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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stuburą stabilizuojančių pratimų poveikis, 19 – 20 metų amžiaus specialaus fizinio ugdymo grupės merginų, nugaros skausmui / The Efect of Lumbar Stabilization Exercises of Years Old Women With low Back pain

Višinskienė, Daiva 10 May 2006 (has links)
The problem of low back pain is visibly increasing. About 80% of the population suffers from low back pain. Recently, the factors that affect lumbar stability have been an area of extensive research. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of lumbar stabilization exercises program for young women (19-20 years) with low back pain. The following objectives were put forward: to assess stability of lumbar spine of young women before applying exercises program and after 10 weeks of muscular strengthening exercises around the lumbar spine; to evaluate changes in the core muscles before and after specific stabilization exercises and pain assessment. The study included a group of 37 young women (19-20 years), who felt low back pain at least once in their life. All participants were randomly allocated to either training group, which consisted of 20 young women or control group, which consisted of 17 participants. The subjects in the training group attended two supervised 1 hour exercise sessions per week for 10 weeks. A program of special physical exercises to improve core musculature was created for them. The exercise training program required training of deep muscles. In order to retrain the deep muscles, specific and testing with the STABILIZER was required. The control subjects continued their usual physical activities during the week. Both groups were assessed similarly two times: before training began and after it ended.mekis.

Stuburo stabilizavimo pratimų efektyvumas gydant nugaros skausmus / Efficiency of the Spine Stability Exercises Treating Back Pains

Piekautienė, Daiva 17 May 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY The problem of low back pain has been visibly increasing nowadays. About 60 - 80% of population at least once has experienced the backache. Back pain is one of the most important reason of working days loosing though there isn’t any lack of different directories and other newest literature offering the support how to prevent low back pains. Consequently the aim of the study was to test how to handle and prevent effectively back pain applying kinesitherapy and the spine stability exercise programs. The tasks were: 1. To test trunk muscle (back extensors, flexors: right-side bridge and left-side bridge) endurance before different exercises programs; 2. To test trunk muscle after different exercises programs to the subjects of the study; 3. To evaluate the intensity of the back pain before the research and after it; 4. To asses and compare the effectiveness of traditional kinesitherapy and the spine stability exercises programs. These research methods were used: trunk muscle endurance test, back pain intensity estimation and statistics, questioning to determine back problems. The subjects of the study were 30 28-60 years old women who had experienced back pain. They accidentally were divided into 2 groups. The study lasted 13 weeks. During that period 3 times a week traditional kinesitherapy program was applied to the Ist group of the subjects and the spine stability exercise program-to the IInd group. After the analysis of the study material conclusions were made:... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos efektyvumas mažinant nugaros skausmus nėštumo metu / Effectiveness of kinesiotherapy for the reduction of back pain in pregnancy

Baumann, Laura 18 May 2005 (has links)
Many people all over the world suffer from back pain. It is unavoidable for pregnant women too. According to various authors, about 50 % of women suffer from this symptom. During pregnancy, high loads that are influenced by mechanical as well as hormonal factors affect the spine. The aim of the work was to evaluate effectiveness of the muscle flexion and strengthening program in the reduction of back pain in pregnancy. In the research, the state of muscles producing waste and pelvis movements was evaluated before and after kinesiotherapy application in pregnant women suffering from back pain, and an influence of flexion and strengthening for muscle condition was evaluated in pregnant women suffering from back pain. The research lasted 10 weeks and it was performed in the Kaunas Clinical Hospital II in 2004. In total, 56 pregnant women were surveyed. 12 women participated in the kinesiotherapy program (experimental group), 11 women who did not participate in the kinesiotherapy program due to various reasons were attributed to the control group. Remaining 33 women did not participate in the research due to earlier problems with spine, syndrome of pelvic ligament relaxation or other individual reasons. Results of these two groups were compared and analyzed. Tests that were performed before and after the research show that results of the experimental group have improved significantly, while women in the control group have reported pain and disturbed physical activity. Pain... [to full text]


Jamontaitė, Kristina 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamos 14 – 18 metų moksleivių nugaros skausmų priežastys. Iškelta hipotezė: tikėtina, kad nugaros skausmų priežastys gali būti: 1) mažai judrus gyvenimo būdas (pamokos mokykloje, darbas kompiuteriu, ilgas televizoriaus žiūrėjimas, ilgalaikis buvimas vienoje padėtyje), 2) ilgalaikės netaisyklingos padėtys (netaisyklingas sėdėjimas, stovėjimas, svorių kėlimas, perkėlimas, nešimas), 3) dažnai atliekami nesaugūs pratimai. Tyrime buvo panaudota pusiau uždaro tipo anketa. Ją sudarė: demografinis blokas (duomenys apie tyriamuosius) – lytis, amžius, mokykla, klasė; 2) klausimų blokas, skirtas išsiaiškinti ar tiriamieji skundžiasi nugaros skausmais, 3) klausimų blokas, atskleisti nugaros skausmų pasireiškimo priežastis. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 14 – 18 metų moksleivių nugaros skausmų priežastis. Tyrime dalyvavo 114 IX – XII klasių moksleiviai (nuo 14 iki 18 metų amžiaus), iš dviejų Radviliškio miesto gimnazijų. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad 54% 14 – 18 metų moksleivių skundžiasi nugaros skausmais. Tyrimo hipotezė pasitvirtino, kad nugaros skausmus šiame amžiuje gali sukelti: 1) Nepakankamas mokinių fizinis aktyvumas (69% mokinių renkasi pasyvias laisvalaikio praleidimo formas ir prie kompiuterio praleidžia daugiau nei 2 h per dieną). 2) Netaisyklingos padėtys sėdint bei keliant, perkeliant ir nešant daiktus (tik trečdalis moksleivių pasirinko taisyklingas padėtis). 3) Populiarūs diskutuotini (nesaugūs) pratimai (tik trečdalis moksleivių jų visiškai neatlieka)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This bachelor theses analyses the causes of the back pain of the secondary school students of the age 14 to 18. The hypotheses: it is likely that the causes of the back pain might be: 1) sedentary lifestyle (lessons at school, working on the computer, TV viewing, permanent staying in one position), 2) permanent wrong posture (wrong sitting, standing, weight lifting, movement, bearing), 3) frequent unsafe exercises. The semi-open questionaires were used during the research. The questionaires consisted of: demographic block (exploratory data) – sex, age, school, class; 2) questions block designed in order to explore whether persons under investigation have any complains about the back pain, 3) questions block designed in order to explore the causes of the back pain. The aim of the research is to determine the causes of the back pain of the students of age 14 to 18. 114 students (aged 14 to 18) from the 9-12 classes of the two Radviliškis city gymnasiums participated in the research. The study has shown that 54 per cent of all students aged 14 to 18 has ailments about the back pain. The hypothesis of the research was approved that the back pain of this age may be influenced by: 1) Low levels of physical activity (69 per cent of students prefer passive leisure activites and spends more than two hours using the computer). 2) Wrong positions while sitting, lifting, moving and bearing things (only one-third of the students selected appropriate position). 3) Popular negotiable... [to full text]


Steponavičienė, Ugnė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Nugaros skausmais skundžiasi 75% pasaulio gyventojų. Ši problema tampa vis aktualesnė išsivysčiusiose šalyse, kuriose vyrauja sėdimas darbas. Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos atliktais tyrimais, matome, kad vis daugiau jaunų žmonių skundžiasi jungiamojo audinio ir skeleto-raumenų sistemos ligomis, tačiau nėra aiškios patiriamo nugaros skausmo priežastys, nes jų yra labai daug: jos gali būti skirstomos į šešias grupes (stuburo patologija, pilvo organų ir onkologinės ligos, infekcijos, raumenų patempimai ir psichologinės priežastys) ir rizikos veiksnius, skatinančius stiprėti nugaros skausmus (viršsvoris, bloga laikysena, sėdimas ar sunkus fizinis darbas, stuburo traumos ir iškrypimai). Šio bakalauro darbo tyrimo objektas – studentų nugaros skausmo priežastys. Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti studentų nugaros skausmų priežastis. Buvo kelti šie uždaviniai: atskleisti nugaros skausmų teorinius aspektus; nustatyti studentų nugaros skausmo paplitimo tendencijas; išsiaiškinti dažniausias studentų patiriamo nugaros skausmo priežastis. Tyrimo metu naudoti metodai, kurių pagalba gauta ir apdorota informacija: mokslinės literatūros analizė; anketinė apklausa; matematinė – statistinė tyrimo duomenų analizė. Tyrimo dalyviai - Šiaulių Universiteto 1 – 4 kurso studentai. Tyrimo imtis – 100 respondentų. Anketine apklausa buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti studentų nugaros skausmų priežastis ir paplitimą. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys parodė, kad studentai yra jautę nugaros skausmus įvairiu dažnumu: nuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / About 75% of the world population suffer of the back pain. This problem becomes more acute in developed countries with predominantly sedentary work. We see from the studies of the Ministry of Health that more and more young people complain of connective tissue and skeletal-muscle disorder, but there is no clear cause of back pain experienced because they are very much: they can be divided into six groups (spinal pathology, abdominal and oncological diseases, infections, muscle tearing apart and psychological reasons) and the risk factors that contribute to strengthen the back pain (overweight, poor posture, sedentary or heavy physical work, spinal trauma and deformity). The subject of this study - students back pain causes. The aim of the research is to identify causes of the students back pain. The next tasks have been realized in the work: to reveal the theoretical aspects of back pain; to ascertain the spread tendencies of the students back pain back pain; to ascertain the most common causes of the students back pain. The methods of the research have been used: theoretical (analysis of the academic literature), empirical (the quantitative analysis), statistical. The participants of the study – students of the 1-4 year of the Siauliai University. 100 respondents were involved in the research. The survey showed that students felt the back pain at various intervals ranging from several times during his life standing up to the pain. The intensity varies from mild to... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis suaugusiųjų nugaros skausmui / Impact of physical therapy on back pain in adults

Danisevičiūtė, Karolina 10 September 2013 (has links)
Temos aktualumas: Nugaros skausmas – dažna vidutinio amžiaus žmonių problema, kuri pastebimai didėja. Pagrindinis gydymo tikslas – stiprinti liemens raumenis. Tyrimo objektas: 22 – 45 metų amžiaus moterų bei vyrų nugaros skausmas. Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti kineziterapijos poveikį suaugusiųjų nugaros skausmui. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti tiriamųjų nugaros skausmo intensyvumą prieš kineziterapiją ir po jos. 2. Palyginti tiriamųjų vyrų bei moterų nugaros skausmą prieš ir po kineziterapijos užsiėmimų. 3. Įvertinti tiriamųjų gyvenseną. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 tiriamųjų, iš jų 5 vyrai ir 5 moterys. Tris mėnesius keturis kartus per savaitę buvo pravedami kineziterapijos užsiėmimai žmonėms, jaučiantiems nugaros skausmą. Taikant specialias skausmo vertinimo skales buvo vertintas tiriamųjų nugaros skausmas prieš ir po kineziterapijos užsiėmimų. Išvados: 1. Po kineziterapijos užsiėmimų tiriamųjų nugaros skausmas reikšmingai sumažėjo (p<0,05). 2. Prieš ir po kineziterapijos užsiėmimų nugaros skausmas tarp vyrų ir moterų nereikšmingai skyrėsi. 3. Visi tiriamieji (100%) dirbo sėdimą darbą, laisvalaikį pasyviai leido 50% tiriamųjų, 70% tiriamųjų manė, kad per pastaruosius metus patiria streso daugiau nei kiti, 60% tiriamųjų miegui skyrė pakankamai laiko, tiek pat tiriamųjų ryte atsikeldavo nežvalūs. / Problem: Back pain – is the most popular problem in the middle age people, which is growing significantly. The main goal of treatment – to strengthen the trunk muscles. Research object: Low back pain in 22 − 45 years of age men and women. Aim: to evaluate the impact of physical therapy on back pain in adults. Tasks: 1. To evaluate intensity of back pain before and after physical therapy. 2. To compare intensity of back pain between men and women before and after physical therapy. 3. To evaluate life style of subjects. The study involved 10 subjects, including 5 men and 5 women. Physical therapy was applied for three months, four times a week for people experiencing back pain. Back pain intensity was evaluated by specific pain scales before and after the physical therapy sessions. Conclusions: 1. Intensity of back pain decreased significantly after physical therapy. 2. Before and after physical therapy intensity of back pain differed insignificantly between men and women. 3. All subjects (100%) worked a sedentary job, leisure time spent passively 50% of subjects, 70% of them felt that over the past year they experienced stress more than others, 60% of subjects had enough time to sleep, and the same amount of subjects woke up in the mornings feeling not well.

Žmonių dirbančių pardavėjais - konsultantais ergonominės aplinkos ir nugaros skausmų sąsajos / Link between ergonomic environment and backache in people acting as shop-assistants/consultants

Mikaitytė, Giedrė 29 June 2012 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti pardavėjų – konsultantų ergonominės aplinkos ir nugaros skausmo sąsajas. Darbo objektas - darbuotojų nugaros skausmo priežastys. Buvo kelti šia uždaviniai: atskleisti ergonomikos sampratą ir jos įtaką nugaros skausmo atsiradimui teorinius aspektus; įvertinti pardavėjų – konsultantų nugaros skausmo paplitimą; atskleisti darbuotojų nugaros skausmų priežastis, kurios iškyla dėl ergonominių sąlygų; išsiaiškinti, kokiomis priemonėmis malšinamas patiriamas nugaros skausmas. / Aim of this research is to reveal links between ergonomic environment and backache suffered by shop-assistants/ consultats. Object of the Paper: cause of backaches suffered by employees.The foolowing tasks have been set: to reveal theoretical aspects of the conception of ergonomics and the influence thereof on occurrence of backaches; to evaluate prevalence of backaches suffered by shop-assistants/ consultants; to reveal the cause of backaches in employes occurring as a result of ergonomic conditions; to find out what were the means to relieve the suffered backache.

Specializuotos treniruočių programos poveikio tyrimas darbingo amžiaus žmonių juosmens – dubens srities stabilumui ir judesių valdymui / Research of the specialized training program effect in the lumbarpelvic region stability and motion control for the employble age persons

Garbenytė, Toma, Garbenyte, Toma 18 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti specializuotos treniruočių programos poveikį darbingo amžiaus žmonių, jautusių NAD skausmą, taisyklingo judesio atlikimo rodiklių pokyčiams.Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti specializuotų ir bendrojo lavinimo treniruočių ciklų poveikį juosmens – dubens srities stabilumui ir judesių valdymui bei liemens raumenų ištvermei. 2. Palyginti specializuotos ir bendro lavinimo treniruočių programų poveikio rezultatus juosmens – dubens srities stabilumui ir judesių valdymui bei liemens raumenų ištvermei. Tyrimui buvo pakviesta 60 asmenų jautusių NAD skausmą. Visiems buvo pateiktas NAD skausmo trukmės ir fizinio aktyvumo vertinimo klausimynai, atliktas pirminis diagnostinis testavimas. Juosmens – dubens stabilumas vertintas statinės atlikties testais, naudojant slėgio matavimo prietaisą su grįžtamuoju ryšiu ,,Stabilizer‘‘. Juosmens – dubens srities judesių valdymas vertintas 6 judesių valdymo testais (,,Movement control tests’’). Liemens raumenų jėgos ištvermė vertinta statinės atlikties testais. Duomenų vertinimui buvo naudojama video kameros medžiagos ekspertinė analizė. Pagal atsakymus į klausimynus ir atlikus pirminį tyrimą, atrinkta 30 asmenų, kurių juosmens - dubens srities judesių valdymas įvertintas kaip nepakankamas. Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis – 21,37 ± 0,2 metai (±SEM, standartinė vidurkio įverčio paklaida). Kūno masės indeksas – 21,7 ± 0,5 kg/m². Atsitiktine tvarka tiriamieji suskirstyti į tiriamąją (n=15) ir kontrolinę (n=15) grupes. Taikytos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study: To evaluate the effect of a specialized training program to the changes in indicators of the lumbarpelvic region motion performance of the employble age persons with low back pain. Tasks: 1. Evaluate the effect of the specialized training program cycle and general training program cycle for the lumbar-pelvic region stability, motions control and trunk muscle strength endurance.2. Compare the results between a specialized training program and the results of the general training program to the the lumbar-pelvic stability, motions control and trunk muscle strength endurance. The study involved 60 subjects with low back pain. All were submitted to the low back pain duration and physical activity assessment questionnaires, performed the primary diagnostic testing. Lumbar - pelvic stability was evaluated with static tests carried out by using a pressure measuring device with feedback,'' Stabilizer”. Lumbar - pelvic motion control was evaluated by 6 motion control tests ("Movement control tests'') by Hannu Luomajoki. Back and abdominal muscle endurance rated static tests carried out. For evaluation of the study data was used video materials expert analysis. According to the answers to the questionnaires and the primary investigation, 30 people with inadequate lumbar - pelvic motion control were selected for further research. Average age - 21.37 ± 0.2 years (± SEM, standard error of the mean estimate. Body mass index - 21. 7 ± 0.5 kg / m². Patients were... [to full text]

Slaugytojų darbo aplinkos ir su darbu susijusio nugaros skausmo vertinimas / Assessment Of Working Environment And Work-Related Back Pain In Nursing Personnel

Gečiauskaitė, Justė 11 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti slaugytojų darbo aplinką ir su darbu susijusį nugaros skausmą. Darbo uždaviniai. 1. Ištirti slaugytojų darbo aplinką, susijusią su nugaros skausmo rizika; 2. Įvertinti slaugytojų patiriamą, su darbu susijusį, nugaros skausmą; 3. Nustatyti sąsajas tarp slaugytojų darbo aplinkos ir patiriamo nugaros skausmo; Tyrimo metodika. 2013m. rugsėjo – lapkričio mėn. Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Kauno klinikose, apklausta 384 slaugytojos, dirbančios 13 konservatyvios medicinos (KMP) ir 16 operacinės medicinos (OMP) profilio skyriuose. Į anketos klausimus atsakė 320 slaugytojų, atsako dažnis – 83,3 proc. / Aim of the research – to assess working environment and work-related back pain in nursing personnel Goals of the research. 1. To assess work environment of nurses associated with the risk of back pain; 2. To evaluate work-related back pain; 3. To identify relationship between working environment and experienced back pain in nursing personnel; Methodology. Research was performed in 13 conservative (CMP) and 16 surgery (SMP) medicine departments of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital Kauno klinikos in September – November 2014. 384 nurses were involved in the research, 320 of them answered the questionnaire (response rate - 83,3%).

Trauminio nugaros smegenų pažeidimo ir stuburo kanalo susiaurėjimo sąsajų tyrimas / Investigation of the relationships between the traumatic spinal cord injury and narrowing of the spinal canal

Špakauskas, Bronius 05 March 2007 (has links)
The tasks of the study were as follows: to investigate histological findings of the spinal cord two hours after a trauma; to investigate the influence of the narrowing of spinal canal on the histological changes development of the injured spinal cord; to estimate the influence of the spinal cord surgical decompression performed within twenty hours after the cervical spine trauma on its clinical signs of the changes of the injury; to determinate the relationship between the duration of the cervical spinal cord compression and its clinical signs of changes of the injury. The main results: The hemorrhages in the gray matter and within the perivascular spaces of the spinal cord and beneath it dura mater, blood stasis in the vessels of the spinal cord gray matter and the thrombosis of the superficial spinal cord vessels, ischemic neurons were established in axial sections of the spinal cord two hours after the experimental trauma. The degree of pericellular edema established in axial sections of the spinal cord stained with hematoxylin and eosin by light microscopy two hours after the experimental trauma was more severe for the laboratory animals which underwent reduction of vertical diameter of the spinal canal by 50 % followed by spinal cord compression. The cervical spinal cord decompression performed within twenty four hours after trauma provided significant neurologic recovery twelve months after surgical intervention. The decompression of the injured spinal cord manifested... [to full text]

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