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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feedback som grund för lär- & utvecklingsprocesser i ledarskapet : - "Det feedbackas alldeles för lite" / Feedback as a basis for learning- & development processes in the leadership : - 'It is way too little feedback'

Ivarsson, Ida, Sjöblom, Erika January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur ledare på en bank upplever att de kan lära och utvecklas som ledare. Detta genom feedback, medarbetare, omvärlden och om­organisationen. Studien är av kvalitativt slag och har ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Data­insamlingen gjordes genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet i relation med tidigare forskning och teorier visar på att när reflektion görs så sker lärande och utveckling. Dock så har det visat sig att reflektionstid upplevs vara en bristvara, vilket kan resultera i att lärandet och utvecklingen inte blir lika utbredd som det hade kunnat bli. Något som framkommit är att mentorskap skulle kunna främja lärandet och utvecklingen. Även feedback kan utgöra en grund för ledaren att skapa sig lärande och utveckling. Då det ger en möjlighet för ledaren att rannsaka sig själv och se sig genom andras ögon. En annan aspekt som framkom i studien var att ledarna utövar ett transformativt ledarskap där de involverar sina medarbetare i stor ut­sträckning. / The purpose of this paper is to find out how leaders, at a bank, feel that they can start a learning and development process. This driven by feedback, co-workers, the surrounding environment and reorganization. This paper is of a qualitative nature and has a phenomenological perspective. The data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews. The result in relation to previous research and theories suggest that when reflection is done so is learning and development. It has been proven that time for reflection is something that´s perceived to be in short supply, which can result in that learning and development will not be as widespread as it could have been. Something that has emerged is that mentoring could promote learning and development. Feedback can provide a basis for the leader to create learning- and development processes, since this is an opportunity for leaders to search themselves and see themselves through others’ eyes. Another aspect that emerged in this paper was that leaders engaged in a transformative leadership where they include their co-workers to a large extent.

Kostansvarigas uppfattningar om införandet av ekologiska livsmedel i skolmåltidsverksamheten

Persson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how food managers of Östergötland County disucss around their possibilities of reaching the government´s orientation towards 25 per cent of the food - procured, prepared and cooked in the school meal - coming from certified organic production. The study was a cross-sectional study in wich a qualitative approach was used. The sample consisted six food managers in Östergötland. Data processing was done through a semantic content analysis.  The result showed that involvment and intrest were significant factors for the introduction of organic food in the school meal. The three municipalities with the highest percentage of organic food used the SMART - concept. All food managers experienced a higher cost to purchase organic food. Half of the food managers felt that they did not have sufficient financial resources. The remaining three had somewhat differing opinions about  the resources that were available. There were no common barriers to the procurement of organic food.

Internetbaserad rekrytering: mål, möjligheter och praktiker : En fallstudie av urvalet vid rekryteringen av sommarvikarier i Luleå kommun

Chertova, Evgeniya January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine web-based recruitment to short term summer jobs at the SocialServices Department in Luleå municipality in Sweden. Recruitment goals, selection options on therecruitment homepage Offentliga Jobb and recruitment practices were analysed in order to reach a deeperunderstanding of the interactions between these three levels in the selection process. Pre-selection throughOffentliga Jobb was a special concern of the study. Different consciousness levels in the selection process areemphasised according to Anthony Giddens' structuration theory. Ten recruiters from different parts of thedepartment were interviewed. Due to the qualitative nature of the study the conclusions concern only theactual respondents and can not be generalised to the whole population of recruiters. Selection options andselection practices at the Social Services Department were found to mostly correspond with the municipalityguidelines for recruitment as well as with policy documents such as shared values. There are however someconcerns about the Offentliga Jobb homepage not being user friendly. There is room for improvement insome rooted selection practices such as using age to measure social skills of the applicants and applying aslightly different skill-set profile to applicants with perceived international background. The importance ofmaking a universal skill-set profile for all applicants and of reflexions on the selection criteria at discursivelevel of consciousness is emphasised.

Traineedeltagaresupplevelser av arbetsrelaterad motivation och lojalitet / Trainee participants' perceptions of work-related motivation and loyalty

Durk Boustedt, Katarina, Wiksell, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Förett företags konkurrenskraft och överlevnad är det idag av stor vikt att ha enfungerande rekrytering och kompetensförsörjning som matchar företagets behovmed individens. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersökaupplevelser av arbetsrelaterad motivation och lojalitet vad det gällerdeltagande i ett Traineeprogram. Två fokusgruppintervjuer med fem deltagarefrån år 2011 och fem deltagare från 2012 ligger till grund för studien. Dataanalyserades med kvalitativ tematisk dataanalys och huvudresultatet visademycket positiva upplevelser av motivation och lojalitet. Resultatet visade attdeltagarna upplevde att de fått en god inblick i hela organisationen och därmedutvecklat bättre förståelse, engagemang och tillit. Det till följd av attföretaget sett till individernas behov, förväntningar och personliga utvecklingvia traineeprogrammet. En slutsats var att organisationen kan stärka individensmotivation och lojalitet genom att arbeta med kommunikation, ledarens roll samtorganisationsklimatet. / It is very important for a company's competitiveness and survival to have an effective recruitment and skills that match business needs with the individual´s. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of work-related motivation and loyalty in terms of participation in a trainee program. Two focus group interviews with five participants from 2011 and five participants from 2012 formed the basis for the study. Data were analyzed using qualitative thematic data analysis. The main results showed a very positive experience in terms of motivation and loyalty. Participants felt that they had a good insight into the entire organization and thus developed a better understanding, commitment and trust, as a result of that the company had recognized individuals' needs, expectations and personal development via the trainee program. One conclusion was that the business can support the individual's motivation and loyalty by working with communication, leader role and the organizational climate.

Läs och skrivlärande hos elever med hörselnedsättning som har svenska som andraspråk

Löf, Kerstin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

BESLUT OM GRUPPTRÄNING : En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med hjärtsvikt.

Thysell, Anneli, Johansson, Diana January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning har visat att träning förbättrar den fysiska förmågan och höjer livskvaliteten hos personer med hjärtsvikt. Trots detta är det många personer med hjärtsvikt som inte deltar i gruppträning. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka faktorer som personer med hjärtsvikt, som inte deltar i hjärtsviktsgrupp, upplever som hinder respektive möjligheter när de ska ta beslut om att delta i gruppträning. Design: Studien var en kvalitativ studie med deskriptiv design som utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem informanter. Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten, som tolkades utifrån beteendeförändringsmodellen Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), av denna studie visade att informanterna upplever olika hinder för träningen som har med prioritet, otrygghet, psykisk ohälsa, transportproblem och bristande information att göra. I vissa fall väljs träningen också bort på grund av att informanterna istället tränar i hemmet. Det största hindret enligt studiens resultat var bristen på information. Framförallt har informanterna bristande kunskap om träning som en del av behandlingen vid hjärtsvikt, NYHA II-III, och de effekter som träningen ger. Detta medför att informanterna inte uppfattar vilka möjligheter som träning i hjärtsviktsgrupp ger. De faktorer som uppfattas som positiva med träning har att göra med att informanterna uppskattar träningen, att de känner samhörighet med andra i träningsgruppen och att de upplever en förbättrad hälsa. / Background: Research has shown that exercise improves the physical ability and improves the quality of life for people with heart failure. Despite this, many people with heart failure does not participate in group training. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe what factors that people with heart failure, who do not participate in heart failure group, perceived as barriers and opportunities when they will take the decision to participate in training in heart failure group. Design: The study was a qualitative study with descriptive design and was done by semi-structured interviews with five informants. Results and conclusion: The results of this study, which were interpreted by the behavior change model, Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), showed that the informants perceive different barriers to training which are about priority, insecurity, mental illness, transportation problems and inadequate information. In some cases the informants choose home training instead of group training. The biggest barrier according to the results of this study was lack of information. In particular, informants lack of knowledge about exercise as a part of treatment for heart failure, NYHA II-III, and the effects of the training. This means that the informants do not perceive the opportunities that training in heart failure group can give. The factors that are perceived as positive with training have to do with informants appreciate the training, that they feel connected with others in the training group and that they experience a health improvement.

The impact of ECFA on steel industry in Taiwan

Huang, Yi-Ju 16 January 2012 (has links)
The development of Taiwanese steel industry has entered into decline stage. The domestic steel consumption is small plus being lack of steel strong demand industries. The factors mentioned above make Taiwanese steel industry shortage of supply in the upstream crude steel industry, while over-supply in rolled steel market. It would be the great chance to revitalize the steel industry to shift the oversupply capacities to the market that needs this product. Globalization and regional integration are two issues and trends in world¡¦s economic and trading perspective. The purpose of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is to liberate the trade, service and investment among the member countries. The spirit of FTA is consistency with that of WTO. Both are the vehicle of promoting trade liberation among global countries. Both Taiwan and Mainland China are member countries of WTO. However, there are still many limitations in trading between two countries. Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA, would be considered as a FTA between Taiwan and Mainland China. Compare WTO with ECFA, ECFA could provide better clauses, schedule in trade liberation and tariff reduction in goods. Furthermore, the tariff of some goods can be fully eliminated. ECFA could be perceived as an opportunity and a threat to Taiwan. It could be a great ¡§opportunity¡¨ to create substantial trading and investment opportunities through industry investing to Taiwan. However, this agreement could also result in trade diversion effect, and it would be a ¡§threat. This study is trying to explore how ECFA impact on steel industry in Taiwan through secondary data collection and analysis. Some foreseeable impacts are listed and some response measures are suggested. Any agreement has benefits and lost. ECFA is like a two-side blade. It might bring new trading opportunities or lead the trading diversion effect. Using Taiwanese competitive edge is the key to succeed. Taiwanese steel industry should take this chance to reconsider its¡¦ product value and positioning. Trying to differentiate its steel products to others, increase the value of the products and enhance the product quality. Taiwanese steel industry could create sustainability and profitability by increasing the competitively of steel industry.

A qualitative study of technology-based training in organizations that hire agriculture and life sciences students

Frazier, Leslie Jean 17 September 2007 (has links)
Technological advances have created unlimited opportunities in education. Training and technology have merged to create new methods referred to as technology-based training. Technology-based training, for the purpose of this study, was defined as training that is delivered via the Internet, CD-ROM, or video conferencing either at a distance or in a local setting. A variety of forms of technology-based training were found throughout educational and workforce settings. The purpose of this study was to identify organizations that hire agriculture and life sciences students for positions involving technology-based training and identify competencies required for these positions from the perspective of the identified organizations. This study described the technologies that the identified organizations were using to design and deliver technology-based training, the audience to which the organizations were providing training, and the competencies that the identified organizations were seeking in potential employees. Findings from this study revealed a need for individuals with specialization in creating and providing technology-based training. Data suggested seven key skills and competencies needed to work in technology-based training: 1) instructional design, 2) technology/computer skills, 3) the ability to conduct a needs assessment, 4) interpersonal skills, 5) writing skills, 6) planning and organizational skills, and 7) evaluation skills. The identified skills and competencies related to technology-based training mirror those reported in previous research. Based on analysis of the data, it was concluded that students with expertise in these skill and competency areas are more marketable in organizations that hire agriculture and life sciences students.

The Relationships between Business Environment, Strategy, and Performance: An Identification of Opportunities and Threats

Wang, Tzu-wei 14 January 2009 (has links)
In recent years, corporate strategy has drawn a lot of attention in the academic an practice. However, there are fewer literatures on how to put these ideas into practice, that is, how to quantify the interrelationships between the three key elements in strategic management¡Ðperformance, strategies, and environments, and how to judge and measure the opportunities and threats (O & T) when the environments change. This study is an attempt to answer these questions. The theoretical method developed incorporates a dynamic simultaneous equations model to express the interrelationship between these three elements. The method requires the identification of O & T in a three-step procedure. Step 1 relates the strategic components to the performance measures by the management¡¦s concept of business and philosophy of resource depolyment. Step 2 points out the suitable (unsuitable) environment circumstances for each of the scope and resource deployment elements. In Step 3, we link the results of Step 1 and Step 2 to identify and measure O & T. The above methodology is applied to the case of Cathy Financial Holding Company, a Taiwan largest listed financial holding company, over the period 2002Q2-2007Q3. We use the Instrument Variables Three Stage Least Square Method (IV-3SLS) to estimate them. In addition, we also use some tests to ascertain the validity of the selected instrument variables in order to obtain the more reliable results. Our empirical results indicate that both the firm strategies and the environments play significant roles in influencing the firm¡¦s performance. More specifically, whereas the diversification of products, and the debt allowance reservation rate are negatively associated with the cost/income ratio and positively associated with adjusted ROE and Tobin¡¦s Q. Additionally, the managers also can increase the investment efficiency by adjusting the content of the asset allocation, especially with regard to the holding of bonds. We also extract some major environment factors such as unemployment rate that affect the firm¡¦s performance and use the estimated results to identify and measure O & T.

Svårigheter och möjligheter i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med övervikt eller fetma. : En litteraturöversikt / Difficulties and opportunities in the meeting between the nurse and patient with overweight or obesity. : A literature review

Wadman, Ewelina, Johansson, Carina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Fetma är ett ökande folkhälsoproblem runt om i världen. Sjuksköterskan har som uppgift att förebygga ohälsa hos patienter. Genom att veta patienternas svårigheter och möjligheter underlättar det mötet med sjuksköterskan. Men samtidigt måste sjuksköterskan vara medveten om sina attityder för att skapa en bra relation genom att samtala. Syftet är att beskriva svårigheter och möjligheter som kan påverka mötet mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter med övervikt eller fetma. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten bygger på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa hittades både genom en systematisk sökning av databasen Cinahl och genom manuell sökning. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor har svårigheter att jobba med patienter med övervikt som inte har någon motivation. Sjuksköterskor bör också vara uppmärksamma på hur de uttrycker sig och bemöter patienter med övervikt. Sjuksköterskor och patienter har olika erfarenheter av varandra i mötet. Vilket kan ge en dålig start för en bra relation.</p>

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