Spelling suggestions: "subject:"optar""
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Análise e síntese de sistemas multiplexados: uma abordagem de confiabilidade e manutenabilidade operacional. / Analysis and synthesis of multiplexed systems: an approach of reliability and operational maintainability.Ricardo Elias Caetano 10 April 2007 (has links)
O trabalho apresentado sob o título \"Análise e Síntese de Sistemas Multiplexados: Uma Abordagem de Confiabilidade e Manutenabilidade Operacional\" tem como objetivo propor um modelo prático para a manutenção, baseado na confiabilidade e manutenabilidade de componentes. Os dados desse trabalho foram obtidos através de relatórios gerenciais da Empresa de Telecomunicações de São Paulo S/A, no período de janeiro/05 a junho/06, para as topologias de rede em anel e ponto a ponto da cidade de São Paulo, municípios da Grande São Paulo, Vale do Paraíba e Litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Com esses dados, foi utilizado o algoritmo de Weibull, cujo modelo probabilístico permite modelar vários tipos de resultados experimentais e operacionais. Dessa forma, foram determinados a confiabilidade operacional, o Tempo Médio de Bom Funcionamento (MTTF), a manutenabilidade, o Tempo Médio de Reparo (MTTR) e a disponibilidade para os componentes da rede externa óptica e dos equipamentos de rede da topologia de rede em anel e ponto a ponto. Observou-se que o equipamento de rede de Multiplexação Densa por Divisão do Comprimento de Onda (DWDM) apresenta uma confiabilidade operacional maior que a dos Equipamentos de Rede Tradicionais (ERT), independente da topologia de rede utilizada. Comparando-se o custo de implantação de uma rede óptica com DWDM e ERT, a uma taxa de transmissão de 2,5 Gbps, pode ser verificado que o custo é aproximadamente sete vezes menor quando se utiliza a rede óptica com DWDM. Por fim, foi feita uma comparação entre o custo total e médio da manutenção corretiva e preventiva para as topologias analisadas. Assim, pode ser concluído que a tecnologia DWDM é a opção mais vantajosa em termos de confiabilidade e manutenabilidade em relação ao ERT. / The work presented under the heading \"Analysis and Synthesis of Multiplexed Systems: An Approach of Reliability and Operational Maintainability\" has as objective to consider a practical model for the maintenance, based on the reliability and maintainability of components. The data of this work had been gotten through management reports of the Company of Telecommunications of São Paulo S/A, in the period of january/05 to june/06, for the in ring and point to point network topologies of the city of São Paulo, cities of the Great São Paulo, Valley of Paraíba and the coast of the State of São Paulo. With these data, it was used the algorithm of Weibull, whose probabilistic model allows to model many types of experimentals and operationals results. Of this form, were determined the operational reliability, the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF), the maintainability, the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and the availability for the components of the fiber optic external network and the network equipments of the in ring and point-to-point network topology. It was observed that the network equipment of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) presents a greater operational reliability that the Traditionals Network Equipments (ERT), independent of the network topology used. Comparing itself the cost of implantation of an fiber optic network with DWDM and ERT, to a rate of transmission of 2,5 Gbps, it could be verified that the cost is approximately seven times lesser when it is used the fiber optic network with DWDM. Finally, a comparison between the total and average cost of the corrective and preventive maintenance for the analyzed topologies was made. So, it can be concluded that the technology DWDM is the option most advantageous in terms of reliability and maintainability in relation to the ERT.
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Propriedades de termoluminescência, de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica e de centros de cor de diopsídio / Thermoluminescence, electron paramagnetic resonance and color centers properties of diopsideNilo Francisco Cano Mamani 09 October 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas algumas propriedades de Termoluminescência (TL), Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica (RPE) e Refletância de uma amostra natural e de amostras artificiais de diopsídio. A curva de emissão TL das amostras tratadas termicamente a 600 `GRAUS´ C/1hr e irradiadas com dose gama mostraram um pico em aproximadamente em 160 `GRAUS´ C, que depois ficou demonstrado ser uma superposição de três picos em 160 `GRAUS´ C, 197 `GRAUS´ C e 230 `GRAUS´ C, além dos picos TL em 300 `GRAUS´ C, 350 `GRAUS´ C e 450 /C, mas de intensidade bem menor que os dos outros. Foram produzidas amostras artificiais de diopsídio, pelo método de devitrificação, uma pura e outras dopadas, separadamente, com Al, Fe e Mn. A amostra artificial pura apresentou todos os picos entre 160 e 350 `GRAUS´ C, encontrados no diopsídio natural, indicando que todos esses picos são devido a defeitos intrínsecos. A presença de Al e Mn afeta esses picos TL. O Fe, conhecido como \"killer\" abafa praticamente todos os picos, exceto o de 450 `GRAUS´ C que não depende de irradiação como os outros. O espectro de emissão TL da amostra natural apresentou uma banda em 435 nm indicando que só há um centro de recombinação, que é devido à presença de Al. A sensibilidade TL aumenta com o tratamento térmico antes da irradiação. Os picos TL crescem linearmente com a dose gama de irradiação, exceto na amostra artificial dopada com Al onde o pico em 410 `GRAUS´ C cresce sublinearmente. A irradiação UV produz decaimento na intensidade TL (fotoesvaziamento). Por outro lado induz picos TL em 90 `GRAUS´ C e 170 `GRAUS´ C nas amostras naturais pré-recozidas a 600 `GRAUS´ C por uma hora, picos não observados com banda em 1050 nm também foi observada no diopsídio artificial dopado com Fe; as bandas em 1390 nm (OH), 1910 nm H2O, 2310 nm e 2385 nm decrescem de intensidade com o aquecimento, sendo que algumas até desaparecem. No espectro de RPE foram detectados três centros. Um devido ao `Mn POT.2+´, cujo espectro RPE da amostra em pó apresenta as seis linhas hiperfinas típicas na região de 3000 a 4500 G, sendo que esses sinais não são afetados pela radiação gama e nem pelo recozimento térmico. Na amostra monocristalina orientada na direção z foram observadas todas as linhas do `Mn POT.2+´. O segundo centro é devido ao `Fe POT.3+´ em g=4,3, o recozimento na região de 500 até 900 `GRAUS´ C mostrou que o íon `Fe POT.2+´ oxida-se para `Fe POT.3+´, esse mesmo comportamento foi observado nas medidas de refletância. O terceiro centro identificado por RPE localizado em g=2,007, é o `E\' IND.1´. Os três centros observados por RPE na amostra natural, foram confirmados nas amostras artificiais de diopsídio. A emissão de luz TL envolve centros de Ti, de Al e centros `E\' IND.1´. O seguinte mecanismo de emissão TL e formação dos picos TL entre 160 e 230 `GRAUS´ C, em torno de 300 `GRAUS´ C e em torno de 350 `GRAUS´ C, é proposto: A irradiação cria os centros de Ti, de Al e o centro `VO POT.2-´. `VO POT.2-´ corresponde à vacância de oxigênio que capturou dois elétrons. Durante o aquecimento: Entre 150 e 250 `GRAUS´ C, o centro `VO POT.2-´ libera um elétron, que se recombina com os centros de Ti e de Al dando lugar ao centro `E\' IND.1´ e emissão de luz TL de 435 nm. O pico TL em torno de 160 `GRAUS´ C, composto de 3 picos é formado. O centro de Ti é eliminado, mas parte do centro de Al ainda permanece. Entre 250 e 300 `GRAUS´ C, os centros `VO POT.2-´ continua emitindo elétrons, cada um dos quais se recombina com uma parte do centro de Al remanescente emitindo a luz TL de 435 nm e formando mais centros `E\' IND.1´. Como, experimentalmente, se sabe que a concentração de centros `E\' IND.1´ atinge o máximo em 300 `GRAUS´ C, é natural admitir que, todos os centros `VO IND.2-´ se converteram em centros `E\' IND.1´. Entre 300 e 400 `GRAUS´ C, os elétrons dos centros `E\' IND.1´, formados acima, são liberados, cada um dos quais se recombina com os centros de Al que restam, observando-se a emissão de luz TL em 435 nm. Nessa temperatura, tanto os centros `E\' IND.1´ dão lugar às vacâncias de oxigênio VO, como os centros de alumínio [`AlO IND.4´/h] dão lugar aos centros `[`AlO IND.4´] POT.-´ que, para neutralidade de carga atraem íons alcalinos `M POT.+´ para formarem os centros `[`AlO IND.4´/`M POT.+´] POT. 0´. O pico em 350 `GRAUS´ C é originado nesse processo. A partir de diopsídio natural foi obtido vidro. O vidro apresentou sinais RPE de `Fe POT.3+´ em torno de 1700 G e as seis linhas típicas do `Mn POT.2+´ em torno de 3470 G. Uma banda de refletância devido a `Fe POT.2+´ com um máximo ao redor de 1000 nm é observada. / Diopside of chemical formula, CaMgSi2O6, a natural silicate mineral has been investigated concerning its Thermoluminescence (TL), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Reflectance properties. Synthetic, pure or doped diopside, produced in the laboratory, has been investigated. Samples annealed at 600 `GRAUS´ C for one hour, to eliminate previously induced TL, and irradiated at several gamma-doses, presented glow curves with TL peaks around 160, 300, 350 and 450 `GRAUS´ C. Later on, the broad peak around 160 `GRAUS´ C was proved to be a superposition of peaks at 160, 197 and 230 `GRAUS´ C. The pure synthetic diopside presented TL peaks at 160 to 350 `GRAUS´ C, indicating that these peaks are due to intrinsic defects. Synthetic samples containing Al or Mn have indicated that these dopants interfere with TL peaks found in the natural diopside. Fe, on the other hand, known as \"killer\", precludes the appearance of all the peaks, except at 450 `GRAUS´ C, peak that is not affected by radiation and heat. The TL emission spectrum has presented only one band around 435 nm. This fact indicates that there is only one kind of recombination center. An annealing at temperatures above 800 `GRAUS´ C up to 1000 `GRAUS´ C yields an enhancement in the TL sensitivity up to a factor of 2. Beyond 1000 `GRAUS´ C heating, an opposite effect takes place. Except for 410 `GRAUS´ C peak found in the Al-doped artificial diopside, all the other peaks grow linearly with radiation dose, but saturate beyond `DA ORDEM DE´ kGy. In a previously gamma-irradiated sample, all the peaks are bleached rapidly under ultraviolet radiation shining. The UV light, on the other hand is able to induce TL, however only TL peaks around 90 and 170 `GRAUS´ C are observed. No explanation has been found as yet, why gamma-rays and UV light induce TL with different results.The spectrum of reflectance has shown several bands at 1050, 1390, 1910, 2310 and 2385 nm. The 1050 nm band is due to Fe2+ which is substitutional to a Mg2+ ion. This band was also observed in Fe- doped synthetic diopside. 1390 nm band is due to OH and 1910 nm to H2O; they, together with 2310 and 2385 nm bands decrease with temperature. In the EPR measurements, hyperfine signals due to Mn2+ in the region of 3000 to 4000 Gauss, g=4.3 Fe3+ signal and g=2.007 lines due to `E\' IND.1-´ center have been detected. Two first ones do not depend on irradiation. On the other hand, an annealing between 500 and 900 `GRAUS´ C decreases 1050 nm Fe2+ band followed by increase in g=4.3 Fe3+ lines, because of the oxidation of Fe2+ converts this ion into Fe3+ ion. The EPR signal of `E\' IND.1´ center increases with temperature, reaching a maximum value at 300 `GRAUS´ C, but decreasing for higher temperatures, with its extinction at 400 `GRAUS´ C. The TL light emission involves `i- , Al- and `E\'IND.1-´ centers. The following mechanism is here proposed. The irradiation creates Ti- , Al- and `VO POT.2-´ - centers. where the is an oxygen vacancy has captured two electrons. Ti- and Al- centers are of the form [`TiO IND.4´/h] and [`AlO IND.4´/h], respectively, where h denotes a hole. During heating for TL read out: Between 150 and 250 `GRAUS´ C , the `VO POT.2-´ center releases an electron that recombines with the Ti and Al centers giving the `E\' IND.1´ center and emission of light at 435 nm. The TL peak around 160 `GRAUS´ C composed of three individual peaks is formed. The Ti center is eliminated while the Al center still stays. Between 250 and 300 `GRAUS´ C, the `VO POT.2-´ centers continue to liberate electrons and their recombinations with holes in Al centers, result in the emission of TL light at 435 nm. Additional `E\' IND.1´ center is created. Experimentally it is known that the concentration of `E\' IND.1´ centers reaches its maximum at 300 `GRAUS´ C, for this, we can say that all the `VO POT.2-´ centers were converted into `E\' IND.1´ centers. Between 300 and 400 `GRAUS´ C, the `E\' IND.1´ centers liberate their electrons and each one recombines with a hole in remaining Al centers. Then, the TL light at 435 nm is emitted again. At this temperature, the `E\' IND.1´ centers give place to oxygen vacancies VO and the [`AlO IND.4´/h] centers convert to `[`AlO IND.4´] POT.-´ centers. To neutralize the charge this centers attract `M POT.+´ alcali ions to form the `[`AlO IND.4´/`M POT.+´] POT.0´ centers. The TL peak at 350 `GRAUS´ C is due to this process. From the natural diopside samples was obtained glass of diopside. The glass shows EPR component of `Fe POT.3+´ around 1700 G and six typical lines of `Mn POT.2+´ around 3470 G. A reflectance band due to `Fe POT.2+´ at approximately 1000 nm was observed
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Além do visível: a fotografia e a óptica da psicanálise / Beyond the Visible: the photography and the optics of psychoanalysisRahel Patrasso 13 December 2012 (has links)
Desde a invenção da fotografia discute-se o caráter de realidade e de verdade contido nas imagens. Retomaremos tal discussão, partindo da afirmação de Benjamin (1985) de que o que se impõe à câmera não é o mesmo que pode ser apreendido pela visão; neste sentido, só a fotografia revela este inconsciente óptico, como só a psicanálise revela este inconsciente pulsional. Apostamos, de acordo com Benjamim (1985), que a fotografia não só revela alguns aspetos deste inconsciente óptico, mas como linguagem, de acordo com Lacan (1953/54), está submetida aos mesmos princípios descritos pela psicanálise. Propusemos, então, uma interlocução entre fotografia e psicanálise, a partir do que chamamos de a óptica da psicanálise, anunciada por Freud desde sua Interpretação dos Sonhos (1900), e dos conceitos do registro do Imaginário, Simbólico e Real de Lacan. Tais conceitos percorridos por nós objetivaram desvendar a tensão entre realidade, ficção e verdade na fotografia. Para tanto, nos debruçamos sobre a polêmica entorno da fotografia do fotográfo sul\\africano Kevin Carter ganhadora do premio Pulitzer de 1994. Entendemos que a fotografia, como qualquer outra forma de representação e, de linguagem produz um hiato em relação à realidade. Cada imagem produz uma sequência que comporta um aquém e um além do visível e do que pode ser representado, cuja toda significação só pode ser encontrada a posteriori. Desta forma, como linguagem a imagem fotográfica é análoga as formações do inconsciente tal como os sonhos, os chistes e o ato falho. Assim, supomos que a fotografia pode ser reveladora como produção da verdade, verdade esta, que já sabemos de antemão, ser de acordo com Freud (1940) e Lacan (1972) não toda. / Since the photographys invention there is discussion about the nature of reality and truth contained in the images. We will return to this discussion, from Benjamin\'s assertion (1985) that what imposes to the camera is not the same that what can be apprehended by the sight, in this sense, \"only the photography shows this optical unconscious, just as psychoanalysis reveals this pulsioal unconscious. \" We bet, according to Benjamin (1985), that photography not only reveals some aspects of this \"optical unconscious\", but as a language, according to Lacan (1953/54), is subject to the same principles described by psychoanalysis. Threfore, we proposed then a dialogue between photography and psychoanalysis, from what we call the optics of psychoanalysis, announced by Freud since his Interpretation of Dreams (1900), and the Lacans concepts of the Imaginary, Symbolic and Real. Such concepts covered by us aimed to unravel the tension between reality, fiction and truth in photography. For this purpose, we analyze about the controversy surrounding the photograph of South African the photographers Kevin Carter, winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1994. We understand that photography, like any other form of representation and language, produces a hiatus from reality. Each image produces a sequence that includes a below and a beyond the visible about what can be represented, whose full meaning can only be found retrospectively. Thus, the photographic image as a language is analogous the formations of the unconscious such as the dreams, the wits and the parapraxis. Thus, we assume that the picture can be as revelatory production of truth, truth is, we already know beforehand, be according to Freud (1940) and Lacan (1972) it`s not.
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Etude des propriétés spectrales et spatiales de réflecteurs et coupleurs résonants / Study of the spectral and spatial properties of resonant reflectors and couplersLaberdesque, Romain 13 October 2016 (has links)
L'étude porte sur les propriétés spectrales et spatiales de structures à réseaux résonants. Les réseaux résonants en cavité sont identifiés comme des structures permettant la réalisation de réflecteurs et de coupleurs efficaces sur de petites dimensions. Un modèle basé sur la théorie des modes couplés a été développé permettant la modélisation et la conception rapide de ce type de structures. La modélisation a contribué à la compréhension des propriétés spectrales et spatiales de réseaux résonants en cavité. Elle permet notamment de faire le lien entre les propriétés spectrales et spatiales des modes pouvant interagir efficacement avec les structures utilisées comme réflecteurs ou coupleurs. La conception de structures couplantes à fort facteur de qualité et aux profils spatiaux contrôlés sur des surfaces de l'ordre du cm a été étudiée. Deux axes de recherches sont présentés: des structures composées de plusieurs cavités et des structures possédant une seule grande cavité. Ce dernier axe permet une plus grande maîtrise des propriétés spatiales en intensité et en phase. Il est démontré que ces structures ont un fort potentiel en holographie. La conception de telles structures avec des matériaux de bas indice est également abordée, en particulier la conception et la réalisation de guides d'onde en polymères qui sont la base de ces structures. Les dimensionnements déterminés par la modélisation sont compatibles avec des matériaux présentant de faibles sauts d'indice. / The study is focused on the spectral and spatial properties of resonant grating structures. Resonant gratings in cavity are identified as structures allowing the fabrication of small-area and efficient reflectors and couplers. A model based on coupled mode theory has been developped, enabling fast modeling and design of this kind of structures. Thanks to this model we improved our understanding of the spectral and spatial properties of resonant gratings in cavity. In particular, we have established the relationship between the structure's geometry and the spectral and spatial properties of the modes which efficiently interact with the structures when used as reflectors or as couplers. The design of coupling structures with high-quality factor and controlled spatial profiles on cm-sized surfaces has been studied. Two axis of research are presented: structures composed of several cavities and structures composed by one large cavity. The later ones allow a better control of the spatial properties both in intensity and phase. We demonstrate that these structures have a high potential for holography. Design of such structures with low contrast index is also considered, particularly the design and fabrication of polymer-based waveguiding structures.
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Electro-optic diagnostic techniques for the CLIC Linear ColliderPan, Rui January 2015 (has links)
One of the most promising devices to provide accurate measurement of the longitudinal bunch profile at the tens of femtosecond level is based on electro-optic techniques. In this thesis, a bunch profile monitor, based on electro-optic spectral decoding (EOSD), is currently developed for the CLIC Test Facility 3 at CERN. The monitor is optimised for bunch lengths over 3.5 ps with effective window of 16 ps, and sub-picosecond resolution. The measurement results from the EO monitor are compared with measurements by coherent transition radiation on a streak camera. The measurement on bunch charge dependence is studied. Timing resolution of the bunch profile monitor is studied in both theory and numerical calculation. This thesis summarises a frequency analysis approach of electro-optic effect based on $\chi^{(2)}$ frequency mixing process. From the theory analysed in frequency domain, a non-crossed polarization measurement includes all three of the probe laser background term, the linear term to Coulomb field and the quadratic term to Coulomb field. Three methods are induced based on this frequency analysis result to retrieve Coulomb field value which is emitted from electron beam. The measured 1.3 MV/m field strength agrees with calculation result. An experiment is designed to study the role of incident beam sizes and non-collinear incident beams in EO technique. Due to the phase matching process, the non-collinear angle of the incident beams induces a frequency dependent angular chirp in the beams emitted after the EO crystal. This frequency offset may lead to frequency loss in fibre coupling, and thus lead to bunch length broadening in a measurement for short electron bunch.
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Receptores vanilóides TRPV1 na retina. / Vanilloid TRPV1 receptors in the rat retina.Leonelli, Mauro 22 February 2011 (has links)
A expressão do receptor de potencial receptor transiente, vanilóide 1 (TRPV1) começa desde estágios pré-sinaptogênicos da retina. O bloqueio farmacológico desse receptor nesse período diminui a apoptose fisiológica, havendo possível envolvimento da sinalização de MAP quinases. Na retina do animal adulto, observamos que a expressão de TRPV1 é amplamente difundida, albergando neurônios, células endoteliais e células da microglia. A ativação dos receptores TRPV1 é potencialmente citotóxica, e os mecanismos que podem estar envolvidos incluem a liberação de glutamato, a excitotoxicidade e o estresse nitrosativo. Evidenciamos que a lesão prévia de células ganglionares sensibiliza o tecido retiniano à citotoxicidade mediada pela estimulação de TRPV1. Porém, o bloqueio de TRPV1, tanto in vivo quanto in vitro, não inibiu a morte de células ganglionares axotomizadas. Esses dados sugerem que o receptor TRPV1 participa da modulação de diversos processos fisiopatológicos na retina. / TRPV1 expression in the developing retina begins before retinal sinaptogenesis. TRPV1 blockade reduced the normal apoptosis in this period, and MAPK signaling seems to be involved in this process. In the adult retina, TRPV1 are expressed in neuronal, endothelial and microglial cells. The activation of those receptors is potentially cytotoxic, and glutamate release and further excitotoxicity and nitrosative stress might be also involved. Axotomized retinal ganglion cells were sensitized to TRPV1 citotoxicity, but TRPV1 antagonism, both in vitro and in vivo, did not reduce the loss of ganglion cell after axotomy. Our results suggest that TRPV1 receptors are involved in synaptic function and homeostatic control in the retina. Moreover, TRPV1 seems to be indirectly involved in cellular degeneration that follows the section of retinal ganglion cell axons.
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Body Armor Shape Sensing with Fiber Optic SensorsSeng, Frederick Alexander 01 July 2018 (has links)
In this dissertation, the rate of the BFD during body armor impact is characterized with fiber Bragg gratings for the first time ever. The depth rate is characterized using a single fiber optic sensor, while the entire shape rate can be characterized using multiple fiber optic sensors. This is done with a final depth accuracy of less than 10% and a timing accuracy of 15% for BFDs as deep as 50 mm and impact event of less than 1 millisecond. The shape sensing method introduced in this dissertation is different from traditional fiber optic sensor shape reconstruction methods in the fact that strain from the kinetic friction regime is used rather than the static friction regime. In other words, information from the fiber optic sensors slipping is used to reconstruct the shape in this work, whereas strain from the fiber optic sensor remaining fixed to a reference is used for typical fiber optic shape sensing purposes.
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A multimodal machine-learning graph-based approach for segmenting glaucomatous optic nerve head structures from SD-OCT volumes and fundus photographsMiri, Mohammad Saleh 01 May 2016 (has links)
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. The clinical standard for monitoring the functional deficits in the retina that are caused by glaucoma is the visual field test. In addition to monitoring the functional loss, evaluating the disease-related structural changes in the human retina also helps with diagnosis and management of this progressive disease. The characteristic changes of retinal structures such as the optic nerve head (ONH) are monitored utilizing imaging modalities such as color (stereo) fundus photography and, more recently, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). With the inherent subjectivity and time required for manually segmenting retinal structures, there has been a great interest in automated approaches. Since both fundus and SD-OCT images are often acquired for the assessment of glaucoma, the automated segmentation approaches can benefit from combining the multimodal complementary information from both sources.
The goal of the current work is to automatically segment the retinal structures and extract the proper parameters of the optic nerve head related to the diagnosis and management of glaucoma. The structural parameters include the cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) which is a 2D parameter and is obtainable from both fundus and SD-OCT modalities. Bruch's membrane opening-minimum rim width (BMO-MRW) is a recent 3D structural parameter that is obtainable from the SD-OCT modality only. We propose to use the complementary information from both fundus and SD-OCT modalities in order to enhance the segmentation of structures of interest. In order to enable combining information from different modalities, a feature-based registration method is proposed for aligning the fundus and OCT images. In addition, our goal is to incorporate the machine-learning techniques into the graph-theoretic approach that is used for segmenting the structures of interest.
Thus, the major contributions of this work include: 1) use of complementary information from SD-OCT and fundus images for segmenting the optic disc and cup boundaries in both modalities, 2) identifying the extent that accounting for the presence of externally oblique border tissue and retinal vessels in rim-width-based parameters affects structure-structure correlations, 3) designing a feature-based registration approach for registering multimodal images of the retina, and 4) developing a multimodal graph-based approach to segment the optic nerve head (ONH) structures such as Internal Limiting Membrane (ILM) surface and Bruch's membrane surface's opening.
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Aprisionamento óptico de micropartículas e desenvolvimento de potenciais ópticos dinâmicos / Optical trapping of microparticles and development of dynamic optical potentialsMartins, Thalyta Tavares 12 July 2019 (has links)
Desde o desenvolvimento dos primeiros métodos de controle do movimento e posição de partículas usando lasers, ainda no início da década de 1970, até o reconhecimento com o prêmio Nobel de Física de 2018, uma das principais e mais versáteis ferramentas de manipulação óptica, as chamadas pinças ópticas, têm sido usadas majoritariamente para explorar objetos em dois regimes de tamanho: o limite das partículas sub-nanométricas (átomos e moléculas simples) e o limite das partículas micrométricas (com aplicações especialmente em sistemas biológicos). Nesse trabalho, foi desenvolvido e construído um aparato experimental para aprisionar micro e nanopartículas numa pinça óptica, que pode ser controlada de forma dinâmica usando modulação acusto-óptica do feixe de aprisionamento. A calibração da pinça óptica foi feita por diversos métodos, incluindo o método de equipartição de energia e análise do potencial óptico, resultando em forças de aprisionamento da ordem de piconewtons por micrometros. Ademais, simulações computacionais de modelos estocásticos foram realizadas com o intuito de comparar os resultados experimentais com àqueles previstos teoricamente e guiar estudos futuros. / Since the development of early methods for controlling the motion and position of particles using lasers, in the 1970s, to the recognition with the 2018 Nobel Prize for Physics, one of the most versatile optical manipulation tools, the so-called optical tweezers, have been used mostly to explore objects in two limits of sizes: the sub nanometric particles (atoms and simple molecules) and the micrometric particles (with applications especially in biological systems). In this work, an experimental apparatus was developed and built to trap micro and nanoparticles in an optical tweezer that can be dynamically controlled, using acoustic-optical modulation of the trapping beam. The calibration of the optical tweezer was done using several methods, including the energy equipartition method and optical potential analysis, resulting in trapping forces on the order of piconewtons per micrometers. In addition, computational simulations of stochastic models were performed with the purpose of comparing the experimental results with those predicted theoretically and guiding future studies.
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[pt] Neste trabalho estudamos a viabilidade do desenvolvimento
de um sistema laser de cristal líquido colestérico (CLC)
acoplado a fibra óptica visando sua aplicação como um
sensor de temperatura. Sensores laser de CLC acoplados a
fibra óptica são atrativos devido às enormes vantagens que
as fibras ópticas apresentam e à resposta de cristais
líquidos a vários estímulos externos. A emissão laser de CLC
ocorre na banda de menor energia da banda de reflexão, e
corresponde a um comprimento de onda determinado pelo passo
e pelo índice de refração extraordinário. Esses parâmetros
podem ser alterados pela mudança da temperatura externa,
proporcionando variações no comprimento de onda do laser de
CLC. Essas variações no comprimento de onda do laser de CLC
podem ser usadas para monitorar a temperatura. Obtivemos
emissão laser estável num sistema laser CLC acoplado à
fibra óptica quando bombeado pelo segundo harmônico de um
laser de Nd:YAG e desenvolvemos uma técnica para ancorar o
cristal líquido nas extremidades das fibras ópticas. A
dependência da emissão laser com a temperatura foi
investigada em duas situações, posicionando o laser de CLC
entre fibras ópticas e em células de vidro. Diversos
cristais líquidos foram estudados a fim de se otimizar a
resposta do laser com a temperatura. Variações discretas na
dependência do comprimento de onda da emissão laser foram
observadas no sistema que utilizava as células de vidro.
Associamos esse comportamento à dependência do ancoramento
das moléculas do cristal líquido na superfície do vidro com
a temperatura. / [en] In this work, we have studied the viability of developing a
cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) laser system coupled into
an optical fiber aiming its application as temperature
sensor. Sensors made of CLC laser coupled to optical fibers
are a very attractive proposition due to the enormous
advantages of the optical fibers and the response of the
liquid crystal to various external stimuli. The laser
emission occurs at the low energy edge of the reflection
band, and the corresponding wavelength is determined by the
pitch and the extraordinary refractive index. These
parameters can be altered by a change in the external
temperature, leading to variations in the wavelength of the
CLC laser emission, which can be used to monitor the
external temperature. We obtained a stable laser emission
in a CLC laser system coupled into an optical fiber when
pumped by the second harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser. A technique
to anchor the liquid crystal at the optical fibers ends was
developed. The temperature dependence of the laser emission
was investigated in two situations, placing the CLC laser
between optical fibers and into the glass cells. Several
liquid crystals were studied in order to optimize the laser
response with temperature. Discrete variations in the
temperature dependence of the laser emission wavelength
were observed when the glass cell system was used. We
associated this behavior to a temperature dependence of the
surface anchoring of the liquid crystal molecules in the
glass surface.
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