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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As descobertas da astronomia à luz da teoria da abstração reflexionante de Jean Piaget

Gomes, Luiz Carlos January 2007 (has links)
Procuramos fundamentar e explicitar neste trabalho o modo pelo qual o sujeito organiza, pessoal, coletiva e historicamente seu conhecimento astronômico. Toma-se como referencial teórico para essa organização a epistemologia genética de Jean Piaget, em particular sua teoria da abstração reflexionante. Apontam-se, na revisão bibliográfica, aspectos que se consideram relevantes para o conhecimento astronômico, tanto do ponto de vista teórico quanto histórico, seguindo uma direção que estrutura a gênese desse conhecimento específico, desde as estruturas sensório-motoras do sujeito, passando pelo pensamento pré-operatório, o pensamento operatório concreto e o pensamento operatório formal. O caminho seguido, uma vez que não podemos abranger o trabalho de Piaget na sua totalidade, foi o de fundamentar a aquisição do conhecimento no equilíbrio cognitivo, conseguido através de abstrações empíricas e reflexionantes, tendo como modelo, principalmente, o equilíbrio dos sistemas biológicos. Isso é, pretendemos mostrar como o conhecimento astronômico, iniciando pela percepção do céu, mediado pelo processo de equilibração e de abstração reflexionante, evolui por sucessivas tomadas de consciência dos fenômenos celestes e, ao mesmo tempo, das compreensões do próprio sujeito. Apontam-se, finalmente, algumas sugestões pedagógicas para que os fenômenos dos céus, inferenciais na sua totalidade, possam ser compreendidos em diferentes níveis de suas possíveis leituras. / This work has the objective of fundament and explicit in what ways one organizes, personal, collective and historically, its own astronomic knowledge. Jean Piaget’s genetics epistemology is taken as the referential theory, and the reflexionant abstraction theory taken as the central point. Through a checking on the bibliography, different aspects considered relevant for the astronomic knowledge are pointed out, in theory as in history, following a direction that structures the genesis of this specific knowledge, since one’s sensory-motor structures, going through the pre-operational thinking, the concrete operational thinking and the formal operational thinking. The way through which it was done, since we cannot go thorough the complete work of Piaget, fundaments the acquisition of knowledge on the cognitive equilibrium, acquired through empiric and reflexionant abstractions, having as a model, mainly, the biological systems equilibrium. In another way, with the astronomic knowledge, taken from the skies’ perception, mediated by the equilibrium theory and the reflecting abstraction theory, leads to the perception and understanding of the celestial phenomenon. By the end, the conclusions also point out suggestions in a pedagogical level so that the skies phenomenon, inferential in their totality, can be fully comprehended in all different ways of possible reading.

Fallstudien zum Einsatz von Business Intelligence in Call Centern

Hrach, Christian, Alt, Rainer 25 January 2012 (has links)
Dieser Forschungsbericht untersucht anhand von sechs Fallstudien die konkrete Prozessunterstützung in Call Centern durch in operative Anwendungssysteme eingebettete Analytik. Dies umfasst zum einen retrospektive Analysen für interne und externe Stakeholder in Form von Reporten als auch Echtzeit-Auswertungen durch grafisch-orientierte Monitor-Darstellungen. Hierbei stehen unter anderem die eingesetzten Anwendungssysteme, das Nutzungsverhalten durch die verschiedenen Call Center-Mitarbeitergruppen und die kennzahlenbasierten Auswertungsinhalte im Vordergrund.:1 Einleitung 2 Fallstudie - B.B.K. Vertriebs- und Kunden-Services GmbH 3 Fallstudie - DIMA Systems AG 4 Fallstudie - Regiocom Sales Service Halle GmbH 5 Fallstudie - TMA Telesmart GmbH 6 Fallstudie - Simon & Focken GmbH 7 Fallstudie - Regiocom GmbH 8 Zusammenfassung der Fallstudien-Ergebnisse

Critical success factors for the implementation of an operational risk management system for South African financial services organisations

Gibson, Michael David 02 1900 (has links)
Operational risk has become an increasingly important topic within financial institutions of late, resulting in an increased spend by financial service organisations on operational risk management solutions. While this move is positive, evidence has shown that information technology implementations have tended to have low rates of success. Research highlighted that a series of defined critical success factors could reduce the risk of implementation failure. Investigations into the literature revealed that no critical success factors had been defined for the implementation of an operational risk management system. Through a literature study, a list of 29 critical success factors was identified. To confirm these factors, a questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was distributed to an identified target audience within the South African financial services community. Reponses to the questionnaire revealed that 27 of the 29 critical success factors were deemed important and critical to the implementation of an operational risk management system. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Vragrangskikkings ter voorkoming van asmassalasgrens-oorskryding deur padkarweiers in Suid-Afrika

Jacobs, Cornelius Gregorius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Road Tra c legislation prescribes constraints on the forces/loads which vehicles may exert on the road at contact surfaces or load points. These constraints have bearing on speci c contact surfaces or groups of contact surfaces. The constraints are in the form of maximum force values and maximum ratios, which may exist between forces. The forces exerted by a vehicle on the road is determined by a combination of the vehicle's own mass, dimensional characteristics, and the mass and position of its cargo. The mass and position of the cargo can be modelled by only considering its centroid. The centroid's position is linked to a certain cargo arrangement. It is necessary, in terms of legal constraints, to distinguish between legally permissable- and non-permissable arrangements. Methods are proposed in this dissertation to determine the borders for the position of the centroid according to cargo-mass, for a variety of vehicle con gurations. The determination of borders for the position of the centroid is the result of a three part process. Firstly, the legal limits are translated to mathematical inequalities that must be satis ed for the forces at contact surfaces. Secondly, conservative parametric estimates for the forces, in terms of the position and the mass of the centroid of a given vehicle, must be derived. Finally these estimates are incorporated into the load constraints and an enclosed permissable area for the centroid is found. These position constraints are suitable inputs to solution methods of various cargo arrangement problems. Linear programmes which can solve certain general arrangement problems by utilising the position constraints on the centroid, were successfully developed. Solutions are presented for the arrangement of pallet-freight, as well as the arrangement of cargo units with asymetrical centroids over the length or width of a vehicle's cargo area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Padvervoerwetgewing skryf grense op kragte/laste voor wat voertuie by kontakoppervlakke of laspunte, op die pad mag uitoefen. Hierdie voorskrifte het betrekking op spesi eke laspunte en groepe van laspunte. Die voorskrifte is in die vorm van maksimum laswaardes by laspunte en maksimum ratio's wat tussen sekere laste mag bestaan. Die laste wat 'n voertuig op die pad uitvoer word bepaal deur 'n kombinasie van die voertuig se eie massa, dimensionele eienskappe, sowel as sy vrag se massa en posisie. Die vrag se massa en posisie kan gemodelleer word deur slegs die massamiddelpunt daarvan te beskou. Die massamiddelpunt se posisie word gekoppel aan 'n bepaalde vragrangskikking. Dit is nodig om, in terme van wetlike voorskrifte, te kan onderskei tussen wetlik toelaatbare en -ontoelaatbare rangskikkings. Metodes word in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel waarmee daar grense vir die posisie van die vragmassamiddelpunt bepaal kan word na gelang van die vragmassa, vir 'n verskeidenheid van voertuigkon gurasies. Die bepaling van grense vir die posisie van die vragmassamiddelpunt is die resultaat van 'n drieledige proses. Eerstens word die wetlike beperkings herlei na wiskundige ongelykhede waarbinne laste by kontakoppervlakke moet val. Tweedens word konserwatiewe parametriese beramings vir die laste verkry in terme van die ligging en massa van die vragmassamiddelpunt vir 'n gegewe voertuig. Laastens word hierdie beramings in die lasbeperkings opgeneem om 'n afgebakende toelaatbare gebied vir die vragmassamiddelpunt se posisie te verkry. Hierdie posisiebeperkings is geskik om as inset te dien in die oplossingmetodes van 'n verskeidenheid van vragrangskikkingsprobleme. Line^ere programme wat sekere algemene rangskikkingsprobleme kan oplos deur die aanwending van posisiebeperkings op die vragmassamiddelpunt, is suksesvol ontwikkel. Oplossings word aangebied vir die rangskikking van paletvrag, asook die rangskikking van vrageenhede met asimmetriese massamiddelpunte oor die lengte of breedte van 'n voertuig se vragarea.

Die Rolle von Tetrapyrrolen der Chlorophyllbiosynthese bei der retrograden Signalgebung in Arabidopsis thaliana

Schlicke, Hagen 28 February 2017 (has links)
In photosynthetischen Organismen vermitteln Tetrapyrrole während der Chloroplastenbiogenese und als Antwort auf Veränderungen des Entwicklungszustandes sowie wechselnder Umweltbedingungen retrograde Signale zur Kontrolle der Expression von Kerngenen (NGE). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein induzierbares RNAi-System in Arabidopsis eingesetzt, um enzymatische Schritte des Mg-Zweigs der Tetrapyrrolbiosynthese (TPBS) zu inaktivieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, inwiefern Tetrapyrrole zu einer kontinuierlichen Regulation der NGE beitragen, um abhängig von durch wechselnde Umweltbedingungen bedingte Veränderungen der TPBS, die Homöostase der Chloroplasten zu justieren. Die Untersuchungen zur Kurzzeitinduktion zeigten, dass veränderte Gehalte an Mg Protoporphyrin IX (MgP), Mg-Protoporphyrin IX-monomethylester (MgPME) und Protochlorophyllid (Pchlid) als Folge verminderter Enzymaktivitäten nicht primär zu einer Anpassung der NGE innerhalb der ersten 24 h führen. Vielmehr weisen die Ergenisse dieser Arbeit auf ein komplexes, vielschichtiges Signalnetzwerk aus retrograden und anterograden Signalwegen unter der Mitwirkung transkriptionellen und posttranslationalen Regulationsmechanismen hin. Es wird angenommen, dass Veränderungen der TPBS über ROS-Signalwege oder Redox-vermittelte Signale zur Regulation der NGE beitragen. Diese Signale könnten aus beeinträchtigten Photosystemen stammen, welche eine Folge der Akkumulation von photoreaktiven Intermediaten und unzureichenden Mengen an Chlorophyll sein können. / In photosynthetic organisms, tetrapyrroles are known to mediate retrograde control of nuclear gene expression (NGE) during chloroplast biogenesis in response to developmental and environmental changes. In these studies, an inducible RNAi system was used in Arabidopsis plants to inactivate enzymatic steps in the Mg-branch of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TPBS). It was intended to proof whether tetrapyrroles contribute to a permanent regulation of NGE due to changes in the TPBS and in response to environmental changes to achieve an adjustment of chloroplast homeostasis. The investigations of short-term responses due to altered levels of Mg protoporphyrin (MgP), Mg protoporphyrin monomethylester (MgPME) and protochlorophyllide (Pchlid) caused by a robust down-regulation of enzyme activity within the first 24 h reveal that these Mg porphyrins do not primarily contribute to the modulation of NGE. All results together indicate a complex multi-layered signaling network of anterograde and retrograde control and contributions of transcriptional as well as posttranslational regulation mechanisms. It is proposed that changes in the TPBS mediate the regulation of NGE via ROS-signaling pathways or redox signals deriving from disturbed photosystems due to accumulation of photoreactive intermediates and the lack of chlorophyll.

Determinantes da necessidade de capital de giro: as companhias abertas do Brasil entre 1994 e 2009

Rick, Leandro 10 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:25:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Rick.pdf: 426431 bytes, checksum: bd0b42ac2a96c4981f26a2e96b334742 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-10 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The Operational Working Capital Requirement (WCR) is the net investment needed to keep the operating cycle. There is no specific theory on Working Capital and, in Brazil; there are few studies about its operational and financial determinants. This empirical research test, in part, a model proposed by Hill, Kelly and Highfield (2009), with Brazilian companies, in the post-Real Plan. The results show differences in the regression coefficients that may be due to macro-economic specificity and typicality of Brazilian economic sectors. This study contributes to the management of working capital, and opens prospects for alternatives to traditional methods of quantification of the WCR. / A Necessidade de Capital de Giro (NCG) Operacional é o investimento líquido necessário para manter os ciclos operacionais. Embora haja bastantes estudos sobre Capital de Giro nos EUA e Europa, ainda não há uma teoria específica sobre o mesmo e, no Brasil, poucos estudos sobre seus determinantes operacionais e financeiros foram realizados. Esta dissertação testa, parcialmente, um modelo proposto por Hill, Kelly e Highfield (2010), com empresas brasileiras, no período pós-Plano Real. Os resultados evidenciam diferenças nos coeficientes das regressões que podem ser devidas à especificidade macroeconômica brasileira ou à tipicidade dos setores de atividade econômica. Este estudo contribui para a gestão do capital de giro e abre perspectiva para alternativas aos tradicionais métodos de quantificação da NCG.

Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system : A feasibility study

Hall, Filip, Håkansson, Pär January 2003 (has links)
<p>This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. </p><p>The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing. It is also needed for the receivers to have low power consumption since they are close to the load, which is sensitive to heat. </p><p>Different amplifier architectures were investigated to find a suitable circuit for the given prerequisites. In this report the advantages and disadvantages of voltage and current feedback are discussed. </p><p>The conclusions of this work are that in a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the operational amplifier. When fast rise time and large output swing are wanted the best amplifier architecture is current feedback amplifiers. A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption.</p>

Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system : A feasibility study

Hall, Filip, Håkansson, Pär January 2003 (has links)
This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing. It is also needed for the receivers to have low power consumption since they are close to the load, which is sensitive to heat. Different amplifier architectures were investigated to find a suitable circuit for the given prerequisites. In this report the advantages and disadvantages of voltage and current feedback are discussed. The conclusions of this work are that in a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the operational amplifier. When fast rise time and large output swing are wanted the best amplifier architecture is current feedback amplifiers. A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption.

Innovation under pressure : Reclaiming the micro-level exploration space

Lund Stetler, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
Research &amp; Development (R&amp;D) departments are becoming increasingly structured and routine-based, with tight schedules and daily follow-ups. This way of working stems from increased demands for delivering products to customers quickly and with high quality at a low price. At the same time, these organisations are faced with the challenge of coming up with new ideas that can become the foundations of tomorrow’s innovations. This means that R&amp;D departments must achieve both exploration, in terms of coming up with new ideas, and exploitation in terms of turning existing ideas into products available on the market. If these dual perspectives are to be met within a single work unit, the employees in that unit must achieve what we call contextual ambidexterity. Previous research has shown this to be difficult to achieve and has offered little guidance for organisations about how to organise and manage their operations in order to increase their chances of achieving contextual ambidexterity.The aim of this thesis is to explore challenges related to innovation that are encountered at the micro-level in contextually ambidextrous organisations and to shed light on factors that explain those challenges.This study has combined survey data with interview data from several organisations to analyse the relationship between aspects of efficiency and aspects of creativity. It was found that employees in a contextually ambidextrous organisation struggle to ensure enough micro-level exploration space, in other words, they have trouble finding time to explore ideas and making room for novel ideas.This research shows that a contextually ambidextrous approach in R&amp;D will likely exert two main challenges related to innovation. The first challenge is a crowding out of exploratory activities in favour of exploitatory activities. One reason for this is the combination of using productivity goals for exploitation and not using any similar targets for exploration activities. Large discrepancies in how these two types of activities are treated runs the risk that the one that is less monitored – most often exploration – is likely to be crowded out in favour of the one that is more intensely monitored.A second possible challenge is the demand on predictability in project progress that is often built into organisations as a means to enhance exploitation. This aim for predictability might create a reluctance to introduce new projects with high levels of novelty because the introduction of novel ideas contains uncertainties that jeopardise the adherence to the project plan. The combination of this view of novelty in the later phases of product development and the crowding out of exploratory activities could possibly lead to insufficient room for novel ideas to gain ground in the organisation, and this could lead to less innovative output. / <p>QC 20150225</p>


Bechara, Glaucia Margonari 21 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GLAUCIA MARGONARI MACHADO.pdf: 1086448 bytes, checksum: d10a26657c63612155eea15a1b58d0ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to evaluate the adaptive efficiency, before and after an intervention in Brief Psychotherapy Operational in a patient with Diabetes Mellitus type 1. The instruments used were the Preventive Clinical Interview, the Operational Adaptive Diagnostic Scale - EDAO and Brief Psychotherapy Operational - PBO. The design of this research was made by the clinical method combined with descriptive observational method. We conducted a case study of a patient diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type 1, who underwent eight diagnostic interviews to obtain the clinical diagnosis and then to twelve sessions of Brief Psychotherapy Operational. After six months of the end of the sessions the patient attended an interview for Follow up. The adaptive diagnosis, after the first interviews was: Adaptation Inefficacy, which were detected in situations-problems to be addressed in the PBO was organized and the planning of this intervention. After completion of the PBO and six months after the patient underwent an interview Follow up, in which the diagnostic classification was: Mild Inefficient Adaptation. We conclude that this case study an evolution in the adaptive diagnosis after the intervention in PBO, showing the importance of customer service in Brief Psychotherapy Operational. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia adaptativa, antes e após intervenção em Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada em um paciente portador de Diabetes Mellitus tipo1. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Entrevista Clínica Preventiva, a Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada EDAO e a Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada PBO. O delineamento desta pesquisa se deu pelo método clínico combinado ao método descritivo observacional. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com um paciente diagnosticado com Diabetes Mellitus tipo1, que foi submetido a oito entrevistas diagnósticas para a obtenção do diagnóstico clínico e em seguida a doze sessões de Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada. Após seis meses do término das sessões o paciente participou de uma entrevista de Follow up. O diagnóstico adaptativo, após as primeiras entrevistas foi: Adaptação Ineficaz Severa, no qual foram detectadas as situações-problemas a serem abordadas na PBO e foi organizado o planejamento desta intervenção. Finalizada a PBO e após seis meses o paciente foi submetido a uma entrevista de Follow up, no qual a classificação diagnóstica foi: Adaptação Ineficaz Leve. Conclui-se que neste estudo de caso que houve uma evolução no diagnóstico adaptativo após a intervenção em PBO, mostrando a importância do atendimento em Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada.

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