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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktutveckling för Cate & Nelson Design : Framtagning av möbel

Abid, Ali, Roback, Joel January 2008 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar examensarbete utfört för industridesignföretaget Cate & Nelson Design. Företaget ligger i Eskilstuna och jobbar i huvudsakligen med möbeldesign och inredningsprodukter. Projektgruppensuppgift har varit att ta fram en ny möbel för företaget och arbetet har omfattat utveckling av hela produkten från idé till prototyp.

Grundstötning? : En kvalitativ undersökning om sjökortets tillförlitlighet

Kärnebro, Per January 2008 (has links)
Arbetet handlar om sjömätning, både hur det går till i dag och hur det gick till förr. Jag har också forskat i alternativa metoder som skulle kunna komplettera konventionell sjömätning. Syftet med mitt arbete var att ta reda på hur många oupptäckta grund det finns kvar i den Svenska skärgården. Metoden för att få fram bra och trovärdiga uppgifter har varit att intervjua personer som på ett eller annat sätt sysslar med sjömätning. För att kunna beskriva sjömätningens historia har jag tagit hjälp av litteratur. Resultatet av min undersökning är att sjökortet i huvudsak stämmer någorlunda med verkligheten. Det finns dock vissa undantag, ofta stämmer sjökortet sämre i skärgårdar där få yrkesfartyg opererar. / This essay is about hydrography, I will investigate how it is done, both today and from a historic perspective. I have also done some research in alternative methods that may complete conventional hydrography. The purpose with this essay was to investigate how many unknown dangerous shoals there is left in the Swedish archipelago. The method to receive good and trustworthy information has been to do some interviews to people that in one way or another are practising hydrography. To be able to describe the history of hydrography I have had some literature as an aid. The result of my investigation is that the nautical chart is mainly comparable to the reality; however, there are some exceptions. The nautical charts is often less reliable in archipelagos were professional shipping is unusual.

Frifallslivbåtars begränsningar

Ellmark, Cyrille, Käck, Mathias January 2008 (has links)
Olyckor sker vid övning med frifallslivbåtar. Detta borde gå att arbeta bort med bättre utrustning och bättre utbildning. Eftersom olyckor inträffar oftare vid övning ombord i fartygen än vid övning iland borde den senare biten vara mer avgörande: Vid övningar bör vikt läggas vid hur man spänner fast sig på ett korrekt sätt. Ovanstående är en del av vad denna undersökande studie handlar om. Vi har använt en kvalitativ metod för att reda ut frågor om riskerna med frifallslivbåtar. SOLAS ställer inga krav på att det skall finnas hjälpmedel för att underlätta att ta med sig skadade personer i frifallslivbåtar. De tester som genomförts med människor ombord i frifallslivbåtar har bara skett när det råder gynnsamma förhållanden. Med tanke på att fartyg utsätts både för sjöhävning och att båtarna kan komma att landa i vågor borde SOLAS kraven höjas. De livbåtssystem vi har, varken testas eller övas med i vågor. Att frifallslivbåtar i tanken är ett väldigt bra koncept som livräddningsutrustning råder det inga tvivel om, men den borde utvecklas vidare. / Accidents occur when exercising with free-fall lifeboats. This should be possible to avoid with better equipment and better education. Since accidents occur more often when exercise is performed aboard ships than ashore, the later part should be more decisive: During exercise the focus should be put on how to buckle up in a correct way. The above text is a part of what this investigative study is about, we have used a qualitative method for sorting out questions about the risks with free-fall lifeboats. SOLAS does not put any demands on the existence of aiding equipment to facilitate bringing injured persons in a free-fall lifeboat. The tests that have been performed with people onboard free-fall lifeboats have only taken place during favourable conditions. Considering that ships are exposed to the motion of the sea and that the boat could land on a wave the SOLAS demands should be increased. The lifeboat systems we have, is neither tested nor practised with in waves. That free-fall lifeboats is a good concept as a lifesaving equipment, there is no doubt about, but it should be developed further.

Calmare Nyckel - En studie över hennes användande och åsikterna kring det

Elmberg, Leif, Hellström, Karin, Olsson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete var att ta reda på vad studenterna i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har för åsikt gällande användandet av skolfartyget Calmare Nyckel. Vidare hade vi för avsikt att undersöka vilken åsikt Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har rörande användandet samt att ta reda på ifall det finns en skillnad mellan respektive åsikter. Genom en analys och sammanställning av vår enkätundersökning kom vi fram till att 98 % av studenterna ansåg att de antal gånger de fått använda Calmare Nyckel, för navigation och manövrering, varit för lite. Ur våra intervjuer med anställda på skolan framkom det att de däremot är nöjda med hur de låter Calmare Nyckel komma till användning i utbildningen av sjökaptener. Vi kunde se en tydlig skillnad i åsikter mellan skola och studenter. Skillnaden bottnade bland annat i skolans bristfälliga information om deras syfte och målsättning med Calmare Nyckel. En annan anledning till skillnaden beror på hur skolan marknadsför deras skolfartyg samt hur studenterna tolkar denna. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade studenterna i vår enkätundersökning hade en förväntan om att de skulle få använda Calmare Nyckel mer än vad de gjort under utbildningen.

Aktivitetsbassäng i FHC Laholmskommun - tillståndsanalys

Senagic, Aida January 2010 (has links)
Simbassängen i Folkhälsocentrum i Laholm har drabbats av skador. Läckage i skvalprännorna har orsakat problem i de övriga konstruktionsdelarna. Laholmskommun har år 2002 vidtagit akuta åtgärder i hopp om att stoppa läckage och förebygga ännu större skador. Reparationsarbetet utfördes och efter två år konstaterades fortsatt läckage.För att kunna bedömma skadornas omfattning och orsak utförs en tillståndsbedömning av befintlig konstruktion. Tillståndsbedömningen kommer att ligga till grund för val av reparationsmetoder och reparationsomfattning. Det största problemet är armeringskorrosion föranled av karbonatisering och kloridinträngning. Hela konstruktionen befinner sig i en väldigt aggressiv miljö som accelererar hela nedbrytningsprocessen. Genom att göra okulärbesiktning och laboratorieanalys har jag kommit fram till att skadorna är omfattande och reparationsarbeten kommer att vara därefter.

Method for detection of sleepiness : measurement of interaction between driver and vehicle

Lundin, Maria, Kanstrup, Lena January 2006 (has links)
As more and more people conduct vigilance-based activities at times other than the traditional daytime work hours, the time utilization will continue to escalate in the next century and will further increase the risks of sleepiness-related accidents. This project, which is commissioned by Scania CV AB, is to nvestigate the potential of a method for sleepiness detection belonging to esium AB. Our objective is to examine whether Scania CV AB should continue with the investigation of the patent method, and in that case, which patent parameters, that indicate sleepiness, should be more closely inquired. The purpose with the method of patent is to discover a sleepy driving behaviour. This method is based on the interaction that appears between the driver and the vehicle. The interaction consists of small spontaneous corrections with the steering wheel that in this report is called micro communication. How well the interaction is functioning can be measured in degree of interaction, which shows how well the driver and the truck interact with each other. The interaction between the driver and the vehicle is in this report looked upon as answers and questions with a certain reaction time, which appears with a certain answered question frequency. The differences in the signal’s amplitudes are measured in variation in amplitudes. Experiments to collect relevant signals have to be conducted in order to investigate the potential with the method of the patent. It is eligible to collect data from a person falling asleep, which implies experiments conducted in a simulator. The experiments are executed in a simulator, one test when they are alert and one when they are sleep deprived. Tests are also executed in a Scania truck. The purpose with these experiments is to collect data of the subject’s normal driving pattern in a truck and to investigate if it is possible to obtain acceptable data in a truck. The sleepiness experiments have indicated that the micro communication takes place in a frequency range of 0.25 to 6.0 Hz. The variables that have been found to detect sleepiness with high reliability are the reaction time and the degree of interaction presented in spectra. The validation experiments have shown it is possible to collect exact and accurate data from the lateral acceleration and the steering wheel torque. But, there is more noise in the signals from truck then there is in the signals from the simulator. This method for sleepiness detection has, according to the authors, a great potential. However, more experiments have to be conducted. The authors suggest further sleepiness experiments only conducted during night time. The subjects are sufficiently alert in the beginning of the test to receive data from normal driving behaviour. Physiological measurement could be interesting to have by the side of the subjective assessments as an additional base for comparison.

Kontroll av lyftredskap i betongindustri

Gustafsson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper shows how instructions for the inspections of the lifting tools at Abetong were made. The most important is how the company can ensure that every lifting tool is inspected. The work was carried out at three of Abetongs factories. Abetong makes precast concrete elements, which makes them use liftingtools as a part of their daily work; most of the lifting tools are custom made for the concrete industry.</p><p>A numeric system for the lifting tools was formed and partially implemented. A small investigation to find companies which could do the annual inspections was made. A specification for this was also written. An instruction for the daily inspection of the lifting tools was made. A signing list will be put up at each working area to ensure that the daily inspections are being done. The lifting yokes which lacks label will be risk analysed, this creates some questions about whether this is aloud.</p>

Förbättring av hanteringen vid utrikesfrakter på ITAB Shop Concept AB Jönköping

Nilsson, Thomas, Chee, Vincent January 2006 (has links)
<p>Our purpose with this report is to create a structural basis over how to improve handling with international freight at ITAB Shop Concept (further mentioned as ITAB). We have through interviews with employees at ITAB and observations identified problems that have caused difficulties at handling with international freight, from the time when an order is placed to when it’s delivered to the customer. We have also interviewed shipping companies.</p><p>We have in the theory chapter written about shipping conditions for international freight and a main part of our theory is about NSAB 2000, which describes the obligations and rights shippers and consignee has.</p><p>In order to improve the efficiency ITAB has to be aware of the problems in the company and try to solve them.</p><p>The problems we have identified are described in the result chapter. One of the problems is that employees at the warehouse don’t know when gods is supposed to be shipped. This may result into gods being left over in the warehouse. We have in the analyze chapter listed our solutions to solve this problem and it has first priority in our classification table which are discussed further below. The classification table consist of problems that we have identified and each problem has a priority. The priority is based from two criteria’s, how difficult it’s to solve and how important it’s to solve the problem. We have thereafter multiplied these two criteria’s to get a priority list. The problems with the lowest points are the ones we suggest ITAB should solve first.</p>

Radio Frequency Thermal Treatment of Liver Tumours : -Influence of Blood Perfusion and Large Vessels

Andersson, Per January 2008 (has links)
<p>Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a commonly used minimally invasive method of treating liver cancer tumours which utilises RF current for heating tumour tissue up to a lethal temperature. RF current is generated by a power generator and applied to the tumour by an electrode which is inserted into the tumour either during percutaneous or open surgery. </p><p>RFA is a method that has great advantages compared to traditional surgical resection of tumours due to minimal invasiveness, it can be used for a greater number of patients and enables repeated treatments. Even though there are many advantages coupled to RFA there are still some problems and difficulties associated with the method. One of these problems is the cooling effect from large vessel blood flow within the liver, the so called heat sink effect.</p><p>The aim of this master thesis work has been to develop a theoretical finite element model of RFA within Comsol Multiphysics software. This theoretical model has been used to simulate blood perfusion effects on resulting ablation volume. The effects from different large vessel blood flow parameters has been investigated, these parameters are: blood flow velocity, blood vessel diameter and distance between blood vessel and RF electrode. A factorial design has been utilised to setup parameter levels for the different simulations. A linear- and a second degree regression model has been calculated based on simulation results. The parameter with largest impact on simulative ablation volume and the interaction effects between the parameters were determined from the regression model coefficients. In addition to this has two simulations been performed, modelling perfused- and unperfused liver tissue, in order to investigate the effects resulting from microvascular perfusion.</p><p>The result shows that the parameter with largest impact on simulative ablation volume are the distance, it was also shown that there are a small interactional effects between diameter and distance, where a small distance increases the effect from a varying diameter. Modelled microvascular perfusion was shown to give a decrease in simulative ablation volume. A shortage of this master thesis work is the lack of experimental verification of the developed model. </p>

Förbättring av hanteringen vid utrikesfrakter på ITAB Shop Concept AB Jönköping

Nilsson, Thomas, Chee, Vincent January 2006 (has links)
Our purpose with this report is to create a structural basis over how to improve handling with international freight at ITAB Shop Concept (further mentioned as ITAB). We have through interviews with employees at ITAB and observations identified problems that have caused difficulties at handling with international freight, from the time when an order is placed to when it’s delivered to the customer. We have also interviewed shipping companies. We have in the theory chapter written about shipping conditions for international freight and a main part of our theory is about NSAB 2000, which describes the obligations and rights shippers and consignee has. In order to improve the efficiency ITAB has to be aware of the problems in the company and try to solve them. The problems we have identified are described in the result chapter. One of the problems is that employees at the warehouse don’t know when gods is supposed to be shipped. This may result into gods being left over in the warehouse. We have in the analyze chapter listed our solutions to solve this problem and it has first priority in our classification table which are discussed further below. The classification table consist of problems that we have identified and each problem has a priority. The priority is based from two criteria’s, how difficult it’s to solve and how important it’s to solve the problem. We have thereafter multiplied these two criteria’s to get a priority list. The problems with the lowest points are the ones we suggest ITAB should solve first.

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