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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LED照明產業之OEM/ODM經營模式之研究-以驊陞科技為例 / Research on business model of OEM/ODM in LED lighting industry--taking Wieson as a case study

陳宏欽 Unknown Date (has links)
發光二極體 (Light Emitting Diode, LED)是由半導體材料所製成之發光元件,具有耗電量低、壽命長、發熱量少、體積小、耐衝撞等多項優點。同時於設計上亦具有靈活性,可依應用需求將小單體封裝成不同的形狀、顏色、大小及亮度,以達到顯色與調光上不同的變化。因此,LED現今之應用已由最早的數字顯示器和指示器,普遍到消費性電子產品指示燈、行動裝置背光源、傳真機與影印機掃描光源、交通號誌,與各式照明等方面。由其在各式照明應用方面,從汽車照明、室內照明、室外看板及景觀照明、冷凍櫃照明、商業展示投射燈源,發展到農業培育照明,更是廣泛存在我們的日常生活中。此外,由於全球氣候變遷、以及油價飆漲問題日漸嚴重,使各國政府除了尋找替代能源外,亦積極開發節能減碳產品。而發光效率較傳統白熾燈泡高出至少一倍,用電量僅傳統照明10%的LED照明燈具,因此成為此趨勢下充滿潛力的明星產業。   但在LED發展初期,主要核心技術與專利均掌握於國外大廠手中,包括了PHILIPS、OSRAM、CREE等,欠缺關鍵知識之台灣廠商,早期大多為OEM的經營模式,僅能從大廠手中接取訂單從事代工生產,而無法自行設計產品,不僅利潤極低且競爭者眾。近年隨著政府研發機構的積極培育,以及國內各廠努力爭取與握有專利技術之國際大廠合作,使台灣廠商亦能從事產品/零組件之設計,而有機會走出過去單純代工的經營模式,朝ODM的經營模式發展。因此本論文選擇以LED照明產業之OEM廠商為研究對象,探討其由OEM代工經營模式,轉型為ODM兼具代工與設計能力的經營模式的過程中,於經營策略上應有何調整,以及需強化哪些能力以提升公司競爭優勢。   本論文採用司徒達賢所提出之事業策略分析架構-「策略矩陣分析法」為分析方法。首先針對OEM與ODM經營模式主要之作業流程提出價值鍊,並分別就十二項價值單元與六大事業型態構面,分析OEM、ODM廠商與個案公司-驊陞科技之特性與限制,最後依分析結果對LED照明產業之OEM與ODM廠商以及驊陞科技分別進行評分,期望從中發現LED照明產業中有競爭力之OEM與ODM廠商於各價值單元與事業型態構面應具備哪些優勢,以及個案公司-驊陞科技現今於各價值單元與事業型態構面之表現,並探討三者間之差距以作為後續經營策略調整之依據。   從分析結果中發現於價值單元部分,「製造/品質」能力對OEM廠商之競爭力影響程度最高,而ODM廠商則是各項價值單元之能力皆須具備,但其中又尤其應重視「研究開發」與「製造/品質」能力。在事業型態構面方面,「相對規模與規模經濟」對OEM廠商之競爭能力影響最大,但ODM廠商不僅應重視自身之「相對規模與規模經濟」能力,「垂直整合程度之取決」能力亦是ODM廠商重要之競爭力來源,因此亦不應被忽視。而個案公司-驊陞科技與有競爭力之ODM廠商之間於價值單元之差距以「專利設計」、「研究開發」、「供應鏈整合」與「人力資源」四項最大,這些即為驊陞科技欲由OEM經營模式轉型為有競爭力之ODM廠商時所必須加強的能力。本論文並於第四章節其餘部分,針對個案公司-驊陞科技所欠缺的能力分別提供經營策略建議。

Exploring the Key Success Factors relating to the spinoff of OEM from OBM in Taiwan ICT industry, from the viewpoint of Human Resource Management and Corporate Relationship Management

Wen-Ching Chang, Bill 27 August 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT In Taiwan, to spin-off the OEM from OBM (Owned-Brand Manufacture) business has been a hot topic of disputed discussion for a long time since Stan Shih announced his strategic policy in ACER reorganization in 2000. Starting from then, even the slightly internal reorganization, the officially spin off WISTRON from ACER under the Taiwan¡¦s Corporate M&A (Merger and Acquisition) Law which was launched in 2002, the ACER and WISTRON have got success respectively later on, and several similar reorganization case of OEM and OBM business splitting in Taiwan ICT electronic industry and et cetera, all have triggered a lot of disputed discussion. And the arguing has never been ceased. The advantages and disadvantages of splitting OEM from OBM business have been researched and discussed by many experts. Either to-do or not-to-do the spinoff has its own devotees. No consensus has been made at all. Regardless the determination of spinoff has put the enterprise in a dilemma, but this paper focuses on the key success factors in management of splitting OEM from OBM business in Taiwan ICT electronic firms from the perspective of human resources and corporate relationship management. Because the issues and concerning arising from splitting OEM from OBM are not wholly covered under the scope of enterprise¡¦s Re-engineering at scale¡¦s down-scoping. The difficulties of splitting OEM from OBM business are more than the difficulties of down-scoping Re-engineering which is just mainly emphasizing at Refocusing. It needs not only to consider increasing competitive advantage on both side of OEM and OBM but also be faced with how to carefully handle the response of the interested parties, including stake holders, employees, customers, venders, government and community organizations and media and more. Via the methodology of Case Study, this paper intends to understand those Taiwan's information and communication technology (ICT) electronic firms who chose splitting OEM from OBM business while facing of global environmental change, how they re-organized in order to refocus business and built a lean supply chain. In the mean while, from the view point of human resources manage and corporate relationship management, explores what the key success factors shall be handled in the implementation of the reorganization splitting OEM from OBM business. Key words: OEM/ODM, OBM/Owned-Brand, Spin-off/splitting, KSF/Key success factor

The International Marketing Strategy for Jewelry Industry ¢wA case study of¡uS¡v company's marketing mix for entering Australian market

Heh, Dong-Meei 26 June 2002 (has links)
ABSTRACT The concentration of the study is on the international marketing strategy of marketing mix for jewelry industry. The enduring existence and growth of an enterprise rely upon the persistent pursuit of above-average return. Before invading the market, an elaborate strategic plan is essential in which marketing is the drafting of a well-knit and competitive strategic ¡uplanning¡vbefore action; Sales is the ¡uexecution¡vof selling. With this manner, an enterprise is able to maintain the competitive advantage and create the satisfactory profit that marketing is a science that is to be applied in this arena. In a case study of a company called ¡§S¡¨, they moved operations to Mainland China, prior to entering the Asian Pacific¡ÐAustralian Markets. How will this move help the company become competitive by their manufacturing advantages, develop overseas channels and the setup of an effective marketing strategy which can be implemented into the practical work, will be the motivation of the research. As the outset, the study focused on the marketing mix before entering the market. A questionnaire was carried out to investigate the marketing mix Australian exemplary companies and it will be based on the current situation in the industry to match the theoretical application on the market. The interview was also employed to complement and intensify the practical experience. In order to build up a constructive marketing strategy for ¡uS¡vcompany¡¦s reference. The out come from the research are: 1. By price¡Ðquality as the segmentation variables, the market segments will be high price & high quality, middle price & middle quality and high price & high quality for the market segment of consumers. 2. By the data analysis of demographic variables indicated that the best buying power consumer who with higher income. 3. The most concerning factors¡Bmotivating factors¡Bthe product type are significant related. And the product design preferences and brand name has significant differences. 4. The places for companies and consumer shows a significant related which the companies are mainly have their own outlets/stores for distribution channels¡Fconsumers are direct buying from the stores. 5. The advertising and the way of promotion are significant differences between companies and consumers. The companies are participate international trade show or sponsorship activities as the promotion¡Fconsumer received advertising and promotion are mainly by radio or TV media. In conclusion, based on the result of this research the suggestions are: use¡uhigh value strategy¡v to enter the market at beginning¡F product type in basic design and classic design as the leading products by the short term in OEM, mid term policy in ODM markets and the version for long term will be OBM¡Fthe distribution channel will be constructively large chain stores as the retailer in the middle¡Freferring to product promotion, taking part in trade shows, and for information exchange and develop product technical ability. By centering on the target market & position and marketing mix (4P, product, price, place and promotion) respectively, the out come of the research could be the guideline of international marketing strategy to ¡uS¡vcompany for entering Australian market.

從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / The servitization process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The customer perspective

孫婉柔, Sun, Yuan Jou Unknown Date (has links)
從顧客觀點探討製造業服務化:從OEM/ODM到OBM / If we look back at the history of Taiwan’s industry, the main characteristic of its development over the past 60 years has been the appearance of OEM / ODMs. However, due to the shrinking profits of OEM / ODMs, manufacturers are seeking new ways to transform themselves. Therefore further research into the increasingly blurred boundaries between manufacturing and services and the concept of “servitization” is essential. Some companies in Taiwan have successfully transformed from a low-profit path by following a value-added path and transforming themselves from OEM/ODM to OBM. This paper focuses on a study of three OBM companies who were once OEM/ODM manufacturers, but expanded into the role of “customer-oriented services” and explored their capability to transition between OEM/ODM and OBM. This paper uses a case study methodology and research on these three OBM companies. It will investigate two findings. Firstly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM the process of servitization, is made up of four stages that represent the different roles of the end customers in the process of servitization. Roles like imitation, exploration, inspiration, and aspiration. Secondly, when transforming from OEM/ODM into OBM in the process of servitization, there are four main capabilities needed to develop; customization capability, new value proposition, organization redesign, and new trading norms. This thesis seeks to make two specific contributions to the discussion of servitization. Firstly, this research will concentrate on consumer goods, rather then capital goods like with previous literature concerning servitization and focusing less on the changes from products to “Back-end services”. Secondly, it will seek to give manufacturers with a desire to develop into an OBM company clear paths to follow. So manufacturers can adjust their own strategies to the specific situation and environment they face.

台灣液晶電視代工廠商的發展策略-以4C架構分析 / The competitive strategies of the LCD TV OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan - analysis by 4C structure

陳正昌 Unknown Date (has links)
在節能、無輻射、高解析度、更具時尚的設計等優勢下,全球液晶電視取代傳統CRT電視的趨勢已經愈來愈明顯,各液晶電視品牌電視大廠對於委外生產的比例亦逐年提高。因此吸引了台灣許多廠商爭相跨足液晶電視代工的行列。 在發展液晶電視代工的廠商中,本研究針對廠商的特性將發展液晶電視的代工廠商歸類傳統家電廠、面板廠、筆記型電腦代工廠、監視器專業製造廠商四大類。本研究以邱志聖教授的策略行銷4C架構來分析這四類製造廠商的發展演進,並對這四類製造廠商未來發展提出看法,以做為液晶電視代工業者未來擬定策略的參考方向。 / With the advantages of less energy consumption and radiation, higher resolution, good looking in design, the trend that LCD TV replaces traditional CRT TV is very obvious. In the mean time, the outsourcing percentage for brand name customer is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, many manufacturing companies in Taiwan are aggressive to put their resources in this competition in order to get more outsourcing LCD TV order. The companies involving the LCD TV OEM/ODM can be divided by Home Appliance companies、panel makers、notebook OEM manufacturers and monitor OEM manufacturers. In this research, systematic analysis is done based on “Strategic Marketing Analysis” for the four kinds of companies. Hope it can provide some good information and reference to those companies when developing their LCD TV OEM/ODM strategy in the future.

臺灣筆記型電腦ODM廠商因應中國「十二五」計畫經營策略之探討-以W公司為例 / Taiwan NB ODM manufacturers' business strategy in response to Chinese "12th Five-Year" plan - W company as a demo case

林念榕 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣NB(Notebook Computer) 產業的ODM(Original Design Manufacture) 代工大廠,十多年前因為成本因素,前進中國大陸沿海省份並且花了無數的時間與精神建立了幾乎與台灣不相上下的生產基地,一路走來篳路藍縷建置了完整的產業鏈與生產聚落。 然而中國大陸沿海各省隨著時光推進與經濟開放後,國外投資的陸續增加,也促使大陸沿海各省的工資水準上漲以及社會環保意識的抬頭,造成近幾年來台灣的ODM大廠面臨了幾項重大的經營困境;例如,中國政府宣布要調整基本工資的問題,每次農曆年後或長假之後出現缺工潮的問題,勞工爭取本身勞動權益的問題,環保意識日漸為社會所重視的議題,而且成為企業經營上的重大壓力以及大陸中央政府期望藉由產業升級的政策將對大陸沿海省份的三高產業(高汙染,高耗能,高排放)進行取消補助並建議其往內地的遷移。 因此大部分的台灣NB ODM大廠也紛紛跟隨正在進行全球布局的國際NB品牌大廠一起前進中國大西部,無非是為了要穩穩守住手中現有的訂單,而國際NB品牌大廠無不藉著此次配合中國政府的政策前進中國大西部,同時也是希望早日能夠取得進入中國這一塊全球最大的新興消費市場的頭香。 近年來由於兩岸政經環境在全面直航與ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議)簽訂之後呈現穩定發展的態勢,同時帶動台灣的經濟成長動能,台灣也相對關注中國的未來發展。同時因為歐美地區的經濟不景氣,各國將全球經濟成長的希望寄託在新興市場的經濟成長與中國的重點產業,希望在它們所發佈的經濟政策發展藍圖中找到所屬的企業未來的發展方向。 因此本論文希望結合當前的政經時局配合麥可•波特國家競爭力(鑽石體系)分析(Michael E. Porter,1990),五力分析(Michael E. Porter,1980)與價值鏈分析(Michael E. Porter,1985),找出台灣NB(筆記型電腦)產業的ODM廠商在面對中國的「十二五」計畫中,關於「開發中國大西部」與國際NB品牌大廠要求共同前往中國的重慶與成都建立新的生產基地之經營策略分析。希望藉由這個論文議題,進行資料蒐集,分析歸納,並對台灣NB產業未來發展提供具有加強產業競爭力的建議。 關鍵字: 十二五計劃,開發大西部,NB,ODM

Využití MongoDB s Node.js / Application of MongoDB with Node.js

Hejtmánková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to provide a collection of examples about document oriented MongoDB database using Node.js platform, specifically using the Mongoose program, for object-document mapping (ODM). The aim is met by analysis of Mongoose and Async module, which provides functions for more comprehensive asynchronous querying, needed for working with input/output to the MongoDB database in Node.js. The main merit of this thesis is (in the general sense) a demonstration of how to create a administration part of web application (backend) in Node.js, applying document oriented MongoDB database. The thesis discusses, in the theoretical part, about characteristics and significance of document oriented MongoDB database, about characteristics and architecture of Node.js platform employing untyped and multiplatform JavaScript language and about object document mapping (ODM) programs for Node.js on MongoDB. The practical part contains a collection of examples, where in the first chapter introduces an instalation and execution manual of necessary programs. The next chapter is dedicated to simple examples of Mongoose module and in the last chapter there are stated the complex examples of Mongoose and Async modules, which are the main merits of this thesis.

Jak působí jazyk na dav? Případová studie českého crowdfundingu s odměnami / Does Language Drive the Crowd? Case of Czech Reward-Based Crowdfunding

Hudcová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This thesis analyses the biggest reward-based crowdfunding platform in the Czech Repub- lic using textual tools on uniquely collected microdata. The research question investigates which of the attributes of project campaigns (including the language style of project de- scriptions) have a significant impact on successful funding. Empirical analysis combines results of Bayesian Model Averaging and logistic regression. Results reveal that firstly, language style of project descriptions does not possess any significant predictive power. Secondly, that utilization of a video, size of pledging goal, or the number of contributors have a significant effect on the campaign's success, which is in line with current literature. Thirdly, it has proven to be true that project categorization plays an important role as well. On the contrary, the findings do not imply any causal claims, such as whether those factors persuade contributors to donate money. JEL Classification G23 Keywords crowdfunding, rewards, success determinants, natural language processing Author's e-mail t.hudcova@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail polakpet@gmail.com


謝政錡, Kelvin Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 在今日這個全球化競爭的市場中,評估一個企業的表現時,不論是實務界或是學界都會認為品質是一決定性的因素。因此如何去衡量與報導企業品質成本便成為一個重要的議題 (Halis and Oztas 2002),因為任何控制計畫開始的第一步就是去衡量要控制的目標。且只要企業會耗用資源在任何不良品或重製品上,就不能忽略品質失敗成本對於營業費用的影響,這些費用是多餘且非必要的成本,重製成本等於是品質成本,最後便成為財務報表上的營業費用(Wong 2002)。因此品質失敗成本不得不被企業所重視。 一旦企業可以有效掌握住影響品質成本關鍵影響因素,不僅能降低成本也能同時提升品質水準。國外學者雖也有文獻對於品質成本之影響因素加以探討,但多是理論架構的討論,即使實證研究也多限於資料取得問題,探討的因素不夠完整。國內學者有張寶光(1999)首次針對品質成本-預防、鑑定、內外部失敗成本之關鍵影響因素加以探討,建立理論模型並加以實證。而後亦有陳忍(2000)補張寶光研究之不足處,以作業基礎成本制(Activity-Based Cost)角度針對某電信電纜業之內部失敗成本關鍵影響因素加以探討。由於本研究之個案公司相當重視品質問題,且對於客訴資料的整理頗為重視,在客訴金額的內容中已估計重製成本、邊際貢獻損失、重驗、其他相關費用…等成本。本研究更協助個案公司追溯計算其2000年開始之內部失敗成本資訊。因此在參考國內外相關文獻後,本研究希望能探討個案公司之內外部失敗成本之關鍵影響因素,除希冀對個案公司之品質管理能有助益外,更希望以此實證結果對於影響品質失敗成本的關鍵因素之了解有所貢獻,以提供其他企業日後在降低內、外部失敗成本時,能夠有所依詢。 本研究結果顯示: 一、內部失敗成本方面 員工之「品質認知程度」對於內部失敗成本呈正向關係,即是實施看板教育後較實施前所發生內部異常之失敗成本較高,且達1%顯著水準。顯示個案公司員工在實施品質看板教育之後,對產品品質標準的要求重點的認知確實有所提升,也因此可在站與站品質交接時,確實挑出不良品,導致內部失敗成本在看板教育實施後提高,相對減少外部失敗成本的損失。 二、外部失敗成本方面 1.「新設計產品」與外部失敗成本有顯著關係, 顯示個案公司在生產新設計產品時,確實會發生較多外部失敗成本,原因可能在於 □ 業務與生產單位溝通客戶對於新產品設計的要求。 □ 現場作業員對於新設計之產品之品質要求不清。 □ 現場作業員對於新設計產品之製程作業不熟悉。 個案公司日後可針對上述或其他可能發生原因進行改善以降低新產品設計訂單發生之外部失敗成本 2.「績效考核制度調整前後」與外部失敗成本有顯著關係,顯示績效制度調整後並未使外部失敗成本有效降低,反而升高。本研究建議個案公司可對績效制度再行檢討。 3.員工之「品質認知程度」與外部失敗成本有顯著關係,即是看板教育實施後,員工對品質認知程度提高,而後發生之外部失敗成本較低,且達10%顯著水準。顯示個案公司員工在實施品質看板教育之後,對產品品質標準的要求重點的認知確實有所提升,因此可在公司內站與站品質交接時就挑出不良品,雖使得內部失敗成本在看板教育實施後提高,但也相對減少外部失敗成本的損失。可見加強員工之品質認知程度應可有效降低個案公司外部失敗成本。 關鍵字:品質失敗成本、設計代工、製造代工、ISO9001

OBM, ODM,及設計公司在產品開發流程中之工業設計定位分析─以台灣資訊硬體產業為例

李季炎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討自有品牌廠商、設計代工廠商,以及國內設計公司等三種不同營運模式之工業設計部門的運作方式、發展方向與彼此之間的合作關係。由於我國資訊硬體產業從1980年代末期加入美國電腦產業的分工體系,爲美國大廠IBM、HP、DELL等國際品牌大廠進行代工,台灣廠商便成為國際分工中的重要的角色,近年來更隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,為了因應全球化競爭也呼應施振榮先生提出之「微笑曲線」,強調研發與行銷兩端高附加價值活動,許多原本從事代工製造的廠商也紛紛轉型開始經營自有品牌,對於工業設計與產品創新的重視大為提高,因此本研究選擇資訊硬體產業為主要研究標的產業。 本研究透過深入訪談後,整理出不同營運模式下之新產品開發流程,並分析各家廠商之工業設計部門在此流程中所扮演之角色與整體定位,最後提出六大命題與相關結論。本研究認為。第一、不論是何種營運模式之工業設計,都必須提昇其市場研究能力,方能設計出更符合使用者需求之產品;第二、對於新產品上市後的狀況,廠商應投入更多的資源持續追蹤,以作為未來下一代新產品的市場資訊;第三、產品開發專案不是接續式之流程,許多階段之工作會有互相重疊之現象產生,因此混合式專案團隊之運作方式將有助於不同功能人員之溝通,並提高開發效率。第四、目前設計產業的競爭激烈,國內市場逐漸飽和,政府單位應提供廠商更多的協助,透過研討會、展覽等方式,拓展國內設計公司的國際視野,爭取國際策略聯盟的機會,以強化國內設計產業之競爭優勢。

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