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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad händer i orten? : En diskussion kring narrativet om "utsatta områden" i Sverige

Hedén, Jonna January 2023 (has links)
This essay discusses the lived experiences and opinions of people living or working in so-called “vulnerable areas” in Sweden, predominantly in relation to issues of immigration and organized crime. Theoretically, the study uses Pierre Bourdieu’s framework surrounding capital and habitus and Norbert Elias concept of “the outsiders and the established”, while also drawing on the work of Gregory Bateson, Edward Said and more. This discourse analysis is based on empirical findings and interviews from fieldwork made in vulnerable areas in and around the Stockholm region, and aims to problematize the general discourse surrounding immigrants and their place in Swedish society by contrasting the views of the local population to the general narrative surrounding the areas. Generally, in Swedish media and amongst political representatives, vulnerable areas are often portrayed as dangerous areas inhabited primarily by immigrants, that culturally differs from the rest of Sweden and thus is seen to exist outside of general Swedish society. This essay argues the point of the studies respondents, which is that while it is to an extent understandable that these areas are associated with gang violence and disarray, it is highly stigmatizing and further drives a dichotomization between swedes and “non-swedes”. It also overlooks decades of exposure to segregation and socioeconomic disadvantages that migrant populations in Sweden have been subjected to, that has led to poverty and a subsequent rise in crime, as well as the emergence of parallel societies within Sweden.

Narativní prostory lyriky / Narrative spaces of lyrical poetry

Melichar, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
The work is a summary reflection on reading lyrical text and reader's understanding. It consists of two major topics - narratology and poetics of lyric poem - which are dissolved in the body of the work because of their meeting and direct confrontation. The third major circuit also dissolved in the body of work so that it can be functional for each complete part is poetry of Jiří Orten. Narratology now appears as a universal approach to the analysis of art (besides the literary text also film work, theater performances, paintings, etc., etc.). Poetics of lyric poetry is still adrift in a similar methodology. Considerations of this work are based on the assumption that narrative is one of the fundamental noetic structures of the human mind, and that storytelling is organizing principle of the human psyche. Based on this assumption the phenomenon of lyrical poem approaches to man as a kind of narratives that makes up a fictional world. Thoughts on the fictionality of poems, largely based on Doležel concept of fictional worlds is herein supported by Miroslav Červenka studie Fictional worlds of lyrical poetry. One of the last works of Červenka is confronted with other theoretical considerations on this subject (especially M.-L. Ryan, W. Iser and also U. Eco). Likewise this work is becomes a place of...

Dílo básníků ze skupiny kolem Kamila Bednáře / The work of poets from the group around Kamil Bednář

BRDEK, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
Disertation ``The work of poets from the group around Kamil Bednář{\crqq} deals with a group of writers, which formed between 1930s and 1940s around the mentioned poet, who was considered to be the spokesman of his generation, which was labelled as ``protectoral{\crqq}. The author will try to explain the historical background of this group`s work in the context of Czech literature of the 1940s. The author will also study the crisis of this group during World War II, its gradual decline in the post-war period and its definite end after the takeover in February in 1948. The author will be concerned only with those poets, and their poetic and theoretical work, who became involved in the discussion about the young generation and its poetry. The author will try to clarify the idea and the conception of {\clqq}naked human``, which implied, that it may be considered to be the program of young arrtists, or, at least, to be their mutual base. The author will mainly focus on three most interesting poets {--} Kamil Bednář, Hanuš Bonn and first of all, Jiří Orten. The author will take notice of the similarities, differences and also the existential phenomena, which are usually connected with the group around Kamil Bednář. Jiří Orten will appear to be the most tallented , the most inspirative and probably also the closest to philospophical existentialism. There are special chapters devoted to Jarní almanach básnický (Spring poetic almanac), which is a generational performance of young poets; Kritický měsíčník (Critical monthly) {--} a magazine, edited by Václav Černý, which provided space for the poets around Kamil Bednář and Ohnice (White Charlock) , which was the last act of the fading group. The author will also mention briefly the penetration of existentialism to Bohemia.

Vem är hip-hop? : Om Olof Palme, ortens betydelse och identiet inom svensk raplyrik / Who is Hip-hop? : Olof Palme, the meaning of the Suburb and Identity in Swedish Rap music

Andersson, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain insight into Swedish hiphop culture and some important values connected to the culture. This essay will strictly focus on the kind of values Swedish rappers describe in their lyrics regarding the streets, the suburbans and their neighborhood. My analysis is built upon eight rap albums by different rappers originating from a few of the bigger cities of Sweden. I use Laclau & Mouffe’s discourse theory to analyse the material which exposed a hiphop ideal regarding a tough background, a factor that seems to be highly valued and put above the basic four elements of the culture. I also found that Swedish rappers romanticize the former Swedish prime minister Olof Palme and his era, which is a unique spin in comparison with a lot of different countries’ national hiphop discourses, which often lack a particular time to idolize. The aim of this study is to gain insight into Swedish hiphop culture and some important values connected to the culture. This essay will strictly focus on the kind of values Swedish rappers describe in their lyrics regarding the streets, the suburbans and their neighborhood. My analysis is built upon eight rap albums by different rappers originating from a few of the bigger cities of Sweden. I use Laclau & Mouffe’s discourse theory to analyse the material which exposed a hiphop ideal regarding a tough background, a factor that seems to be highly valued and put above the basic four elements of the culture. I also found that Swedish rappers romanticize the former Swedish prime minister Olof Palme and his era, which is a unique spin in comparison with a lot of different countries’ national hiphop discourses, which often lack a particular time to idolize.

Bewegte Architekturglieder: Spolien

Meier, Hans-Rudolf 22 July 2021 (has links)
Wenn man in Leipzig für die Höfe am Brühl die Alu-Fassade der Blechbüchse wieder montierte oder in der Neuen Altstadt in Frankfurt a. M. in die Fassaden der Neubauten Fragmente von im 2. Weltkrieg zerstörten Gebäuden eingelassen wurden, so bediente man sich dabei eines traditionsreichen Verfahrens der architektonisch artikulierten Aneignung von Orten. Seit der Renaissance spricht man in solchen Fällen von erkennbar wiederverwendeten Baugliedern aus früheren Bauten oder anderen Orten von Spolien. Man verwendet damit einen Begriff, der ursprünglich in der römischen Antike die Aneignung der dem getöteten Feind abgenommenen Rüstung bezeichnete. In den im Folgenden diskutierten Beispielen geht es aber nicht um feindliche Übernahmen, sondern um Versuche, mit der Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen auch den Geist eines Ortes oder Objekts zu übernehmen oder darum, durch die Bewegung von Architekturteilen Orte zu verbinden.

Estetiska krav på en hyreslägenhet? : – Estetisk brist som självständig grund för åtgärdsföreläggande / Aesthetic requirements on rental property? : - Aestehetic shortage as an independent basis for remedial injunction

Hodzic, Ena January 2017 (has links)
JB 12 kap. 15 och 16 §§ låter sig tolkas på så sätt att eftersatt underhåll självständigt kan ligga till grund för åtgärdsföreläggande. Samtidigt framgår det av rättspraxis att åtgärdsföreläggande endast meddelas för brister som utgör hinder eller men i nyttjanderätten. Med anledning av detta råder oklarheter om hur reglerna för eftersatt underhåll i hyreslägenheter ska tolkas. I uppsatsen utreds om estetiska brister omfattas av det sedvanliga underhållet och om de så- ledes kan utgöra en självständig grund för åtgärdsföreläggande enligt JB 12 kap. 16 § 1 st. 2 p. Motsvarigheten till detta återfinns i JB 12 kap. 24 a §, där hyresvärden kan erhålla ersättning för estetiskt avvikande brister som kan försvåra hyresvärdens framtida uthyrning. Med estetisk brist avses inte en tapet som inte faller den enskilde hyresgästen i smaken utan vad hyresgäster i allmänhet anser vara en estetisk brist. Genom en utförlig utredning av befintliga rättskällor prövas om utrymme finns för en tolkning som innebär att estetiska brister kan utgöra en självständig grund för åtgärdsföreläggande. Förhoppningen är att resultatet ska kunna ge vägledning i liknande spörsmål för på området verksamma jurister. En del argument stödjs på andra källor än rättskällor, eftersom uppsatsen skrivs utifrån en topisk metod. I uppsatsens analyserande del framförs argument som främst talar för att estetiska brister kan utgöra en självständig grund för åtgärdsföreläggande. Resultatet lämnar således utrymme för en alternativ tolkning från den idag rådande tolkningen av JB 12 kap. 15 § 2 st. och 16 § 1 st. 2 p.

Den osynliga kampen om tolkning : En kritisk analys av Orten bortom våldet utifrån Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes hegemonikritiska diskursteori

Apelmo, Karl January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats genomförs en diskursanalys av materialet Orten bortom våldet med hjälp av Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes hegemonikritiska diskursteori. Materialet Orten bortom våldet är centralt för Eskilstuna kommuns sociala förebyggande arbete mot våld och kriminalitet. Med hjälp av Laclau och Mouffes diskursanalys dekonstrueras i denna studie resonemangen bakom Orten bortom våldet. Syftet är att synliggöra dess hegemoniska och ideologiska antaganden rörande individ, samhälle och sociala fenomen. Analysen använder centrala begrepp utifrån Laclau och Mouffes diskursteori för att synliggöra och identifiera hegemoniska och dominanta diskursiva ställningstaganden. Studien visar hur analysmaterialet vilar på en dikotomisk och dogmatisk social differentieringsdiskurs och en individcentrerad liberalistisk determinism rörande det förebyggande sociala arbetet och dess interventioner och problematiserar dessa aspekter utifrån ett vi och de-kritiskt perspektiv samt ett ideologikritiskt perspektiv. / In this essay, a discourse analysis of the material Orten bortom våldet is carried out with the help of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's hegemonic-critical discourse theory. The material Orten bortom våldet is central to Eskilstuna municipality's social prevention work against violence and crime. With the help of Laclau and Mouffe's discourse analysis, this study deconstructs the reasoning behind Orten bortom våldet. The aim is to make visible its hegemonic and ideological assumptions concerning the individual, society and social phenomena. The analysis uses central concepts based on Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory to make visible and identify hegemonic and dominant discursive positions. The study shows that the analysis material rests on a dichotomous and dogmatic social differentiation discourse and an individual-centered liberal determinism regarding preventive social work and its interventions and problematizes these aspects from a we and them-critical perspective as well as an ideology-critical perspective.

Vliv literárních cen na mediální obraz oceněných knih (2012) / Impact of literary prizes awarded to the media image of books

Linhart, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis researches the impact of a literary prize on the media image of the awarded book in 2012. More precisely I pursue these awards and winning titles: Jaroslav Seifert Prize (Vladimír Binar: Číňanova pěna), Jiří Orten Award (Vratislav Maňák: Šaty z igelitu), Josef Škvorecký Award (Kateřina Tučková: Žítkovské bohyně), Magnesia Litera - The Book of the Year (Michal Ajvaz: Lucemburská zahrada). First I analyse the change of the quantity (the number of references and the share within the text), then I focus on the modification of the journalistic assessment of the title (on the scale positive - neutral - negative). In first case I use a quantitative analysis of media content, in the second case I use a comparative semiotic analysis. My sample are these Czech periodicals, in alphabetical order: A2, Aktuálně.cz, Hospodářské noviny, Host, iDnes.cz, Lidové noviny, Literární noviny, Reflex, Respekt, Tvar. The main output is a discovery, how the Czech print and online written media reflect the results of the literary prizes, also I (try to) determine the media power of each award.

"...moje srdce nelétá". Jiří Orten v knižní ilustraci. / "...my heart does not fly". Jiří orten in book illustration.

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis titled ``my heart does not fly{\crq}{\crq} Jiří Orten in book illustration deals with the poetic works of Jiří Orten from the viewpoint of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poetry. The theoretical part of the thesis includes Orten{\crq}s biography and the description of his poetic works, which are important for the interpretation of the illustrations. An interview with Jaroslav Šerých, who is one of the illustrators of Orten{\crq}s poetry, has been made for a deeper understanding of the issue of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poems. The practical part of the thesis consists in creating collections of illustrations inspired by some Orten{\crq}s poems. The final versions of the illustrations are completed in typography. The main aim of this thesis is a creation of author{\crq}s own illustrations for Orten{\crq}s poems and writing an essay about it.

Die Stadt als Bühne sehen – die Veranstaltungsreihe „Disappearing Berlin”

Bruglacher, Marie-Therese, Eitel, Verena Elisabet 08 May 2023 (has links)
2019 und 2020 fand in Berlin die Veranstaltungsreihe 'Disappearing Berlin' des Schinkel Pavillon statt. In 13 Veranstaltungen schufen internationale Künstler*innen und Gruppen Projekte an Orten, die den Wandel, den Umbruch und vor allem das Verschwinden im Stadtgefüge Berlins kennzeichnen – architektonisch, gesellschaftlich, kulturell. Die dadurch entstandenen, temporären Begegnungsorte warfen Fragen über die Geschichte, die Gegenwart vor allem aber über die Zukunft der Stadt Berlin als Lebensraum auf. Der Beitrag collagiert ein Gespräch mit der Projektleiterin und Co-Kuratorin des Projektes, Marie-Therese Bruglacher mit ausgewähltem Foto- und Bewegtbildmaterial der einzelnen Veranstaltungen.

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