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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lygių galimybių principų įgyvendinimas viešųjų institucijų personalo valdyme / Implementation of the principles of equal opportunities in public institutions personnel management

Garliauskienė, Lina 28 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas lygių galimybių principų įgyvendinimas viešųjų institucijų personalo valdyme. Šis bakalauro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama lygių galimybių samprata, jų problematika mokslo požiūriu, taip pat lygios galimybės darbo rinkoje teoriniu požiūriu. Antra darbo dalis skirta ištirti lygių galimybių principų vietą viešųjų institucijų personalo valdyme, analizuojant personalo valdymo funkcijas, jų atlikimo uždavinius, apžvelgiant šiandieninę lygių galimybių situaciją Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje. Trečia dalis yra empirinė, joje tiriamas lygių galimybių principų taikymas Lietuvos viešųjų institucijų personalo valdyme. Tyrimas pradedamas bendra lygių galimybių darbo rinkoje teisinio užtikrinimo apžvalga. Norint ištirti kaip lygių galimybių principai yra reglamentuojami viešųjų institucijų personalo valdyme, atlikta dokumentų turinio (content) ir statistinių duomenų analizė. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad skiriamas didelis dėmesys lygių galimybių principams teisiniame personalo valdymo reglamentavime dar negarantuoja lygių galimybių principų įgyvendinimo ir diskriminacijos reiškiniai viešajame sektoriuje dar vis egzistuoja. / The main aim of bachelor conclusive work "Implementation of the principles of equal opportunities in public institutions personnel management" was to review the equal opportunities principles to the management staff of public institutions. This work consists of three main parts. The first part deals with the concept of equal opportunities, their problems in terms of education, as well as equal opportunities in the labor market in terms of theoretical. The second part of the work is to explore the principles of equal opportunities in personnel management. The third empirical part studied the application of equal opportunities for Lithuanian public institutions personnel management. In research made the analysis of document contents and statistical data analysis confirmed the hypothesis of this bachelor conclusive work. Analysis of the equal opportunities in the public sector's labour market shows that despite advanced laws assuring equal opportunities and positive changes in society, the problems of discrimination still exist.

Moterų požiūrio į karjeros planavimo galimybes kaita / Womens attitudes change in career development opportunities

Mociūtė, Alina 03 February 2012 (has links)
Šiame magistrantūros darbe nagrinėjamas moterų požiūris į karjeros planavimo galimybių kaitą. Kaip prieš 30 metų moteris planavo savo karjerą ir kaip jaunos moterys šiandien planuoja savo karjerą. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti moterų požiūrį į karjeros planavimo galimybių kaitą. Darbo tikslui nustatyti iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti moters karjeros ir karjeros planavimo sampratas. 2. Aprašyti moters karjeros sampratą įtakojantį socialinį kontekstą prieš 30 m. ir dabar. 3. Nustatyti moterų požiūrį į karjeros planavimo galimybes prieš 30 m. ir dabar. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama moters karjeros samprata. Aprašoma kaip mokslinėje literatūroje įvairūs autoriai apibūdina moters karjerą, kokius karjeros modelius išskiria. Taip pat aprašoma karjeros planavimo sąvoka, kokios išskiriamos karjeros planavimo koncepcijos, modeliai, kuriais remiantis galima nagrinėti moters karjerą. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aprašomas socialinis kontekstas įtakojęs moters požiūrį į karjeros planavimą prieš 30 metų ir dabar. Darbe atlikta moterų, kurioms buvo prieš 30 metų 20-30 metų, ir moterų, kurioms šiandien yra 20-30 metų apklausa. Atliktus empirinį tyrimą nustatyta, jog tiek prieš 30 metų, tiek šiandien jaunos moterys karjerą supranta ir apibūdina panašiai, nes išskiria panašius karjerą apibūdinančius elementus. Lygiai taip pat apklausoje dalyvavusios moterys supranta ir karjeros planavimą. Tačiau jų karjerą ir jos planavimą gan stipriai įtakojo socialinė ir ekonominė politika, kuri vyravo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work deals with women's approach to career planning development change. As a 30 years ago woman had planned a career and how a young woman today is planning her careers. The aim of the study is to set woman attitudes change in career development opportunities. Therefore the following goals have been set: 1. Describe women’s career and career planning concepts. 2. Describe the concept of career women in influencing the social context of 30 years ago and now. 3. Identify women’s approach to career development opportunities 30 years ago and now. The paper starts with the theoretical background to identify woman’s career conception. Describe how in non-fiction different authors write about woman’s career, what career models of release. Also describe career planning concept, models, which is the best to talk about woman’s career. In this part of the work is delineating social context which influence women’s attitude in career planning 30 years ago and now. The present study presents the results of the interview with women’s to which 30 years ago was 20 -30 years and with women’s to which now is 20 -30 years. After empirical investigation was identify that elder women and young women understand career similarly, because exclude similar elements which helps to identify career concepts. The same way in the interview attended women understand and career planning. But how they understand career depends on social politic and economic politic, which dominate 30 years ago and... [to full text]

A study of investigating organisational justice perceptions and experiences of affirmative action in a learning and development organisation

George, Munique January 2011 (has links)
There have been good arguments made for the development of aggressive affirmative action policies with the end goal of quickly moving black South Africans into corporate and high ranks within management of organisations. One of the central arguments in favour of aggressive AA policies is the risk of racial polarization post-apartheid should a quick fix not be initiated. It makes good business and economic sense for AA policies to be implemented as black consumers coupled with black managers will have the eventual end point of lower unemployment and crime, through job creation and security of the representative majority.

Opportunities and Challenges for Small Condiment Company in Implementing Corporate Social   Responsibility in China

Liu, Zhouhong January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Background and purpose: Many people think that the corporate social responsibility is inseparable from large companies. However, small condiment companies have come to realize the importance of corporate social responsibility in recent decades as well and begun to implement it gradually. But there are still some challenges and opportunities that are faced by small condiment companies. This study will contribute to increases in literature of corporate social responsibility of SME by examining the SME in Chinese state policy context. And the purpose of this study is to find out the opportunities and challenges confronted by small condiment companies in implementing corporate social responsibility through the case study of the small condiment company, Meihua Condiment Co. Ltd. Shandong Branch. Method: The main method used in this study is single case study, which helps the authors get in-depth investigation, rich description and better understanding of how a small condiment company implements corporate social responsibility and the opportunities and challenges it faces therein. In this thesis, semi-structured face-to-face interviews that are aimed to get detailed information about the small condiment company---Meihua Condiment Co. Ltd. Shandong Branch are held. Since the face-to-face interview allows more communication between the authors and interviewees, and through the interviews, the authors get more familiar with the main condition of the company and know how they implement the CSR, as questions raised to the interviewees mainly concern how the company runs and how it implements corporate social responsibility. Around the topic of implementing CSR in small companies, the authors had looked up and analyzed the internet information like in China Development Observations, professional journals, and different digest like Special Focus, thus come up with an conclusion that small companies are faced with both challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, through the practical investigation of a small typical company--Meihua Condiment Co. Ltd. Shandong Branch, the authors make a step future to prove this argument. Conclusion: During the process of implementing CSR, small condiment companies may face plenty of opportunities such as low production cost, high group cohesiveness and less social responsibilities, but also lots of challenges such as enterprise development resistance and low social recognition. The investigation on a condiment SME in China shows that it’s important to combine both business opportunity and government effort for small condiment company to implement CSR. The small condiment company can take the advantage of its little social responsibility to save much effort to promote productions, utilize its strong staff coherence to improve production enthusiasm, make effort to do charity work well to establish good reputation, transfer the capital saved from taxes reduction to development, actively carry out moral construction for responding the nation’s summons, enhance enterprise’s sense of social responsibility. Meanwhile, the company shall also face challenges and take full advantages of them. What is more, due to the financial constrain and lack of external attention, the government shall transform its functions, deepen the reform, create good external environments and broaden the financing channel for small condiment company, enhance the company’s sense of safe production and solve the environment and products problems well. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Small Condiment Company, Opportunities, Challenges, Corresponding Countermeasures

Mažumų diskriminacijos problema ir jos įveikos galimybės Lietuvoje / Discrimination against minorities in lithuania: the problem and possibilities of overcoming

Čičelis, Augustas 23 June 2014 (has links)
Specialistai pažymi, kad Lietuva išlieka viena netolerantiškiausių valstybių visoje Europoje, o nepakantumo lygis kai kurių mažumų grupių nariams yra išskirtinai didelis. Neigiamos nuostatos, stereotipai bei kylanti diskriminacija yra daugelio mažumų grupių neatsiejama kasdieninio gyvenimo dalis. Diskriminacija neigiamai veikia tiek ją patiriančių žmonių, tiek ir visos visuomenės gerovę. Lietuvoje trūksta tyrimų, nagrinėjančių diskriminacinių nuostatų bei elgesio priežastis ir pasekmes. Pastebimas integruotos mažumų sampratos stygius, taip pat sisteminio požiūrio į mažumų patiriamą atskirtį, problemas bei jų įveikos galimybes trūkumas. Tai lemia nepakankamas ar netinkamas prevencijos bei intervencijos priemones. Tuo tarpu, šių priemonių klaidingas supratimas bei parinkimas, gali lemti jų visišką neefektyvumą ar net žalingumą. Be to, nėra ir pačios antidiskriminacinės veiklos efektyvumo bei galimybių studijų. Todėl ir buvo atliekamas šis darbas. Jo tikslas: išsiaiškinti lygių galimybių ir antidiskriminacinės veiklos specialistų turimą mažumų diskriminacijos Lietuvoje reiškinio vaizdą ir požiūrį į diskriminacijos įveikos galimybes. Jam pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: Išsiaiškinti ekspertų (1) turimas mažumų bei diskriminacijos sampratas; (2) matomą mažumų situacijos vaizdą; (3) matomas diskriminacijos priežastis ir pasekmes; (4) Lietuvos antidiskriminacinės politikos vertinimą; ir (5) matomas diskriminacijos įveikos galimybes ir būdus. Buvo atliktas kokybinis vertinamasis tyrimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Experts state that Lithuania remains one of the most intolerant countries in Europe. Intolerance towards some specific social minorities is extremely high. Prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination are a concurrent in many minorities’ daily life. Discrimination has a negative influence not only on the discriminated but also on the society as such. There is a lack of studies analyzing the causes and sequences of discriminatory beliefs and behaviors in Lithuania. There is neither a real integral conception of minorities nor a systemic approach to minorities’ problems and possibilities to solve them. This ends in inaccurate preventive and interventional measures. The object of this work was to survey equal opportunities and antidiscrimination field experts’ prospects of discrimination against minorities in Lithuania and approach to possibilities of overcoming discrimination. The set tasks were to survey experts’ (1) concepts of minorities and discrimination; (2) prospects of situation of minorities; (3) supposed causes and sequences of discrimination; (4) evaluation of current antidiscrimination policy in Lithuania; and (5) supposed possibilities and means of overcoming discrimination. A qualitative descriptive research was made. The method: a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interview. Four experts were selected from different fields of antidiscrimination and equal opportunities policy implementation covering wide field of working issues on all minority groups. The... [to full text]

Assessing the barriers companies face towards the implementation of corporate energy efficience strategies / Cysbert Niesing.

Niesing, Gysbert January 2012 (has links)
Global climate change and the electricity supply constraints could possibly be one of the utmost strategic issues facing businesses and consumers of all sizes currently in South Africa. Energy Efficiency is the ability to produce the same output but with less energy. The implementation of Energy Efficiency strategies is pivotal in order to sustain the climatic conditions as well as mitigate the supply constraints the South African utility Eskom is experienced. The aim of this study was to reiterate the importance of energy efficiency strategies and to identify the barriers and challenges companies face towards implementing energy efficiency and energy management strategies. This dissertation identified incentives and rebate schemes available to promote energy efficiency strategies and discussed the policies and strategies the South African Government implemented towards realising the energy efficiency target of 12%.The literature review conclude with discussing best practices indentified by implementing corporate energy efficiency strategies. The level of preparedness and progress in implementing an energy management system and strategies between the different companies were assessed. The target population includes the high intensity user group (HIU), listed and SME companies in the different industry sectors in South Africa. The study concludes that there are still multiple challenges facing companies in implementing sustainable energy efficiency strategies. Although government and multiple stakeholders are initiating incentive and rebate models to promote the implementation of energy efficiency measures, industry still lacks the commitment to change their behaviour toward implementing energy management strategies. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Missed opportunities in the Prevention of the Mother to Child Transmission Programme in a sub-district of the North West Province, South Africa / Puledi Martha Sithole

Sithole, Puledi Martha January 2013 (has links)
According to global statistics more than half of all people living with HIV are women, the majority of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa. South Africa adapted the WHO guidelines on PMTCT to the local situation. In South Africa the prevalence of HIV amongst pregnant women attending public antenatal care is high, although new infections are declining. Studies on missed opportunities in PMTCT have been conducted in other areas of South Africa, but none in the North West Province. Three health institutions deemed to have more patient attendance were chosen for the study from a particular sub-district. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the missed opportunities in the PMTCT programme in a sub-district of the North West Province, the results of which may assist in the improvement of PMTCT services. A descriptive study design was used to identify and describe the missed opportunities in the PMTCT programme during pregnancy, labour and postnatal period. The sample consisted of 125 the records of pregnant women whose babies were born in January 2010. Entry to the health care facilities was gained through written permissions from the Department of Health and the facilities. Missed opportunities identified were that 0.8% (1/125) of pregnant women whose records were audited, was not tested for HIV infections and 9.6% (12/125) had no information on testing. Of the 35 women who were found to be HIV positive, only 74.3% (26/35) had confirmatory test done while it was not done in 2.9% (1/35). Furthermore, only 57.1% (20/35) had their blood for CD4 cell count taken, for 2.9% (1/35) no blood was taken for CD4 cell count and there was no information for the remaining 40.0% (14/35). Only 2.9% (1/35) HIV positive pregnant women continued with HAART during labour, 62.9% (22/35) received ARVs for PMTCT and for 34.2% (12/35) there was no information recorded. Prophylaxis for prolonged rupture of membranes was not given in 5.7% (2/35) of these women during labour. There were no records of any TB screening for such women and infant feeding counselling were never carried out. Lack of recording was the major problem identified in this study. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Assessing the barriers companies face towards the implementation of corporate energy efficience strategies / Cysbert Niesing.

Niesing, Gysbert January 2012 (has links)
Global climate change and the electricity supply constraints could possibly be one of the utmost strategic issues facing businesses and consumers of all sizes currently in South Africa. Energy Efficiency is the ability to produce the same output but with less energy. The implementation of Energy Efficiency strategies is pivotal in order to sustain the climatic conditions as well as mitigate the supply constraints the South African utility Eskom is experienced. The aim of this study was to reiterate the importance of energy efficiency strategies and to identify the barriers and challenges companies face towards implementing energy efficiency and energy management strategies. This dissertation identified incentives and rebate schemes available to promote energy efficiency strategies and discussed the policies and strategies the South African Government implemented towards realising the energy efficiency target of 12%.The literature review conclude with discussing best practices indentified by implementing corporate energy efficiency strategies. The level of preparedness and progress in implementing an energy management system and strategies between the different companies were assessed. The target population includes the high intensity user group (HIU), listed and SME companies in the different industry sectors in South Africa. The study concludes that there are still multiple challenges facing companies in implementing sustainable energy efficiency strategies. Although government and multiple stakeholders are initiating incentive and rebate models to promote the implementation of energy efficiency measures, industry still lacks the commitment to change their behaviour toward implementing energy management strategies. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

'n Verkennende studie na potensiële besigheidsgeleenthede vir die Nederduits Gereformeerde Barmhartigheidsdiens (NGBD) van die Hoëveld Sinode / Catharina Johanna Naudé

Naudé, Catharina Johanna January 2006 (has links)
This article reports on the results of the identification of potential business opportunities for Non Governmental Organizations as an extra income to face the present funding challenge. Few research studies have been done on business opportunities as sources of income for NGO's. The aim of this study was to explore potential business opportunities as sources of income and it focused on the research of different possibilities. In this exploratory research study a qualitative approach was followed through interviews with business people and a focusgoup discussion to investigate potential business opportunities. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling techniques, eleven business men and a focusgroup consisting of five business men and six personnel of The Dutch Reformed Ministry or Caring. The eleven business men were recruited from the congregations of the Highveld Sinod. Data were collected through interviews with the business men and the focusgroup interview. Data were analysed according to themes. The following eight potential business opportunities were identified: government contracts, donations, improved marketing, fundraising strategies, buying of a business or shareholding in a business, partnerships, selling of therapeutic services and additional information and proposals. This offers business opportunities for NGO's to use as sources of income to sustain them and ensure that they can continue with their service delivery. The recommendation from the focus group was for more donations, an improved marketing strategy, the requirement or government contracts and selling of therapeutic services as potential opportunities. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

A critical evaluation of diversity and equality in the UK construction sector

Pepper, Christine January 2005 (has links)
Historically, recruitment by the UK construction industry has been homogeneous, with a marked propensity for organisations to attract, recruit and select white nondisabled men. This makes construction the most white and male-dominated of all major industrial sectors. Previous research on women's and ethnic minorities' experiences within construction have shown that the industry reproduces a white male culture in which women and ethnic minorities experience marginalisation, discrimination, disempowerment, prejudice and 'glass ceilings' to their career progression. This, in turn, leads to vertical segregation within construction firms. Despite the under representation and underachievement of women, ethnic minorities and disabled people within the industry, little is known of the views and experiences of key construction industry stakeholders on workforce diversity and the potential impact that this has on promoting the diversity and equality agenda. Accordingly, this research makes a unique contribution by investigating diversity and equality from the perspective of employers, professional bodies, training organisations and industry policy forums to provide a more holistic understanding of why the industry has failed to diversify its workforce. The findings of the research develop existing theoretical perspectives on the underrepresentation and underachievement of women and ethnic minorities in the industry through an analysis of the cultural and institutional processes which shape the position of women and ethnic minorities. To achieve this, a primarily qualitative methodology was employed for the research in which stakeholder attitudes to workforce diversity were explored using in-depth semi structured interviews. The research also critically evaluated the industry's previous attempts to diversify its workforce using desk-top and case study research methods. Collectively, these investigations revealed the necessary challenges for policy makers to overcome in order to promote positive change within the industry. These included the existence of mutually reinforcing industry structures, customs and practices which systematically reflect and produce inequalities for underrepresented groups. Together, they undermine the delivery of diversity and equality policies and practices. On the basis of the research findings a framework of integrated diversity policy initiatives were developed. These address the need for both structural and cultural change within the sector and behavioural compliance in addition to attitudinal and cultural change. The efficacy of these measures was validated through a high level workshop in which leading industrialists and policy specialists debated and refined the key outcomes of the work. The resulting policy framework has been adopted by the Institution of Civil Engineers as their diversity and equality guidance document.

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