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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic cost allocation in horizontal collaboration

Guo, Xiaotong 25 November 2024 (has links)
La collaboration dans la chaîne logistique aide les entreprises à réduire leurs coûts en travaillant ensemble et en partageant des informations. Dans les activités de collaboration, les entreprises sont confrontées à de nombreux changements en fonction de différentes situations. Par exemple, une offre de matières premières insuffisante ou excessive, des changements inattendus de la demande, des situations de trafic inattendues causant des retards dans le transport ou la manutention, ou encore des erreurs humaines. En raison de ces événements inattendus, les entreprises font face à des risques d'augmentation des coûts. Parfois, l'entreprise à la cause du problème n'est pas celle qui assume les coûts additionnels, ce qui peut causer des conflits et éroder la confiance. La méthode de post-allocation proposée vise à répartir équitablement les coûts imprévus au sein de la coalition. Cette méthode tient compte à la fois de la responsabilité de chaque entreprise impliquée et de la stabilité de la collaboration. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, nous avons étendu le mécanisme en intégrant des situations dynamiques pour la replanification et l'évaluation de la performance de toutes les entreprises participantes. Ce faisant, la méthode de partage permet également une juste évaluation de la performance des entreprises participant à la collaboration. La littérature scientifique montre que le partage juste et équitable des coûts est crucial pour la stabilité de la coalition. Dans tout cadre de collaboration, la performance de chaque entité affecte la performance de l'ensemble de la coalition. Nous testons une méthode particulière - la méthode post-allocation proposée - dans des cas réels. Nous avons simulé différents scénarios pour tester le mécanisme et la méthode de fractionnement des coûts proposée. Ensuite, nous traitons de la façon de collaborer et de répartir les coûts lorsque des événements inattendus se produisent, et discutons de sa faisabilité. Les études de cas ont prouvé la faisabilité d'une collaboration horizontale et la méthode post-allocation proposée peut assurer une collaboration stable à long terme. / Collaboration in supply chain helps companies save costs by working together and sharing information. In collaboration activities, companies face many dynamic changes in different situations. For example, short or excessive supply, unexpected changes in demand, unexpected traffic situations, and unexpected human errors. With unexpected information and unexpected executions, companies face risks of increasing costs. Sometimes, the company responsible for the issue is not the one that bears the additional costs, which can lead to conflicts and erode trust. The proposed post-allocation method is to allocate the unexpected cost among the coalition fairly. This method considers both the responsibility of the companies and the coalition stability. In this master's thesis, we extended the mechanism by dynamic situations to replanning and evaluate the performance of all participating companies. This approach also enables a fair assessment of the performance of companies involved in the collaboration. Research indicates that equitable cost-sharing is essential for maintaining the stability of the coalition. In any collaboration frame, each entity's performance will affect the entire coalition's performance. The proposed post-splitting method makes the collaboration strategy applicable in real cases. We simulated different scenarios to test the mechanism and the proposed split method. Then, we will discuss how to collaborate and split the cost when unexpected events happen, as well as its features and feasibility. The case study has proven the feasibility of horizontal collaboration, and the post-allocation method can ensure a stable long-term collaboration.

Hur påverkar kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Kina organisationens arbetssätt? : En fallstudie på Sandvik AB

Karlsson, Johan, Byman, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>It is important that organizations today focus on continuous improvements in order to face the growing competition in the world. A company needs a corporate culture that supports and encourages the employees to be creative and innovative in their work. This is necessary for the company if they are striving towards continuous learning and development within their organization.</p><p>The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the culture differences between Sweden and China affect Sandvik AB. We will also study how the company manages continuous improvements and what consequences culture differences have on their work.</p><p>Our paper is a single case study at Sandvik AB in Sweden and China. We have visited Sandvik in Sandviken to conduct a series of interviews with employees of different position within the company and with dissimilar work tasks. We have chosen this procedure to get different angles from the respondents and to acquire depth in our research. After the company visit in Sandviken we had appointments with personal at Sandvik in Beijing, Langfang and Shanghai. These employees also had different position and work tasks within the company.</p><p>After finished study, we can make the conclusion that there exist several culture differences between Sweden and China. Most of these differences can be connected to the national culture. Sandvik where founded in Sweden and therefore they have a Swedish corporate culture. Today the company is a multinational corporation that operates business at the Chinese market and thereby in the Chinese national culture. Because of this situation, we think that it is important that Sandvik finds a balance between the corporate and national culture.</p><p>Today, a new China is emerging. The country has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, this having and will continue to have consequences on Sandvik AB: s organization. In China 20 million students are graduated from the university today and this result in harder competition on the labour market. When more people getting an education, particularly in China, price on knowledge will decrease. The consequence of this will be that the demand of creativity and innovative thinking is rising, especially in Sweden where the labour cost is significantly higher.</p>

Projekt i en ideell organisation : En studie av projektverksamheten inom Svenska Röda Korsets tjänstemannaorganisation utifrån effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och lärande

Jernberg, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this master thesis I have been studying projects run by Swedish Red Cross employees. The purpose has been to do a qualitative mapping of the project activity within the organization, with focus on flaws, and to suggest improvements. The purpose has also been to somehow increase the knowledge in general of projects run by employees within non-profit organizations. To make a systematic approach possible I established a framework during my work, according to which the empirical material was structured. The framework was constructed theoretically by a literature study and consists of the three keywords efficiency, effectiveness and learning, with main focus of this thesis on the two first keywords. With efficiency I refer to how projects are run, with effectiveness I aim at the projects’ goals and effects and with learning I consider knowledge management and support functions for learning. By using the framework’s three keywords I have analyzed my empirical material, which has been gathered during two interview rounds consisting of all together twenty-eight interviews.</p><p>During the analyzing phase I recognized three types of projects within the Swedish Red Cross, which I name research projects, activity projects and internal improvement projects. This project typology I believe is applicable to many non-profit organizations. Further, I identified a number of potential improvement areas, which in my thesis are followed by a chapter with suggestions on steps to take. One of the improvement areas is the shortage of strategic management of the projects within the Swedish Red Cross, where the internal project database could be an important support function as long as the organization persuades its’ employees of the necessity of adding their projects to the database. Another improvement area regards the confusion among employees concerning the concepts project and project orientation. Further, part-time work in projects sometimes causes difficulties for employees since the regular work does not decrease at the same time. Furthermore, a challenge for the organization is to convince all employees to follow the Swedish Red Cross’ directions for how to run a project, directions that currently are not followed by everyone.</p><p>The thesis is further pointing at the difficulties to take care of project results after the projects have ended, in which there is a risk that the results are not used because of flaws in the implementation. The Swedish Red Cross also lack sufficient knowledge of the effects of their projects in a longer perspective and at times there is not enough importance paid to whether the projects reach their goals. There are also goals that roughly speaking are impossible to reach. Furthermore, I have distinguished what the literature calls hidden goals, which are goals others than the official goals presented in project plans and directions. This does not necessarily have to be a negative thing. Last, I believe that the so called project support employees need to get clearer directions about their task and that the organization should provide training addressed specifically to the managers.</p> / <p>Som examensarbete har jag studerat projektverksamheten inom Svenska Röda Korsets tjänstemannaorganisation i syfte att göra en kvalitativ kartläggning av projektverksamheten, främst inriktad på brister, samt föreslå förbättringsåtgärder. I syftet har även ingått att i någon mån öka kunskapen generellt om tjänstemannadriven projektverksamhet inom ideella organisationer. För att möjliggöra ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt utformade jag under arbetets gång vad jag kallar för ett ramverk, genom vilket det empiriska materialet betraktades. Ramverket byggs upp teoretiskt i min referensram och består av de tre nyckelorden effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och lärande, där tonvikten i rapporten ligger på de två första begreppen. Inom effektivitet behandlar jag hur väl projektverksamheten fungerar rent operativt, inom ändamålsenlighet berör jag projektens mål och effekter och inom lärande går jag in på kunskapshantering och projektstöd. Med hjälp av ramverkets tre nyckelord har jag analyserat mitt empiriska material, vilket insamlats under två intervjuomgångar med sammanlagt tjugoåtta intervjuer.</p><p>Under analysarbetet urskiljdes tre typer av projekt inom Svenska Röda Korset, vilka jag benämner forskningsprojekt, verksamhetsprojekt och interna förbättringsprojekt. Denna projekttypologi tror jag är giltig för många ideella organisationer. Vidare identifierades ett antal potentiella förbättringsområden inom organisationen, vilka i min rapport åtföljs av ett kapitel med förslag på åtgärder. Ett av dessa förbättringsområden är de brister jag funnit i Svenska Röda Korsets strategiska styrning av projektverksamheten, där den interna projektdatabasen i framtiden kan bli ett viktigt stöd förutsatt att organisationen förmår sina medarbetare att registrera samtliga projekt. Ett annat förbättringsområde berör osäkerheten bland medarbetarna kring innebörden av begreppen projekt och projektorienterat arbetssätt. Vidare är det en brist att medarbetare som placeras deltid i projekt ibland får svårt att få tiden att räcka till eftersom ordinarie arbetsuppgifter inte minskar i motsvarande utsträckning. Svenska Röda Korset har även en utmaning i att övertyga samtliga medarbetare om att följa organisationens riktlinjer för projektarbete, något som inte görs av alla.</p><p>Vidare framhåller rapporten svårigheterna att omhänderta projektresultat efter att projekten har avslutats, där risken finns att projektresultaten inte kommer till nytta på grund av brister i implementeringen. Svenska Röda Korset saknar också tillräckliga kunskaper om vilka effekter deras projekt får på längre sikt och stundtals fästs inte tillräcklig vikt vid om målen för de enskilda projekten nås. Det finns också mål som är i stort sett omöjliga att uppnå. Vidare har jag urskiljt vad litteraturen benämner dolda mål, det vill säga andra mål än de officiella målen som anges i projektens planer och direktiv, något som dock inte nödvändigtvis behöver vara negativt. Till sist anser jag att de så kallade projektstödspersonerna behöver få sin roll förtydligad och att organisationen bör tillse att utbildningstillfällen riktade specifikt till chefer anordnas.</p>

Inkluderande organisation? : En intervjustudie kring hur rektorer organiserar undervisning för grundsärskoleelever samt hur de definierar och resonerar kring begreppet inkludering.

Karlsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om rektorers syn på organisation av undervisning för grundsärskoleelever samt rektorernas definitioner av begreppet inkludering med hänseende på en skola för alla. Bakgrunden till undersökningen är att det i dag finns många olika sätt att organisera undervisning för grundsärskoleelever och att flertalet rektorer anger att deras organisation är inkluderande. Vad menar de då med att organisationen är inkluderande? Studien är genomförd som en intervjustudie. Urvalet baserades på jämnstora kommuner inom länet samt på kommunernas beskrivning av sin organisation av grundsärskolan på respektive kommuns hemsida. Som respondenter valdes rektorer med ansvar för grundsärskolan inom varje kommun. Definitionen av begreppet inkludering var enligt de flesta av rektorerna att räknas med och att känna tillhörighet i skolan, inte nödvändigtvis i en speciell klass. De var också överens om att det var lättare att inkludera yngre grundsärskoleelever med mindre utvecklingsstörningar. De äldre grundsärskoleeleverna var oftast inkluderade i något eller några praktiska ämnen men hade sin hemvist i en särskoleklass eller grupp. Vinsterna med inkluderingen var av social art, de flesta eleverna fick enligt rektorerna en bättre kunskapsutveckling i grundsärskoleklassen eller gruppen. / The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of the principals views of the organisation of the teaching of pupils from the school for the intellectually disabled and their definitions of inclusion. The background of this study is that there are many different ways of organising the teaching  of pupils who are intellectually disabled and that most head masters report that their organisation is inclusive, What do they mean by saying that the organisation is inclusive.  The study was conducted as an interview study. The selection of participants was based on uniform-sized municipalities within the geographical area and on the description of the organisation of compulsory schools on the website of each municipality. Principals responsible for special need classes or schools in each municipality were selected as participants. The definition of inclusion is, according to most principals, to be counted as a sense of belonging in school, not necessarily in a specific class. They also agreed that it is easier to include younger students with minor intellectual disabilities. The older students are  usually included in one or more practical subject but are assigned to a special needs class or group. The benefits of inclusion is of a social nature, most of the students were given, according to the principals, a better development of knowledge while in the class or group for the intellectually disabled.

Projekt i en ideell organisation : En studie av projektverksamheten inom Svenska Röda Korsets tjänstemannaorganisation utifrån effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och lärande

Jernberg, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
In this master thesis I have been studying projects run by Swedish Red Cross employees. The purpose has been to do a qualitative mapping of the project activity within the organization, with focus on flaws, and to suggest improvements. The purpose has also been to somehow increase the knowledge in general of projects run by employees within non-profit organizations. To make a systematic approach possible I established a framework during my work, according to which the empirical material was structured. The framework was constructed theoretically by a literature study and consists of the three keywords efficiency, effectiveness and learning, with main focus of this thesis on the two first keywords. With efficiency I refer to how projects are run, with effectiveness I aim at the projects’ goals and effects and with learning I consider knowledge management and support functions for learning. By using the framework’s three keywords I have analyzed my empirical material, which has been gathered during two interview rounds consisting of all together twenty-eight interviews. During the analyzing phase I recognized three types of projects within the Swedish Red Cross, which I name research projects, activity projects and internal improvement projects. This project typology I believe is applicable to many non-profit organizations. Further, I identified a number of potential improvement areas, which in my thesis are followed by a chapter with suggestions on steps to take. One of the improvement areas is the shortage of strategic management of the projects within the Swedish Red Cross, where the internal project database could be an important support function as long as the organization persuades its’ employees of the necessity of adding their projects to the database. Another improvement area regards the confusion among employees concerning the concepts project and project orientation. Further, part-time work in projects sometimes causes difficulties for employees since the regular work does not decrease at the same time. Furthermore, a challenge for the organization is to convince all employees to follow the Swedish Red Cross’ directions for how to run a project, directions that currently are not followed by everyone. The thesis is further pointing at the difficulties to take care of project results after the projects have ended, in which there is a risk that the results are not used because of flaws in the implementation. The Swedish Red Cross also lack sufficient knowledge of the effects of their projects in a longer perspective and at times there is not enough importance paid to whether the projects reach their goals. There are also goals that roughly speaking are impossible to reach. Furthermore, I have distinguished what the literature calls hidden goals, which are goals others than the official goals presented in project plans and directions. This does not necessarily have to be a negative thing. Last, I believe that the so called project support employees need to get clearer directions about their task and that the organization should provide training addressed specifically to the managers. / Som examensarbete har jag studerat projektverksamheten inom Svenska Röda Korsets tjänstemannaorganisation i syfte att göra en kvalitativ kartläggning av projektverksamheten, främst inriktad på brister, samt föreslå förbättringsåtgärder. I syftet har även ingått att i någon mån öka kunskapen generellt om tjänstemannadriven projektverksamhet inom ideella organisationer. För att möjliggöra ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt utformade jag under arbetets gång vad jag kallar för ett ramverk, genom vilket det empiriska materialet betraktades. Ramverket byggs upp teoretiskt i min referensram och består av de tre nyckelorden effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och lärande, där tonvikten i rapporten ligger på de två första begreppen. Inom effektivitet behandlar jag hur väl projektverksamheten fungerar rent operativt, inom ändamålsenlighet berör jag projektens mål och effekter och inom lärande går jag in på kunskapshantering och projektstöd. Med hjälp av ramverkets tre nyckelord har jag analyserat mitt empiriska material, vilket insamlats under två intervjuomgångar med sammanlagt tjugoåtta intervjuer. Under analysarbetet urskiljdes tre typer av projekt inom Svenska Röda Korset, vilka jag benämner forskningsprojekt, verksamhetsprojekt och interna förbättringsprojekt. Denna projekttypologi tror jag är giltig för många ideella organisationer. Vidare identifierades ett antal potentiella förbättringsområden inom organisationen, vilka i min rapport åtföljs av ett kapitel med förslag på åtgärder. Ett av dessa förbättringsområden är de brister jag funnit i Svenska Röda Korsets strategiska styrning av projektverksamheten, där den interna projektdatabasen i framtiden kan bli ett viktigt stöd förutsatt att organisationen förmår sina medarbetare att registrera samtliga projekt. Ett annat förbättringsområde berör osäkerheten bland medarbetarna kring innebörden av begreppen projekt och projektorienterat arbetssätt. Vidare är det en brist att medarbetare som placeras deltid i projekt ibland får svårt att få tiden att räcka till eftersom ordinarie arbetsuppgifter inte minskar i motsvarande utsträckning. Svenska Röda Korset har även en utmaning i att övertyga samtliga medarbetare om att följa organisationens riktlinjer för projektarbete, något som inte görs av alla. Vidare framhåller rapporten svårigheterna att omhänderta projektresultat efter att projekten har avslutats, där risken finns att projektresultaten inte kommer till nytta på grund av brister i implementeringen. Svenska Röda Korset saknar också tillräckliga kunskaper om vilka effekter deras projekt får på längre sikt och stundtals fästs inte tillräcklig vikt vid om målen för de enskilda projekten nås. Det finns också mål som är i stort sett omöjliga att uppnå. Vidare har jag urskiljt vad litteraturen benämner dolda mål, det vill säga andra mål än de officiella målen som anges i projektens planer och direktiv, något som dock inte nödvändigtvis behöver vara negativt. Till sist anser jag att de så kallade projektstödspersonerna behöver få sin roll förtydligad och att organisationen bör tillse att utbildningstillfällen riktade specifikt till chefer anordnas.

Hur påverkar kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Kina organisationens arbetssätt? : En fallstudie på Sandvik AB

Karlsson, Johan, Byman, Erik January 2008 (has links)
It is important that organizations today focus on continuous improvements in order to face the growing competition in the world. A company needs a corporate culture that supports and encourages the employees to be creative and innovative in their work. This is necessary for the company if they are striving towards continuous learning and development within their organization. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the culture differences between Sweden and China affect Sandvik AB. We will also study how the company manages continuous improvements and what consequences culture differences have on their work. Our paper is a single case study at Sandvik AB in Sweden and China. We have visited Sandvik in Sandviken to conduct a series of interviews with employees of different position within the company and with dissimilar work tasks. We have chosen this procedure to get different angles from the respondents and to acquire depth in our research. After the company visit in Sandviken we had appointments with personal at Sandvik in Beijing, Langfang and Shanghai. These employees also had different position and work tasks within the company. After finished study, we can make the conclusion that there exist several culture differences between Sweden and China. Most of these differences can be connected to the national culture. Sandvik where founded in Sweden and therefore they have a Swedish corporate culture. Today the company is a multinational corporation that operates business at the Chinese market and thereby in the Chinese national culture. Because of this situation, we think that it is important that Sandvik finds a balance between the corporate and national culture. Today, a new China is emerging. The country has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, this having and will continue to have consequences on Sandvik AB: s organization. In China 20 million students are graduated from the university today and this result in harder competition on the labour market. When more people getting an education, particularly in China, price on knowledge will decrease. The consequence of this will be that the demand of creativity and innovative thinking is rising, especially in Sweden where the labour cost is significantly higher.

Contemporary Leadership Challenges : Talented Organisation for Talented People

Sivenko, Alexandra January 2008 (has links)
The globalisation of economy, increase of employees’ mobility, the forthcoming shortage of people next 10 years and, hence, war for talented people are some of the most important problems of corporations today. This thesis has a purpose to show systematic picture of the organisation, which will be named as Talented Organisation, with appropriate conditions for having talented people within and developing their talents. Some assumption of the research discussed in this paper are about the talented people themselves as special, difficult to work with, but interesting for any organisation. They can create some problems for leadership and co-workers and at the same time represent the most important source of ideas and to be essential resource. It will be described the strategy for gaining the Talented Organisation which will facilitate the process of hiring talented people as well as will promote the utilisation of inner organisational potential: identifying, breeding, nurturing and retaining of talented people.

L'élargissement de l'Otan : étude de cas de la Croatie (1991 à nos jours)

Pageot, Caroline. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (M.A.)--Université Laval, 2007. / Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 18 sept. 2007). Bibliogr.

La contribution de l'organisation communautaire et des participants à un mode de gouvernance civique en environnement dans trois régions administratives du Québec /

Maldonado-González, Ana-Lucia. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université Laval, 2008. / Bibliogr.: f. [331]-349. Publié aussi en version électronique dans la Collection Mémoires et thèses électroniques.

Social and social psychological correlates for community action potential

Bang, James S. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1972. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

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