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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geografijos mokymas nuotoliniu būdu / Distance education on geograpgy

Bargailienė, Lina 13 June 2005 (has links)
Topic: distance education on geography. The target of this master writing is to research the usage of distance education courses to teach geography. This title gives overview on history, popularity and the spread of learning on distance education in Lithuania and the World. It analyses learning procedures and techniques, overviews existing education courses, evaluates distance education software and web services, gives overview of the distance learning course development stages, includes sample courses and even has step-by-step instructions for creating lessons for those courses. Some distance K-12 classes were observed during the year to realize the need and potential of distance education. The need of distance education in Lithuania isconstantly raises with reference to the information contained in this writing. Sometimes distance education is most convenient and evens the only way to achieve K-12 education (i.e. for physically disabled people, for children constantly traveling with their parents, etc.). Students select geography as suitable for distance education like other non-math disciplines. Great success in developing distance education geography courses gives the ability to enrich them with visual aids. Sadly not all available communication techniques are used by distance education in Lithuania and also sometimes issues with authenticity of qualification and students motivation for learning arise. This gives an opportunity to improve the procedures. Hopefully this... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymo taikymas sistemos vartotojų mokymuose / Applying Distance Learning for training system users

Simanaitytė, Vaida 14 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe atskleistas ir įvertintas įmonėje naudojamas mokymo procesas, sudarytas nuotolinių mokymų sistemos teorinis modelis. Įvertinta mokymų laiko ir kaštų pagrindinės dalys ir sąnaudos. Remiantis įmonėje atliktu tyrimu, ištirti mokymo ir mokymosi versle poreikiai bei trūkumai, išskirti nuotolinio mokymo sistemos pagrindiniai reikalavimai. Pasiūlytos pagrindinės nuotolinio mokymo sistemos charakteristikos ir įrankiai joms realizuoti. Realizuoti demonstraciniai nuotoliniai mokymai ir gautas grįžtamasis ryšys iš vartotojų. / The theoretic model of e-learning system and processes of modern teaching and learning, which operate in business, also teaching/learning time and value are reviewed in this paper. The company personnel’s demand for learning was examined with a purpose to reveal the advantages and weaknesses of teaching and learning systems. Basic requirements and tools for distance learning were described according the above-mentioned examinations. A prototype distance learning system was tested in real-life training of the users of a new software systems. The feedback of training participants was collected and analyzed.

Studentų galimybių nuotoliniam mokymuisi tyrimas Kauno miškų ir aplinkos inžinerijos kolegijoje / The Research on Posibilities of Distant Learning in Kaunas College of Forest and Landscape Engeneering

Babilienė, Jurgita 04 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Author: Jurgita Babilienė Title: The Research on Posibilities of Distant Learning in Kaunas College of Forest and Landscape Engeneering. Place of research: Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Department of professional pedagogics and psychology. Akademija, 2006. Volume: 55 pages Research contains: 2 charts, 20 pictures, 3 supplements. Literature sources: 34 Object of the research: students, their possibilities to learn distantly. Research methods: 1. The analysis of scientific methodical literature related to distant studies. 2. The questionnaire of student learning motives, level of self-sufficiency and computer literacy. (used in 2005). 3. The questionnaire of change in student knowledge about distant learning (used in 2006). 4. The analysis of statistical data made with SPSS software. Research results: Research results show that half of college students are willing to study distantly, because they are motivated, disciplined, concious persons, who are attending lectures and other activities, who are making their assignments on time, with the knowledge what is the distant learning. We can state that the first hypothesis is disproved. It was determined that half of KCFLE students have good computer literacy skills, assume to be able to work with computers, one third of them have the computer with internet at home. 58.3 percent of the respondents think that some teaching material could be found on the internet. 43.5 percent of the respondents... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymosi kurso ir jo palaikymo priemonių kūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and research of distance learning course and its support means

Kemzūra, Evaldas 28 May 2006 (has links)
These days WebCT, Learning Space, FirstClass and other learning spaces are used very wide. There is controllable content: storing, renewable, additional. Content in every learning space is released in different formats. There are widely defined tools of computer learning. Every virtual class runs in virtual learning space and only some of them have video conference mode. Hypertext creation tools are used widely. Apply to world wide web all study material is storing in study center server. All learning enviroment courses are administrated by network administrators or tutors. All virtual learning enviroments are relative directly with computer network. The most important condition of virtual learning – right selection of virtual learning enviroment.

Pedagoginių technologijų taikymas profesiniame mokyme / The application of educational technologies in vocational training

Zakarauskaitė, Jurgita 31 May 2006 (has links)
The main focus of the research was laid upon the application of educational technologies in vocational teaching. The results reveal that all educational technologies are applied in teaching process of Kėdainiai vocational training centre Lančiūnava branch. The majority of students are completely satisfied or satisfied with the application of educational technologies. The beginning of the research covered the development of the hypotheses – modern educational technologies help to master new information quicker than the traditional ones. The results of the students’ questionnaire confirm the hypothesis. According to the teachers’ position, the traditional technologies facilitates learning more than the most modern ones. In this case the hypothesis was rejected.

Energetinių sistemų nuotolinis valdymas / The monitoring of distance energy systems

Židonis, Lukas 31 May 2004 (has links)
These Master thesis are about energy objects that monitored through the distance.

Nuotolinio darbo sutarties ypatumai / Specifics of teleworking employment contract

Borisevičiūtė, Goda 27 June 2014 (has links)
Tobulėjant informacinėms technologijoms bei plintant jų naudojimui, sukuriamos galimybės net ir sudėtingą, aukštos kvalifikacijos reikalaujantį darbą atlikti ne tik įprastu būdu darbovietės patalpose, bet ir namuose ar kitose vietose, t. y. nuotoliniu būdu. Atkreipiant dėmesį, į tai, kad nuotolinis darbas suprantamas gana įvairiai, darbe pateikiamos tarptautiniu lygiu bei Lietuvoje egzistuojančios nuotolinio darbo sampratos ir sąvokos, lyginant su panašius teisinius santykius apibūdinančiais terminais, bei įvardinamos nuotolinio darbo rūšys. Pažymėtina, kad nuotolinio darbo samprata, atsiradusi JAV, ilgainiui formavosi bei išplito. Šiuo metu Europoje vyraujančiai nuotolinio darbo sąvokai (angl. – telework) ir sampratai būdingi šie pagrindiniai minėto teisinio santykio bruožai – tai darbo vietos nesutapimas su darbdavio darboviete bei informacinių technologijų naudojimas atliekant darbą. Tačiau Lietuvoje egzistuojanti nuotolinio darbo samprata yra platesnė, apimanti tiek Europoje vyraujančią nuotolinio darbo sampratą, pabrėžiančią informacinių technologijų naudojimą, tiek ir tradicinį namudinį darbą, kai darbas atliekamas namuose, neišskiriant konkrečių darbo priemonių. Nuotolinis darbas, nors yra viena iš darbo sutarties rūšių, įtvirtintų Darbo kodekse, tačiau pasižymi išskirtinumu. Be būtinųjų ir privalomųjų darbo sutarties sąlygų, numatytų Darbo kodekse, Nuotolinio darbo sutarties ypatumai numato ir kitas sąlygas, kurias būtina aptarti nuotolinio darbo sutartyje. Tai –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / With the development of information technologies and the spread of their use, new possibilities are created – the complex, high-skilled jobs can be performed not only in the normal work place in employer’s premises, but also at home or other places – remotely. Noting that teleworking is understood quite differently, the paper presents at the international level and Lithuania existing concepts and definitions of telework, relating them to terms that indicate similar phenomena, and also defines the types of telework. It should be noted that the concept of teleworking, which was founded in the United States, eventually evolved and spread. The definition and concept of telework that currently prevails in Europe, has the following main features – a mismatch between the teleworker’s work place and the employer's premises and the use of information technologies while working. However, in Lithuania the existing concept of telework is broader, covering not only the concept of telework, which prevails in Europe and emphasizes the use of information technologies, but also the traditional homeworking, where the work is done at home, without the distinction of particular working equipment. Even though telework is one of the employment contracts’ types, introduced by the Labour Code, it has some uniqueness. In addition to the necessary and compulsory working conditions, set in the Labor Code, the Features of the telework employment contract provides additional conditions to be discussed in... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymosi kursų kokybės technologinio įvertinimo ir pritaikymo neįgaliesiems analizė ir įrankio kūrimas / Analysis and development of tool for the technological and accessibility rating of distance education courses

Daraška, Saulius 05 June 2006 (has links)
Education methodology of people with disabilities is not very well developed and it is the reason why disabled people are facing problems in using of unadapted educational materials. More and more disabled people are choosing distance learning due to its convenience and possibility to learn from home. In most cases materials are presented in hypertext format. There are no sufficient tools for adaptation of hypertext documents for disabled people usage and it makes work with those documents very hard or even impossible. Due to the fact, that preparation of teachers and professors for work with hypertext may be very time consuming and difficult, this thesis’s where trying to use different approach - find a solution for non HTML literate person to adapt HTML documents for disabled people. Set of rules was created and flexible tool lets effectively adapt hypertext materials for disabled.

LieDM tinklo nuotolinio mokymo kursų administravimo sistema / LieDM network administration system of distance education classes

Vičiulis, Darius 05 June 2006 (has links)
The main goal of this project is to analyze structure, possibilities, principles of creation, users requirements and extend functionality of the present system (ViPS), which is designed for distance education. This system gives possibilities to Lithuanian institutions of science and education to supply distance studies in all over the country. Besides that, it gives possibility of life-long learning to all people. System is oriented to synchronous education, but it also supports asynchronous. Material of lectures contains of video records and lecture material (usually slides) made by professor. ViPS can be used by four types of users: lecture listeners (outside users), professors, institution and system administrators. Users activities are: • Outside user – has an opportunity to look through the list of courses, participate in lectures, get news by email, execute search, change data of profile and accession. • Professor – despite outside user’s functions, can also give lectures, describe courses and lecture material (metadata). • Administrator of institution – despite professor’s functions, has a possibility to attach non-grouped users to institution, give special access rights (can change user status to professor) to users, register institution resources. • System administrator – despite institution administrator’s functions, can create groups, send system news to users, create licenses, register institutions, control user groups. The modern CASE tool “Rational... [to full text]

Mokymo ir mokymosi organizavimo internete metodinė priemonė / A Methodical Tool for E-teaching and E-learning

Ivanickienė, Gerda 09 January 2007 (has links)
The key aim of the designed system is to create the e-teaching and e-learning tool to be applied for the studies of the module “Designing Hypertext Systems”, taught at the Faculty of Business and Technologies of Utena College. The major objective of the system is to facilitate the studies of the abovementioned module and ease the communication between professors and students, who are not able to attend lectures due to reasonable excuses, as well as part-time students. Seeking to clarify the relevance of the designed tool, as well as the need for it and, in pursuance of its efficiency, the following directional issues have been analysed: institutions that organise training based on distance technologies; spheres that cover the majority of offers for such training; tools that are accessible to all the persons requesting them; the number of offers in relation to particular title of the designed system “Designing Hypertext Systems”; its accessibility to common users and conformity of its contents to the contents of the mentioned module; advantages and disadvantages of distance education; possibilities to make use of the system for presumptive users of the system, their motivation, requests and proposals; supply of website design tools, educational material for e-teaching, as well as training methodology. In addition to that, the analysis of the already existing decisions has been also carried out. In the result of what, conclusions have been drawn on the fact that designing of... [to full text]

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