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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barack Obamas retorik i tolkning till tjeckiska : Fallstudie om överföringar av retoriska figurer i medietolkning / Barack Obama’s rhetorics in the interpretation to Czech : Case study on transferring of rhetorical devices in media interpretation

Nechvátalová, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie analyserar hur president Obamas retoriska figurer överförs till tjeckiska samt i vilken utsträckning parallellismer återges, baserat på analyser av två valda medietolkningar. Analysen visar bl.a. att de bildliga uttrycken överförs i form av omskrivningar eller utelämnas. Några retoriska figurer, såsom anaforer, anadiploser och parallellismer, skapas genom upprepningar. Eftersom tolkar inte kan förutse vart talaren leder talet är det svårt att hinna analysera om en upprepning är en retorisk figur med en funktion som bör behållas eller en onödig upprepning som bör undvikas. De undersökta tolkningarna fick en P-poäng på 70% resp. 63% vilket stämmer överens med Pöchhackers resultat om överföringar av parallellismer vid medietolkning utan manus (2012). / This study analyses how president Obama's rhetorical figures are transferred into Czech and to what extent parallelisms are reproduced, based on the analysis of two selected media interpretations. The analysis showed that the metaphorical expressions are either rewritten or omitted. Some rhetorical figures, such as anaphors, anadiplosis and parallelisms, are created by repetitions. Because interpreters cannot predict where the speaker is taking the speech, it is difficult for them to analyse whether a repetition is a rhetorical figure with a function that should be retained or an unnecessary repetition that should be avoided. The examined interpretations yielded a P-score of 70% and 63%, which corresponds with Pöchhacker's results on transferring of parallelism in media interpretation without script (2012).

Barack Obamas retorik i tolkning till tjeckiska : Fallstudie om överföringar av retoriska figurer i medietolkning / Barack Obama’s rhetorics in the interpretation to Czech : Case study on transferring of rhetorical devices in media interpretation

Nechvátalová, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie analyserar hur president Obamas retoriska figurer överförs till tjeckiska samt i vilken utsträckning parallellismer återges, baserat på analyser av två valda medietolkningar. Analysen visar bl.a. att de bildliga uttrycken överförs i form av omskrivningar eller utelämnas. Några retoriska figurer, såsom anaforer, anadiploser och parallellismer, skapas genom upprepningar. Eftersom tolkar inte kan förutse vart talaren leder talet är det svårt att hinna analysera om en upprepning är en retorisk figur med en funktion som bör behållas eller en onödig upprepning som bör undvikas. De undersökta tolkningarna fick en P-poäng på 70% resp. 63% vilket stämmer överens med Pöchhackers resultat om överföringar av parallellismer vid medietolkning utan manus (2012). / This study analyses how president Obama's rhetorical figures are transferred into Czech and to what extent parallelisms are reproduced, based on the analysis of two selected media interpretations. The analysis showed that the metaphorical expressions are either rewritten or omitted. Some rhetorical figures, such as anaphors, anadiplosis and parallelisms, are created by repetitions. Because interpreters cannot predict where the speaker is taking the speech, it is difficult for them to analyse whether a repetition is a rhetorical figure with a function that should be retained or an unnecessary repetition that should be avoided. The examined interpretations yielded a P-score of 70% and 63%, which corresponds with Pöchhacker's results on transferring of parallelism in media interpretation without script (2012).

Americko-čínské vztahy v post-bipolárním světě (1989-2010) / U.S.-China Relations In the Post-Bipolar World

Šrámek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
In my thesis, I analyze the foreign policy of George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama in 1989-2010. Upon comparing their China policies, I concluded that the approach of the United States to China is inconsistent, mainly due to the changing patterns of power, conflicting value systems and the growing importance of commercial interests in the relationship.

"The only group..." : le rôle du Democratic Leadership Council dans la modernisation idéologique du parti démocrate : 1980-2011 / "The only group..." : the role of the Democratic Leadership Council in the ideological modernization of the democratic party : 1980-2011

Benedic-Meyer, Diane 13 June 2014 (has links)
Il est assez difficile pour la jeune génération d’électeurs démocrates qui ont contribué à porter Barack Obama au pouvoir en 2008 et 2012 d’imaginer l’état de déroute dans lequel se trouvait le parti démocrate après les victoires électorales de Ronald Reagan en 1980 et 1984. Obama doit sa double élection à la fois à l’efficacité de ses campagnes et aux changements qui ont affecté le parti démocrate depuis les années 1980. Certes, les élus démocrates n'avaient pas attendu l'échec humiliant de Jimmy Carter en 1980 pour engager un travail de réflexion mais c'est pendant les années Reagan que certains démocrates influents commencèrent à se mettre concrètement au travail. Le Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) fut la pièce maîtresse d'une sorte d'aggiornamento politique et idéologique qui permit au parti démocrate de reconstituer ses forces en moins de dix ans et de reconquérir la présidence en 1992 avec l’élection de Bill Clinton. Depuis le début des années 1980 jusqu’à sa disparition en 2011, le DLC se consacra à la modernisation idéologique du parti démocrate. / It is quite difficult for the young generation of Democratic voters who contributed to bring Barack Obama into power in 2008 and 2012 to imagine the electoral losing streak the Democratic Party endured after Ronald Reagan’s electoral victories in 1980 and 1984. Obama owes credit to both his efficient campaigns and the changes which have affected the Democratic Party since the 1980s for winning the executive office twice. The Democratic elected officials certainly had not waited for Jimmy Carter’s humiliating defeat in 1980 to reflect upon the situation but it is during the Reagan years that some Democratic influential members started taking action. The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) became a key part of a sort of political and ideological aggiornamento which allowed the Democratic Party to rebuild its forces in less than ten years and to win back the executive office in 1992 with Bill Clinton’s election. From the early 1980s to its dissolution in 2011, the DLC devoted itself to the ideological modernization of the Democratic Party.

Les Représentations du monde dans le cinéma américain post-11 Septembre (2001-2012) / Representations of the world in American cinema after September 11 (2001-2012)

Lasserre, Aurore 14 November 2016 (has links)
Le présent travail vise à comprendre la relation entre une société et son cinéma,entre la première puissance mondiale et la plus importante industrie cinématographique. La projection étant un mécanisme commun à la Nation et au cinéma, il s’agit de voir si un événement tel que 11 Septembre a produit un changement dans le cinéma américain. Dans un premier temps, le mouvement naturel des studios est d’effacer les tours qui apparaissaient dans des films tournés avant et dont la sortie était prévue peu de temps après. Parallèlement, des cinéastes décident d’aborder les attentats mais en les contournant,qui restent ainsi hors-champ, et il faut attendre 2006 pour que les événements du 11 septembre s’incarnent sur grand écran. Par ailleurs, si au lendemain des attentats l’unité nationale prévaut, les réalisateurs et producteurs prennent leurs distances avec la politique de Washington lorsque l’idée d’une guerre en Irak est avancée. Au moment où celle-ci propose une vision du monde binaire, Hollywood réalise des films abordant la relation entre les États-Unis et le Moyen-Orient ou sur la légitimité de la guerre.L’arrivée au pouvoir de Barack Obama en 2009 engendre différents changements,notamment le rapprochement entre Hollywood et Washington. Surtout, les stigmates du 11 septembre se retrouvent dans des films de science-fiction, qui proposent une interprétation du monde pas si éloignée du nôtre. Enfin, nous observons un retour à (la projection de) la puissance, comme si la mort de Ben Laden en 2011 mettait un terme au « cinéma américainpost-11 Septembre ». / This work aims to understand the relationship between a society and its cinema,between the world’s greatest power and the largest film industry. Projection is a common mechanism to the Nation and cinema, it comes to see if an event like September 11 produced a change in American cinema. First, the natural movement of the studios is to erase the towers that appeared in films made before and whose output was expected soon after. Meanwhile, some film makers decide to approach the attacks but by passing them which remain off-screen, and it was not until 2006 that the events of September 11 are embodied on the big screen. Besides, if national unity prevails at first, directors and producers are distancing themselves from Washington’s policy when the idea of a war inIraq is mentioned. When it sees the world in a binary way, Hollywood makes films aboutthe relationship between the US and the Middle East or about the legitimacy of the war.The coming to power of Barack Obama in 2009 generates different changes,including the connection between Hollywood and Washington. Above all, the stigma of September 11 are found in science fiction movies, offering an interpretation of the world not so far from ours. Finally, we see a return to (the projection of) power, as if the death of Bin Laden in 2011 was ending the « American cinema after September 11 ».

Analyse des discours de Barack Obama sur la question environnementale et de leur réception dans la presse européenne francophone (2008-2013) / Analysis of Barack Obama's speeches on environmental issues and their reception in the French-speaking European press (2008-2013)

La Corte, Géraldine 27 October 2017 (has links)
Il s'agit d'analyser un corpus de 32 discours du président Obama en anglais abordant la question de l'environnement et la réception de ceux-ci dans 125 articles de presse européenne francophone afin de mettre à jour les particularismes discursifs des deux corpora et d'étudier la circulation des discours. / This PhD study deals with the analysis of 32 speeches delivered by President Obama and their reception in 125 articles published in the French-speaking European press to understand some discursive particularities and to study the criculation of words, lexical items and speeches.

"Första damen - vapen i valet" : En retorisk studie av Michelle Obamas och Ann  Romneys tal under presidentvalet i USA år 2012 / The first lady- a weapon in the election : A rhetorical study of Michelle Obama’s and Ann Romney’s speech during the presidential election in The  United States 2012

Filipovic, Nevena January 2013 (has links)
Presidentvalet i USA baseras på personval istället för partival och detta personval inkluderar även presidentkandidatens partner. Presidentkandidaternas fruar diskuteras och analyseras idag lika mycket som presidentkandidaterna själva samtidigt som medierna diskuterar vilken av de tidigare presidentfruarna de kommer att efterlikna. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilken retorik Michelle Obama och Ann Romney använder sig av i talen de ger på The Democratic National Convention respektive The Republican National Convention i ett försök att övertyga de amerikanska väljarna att deras man borde bli deras nästa president. Eftersom det visuella framträdandet bidrar till talets helhet ska även det undersökas och analyseras. Då Michelle Obama och Ann Romney har jämförts under hela valet görs det även här en komparativ analys av deras retorik samt deras visuella framträdande. En kvalitativ metod har valts för uppsatsen i form av en retorisk analys. Denna retoriska analys görs med hjälp av Karlbergs och Mrals (1998) retoriska modell. Resultatet visar att både Michelle Obama och Ann Romney använder sig mest av ethos och pathos i sina tal för att bygga tillit till publiken samt visa känslor. Undersökningens resultat visar även att de båda blir presidentkandidaternas surrogat till målgrupper som de inte når ut till vilket visar att presidentskapet är en två- persons- karriär där presidentfrun får stå för den feminina sidan medan presidentposten förbli maskulin. Resultatet visar även att den politiska kommunikationen inte behöver vara strikt politisk och att medierna spelar en stor roll i den politiska kommunikationen idag. / The presidential election in The United States is based on voting for an individual candidates rather than voting for a party and this vote includes the wife of the presidential candidate. The wives of presidential candidates are today equally discussed and analyzed, while the media also discusses which one of the previous presidential wives they are going to take after. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the rhetoric that Michelle Obama and Ann Romney uses in the speeches they give at The Democratic National Convention and The Republican National Convention in an effort to convince the American voters that their husband should be their next president. Since the visual appearance contributes to the speech as a whole this will also be examined and analyzed. Michelle Obama and Ann Romney have been compared throughout the whole election so a comparative analysis of their rhetoric and their visual appearance will also be made here. A qualitative approach has been chosen for this thesis in the form of a rhetorical analysis. This rhetorical analysis is done by using Karlberg and Mrals (1998) rhetorical model.. The results show that both Michelle Obama and Ann Romney used ethos and pathos the most in their speeches to build trust with the audience and to show emotions. The thesis results also show that they are surrogates to the presidential candidates in the way that they can reach target groups that the candidates cannot and with this showing that the presidency is a two-person career where the presidential wife to stands for the feminine side while the presidential post remains masculine. The results also show that political communication doesn’t have to be purely political, and that the media plays a major role in political communication today.

Etniska stereotyper på film : med utgångspunkt i amerikansk film med ryska motiv (2008-2011) / Ethnic Stereotypes in Film : On the basis of American cinema with Russian motifs (2008-2011)

Zavalov, Ivan January 2011 (has links)
Filmmediet idag är den mest populära formen av masskultur. Med sin världstäckande genomslagskraft och sitt stereotypa porträtterande av verklighet, påverkar filmen världsåskådningen för människor runtom i världen. Ett brinnande ämne i amerikansk film har alltid varit Ryssland, på grund av de politiska motsättningarna och den historiska rivaliteten med USA. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Ryssland porträtteras i amerikanska filmer från perioden för presidenterna Dmitrij Medvedevs respektive Barack Obamas första mandatperiod. Frågeställningen för uppsatsen är: hur ser stereotypa föreställningar om Ryssland ut i amerikansk film 2008-2011? Trettiotal filmer med ryska motiv valdes ut för undersökningen och analyserades utifrån de visuella och sociala aspekterna. Resultatet visar på att det förekommer tre skikt av stereotyper om Ryssland: de eviga, som har existerat i hundratals år och spridits av resenärer; stereotyper från epoken för det kalla kriget; och stereotyper om det moderna Ryssland inspirerade av medias nyhetsrapporteringar.

Appealing to the YouTube voter an analysis of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign advertisements on YouTube /

Bernard, Nicholas Andrew. January 2009 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-53).

Operace Úsvit odysey: Rozhodovací proces prezidenta Obamy / Operation Odyssey Dawn: President Obama's decision-making process

Buriánek, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Intervention in Libya is an anomaly in President Barack Obama's foreign policy during his eight years in the office. This thesis aims to analyze the decision-making process leading to this unprecedented step. Using Graham Allison's Bureaucratic Politics Model, the purpose of this analysis is to investigate the influence of some presidential advisors and allies on his final decision. Data for this study were collected using President Obama's public statements, biographies of several members of the administration, and secondary academic sources. After some general context, the thesis closely examines the selected period from the first protests in Libya on February 15 to the beginning of the Operation United Protector on March 31. This timeframe of forty-five days is further divided into the week-by-week process tracing analyses. The development on the ground in Libya is merged with changes of attitude in the American administration and changing alliances among the members of the advisory team of the President. The Bureaucratic Politics Model is used to analyze specific tactics used by American officials to impose their preferred scenario. The study also tests the applicability of several new methodological approaches within the Bureaucratic Politics Model like the palace politics perspective,...

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