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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of undergraduate nursing students experiences of an HIV/AIDS support group and its activities

Sixaba, Nqabisa Lucia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are critical concerns worldwide; this is particularly true of South Africa. The consequences of HIV infection and complications of AIDS are a challenge that extends into the nursing profession and into the community of student nurses. Support groups can form an important part in educating nursing students about HIV and AIDS, as well as in supporting nursing students through the processes of counselling, testing and managing the physical, as well as other impacts of this syndrome. When considering the current situation at an Eastern Cape nursing college and the literature reviewed on this topic, the research question posed for this study was: ‘Why is the support offered by the HIV support group to the nursing students having such a limited effect on the students’ motivation to participate in HIV counselling and testing (HCT) and support activities to de-stigmatise HIV/AIDS?’ The aim of this study was to explore and describe the nursing students’ experiences and perceptions of the support group activities in order to improve the relevance of this initiative for students. The objectives of this study were to - Explore and describe the student’s experiences and perceptions of the support group activities - Identify and describe the student’s expectations of the support group. A qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive design was used to elicit data to answer the research question. Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee and access to the college campus was obtained through the appropriate authorities. The accessible population for this study were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students at one campus of the provincial nursing college in the Eastern Cape. In-depth individual interviews were conducted with eight participants who met the study inclusion criteria of having had experience of the support group and its activities. Interviews were recorded and transcribed by the researcher. Content analysis was used to analyse the interview data through applying Tesch’s eight steps of analysis. Data analysis revealed that participants did not experience the support group as helpful; although they had joined the support group they remained fearful of receiving test results and what their future may hold should they be diagnosed as being HIV positive. The participants experienced rejection and discrimination by the support group committee members; they also identified that the committee displayed hypocritical behaviours and a lack of respect for confidentiality of information which further undermined the functioning and influence of the group. Results revealed that joining the support group means one is automatically stigmatised as being HIV positive. The support group committee members were seen to be inaccessible having only limited communication with participants. Recommendations from the study were to hold personal and group development sessions for the committee and interested students to assist them in learning how to manage ethical issues related to counselling and testing, how to conduct effective campaigns to de-stigmatize HIV/AIDS, and to determine clearly what the purpose of this particular group is that it may better meet the needs of the student group. Limitations of this study were that the qualitative research approach that was applied limited the generalisation of the findings. The study focused only on experiences and perceptions of the undergraduate nursing students on one campus of the nursing college about the support group and its activities. Thus, the study offered an initial insight into the current negative perceptions of students towards the support group and offered a foundation for further investigation. In conclusion, experiences and perceptions of the support group were explored and elaborated on. Currently, the support group does not offer the support the students would like to be available as the fundamental functioning of the group is compromised by a lack of trust between students and the committee members. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die menslike immuungebreksvirus (MIV) en verworwe immuniteitsgebreksindroom (VIGS) is wêreldwyd kommerwekkende aangeleenthede, veral met betrekking tot Suid-Afrika. Die gevolge van MIV-infeksie en komplikasies van VIGS is uitdagings wat die verpleegberoep en die verpleegstudente-gemeenskap met verreikende gevolge raak. Ondersteuningsgroepe kan ’n belangrike rol speel om verpleegstudente in verband met MIV en VIGS op te lei, asook om ondersteuning te bied deur middel van die prosesse van berading, toetsing en die bestuur van die fisiese en ander gevolge van die sindroom. Toe die huidige situasie by ’n Oos-Kaapse verpleegkollege, asook die literatuuroorsig oor die onderwerp in oënskou geneem is, is die navorsingsvraag vir die studie gestel: “Waarom het die ondersteuning wat deur die ondersteuningsgroep aan die studentverpleegsters aangebied word so ’n beperkte effek op die studente se motivering om deel te neem aan MIV-berading en toetsing, asook ondersteuningsaktiwiteite om MIV/VIGS te destigmatiseer?” Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegstudente se ervaringe en persepsies van die ondersteuningsgroep se aktiwiteite te ondersoek en te beskryf, ten einde die relevansie van hierdie inisiatief vir die studente te verbeter. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om die student se: - ervaringe en persepsies van die ondersteuningsgroep se aktiwiteite te ondersoek en te beskryf - verwagtinge van die ondersteuningsgroep te identifiseer en te beskryf. ’n Kwalitatiewe benadering met ’n ondersoekende en beskrywende ontwerp is gebruik om die data aan die lig te bring om sodoende die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord. Etiese goedkeuring is van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee verkry en toegang tot die kollege-kampus is deur die betrokke owerhede verleen. Die toeganklike bevolking vir die studie was eerste-, tweede-, derde- en vierdejaarstudente by een kampus van die provinsiale verpleegkollege in die Oos-Kaap. Deurtastende individuele onderhoude is met agt deelnemers gevoer wat aan die studie se inklusiewe kriteria voldoen het en wat ondervinding het van die ondersteuningsgroep en hul aktiwiteite. Data is deur die navorser opgeneem en getranskribeer. Inhoudelike analise is gebruik om die data van die onderhoud te analiseer deur Tesch se ag stappe van analise toe te pas. Analise van die data het aan die lig gebring dat deelnemers nie die ondersteuningsgroep as behulpsaam ervaar nie. Ten spyte van aansluiting by die ondersteuningsgroep bly hulle angstig vir wanneer toetsresultate ontvang moet word en wat dit vir hul toekoms mag inhou indien hulle MIV-positief gediagnoseer word. Die deelnemers het verwerping en diskriminasie deur die ondersteuningsgroep se komitee-lede ervaar; hulle het ook skynheilige optredes en ’n gebrek aan respek vir vertroulikheid van inligting wat die funksionering en invloed van die groep verder ondermyn, geïdentifiseer. Resultate het aan die lig gebring dat aansluiting by die ondersteuningsgroep beteken dat hulle outomaties gestigmatiseer word as MIVpositief. Die komitee van die ondersteuningsgroep word gesien as ontoeganklik met beperkte kommunikasie met die deelnemers. Aanbevelings vanuit die studie sluit in die opvoeding en die ontwikkeling van ’n komitee en belangstellende studente om etiese kwessies te bestuur wat verband hou met berading en toetsing, veldtogte om MIV/VIGS te destigmatiseer en om duidelik te bepaal watter tipe ondersteuningsgroep hierdie betrokke groep moet nastreef om te wees. Beperkinge van hierdie studie is dat ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering toegepas is wat die veralgemening van die bevindings beperk het. Die studie het slegs gefokus op ervaringe en persepsies van die voorgraadse verpleegstudente op een kampus van die verpleegkollege aangaande die ondersteuningsgroep en hul aktiwiteite. Sodoende, gee die studie ’n aanvanklike insig in die huidige negatiewe persepsies van studente oor die ondersteuningsgroep en bied ook ’n grondslag vir verdere ondersoeke. Ten slotte, ervaringe en persepsies van die ondersteuningsgroep is ondersoek en daarop uitgebrei. Tans bied die ondersteuningsgroep nie die ondersteuning wat die studente benodig nie, vanweë die fundamentele funksionering van die groep se gebrek aan vertroue deur studente in die komitee-lede.

Professionnalisation des étudiants infirmiers et construction identitaire : une approche par les représentations du métier et sous l'angle de la catégorisation sociale inter IFSI / Professionalization of nursing students and identity building up : an approach based on representations of the profession and from the angle of cross-IFSI social categorization

Barraud, Catherine 11 June 2013 (has links)
Le processus de professionnalisation des infirmières en France semble se baser préférentiellement sur une professionnalisation par les savoirs et les activités. La professionnalisation des individus par la construction d'une identité professionnelle est peu interrogée. Adoptant un regard psychosocial, nous nous proposons dans ce travail d'appréhender le développement identitaire professionnel des étudiants infirmiers. La construction de l’identité professionnelle des étudiants infirmiers s’appuie d’une part sur l'élaboration et l'évolution des représentations socioprofessionnelles de la profession infirmière et d’autre part, dans les relations intergroupales et sur le processus de catégorisation sociale qu'adoptent les étudiants infirmiers tout au long de leur formation. Réalisée dans quatre Instituts de Formation de la région Aquitaine auprès d’étudiants en début et en fin de formation, l’enquête allie méthode quantitative et méthode qualitative en deux séquences : des entretiens de groupe restreint et naturel ont été effectués en début et en fin d’année scolaire ; un questionnaire a été administré en milieu d’année scolaire aux promotions dans leur totalité. Les résultats montrent une différence et une évolution dans les représentations socioprofessionnelles qu’ont les étudiants de leur future profession. Une distinction est repérée non seulement selon l’année de formation mais aussi selon l’IFSI d’origine. La catégorisation sociale inter IFSI montre une évolution dans les modalités de catégorisation selon les IFSI et peu de corrélation avec les années de formation. / The professionalization process of nurses in France seems to be preferentially based on knowledge and activities. The professionalization of individuals through the building up of a professional identity is hardly taken into account. In this study, we suggest to examine the professional identity development of nursing students from a psychosocial viewpoint. The building up of nursing students’ professional identity rests on the elaboration and development of socio-professional representations of the nursing profession on the one hand, and of cross-group relationships and the process of social categorization embraced by nursing students through their training on the other. Conducted among beginning and advanced students in four Training Institutes of the Aquitaine Region, this two-stage survey combines quantitative and qualitative methods: small, spontaneous group interviews were conducted at the beginning and end of the school year; the full student body was also given a questionnaire halfway through the school year. The results indicate differences and changes in the students’socio-professional representations of their future profession. Differences were observed not only depending on training level but also depending on the students’ home IFSI (Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers - Nursing Assistant Training Institute). The cross-ISFI social categorization reveals changes in categorization methods depending on the IFSI, and little correlation with training levels.

Gydytojų, slaugytojų ir pacientų požiūris į slaugytoją / Attitude of doctors, nurses and patients towards nurses specialists

Golubevienė, Danutė 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – Ištirti Viešosios Įstaigos Kauno Centro poliklinikos gydytojų, slaugytojų ir pacientų požiūrį į slaugytojos profesiją. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti gydytojo, slaugytojo ir paciento požiūrį į slaugytojos profesiją. 2. Palyginti medicinos normose apibrėžtas slaugytojų funkcijas su gydytojų, slaugytojų ir pacientų požiūriu į slaugytojų atliekamas funkcijas. 3. Įvertinti slaugytojų pasitenkinimą darbu ir jo sąsajas su požiūriu į slaugytojos profesiją. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo metu buvo atlikta gydytojų, slaugytojų ir pacientų anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Gydytojų atsako dažnis 71 proc. ( N- 98), slaugytojų atsako dažnis 87 proc. (N-95) ir pacientų atsako dažnis 72proc. (N-420). Respondentų atsakymų įvertinimui buvo naudota 7 balų Likert skalė, kur: 1- visiškai nesutinku /niekada / visiškai nesvarbus / /labai blogai, o 7 – visiškai sutinku / visada /labai svarbus/ labai gerai. Duomenys buvo apdorojami naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 9.0. Duomenų analizei taikytos statistinės procedūros: chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus , Z – kriterijus ir 95proc. pasikliautinieji intervalai (PI), Kruskalio-Volison kriterijus ir 95proc. pasikliautinieji intervalai (PI), Spearmano koreliacijos koeficientas. Rezultatai ir išvados: 1. Nors slaugytojos vaidmuo teikiant pacientams paslaugas buvo įvertintas kaip svarbus, bet tiek gydytojų, tiek pacientų, tiek slaugytojų tarpe vyrauja požiūris į slaugytoją, kaip į gydytojo padėjėją. Gydytojai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the Study – To investigate doctors’, nurses’ and patients’ attitude towards nursing specialists at Public Enterprise Kaunas Centre Outpatient Clinic. The tasks of the Study: 1. To compare doctors’, nurses’ and patients’ attitude towards nursing specialists. 2. To compare nursing functions specified in Medical Regulations with the doctors’, nurses’ and patients’ attitude towards nursing specialists. 3. To evaluate nurses’ satisfaction with their work and its link with nursing profession. Methods of the research. An anonymous inquiry of the doctors, nurses and patients using questionnaires has been applied during the research. Doctors’ response rate 71 % ( N- 98), nurses’ response rate 87 % (N-95) and patients’ response rate 72% (N-420). To evaluate the replies of the respondents, the 7-point Likert scale has been employed, where: 1- totally disagree /never/absolutely unimportant/very bad, and 7 – totally agree/always/extremely important/ very well. The data obtained have been processed using SPSS 9.0 statistical software package. The following statistical procedures have been applied to the data analysis: chi square (χ2) criterion, Z – criterion and 95% reliance intervals (RI), Kruskal-Wallis criterion and 95% reliance intervals (RI), Spearman’s coefficient of correlation. Results and conclusions: 1. Although the role of a nursing specialist during service provision to the patients has been assessed as an important one, the prevailing approach among... [to full text]

Medical Information Systems & the Nursing Profession : a Sociotechnical Approach

Andersson, Johanna, Hallberg, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
Due to the digitalization era and challenges faced by the healthcare sector, Medical Information Systems are now being extensively used at hospitals. The implementation of the systems is a complex task which entails a need for careful considerations from a managerial view, since the main purpose with implementing the systems is for managerial control. One of the things management should consider is the professional aspect. The nursing profession is a highly specific one, and this could implicate special considerations. The aim of this master’s thesis is to take on a sociotechnical approach towards the implementation of Medical Information Systems and investigate how the nursing profession is affecting the implementation process, and what it may implicate for hospital management. To answer the research question a qualitative approach has been chosen. The empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with nurses from the case organization. The result implies that the nursing profession have a substantial impact on the implementation process. Instead of embracing the instructions and support offered by management, the nurses develop their own way of working within the system.

A prática assistencial na rede de enfrentamento da violência contra as mulheres em Palmas/TO / The care practice in the network of violence against women combat at Palmas/TO

Pacheco, Leonora Rezende 30 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2015-12-01T11:13:40Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Leonora Rezende Pacheco - 2015.pdf: 3342602 bytes, checksum: bbdc9ce308653871ea3fd5c67a3fb72b (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-12-01T11:49:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Leonora Rezende Pacheco - 2015.pdf: 3342602 bytes, checksum: bbdc9ce308653871ea3fd5c67a3fb72b (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-01T11:49:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Leonora Rezende Pacheco - 2015.pdf: 3342602 bytes, checksum: bbdc9ce308653871ea3fd5c67a3fb72b (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-30 / The combating of violence against women must be done by the work that involves the health, legal, police and psychosocial areas in an intersectoral network, because it is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon. The nurse belongs to the health area and the care practice is essential in the confronting of violence.This study aims to: analyze the meanings of violence against women by professionals of Network of Violence Against Women Combat, Understand the operations of the Network of Violence Against Women Combat according to its professionals, analyze the nurse assistance in Network of Violence Against Women Combat by the professionals and nurses from the network. The theoretical categories for data analysis contemplated the concepts of violence against women, the practice of the nurse, the historic route of the nursing work in Brazil and the operationalization of Network of Violence Against Women Combat; passing by authors like: Lenore Walker, Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx. It is a Social Research in Strategic Mode on a qualitative form. The data were collected through semi-structured interview with 21 professionals from 15 institutions that composed the Network of Violence Against Women Combat of Palmas/TO, and by observation of the field. Data analysis was based on thematic content analysis, emerging three thematic categories: "Meanings of violence against women", treating about the meanings, concepts and forms of violence for the participants; "Understanding the Network of Violence Against Women Combat" describing the operation of the network, its barriers and solutions; "The meanings of nurse's practice assistance in the Network of Violence Against Women Combat", participants showed how nurses were performing their practice assistance in the fighting of violence against women. After analyzing the barriers in the functioning of Network of Violence Against Women Combat and the aspects recommended by the literature and public political, a model/flowchart of network operating was proposed in a integrate and cross-sectoral way. The research concluded that for the implementation of networking is necessary to sensitize professionals and nurses about his role in the fighting of violence against women, making them recognize that the network service depends on the co-responsibility, initiative, communication and partnership of each of them. The network consists of institutions, and these by their professionals that should act effectively. Also offered subsidies for nurses practice, as well for other professionals from several sectors, in the establishment of coherent, solving and transforming actions for the prevention, detection and care of women in situations of violence. The training and inclusion of the issue of violence in the formation of professionals are very important. This research contributed to the Network of Violence Against Women Combat of Palmas, in the sensitize of professionals, recognition of partners and communication between them. / O enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher deve ser realizado por meio de trabalho que envolva as áreas da saúde, jurídica, policial e psicossocial, de maneira intersetorial em rede, por se tratar de um fenômeno complexo e multifatorial. O enfermeiro pertence à área da saúde e sua prática assistencial se faz essencial no enfrentamento da violência. Este estudo teve como objetivos: analisar os significados de violência contra a mulher atribuídos pelos profissionais da Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher, compreender a dinâmica da Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher sob a ótica de seus profissionais e analisar a prática assistencial do enfermeiro na Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher segundo profissionais e enfermeiros ligados à rede. As categorias teóricas para análise dos dados contemplam os conceitos de violência contra a mulher, a práxis do enfermeiro, o traçado histórico da atuação do enfermeiro no Brasil e a operacionalização da Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher; perpassando por autores como: Lenore Walker, Hannah Arendt e Karl Marx. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa Social na modalidade estratégica, de natureza qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 21 profissionais de 15 instituições que compunham a Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher de Palmas/TO, e pela observação do campo. A análise dos dados baseou-se na modalidade temática da análise de conteúdo, gerando três categorias temáticas: “Significados da violência contra a mulher”, abordando os significados, conceitos e formas de violência; “Compreendendo a Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher”, descrevendo o funcionamento da rede, seus entraves e soluções; “Significados da atuação do enfermeiro na Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher”, onde os participantes evidenciaram como os enfermeiros desempenhavam sua prática assistencial no enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher. Após análise dos entraves no funcionamento da Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher e os aspectos preconizados pela literatura e políticas públicas, um modelo/fluxograma de funcionamento da rede foi proposto de maneira integral e intersetorial. A pesquisa concluiu que para a implementação do trabalho em rede é preciso sensibilizar os profissionais e enfermeiros sobre sua atuação no enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher, fazendo-os reconhecer que a assistência em rede depende da co-responsabilidade, iniciativa, comunicação e parceria de cada um deles. A rede é constituída por instituições, e estas pelos seus profissionais que devem atuar de forma efetiva. Também ofereceu subsídios para a práxis do enfermeiro, bem como para a de outros profissionais dos demais setores, no estabelecimento de ações coerentes, resolutivas e transformadoras para a prevenção, detecção e atendimento das mulheres em situação de violência. A capacitação e inclusão do tema da violência na formação dos profissionais se mostraram importantes. Essa pesquisa contribuiu para a Rede de Enfrentamento da Violência Contra a Mulher de Palmas, na sensibilização dos profissionais, reconhecimento dos parceiros e na comunicação entre eles.

Rozhodnutí o změně pracoviště u nelékařského zdravotnického personálu / Decision to leave workplace in non-medical healthcare workers

Picmausová, Ivana January 2020 (has links)
The fluctuation of nursing staff in the medical facilities is not just current problem in the Czech Republic. Aging population will present higher demand for number of nursing staff. It is assumed that the insufficient number of nursing staff will remain and even rise (also due to aging of the staff) if appropriate actions are not taken (Simoens et al., 2005). This thesis discusses the decision to migrate amongst the nursing staff - general nurses, practical nurses, midwives, and emergency paramedics within the medical facility. It analyses the reasons for changing their workplace. The investigation was executed using the questionnaire method. It was conducted in January and February of 2020 in the selected medical facility in the Czech Republic. Total of 701 questionnaires were distributed to all inpatient wards, outpatient departments and intensive care units. The investigation targeted nursing medical staff. A statistical analysis of the results was performed Mann-Whitney U test was used to monitor the differences for decision to migrate based on various characteristics and responses. Total of 415 completed questionnaires were analysed in this investigation. 61/415 (14.7 %) responders consider the change of workplace. The most common nursing staff members to consider the change were general...

Ett vårdverksamhetsperspektiv på samverkan i sjuksköterskeprogrammets verksamhetsförlagda utbildning / A healthcare perspective on collaboration in the nursing program's program-based education

Andersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Society is constantly evolving and changes are taking place, which creates the opportunity to collaborate around several different areas. Working for a work-integrated learning (WIL) could mean that you work structured together with healthcare and college with common goals and collaborative issues. The content of the study deals with healthcare representatives´ perceptions of the importance of collaboration, the possibility of nursing education's vocational education. Method used in the study is qualitative method with focus group interviews. In the study, three focus groups and one interview were interviewed. Interviewees consisted of managers, supervisors and supervisors. The care activities that the informants represented were somatic care in emergency medical care, psychiatric care and home care. A qualitative content analysis was made by the interviews that were themed by interpretation of the interviews. Healthcare representatives wanted a collaborative perspective in various areas, such as development and collaboration of teaching models, assessment and evaluation. Working together with work-integrated learning as a model can be a way of interacting. There is a hope that the healthcare and higher education institutions will find development pathways in the future to ensure the knowledge of nursing students and their future occupational role, as to ensure the quality of care. / Denna studie handlar om vårdverksamhetsföreträdares uppfattning av samverkan i sjuksköterskeprogrammet verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. I studien framkom flera olika önskemål från vårdverksamheternas företrädare om utvecklingsområden för större samverkan. Det framkom att det i dag finns samverkan, men att nuvarande samverkan inte fokuserar mål i utbildningen, gemensam utveckling av pedagogiska modeller eller skapar utbyte av högskolan och vårdverksamheternas verksamheter. Det var inte alltid möjligt att vårdverksamhetsföreträdare kunde ta sig till informationen på högskolan inför studenternas verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. Vårdverksamhetsföreträdarna önskade en samverkansform inom olika områden, så som utveckling och samverkan av handledningsuppdraget, pedagogiska metoder, stöd vid bedömning och behov av utvärdering. Att samverka med arbetsintegrerat lärande som metod kan vara ett sätt att samverka. Att arbeta efter ett arbetsintegrerat lärande innebär att man arbetar strukturerat tillsammans med gemensamma mål och samverkansfrågor. Samtliga parter måste veta hur man arbetar med ett arbetsintegrerat lärande perspektiv. Resultatet av studien gav flera utvecklingsområden. De nuvarande samverkansformerna är viktigt att fortsätta med men en annan form av samverkansträffar önskades där samverkan kan ske tillsammans mellan vårdverksamheternas och högskolans efter dagens rådande kontext. Samhället utvecklas hela tiden och förändringar sker vilket skapar möjlighet att samverka kring flera olika områden. En förhoppning finns att vårdverksamheterna och högskola i framtiden hittar utvecklingsvägar i samverkan för att säkra sjuksköterskestudenternas kunskaper och för sjuksköterskeprogrammets studerande i deras kommande yrkesroll samt för att säkerställa kvaliteten av vård och omsorg.

Caractéristiques qui influencent la façon dont les personnes formées à l’étranger déterminent les réponses à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Québec

Lemay, Chantal 11 1900 (has links)
Le but de la présente recherche est de documenter, à partir d’une approche de recherche pragmatique qui s’inspire d’une méthode de recherche de type mixte, ce qui influence la performance des personnes formées à l’étranger (ci-après « PFÉ ») à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Québec (ci-après « examen »). Un devis séquentiel explicatif permet de découper cette recherche en deux grandes phases qui s’intéressent, respectivement, à des données quantitatives et à des données qualitatives. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de 1) déterminer s’il existe une différence entre les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 pour les PFÉ et les personnes formées au Québec (ci-après « PFQ »), 2) déterminer s’il existe une association entre certaines caractéristiques connues des PFÉ et les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 et 3) décrire les caractéristiques reliées aux PFÉ et aux items qui influencent la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier lors de la détermination des réponses aux items de l’examen du 12 septembre 2020. Les deux échantillons de la première phase contiennent 1 050 PFQ et 199 PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données pour cette première phase a été réalisée à l’aide d’un fichier d’information obtenu auprès de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Des analyses comparatives des deux échantillons permettent de conclure qu’il existe une différence statistiquement significative entre les scores moyens observés à l’examen pour l’échantillon des PFQ et celui des PFÉ et que la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant modérée. Des analyses additionnelles sont réalisées afin de déterminer s’il existe une association statistiquement significative entre certaines variables disponibles, notamment l’âge, le sexe, le délai depuis la diplomation, l’indice de développement humain (ci-après « IDH ») du pays de diplomation et les scores moyens observés pour les PFÉ. Ainsi, les résultats suggèrent l’absence d’association entre l’âge ou le délai depuis la diplomation et les scores observés à l’examen. Par ailleurs, les analyses permettent d’observer une association statistiquement significative entre les scores observés des PFÉ à l’examen et le sexe ainsi que l’IDH du pays de diplomation, même si la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant faible. L’échantillon de la deuxième phase de cette recherche contient huit PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données s’est effectuée à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-structurées réalisées à distance et enregistrées à l’aide du logiciel Microsoft Teams. Le guide d’entrevue, explorant les thèmes tirés du cadre de référence, est construit à partir de la littérature consultée au sujet des caractéristiques pouvant agir sur les réponses aux items d’un examen. Les données ont fait l’objet d’un codage thématique à l’aide d’une grille. Les résultats indiquent que la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier, incluant la mobilisation des savoirs appropriés lors de la résolution d’items de l’examen, constitue un défi pour les PFÉ qui participent aux entrevues (ci-après « PFÉP »). Ainsi, les savoirs infirmiers mobilisés s’appuient, en partie, sur des connaissances et des expériences acquises avant l’arrivée au Québec qui diffèrent des savoirs qui sont ciblés par les items de l’examen. Ceci n’est pas surprenant puisque les PFÉP constituent un groupe hétérogène d’individus avec des parcours professionnels extrêmement variés et le contenu de l’examen cible spécifiquement les aspects requis pour exercer au Québec. Bien que les savoirs acquis après l’arrivée au Québec soient aussi mobilisés lors de la résolution des items de l’examen, ces nouvelles connaissances sont parfois insuffisantes pour certaines PFÉP qui présentent de trop grands écarts de savoirs professionnels. Par ailleurs, l’état psychologique des PFÉP, les difficultés à lire et à bien comprendre les situations cliniques de l’examen et le manque de temps influencent certainement la capacité de choisir les réponses attendues aux items de l’examen. Les résultats de cette recherche contribuent aux connaissances en éducation puisqu’ils permettent une meilleure documentation des caractéristiques qui influencent la détermination des réponses à un examen en contexte d’immigration professionnelle. Ils contribuent aussi aux connaissances en matière d’intégration professionnelle des PFÉ en mettant en lumière le caractère hétérogène de ce groupe de personnes qui exerçaient la profession infirmière dans leur pays d’origine et l’importance d’adopter une approche individuelle aux défis de ces personnes qui souhaitent obtenir un permis d’exercice au Québec, notamment les outils de préparation à l’examen. Les résultats peuvent aider les instances touchées par l’administration d’un examen à considérer différentes caractéristiques reliées à la personne ou aux items qui influencent la détermination des réponses aux items. / The goal of this research project is to document, using a pragmatic approach inspired by a mixed-method paradigm, what influences the performance of internationally educated nurses (IENs) at the entry-level exam in Québec. As is done with an explanatory sequential design, this research is divided into two phases. The first phase relates to quantitative data and the second phase relates to qualitative data. The objectives of this research are 1) to determine if there is a difference between the scores observed at the exam for IENs and Québec trained nurses (QTNs), 2) to determine if there is an association between certain IEN characteristics and the scores observed at the exam and 3) to describe the characteristics of IENs that influence the use of nursing clinical judgement while responding to the items in the September 12, 2022 exam. The two samples for the first phase of this research are made up of 1,050 QTNs and 199 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection for this first phase was done using information obtained from the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Comparative analysis of the two samples suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores observed at the exam for the QTN and IEN samples with an effect size that is considered moderate. Additional analyses were used to determine if there is a statistically significant association between certain variables such as age, sex, time lapse since graduating, human development index (HDI) for the country of graduation and the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs. The results suggest the absence of an association between age or the time elapsed since graduation and the observed scores at the exam. Moreover, the analyses show that there is a statistically significant association between the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs, sex and the HDI for the country of graduation, although this effect size is considered weak. The sample for the second phase of this research is made up of 8 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection was done through individual semi-structured interviews held remotely and recorded using Microsoft Teams. The interview guide explored themes inspired by the framework based on available literature related to characteristics which can influence item response. The data collected was coded using a themed grid. The results suggest that the use of nursing clinical judgement, including the mobilization of appropriate knowledge to respond correctly to exam items, is challenging for the participating IENs. Moreover, the nursing knowledge mobilized during item response refers, partly, to knowledge and experience acquired before arriving in Québec, which are different from the knowledge tested in the exam items. This is not surprising since IENs are a heterogeneous group with a variety of professional pathways and the content of the exam targets specific aspects required for nursing practice in Québec. Although the knowledge acquired after arriving in Québec is also mobilized by the IENs during item response at the exam, this new knowledge is sometimes insufficient for some IENs who have an important knowledge gap. Also, the psychological state of IENs, challenges with reading and understanding the clinical situations presented in the exam, and the lack of time during the examen certainly influenced the capacity to respond correctly to the items. The results of this research will contribute to the educational knowledge base because they document some of the characteristics that influence exam item response in the context of professional immigration. These results will also contribute knowledge related to the professional integration of IENs who previously practised nursing in their country of origin by highlighting the heterogeneity of this group and the importance of adopting an individualized approach to the unique challenges ¬– such as those associated with exam preparation materials – faced by IENs who wish to obtain a nursing permit in Québec. These results can help all organizations involved in administering entry-level professional exams take into consideration the different personal characteristics or items that could influence the item response process.

Ett högt och ädelt kall : kalltankens betydelse för sjuksköterskeyrkets formering 1850-1933 / A High and Noble Calling : The Notion of a Calling and the Formation of the Nursing Profession

Andersson, Åsa January 2002 (has links)
This thesis describes the impact of the notion of a calling on the development of the nursing profession during the period 1850–1933. The focus of the study is on how perceptions andnotions of a calling were altered over time, and in which way this historically shaped conceptinfluenced the professionalisation of the female health care work. Some contexts of relevancefor the notion of a calling and which are emphasised in the thesis are the women’s rights movement, the expansion of the civil servants’ movement, the professionalisation and modernisationof the health care system as well as the general secularisation of society. The study consists of three parts. The first part constitutes a conceptual background tothe notion of a calling and here the Christian heritage of ideas is examined. The second partof the thesis describes three leading institutions of nursing education: the Ersta Institution ofdeaconesses (1851), the Red Cross education (1867), and the Sophia Home (1884). The study shows how Lutheran features influenced these educational institutions, mainly the educationof the deaconesses. The meaning of the calling differed between the deaconesses and thenurses of the Sophia Home. The deaconnesses’ notion of a calling emphasised the value ofhumbly serving fellow beings, whereas the Sophia Home attached more importance to theelevated and noble aspect of the calling. The third part of the thesis is the most comprehensive one. It is here analysed how the circlearound the Swedish Nursing Association (SNA), used and related to the notion of a calling during the period 1910–1933. The description is structured under four themes. The first describes how the notion of a calling expresses a particular professional ideal and an ethical attitude characterised by a Lutheran work ethics with strong altruistic features. Under the second theme, the gendered perception of the vocation is discussed. It is claimed that the nursingprofession was not unambiguously permeated by feminine gendered perceptions. Instead the nurses’ professional ideal espoused a mixture of masculine and feminine gendered metaphors.Under the third theme, it becomes clear that the nurses’ proclamation of a calling strengthened and increased the status of the profession. Under the fourth theme, the nurses’notion of a calling is related to two male professional groups, doctors and clergymen, and thepessimistic and sombre spirit of time at the turn of the century, 1900. The general secularisation of society, and the gradual modernisation of the health care sector seemed to have contributedto a need for a professional corps, marked by strong tradition, apparently considereda guarantee for a health care system that would still comprise Christian love. / Diss. Umeå : Univ., 2002

Motivační a demotivační faktory pro setrvání na pracovišti intenzivní péče v profesi sestry / Motivational and demotivational factors to remain in intensive care nursing

Trojáková, Miluše January 2020 (has links)
The profession of a general nurse is a specific job with high demands. At present, recruiting and retaining general nurses is an urgent and fundamental problem not only in the Czech Republic but also worldwide. The extent of the shortage of general nurses is not clear. The Czech Nursing Association (ČAS) reports figures ranging from 2000 to 3300 for the years 2017 and 2018. The lack of trained and qualified general nurses results in a series of negative effects, impacting not only the quality but also availability of the care provided. Some foreign studies even indicate that the shortage of nurses increases the likelihood of complications and patient deaths (Aiken et al., 2014). By recognizing the motivational and demotivational factors impacting the satisfaction of nurses we can help to retain general nurses in their jobs and increase their work performance. The research survey implemented at one specific intensive care unit of the highest level was conducted using the qualitative research method. The data collection took place in the form of semi-structured interviews and was completed by achieving data saturation. The qualitative data were audio recorded to maintain authenticity. The interviews were subsequently transcribed. An open coding technique was used to analyze the data of ten survey...

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