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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence d'un programme photopériodique alternant les jours longs et les jours courts sur la capacité de reproduction chez le bélier

Élément-Boulianne, Catherine 19 April 2018 (has links)
Dans le but d'évaluer les effets d'une préparation photopériodique des béliers sur leurs performances de reproduction en contre-saison (printemps) et en saison sexuelle (automne), quatorze béliers Suffolk ont été répartis, en novembre, dans l'un des traitements suivants : LN) groupe témoin en lumière naturelle durant toute l'expérimentation; Photo) photopériode alternant 1 mois de jours longs et 1 mois de jours courts de novembre à septembre; Photo/LN) comme Photo de novembre à mai et lumière naturelle de mai à octobre. La circonférence scrotale, la qualité de la semence et la concentration sanguine de testosterone ont été évaluées toutes les deux semaines. Les résultats montrent l'influence positive de la préparation photopériodique des béliers sur la circonférence scrotale, la fertilité, mais surtout sur la productivité en contre-saison. De plus, l'application du traitement photopériodique en contre-saison seulement ne nuirait pas à la fertilité des béliers l'automne suivant.

Calcium homeostasis in lens transparency and the involmement of calpains in cataract

Lee, Hannah Yun Young January 2006 (has links)
The absolute clarity of the lens of the eye is vital in the visual system. The unique structural and physiological properties of the lens are tightly integrated with highly ordered protein content to allow the lens to remain transparent. Consequently, any alteration or disturbance of these highly ordered proteins can affect the optical properties of the lens. In humans, cataracts are the major cause of blindness, yet the exact aetiology of cataract formation (cataractogenesis) is not fully understood. The purpose of the current research was to investigate whether deregulation of the Ca²⁺-dependent enzyme, calpains, following changes in lens Ca²⁺ homeostasis, is a key mechanism leading to undesired cleavage of a number of proteins that are linked with maintaining lens transparency and contributing to cataractogenesis. An ovine lens culture (in vitro) system and the heritable ovine cataract (in vivo) model were used to test the research hypothesis. The Ca²⁺ ionophore, ionomycin, was used to induce a Ca²⁺ overload and in vitro opacification during lens culture. Opacity in the lens was graded by a computer image analysis program. Protein profile (SDS-PAGE, 2-DE and Western detection), calpain activity (casein zymography), lens structure (microscopic view) and cytotoxicity level (LDH leakage assay) were analysed in Ca²⁺-induced opaque lenses. The involvement of calpain during opacification was further examined by applying synthetic exogenous calpain inhibitors to the in vitro system. Two novel exogenous calpain inhibitors were also assessed for their therapeutic potential in preventing the progression of cataracts in the in vivo cataract model by topical administration of the inhibitor direct to the sheep's eye over a 11 week period. HPLC was used to detect the penetration of these compounds into ocular tissues. Sustained Ca²⁺ influx into cultured lenses caused dense opacification. The opacity was characterised by formation of a turbid fraction and cell death in the outer cortex of the ovine lens. There was increased calpain autolysis associated with the progress of opacification, indicating increased calpain activity. Major degradation of the cytoskeletal proteins, spectrin and vimentin, was observed whilst there was limited degradation of the lens structural soluble proteins, crystallins, in response to a Ca²⁺ flux. Lens proteins were protected from degradation by adding synthetic calpain inhibitors to the culture medium. Topical administration of novel anti-calpain molecules failed to retard the progression of cataractogenesis in the ovine inherited cataract model. Further investigation of drug penetration showed that efficacy of inhibitory compounds was limited by permeability of these molecules across the cornea and the ability of the molecules to reach and penetrate into the lens. The ovine lens Ca²⁺-induced opacification (OLCO) model in this thesis has provided a model to understand the role of Ca²⁺ homeostasis in lens transparency. With sustained intracellular Ca²⁺ level, the degradation of cytoskeletal elements is highly correlated with calpain activity. Cataractogenesis is the pathological response to the loss of lens Ca²⁺ homeostasis in this model. The current results support the hypothesis that the deregulation of calpain activity is a trigger for a series of cascading events, leading to death of the cells in the lens.

Caractérisation d'une entité neurologique émergente au sein du cheptel ovin québécois

Ruel, Hélène L.M. 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à caractériser le «crampage», une entité relativement nouvelle dans l’industrie ovine au Québec. Les signes cliniques se manifestent au pas, par une hyperflexion (hanche, grasset, jarret), d’un ou des deux membres pelviens. Cinq agneaux naturellement affectés et cinq agneaux appariés cliniquement normaux ont été soumis à des examens physique, neurologique et orthopédique, à des techniques d’imagerie avancée (tomodensitométrie, résonance magnétique), à des tests électrodiagnostiques (électromyogramme, vitesses de conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive) puis à une nécropsie. Des hématologies, biochimies ainsi que des analyses du liquide céphalorachidien ont également été réalisées. Les résultats ont été comparés entre les groupes (affectés/cliniquement normaux). Il a été constaté à la tomodensitométrie que la surface du canal vertébral mesurée au niveau de la deuxième vertèbre lombaire était inférieure dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.045). Aucune répercussion n’a été constatée sur le segment de moelle épinière correspondant. La racine S2, quant à elle, était plus grêle dans le groupe des agneaux affectés (p=0.01). À l’issue de cette étude, une cause orthopédique, musculaire ou neurologique consécutive à une lésion structurale de la moelle épinière a été écartée. Il pourrait s‘agir d’une atteinte sensitive de la racine S2 altérant la sensation dans le membre affecté, toutefois, une anomalie fonctionnelle cérébrale ou de la moelle épinière dans le renflement lombaire, est également à considérer. Sans anomalie musculaire, l’appellation «crampage» est inexacte. Nous proposons de la remplacer par des termes plus descriptifs comme «syndrome d’hyperflexion» ou «high stepping gait». / This study aims to characterize "crampage" [cramping] a relatively new condition in the sheep industry in Quebec. This condition is easily recognized by the particular gait displayed by affected sheep, characterized by a hyperflexion (hip, stifle, hock) of one or both pelvic limbs while walking. Five naturally-affected and 5 clinically normal lambs, matched by age and weight, were subjected to physical, neurological and orthopedic examinations followed by advanced imaging (CT, MRI), and electrodiagnostic testing (electromyogram, motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities). Complete blood count, serum biochemistries and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were also performed. At the study’s completion, the lambs were humanely euthanazied and necropsied. The cross-sectional area of the vertebral canal on CT images, at the level of the second lumbar vertebra, was smaller in the affected group compared to clinically normal lambs (p = 0.045). No associated change was observed in the corresponding spinal cord segment. In addition, the S2 nerve root was narrower in the affected group (p = 0.01). This study excludes a musculoskeletal origin for this problem. A spinal cord lesion was also excluded as an etiology for this condition. A sensory impairment of the S2 nerve root, altering the sensation of the affected limb, may serve as the underlying cause. A cerebral or a functional abnormality in the lumbar intumescence could also be considered. Without an obvious muscular abnormality, the lay term "crampage" is inaccurate. We propose more descriptive terminology, such as "hyperflexion syndrome" or "high stepping gait".

Modelos para a produção de eritropoietina recombinante humana in vivo e in vitro com vetores plasmideais em ovinos / Models for the production of human recombinant erythropoietin in vivo and in vitro with plasmidial vectors in ovine

Giassetti, Mariana Ianello 24 February 2011 (has links)
Para produção de biofármacos protéicos, como a eritropoietina recombinante humana (EPOrh), são necessárias alterações pós-traducionais adequadas que garantam a sua especificidade e atividade biológica. Essas características são obtidas apenas em biorretores baseados em células eucarióticas, como as da glândula mamária. Sistemas baseados nesse tipo celular, tanto in vivo quanto in vitro, já são utilizados para produção estratégica e viável de proteínas recombinantes biologicamente ativas. Assim, tanto o estabelecimento de novas linhagens de células mamárias que apresentem boa expressão protéica quanto o desenvolvimento de sistemas in vivo que utilizem a estrutura da glândula mamária para essa produção de proteínas recombinantes são de grande valia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar dois métodos de estabelecimento de uma cultura de células de glândula mamárias ovinas, enzimático e não enzimático, e verificar sua capacidade de expressão das proteínas do leite β-lactoglobulina, α-caseína, β-caseína e κ-caseína mediante o tratamento com SFB (soro fetal bovino) ou SOL (soro de ovelha lactante), na presença ou não de Matrigel. Para isso, foi realizado um experimento in vitro, no qual foi estabelecido o cultivo celular até a passagem 12 (P12) de duas linhagens celulares: digerida (LD) e não digerida (LND). Para a LD na P12 foi observado apenas um tipo celular, o qual era positivo para a marcação com vimentina. Essa linhagem apresentou expressão gênica de β-caseína e β-lactoglobulina apenas quando tratada com meio de cultivo acrescido de SFB, sendo a expressão inferior (P=0,001) ao grupo da LND submetido ao mesmo tratamento. Já a LND, quando tratada com meio adicionado com SFB expressou κ-caseína além da β-caseína e β-lactoglobulina. A troca do SFB do meio de cultivo por SOL aumentou a expressão gênica de β-lactoglobulina (P=0,001) para ambas linhagens. Foi realizada a curva de crescimento para LD e LND na P12 com o meio de cultivo acrescido com SFB ou SOL. Para a LND observou-se o efeito do meio na velocidade de crescimento celular, sendo que foi maior para o grupo tratado com SFB (P<0,05). Para a LD, não ocorreu o efeito do meio na velocidade de crescimento celular (P>0,05), não sendo observada diferença com a LND tratada com SOL (P>0,05). A LND apresentou marcação positiva para a presença de vimentina e citoqueratina. Este trabalho visou, ainda, estabelecer um sistema de produção da EPOrh no leite de ovelhas não transgênicas pela técnica de infusão intra-mamária in vivo de dois plasmídeos diferentes e verificar a secreção qualitativa desta proteína por Western-blotting. Assim, foi feito um experimento in vivo no qual glândulas mamárias de ovelhas foram transfectadas com dois plasmídeos diferentes: ALAC (n=2), BGL (n=2) e controle negativo (n=2). Após a infusão dos plasmídeos, foi realizada a eletroporação de cada teto (3 choques de 500 volts com a duração de 15ms cada, sendo realizada a inversão da polaridade). Os animais foram ordenhados durante 20 dias após a transfecção, porém não foi possível detectar a presença de EPOrh nas amostras de leite analisadas. O limiar de detecção do teste utilizado foi de 67,5pg de EPOrh (Eritromax®) em leite controle negativo de ovelha. Concluindo, foi possível estabelecer o cultivo in vitro das LD e LND com capacidade de expressar proteínas do leite, sendo a expressão da β-lactoglobulina aumentada pelo tratamento com SOL. Ambas as linhagens apresentaram marcação positiva para vimentina, mas apenas LND para citoqueratina. Ainda, para o experimento in vivo, não foi possível detectar a expressão de EPOrh no leite das ovelhas transfectadas com os plasmídeos ALAC e BGL. / Some post-translational modifications are necessary for the production of biopharmaceutical proteins, such as recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO), with a good specific action and a high biological activity. These modifications are obtained only by bioreactors based on eukaryotic cell as mammary cells. Bioreactors, in vivo or in vitro, with this kind of cell have been used for a viable and strategic production of biologically active recombinant proteins. For this reason, the establishment of a new line of mammary cells with high milk protein expression and the development of systems for production of recombinant proteins by the mammary gland in vivo are essential studies. One of the main objectives of this study was to compare two methods, enzymatic and non-enzymatic, to establish ovine mammary cells culture and verify their gene expression of milk proteins such as β-lactoglobulin, α-casein, β-casein and κ-casein with different treatments: LOS (lactating ovine serum) or FBS (fetal bovine serum) added to the culture medium, in the presence or absence of Matrigel®. In this manner, an in vitro study was performed and the culture of two lines were established, digested (DL) and non-digested (NDL), of ovine mammary cell until the passage 12 (P12). In DL was observed just one cellular type that was positive for staining with vimentin. This cell line expressed β-lactoglobulin and β-casein genes with the FBS treatment and without Matrigel. The gene expression was lower (P=0,001) when compared to the NDL under the same conditions of culture. Then, the NDL expressed β-lactoglobulin, β-casein and κ-casein genes when treated with FBS without Matrigel. The treatment with LOS in the culture medium increased the gene expression of β-lactoglobulin for both cell lines. The growth curve was determined with both cell lines in P12 with FBS or LOS treatment. For the NDL, the type of medium had effect on the cell growth speed and was highest with the FBS treatment (P<0,05). However, the medium did not have effect on growth speed of LD (P>0,05) and no difference was observed at the NDL treated with LOS (P>0,05). The NDL was positive for staining with vimentin and cytokeratin. The second main objective of this study was to establish an in vivo system for the production of rhEPO in milk of non-transgenic ewes by the intra-mammary infusion of two different plasmids and verify the qualitative milk secretion of this protein by western-blotting. In this way, in the in vivo experiment ovine mammary glands were transfected with two different plasmids: ALAC (n=2), BGL (n=2) and negative control (n=2). Each half udder was filled with plasmid solution and three 3 electric pulses of 500 volts were applied for 15ms each, followed by another three pulses with reversed polarity. The three animals were milked for 20 days after transfection, nevertheless it was not possible to identify rhEPO in any milk sample. The test threshold to identify rhEPO (Eritromax®) in milk from a negative control animal was 67,5pg. In conclusion, the in vitro culture of NDL and DL was established up to the P12 with expression of milk protein and the LOS treatment increased the expression of β-lactoglobulin. The two cell lines culture were positive for staining of vimentina but only NDL was positive for cytokeratin. In the in vivo experiment, rhEPO secretion was not detected in the milk from ewes transfected with ALAC and BGL plasmids.

Avaliação in vitro de leguminosas taniníferas tropicais para mitigação de metano entérico / In vitro evaluation of the taninniferous tropical legumes in order to mitigate enteric methane

Longo, Cibele 03 August 2007 (has links)
Os animais contribuem para o aumento da concentração de metano na atmosfera através da fermentação de tanques de esterco e da fermentação do trato digestivo (fermentação entérica). A fermentação entérica dos ruminantes, pseudo-ruminantes (cavalos, asno, mulas) e não ruminantes produzem em média 80 Tg/ano de metano e representam 28 % do metano antropogênico global emitido, dos quais 95 % provêm dos ruminantes. Os objetivos destes trabalhos foram (i) rastrear novos materiais com potencial forrageiro que contenham tanino e que promovam redução de metano entérico; (ii) estudar a influência dessas plantas sobre a produção de metano e parâmetros fermentativos in vitro; e (iii) estudar a influência dessas plantas sobre a população de Fibrobacter succinogenes e a comunidade metanogênica no meio de fermentação. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de capítulos, sendo o primeiro objetivo descrito no Capítulo 3, no qual é descrita a caracterização das leguminosas taniníferas Styzolobium aterrimum (STA), Styzolobium deeringianum (STD), Leucaena leucocephala(LEU), Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth (MIC). Estas plantas foram avaliadas pela composição química e quantificação de compostos fenólicos e bioensaio até 96 h de incubação in vitro; tendo Cynodon x cynodon (CYN) como controle para avaliar a produção de gás potencial (A), a fase lag (L), a taxa fraccional de fermentação (\'mü\') e o incremento de gás devido à adição de PEG após 8, 24 e 48 h de incubação nas cinco plantas. As leguminosas tiveram melhor desempenho fermentativo que a gramínea, com exceção de MIC. Entretanto, a fermentação de todas leguminosas foi limitada diferentemente pela presença de tanino, da fibra indigestível ou pela ação aditiva de ambos. Entre todas as plantas, LEU mostrou ser uma forragem de boa qualidade para suplementação protéica em dietas de ovinos, assim como STA e STD, contanto que para estas haja um melhor manejo de produção para evitar o alto conteúdo de fibras, especialmente de FDA. MIC poderia ser incluído na dieta de ovinos em baixa concentração, não com a finalidade principal de suplementação protéica, mas explorando esta leguminosa como aditivo para mitigação de metano. No Capítulo 4 são apresentados os resultados de outro ensaio in vitro (segundo objetivo). A técnica in vitro de produção de gás foi utilizada para avaliar as quatro leguminosas taniníferas (STA, STD, LEU e MIC) e o CYN como controle em dois horários, no t1/2 (tempo para obtenção da metade da GP) e após 24 h de incubação, medindo a produção total de gás, metano, amônia, ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), massa microbiana (MM) e a degradabilidade verdadeira da matéria seca (VDMS). A produção de metano em t1/2 foi reduzida (P < 0,05) com adição das leguminosas em 17% e quando relacionado à VDMS, esta redução alcançou em média 50% com LEU e STA e 37% com MIC e STD. LEU e STA causaram aumento significante na MM seguida por STD, MIC e CYN. A relação MM/SCFA em t1/2 foram maiores para LEU (14,7) e STA (14,1) seguida por STD (6,1), MIC (5,6) e CYN (4,6). A maior MM para LEU e STA sugere uma produção de ATP maior, porém, as diferentes proporções de AGCC demonstraram diferentes rotas de aquisição de ATP. O Capítulo 5 se refere à quantificação de linhagens de bactéria ruminal, a qual foi realizada utilizando primers específicos para detecção de seqüências de gene 16S rDNA para metanogênicas e para a bactéria celulolítica Fibrobacter succinogenes através da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qPCR). Foi também investigado a influência das leguminosas na comunidade metanogênica através da eletroforese em gel com gradiente denaturante (DGGE) de seqüências de gene 16S rDNA. As metanogênicas em t1/2 foram 2,0 e 0,9 vezes menores que com STA e LEU comparadas com o controle, mas foram 2,5 e 0,5 vezes maiores com MIC e STD. A população de F.succinogenes foi 2,3 e 1,8 vezes menores do que o controle quando LEU e STA foram incubadas. A análise de DGGE para metanogênicas resultou em diferente distribuição de bandas com os tratamentos. CYN apresentou algumas bandas mais fortes, as quais se tornaram fracas com as leguminosas, exceto em STA. Algumas bandas tanto desapareceram, como em LEU, STA e MIC, ou se tornaram mais fracas, especialmente em STA. MIC apresentou ligeiro aumento no número de bandas fracas. É confirmado que as plantas taniníferas estudadas foram capazes de reduzir a emissão de metano com diferentes proporções dos produtos finais de fermentação, afetando negativamente a população de F. succinogenes e causando alterações na estrutura da comunidade metanogênicas / Animals contribute to increasing the methane concentration in the atmosphere through the fermentation of livestock manure and the fermentation in the digestive tract, e.g, enteric fermentation. The enteric fermentation of ruminants, pseudoruminants (horses, donkeys, mules) and non-ruminants produce an average of 80 Tg/year of methane and comprise 28 % of global anthropogenic methane emission, from which 95% arise from ruminants. The aims of this study were (i) to scan new potential forage containing tannin, which may reduce enteric methane emission; (ii) to study the influence of those plants on methane production and fermentative parameters in vitro; (iii) to study the influence of those plants on the population of Fibrobacter succinogenes and the methanogen community in the fermentation fluid. The results are presented in the form of chapters, being the first objective studied described in the Chapter 3, in which refers to the characterization of the tannin-rich legumes Styzolobium aterrimum (STA), Styzolobium deeringianum (STD), Leucaena leucocephala(LEU), Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth (MIC). They were appraised for the chemical composition, quantification of phenolic compounds and bioassay up to 96 h in vitro incubation using Cynondon x cynodon (CYN) as control, to evaluate the potential gas production, (A), lag phase (L), fractional rate of gas production (\'mü\') and the gas increment due to PEG addition after 8, 24 and 48 h incubation of the five plants. Legumes showed better fermentative performance (except MIC) than the grass. However, each legumes fermentation was limited diferently by the presence of condensed tannin or the indigestible fiber or by the additive action of both. Among the plants, LEU showed good quality forage for protein supplementation in sheep diets as well as STA and STD as long there is an agriculture management to reduce indigestible fiber, specially ADF. MIC could be included in a sheep diet in low concentration, aiming not the protein supplementation, but exploiting it as an additive to methane mitigation. In Chapter 4 the second object is discussed describing an in vitro gas test to evaluate the four tannin-rich legumes (STA, STD, LEU and MIC), and CYN as control at two main time points: t1/2 (time of half maximal gas production) and 24 h, measuring total gas production , methane, ammonia, short chain fatty acids (SCFA), microbial mass growth (MM) and true substrate degradability (TSD). Methane production at t1/2 was reduced (P < 0.05) with addition of legumes by 17 % but when related to TSD this reduction reached on average 50 % with LEU and STA and 37% with MIC and STD. LEU and STA caused a significant increase in MM followed by STD, MIC, and CYN. Additionally, high MM/SCFA ratios in t1/2 were found in LEU (14.7) and STA (14.1) and followed by STD (6.1), MIC (5.6) and CYN (4.6). The higher MM in LEU and STA suggested higher ATP production; however, the different proportion of the SCFA demonstrated different routes of ATP acquisition. Chapter 5 refers to the quantification of specific strains of rumen bacteria, which was performed using designed primers for detecting 16S rDNA gene sequences for methanogens and the cellulolytic bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Also, the influence of those four legumes on the methanogenic community was investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA gene. Methanogens at t1/2 were 2.0 fold and 0.9 fold lower with STA and LEU compared to the control, but they were 2.5 fold and 0.5 fold higher with MIC and STD. F. succinogenes population was 2.3 and 1.8 fold lower than the control when LEU and STA was applied. DGGE analysis of the methanogenic population resulted in different band patterns with treatments. CYN presented some strong bands, which became weaker with the legumes, except in STA. Some bands either disappeared, as in LEU, STA and MIC, or became weaker, especially in STA. MIC increased slightly the number of weak bands. It is confirmed that the studied taninniferous plants were able to reduce enteric methane with different fermentation products proportions, as well negatively affected F. succinogenes population and caused changes in the methanogenic community structure

Impact de l’infection par le sérotype 8 du virus de la Fièvre Catarrhale Ovine (BTV-8) chez le caprin (Capra hircus) / Impact of Bluetongue Virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) in goats (Capra hircus)

Belbis, Guillaume 15 September 2015 (has links)
La Fièvre Catarrhale Ovine est une arbovirose due à un Orbivirus touchant les ruminants. Récemment, une épizootie majeure, notamment due au sérotype 8 du virus (BTV-8), a touché les ruminants Européens. Ce sérotype a présenté plusieurs particularités telles que le spectre d’hôte original, et la transmission transplacentaire. L’impact de l’infection par le BTV-8 chez le caprin a été étudiée dans ce travail d’un point de vue clinique, virologique, hématologique et sérologique, et notamment pour ce dernier aspect à travers le développement de deux outils sérologiques. L’impact d’une infection maternelle sur le fœtus a également été étudié.Ces travaux ont confirmé que l’impact de l’infection par le BTV-8 chez les caprins est modéré, tant d’un point de vue clinique que d’un point de vue hématologique. Ce travail a également permis de faire ressortir plusieurs connaissances nouvelles: un impact modéré sur les comptages leucocytaires ; une transmission transplacentaire du virus lors d’infection en milieu de gestation ; une détection du virus dans la semence ; une possible transmission « directe », non vectorielle.Ces 3 dernières constatations n’avaient jusqu’alors pas été rapportées dans la littérature chez les caprins, mais avaient été observées chez les ovins et les bovins. Ceci confirme que, même si les caprins sont des animaux sensibles mais que l’impact clinique est limité, la plupart des caractéristiques faisant la spécificité de l’infection par la souche européenne du BTV-8 peuvent également être retrouvées dans cette espèce. Néanmoins, l’absence de description de ces particularités dans des conditions d’infection naturelle ne permet pas de conclure quant à leur impact sur le terrain.Des outils sérologiques ont été également développés afin d’étudier les propriétés antigéniques des protéines virales chez le caprin. La production des protéines recombinantes NS1, NS3, VP7 et VP2 en système baculovirus, et de la protéine NS2 en système E. coli, ont permis l’obtention de protéines recombinantes. Ces 5 protéines recombinantes ont permis le développement de tests sérologiques permettant d’étudier leurs propriétés antigéniques et la cinétique d’apparition des anticorps après vaccination ou/et infection par le BTV-8 chez le caprin.Dans un premier temps, des tests ELISA indirect NS1, NS2, NS3, VP7 et VP2 ont été développés, et la capacité des tests ELISA NS et VP7 à permettre une différenciation entre les animaux infectés et vaccinés a été évaluée. Cependant, des anticorps anti-NS2 et NS3 ont été détectés dans les sérums d’animaux vaccinés et une faible réponse obtenue en ELISA NS1 chez les animaux infectés rend difficile l’utilisation d’un test ELISA DIVA basé sur ces 3 protéines non structurales. Enfin, une réponse en anticorps anti-VP2 est détectée par le test ELISA VP2 après vaccination et après épreuve virulente, suggérant une détection d’anticorps spécifiques de type par ce test.Dans un second temps, un test Luminex multiplex, basé sur l’utilisation des protéines VP7 et VP2 a été développé. Le Luminex VP7 présente une très bonne corrélation avec l’ELISA VP7 lorsque les sérums d’animaux infectés sont testés, avec une aire sous la courbe de 0,987. Les performances de ce test paraissent cependant modérées lorsque des sérums issus d’animaux ayant reçu une unique injection vaccinale sont testés. Le Luminex VP2 présente des performances également excellentes, avec une aire sous la courbe de 0,978. Les VPP et VPN ont été calculées pour des prévalences très faibles (0,5%, correspondant à la prévalence devant être détectée par le screening sérologique d’animaux sentinelles) : la VPP est alors très faible mais la VPN est très élevée (99,99% pour VP7, 99,95% pour VP2). Le test Luminex multiplex développé, caractérisé par une VPN très élevée, permet d’exclure avec confiance la présence du BTV-8 dans une région indemne lors de résultat négatif, correspondant parfaitement aux objectifs assignés. / Bluetongue is an infectious non contagious arbovirosis caused by Bluetongue virus (BTV), belonging to the genus Orbivirus. Recently, a major epizooty, due to BTV-8, was encountered in European ruminants. This serotype presented several original features such as an original host spectrum and transplacental transmission. This work consisted in studying the impact of BTV-8 infection in goats from a clinical, virological, haematological and serological (after development of two new serological tests) point of view, because of the lack of knowledge in this specie. The impact on foetuses of infection during gestation was also studied.The different animal studies realised confirmed that the BTV-8 infection has a moderate impact in goats from a clinical and haematological point of view. These studies led to obtain new information about BTV-8 impact: moderate impact on leucocytes counts; transplacental transmission of the virus when infection occurs in mid-pregnancy; detection of BTV-8 in bucks’ semen; direct, non vectorial transmission. The last 3 results had never been described in goats with BTV-8 before but had been encountered in sheep and cattle: it proves that, even if goats are susceptible to the infection but are less affected by the virus, most of feature of BTV-8 North European strain can also be encountered in this specie. However, these features have not been described in natural conditions, making impossible to conclude on their impact in the field.In a second part of this thesis, serological tool have been developed in order to study antigenic properties of viral proteins in goats. Recombinant proteins NS1, NS3, VP7 and VP2 were produced in baculovirus system, while NS2 was produced in E. coli system. These recombinant proteins were used to develop serological test in order to study antigenic properties and the kinetic of antibodies response against this 5 proteins after vaccination against and infection by BTV-8 in goats.In a first part, indirect ELISA NS1, NS2, NS3, VP7 and VP2 were developed, and the opportunity to develop DIVA ELISA test using NS and VP ELISA was evaluated. However, detection of antibodies against NS2 and NS3 in vaccinated animals, and the difficulties to detect antibodies against NS1 in infected animals led us to conclude that a DIVA ELISA test using non-structural proteins was difficult. Finally, it was possible to detect antibodies against VP2 in infected and vaccinated animals using our VP2 ELISA, suggesting a detection of antibodies specific of serotype by this test.In a second part, a multiplex Luminex test, using VP7 and VP2, was developed. This test has, for VP7 detection, a strong correlation with cELISA VP7, with an area under the curve of 0.987. Luminex VP7 performance is moderate when sera from goats having only one vaccine administration were tested. Concerning Luminex VP2, test performance are also excellent with an area under the curve of 0.978. When a prevalence of 0.5% was applied (prevalence that should be detected by serological screening in Europe), de predictive negative value was very high (99.99% for Luminex VP7; 99.95% for Luminex VP2). The Luminex test developed, with a very high PNV, can exclude with a high level of confidence the presence of BTV-8 in a free-area.

Modelos para a produção de eritropoietina recombinante humana in vivo e in vitro com vetores plasmideais em ovinos / Models for the production of human recombinant erythropoietin in vivo and in vitro with plasmidial vectors in ovine

Mariana Ianello Giassetti 24 February 2011 (has links)
Para produção de biofármacos protéicos, como a eritropoietina recombinante humana (EPOrh), são necessárias alterações pós-traducionais adequadas que garantam a sua especificidade e atividade biológica. Essas características são obtidas apenas em biorretores baseados em células eucarióticas, como as da glândula mamária. Sistemas baseados nesse tipo celular, tanto in vivo quanto in vitro, já são utilizados para produção estratégica e viável de proteínas recombinantes biologicamente ativas. Assim, tanto o estabelecimento de novas linhagens de células mamárias que apresentem boa expressão protéica quanto o desenvolvimento de sistemas in vivo que utilizem a estrutura da glândula mamária para essa produção de proteínas recombinantes são de grande valia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar dois métodos de estabelecimento de uma cultura de células de glândula mamárias ovinas, enzimático e não enzimático, e verificar sua capacidade de expressão das proteínas do leite &beta;-lactoglobulina, &alpha;-caseína, &beta;-caseína e &kappa;-caseína mediante o tratamento com SFB (soro fetal bovino) ou SOL (soro de ovelha lactante), na presença ou não de Matrigel. Para isso, foi realizado um experimento in vitro, no qual foi estabelecido o cultivo celular até a passagem 12 (P12) de duas linhagens celulares: digerida (LD) e não digerida (LND). Para a LD na P12 foi observado apenas um tipo celular, o qual era positivo para a marcação com vimentina. Essa linhagem apresentou expressão gênica de &beta;-caseína e &beta;-lactoglobulina apenas quando tratada com meio de cultivo acrescido de SFB, sendo a expressão inferior (P=0,001) ao grupo da LND submetido ao mesmo tratamento. Já a LND, quando tratada com meio adicionado com SFB expressou &kappa;-caseína além da &beta;-caseína e &beta;-lactoglobulina. A troca do SFB do meio de cultivo por SOL aumentou a expressão gênica de &beta;-lactoglobulina (P=0,001) para ambas linhagens. Foi realizada a curva de crescimento para LD e LND na P12 com o meio de cultivo acrescido com SFB ou SOL. Para a LND observou-se o efeito do meio na velocidade de crescimento celular, sendo que foi maior para o grupo tratado com SFB (P&lt;0,05). Para a LD, não ocorreu o efeito do meio na velocidade de crescimento celular (P&gt;0,05), não sendo observada diferença com a LND tratada com SOL (P&gt;0,05). A LND apresentou marcação positiva para a presença de vimentina e citoqueratina. Este trabalho visou, ainda, estabelecer um sistema de produção da EPOrh no leite de ovelhas não transgênicas pela técnica de infusão intra-mamária in vivo de dois plasmídeos diferentes e verificar a secreção qualitativa desta proteína por Western-blotting. Assim, foi feito um experimento in vivo no qual glândulas mamárias de ovelhas foram transfectadas com dois plasmídeos diferentes: ALAC (n=2), BGL (n=2) e controle negativo (n=2). Após a infusão dos plasmídeos, foi realizada a eletroporação de cada teto (3 choques de 500 volts com a duração de 15ms cada, sendo realizada a inversão da polaridade). Os animais foram ordenhados durante 20 dias após a transfecção, porém não foi possível detectar a presença de EPOrh nas amostras de leite analisadas. O limiar de detecção do teste utilizado foi de 67,5pg de EPOrh (Eritromax&reg;) em leite controle negativo de ovelha. Concluindo, foi possível estabelecer o cultivo in vitro das LD e LND com capacidade de expressar proteínas do leite, sendo a expressão da &beta;-lactoglobulina aumentada pelo tratamento com SOL. Ambas as linhagens apresentaram marcação positiva para vimentina, mas apenas LND para citoqueratina. Ainda, para o experimento in vivo, não foi possível detectar a expressão de EPOrh no leite das ovelhas transfectadas com os plasmídeos ALAC e BGL. / Some post-translational modifications are necessary for the production of biopharmaceutical proteins, such as recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO), with a good specific action and a high biological activity. These modifications are obtained only by bioreactors based on eukaryotic cell as mammary cells. Bioreactors, in vivo or in vitro, with this kind of cell have been used for a viable and strategic production of biologically active recombinant proteins. For this reason, the establishment of a new line of mammary cells with high milk protein expression and the development of systems for production of recombinant proteins by the mammary gland in vivo are essential studies. One of the main objectives of this study was to compare two methods, enzymatic and non-enzymatic, to establish ovine mammary cells culture and verify their gene expression of milk proteins such as &beta;-lactoglobulin, &alpha;-casein, &beta;-casein and &kappa;-casein with different treatments: LOS (lactating ovine serum) or FBS (fetal bovine serum) added to the culture medium, in the presence or absence of Matrigel&reg;. In this manner, an in vitro study was performed and the culture of two lines were established, digested (DL) and non-digested (NDL), of ovine mammary cell until the passage 12 (P12). In DL was observed just one cellular type that was positive for staining with vimentin. This cell line expressed &beta;-lactoglobulin and &beta;-casein genes with the FBS treatment and without Matrigel. The gene expression was lower (P=0,001) when compared to the NDL under the same conditions of culture. Then, the NDL expressed &beta;-lactoglobulin, &beta;-casein and &kappa;-casein genes when treated with FBS without Matrigel. The treatment with LOS in the culture medium increased the gene expression of &beta;-lactoglobulin for both cell lines. The growth curve was determined with both cell lines in P12 with FBS or LOS treatment. For the NDL, the type of medium had effect on the cell growth speed and was highest with the FBS treatment (P&lt;0,05). However, the medium did not have effect on growth speed of LD (P&gt;0,05) and no difference was observed at the NDL treated with LOS (P&gt;0,05). The NDL was positive for staining with vimentin and cytokeratin. The second main objective of this study was to establish an in vivo system for the production of rhEPO in milk of non-transgenic ewes by the intra-mammary infusion of two different plasmids and verify the qualitative milk secretion of this protein by western-blotting. In this way, in the in vivo experiment ovine mammary glands were transfected with two different plasmids: ALAC (n=2), BGL (n=2) and negative control (n=2). Each half udder was filled with plasmid solution and three 3 electric pulses of 500 volts were applied for 15ms each, followed by another three pulses with reversed polarity. The three animals were milked for 20 days after transfection, nevertheless it was not possible to identify rhEPO in any milk sample. The test threshold to identify rhEPO (Eritromax&reg;) in milk from a negative control animal was 67,5pg. In conclusion, the in vitro culture of NDL and DL was established up to the P12 with expression of milk protein and the LOS treatment increased the expression of &beta;-lactoglobulin. The two cell lines culture were positive for staining of vimentina but only NDL was positive for cytokeratin. In the in vivo experiment, rhEPO secretion was not detected in the milk from ewes transfected with ALAC and BGL plasmids.

Efeito da adição de gema de ovo no diluente de Kenney para o resfriamento de sêmen ovino / Effect of the addition of egg yolk to the kenney extender for the cooling of ram semen

Francisco Ayres de Oliveira Neto 30 October 2012 (has links)
Entre as biotécnicas da reprodução, a inseminação artificial (IA) é a que proporciona maior amplitude de resultados nos programas de melhoramento genético animal. A adequada seleção dos atributos produtivos e reprodutivos de fêmeas e principalmente dos machos é a base essencial para a maximização do potencial dessa técnica. O sêmen para IA pode ser fresco, fresco diluído, refrigerado e congelado. Os diluidores têm papel fundamental na expansão do volume seminal, permitindo seu fracionamento na preservação do sêmen no processo de refrigeração, eles devem ser atóxicos, ter pH e pressão osmótica compatíveis com a sobrevivência espermática, de baixo custo e fácil preparo. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a conservação de sêmen ovino resfriado com diluente de Kenney (K) ou diluente de Kenney mais gema de ovo (KG) por até 48 horas. Foram utilizados quatro carneiros, sendo feitas 40 colheitas. Logo após o sêmen era dividido em duas alíquotas uma com o diluente de K e outra alíquota com diluente de KG. As amostras foram resfriadas à 10ºC. As análises subjetivas usuais foram feitas nos tempos 0, 24 e 48 horas. Estas análises incluíram turbilhonamento, motilidade e vigor. Foram feitas também análises de testes funcionais como a avaliação da integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal através das colorações de eosina-nigrosina e técnica da coloração Fast Green / Rosa Bengala (POPE, 1991) respectivamente, avaliação da atividade citoquímica mitocondrial através da coloração de diaminobenzidina (DAB) e avaliação da susceptibilidade do espermatozóide ao estresse oxidativo através da avaliação dos níveis de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico após a incubação com sistema gerador constituído de sulfato de ferro e ascorbato. Neste trabalho o tempo afetou significativamente a motilidade e o vigor espermático, caindo de 79,16±1,41 para 40,25±2,55 após 48hs e de 3,92±0,06, para 2,57±0,10 após 48hs respectivamente. O tempo influenciou também a integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, fazendo com que houvesse uma queda gradativa nas integridades (0hs=95,75±0,36, 24hs=90,69±0,99, 48hs=86,11±1,45) e (0hs=90,34±0,80, 24hs=84,33±1,30, 48hs=76.67±1,69) respectivamente. Foi possível observar também que ao longo do tempo houve uma diminuição da atividade mitocondrial e um aumento nas espécies reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), que diferiu do tempo 0hs para o tempo 48hs (807,42±39.22 e 937,76 ± 41,87). Verificou-se ainda que o meio K apresentou maiores valores de vigor do que o meio KG (p=0,0144), e que o meio K foi capaz de preservar melhor a atividade mitocondrial P=0,0005. A concentração de TBARS no diluente K correlacionou-se negativamente com as variáveis motilidade, vigor, integridade de membrana plasmática e acrossomal. No diluente KG as correlações do TBARS e DAB III foram positiva (r=0,35), demonstrando que quanto maior a quantidade de células com baixa atividade mitocondrial, maior a concentração de TBARS. Foi também encontrada uma correlação negativa entre a variável integridade de acrossomo (ACRO) e TBARS (r=-0,40; P=0,0001), mostrando que quanto menor a porcentagem de células com acrossomo integro, maior a concentração de substancias reativas ao acido tiobarbitúrico. Concluindo que o diluente K foi eficaz em preservar as características seminais de ovino por até 48 horas e que a adição da gema de ovo ao diluente de Kenney não foi capaz de melhorar estas características. / Among the reproductive biotechniques routinely used in animal production, the artificial insemination (AI) is known to provide a greater gain in genetic improvement programs. The adequate selection of female and especially male productive and reproductive traits is the keystone to maximize the potential of this technique. Semen used for AI can be used fresh diluted or not, chilled and frozen. An essential role is played by semen extenders on volume expansion, allowing not only the fractioning in multiple insemination doses, but also the maintenance of sperm fertilizing potential. Therefore, for semen fractioning, chilling or cryopreservation, extenders are required to be atoxic, must maintain pH and osmolarity compatible to the sperm survival, and should be preferably inexpensive and easy to prepare. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate chilled ram semen using the Kenney extender (K) of the Kenney extender with egg yolk (KG) for 48 h. Forty ejaculates of four rams were (n=40) were used. Samples were equally divided into two aliquots and extended in K extender and KG extender. Samples were chilled at 10ºC and evaluated immediately after chilling (0h), 24 and 48 h later. These analyses included gross motility (swirl pattern), individual motility and vigor. Functional test analyses such as evaluation of plasma membrane integrity using the eosin-nigrosin staining technique, acrosome integrity using the fast green / bengal rose staining method (POPE, 1991), mitochondrial cytochemical activity evaluation utilizing diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining and assessment of sperm susceptibility to the oxidative stress based the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances after the incubation with ferrous sulphate and ascorbate (TBARS) were performed. In this study, a significant influence of chilling period was found for spermatic motility and vigor dropping from 79.16±1.41 to 40.25±2.55 after 48 hours and from 3.92±0.06 to 2.57±0.10 after 48 hours, respectively. Time also negatively influenced the integrity of plasma and acrosomal membrane (0hr=95.75±0.36, 24hrs=90.69±0.99, 48hrs=86.11±1.45; and 0hr=90.34±0.80, 24hrs=84.33±1.30, 48hrs=76.67±1.69, respectively). Also, during the course of time there was a decrease in mitochondrial activity and an increase in TBARS, with an increase from moment 0 to 48 hrs (807.42 ± 39.22 and 937.76 ± 41.87). It was also found that the medium K had greater values of vigor than the medium KG (p=0.0144), and that the medium K was capable of better preserve mitochondrial activity (P=0.0005). A negative correlation was found between the TBARS concentration with motility and vigor and plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity when samples were stored with the extender K. In the KG extender, the TBARS and DAB III correlations were positive (r=0, 35) indicating that showing that the greater the number of cells with low mitochondrial activity, the higher the TBARS concentration. Also, a negative correlation between the acrosomal integrity variable (ACRO) and TBARS (r=-0, 40; P=0,0001) was found, which demonstrates that the lower the percentage of cells with intact acrosomal, the higher the susceptibility to the oxidative stress. Therefore, results indicated that the K extender was effective in preserve the seminal characteristics of ovine for 48 hours and the addition of egg yolk to kenney extender was not capable of improving such characteristics.

Insectes et maladies émergentes : contacts hôte/Culicoides en région paléarctique et leurs implications dans la transmission de la fièvre catarrhale ovine

Viennet, Elvina 28 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La découverte du rôle des insectes en tant que vecteurs de pathogènes, établi depuis plus d'un siècle, a été l'élément moteur de la discipline " entomologie médicale et vétérinaire ". Malgré le succès de nombreuses campagnes de prévention et de programmes de lutte, nous assistons depuis une trentaine d'années à l'émergence et à la recrudescence de maladies à transmission vectorielle. Le virus de la fièvre catarrhale ovine (FCO) (Reoviridae : Orbivirus) est un très bon exemple de virus émergent en Europe dont les mécanismes de transmission sont encore peu connus dans cette région. Ce virus est transmis par des moucherons hématophages du genre Culicoides (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) aux ruminants sauvages et domestiques. En Europe, la FCO a été pendant longtemps considérée comme une maladie exotique. À partir de 1998, plusieurs incursions apparaissent dans l'ouest du bassin méditerranéen en lien avec la remontée vers le nord de populations de Culicoides imicola, le principal vecteur afrotropical. À partir d'août 2006, l'apparition et la transmission du sérotype 8 dans le nord de l'Europe, dans des zones où C. imicola est absent, révèle l'importance des espèces autochtones et la nécessité de comprendre leur rôle vecteur. Ce travail s'intéresse aux mécanismes de transmission du virus de la FCO en Europe non méditerranéenne, en i) présentant un état de l'art de la biologie et l'écologie des Culicoides adultes, ii) en évaluant les conditions possibles d'utilisation de pièges pour estimer le taux de piqûre et iii) en décrivant les comportements trophiques pour les espèces d'intérêt vétérinaire.

The relationships between ovarian antral follicle dynamics, luteal function and endocrine variables in ewes

Bartlewski, Pawel Mieczyshaw 01 January 2001 (has links)
Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography and hormone measurements were used to study ovarian antral follicular dynamics and development of luteal structures during the middle portion of the breeding season in non-prolific cross-bred Western white-faced ewes and prolific Finn sheep. Studies were also done on ovarian activity in Western white-faced ewes during the transition to seasonal anoestrus and at the onset of the breeding season. Lastly, two experiments were carried out to examine ovulatory responses and subsequent luteal function in Western white-faced ewes treated with luteolysin (PgF 2á) and progestogen (medroxyprogesterone acetate-MAP) during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle and after ovulation induction with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in mid-anoestrus. The results of the present experiments showed that the growth of ovine antral follicles reaching ovulatory sizes of >=5 mm in diameter occurred in a wave-like pattern throughout the oestrous cycle in both breeds of sheep under study. There were typically 3 or 4 waves of follicle production throughout the 17-day interovulatory period. Ovarian follicular emergence, or beginning of growth from the pool of 3-mm follicles, appeared to be primarily controlled by changes in circulating concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In cyclic ewes, the largest ovarian follicles acquired the ability to secrete oestradiol from the day of emergence and a peak of oestradiol secretion occurred about the time they reached their maximum diameter. The high ovulation rate in prolific Finn sheep appeared to be achieved mainly by the ovulation of follicles emerging in the last two waves of the interovulatory interval. Interestingly, prolific Finn ewes produced more but smaller corpora lutea (CL) and had lower serum concentrations of progesterone during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle as compared to non-prolific Western white-faced ewes. During the transition into seasonal anoestrus in Western white-faced ewes, FSH secretion resembled that during the breeding season but the pattern of emergence of sequential follicular waves was dissociated from FSH and oestradiol secretion. Prior to the first ovulation of the breeding season, there was a distinct elevation in circulating concentrations of progesterone produced by luteinized unovulated follicles and/or interstitial tissue of unknown origin. This increase in serum levels of progesterone, heralding the resumption of ovulatory cycles, did not alter the rhythmic pattern FSH secretion or follicular wave emergence. Treatment of non-prolific Western white-faced ewes with PgF2á and MAP applied late in the oestrous cycle changed follicular dynamics and increased ovulation rate to resemble that in prolific Finn sheep. Effects of MAP on the recruitment and growth of ovulatory follicles in Western white-faced ewes did not have a clear gonadotrophic dependancy, suggesting a possible local regulation of ovarian activity by progestins in ewes. Following the induction of ovulation with GnRH in anoestrous Western white-faced ewes, an array of ovarian responses were detected with ultrasonography, including failure of ovulation of large antral follicles, normal (fall-lifespan) and short-lived CL post-ovulation, and luteinized cystic-like follicles. The normal luteinization of ovulated follicles appeared to be related to the amplitude of episodic elevations in daily serum FSH concentrations before induction of ovulation and characteristics of the preovulatory LH surge.

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