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Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria Recovered from Nonhuman PrimatesKim, Jeffrey 23 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Supporting Workplace Learning: Supervisory and Peer Support Effect on Novice Firefighter Informal Learning EngagementKauser, Frederick L. 18 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Risk Assessment Approach for Evaluating Recycled Materials Use in Road Construction: A Pilot StudyFahd, Faisal January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Real-Time Site Safety Risk Assessment and Intervention for On-Foot Building Construction Workers Using RFID-Based Multi-Sensor Intelligent SystemMAHMOOD, NABEEL ALI 19 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de SST basado en la norma G-050 para reducir costos laborales en una constructoraMorales Sipion, Lucas Antonio January 2024 (has links)
En la empresa MATE IRL han ocurrido problemas referidos al bienestar del trabajador. Por ello se propuso una mejora en la gestión de SST basado en la Norma G050 para reducir costos laborales en la constructora. Asimismo, se diagnosticó la situación actual de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, encontrándose que el personal no estaba capacitado ni tenía experiencia, ya que se encontró un I.G.M que alcanzó los 380 días perdidos por horas trabajadas; los equipos de seguridad colectiva y personal
estaban incompletos y desgastados, el área de trabajo se encontraba desordenada y la empresa no tenía metas u objetivos relacionados con la seguridad. Se registraron gastos percibidos de problemas referidos a accidentes en el trabajo, que ascienden a S/ 13 149,8 y los gastos no percibidos en el que caso de que la empresa sea denunciada por un trabajador son de S/ 60 931,00. Por lo tanto, se elaboró la propuesta de mejora en la gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basada en la norma G-050, específica para
el rubro de la empresa, incluyendo métodos como la implementación adecuada de señalizaciones, controles administrativos que conciernen capacitaciones y diversos formatos específicos para la evaluación de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, compra de elementos de protección personal y de protección colectiva. Se evaluó el impacto económico de la propuesta planteada, donde se demostró que el proyecto es viable al poseer una TIR de 64,2%, un VAN de S/46 631,00 y un costo beneficio de S/. 1,26. / In the company of this investigation there have been problems related to the welfare of the worker. For this reason, an improvement in the management of SST based on the G-050 Standard was proposed to reduce labor costs in the construction company MATE EIRL. Likewise, as specific objectives, the current situation of safety and health at work in the company MATE EIRL was diagnosed, where after carrying out
the initial evaluation it was found that the personnel was not trained or had much experience, the collective security teams and personal they were incomplete and with what they had was already worn out, the work area was messy and the company did not have goals or objectives related to safety-The proposal for improvement in the management of Safety and Health at Work was also elaborated based on the G-050 standard in the company MATE EIRL, including methods such as the proper implementation of signs, administrative controls that concern training and various specific formats for the evaluation of safety and health at work in the company, purchase of personal protection elements and collective protection. Finally, the economic impact of the proposed proposal was evaluated, where it was shown that the project is viable by having an IRR of 64.2%, a NPV of S/46,631.00 and a benefit cost of S/. 1.26.
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Design och implementering av nödutgångssystem för skördarhytter / Developing an Emergency Exit Solution: A Case Study at Rottne Industri ABKhalouf, Mahmoud, Khalouf, Adam January 2024 (has links)
This research, done as part of the mechanical engineering program at Linnaeus University in partnership with Rottne Industri AB, aims to improve safety in forest industri. It focuses on designing a user-friendly emergency exit system for harvester cabins. Driven by strict safety rules and societal expectations, the goal is to craft an exit that allows quick evacuation during emergencies and fits well with forest machinery safety standards.
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Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en la oficina criminalísticaLopez Campos, Kelly Doity January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad implementar un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para reducir el nivel de riesgo en la oficina de Criminalística.
La metodología es de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo y carácter pre-experimental, contando como población y muestra a 52 efectivos de la PNP. Mediante el análisis inicial de datos se estableció un cumplimiento del Sistema de Gestión de SST de 6,6% considerado como desaprobado, bajo los lineamientos del basado en la Ley 29783. Paralelamente los resultados de la matriz IPERC detectaron alto porcentaje de peligros Mecánicos y físicos (21.1% respectivamente) y locativos (15.8%), así como un alto porcentaje de riesgos importantes e intolerables (37% y 21% respectivamente), los mismos que requieren una inmediata atención.
Determinado los riesgos y sus factores se procedió a diseñar el SGSST a fin de reducir los riegos encontrados a nivel tolerable. La implementación se viene realizando de forma paulatina debido a que requiere de una asignación presupuestal anual por parte del estado para ejecución y mantenimiento, las implementaciones realizadas con el presupuesto actual abarco conformación del CSST, elaboración del RISST, mapa de riegos, plan de emergencia, capacitaciones, adquisición de EPPs, entre otros. Aplicando nuevamente los mismos instrumentos ha permitido obtener como resultado un cumplimiento de los lineamientos del SGSST del 77% considerado aprobado y se logró reducir los riesgos intolerables e importantes y moderados a triviales y tolerables. Finalmente, se analizó la viabilidad económica de la presente implementación logrando obtener un costo beneficio de 1,48 un VAN de S/. 38,692.48 y un TIR del 77%, haciéndolo económicamente rentable y aplicable en la presente institución. / The purpose of this research is to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce the level of risk in the Criminalistics office. The methodology is applied, descriptive and pre-experimental, with 52 PNP personnel as population and sample. By means of the initial data analysis, a 6.6% compliance with the OSH Management System was established, considered as disapproved, under the guidelines based on Law 29783. At the same time, the results of the IPERC matrix detected a high percentage of mechanical and physical hazards (21.1%, respectively) and local hazards (15.8%), as well as a high percentage of important and intolerable risks (37% and 21%, respectively), which require immediate attention.
Having determined the risks and their factors, the company proceeded to design the SGSST in order to reduce the risks found to a tolerable level. The implementation has been carried out gradually because it requires an annual budget allocation from the state for execution and maintenance. The implementations carried out with the current budget included the creation of the CSST, preparation of the RISST, risk map, emergency plan, training, acquisition of PPE, among others. Reapplying the same instruments has resulted in a 77% compliance with the SGSST guidelines, which are considered approved, and it was possible to reduce intolerable, important and moderate risks to trivial and tolerable risks. Finally, the economic viability of the present implementation was analyzed, obtaining a cost benefit of 1.48, an NPV of S/. 38,692.48 and an IRR of 77%, making it economically profitable and applicable in the present institution.
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Identification of health needs and problems of Black employees in the Germiston City Health DepartmentPoho, Petronella Tryzina 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify the health needs and problems of black
employees within the Germiston City Health Department in order to indicate a
possible relationship between such needs and problems and a high rate of
Although the findings could relate to all employees, this study was limited to
black employees only. Data was collected by means of observation, perusal of
health records and personal interviews with personnel as well as with the
selected sample. The results of the study highlighted the specific health needs
and problems of employees as well as factors which could influence their health
status and which could contribute to the problem of absenteeism. The main
factors identified included interalia poor working conditions and unsatisfactory
methods of solving employees problems. Relevant recommendations were made ;·
to address the problem of absenteeism in the Germiston City Health Department / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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De la grève de l'amiante au lobby pro-chrysotile : la question de l'amiante chez les syndicats québécois de l'amiante, 1973-1983Marier, Micheline 04 1900 (has links)
Au début des années 1970, les travailleurs de l'amiante de Thetford Mines et d'Asbestos ont entrepris un combat pour assainir leurs milieux de travail et leurs villes, dans lesquelles les mines étaient imbriquées. À Thetford Mines, ils ont mené une longue grève de sept mois et demi qui a conduit à la mise sur pied du Comité d'étude sur la salubrité dans l'industrie de l'amiante, puis, avec l'élection du jeune Parti québécois, à la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail qui introduisait les principes de l'élimination des dangers à la source et de la participation des travailleurs à son application. La crédibilité de leurs syndicats s'en trouvait renforcée. Mais bientôt la montée d'un mouvement international visant à bannir l'amiante et la crise économique du début des années 1980 allaient porter un dur coup à l'industrie et entrainer un déclin que rien ne pourrait arrêter. Les travailleurs miniers, qui s'étaient unis contre leurs employeurs et parfois contre l'État dans leur combat pour la santé, s'allièrent dès lors à leurs entreprises et aux pouvoirs publics pour promouvoir le minéral et tenter de préserver leurs emplois et la vitalité de leurs régions. Ils n'ont jamais envisagé l'arrêt de la production d'amiante car ils ont toujours considéré qu'il est possible d'en maitriser les risques et ils défendirent bec et ongles leur produit en arguant du caractère sécuritaire de ses utilisations modernes, malgré un consensus international grandissant à l'encontre de cette thèse. / The asbestos workers in the cities of Thetford Mines and Asbestos launched a campaign for better working conditions and healthier living conditions despite the entanglement of the mines in the heart of their cities, in the early 1970s. The unions in Thetford Mines together led a long, seven-and-a-half month strike, which culminated with the establishment of a committee on hygiene in the asbestos industry (Comité d’étude sur la salubrité dans l’industrie de l’amiante), and then, with the election of the young Parti Québécois, with a new occupational safety and health law which implemented the principles of eliminating dangers at their source, as well as that of worker participation in the endeavour. The asbestos unions had become credible political players. But the rise of an international movement to ban asbestos, along with the economic crisis of the early 1980s, dealt a crushing blow to the industry from which it would never recover. The miners, who had come together to take on their employers - and the government in some cases – to better their health, soon sided with industry and the public authorities to promote asbestos as a way to preserve their jobs and the life of their surrounding areas. They had never considered ceasing asbestos production because they believed the hazards could be controlled, and they persisted in their steadfast defense of the safety of the product even as an international consensus formed against this thesis.
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Management kvality, BOZP a požární ochrany ve stavebním podniku / Quality Management, Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Protection in Construction CompanyHerzig, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is "Quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction company". Its task is to introduce the basic rules and requirements of quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction industry. The second part of the thesis deals with quality management, occupational safety, health and fire protection in construction companies, which are presented and analyzed in detail. These findings are then applied to create methodology of implementing the occupational safety, health and fire protection management system for construction companies.
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