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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är de små sakerna som gör det" : en litteraturstudie med fokus på vårdmiljöns betydelse vid beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom. / ” It's the small things that make the difference” : a literature review with focus on the importance of the health environment in behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia

Ottosson, Lena, Fridolin, Kristin January 2012 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Det finns idag ungefär 148 000 personer med demenssjukdom i Sverige. Under sjukdomsförloppet drabbas nio av tio någon gång av någon form av beteendemässiga eller psykiska symtom (BPSD). Dessa symtom skapar ett stort lidande för personen med demens och dess närstående och är ofta en bidragande orsak till flytt till särskilt boende. På det särskilda boendet är det viktigt att personalen har kunskap och intresse för att kunna hantera krävande situationer som kan uppstå vid BPSD SYFTE: Studiens syfte var att belysa hur vårdmiljön kan påverka förekomsten av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom hos personer som bor på särskilt boende. METOD: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 20 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. RESULTAT: Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att utformningen av vårdmiljön har betydelse vid förekomst av BPSD. Personer med demens har behov av hemlik miljö och anpassad inredning för att kunna fungera i sin vardag. Genom meningsfull aktivitet kan känslan av självständighet och välbefinnande bevaras. Musik och beröring kan vara en väg till kommunikation då den verbala kommunikationen sviktar. Att ha kunskap om, och planera omvårdnaden för personer med demens påverkar förekomst av BPSD. DISKUSSION: En god vårdmiljö bör erbjuda en balans mellan krav och kompetens och en vardag som är meningsfull och begriplig. Förutsättningen för denna vårdmiljö är att personalen ser till varje individs resurser och behov för att kunna ge en personcentrerad omvårdnad. SLUTSATS: Resultatet i denna studie visar att små förändringar i vårdmiljön kan göra stor skillnad vid BPSD. Med en balanserad vårdmiljö tillsammans med en personcentrerad omvårdnad kan BPSD minska och i bästa fall förebyggas.

Äldres erfarenheter av välbefinnande inom särskilt boende för äldre / Elderly people's experience of well-being at nursing homes

Svensson, Ann-Marie January 2014 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att utforska, beskriva och förstå äldre människors upplevelser och erfarenheter av välbefinnande utifrån intervjuer och berättelser, berättade på plats (insitu) vid särskilt boende för äldre (så kallat äldreboende). Intervjuer genomfördes med tjugo äldre personer inom boendeformen äldreboende, vilkas erfarenheter och berättelser ligger till grund för avhandlingens resultat. Studiedesignen är kvalitativ. Vid intervjuerna användes dels formen av vardagligt samtal (studie I) vilket analyserades enligt innehållsanalys, dels narrativ metod (studie II) vilken analyserades med hjälp av dialogisk performativ analys. Substantiellt bidrar avhandlingen till förståelse av hur äldremänniskor som bor på äldreboende upplever och beskriver sitt välbefinnande. Välbefinnandet beskrivs genom att ange olika kvalitativa värden. Det första värdet anger välbefinnandet som (i) att få behålla sin autonomi genom självbestämmande och deltagande i vardagslivets beslut, oavsett boende. Det andra värdet anger (ii) behovet av kontinuitet i den egna identiteten och det tredje värdet; (iii) att få vara individuell tillsammans med andra, dvs., att jag-känslan som identitetsupplevelse är viktig att hävda gentemot andra men att den känslan samtidigt är beroende av interaktion med andra. Denna identitetsupplevelse baseras på livsloppets individuella upplevelser av och i relationer med andra människor, där relationer med närstående är relationens innersta kärna. Vid äldreboendet är identitetsupplevelsen baserat på relationer till vårdarna. Välbefinnandet beskrivs som en totalupplevelse oavsett fysisk förmåga inom ramen för äldreboendet som ett hem och en vårdinstitution. Teoretiskt bidrar avhandlingen med kunskaper om det vårdvetenskapliga perspektivet på välbefinnande och då grundat i äldres upplevda och levda erfarenheter av välbefinnande, dels som upplevelse av autonomi, dels som upplevelse av kontinuitet inom identiteten. Välbefinnandet handlar då i sammanhanget ”äldreboende” om att vid äldreboendet få möjligheter till egenmakt och stöd för den egna jagkänslan. Begreppet välbefinnande som sådant, är direkt kopplat till sociala situationer och samtalsmöten med vårdare och den äldre. Välbefinnandet kan således ses som en dynamisk kategori. Avhandlingen ger därmed en bredare innebörd av välbefinnandet hos den äldre personen, än enbart upplevelser av hälsa. Avhandlingens teoretiska kunskapsbidrag till den vårdvetenskapliga omvårdnadsforskningen om äldres välbefinnande under den sista tiden i livet, bekräftar de sociala relationernas och interaktionernas betydelse. Studiens kunskapsbidrag namnges här som interaktionistisk vårdvetenskap vilken ger insikter i komplexiteten i de välbefinnandeupplevelser inom äldreboendet och som enligt de äldres beskrivningar framkom som producerade interaktivt och situerat (insitu). Praktiskt bidrar avhandlingen med kunskaper om hur äldres välbefinnande kan stödjas i vårdandet inom ramen för äldreboendet, både utifrån aspekten som ett hem och utifrån aspekten som en vårdinstitution. Stödet handlar då om att överföra avhandlingens teoretiska kunskapsbidrag till praktiskt vårdhandlande genom att stödja den äldres autonomi och kontinuitet i identiteten. Detta kan göras genom att den äldre får möjligheter till delaktighet i beslut (empowerment), möjligheter till sociala kontakter och att vara social i samvaro med andra (sociala interaktioner), samt att bli lyssnad till (presence). När det gäller praktiska överväganden inom ramen för äldreboendets vårdpolicy, bidrar avhandlingens resultat till kunskapen om att ta hänsyn till och efterfråga den äldres perspektiv på välbefinnande som utgångspunkt för vården. Detta kan göras genom att uppmuntra äldre personer att prata om sitt välbefinnande. Vårdares roll i detta sammanhang blir då i denna interaktion, att lyssna väl och inte endast ställa frågor. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att välbefinnande enligt de äldres upplevelser och beskrivningar relaterat till de kvalitativa värden för välbefinnandet som framkommit i denna studie, visar att den äldre blir mycket beroende av andra människor för att kunna uppleva välbefinnande. Detta, då den äldre kan ha en svag egen aktivitet och hälsa och saknar egen handlingskraft. Den äldres beroende av vårdpersonalen gör relationers och interaktioners betydelse i omvårdnaden och i omvårdnadshandlingar än mer betydelsefull för äldre människor. Detta i sin tur ställer krav på ökade kunskaper hos vårdare om vårdandets interaktiva betydelse, dvs. hur människor står i ett dynamiskt förhållande till sin omgivning både fysiologiskt och psykologiskt, trots svag egen aktivitet och hälsa. Emellertid, även om den äldres kropp och förmåga är svag, utgör den ett existentiellt villkor och roll i skapandet av välbefinnande i interaktion med andra. Välbefinnande kan därför stödjas i vårdandet genom social och emotionell stimulans. Intressant för vidare studier är då hur detta konkret görs. / The aim of this thesis was to explore, describe and understand elderly people's experience of well-being, based on interviews and narratives and told in situ at nursing homes. This thesis is based on two studies, I) Elderly people’s descriptions of becoming and being respite care recipients. II) Elderly women’s subjective sense of well-being from their course of life perspective. Methods used were interviews conducted with 20 older residents whose experiences and stories form the basis of the results. The method was qualitative and the interviews were conducted in the form of casual conversations (Study I), and was analyzed by content analysis, and narrative method (Study II), which was analyzed using dialogic performative analysis. In substantial, this thesis contributes to an understanding of how elderly people living in nursing homes experience and describe their well-being. They did this by specifying different qualitative values for well-being. The first value indicates well-being that is (i) to retain their autonomy through self-determination and participation in everyday life decisions regardless of accommodation. The second value indicates (ii) the need for continuity of one's identity, and the third one (iii) dealt with being an individual along with others, i.e. the notion of the ego strength is important when to assert their individuality, but this notion is simultaneously dependent on the interaction with others. This identity is based on the experience in life and the individual experiences of relationships with other people, where relationships with family members are the relationship's innermost core. At the nursing home, identity-based experience is based on the relationship with the nursing aids. Well-being is described as a total experience regardless of physical ability, in the context of residential care which constitutes both a home and a care institution. From a theoretical viewpoint this thesis contributes to knowledge of a caring scientific perspective on well-being, with a foundation in the elderly’s experiences of well-being, autonomy and continuity of identity. The study contributes to knowledge here called Interactionistic Caring Science, and it provides insights into the complexity of the experience of well-being in the nursing home described by these elderly people as interactively and situated produced (in situ). Practically, this thesis contributes knowledge about how the well-being of elderly people can be supported in caring situations at nursing home, which are both a home and a health care institution. The conclusion show that the elderly are becoming very dependent on other people to experience their wellness. This, as the elderly often have weak intrinsic activity and health and suffer from lack of their own ability to act, this makes relations and interactions an important part of nursing and nursing acts, and even more important for old people. This in turn requires increased knowledge by caregivers about this interactive meaning of caring, i.e. how people interacts in a dynamic relationship with their environment, both physiologically and psychologically, despite weak intrinsic activity and health. The old person’s dependence in their nursing aides makes those relations and interactions of even more importance in the nursing caring and in the nursing acts of the elderly.

Patterns and Behavioural Outcomes of Antipsychotic Use among Nursing Home Residents: a Canadian and Swiss Comparison

Arditi, Chantal January 2006 (has links)
<b>Background. </b> Although antipsychotic medications are primarily intended to treat schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in adults, they are commonly administered to nursing home residents as pharmacotherapy for "off-label" indications such as disruptive behaviour. However, clinical trials have demonstrated limited efficacy and serious side-effects of antipsychotics among the elderly. As previous studies have reported inappropriate use in several countries, their use in nursing home residents ought to be monitored to detect and reduce inappropriate administration. <br /><br /> <b>Objectives. </b> The aim of this study was a) to determine and compare prevalence rates of antipsychotic use in Ontario and Swiss nursing homes, b) to identify determinants of antipsychotics use in these two countries, by means of a cross-sectional design, and c) to investigate the impact of antipsychotic use on behaviours over time in Ontario and Swiss residents, by means of a longitudinal design. <br /><br /> <b>Methods. </b> This study involved secondary data analysis of 1932 residents from 24 nursing homes in the province of Ontario in Canada and 1536 residents from 4 nursing homes in a German-speaking canton in Switzerland. Residents were assessed with the Minimum Data Set (MDS) tool. Resident characteristics and prevalence rates were compared internationally with the chi-square test. Demographic and clinical determinants of antipsychotic use, as well as behavioural change associated with antipsychotics, were analyzed using logistic regression. <br /><br /> <b>Results. </b> Although Ontario nursing home residents had an overall heavier-care profile than Swiss residents, antipsychotics were administered to 25% of the Ontario residents compared to 29. 5% of the Swiss residents. The adjusted rate among residents without appropriate conditions was also lower in Ontario (14%) than in Switzerland (24. 5%). Apart from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and cognitive impairment, antipsychotic use was determined by a different range of characteristics in these two countries. Antipsychotic use was not predictive of behavioural improvement. <br /><br /> <b>Conclusion. </b> The high adjusted rates of antipsychotic use in Ontario and Swiss nursing home residents, as well as the presence of "inappropriate indications" and "facility" as determinants of their use, raise concerns about the appropriateness of their administration in both countries. Their lack of effectiveness to improve behaviours also questions their use as long-term treatment for behaviour disturbances. Changes in practice patterns and implementation of policies are warranted to reduce inappropriate prescribing practices to enhance the quality of care provided to residents in nursing homes.

Changing eye of the beholder : perceived changes in social support following a move into residential care

Everatt, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Background: Increasing numbers of older people are requiring residential care and there are high levels of depression in such settings. Existing literature suggests that social support can help maintain psychological wellbeing. This study aimed to examine perceived changes in social support following a move into residential care. The key theories drawn upon were socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen et al., 1999) and the convoy model (Kahn & Antonucci, 1980). Method: Forty care home residents were interviewed using a structured interview. A hierarchical network mapping technique was used to measure perceptions of total network, inner network and peripheral network size. Functional support from a key significant other was measured using the Significant Others Scale. Contact with network members, depression and demographic information were also examined. Retrospective ratings were obtained by asking participants to think back to before they moved into care. Current and retrospective ratings on all measures were compared using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Results: Total network size was perceived to have decreased following a move into residential care. There was no significant difference between current and retrospective ratings of inner network size. Peripheral network size decreased but this difference was not statistically significant. There was no perceived change in emotional and practical social support received from a key significant other following the move. Discussion: The results suggest that an individual‟s social network is compacted following a move into care but that membership of the inner network remains stable. These findings are discussed in terms of socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen et al., 1999) and the convoy model (Kahn & Antonucci, 1980). Strengths and weaknesses of the study are discussed and clinical implications of the findings explored.

Anhörigperspektivet på äldre med beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Lundblad, Cassandra, Gustafsson, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera anhörigas delaktighet i och upplevelse av vården på äldreboende av närstående äldre med beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens. Vidare var syftet att beskriva och analysera hur anhörigrollen kan ha förändrats i samband med den närstående äldres flytt från egen bostad till äldreboende. Fem kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med anhöriga till närstående äldre bosatta vid ett specifikt boende. Studiens resultat visade att anhörigrollen förändrats efter flytt till äldreboende. Majoriteten av respondenterna hade tidigare agerat anhörigvårdare i hemmet och efter deras närstående äldres flytt till äldreboende, beskrev de blandade känslor av exempelvis lättnad och ensamhet. Vidare visade resultatet att respondenterna hade en positiv upplevelse av vården och kände sig delaktiga i vården av sin närstående bosatt vid boendet. / The aim of this study was to describe and analyse relative’s involvement and experience of the care in a nursing home for a next of kin who was an older person with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, and how the role as a relative changed after the elderly’s move from their own home to a nursing home. We conducted five qualitative interviews with relatives related to elderly residing at a nursing home. The results showed that the role as a relative changed after their related elderly’s move to nursing home. The majority of the respondents had previously acted as a caretaker in the home and after their related elderly’s move to nursing home they described mixed feelings of relief and loneliness. The results showed that the respondents had a positive experience of the care and felt involved in the care of their related elderly residing in the nursing home.

Anhörigas upplevelser när en närstående med demenssjukdom flyttar till särskilt boende / Relatives´ experiences when a person with dementia moves to a nursing home

Delimehic, Elma, Strand, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt fler människor insjuknar i någon form av demenssjukdom. Det medför att även anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom stiger i antal. Anhöriga ser det ofta som naturligt att vårda en familjemedlem, men när bördan blir för tung sker ofta en flytt till ett särskilt boende. Syfte: Att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser när en närstående som har en demenssjukdoms flyttar till särskilt boende. Metod: Litteraturöversikt där kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades. Sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl, PsycINFO och Pubmed. Analysen gjordes utifrån en tre-stegs-modell. Resultatet har sammanställts och redovisats genom kategorier. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier identifierades; "Tiden före flytt" med underkategorier; "En ohållbar situation", "Att ta steget till beslutet" samt "Tiden efter flytt" med underkategorier; "Att känna skuld och skam", "Att inte kunna släppa taget", "Den förändrade relationen", "Det rätta beslutet". Anhöriga upplever processen som svår och som en process som underlättas om stöd ges från familj eller vårdpersonal. Slutsats: Resultatet kan ses som att anhöriga genomgår en transition över tid. Om anhöriga får stöd av vårdpersonal under processens gång så kan de lättare acceptera den nya tillvaron. / Background: More and more people fall ill with some type of dementia. This leads to that the relatives of people with dementia will increase in number. Relatives often see it as natural to care for a family member, but when the burden becomes too heavy it often ends in a move to nursing home. Aim: To describe relatives´ experiences when a person with dementia moves to a nursing home. Method: Literature review where qualitative articles were included. Searches were made in the databases CINAHL, PsycINFO and PubMed. The analysis was based on a three-step model. The result was then compiled and presented in different categories. Results: Relatives are experiencing a change and two main categories were identified; "The time before the move" with subcategories; "An untenable situation" and "Taking the step to the decision" and "The time after the move" with the subcategories; "To feel guilt and shame," "Not being able to let go," "The changed relationship" and "The right decision". Family members experience the process as difficult and as a process that is facilitated if support is given by family members or health professionals. Conclusion: The result can be seen as that relatives undergo a transition over time. If relatives are supported by health professionals during the process it can help them to accept the new life situation.

Upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med demens som bor på ett äldreboende : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Fjärdsmans, Tobias, Khalaf, Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: 35,6 miljoner människor lever med en demenssjukdom i världen. Denna siffra beräknas vara fördubblad år 2030 och vara tredubblad år 2050. Majoriteten av personerna med demenssjukdom (PMD) har anhöriga i form av exempelvis makar eller vuxna barn. Att leva med demenssjukdom medför intellektuella svårigheter som till exempel oro, frustration, minnesproblematik och depression något som påverkar kommunikationen med vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en PMD som bor på ett äldreboende samt att beskriva de ingående artiklarna utifrån den metodologiska aspekten undersökningsgrupp. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design baserat på 10 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar från sökmotorerna PubMed och Cinahl. Artiklarna bearbetades individuellt av författarna till den föreliggande litteraturstudien och i analysen av dessa framkom fyra huvudsakliga teman som kom att utgöra grunden för resultatet. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att anhöriga till en PMD ofta upplevde känslor av förlust och skuld. De hade även svårt att lita på omvårdnadspersonalen samt att de upplevde svårigheter med att ta beslut åt sin PMD. I majoriteten av artiklarna i den föreliggande litteraturstudiens resultat var deltagarna kvinnor. I vissa av artiklarna så fanns en jämnare könsfördelning. Större delen av deltagarna i artiklarna var makar eller vuxna barn till PMD men även syskon samt barnbarn fanns bland deltagarna. Medelåldern på samtliga deltagare varierade mellan 54-73 år. Slutsatser: Anhöriga till en PMD upplever svåra känslor som ensamhet, förlorad kärlek, sorg och skuld. De har även svårt att lita på omvårdnadspersonalen och kämpar med att rättfärdiga de beslut de tar åt sin PMD. Därför är det viktigt att som sjuksköterska ha en insikt i vad de anhöriga upplever för att på så sätt kunna bemöta och stötta dem. Detta främjar även vården av PMD eftersom att de anhöriga kan bidra med information om vad PMD behöver för vård. / Background: 35,6 million people lives with a dementia disease in the world. This number is set to be doubled by 2030 and tripled by 2050. The majority of the people with dementia (PWD) have relatives in the form of, for example, spouses and adult children. To live with a dementia disease involves intellectual difficulties such as anxiety, frustration, loss of memory and depression which effects the communication with the nursing staff. Aim: To describe the experiences of being a relative of a PWD who lives in a nursing home for PWD and to describe the included articles from the methodological point of view study group. Method: Literature review with a descriptive design based on 10 qualitative scientific articles from the search engines PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were individually processed by the authors of this literature review and during the analysis, four main themes where identified. These themes later became the basis of the result. Main findings: The result showed that relatives to a PWD often experiences feelings of loss and guilt. They also had difficulties in trusting the nursing staff and in making decisions for their PWD. In the majority of the articles in this literature review the participants were women. In some of the articles the was a more even gender variety. Most of the participants in the articles were spouses of adult children to PWD although there were also siblings and grandchildren amongst the participants. The middle age of the participants varied between 54-73 years. Conclusion: Relatives of a PWD often experience tough feelings such as loneliness, lost love, sorrow and guilt. They also have a hard time trusting the nursing staff and struggle to justify the decisions they make for their PWD. It is important for the nurse to have some insight in regards to what the relatives experience in order to meet and support them. This enhances the care of the PWD since the relatives can contribute with information regarding what care the PWD needs.

The Decision Making Process of Informal Caregivers of Dementia Family Members Regarding Nursing Home Placement

Merritt, Rebecca 29 November 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand the decision making process of caregivers placing their elderly family members in a nursing home facility. Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) was used, as well as the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). ELT was utilized in an effort to understand the learning that took place during the caregiving experiences, and CIT was used to better understand the critical incidents that led the caregivers to seek nursing home placement. A sample of twelve former informal dementia caregivers between the ages of fifty-seven and eighty-seven was drawn from the metropolitan Richmond, Virginia area. In-depth interviews were audiotaped and provided the primary source of data for this study. An interview protocol consisting of eleven open-ended questions derived from current dementia caregiving literature guided the conversation between the researcher and the caregivers in the sample. A constant comparison method was used in this study. The findings revealed that there are a variety of reasons why informal dementia caregivers seek nursing home placement for their family members. Themes related to the decision making process to seek nursing home placement include (1) dementia related behaviors, (2) safety concerns, (3) emotional and psychological burden, and (4) unexpected medical intervention. Indicators of each theme found in this study suggest that providing informal care for an individual with dementia can be very overwhelming and challenging. Although there were some positive aspects associated with this form of caregiving, such as feelings of pride and self-worth, the overall consensus from this study was that dementia caregiving is a very difficult experience in which the primary caregiver had to ultimately seek formal placement in a nursing home for their family member for a variety of reasons.

Long-Term Care Nurses' Perceptions Of Factors That Influence Their End-Of-Life Discussions With Surrogate Decision Makers

Walter, Diane, Walter, Diane January 2017 (has links)
Background: Long-term care nurses are in a pivotal position to be augmenting the quality of life for residents and improving the death and dying experience for residents, their family members and surrogate decision makers. Currently there is a paucity of literature that acknowledges the experiences of long-term care nurses and their involvement with end-of-life decision making and care. Purpose: To describe long-term care nurses’ perceptions of factors that influence their communication with end-of-life surrogate decision makers and the kind of support they need to support this discussion. Method: A descriptive study using mixed-methods convergent design was used to obtain responses from a sample of 30 long-term care nurses. An online survey included questions to obtain quantitative data and open-ended questions for short responses. Results from both sets of data were brought together and compared during the analysis phase. Results: The findings of this study highlight the personal factors of the nurse, the characteristics of the surrogate decision maker, contextual factors, situational related inputs, and the support desired by long-term care nurses. Participants rated factors according to importance in their experiences of communicating with surrogate decision makers. Seven themes were inductively derived from the analysis: 1) selected or appointed as surrogate makes a difference, 2) strong trusting bond between nurse-resident and nurse-family, 3) being too close to see resident’s wishes, 4) interdisciplinary team agreement, 5) living will as a communication roadmap, 6) peaceful environment, and 7) the need to create emotional distance. Long-term care nurses also identified the types of support they seek or need to be effective in communicating with end-of-life care surrogate decision makers. Conclusion: As the numbers of the older population continue to increase, the demand for nurses to develop expertise in caring for dying residents and communicating with them, their family members, and surrogate decision makers will increase. Understanding their experiences and providing support to long-term care nurses may strengthen their capacity to communicate about death and dying and their delivery of quality end-of-life care to residents.

Prävalenz und klinische Relevanz enoraler Mykosen und Dermatokyosen bei Bewohnern in pflegerischen Versorgungseinrichtungen / Prevalence and relevance of fungal infections in nursing homes

Wojak, Klaus-Peter 19 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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