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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den svarthuvade snigelns (Krynickillus melanocephalus) substratpreferens vid äggläggning / Krynickillus melanocephalus substrate preference during oviposition

Brodén, Geir January 2023 (has links)
Krynickillus melanocephalus was first seen in Sweden 2015. It is now labeled as an invasive species and it potentially poses a threat to the ecosystem, but the slug has not yet shown to have great negative impact in gardens and agricultural fields. There is limited ecological knowledge about the species. This study aims to increase the knowledge about habitat preference of the species during oviposition. Fifty slugs were placed in experimental arenas containing four compartments, each containing a different substrate: birch leaves, gravel, potting soil and sphagnum moss. The position of the slugs were recorded daily for three consecutive days. Further, position of laid eggs were recorded at two different times. Slugs showed a preference for leaves at oviposition, and 88 % of the eggs were laid in this substrate, and the fewest eggs were laid in moss (0,6 %). The slugs were found the most in contact with the leaves. The result has expanded our knowledge about the species, which is important to develop ways to hinder and slow down its invasion. Future research about substrate preference in this species should focus on how humidity and temperature may affect the substrate preference, as well as on movement behaviour during oviposition, perhaps by means of PIT telemetry. The study provides practical advice regarding how to deal with garden waste in areas that are inhabited by the species, where, in particular birch leaf compost should not be moved around. / Den svarthuvade snigeln upptäcktes i Sverige först 2015. Nu är den klassad som eninvasiv art och blir ännu ett hot mot våra ekosystem. Den kan även utgöra ett hot motträdgårdsägare, men än så länge har snigeln inte observerats ha åstadkommit störreskada. Arten är relativt okänd och därav är litteraturen väldigt begränsad. Min studiesyftar därför till att öka den ekologiska kunskapen om arten. Preferens föräggläggningssubstrat undersöktes samt föredraget habitat underäggläggningsperioden. Femtio sniglar användes i studien och dessa placerades iexperimentarenor innehållande mindre plastkorgar med fyra olika substrat; björklöv,grus, blomjord och vitmossa. Sniglarnas position observerades vid tre tillfällen undertre dagar och i vilket substrat äggen placerats noterades vid två tillfällen. Sniglarvisade en tydlig preferens för löv som äggläggningssubstrat där proportionen lagdaägg var 0,88. Minst antal ägg fanns i mossan (0,6%). Sniglarna befann sig ocksåoftare i kontakt med lövsubstratet än de andra substraten. Resultatet har berikat vårkunskap om arten, kunskap som är viktig för att utveckla metoder för att bekämpadess spridning. Framtida viktiga studier om artens äggläggning kan inkluderabeskrivning av dess rörelsebeteende med hjälp PIT-telemetri, samt undersökningarom hur olika temperaturer och fukthalter påverkar substratpreferens. Min studie hargett insikt i praktiska implikationer om hur trädgårdsavfall bör hanteras i områdendär arten existerar, specifikt att komposter med björklöv inte bör flyttas runt.

Studies on Conura torvina (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) Reproduction and biology in Relation to Hosts in Brassica Crops

Gaines, David N. 24 January 1997 (has links)
Conura torvina (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) is a solitary pupal endoparasite of numerous insect species. In Brassica crops it acts as a parasite of Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and was found as a hyperparasite of Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and several other parasitoid species. Cotesia rubecula was introduced into Virginia in 1987 as a biological control agent for Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), and because C. torvina was thought to have eliminated this population of C. rubecula, studies of C. torvina's reproductive biology and behavior were initiated. A study using plants laden with "trap hosts" to detect C. torvina activity in the spring indicated no activity until late June, but proved trap host sampling to be an efficient and effective method of monitoring C. torvina activity. Studies of C. torvina's ability to reproduce in C. rubecula pupae of different ages indicated that C. torvina can successfully parasitize pupae at all stages of development, but was most successful in young to middle aged pupae. Studies of C. torvina's host species preference indicated the larger host species such as P. xylostella were preferred. Equal numbers of P. xylostella and C. rubecula were parasitized, but a greater proportion of fertile eggs were laid in P. xylostella. Smaller host species were often ignored. Host dissection studies indicated that caged C. torvina were inefficient at host finding and oviposition. Superparasitism was common, but declined as the females gained oviposition experience. Experienced C. torvina produced an average of 8.25 progenies per day for a period of 12 days when provided with 13 P. xylostella hosts each day. Conura torvina produced up to 14 progenies a day when provided 3 26 hosts. Dissection of C. torvina ovaries indicated three ovarioles per ovary with a mean of 9.2 and maximum of 15 mature eggs per female. Host dissection indicated that a mean of 18 and maximum of 30 eggs could be laid per day. New eggs were produced as oviposition occurred. Significantly larger eggs were laid in P. xylostella than in C. rubecula, and significantly more eggs were laid in C. rubecula than in P. xylostella. From these data and data from earlier studies I concluded that C. torvina has a poor reproductive ability and its impact as a hyperparasite is limited to the summer months. This makes C. torvina an unlikely cause of C. rubecula's disappearance. / Ph. D.

Oviposition cues as a tool for developing a new malaria control strategy

Eneh, Lynda January 2016 (has links)
Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes are among the dominant malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa. However, not much is known about the oviposition behaviour of these species necessary for the development of malaria vector control strategies. With the aim of investigating cues associated with selected oviposition sites, artificial oviposition sites- ponds (soil mixed with water) were set-up in an open field at Mbita, Western Kenya in 2012 and 2013. Ponds were allowed to be colonized by wild An. gambiae s.l.. The numbers of Anopheles early instar larvae were counted and used as a proxy for oviposition preference. Water samples were then analysed for physicochemical, bacterial and chemical profiles. The bacterial profiles were analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and the chemical profiles with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The detection of possible oviposition cues from oviposition substrates requires sensitive analytical methods. Volatiles detection was improved seven times. The detection of bacteria deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bands with DGGE was also improved to a minimum DNA concentration of 50 ng/µl. Results showed that ponds were colonized differently. Fresh ponds were preferred over slightly older ponds. Bacterial analysis revealed a low number of bacteria colony forming units (CFU) in preferred ponds. Some volatiles, including: 6,10-dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one (geranylacetone) and 4-ethylbenzaldehyde, were associated with the oviposition preferred pond. In addition, low pH and high turbidity were associated with the ponds selected for oviposition. Finally, fungi isolated from the rhizomes of nut grass yielded a promising array of volatiles of which one is known to attract oviposition site seeking malaria mosquitoes. This finding opens the door for a cost effective and environmental friendly method of using fungi in an “attract and kill” strategy targeting malaria vectors. / Myggor i Anopheles gambiae sensu lato komplexet tillhör de myggor som är bäst på att sprida malaria parasiter i afrika söder om Sahara. Kunskapen om de här myggornas äggläggningsbeteende är begränsad. Den här kunskapen behövs för att kunna utveckla nya och förbättra tillgängliga malaria vektor kontroll metoder. Nya metoder som kan komplettera de som används idag (insecticides treated nets (ITNs) och indoor residual spraying (IRS)) behövs eftersom de metoderna har problem med resistensutveckling. Två studier utfördes på icipe fältstation i Mbita västra Kenya under 2012 och 2013 med målet att identifiera faktorer som påverkar myggornas äggläggningsbeteende. Baljor fyllda med en blandning av jord och vatten (äggläggningssubstrat) användes för att tillverka artificiella äggläggningsplatser som liknar de vattenpölar som de här myggarterna gärna lägger ägg i. Baljorna koloniserades av vilda myggor och antalet mygglarver som detekterades i baljorna jämfördes och användes som en proxy för äggläggningspreferens. Fysikaliska och kemiska parametrar mättes på jordvattenblandningarna i baljorna och prover togs för att analysera bakteriepopulationer med hjälp av denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) och flyktiga ämnen med hjälp av gas-kromatografi kopplat till mass-spektrometri (GC-MS). För att kunna detektera de låga halter av flyktiga ämnen och bakterier som fanns i de här proverna krävdes det känsliga metoder. Antalet flyktiga ämnen som kunde detekteras ökades sju gånger genom att tillsätta NaCl till vattenproverna innan doften insamlades och termisk desorption användes istället för lösningsmedels desorption. För att förbättra detektionsgränsen för bakterier amplifierades bakterie-DNA i två PCR reaktioner som sedan mixades och koncentrerades. Resultaten från fältstudierna med baljorna visade att de koloniserades olika av Anopheles myggorna. Baljor med nyblandat substrat innehöll dubbelt så många mygglarver som baljor med jord-vattensubstrat som åldrats under en längre tid. Lägre mängd bakterier, lägre pH och högre grumlighet var gemensamt för de baljor som myggorna föredrog. De flyktiga ämnen som detekterades i de olika baljor varierade mellan olika försök och inget ämne fanns med i alla upprepningar av ett försök. Trots det detekterades några ämnen oftare i de baljor som myggorna föredrog att lägga ägg jämfört med de med en mindre mängd mygglarver. De inkluderar geranylacetone och 4-ethylbenzaldehyde. Svampar isolerades från rotstockar av gräs som fanns i den jord som användes för att göra äggläggningssubstraten i fältstudierna. De flyktiga ämnen som avgavs från svampkulturerna analyserades. Bland annat så identifierades ett ämne som fungerar som en äggläggningsattrahent för An. gambiae s.l. myggor.Resultaten från den här avhandlingen kommer att kunna användas för att utveckla miljövänliga ”attract and kill” metoder för att kontrollera malaria myggor. / <p>QC 20160211</p>

Comportamento de Oviposição de Aedes aegypti em Área Endêmica de Dengue do Estado de São Paulo.

Dibo, Margareth Regina 17 March 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 margarethdibo_tese.pdf: 1810718 bytes, checksum: 4df01c13c55a541f2c4aff4668fbacd7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-03-17 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The strategy to contain the vector of Dengue fever in the state of São Paulo is centered around a reduction in breeding places and by chemical controls. To obtain better results in the reduction of the vectorial density it is important to incorporate other measures in the routine approach. Egg traps are considered to be preventative and control measures of Aedes aegypti, however, there are no studies that define the favorite egg-laying locations in residences. The utilization of an infusion of Panicum maximum in traps increases its attractiveness to vector females and increases the number of eggs collected. This study aims to contribute to techniques by using traps to evaluate the number of weeks this infusion remains attractive to females. More importantly, it aims to assess the egg-laying behavior of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus populations in Mirassol, a town situated in the region of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. Traps with egg-collecting paddle were installed in 200 houses in 20 blocks giving a total of 10 houses to each block. Half of the blocks were chosen at random for the installation of traps baited with the infusion and in the other half, traps with ordinary water were installed. Two egg-traps were placed inside the house (bedroom and living room) and two outside (one under cover and the other in the open). Weekly visits were made from September to December 2002, to analyze all the traps, collecting the existing sticks and leaving new ones. In the laboratory the viable and nonviable eggs on the sticks were counted. Positive sticks were considered to be those on which eggs were found and these were correlated with the type of trap, infusion or water, the location of the trap within the house and the number of weeks after the start of the trial. A sample of these sticks was placed in water, to hatch the larvae with the aim of identifying the species. The mean numbers of eggs and larvae of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were calculated and associated with the location within the house, the type of trap used, infusion or water, and the week number. Analyzing the number of positive sticks, and the mean number of eggs on the traps, it was evidenced that the traps with infusion were more attractive/stimulating for egg-laying for females of the genera Aedes than those with water in the first three weeks of exposition. The uncovered outdoor traps were the most favored location for egg-laying during the entire study period; in second place were the outdoor ones under cover. High values of the Spearman correlation coefficients and p-values less than 0.004 demonstrated a strong correlation between the positivity and the mean number of eggs, indicating that one variable predicts the other. From the analysis of the hatched larvae, Aedes aegypti were identified on 99.6% (CI 95%: 99.04 99.84) of the sticks and Aedes albopictus on 1.8% (CI 95%: 1.19 2.70) of them. In Mirassol the probability of finding eggs of Aedes aegypti on any one stick under these circumstances is greater than 99%. / A estratégia para controle do vetor do dengue no estado de São Paulo está centrada na redução de criadouros e ações de controle químico. Para a obtenção de melhores resultados na redução da densidade vetorial é importante que se incorpore outras medidas de uso rotineiro. Armadilhas de oviposição são consideradas medidas de vigilância e controle de Aedes aegypti, entretanto não existem estudos sobre locais do domicílio preferidos para oviposição. A utilização de infusão de Panicum maximum em armadilhas propicia maior atração às fêmeas do vetor e coleta de maior quantidade de ovos. Através deste estudo, procurou-se subsidiar as técnicas para o uso de armadilhas, avaliar durante quantas semanas a referida infusão manteve sua atração sobre as fêmeas e, principalmente, avaliar o comportamento de oviposição de populações de Aedes aegypti em Mírassol, cidade situada na região de São José do Rio Preto. Instalaram-se armadilhas de oviposição em 200 casas, divididas em 20 quadras, distribuindo-as em 10 casas por quadra. Foram sorteadas 50% das quadras para instalação de armadilhas iscadas com infusão, e nas demais se instalou armadilhas com água. Duas armadilhas foram colocadas no intradomicílio (quarto e sala) e duas no peridomicílio (uma sob cobertura e outra ao relento). Foram feitas visitas semanais entre setembro e dezembro de 2002, para a análise de todas as armadilhas, e substituição das palhetas. Em laboratório, contaram-se ovos viáveis e inviáveis existentes nas palhetas. A presença de ovos na palheta significou a sua positividade, a qual foi verificada quanto à presença ou não de infusão, local de instalação na casa e número de semanas. Uma amostra destas palhetas foi colocada em água, para eclosão de larvas, visando à identificação específica. Os números médios de ovos e de larvas Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus foram quantificados segundo o posicionamento no domicílio, presença de armadilha iscada com infusão ou água e o número de semanas. Analisando-se Nota de Resumo as positividades e os números médios de ovos das armadilhas, obteve-se que as armadilhas iscadas com infusão mostraram-se mais atraentes/estimulantes para oviposição pelas fêmeas do gênero Aedes que as com água, nas três primeiras semanas de exposição. O relento foi o local com maior preferência para oviposição durante todo o estudo; em segundo lugar encontrou-se o coberto. Elevados valores dos coeficientes de correlação de Spearman e valores de p inferiores a 0,004 mostraram forte correlação entre positividade e média de ovos, indicando que uma variável prediz a outra. A partir das análises das larvas eclodidas, identificou-se a presença de Aedes aegypti em 99,6% (IC 95%: 99,04 -99,84) das palhetas e de Aedes albopictus em 1,8% (1C95%: 1,19 - 2,70) delas. Em Mirassol, a probabilidade de se encontrar ovos de Aedes aegypti em uma palheta sob estes condições é superior a 99%.

Services and disservices driven by ant communities in tropical agroforests

Wielgoss, Arno Christian 15 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Brassica genotype on the infestation by cabbage stem weevil Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Mrsh.) (Col.: Curculionidae) and the parasitism of stem weevil larvae / Einfluss des Brassica-Genotyps auf den Befall durch den Gefleckten Kohltriebrüssler Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Mrsh.) (Col.: Curculionidae) und die Parasitierung stängelminierender Larven

Eickermann, Michael 22 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Developing and testing plant health management options against the maize cob borer Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in West Africa / Developing and testing plant health management options against the maize cob borer Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in West Africa

Agboka, Komi 11 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Quantification des effets du superparasitisme sur la valeur adaptative et la survie des couvées chez Trichogramma euproctidis Girault

Duval, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Interação tritrófica de cultivares de repolho, traça-das-crucíferas e do parasitóide Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) / Interaction of cabbage cultivars,Diamondback moth, and the parasitoid Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae)

BATISTA, Felipe Colares 01 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-11-24T14:16:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Colares Batista.pdf: 401499 bytes, checksum: 66c8054daa99b1513bf4eeb2b13516c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-24T14:16:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Colares Batista.pdf: 401499 bytes, checksum: 66c8054daa99b1513bf4eeb2b13516c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is the most important pest of brassicas throughout the world. Prospective results toward DBM manage in cabbage have been achieved using host plant resistance and biological control. However, host plant characteristics conferring resistance against herbivores might also affect their natural enemies. Thus, this work evaluated the influence of red and green (Chato-de-quintal) cabbages on the biology and oviposition preference of P. xylostella and the interaction with the larval-pupal parasitoid Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Based on life history parameters for DBM, green cabbage was less favorable compared to red cabbage by delaying larval and pupal stages, and reducing female fecundity. However, under free choice tests for oviposition, DBM females preferred to lay eggs on green than red cabbage. Tests in olfactometer, isolating the color effect of the host plant, however, resulted in similar moth attraction between green and red cabbage. Foraging of O. sokolowskii females was similar on both cabbage cultivars infested with DBM larvae under large cage free choice tests. Furthermore, similar number of parasitized larvae, total number of emerged parasitoids, and adult female parasitoid longevity were found for DBM larvae reared on both cabbage cultivars under laboratory conditions. However, the period from parasitism to adult parasitoid emergence was one day shorter and a higher number of parasitoids produced per parasitized larva was achieved when parasitizing larvae reared on green cabbage. In conclusion, the results indicate a positive association of host plant resistance with the parasitism of O. sokolowskii to manage DBM and suggest that the cabbage color plays an important role on host preference for oviposition by the pest. / A traça-das-crucíferas, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), é considerada a principal praga das brássicas em todo o mundo. Resultados promissores para o manejo desta praga têm sido alcançados com o uso de cultivares resistentes e controle biológico. Entretanto, sabe-se que características conferindo resistência às plantas não afetam somente os herbívoros, mas também os inimigos naturais associados a eles. Assim, esse trabalho avaliou a influência das cultivares de repolho Roxo e Verde (Chato-de-quintal) na biologia e na preferência para oviposição de P. xylostella, e o efeito no desempenho do parasitóide Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Com base nos parâmetros da tabela de vida, a cultivar Chato-de-quintal mostrou-se menos favorável para o desenvolvimento de P. xylostella, por ocasionar maior duração das fases de larva e pupa e redução na fecundidade das fêmeas em relação a cultivar Roxo. Entretanto, a cultivar Chato-de-quintal foi a mais preferida por P. xylostella para oviposição em comparação a cultivar Roxo. Testes de livre escolha das mariposas em olfatômetro, isolando a coloração do hospedeiro, resultaram em semelhança de escolha entre repolho Roxo e Verde. O forrageamento de fêmeas de O. sokolowskii em plantas de ambas as cultivares infestadas com larvas da traça-das-crucíferas em testes de livre escolha foi similar. Também, não houve diferença no número de larvas parasitadas, número total de descendentes produzidos e longevidade média das fêmeas adultas do parasitóide em condições de laboratório. Entretanto, foi observado maior número de descendentes por larva parasitada e, aproximadamente, um dia a menos na duração do período ovo-adulto em larvas da traça-das-crucíferas criadas em repolho Chato-de-quintal. Assim, estes resultados mostram uma associação positiva entre a resistência de cultivares de repolho e o controle biológico com O. sokolowskii visando o manejo da traça-das-crucíferas e sugerem que a cor da cultivar possui papel importante na escolha do hospedeiro para oviposição pela praga.

Étude de l’impact de la température et de l’humidité sur la survie et la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.)

Lepage, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutellle avec Gaétan Bourgeois et avec la participation de Guy Boivin, d'Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, du Centre de Recherche et Développement en Horticulture à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6, Canada / On dénombre divers modèles de simulation de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.), mais plusieurs comportent d’importantes lacunes au niveau des différences génotypiques de l’insecte et des paramètres utilisés. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de rassembler les informations manquantes afin de créer dans le futur un modèle bioclimatique permettant de simuler efficacement la dynamique des populations de ce ravageur. L’effet de la température et de l’humidité du sol a été mesuré sur les œufs et les larves de la mouche du chou. L’humidité n’influence la survie des œufs qu’en dessous de 25% [m/m]. L’exposition graduelle des œufs à des températures élevées au dessus de 33°C affecte également la survie. La survie des larves augmente avec la hausse des températures et de l’humidité. Nous croyons que la mouche du chou est bien adaptée aux conditions des sols organiques au Québec, et nous recommandons l’intégration de la température du sol pour les stades au sol plutôt que de l’air dans l’élaboration d’un nouveau modèle. La ponte a également été étudiée à partir de différents critères préétablis pour chacun des génotypes hâtifs et tardifs, à différentes températures. Excepté pour la pré-oviposition qui est plus longue chez les hâtifs, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les génotypes. La majorité des critères, excepté la durée d’un épisode de ponte et la mortalité des œufs, a réagit à la température. Les nouvelles informations serviront à l’élaboration ou le perfectionnement d’un modèle de simulation de la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou. / Few simulation models for the cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) had been seen, but several include significant weaknesses for the insect genotypic differences and parameters used. The main objective of this project is to collect the missing information to create, in the future, a bioclimatic model that will efficiently simulate the dynamics of the populations of this pest. The effect of soil temperature and moisture had been measured on eggs and larvae of the cabbage maggot. Humidity affects egg survival below 25% [w/w]. Gradual exposure of eggs to high temperature above 33°C also affects survival. Under tested conditions, larvae survival increases with rising temperatures and humidities. We believe that the maggot is well adapted to muck soil in Quebec, and we recommend to incorporated soil temperature rather than air temperature for above-ground stages into the development of a new model. Egg-laying activity has also been studied from various pre-established criterions for each of the early- and late-emerging genotypes, at different temperatures. Except for the pre-oviposition which is longer for the early genotype, no differences were observed between genotypes. The majority of criterions, except for the duration of oviposition bouts and egg mortality, responded to temperature. The new information will be used for the preparation and development of a simulation model of the egg-laying dynamic of the cabbage maggot.

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