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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jorden åt folket : nationalföreningen mot emigrationen 1907-1925. / Land for the people. : The National Society Against Emigration 1907-1925.

Lindkvist, Anna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the National Society Against Emigration (Sw.Nationalföreningen mot emigrationen) – referred to as the NE – and its radical right-wing leader Adrian Molin. Th e NE was founded in 1907 in order to stem the tide of emigration from Sweden and facilitate re-immigration by providing jobs and accomodation. Its many bureaus served as employment offi ces, land distribution centres and own-your-own-home companies, mainly aimed at creating smallholdings for Swedish working-class families. The purpose of the study is to investigate the organization, concept and practise of the internal colonization of rural Sweden between 1907 and 1925. By following both the successes and setbacks of the NE during the first decades of the twentieth century, ideas and opportunities circulating in Swedish society in a time of wide-ranging ideological and material change are discussed. Questions in focus include why a society to prevent emigration from Sweden emerged at that particular time; the function it served for both society and the state; the form internal colonization actually took and how it was conducted in comparison with other governmental and private agricultural reforms; and the attitude of the NE toward modernization in general. Theoretically the dissertation takes its point of departure in theories on nation-building and internal colonization (i.e., the establishment of small-scale farming and the cultivation of new land within the national borders), corporatism and attitudes toward modernization. The ideological analysis has been inspired by political scientist Michael Freeden´s theory of the construction of political ideologies via political concepts, as well as an analysis of the view of social categories such as gender, class and ethnicity. The source material is comprised of magazines, newspaper articles, letters and books and offi cial parliamentary publications. The practise of internal colonization has been studied with the aid of preserved accounts of the NE’s small-scale farming colonies, real estate documents, company reports, correspondance and further press materials. The surge of anti-emigration attitudes is explained as a powerful reaction arising at the turn of the century due to the economic upswing in Swedish industry and the social transformations which followed in the 1890s, when the country was seen as a nation with a promising future. That Adrian Molin founded the NE in 1907 is viewed as a consequence of his nationalistic thought. Together with political scientist Prof. Rudolf Kjellén, Molin was one of the country´s foremost advocates of an integrative nationalism. The NE was led by an elite of middle- and upper-class men involved in politics, industry and voluntary associations. Female members and representatives of the lower social classes were mostly absent. In general the NE neglected women in both speeches and plans, being preoccupied with ideas concerning the cultivation of middle-class Swedish men. The NE became a co-actor in a corporative colonization eff ort sanctioned by government financing during the 1910s. In 1920 the NE’s projects were condemned as hierarchical and undemocratic in comparison with other own-home organizations. Many other own-home companies were built on a cooperative foundation, while the NE was run by a national, regional, and local political and financial elite. Suspicions were raised about the raison d´être of the society. The state withdrew its subsidies and loans, and the NE lost it close connections with the government. Though conservative and reactionary in social issues, the NE cannot be characterized as critical of civilization or economic modernization of the country. Its programme intended to aid in the development of both agriculture and industry. The creation of more smallholdings would help bridge the problematic transition between two systems, from agrarian to industrial society.

Bring Your Own Device i kommun- och landstingsnätverk : En undersökning om dess utbredd

Andersson, Pär, Nylund, Robin January 2014 (has links)
Något som har blivit en stor fråga på sistone där arbetsgivare tvingats ta ställning är huruvida anställda har tillåtelse att använda sina privata enheter på arbetet eller inte. Användandet av smarta telefoner och surfplattor i privatlivet har på bara några år ökat relativt drastiskt. I och med detta så har viljan också blivit större bland arbetare att kunna utnyttja sina privata enheter även i arbetslivet. Detta fenomen kallas för Bring Your Own Device och implementationen av detta kan orsaka vissa problem och kan exempelvis påverka nätverkssäkerheten. Arbetet ämnade, att genom en enkätundersökning, undersöka hur pass vanligt det var att man tillät privata enheter i arbetet bland Sveriges kommuner och landsting. Det ämnade även undersöka vilka skyddsåtgärder som hade utförts för att skydda den resterande delen av infrastrukturen om man valt att tillåta BYOD. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar på att frågan ofta har lyfts bland organisationerna. Däremot har de oftast valt att inte införa BYOD på grund av olika anledningar såsom säkerhet, kostnader och brist på resurser. Har organisationerna istället valt att införa BYOD så har enheterna oftast separerats från de övriga nätverket på grund av säkerhetsskäl. / An ongoing question which have been brought into consideration lately is whether employees should be given the permission to bring their own devices to their jobs or not. The numbers of people using smartphones and laptops have been growing and with that, the will to make use of those devices at work. That phenomenon is called Bring Your Own Device and the implementation of it can cause network security related problems. This essay was written with the intentions to find out how many of the municipalities and counties that have allowed people to bring their own devices. The intentions was also to investigate which security actions that have been taken into consideration when securing the rest of the network from the brought devices. This was performed by sending out a survey. The result that the survey gave proves that BYOD have often been taking into consideration among the organizations. It also proves that many have chosen to not implement the phenomenon because of reasons like problem with the security, the costs, and the lack of resources. An overrepresented majority of the organizations who have chosen to implement it have decided to have the private devices in a separate network to secure the rest of the network infrastructure.

Bra förutsättningar för mikronät?

Nyström, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Med mikronät åsyftas i denna rapport en sammankoppling av solcellsanläggningar som möjliggör delning av elektrisk energi. Målet med undersökningen var att ta reda på vilka förutsättningar som gör att det är fördelaktigt att bygga mikronät. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka två tidigare fall där mikronät varit intressant och jämföra slutsatserna från dessa fall med resultaten och slutsatserna från en egen undersökning av Södra Hemlingby där mikronät övervägs. Undersökningen av Södra Hemlingby visar att mikronät i deras fall är lönsamt och att tak som troligtvis inte skulle användas till en enskild solcellsanläggning nu kan komma till användning för solceller. Genom att bygga mikronät skulle mängden inköpt el minska, CO2-utsläpp undvikas och eventuellt skulle en högre nivå av Miljöbyggnad kunna uppnås.  Undersökningen av Södra Hemlingby visar också att ett batteri både kan användas till att reducera effekttoppar och att öka egenanvändningsgraden. Vidare dras slutsatserna att bra förutsättningar för mikronät är vid nybyggnation, när grävarbete kan göras tillsammans med andra grävarbeten, när husen som är tänkta att anslutas står nära varandra, då komponenterna i eventuellt befintligt system är kompatibla med mikronätet och således inte behöver bytas ut, då det finns storanvändare av el i systemet, när elanvändningsprofilerna matchar elproduktionen samt då det finns möjlighet till en ordentlig ökning av egenanvändning. Bäst ekonomi uppnås med en storanvändare som är bra på att ta tillvara på produktionen från solpaneler som har ett högt energiutbyte. / The term microgrid in this report refers to a link-up between solar cell plants which make sharing of electrical energy possible. The aim of this survey was to examinate the pre-requisites that makes building of microgrids meaningful. This has been completed by analyzing two earlier cases where microgrids has been evaluated. The conclusions from these cases have been compared with the results and conclusions from an own made survey of Södra Hemlingby where microgrid is considered. The survey of Södra Hemlingby shows that a microgrid would be a profitable investment and that roofs that probably not would qualify for separate plants now was useful. By building a microgrid the amount of electricity from the power distribution grid would decrease, the carbon dioxide emissions would be avoided, and possibly a higher energy classification for the building would be achieved. The survey of Södra Hemlingby also shows that a battery storage could be used for either power reduction or for increasing the own usage rate. The conclusion about good pre-requisites is drawn to be new housing estate, when ditching could be coordinated with other works, short distances between houses in the system, when the components in a existing system is compatible with a microgrid and dont have to be exchanged, when there is a large consumer of electricity in the system, when the electric consumtion profiles matches the production and when there is room for a large increas in own used electricity. Best economy is reached when large consumer of electricity is utilizing the electricity from panels with a high energy exchange.

Barn som "omsorgsgivare" Socialsekreterares "blinda fläck" : En studie om relationen mellan socialsekreterare och familjehemsföräldrarnas egna barn / Children as “care givers”, social workers “blind spot”

Johnsson, Tina, Rosenqvist, Therese January 2015 (has links)
This paper aims to describe the social workers relationship / contact to the foster parents' own children in a foster home. The aim is also to understand a social workers perspective on foster parents' own children in the foster home. We wanted to find out how social workers relationship/contact to the foster parents own children looks like, which has shown to differ between municipality to municipality. The study has shown that the perspective on the own children in the family, differs from municipality to municipality and that the own children’s meaning for the foster home as a social contribution, has a varied meaning amongst social workers. Based on several theories and concepts we have analyzed our result we got from the interviews, we found out that social workers looks at and works differently with foster parents own children. We found out that social workers perspective on foster parent’s own children is, that they are a very important resource and they participate in the fostering of the foster child. It also became clear in our result that a paradox appears in social workers work when although they don’t have any regulated documents on how to work with the foster parent’s own children, they still experience that they are restricted in their work by the organization they work under.

Förslag till tidstypisk efterbildning och restaurering av en trädgård i Söderhamn : Byggd på studier om egnahemträdgårdar och trädgårdsmästaren Rudolf Abelin

Nordmark, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose behind this thesis is to create a design proposal for how a present day garden created at the early 1900 can be recreated to its original design. In order to do so, the style of the garden specified to this era must be defined along with an inventory of the plants. The garden used for this specific assignment is located in Söderhamn and the property is called ‘Killingen’. The main house as well as the garden was created in the beginning of 1900. Killingen´s garden is classed as a ‘own-home garden’. These kinds of gardens were influenced by the ‘own-home movement’ which started in the 1900-century. The main purpose of this movement was to help low income families finding a better and own home with a garden. It was also there in aid of preventing the mass emigration around that period. Around this time, a very influential gardener, Rudolf Abelin, played a key role for the own-home garden’s development through his writing and widespread knowledge. For him the garden was part of the society development which also was affected and influenced by his ideas and involvement. The methods used in this thesis are mainly literature studies but also includes observations of current gardens and conversations with relevant people. Thanks to the current owner’s very ambitious and existing list of plants of the garden, it’s actually been possible to rely on literature in order to propose new plants as well as suggesting which plants were not part of the own-home movement and could therefore be removed as they are not part of the same style. / Den här uppsatsen har till syfte att ta fram ett designförslag på hur en nutidsträdgård som anlades i början på 1900-talet kan återskapas till sin ursprungliga design. För att göra det måste trädgårdsstilen definieras och växterna inventeras. Den trädgård som ligger till grund av detta arbete finns i Söderhamn och tomten heter Killingen. Huset och trädgården kom till i början på 1900-talet. Killingen räknas som en egnahemsträdgård. Dessa trädgårdar influerades av Egnahemsrörelsen som startade vid förra sekelskiftet. Avsikten med föreningen var att hjälpa fler människor med svagare ekonomi att få bättre och egen bostad med trädgård. Ett annat syfte var att förhindra den stora emigrationen som pågick då. Rudolf Abelin, en trädgårdsmästare som var aktiv vid denna period, var en mycket betydande person för egnahemsträdgårdens utveckling genom sitt författarskap och kunskapsspridande. Han såg trädgården som en del av samhällsutvecklingen som påverkades av hans idéer och engagemang. Metoderna som använts är främst litteraturstudier men även observationer av aktuell trädgård och samtal med sakkunniga. Tack vare ägarens mycket ambitiösa växtförteckning av trädgårdens innehåll så har det varit möjligt att utifrån litteraturen ta fram förslag på nya växter och även föreslå vilka element och växter som inte följer stilen för egnahemsträdgårdar och därför ska avlägsnas.

The impact of culture on own-label brands performance

Budhathoki, Tribikram January 2014 (has links)
The performance of own-label brands varies enormously across countries, with high penetration in Western countries but limited success in Eastern countries. The common explanations for this state are related to market factors such as the development of big retailer chains or the power balance between retailers and manufacturers. However, the role of culture has been overlooked to explain this situation. This study aims to provide insights into the impact of culture on own-label brands performance. This thesis formulates and tests a conceptual framework linking Hofstede s (1980, 2001) five cultural dimensions (power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance & long-term orientation) to retail market development (size of the retail market) and own-label brands performance, controlling for three socio-economic variables: GDP per capita, Gini index and Government expenditure. Relevant literature is reviewed in order to develop hypotheses. The conceptual model is then tested upon a sample of 65 countries, utilising data collected via secondary sources and the application of structural equation modelling techniques. The results of this study indicate that three out of five Hofstede s cultural dimensions, power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance, have a significant impact on retail market development, which in turn, significantly influences own-label brands performance. Moreover, results show that individualism and long-term orientation have a significant direct impact on own-label brands performance. Past studies on this domain are restricted to one or two cultural dimensions and generally involve a limited number of countries. This research therefore pioneers in investigating the five national cultural dimensions across a high number of nations. The findings are important for retailers and may help them to adapt their own-label strategy according to the culture of the nation they are operating in.

Drobní savci v potravě sovy pálené ve východním Středomoří. / Small mammals in diet of barn owl in the Eastern Meditarranean

Šindelář, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The extensive material of skeletal remains of mammals from a diet of barn owl in the eastern Mediterranean has been processed and evaluated with different techniques of chorological and morphometric analysis. At least 8400 individuals of 45 species of insectivores, rodents and bats were found in our total collection of samples, which represents a significant portion of fauna of the region. We have evaluated a chorological composition of the taphocoenoses and the interregional differences, manifested primarily by differences in the representation of satellite and accessory elements. We found a highly significant impoverishment of the isolated island taphocenoses (Cyprus, Karpathos, partly on Crete), where Cricetidae, Arvicolidae, C. leucodon etc. are missing. On the other hand the essential part of the dominance structure takes up the Rattus rattus, which acts here as an invasive species, significantly more successful than in the ragged continental contexts. The species diversity of the examined samples is positively correlated with the geographic latitude (taphocenoses of the northern regions are significantly richer) and negatively with the island effect and the degree of aridization. The morphometric analysis of the three most abundant species of Soricidae within the studied region showed...

Analýza postojů vybraných segmentů spotřebitelů k jednotlivým typům prodejen (malé prodejny, super- a hypermarkety ap.) / Analysis of consumer attitudes to the various types of stores

Puchtová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis of consumer attitudes to various types of stores. Its goal is to determine these attitudes and define the various segments of consumers who go shopping in those stores. Further to recommend an appropriate marketing strategy on the basis of the obtained results. The thesis is dividend into two parts. The first theoretical part prepares a theoretical basis for the second part, which is own research on consumer attitudes in Pilsen and environs. The first part of the theoretical basis defines the different types of stores. They differ in many characteristics and their combinations. The second part deals with the attitudes. It includes definitions of attitudes, defines their components, determines the attributes and functions, their formation and possibilities of change. The third section focuses on the segmentation. What segmentation is, how it is done and what is its aim. The fourth section describes the various ways of marketing communications and defines its goal. It also deals with psychological reasons for buying and own trade mark. In the second practical part I achieve own market research, whose goal is analysis of attitudes of pilsener consumers to the various types of stores.

Daňová optimalizace pořízení motorového vozidla / Tax optimalization of vehicle purchase

Matějka, Václav January 2010 (has links)
Decision of vehicle purchase consists of several aspects. One of them is also tax area. By comparison of purchase from own resources and from third parties is possible to reach tax optimal solution. Preferences about the way of purchase will differe according to who is the buyer. The next chapter compare tax incidence in different countries.

"För signalen blir ju att Mozart är viktigare än du!" : En fenomenologisk forskningsstudie om några stråklärares användande av kreativitet i undervisning. / “Because the message is that Mozart is more important than you!” : A phenomenological study about some string teachers use of creativity in education.

Bro, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
In this study some string teachers have been interviewed on the topic of own creation and creativity. The purpose with the study was to examine some string teachers experiences in their own education on the topic of creative phases, but also how the teachers experience the students spirits in moments of own creation. The study was conducted with a phenomenological approach, because this allowed for consideration to be taken to different experiences and lived life. Previous studies indicated that many benefits derivate from creativity and own creation in music education but also illustrated a complex problematic approach to teacher’s unfamiliarity to teach in these phases. However, previous studies indicate that children view their music creations in different way than adults. To achieve a result in this study, four interviews were conducted. Through video-recording important aspects that would otherwise be lost could be illustrated. In the result teachers experienced that they understand phases of own creation in different ways. The teachers collectively identified composition, improvisation and feelings as a method of teaching own creation and creativity. Going on, the study’s respondents experienced they had been given a strict music education in their childhood and that this was one of the factors to influence their individual teaching styles. Together the study´s respondents illustrated some phases of own creation but pointed out that the spirits of the students derivate from different factors. The study´s respondents experiences that younger students had an easier time to learn own creation, meanwhile, the older students are perceived to have a hard time sticking out in creative work. The study´s respondents meant that continuous teaching in composition making created a sense of security within the students. In the discussion results indicated that the students benefited from play and having fun in their music creation. There were also more positive attitudes amongst the students when the teachers designed activities with boundaries and rules. / I denna studie har några stråklärare intervjuats om ämnet eget skapande och kreativitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka några stråklärares upplevelser angående sin egen undervisning vad gäller skapande moment, samt hur lärarna erfor elevernas inställningar i moment av eget skapande. Studien förhöll sig därför till det fenomenologiska perspektivet, då hänsyn till upplevelser och levt liv kunde tas. Tidigare forskning pekade på många fördelar med kreativitet och skapande i musikundervisning men belyste också en problematik kring lärares ovana att undervisa i eget skapande. Vidare menade forskningen att barn betraktar sitt musikskapande på ett annat sätt än vuxna. För att få fram ett resultat intervjuades fyra stråklärare. Genom videoinspelning kunde viktiga aspekter som annars gått förlorade belysas. I resultatet framkom att lärarna upplevde moment i eget skapande på olika sätt. Gemensamt nämndes komposition, improvisation och känslor som moment i vilket lärarna kunde undervisa i eget skapande och kreativitet. Vidare upplevde studiens respondenter att de fått en strikt musikundervisning som barn och att detta sedan påverkat deras individuella lärarstilar. Gemensamt belyste studiens respondenter några moment av eget skapande och pekade på att elevernas inställningar till dessa moment beror på olika saker. Studiens respondenter erfor att yngre elever lättare tog till sig moment i eget skapande, emedan äldre elever upplevdes inte vilja sticka ut genom skapande moment. Studiens respondenter menade att bland annat regelbunden undervisning i komposition skapade en säkerhet hos eleverna. I diskussionen framkom dock att eleverna gynnades av lek och att få ha roligt i sitt musikskapande. Vidare fanns också fler positiva inställningar hos eleverna när lärarna satte upp ramar för skapande moment, då eleverna slapp hitta på helt fritt.

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