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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Persson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Fluorescerande protein kan användas som reportrar i genetiska kretsar för att identifiera framgångsrikt modifierade celler. Med hjälp av syntetisk biologi kan genetiska kretsar, som är en sammansättning gener som kodar för protein, skapas. Genetiska kretsar möjliggör modifiering av celler och har haft stor framgång, vid immunterapi av cancer. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-celler är en genetisk krets där T-celler modifieras till att eliminera tumörceller baserat på en utvald ytmarkör. Med hjälp av fluorescerande proteiner kan olika komponenter i genetiska kretsar märkas in och därmed tydligt följas vid modifieringen av celler, ofta används Blue fluorescent protein (BFP) eller Green fluorescent protein (GFP). För att utveckla mer komplexa genetiska kretsar med flera komponenter krävs fler fluorescerande proteiner som kan kombineras med BFP och GFP, såsom sådana i det röda spektrumet. I denna studie undersöktes rödfluorescerade proteinerna E2Crimson, TagRFP657, mNeptune2.5, mKelly2, mKate2, mCardinal och Katushka2S. Med hjälp av klonade vektorer för respektive protein kan lentivirus produceras för att transducera Jurkat celler. Flödescytometri användes för att identifiera proteinernas fluorescensintensitet i det röda spektrumet, samt deras läckage i BFP och GFP spektrat. Proteinerna med högst fluorescensintensitet i det röda spektrumet samt minst läckage i BFP och GFP spektrat var E2Crimson samt mCardinal. E2Crimson har enligt tidigare studie låg toxicitet och god ljusstyrka samt hade i denna studie högst fluorescensintensitet i det röda spektrumet. E2Crimson anses därför vara optimal att kombinera med BFP och GFP i genetiska kretsar med flera komponenter. / Fluorescent protein can be used as reporters in genetic circuits to identify successfully modified cells. Using synthetic biology, genetic circuits, which are an assembly of genes that code for protein, can be created. Genetic circuits enable the modification of cells and have had great success in immunotherapy of cancer. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are a genetic circuit which modifies T cells to eliminate tumor cells based on a selected surface marker. With the help of the fluorescent protein, various components of genetic circuits can be marked and thus followed during the modification of cells, Blue fluorescent protein (BFP) or Green fluorescent protein (GFP) are often used as reporters. When developing complex genetic circuits with multiple components more fluorescent proteins that can combine with BFP and GFP are required, such as those in the red spectrum. In this study, the far-red fluorescent proteins E2Crimson, TagRFP657, mNeptune2.5, mKelly2, mKate2, mCardinal and Katushka2S were included. Using cloned vectors for each protein, lentiviruses can be produced to transduce Jurkat cells. Flow cytometry was used to identify the proteins fluorescence intensity in the red spectrum, as well as their leakage in the BFP and GFP spectra. The proteins with the highest fluorescence intensity in the red spectrum and the least leakage in the BFP and GFP spectra were E2Crimson and mCardinal. E2Crimson has according to other studies low toxicity and good brightness and in this study E2Crimson showed the highest fluorescence intensity in the red spectrum. E2Crimson is therefore considered optimal to combine with BFP and GFP in multicomponent genetic circuits.

Jämförelse av aktivitet i urinblåsan hos 18F-PSMA-PET patienter med och utan hydrering

Elsaid, Salma January 2023 (has links)
Background: Prostate cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer affecting men.In case of biochemical recurrence, positron emission tomography (PET) targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) on prostate tumor cells is primarily used, in combination with computed tomography (CT), for detection and localization of recurrence. Research for optimizing a PSMA-ligand with high affinity for tumor cells and minimal excretion to the urinary bladder is constantly ongoing, in order to allow better evaluation of the prostate and nearby regions. One such ligand is 18F-PSMA-1007, which was expected to be excreted in the urinary bladder at a rate of 5-10%. However, after switching from diagnostic to low-dose CT, the elimination of 18F-PSMA-1007 in the bladder was higher than expected. Purpose: To evaluate whether hydration during the accumulation period could affect the activity concentration in the bladder. Materials and Methods: The study involved analyzing PET-CT scans obtained from two prostate cancer patient groups who underwent 18F-PSMA-1007-PET with low-dose CT. The groups consisted of 20 participants each, with one group hydrating during the tracer’s accumulation time, while scans from the comparison group were obtained from a time point where patients did not receive instructions about water intake. The amount of radioactivity was measured by placing a standardized 3.00 cm Volume of Interest (VOI) on the bladder, which was then adjusted based on the individual size and shape of the patients' bladder. From the VOI, a standardized uptake value (SUV) was determined, which can be represented as either SUVmean or SUVmax. These values represent the average tracer concentration within a VOI and the highest concentration of the tracer in the urinary bladder, respectively. Results: SUV in the urinary bladder was lower for the hydrated group, where the SUVmean was 1,55 vs 4,5 (p=0,011) for the non-hydrated group. Similar values were obtained for SUVmax, 2,3 vs 6,65 (p< 0,003). Conclusion: This retrospective study suggests that water intake during the accumulation period leads to significantly lower activity concentration in the bladder among these patients, which benefits the detection of recurrences in adjacent areas.

Hinder för psykosociala insatser inom cancervården : En kunskapsöversikt

Mulugeta, Clara January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to scrutinize the existing barriers within psychosocial cancer care, through the cancer centers point of view. A literature review was conducted, resulting in ten peer-reviewed articles, to further investigate the psychosocial cancer care in the Western part of the world by assessing existing barriers to effective psychosocial work, and improvements needed for cancer centers to be able to offer aqequate care to patients and their loved ones. The result of the study was divided into sub-themes and revealed four main barriers: Lack of routines and structure within the psychosocial cancer care; ; Lack of understanding and knowledge of the importance of psychosocial work in cancer care among medical staff; Inadequate resources to carry out psychosocial work in terms of Lack of time, staff and economy; and lastly; Lack of access to and understanding of the importance of culture specific and multilingual cancer care. The result of the study was analyzed bearing reference to Michael Lipskys theory of street-level bureaucracy. It appears that the psychosocial worker is obliged to take on two incompatible professional roles; Firstly, a patient-centered role and secondly, a loyal role towards the organization. As a consequence, these two incompatibilities tend to impact the self-regard of the psychosocial worker. In conclusion, psychosocial cancer care needs increased resources, and the benefit of closer professional collaboration between the medical cancer staff and the psychosocial cancer staff needs to be emphasized. Furthermore, awareness of the deficient conditions under which the psychosocial work is organized, need to be brought to the top management. This may allow the psychosocial cancer care to improve over time; and further facilitate psychosocial workers' abilities of administering equal and confident psychosocial cancercare. / Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen om de hinder som existerar för den psykosociala yrkesutövningen inom cancervården. Genom en kunskapsöversikt där tio artiklar inkluderats, har det psykosociala yrkesutövandet inom cancervården i västvärlden undersökts utifrån cancerbehandlares perspektiv; vilka brister som syns i den psykosociala cancervården och vad som behöver förbättras för att kunna erbjuda den vård som lever upp till de behov som finns. Studiens resultat har tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av Lipskys gräsrotsbyråkratiska teori. Resultaten visar att den psykosociala cancervården präglas av fyra brister; bristfälliga rutiner och avsaknad av struktur i den psykosociala vården, bristfällig psykosocial utbildning och kunskap hos medicinsk vårdpersonal, tids-, personal- och ekonomiska brister för det psykosociala arbetet samt brist på språk- och kulturanpassad psykosocial vård. Det framkommer att den psykosociala yrkesutövaren behöver inta två oförenliga roller i sitt arbete, dels att företräda patienten, dels att vara lojal gentemot sin organisation. Detta skapar otydlighet hos den psykosociala yrkesutövaren och kan även påverka dennes självbild. Utifrån studiens resultat, samt med hjälp av tidigare forskning, blir det tydligt att den psykosociala cancervården är i behov av ökade resurser, tätare samarbete och gemenskap med övrig medicinsk vårdpersonal. Dessutom behöver det psykosociala arbetet inom cancervården mobiliseras och organiseras för att lyfta yrkesområdets bristfälligheter, för att förändring ska kunna träda i kraft på en högre nivå. Detta för att kunna fortsätta leverera jämlik och trygg cancervård.

Kvinnors erfarenhet av sin sexuella hälsa vid bröstcancer : En beskrivande literaturstudie

Ericols, Sofia, Haukkala, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen att drabba kvinnor och statistik visar att 1 av 14 kvinnor kommer drabbas av bröstcancer under sin livstid. Behandlingen för bröstcancer kan bidra till olika biverkningar som bland annat påverkar kvinnors sexuella hälsa. Syfte: Beskriva erfarenheter av sexuell hälsa hos kvinnor med bröstcancer. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserat på resultatet från 10 vetenskapliga artiklar. Huvudresultat: Majoriteten av studiedeltagarna beskrev en förändring av den sexuella hälsan. Fåtalet upplevde ingen skillnad alls efter diagnos och behandling. Kvinnorna beskrev erfarenheter av minskad sexuell lust och smärtor som ledde till minskad sexuell aktivitet. De beskrev rädslor kopplat till sex och bröstcancer. Vissa upplevde en förändrad självkänsla på grund av kroppsliga förändringar. Kvinnorna beskrev erfarenheter av att ha sex trots att ingen lust fanns på grund av en vilja att göra sin partner tillfredsställd eller av religiösa skäl. Fåtalet kvinnor beskrev erfarenheter av en förbättrad sexuell hälsa i form av mer sexuell lust eller en starkare intim relation med sin partner efter diagnos och behandling. Slutsats: Kvinnorna har erfarenheter av en förändrad sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer och behandling. Resultatet tyder på att det finns en brist på information och att vissa av kvinnorna saknar stöd från sjukvården gällande deras sexuella förändringar i samband med bröstcancer och behandling. Sjukvården bör därför erbjuda dessa kvinnor mer stöd och information om problem som kan uppstå för att främja kvinnornas sexuella hälsa. / Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer to affect women and statistics show that 1 in 14 women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. Treatment for breast cancer can contribute to a variety of side effects, including those affecting women's sexual health. The aim: To describe the sexual health experiences of women with breast cancer. Methods: A descriptive literature review based on the results of 10 scientific articles. Main results: The majority of study participants described a change in their sexual health. A few experienced no difference at all after diagnosis and treatment. The women described experiences of decreased sexual desire and pain leading to decreased sexual activity. They described fears related to sex and breast cancer. Some experienced a change in self-esteem due to physical changes. Women described experiences of having sex when there was no desire because of a desire to please their partner or for religious reasons. Few women described experiences of improved sexual health in terms of more sexual desire or a stronger intimate relationship with their partner after diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: Women have experiences of a change in sexual health associated with breast cancer and treatment. The results suggest that there is a lack of information and that some of the women lack support from the health care system regarding their sexual changes related to breast cancer and treatment. Health care should therefore offer these women more support and information about problems that may arise in order to promote their sexual health.

Tillbaka till vardagen : Kvinnors upplevelser av det vardagliga livet efter bröstcancer

Hjorth, Linnea, Khdidah, Diana January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste cancerformer som kvinnor insjuknar i och som leder till flest dödsfall. Behandligen mot bröstcancer består vanligtsvis av cytostaktikabehandling, kirurgi, hormonbehandling och strålbhenadling. Behandlingarna medför många oönskade och påfrestande biverkningar. Vilket påverkar kvinnans välmående och livskvalitet i efterförloppet. Både de fysiska och psykosociala problemen. Sjuksköterskan ska med empati stötta och utöva en god personcentrerad vård för att hjälpa kvinnorna att finna en sturktur i vardagen, syftet att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av det vardagliga livet efter att ha överlevt bröstcancer.  Metod: En litteraturstuide baserad på fyra patografier. Datamaerialet analyserades utifrån Lundman och Hällgren Graneheims kvaliatavita innehållsanalys.  Resultatet: Resultatet presenteras i tre kategorier och sex underkategorier. De tre huvudkategorierna var upplevad begränsningar i vardagslivet, känslan av förändrad kroppsbild och betydelsen av stödet. De sex underkatoegorierna var mental trötthet begränsar vardagen, känslan av oro för återfall påverkar vardagen, att kroppen förändras leder till negativia känslor, ökad livskvalitet tack vare bröstrekonstruktion, upplevt stöd från hälso- och sjukvården och upplevt stöd från omgivningen har betydelse.  Slutsats: Vardagslivet i efterförloppet har påverkats för alla kvinnor. Kvinnorna lever med mentaltrötthet. Detta påverlade deras vardag så pass att de inte orkade göra samma saker som innan. Kvinnorna hade en rädsla för att få återfall. Kvinnornas självkänsla påverkades av att de hade varit tvugna att genomgå mastektomi. Kvinnorna kände att de var i behov av stöd ifrån sjukvården i efterförloppet och berättade att stödet från anhöriga var en stor del i deras nya vardag.

Identification and network analysis of candidate microRNA biomarkers in neuroblastoma : A meta-analysis

Svensson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Neuroblastoma constitutes roughly 8% of all childhood cancers where 95% of all neuroblastoma cases occur before the age of 10. The survival rate of infants and young children is very poor, which alone contributes to research novel biomarkers for classification methods, improved diagnosis and better anti-tumor therapies. The aim of this meta-analysis was to identify dysregulated miRNAs in neuroblastoma that has the potential to be used as antioncogenic biomarkers for diagnostic interventions. Additionally, explore miRNA interconnectedness on a systemic level and conversely extend the support of using miRNAs as biomarkers. A comprehensive literature search was performed within NIH-PubMed, NCBI-PMC and in the reference list of already reviewed publications, which yielded 9 eligible publications. Quality of evidence was assessed according to the guidelines adapted from MIAME, MINSEQE and MIQE. miRNet 2.0 was used to find the most significantly enriched annotations linked to neuroblastoma. A total of 251 samples (Cancer: 141; Control: 110) was reported by the 9 studies. These involved 66 dysregulated miRNAs (Up-regulated: 43; Down-regulated: 23) which was used for enrichment analysis. Four miRNAs (miR-17-5p, -92a-3p -421, -125b) were significantly linked to neuroblastoma, and associated secondary diseases; medulloblastoma (-92a-3p, -125b), bladder cancer (-17-5p, -125b), acute myeloid leukemia (-92a-3p, -125b) and cardiac hypertrophy (- 125b). miR-125b showed exceptional interconnectivity with these diseases and a multidimensional potential in neural tumorigenesis. This study showed that dysregulation and biological processes of these miRNAs were concurrent with the original studies, endorsing that these miRNAs have potential as diagnostic indicators or classifiers of such diseases. / Popular scientific summary Neuroblastoma (NB) is one of the most common types of pediatric neurological cancers in children and constitutes roughly 8% of all childhood cancer types, in which 95% of all NB cases occur before the age of 10. Even with frequent advancements in medical diagnosis and anti-tumor therapies, the current treatment options for patients with NB offers a survival rate that is very poor. This alone is a reason to pursue developing novel classification methods, improve diagnosis and research better anti-tumor therapies. Micro Ribonucleic Acids (miRNAs) are small non-coding single stranded biomolecules that have gotten a lot of attention in recent years due to their ability to regulate genes involved in various biological cancer processes, such as; tumor growth and development. miRNAs regulate these processes by altering the function of messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which are single-stranded biomolecules that resembles a piece of genetic code from the DNA of an organism cell. When these mRNAs become dysregulated, their cancer-promoting genes are disrupted which prevent them from working properly, leading to tumor regression or termination. The effect of this biological event is then objectively measured by using the miRNA as an indicator, also known as a biomarker. miRNA biomarkers have massive potential to improve various medical applications, such as; faster and more accurate diagnosis, detailed disease-classification and more precise drug trial predictions. However, a lot of individual studies have been published about the same miRNAs, which report a variation of conclusions. This makes it more difficult to determine the true nature of miRNAs. This issue can be addressed with systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which could yield additional support and give a broader picture of how miRNAs regulate different biological processes in NB. A meta-analysis is a scientific statistical process that combines the results of many research publications associated with the same scientific question and presents the best collective estimate of truth with increased precision than what could be achieved from individual studies alone. Thus, meta-analysis is an important tool in research which makes sure that the most trustworthy effect estimate can be achieved among many similar answers. The aim of this meta-analysis was to identify dysregulated miRNAs in NB that has the potential to be used as anti-cancer promoting biomarkers for diagnostic interventions. Additionally, explore how different miRNAs are connected to NB and conversely extend the support of using miRNAs as biomarkers. The end goal of this meta-analysis is to provide more reliable evidence for further research that can improve the life expectancy of NB patients in the future. In this study, 4 miRNAs (miR-17-5p, -92a-3p -421 and -125b) were identified to be significantly linked to NB, and associated secondary diseases; medulloblastoma (-92a-3p & -125b), bladder cancer (-17-5p & -125b), acute myeloid leukemia (-92a-3p & -125b) and cardiac hypertrophy (- 125b). Specifically, miR-125b showed exceptional interconnectivity for these diseases and potential to indirectly down-regulate n-Myc in NB, a gene that promote cancer cell proliferation. miR-125b was also found to be a significant sole regulator and effector of the CDX2 gene responsible for cancer cell differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia, a relationship that has been supported by other publications. This meta-analysis showed that the reported dysregulation and biological processes of these miRNAs were concurrent with the original studies, endorsing that these miRNAs have potential as diagnostic indicators or classifiers of such diseases while warranting that the gene regulatory function of miRNAs are becoming more intricate than previously thought.

On the palaeopathology of skeletal neoplasms : A study about skeletal metastatic tumours in the archaeological record and methods with which they can be identified and diagnosed / Skelettneoplasmers paleopatologi : En studie om skelettmetastaserande tumörer i det arkeologiska förflutna och metoder med vilka dessa kan identifieras och diagnosticeras

Ling-Roos, Karin January 2022 (has links)
It is decidedly rare to come across evidence of primary or secondary malignant tumours in the archaeological record, both in the excavatory stage as well as the laboratory stage. However, the statistical absence of cancer in the archaeological record may not be representative of actual prevalence, geographical distribution, or severity. Despite the scarcity, there are some documented cases of suspected and hypothesised malignant skeletal neoplasms, of varying severity and disease progression. Some of these cases have been examined and put through a posthumous or presumptive diagnostic process, in which macroscopic analysis is followed by close microscopic examination, as well as the consideration and exclusion of differential diagnoses. This bachelor’s thesis will investigate 5 cases of such examination, with the help of three palaeopathological and paleo-oncological case studies. With an interdisciplinary approach encompassing contemporary medical science as well as palaeopathological osteoarchaeology, this thesis project will consider the clinical manifestations presented by the case studies in relation to their final hypothesised diagnosis. The results indicate that these individuals may have suffered from metastatic carcinoma with a soft tissue origin, a result which is significant to both contemporary medicine as well as osteoarchaeology. / Det är avgjort sällsynt att stöta på tecken på primära eller sekundära maligna tumörer i det arkeologiska förflutna, både i utgrävningsstadiet såväl som i laboratoriestadiet. Den statistiska frånvaron av cancer i det arkeologiska förflutna kanske inte är representativt för faktisk prevalens, geografisk spridning eller svårighetsgrad. Trots bristen finns det några dokumenterade fall av misstänkta och hypotetiska maligna skelettneoplasmer, av varierande svårighetsgrad och sjukdomsprogression. En del av dessa fall har undersökts och genomgått en postum eller presumtiv diagnostisk process, där makroskopisk analys följs av noggrann mikroskopisk undersökning, samt beaktande och uteslutning av differentialdiagnoser. Denna kandidatuppsats kommer att undersöka 5 fall av sådan undersökning, med hjälp av tre paleopatologiska och paleo-onkologiska fallstudier. Med ett tvärvetenskapligt tillvägagångssätt som omfattar samtida medicinsk vetenskap såväl som paleopatologisk osteoarkeologi kommer detta examensarbete att överväga de kliniska manifestationerna av fallstudierna i relation till deras slutgiltiga preliminära diagnos. Resultaten tyder på att dessa individer kan ha lidit av metastaserande karcinom med ursprung i mjukvävnad, ett resultat som är signifikant för såväl modern medicin som osteoarkeologi.

Patientens upplevelse av delaktighet vid ronden. En empirisk studie baserad på enkäter

Sjöberg Anna-Helena, Nilsson Micaela January 2006 (has links)
Ronden är en benämning på en arbetsform som sedan länge använts på vårdavdelningar inom sjukhusen. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka patientens upplevelse av delaktighet vid ronden på en onkologavdelning för att öka förståelsen för individuella uppfattningar om känslan av delaktighet hos patienten. Avdelningens patienter har delats in i en Röd respektive Blå grupp. Den Röda gruppen har fungerat som försöksgrupp för en ny metod att genomföra ronden på. Metoden har inneburit att patienterna i den Röda gruppen personligen varit närvarande under en så kallad socialrond. Varje vecka har nya patienter erbjudits att deltaga i studien, detta har skett under en två veckors period. Metoden vi inspirerats av är innehållsanalys och den teoretiska referensramen har föranletts av omvårdnadsforskaren Katie Erikssons definition av vårdprocessen. Resultatet har presenterats som både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data, i form av korta citat och tabeller. I resultatet har det ej framkommit några tendenser på att införandet av den nya rondmetoden skulle ha påverkat patientens upplevelse av delaktighet. Vad vi dock kunde påvisa var att personalens bemötande var av stor betydelse för samtliga informanter, oavsett rondmetod. / The round is a designation of a work form that for a long time have been used in nursing wards at the hospitals. The aim of the study has been to look into the patient’s experience of participation at the round on an oncology ward to gain understanding around individual opinions of the experience about patient participation. The patients at the ward have been divided into two different groups, a Red and a Blue. The Red group has functioned as the trial group of a new method of how the round could be performed. The method has meant that the patients in red group personally have been participating during a so-called socialround. Every week different patients have been offered to participate in the study, during two weeks. The method of which we have been inspired is content analysis and the theoretical frame has generated from the nursing researcher Katie Eriksson’s definition of the caring process. The result has been presented as both quantitative and qualitative form of data, presented as short quotations and tables. In the result there haven’t been clear tendencies that implicate that the introduction of the new round method has led to any affect on the patient’s experience of participation. We have however been able to point out that the staffs’ treat were of great importance for each and every one of the informants, regardless of what round method that has been used.

Att vara den blå patienten

Glans Persson, Johanna, Lindkvist, Sofie January 2013 (has links)
Skyddsisolering används i vårdandet av patienter med neutropeni och patienter med kraftig immunsuppressiv behandling såsom någon form av stamcellstransplantation, cytostatika eller strålning. Tidigare studier inom området visade att depression, ångest, sömnsvårigheter och hallucinationer var vanliga symtom hos de skyddsisolerade patienterna. Resultaten visade också att en del patienter såg isoleringen som en tid att samla kraft efter sin behandling medan andra upplevde det som en bestraffning. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa upplevelsen av skyddsisolering hos patienter med hematologiska eller onkologiska sjukdomar. KASAM användes som teoretisk referensram. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie och de olika databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Internurse, Medline och PsycINFO genomsöktes. Studien baserades på sju artiklar med kvalitativ ansats och tre med kvantitativ ansats. Sju huvudkategorier framkom vid dataanalysen. Resultatet i denna studie visade att de flesta deltagare såg isoleringen som något de behövde gå igenom för att bli friska. För många av deltagarna var det viktigt att skydda sig från infektioner vilket i vissa fall ledde till begränsad kontakt med närstående. Alla deltagarna hade olika hanteringsstrategier där stödet från närstående var mest framträdande. Fynden i denna studie kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor att få en ökad förståelse för patienters upplevelse av skyddsisolering och därigenom även kunna identifiera och möta deras behov. / Protective isolation is used in the treatment of neutropenic patients and patients with severe immunosuppressive therapy such as some form of stem cell transplantation, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Previous studies showed that depression, anxiety, insomnia and hallucinations were common symptoms in the isolated patients. The results also showed that some patients saw isolation as a time to gather strength after their treatment, while others saw it as a punishment. The aim of this study was to examine the experience of protective isolation in patients with hematological or oncological diseases. SOC was used as a theoretical framework. The method used was a general literature review and the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Internurse, Medline and PsycINFO were searched. The study was based on seven articles with a qualitative approach and three with quantitative approach. Seven main categories emerged from the data analysis. The results of this study showed that most participants saw the isolation as something they needed to go through to get well. For many of the participants, it was important to protect themselves from infections which in some cases led to limited contact with relatives. All participants had different coping-strategies were the support from relatives was the most prominent. The findings in this study can help nurses to get a better understanding of patients' experiences of protective isolation and thus be able to identify and meet their needs.

Molecular mapping of the HGSOC tumour microenvironment

Louail, Philippine January 2023 (has links)
High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is the most aggressive subtype of ovarian cancer, and its heterogeneity poses a challenge for the discovery of reliable diagnostic biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and predicting treatment response, particularly to immunotherapy. The current standard diagnostic and treatment options are inadequate, resulting in late diagnosis and poor prognosis. To improve our understanding of the immunophenotype of tumours, potentially enhancing diagnostic and treatment capabilities, the aim of the present study was to develop a stringent workflow for studying the immune microenvironment of HGSOC tumours. We utilized publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data and literature to identify genes enriched in certain cell types of HGSOC tumours, followed by validation using immunofluorescent-based multiplex protein profiling. A 9-plex immunofluorescence workflow was developed using the Opal™ system, and quantitative image analysis was performed to evaluate the expression of PD-L1, CD8A, FoxP3, CD163, KRT7, PDGFRB, and CD79A in large tissue sections of ovarian cancer. Each of these markers are specific to different cell types, and by staining the multiplex marker panel together with new markers with little or no literature linked to HGSOC we can gain novel insights on the immune microenvironment of HGSOC. In this project, for a proof of concept, we focused on two proteins; GZMK and SLAMF7. The optimized multiplex panel developed as part of this project will be used to identify cell-type-specific markers that may play a crucial role in the immune microenvironment of HGSOC, which could lead to better immunophenotype stratification of patients and a more optimal immunotherapy response. Moreover, the panel could also be used to study markers of less well-known immune cell types, further improving our understanding of HGSOC. Overall, this project has the potential to significantly contribute to the development of reliable diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for HGSOC, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

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