan Taylor 20 September 2013 (has links)
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SANE and the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963: Mobilizing Public Opinion to Shape U.S. Foreign PolicyRichardson, Erin L. January 2009 (has links)
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The Creative Society: Environmental Policymaking in California, 1967-1974Denning, Robert V. 22 July 2011 (has links)
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The Future Great City of the World: The 1945 Toledo Tomorrow Exhibit and the Transformation of the American CityKnopf, Michael D. 12 September 2022 (has links)
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Současné české překlady anglicky psané poezie pro děti / Recent Czech translations of children's poetry in EnglishHron, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with recent Czech translations of children's poetry in English and their addressees. In the first part, we describe the terminological issues related to the terms dětská literatura and dětská poezie (and their English equivalents), focus on the specific features of children's poetry and the process of translating children's literature, and finally outline the history of children's poetry in the Czech lands, the United Kingdom and the USA. In the second part, we compare target texts with their source texts in terms of content (proper nouns, puns etc.) and form (rhythm, rhyme etc.), thereby showing the strategies the translators used. Finally, we also comment on the issues pertaining to the publishing of children's literature and describe the origination of the Czech translation of Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic. Keywords: children's literature, children's poetry, translation, translation analysis, Shel Silverstein, Robert Browning, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alexander Milne, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Lewis Carroll, Norman Lindsay
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'Exile-and-return' in medieval vernacular texts of England and Spain 1170-1250Worth, Brenda Itzel Liliana January 2015 (has links)
The motif of 'exile-and-return' is found in works from a wide range of periods and linguistic traditions. The standard narrative pattern depicts the return of wrongfully exiled heroes or peoples to their former abode or their establishment of a superior home, which signals a restoration of order. The appeal of the pattern lies in its association with undue loss, rightful recovery and the universal vindication of the protagonist. Though by no means confined to any one period or region, the particular narrative pattern of the exile-and-return motif is prevalent in vernacular texts of England and Spain around 1170–1250. This is the subject of the thesis. The following research engages with scholarship on Anglo-Norman romances and their characteristic use of exile-and-return that sets them apart from continental French romances, by highlighting the widespread employment of this narrative pattern in Spanish poetic works during the same period. The prevalence of the pattern in both literatures is linked to analogous interaction with continental French works, the relationship between the texts and their political contexts, and a common responses to wider ecclesiastical reforms. A broader aim is to draw attention to further, unacknowledged similarities between contemporary texts from these different linguistic traditions, as failure to take into account the wider, multilingual literary contexts of this period leads to incomplete arguments. The methodology is grounded in close reading of four main texts selected for their exemplarity, with some consideration of the historical context and contemporary intertexts: the Romance of Horn, the Cantar de mio Cid, Gui de Warewic and the Poema de Fernán González. A range of intertexts are considered alongside in order to elucidate the particular concerns and distinctive use of exile-and-return in the main works.
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Rupture et continuité : étude comparative du clergé anglo-saxon du Xe siècle issu de la Regularis Concordia avec le clergé anglo-normand des XIe et XIIe sièclesSimard, Joël 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de comparer l’état du clergé anglo-saxon de la période de la Regularis Concordia du Xe siècle, avec celui du clergé anglo-normand d’après conquête situé entre 1060 et 1150. La base de cette recherche se fera à partir des sources narratives les plus pertinentes pour cette période. Mais celles-ci ne seront utilisées qu’en support puisque l’essentiel de ce mémoire sera basé sur le dépouillement des listes d’archevêques, d’évêques et d’abbés ayant vécu entre 1060 à 1150. Nous détaillerons leurs origines géographiques, les charges qu’ils ont occupées durant leur vie de même que leurs réseaux sociaux. Nous tenterons de démontrer que contrairement à l’idée reçue, il n’y eut pas de véritable réforme du clergé anglo-normand suite à la conquête, mais davantage une mise à jour de ce dernier, et qu’en fait, le modèle de gouvernance qui fut imposé au clergé anglo-normand au tournant du XIIe siècle fut largement inspiré du fonctionnement de l’Église normande. / This thesis aims at comparing the state of the Anglo-Saxon clergy from the Regularis Concordia period of the 10th century with the state of the Anglo-Norman clergy of the post- conquest era from 1060 to 1150. This research will be based on the most relevant narrative sources available for this period. However, they will be used only as support since the main part of the thesis will be based on various listings of archbishops, bishops and abbots, who have lived between 1060 and 1150. We will study in details their geographic origins, the positions they held as well as their social networks. We will try to demonstrate that contrary to preconceived ideas, a true reform of the Anglo-Norman clergy did not occur following the conquest. The Anglo-Norman clergy was simply updated. Also, the governance model, which was imposed to the Anglo-Norman clergy at the turn of the 12th century, was largely inspired by the functioning of the Norman Church.
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Dramatická tvorba afrických frankofonních autorů v českých překladech / Dramatic production of Francophone African authors in Czech translationRejžková, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce This thesis deals with the dramatic production of Francophone African authors and the translation of their texts into Czech. The theoretical part briefly describes the history of African drama and its specific elements. The following chapters examine the perception of this specific genre in Europe - especially in France and the Czech Republic. The thesis also documents the history of the Czech festival Africa in Creation, which has been held in Prague in the first decade of the new millennium. During its existence, it presented many African authors. Later, their plays were translated into Czech within the series The Contemporary play, published by the Arts and Theatre Institute. From the point of view of translatology, the study focuses on the general theory of the drama translation (based on the theories of translation from the 2nd part of the 20th century, especially the Czech model of Jiří Levý) and the post-colonial and cultural translation theories. In general, the aim of the study is to define the problems which the translator could be faced with translating the text from the culture which is diametrically different from the target one. Based on this theoretical ground, a critical analysis has been made in order to examine three plays by African playwrights and their Czech...
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An edition of the 'Conduct of Life' based on the six extant manuscripts with full commentary, complementary critical and codicological analysis, notes and introductionPayne, Robin John January 2018 (has links)
The Conduct of Life, also known as the Poema Morale, is a verse-sermon that has been largely ignored by literary histories, and despite the longevity of its textual tradition its various texts have never been the subject of extended study. This dissertation brings together the seven manuscript versions of the text, which date from the end of the twelfth to the end of the thirteenth centuries, and re-examines them individually and as a cohort exhibiting variance. It therefore offers a revealing indicator of how continuity and change actually operated through the interaction between preceding tradition and scribes and audiences. This is achieved through a three-fold analysis of the verse sermon which highlights the fluidity of the manuscript culture during this period and the willingness of scribes to adapt texts to suit new purposes, to create differences due to dialect and comprehension, or copy variants from a now lost exemplar. First, an edition of the text, based on the version found in Cambridge, Trinity College MS B. 14. 52, folios 2r-9v , explores, through the accompanying notes, the themes, style and phraseology which not only reflect the influence of earlier English literary and hortatory texts but also represent a living tradition which found popularity within diverse writing and social environments. Secondly, a diplomatic edition of each text is presented, preceded by an introduction to the text, grammar and dialect, with full codicological and palaeographic notes. Finally, a parallel text edition bears witness to the copying and reshaping of the text throughout its history. It is accompanied by extensive linguistic notes which highlight the adaptation and textual variance between each version of the Conduct of Life. Each new variant has not only been read in relation to the other versions of the same work but also in relation to the manuscript context it newly occupies as a result of its transmission. Each copy reshapes the material within an established structure of rhythm and metre and, therefore, the dissertation concludes that the sermon is recreated as a series of individual texts, which might be individually analysed, because each is different, particularly within their specific physical and historical moments. This fluidity or mouvance suggests for the Conduct of Life and, for that matter, the texts that preceded it in the historical narrative of the twelfth century that there is no authentic text; that the instability of the manuscript 'tradition' moves from manuscript to manuscript.
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Desirability, Values and Ideology in CNN Travel -- Discourse Analysis on Travel StoriesLaine, Emmi January 2013 (has links)
Title: Values, Desirability and Ideology in CNN Travel -- a Discourse Analysis on Travel Stories Author: Emmi Laine Course: Journalistikvetenskap, Kandidatkurs, H13 J Kand (Bachelor of Journalism, Fall 2013), JMK, Stockholm University, Sweden Aim: The aim is to examine which values and ideologies CNN Travel fulfills in their stories. Method: Qualitative discourse analysis. Summary: This Bachelor ́s thesis asks what is desirable, which are the values of CNN Travel, the major U.S. news corporation CNN ́s online travel site. The question has been answered through a qualitative discourse analysis on 20 chosen travel stories, picked by their relevancy, diversity, and their expressive tone. Due to the limited space and the specific textual method, the analysis was restricted to the editorial texts of these stories. The chosen method was discourse analyst Norman Fairclough ́s model of evaluation, which revealed the explicit and implicit ways the media texts suggest desired characteristics. These linguistic devices took the readers ́ agreement for granted, as they imposed a shared cultural ground with common values, which is a base for a mutual understanding. After identifying the explicit and implicit evaluations, they were organized according to some major discursive themes found in the texts, and finally analyzed in order to expose their underlying values. The results showed how these certain values brought forth certain ideologies, to some extent in keeping with recent research of tourism and travel journalism. As the study has been put into a larger context of related research, the following pages will first explain some larger concepts of discourse analysis, such as representation, cultural stereotypes, ideology and power. A cross-section from older to more contemporary theories in culture studies has been utilized; moving from Edward Said ́s postcolonial classic Orientalism, an example of cultural stereotyping, to the more recent topics of ‘promotion culture’ and consumerism, and tourism researcher John Urry ́s ideas about the consumption of places and the ‘tourist gaze.’ In the end, the study considers what kind of power does travel journalism possess over the represented tourism destinations. Finally, when questioning the travel journalists ́ legitimacy and power to represent the travel destinations, poststructuralist Michel Foucault ́s theory about the ‘regime of truth,’ as well as Antonio Gramsci ́s ideas of ‘hegemony,’ theory of dominance through consent, were discussed and confirmed.
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