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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimerad sandwichvägg i prefabricerad betong / Optimized sandwich wall in prefabricated concrete

Alsmail, Majed, Rubaij, Baqer January 2023 (has links)
As part of the work in this project, a literature review is conducted to determine the optimal thickness of the outer concrete layer in prefabricated concrete sandwich elements. These elements are used as exterior walls in buildings and consist of a load-bearing inner concrete layer, an intermediate insulation layer, and an outer concrete layer that forms the building's facade. The focus is on optimizing the sandwich wall in precast concrete by reducing the thickness of the outer skin compared to the current standard thickness of 80 mm. This could potentially reduce the weight of the elements by approximately 1.5-2 tons by reducing the thickness from 80 mm to 30 mm. This weight reduction can have a significant impact, for instance, on the crane capacity in large construction projects, allowing a crane to handle all the elements on a construction site without the need for relocation. Additionally, this optimization of the sandwich wall will result in cost savings by using less material in the elements, as well as impacting other aspects of the construction process, such as energy consumption and transportation costs. In this project, test specimens of size 400mm x 400mm have been used, and to draw comprehensive conclusions, full-scale experiments are required to account for factors such as temperature variations and shrinkage in the outer skin. In this work, compressive strength tests have also been conducted to determine the strength of the concrete used in the outer skin of the tested sandwich walls. The concrete used in the tests was a fiber-reinforced concrete from Finja, and the reinforcing mesh was a hot-dip galvanized plaster mesh. Initially, samples were cast to test the laboratory equipment and evaluate the testing methods. Subsequently, the remaining samples were cast and tested according to a predetermined schedule to ensure relevant testing conditions. Samples on the wall elements were made with both diagonal and straight anchoring and were tested under tensile load parallel to the outer layer as well as tensile load perpendicular to the outer layer. In total, 20 samples were conducted in the study, testing various combinations of anchoring systems, loads, reinforcement, and recesses. Samples 1-10 were tested with diagonal anchoring and parallel load, while samples 11-20 were tested with perpendicular anchoring and perpendicular in combination with parallel load. The samples exhibited a variation in failure types, such as grain failure in the outer layer, anchor pull-out, adhesion, and outer layer failure. The highest load values were observed in sample 2 (8.7 kN) and 6 (7.6 kN) for samples 1 to 10, and sample 12 (10.6 kN) and 15 (9 kN) for samples 11 to 20. In summary, it can be stated that the trials have yielded initially positive results regarding the practical use of a thinner outer panel for prefabricated concrete sandwich elements.

Deciphering the intracellular dual targeting of the melon necrotic spot virus coat protein, its interaction with host factors and their roles in plant defense

Sáiz Bonilla, María 01 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los virus de plantas son los agentes causales de un gran número de enfermedades en plantas que ocasionan grandes pérdidas económicas. El virus de las manchas necróticas del melón (MNSV), es un pequeño virus de RNA monocatenario de polaridad positiva, perteneciente al género Gammacarmovirus, cuyo genoma codifica cinco proteínas. La proteína de cubierta (CP), está formada por tres dominios distintos. El descubrimiento de un péptido de transito dual en la región amino-terminal de la CP fue el punto de partida de esta tesis. Al inicio de una infección por MNSV, la CP nuevamente sintetizada es transportada al interior de cloroplastos y mitocondrias mientras que, una parte mucho menor se mantiene en el citoplasma aumentando a medida que avanza la infección. La inhibición de este transporte dual conlleva un aumento de la actividad supresora del silenciamiento del RNA de la CP. Sin embargo, la infección sistémica se ve particularmente afectada. Por tanto, la acumulación de la CP en el citoplasma puede provocar un aumento de la replicación viral pero a su vez una sobreexpresión de la p29, puede provocar una explosión oxidativa y una necrosis que restringe el movimiento viral. De este modo, el transporte de la CP a los orgánulos podría evitar una replicación viral excesiva mediante la modulación de la actividad supresora para gestionar el equilibrio entre la defensa de la planta y la contradefensa viral favoreciendo una interacción compatible entre ambos. Desafortunadamente, Arabidopsis thaliana no es huésped para el MNSV. Por tanto, para entender mejor el transporte de la CP a estos orgánulos, se identificaron los receptores y los poros de los translocones de las membranas externas de las mitocondrias y los cloroplastos en Nicotiana benthamiana. Esta caracterización funcional se realizó principalmente mediante VIGS y RT-qPCR, que mostró una redundancia funcional mayor que la observada entre los homólogos de Arabidopsis. Además, esta herramienta también se utilizó para evaluar la relevancia de cada componente bajo la infección por MNSV, y junto con los estudios de interacción CP-receptor realizados mediante BiFC y Y2H, nos permitió identificar NbToc159A para cloroplastos y NbOm64 para mitocondrias, como principales receptores. A su vez, el silenciamiento de NbToc34, NbToc75 o NbTom40 resultó en una resistencia generalizada no solo a MNSV sino también al virus del arrugamiento del nabo (TCV) y al virus del moteado del clavel (CarMV), lo que respalda la idea actualmente aceptada y que involucra el estado fisiológico del cloroplasto y la mitocondria en la señalización temprana de la respuesta defensiva. Finalmente, se realizó una búsqueda de factores del huésped que interaccionasen con la CP mediante con TurboID, una ligasa de biotina, que permite la detección de interacciones tanto directas e indirectas como transitorias y estables. Así, se obtuvo un gran número de proteínas candidatas utilizando la CP de MNSV y su mutante de localización citoplásmica, ∆NtCP. Tres de ellas, NbSIK1, NbSMU2 y NbMAP3K mostraron un efecto perjudicial constante y repetitivo sobre la acumulación del RNA viral. Después de la validación de las interacciones mediante otro método, y el análisis de la localización subcelular de la CP bajo el silenciamiento del interactor correspondiente, se establecieron dos hipótesis principales. En primer lugar, dado que la función principal de NbSMU2 está relacionada con el procesamiento y regulación del RNA mensajero, esta proteína podría ser secuestrada por la CP provocando la expresión de genes provirales. Por otro lado, NbSIK1 y NbMAP3K, actúan como reguladores positivo y negativo de la respuesta PTI a la infección, respectivamente. Además, ambas proteínas interaccionan entre sí y forman parte de la cascada de MAP quinasas, por lo que en nuestra segunda hipótesis, la CP interaccionaría con este complejo, promoviendo una regulación negativa de la PTI que facilitaría el desarrollo de la infección. / [CA] Els virus de plantes són els principals causants de la major part de malalties en plantes i les consegüents pèrdues econòmiques. El virus de les taques necròtiques del meló (MNSV) és un virus menut d'RNA monocatenari de polaritat positiva, pertanyent al gènere Gammacarmovirus, el genoma del qual codifica cinc proteïnes. La proteïna de coberta (CP) està formada per tres dominis diferents. El descobriment d'un pèptid de trànsit dual a la part aminoterminal de la CP va ser el punt de partida d'aquesta tesi. A l'inici d'una infecció per MNSV, la CP novament sintetitzada és transportada a l'interior dels cloroplasts i mitocondris mentre que, una part molt menor es manté al citoplasma augmentant a mesura que avança la infecció. La inhibició d'aquest transport dual comporta un augment de l'activitat supressora del silenciament de l'RNA de la CP. No obstant això, la infecció sistèmica es va frenar. Per tant, l'acumulació de la CP al citoplasma pot provocar un augment de la replicació viral però alhora una sobreexpressió de la p29, una replicasa auxiliar que ocasiona alteracions morfològiques als mitocondris, una explosió oxidativa i necrosi que restringeix el moviment viral. D'aquesta manera, el transport de la CP als orgànuls podria evitar una replicació viral excessiva mitjançant la modulació de l'activitat supressora per gestionar l'equilibri entre defensa de la planta i contradefensa viral que condueixen a una interacció compatible entre tots dos. Per entendre millor el mecanisme molecular que regeix el transport de la CP a aquests orgànuls, es van identificar els receptors i els porus dels translocon de les membranes externes dels mitocondris i els cloroplasts a Nicotiana benthamiana. Aquesta caracterització funcional es va realitzar principalment mitjançant VIGS i RT-qPCR, que va mostrar una redundància funcional més gran que l'observada entre els homòlegs d'Arabidopsis. A més, aquesta eina també es va utilitzar per avaluar la rellevància de cada component sota la infecció per MNSV, i juntament amb els estudis d'interacció CP-receptor realitzats mitjançant BiFC i Y2H, ens va permetre identificar a NbToc159A per a cloroplasts i NbOm64 per a mitocondris, com els principals receptors implicats en el transport de la CP a aquests orgànuls. Alhora, el silenciament de NbToc34, NbToc75 o NbTom40 va resultar en una resistència generalitzada a MNSV, TCV i CarMV, la qual cosa recolza la idea que circula actualment i que involucra l'estat fisiològic del cloroplast i el mitocondri en la senyalització primerenca de la resposta defensiva. Finalment, es va fer una cerca de factors de l'hoste que interaccionessin amb la CP mitjançant la innovadora tècnica de marcatge de proximitat amb TurboID, una lligasa de biotina, que permet la detecció d'interaccions tant directes i indirectes com transitòries i estables. Així, es va obtenir un gran nombre de proteïnes candidates utilitzant la CP de MNSV i el seu mutant de localització citoplàsmica, ∆NtCP. Tres de elles, NbSIK1, NbSMU2 i NbMAP3K van mostrar un efecte perjudicial constant i repetitiu sobre l'acumulació de l'RNA viral. Després de la validació de les interaccions mitjançant un altre mètode, i l'examen de la localització subcel·lular de la CP sota el silenciament de cada interactor, es van establir dues hipòtesis principals. En primer lloc, atès que la funció principal de NbSMU2 està relacionada amb el processament i la regulació de l'RNA missatger, aquesta proteïna podria ser segrestada per la CP provocant l'expressió de gens provirals. D'altra banda, NbSIK1 i NbMAP3K actuen com a reguladors positiu i negatiu de la resposta PTI a la infecció, respectivament. A més, les dos proteïnes interaccionen entre si i formen part de la cascada de MAP quinases, per la qual cosa en la nostra segona hipòtesi, la CP interaccionaria amb aquest complex, promovent una regulació negativa de la PTI que facilitaria el desenvolupament de la infecció. / [EN] Plant viruses are the causal agents of many plant diseases and the subsequent economic losses, estimated to be US$60 billion worldwide each year. The melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) is a small, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus that belongs to the genus Gammacarmovirus and encodes five proteins. The coat protein (CP) is composed of three distinct domains. The discovery of a dual transit peptide in the amino-terminal part of the CP was the starting point of this thesis. Early in MNSV infection, the new synthesized CP is imported into chloroplasts and mitochondria, while the cytoplasmic pool increases as the infection progresses. Inhibiting this dual transport leads to an increase in the RNA silencing suppressor activity of the CP. However, far from resulting in an enhanced infection development, systemic spread was impaired. Therefore, the accumulation of cytoplasmic CP may cause an increase in viral replication and overexpression of p29, an auxiliary replicase that causes morphological alterations, ROS, and necrosis that may restrict viral movement. Thus, a new role for CP targeting would be to avoid excessive viral replication by modulating the suppressor activity to manage the balance between plant defense and viral counter-defense, leading to a compatible interaction. Unfortunately, Arabidopsis thaliana is not a host for MNSV. Thus, to better understand the molecular mechanism behind the CP dual targeting, the receptors and pores of the Nicotiana benthamiana mitochondrial and chloroplast outer membrane translocons were genome identified, and some functional characterization was carried out. We assigned the following names NbToc75-III, NbToc34, NbToc90, NbToc120, NbToc159A, NbToc159B, NbTic22-III for chloroplast translocon components, and NbTom40, NbTom20-1, NbTom20-2, NbOm64 for mitochondrion translocon components. The functional characterization was mainly carried out by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and RT-qPCR, revealing a functional redundancy higher than that reported for Arabidopsis homologs. Additionally, VIGS was also used to evaluate the relevance of each translocon component in MNSV infection, and together with CP-receptor interaction studies performed by BiFC and Y2H, allowed us to identify NbToc159A for chloroplasts and NbOm64 for mitochondria as the main receptors involved in the CP organelle import. Moreover, silencing of NbToc34, NbToc75, or NbTom40 resulted in a generalized resistance not only to MNSV but also to turnip crinkle virus (TCV), and carnation mottle virus (CarMV), supporting the current idea that involves the chloroplast and mitochondrion physiological state in early defense response signaling. Finally, a search for host factors interacting with the CP was performed by the innovative TurboID proximity labeling tool, which allows the detection of both direct/indirect and transient/stable interactions. Thus, a large number of candidate proteins were obtained that interacted either with the MNSV CP or with ∆NtCP, a cytoplasm-localized mutant. Three of them, NbSIK1, NbSMU2, and NbMAP3K, showed a consistent and repetitive detrimental effect on MNSV RNA accumulation. After the validation of the interactions using another method and the analysis of the subcellular localization of the MNSV CP under each interactor silencing, two main hypotheses were proposed. Firstly, since the main function of NbSMU2 is related to messenger RNA regulation by splicing, this protein could be sequestered by the CP, causing the expression of proviral genes. On the other hand, NbSIK1 and NbMAP3K act as positive and negative regulators of the PTI response to infection, respectively. Moreover, both proteins interact with each other and are part of the MAP kinase cascade, so in our second hypothesis, CP would interact with this complex, promoting a negative regulation of PTI that would facilitate viral infection. / La autora ha disfrutado de un contrato predoctoral de formación de personal investigador (FPI) (PRE-2018-84130) otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación asociado al proyecto BIO2017-88321-R. Este trabajo de tesis doctoral ha sido realizado con el apoyo económico de los proyectos de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, BIO2017-88321-R y PID2020-115571RB- I00. / Sáiz Bonilla, M. (2023). Deciphering the intracellular dual targeting of the melon necrotic spot virus coat protein, its interaction with host factors and their roles in plant defense [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195836

Design of a novel rotary compact power pack for the series hybrid electric vehicle : design and simulation of a compact power pack consisting of a novel rotary engine and outer rotor induction machine for the series hybrid electric vehicle powertrain

Amirian, Hossein January 2010 (has links)
Hybrid electric vehicles significantly reduce exhaust emissions and increase fuel economy. Power packs are the most fundamental components in a series powertrain configuration of a hybrid vehicle, which produce the necessary power to run the vehicle. The aim of this project is to design a compact power pack for a series hybrid vehicle, using virtual prototyping. The hybrid electric vehicle characteristics and configurations are analysed, followed by an explanation of the principles of induction machines. A new type of rotary induction machine with an outer rotor construction is designed to be coupled with the novel rotary internal combustion engine with rotating crankcase in order to form the compact power unit for the hybrid vehicle. The starting and generation performance of the designed machine is analysed by an electric machine simulator, called JMAG. ADVISOR software is studied and utilised to simulate the overall vehicle performance, employing different categories of power packs in the powertrain. Results show that the proposed compact power pack has the best performance in terms of fuel economy, emissions and battery charging compared to the existing power unit options. Over the city cycle, fuel economy is increased by up to 47 % with emission reduced by up to 36 % and over the highway cycle, fuel economy is increased by up to 69 % with emission reduced by up to 42 %.

Numerical Conformal mappings for regions Bounded by Smooth Curves

Andersson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
<p>Inom många tillämpningar används konforma avbildningar för att transformera tvådimensionella områden till områden med enklare utseende. Ett exempel på ett sådant område är en kanal av varierande tjocklek begränsad av en kontinuerligt deriverbar kurva. I de tillämpningar som har motiverat detta arbete, är det viktigt att dessa egenskaper bevaras i det område en approximativ konform avbildning producerar, men det är också viktigt att begränsningskurvans riktning kan kontrolleras, särkilt i kanalens båda ändar.</p><p>Denna avhandling behandlar tre olika metoder för att numeriskt konstruera konforma avbildningar mellan ett enkelt standardområde, företrädesvis det övre halvplanet eller enhetscirkeln, och ett område begränsat av en kontinuerligt deriverbar kurva, där begränsningskurvans riktning kan kontrolleras, exakt eller approximativt.</p><p>Den första metoden är en utveckling av en idé, först beskriven av Peter Henrici, där en modifierad Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildning avbildar det övre halvplanet konformt på en polygon med rundade hörn.</p><p>Med utgångspunkt i denna idé skapas en algoritm för att konstruera avbildningar på godtyckliga områden med släta randkurvor.</p><p>Den andra metoden bygger också den på Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildningen, och utnyttjar det faktum att om enhetscirkeln eller halvplanet avbildas på en polygon kommer ett område Q i det inre av dessa, som till exempel en cirkel med centrum i origo och radie mindre än 1, eller ett område i övre halvplanet begränsat av två strålar, att avbildas på ett område R i det inre av polygonen begränsat av en slät kurva. Vi utvecklar en metod för att hitta ett polygonalt område P, utanför det Omega som man önskar att skapa en avbildning för, sådant att den Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildning som avbildar enhetscirkeln eller halvplanet på P, avbildar Q på Omega.</p><p>I båda dessa fall används tangentpolygoner för att numeriskt bestämma den önskade avbildningen.</p><p>Slutligen beskrivs en metod där en av Don Marshalls så kallade zipper-algoritmer används för att skapa en avbildning mellan det övre</p><p>halvplanet och en godtycklig kanal, begränsad av släta kurvor, som i båda ändar går mot oändligheten som räta parallella linjer.</p> / <p>In many applications, conformal mappings are used to transform two-dimensional regions into simpler ones. One such region for which conformal mappings are needed is a channel bounded by continuously differentiable curves. In the applications that have motivated this work, it is important that the region an approximate conformal mapping produces, has this property, but also that the direction of the curve can be controlled, especially in the ends of the channel.</p><p>This thesis treats three different methods for numerically constructing conformal mappings between the upper half-plane or unit circle and a region bounded by a continuously differentiable curve, where the direction of the curve in a number of control points is controlled, exact or approximately.</p><p>The first method is built on an idea by Peter Henrici, where a modified Schwarz-Christoffel mapping maps the upper half-plane conformally on a polygon with rounded corners. His idea is used in an algorithm by which mappings for arbitrary regions, bounded by smooth curves are constructed.</p><p>The second method uses the fact that a Schwarz-Christoffel mapping from the upper half-plane or unit circle to a polygon maps a region Q inside the half-plane or circle, for example a circle with radius less than 1 or a sector in the half--plane, on a region Omega inside the polygon bounded by a smooth curve. Given such a region Omega, we develop methods to find a suitable outer polygon and corresponding Schwarz-Christoffel mapping that gives a mapping from Q to Omega.</p><p>Both these methods use the concept of tangent polygons to numerically determine the coefficients in the mappings.</p><p>Finally, we use one of Don Marshall's zipper algorithms to construct conformal mappings from the upper half--plane to channels bounded by arbitrary smooth curves, with the additional property that they are parallel straight lines when approaching infinity.</p>

TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins of Pseudomonas fluorescens : diverse and redundant roles in iron acquisition

Hartney, Sierra Louise, 1980- 28 November 2011 (has links)
Pseudomonas is a diverse genus of Gram-negative bacteria that includes pathogens of plants, insects, and humans as well as environmental strains with no known pathogenicity. Pseudomonas fluorescens itself encompasses a heterologous group of bacteria that are prevalent in soil and on foliar and root surfaces of plants. Some strains of P. fluorescens suppress plant diseases and the genomic sequences of many biological control strains are now available. I used a combination of bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses along with mutagenesis and biological assays to identify and compare the TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins (TBDPs) of ten plant-associated strains of P. fluorescens and related species. TBDPs are common in Gram-negative bacteria, functioning in the uptake of ferric-siderophore complexes and other substrates into the cell. I identified 14 to 45 TBDRs in each strain of P. fluorescens or P. chlororaphis. Collectively, the ten strains have 317 TBDPs, which were grouped into 84 types based upon sequence similarity and phylogeny. As many as 13 TBDPs are unique to a single strain and some show evidence of horizontal gene transfer. Putative functions in the uptake of diverse groups of microbial siderophores, sulfur-esters, and other substrates were assigned to 28 of these TBDP types based on similarity to characterized orthologs from other Pseudomonas species. Redundancy of TBDP function was evident in certain strains of P. fluorescens, especially Pf-5, which has three TBDPs for ferrichrome/ferrioxamine uptake, two for ferric-citrate uptake and three for heme uptake. Five TBDP types are present in all ten strains, and putative functions in heme, ferrichrome, cobalamin, and copper/zinc uptake were assigned to four of the conserved TBDPs. The fluorescent pseudomonads are characterized by the production of pyoverdine siderophores, which are responsible for the diffusible UV fluorescence of these bacteria. Each of the ten plant-associated strains of P. fluorescens or P. chlororaphis has three to six TBDPs with putative roles in ferric-pyoverdine uptake (Fpv). To confirm the roles of the six Fpv outer membrane proteins in P. fluorescens Pf-5, I introduced deletions into each of the six fpv genes in this strain and evaluated the mutants and the parental strain for heterologous pyoverdine uptake. I identified at least one ferric-pyoverdine that was taken up by each of the six Fpv outer-membrane proteins of Pf-5. By comparing the ferric-pyoverdine uptake assay results to a phylogenetic analysis of the Fpv outer-membrane proteins, I observed that phylogenetically-related Fpv outer-membrane proteins take up structurally-related pyoverdines. I then expanded the phylogenetic analysis to include nine other strains within the P. fluorescens group, and identified five additional types of Fpv outer-membrane proteins. Using the characterized Fpv outer-membrane proteins of Pf-5 as a reference, pyoverdine substrates were predicted for many of the Fpv outer-membrane proteins in the nine other strains. Redundancy of Fpv function was evident in Pf-5, as some pyoverdines were recognized by more than one Fpv. It is apparent that heterologous pyoverdine recognition is a conserved feature, giving these ten strains flexibility in acquiring iron from the environment. Overall, the TBDPs of the P. fluorescens group are a functionally diverse set of structurally-related proteins present in high numbers in many strains. While putative functions have been assigned to a subset of the proteins, the functions of most TBDPs remain unknown, providing targets for further investigations into nutrient uptake by P. fluorescens spp.. The work presented here provides a template for future studies using a combination of bioinformatic, phylogenetic, and molecular genetic approaches to predict and analyze the function of these TBDPs. / Graduation date: 2012

Periplasmic Delivery of Biologically Active Human Interleukin-10 in Escherichia coli via a Sec-Dependent Signal Peptide

Pöhlmann, Christoph, Brandt, Manuela, Mottok, Dorothea S., Zschüttig, Anke, Campbell, John W., Blattner, Frederick R., Frisch, David, Gunzer, Florian 18 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine, with therapeutic applications in inflammatory bowel disease. For the in situ delivery of IL-10 by Escherichia coli as carrier chassis, a modified transporter was designed with the ability to secrete biologically active IL-10. De novo DNA synthesis comprised a 561-bp fragment encoding the signal sequence of the E. coli outer membrane protein F fused in frame to an E. coli codon-optimized mature human IL-10 gene under control of a T7 promoter. The construct was overexpressed in E. coli laboratory strains, E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli MDS42:T7. The mean concentrations of human IL-10 in the periplasm and culture supernatant of E. coli BL21 (DE3) were 355.8 ± 86.3 and 5.7 ± 1.7 ng/ml, respectively. The molecular mass of the recombinant E. coli-derived human IL-10 was 19 kDa, while under non-reducing conditions the native IL-10 dimer could be demonstrated. Reduction of tumor necrosis factor-α secretion in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mouse macrophages and detection of the activated form of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription protein 3 proved the biological activity of the bacteria-produced human IL-10. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Loss of outer membrane porins in clonally related clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae modifies the bacteria; resulting in altered resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages

Brunson, Debra Nickole 01 January 2017 (has links)
Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for lobar pneumoniae, liver abscess, and septicemia. Clinical isolates are found to be extended spectrum beta lactamase positive with differential expression of the two classical porins, OmpK35 and OmpK36. Porin loss is associated with increased minimum inhibitory concentrations of beta lactam, cephalosporin, and carbapenem antibiotics that target the peptidoglycan. However, little is known about how porin loss affects other aspects of the cell envelope. The focus of this study was to characterize clinical isolates exhibiting differential porin expression and determine if the cumulative changes altered the resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages. The results support the hypothesis that porin loss significantly impacts the overall cell envelope composition, which in turn alters interactions with macrophages.

Fuktproblem i putsade fasader : Enstegstätade ytterväggar utsatta för slagregn

Tell, Emma, Jansson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
One purpose of this work was to examine if a modification of the exterior insulation finishing system can lower the number of outer walls damaged by damp. The modification is the cut of the cellular plastic which is 45 degrees instead of a horizontal cut. One other purpose was; is cellular plastic or mineral wool better as insulation to minimize the dampness in this type of outer walls? A third purpose was to examine if there is any difference of dampness in the outer walls if using a gravel bed or concrete stones next to the outer wall. To examine these three purposes a laboratory experiment with three test walls with an exterior insulation finishing system was built. The difference between the three walls was the insulation. One wall was built with mineral wool with a horizontal cut, one with cellular plastic with a horizontal cut and the third with cellular plastic with a cut of 45 degrees. Simulations of pelting rain and measurements of dampness were carried out for 21 days. The measurements were taken at the same time every evening. After 21 days small samples of tree from the walls was weight, dried in an oven and then weight again to get the quantity of moisture in the samples before they were dried. A diffusion calculation of two outer walls, one with cellular plastic and one with mineral wool, was completed to examine the difference between the relative humidity in the walls. An identical calculation without a plastic film was executed too. The result of the calculations showed a minimal difference in the walls built with a plastic film. When the film was removed the result presented critical values. The result of the laboratory experiment indicates that the test wall with the cut of 45 degrees is better than the walls with a horizontal cut of the insulation. The differences were minimal but possible to read. Some critical, too high, values regarding the moisture content in wood were found and they came from the sills in the walls that had insulation with horizontal cuts. Of the two insulation types the result of calculations and laboratory experiment shows a minimal difference but they both indicates a better result for the mineral wool. The conclusion of this work indicates that cellular plastic with a 45 degree cut is slightly better than the horizontal cut. The comparison of cellular plastic and mineral wool indicates that the mineral wool is better. Another conclusion of this work is that the material on the ground next to the outer wall did not alter the dampness in the wall.

Pojetí školy 1.stupně v reformních snahách ČSR v období 1.republiky / The conception of the primary school in the reform tendency of the Czechoslovak Republic in the period of the 1st Republic

Budáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The conception of the primary school in the reform tendendency of the Czechoslovak Republic in the period of the 1st republic This dissertation should help to make a summary in the czech educational system, primarily at the primary school, in the period of the 1st republic. It compares the 1st republic educational system with todays situation in this topic during permanent reformatory efforts. I hope this dissertation will help for better orientation in the school reformatory movement in the period of the 1st republic and it will bring some useful food for thought about the contemporary situation in the pedagogical and educational field from the point of view of teacher.

Motivace žáků mladšího školního věku / Motivating pupils of younge school age

Pokorná, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
My thesis deals with the motivation of younger school aged pupils. The theoretical part contains explanation of the term of motivation, characteristics of a child younger school age, specifics of motivation in education and possible ways of application in teaching. Here I also mention pros and cons of the use of rewards and punishments and typology of the child, which has an impact on the ways and means of motivating pupils. Finally in this part I devote to the motivation (pupils) to movement activities. The empirical part of my thesis is based on theoretical knowledge. I find out performance motivation of pupils using questionnaires for pupils in fifth classes. I used the method of interview to collect data of the frequency and ways of use class teacher motivation during the class. These data I gave in perspective, to find out how teachers' motivation affects performance motivation of pupils.

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