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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de modelos químicos e microbiológicos para o estudo de (bio)transformações do antibiótico monensina A / Evaluation of microbiological and chemical models for the study of (bio)transformations of the antibiotic monensin A

Bruno Alves Rocha 30 May 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram investigados sistemas modelos do citocromo P450 para o estudo do metabolismo da monensina A empregando três estratégias de abordagem: a) utilização de metaloporfirinas e complexos salen como catalisadores para a oxidação da monensina A por diferentes oxidantes e meios reacionais; b) utilização de fungos de diferentes cepas para estudos de biotransformação deste antibiótico e c) emprego de microssomas de fígado de ratos e humanos para o estudo do metabolismo in vitro da monensina A. Os produtos obtidos nestes três sistemas foram comparados com os metabólitos formados em estudos in vivo relatados na literatura. Os resultados obtidos com os sistemas envolvendo os catalisadores mostraram que a formação dos produtos é dependente da escolha do meio reacional e do oxidante empregado. Os estudos de biotransformação da monensina A empregando microssomas de fígado e os fungos Aspergillus awamori, Beauveria bassianna, Cunninghamella echinulata, Cunninghamella elegans, Fusarium oxysporum, M61, Mucor rouxii e Penicillium brevicompactum mostraram que estes sistemas são viáveis nos processos de biotransformação deste fármaco nas condições empregadas. Os produtos obtidos nas reações e/ou meios de cultura com os diferentes sistemas foram identificados por espectrometria de massas sequencial e também por comparação com padrões obtidos anteriormente. Foram obtidos três principais metabólitos: (i) 3-O-desmetil-monensina A, (ii) 12-hidroxi-monensina A e (iii) 12-hidroxi-3-O-desmetil-monensina A, os quais coincidem com os principais metabólitos obtidos em estudos in vivo. Assim, os resultados mostraram que os modelos estudados podem ser usados para predizer o metabolismo da monensina A. Os metabólitos 3-O-desmetil-monensina A e 12-hidroxi-monensina A puderam ser produzidos e isolados dos sistemas catalíticos envolvendo a metaloporfirina e o catalisador de Jacobsen. Os ensaios biológicos de atividade tóxica em mitocôndrias, bem como a atividade antimicrobiana da monensina A e de seus metabólitos 3-O-desmetil-monensina A e 12-hidroxi-monensina A mostraram que estes metabólitos possuem menor ou nenhuma atividade nos parâmetros biológicos testados quando comparados à monensina A. Assim, pode-se inferir que o metabolismo da monensina A corresponde a uma via de detoxicação clássica, através da qual as moléculas produzidas são mais polares, dificultando o transporte de complexos catiônicos através das membranas, diminuindo suas propriedades biológicas e facilitando a sua eliminação. / This study used model systems to investigate monensin A metabolism. More specifically, this work employed three strategies: (i) use of biomimetic systems, involving metalloporphyrins and salen complexes, to catalyze monensin A oxidation by different oxidants in distinct reaction media; (ii) application of different fungal strains to conduct biotransformation studies of this antibiotic; and (iii) use of rat and human liver microsomes as a cytochrome P450 model to monitor the in vitro metabolism of monensin A and compare the products with the metabolites generated in in vivo studies reported in the literature. Studies involving chemical catalysts showed that product formation depended on the choice of reaction medium and oxidant. Monensin A biotransformation studies employing fungi revealed that Aspergillus awamori, Beauveria bassianna, Cunninghamella echinulata, Cunninghamella elegans, Fusarium oxysporum, Marine M61, Mucor rouxii, and Penicillium brevicompactum successfully biotransformed the drug under the employed conditions. Liver microsomes also effectively transformed the target compound. Spectrometric analysis of the evaluated models attested to the formation of three main metabolites: (i) 3-O-demethyl monensin A, (ii) 12-hydroxy monensin A, and (iii) 12-hydroxy-3-O-demethyl-monensin A as the main monensin A derivatives. The products were identified by tandem mass spectrometry as well as by comparison with standards obtained in other studies. Taken together, the results demonstrated that the models studied herein could help to predict monensin A metabolismthey produced the main metabolites obtained in in vivo studies. Toxicity tests performed on mitochondria and antimicrobial assays revealed that the metabolites 3-O-demethyl-monensin A and 12-hydroxy-monensin A isolated from the reactions that employed chemical catalysts were less active or inactive as compared with monensin A. Therefore, it was possible to infer that monensin A metabolism is a classical detoxification pathway that generates polar molecules. The transport of such cationic molecules through the membrane is more difficult, decreasing their biological properties and facilitating their elimination.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para a determinação dos genótipos principais dos genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9: aplicação na farmacogenética / evelopment of methodology for determining the major genotypes of CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genes: application in pharmacogenetics

Carolina Martins do Prado 25 February 2010 (has links)
As enzimas CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9 são responsáveis pelo metabolismo de aproximadamente metade dos 200 medicamentos mais prescritos nos EUA. Padronizamos ensaios de genotipagem baseados na discriminação alélica com o sistema TaqMan® em 198 indivíduos. Para o gene CYP2D6, os alelos *1 e *2 foram os mais freqüentes, seguidos pelos alelos *4, *41, *35, *17, *5, *10, *6, *29 e *9. Desenvolvemos também uma nova metodologia para a determinação do número de cópias do gene CYP2D6. Para o gene CYP2C19, o alelo *1 foi o mais frequente, seguido pelos alelos *17, *2 e *3. Nosso estudo foi o primeiro a determinar a freqüência alélica do gene CYP2C19 no Brasil. Para o gene CYP2C9, o alelo *1 foi o mais frequente, seguido pelos alelos *2 e *3. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia reprodutível e acessível para a genotipagem dos polimorfismos principais dos genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9. A identificação precoce de indivíduos suscetíveis a efeitos adversos, bem como de metabolizadores rápidos pode trazer grandes benefícios aos pacientes possibilitando assim uma medicina personalizada. / The enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 metabolize approximately half of the 200 most prescribed drugs in the USA. We standardized genotyping tests based on allelic discrimination, using TaqMan® genotyping system in 198 samples. For the CYP2D6 gene, allele *1 and *2 were the most frequent, followed by alleles *4, *4, *35, *17, *5, *10, *6, *29 and *9. We have also developed a new methodology for determining the copy number variations of the CYP2D6 gene. For the CYP2C19 gene, the allele *1 was the most common, followed by the alleles *17, *2 and *3. In our concern, our study was the first to determine the allele frequency of the CYP2C19 gene in Brazil. For CYP2C9 gene, the allele *1 was the most common followed by the alleles *2 and *3. We developed a methodology reproducible and accessible for genotyping the most important polymorphisms of the genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9. The previous identification of individuals at risk to develop adverse drug reactions as well as ultrarapid-metabolizers may bring benefits to the patients, leading to a personalized therapy.

Estudo in vitro do metabolismo microssomal hepático de agentes tripanossomicidas / Liver microsomal metabolism of compounds with potential trypanocidal activity

Jean Francisco Rosa Ribeiro 20 March 2013 (has links)
Em face das recentes exigências das agências regulatórias quanto à aprovação de novos fármacos, os estudos de biotransformação têm-se tornado uma etapa indispensável para a identificação e otimização de compostos bioativos. O objetivo desses estudos é identificar, já nas fases iniciais da descoberta de fármacos, candidatos que apresentam propriedades indesejáveis como a (i) presença de metabólitos ativos ou tóxicos; (ii) inibição de enzimas metabolizadoras; (iii) depuração metabólica inadequada, entre outras. Neste estudo, foi realizada a caracterização metabólica e a identificação de possíveis inibidores das enzimas do citocromo P450 de oito promissores candidatos a fármacos, identificados através de ensaios virtuais como inibidores da TcGAPDH, Cruzaina e TcDHODH, todas do Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causador da doença de Chagas. Esses compostos foram testados contra as três principais isoformas do citrocromo P450: CYP 3A4, CYP 2D6 e CYP2C9. Os valores de IC50 de 1,4 µM e 1,3 µM contra a CYP2C9 foram encontrados para os compostos Nequimed53 e Nequimed125, enquanto o Nequimed42 inibiu a CYP 3A4 com um valor de IC50 de 7,12 µM. Posteriormente foi conduzida a caracterização metabólica dos compostos Nequimed53 e 125 com foco na identificação dos principais metabólitos, sítios de metabolismo e vias de biotransformação através da técnica de LC-ESI-QqTOF-MS. Para ambos os compostos, a biotransformação por microssomas extraídos de fígado de ratos deu-se preferencialmente por uma única via dependente de NADPH. No caso do Nequimed54, o metabólito formado apresentou uma variação da razão m/z de +16, indicando a ocorrência da hidroxilação do composto parental, enquanto que para o composto Nequimed125, o metabólito formado apresentou uma variação da razão m/z de -28, condizente com a perda de um fragmento etila do composto parental. / In the light of recent demands from regulatory agencies for the acceptance of new drugs, the biotransformation studies have become an essential step for the identification and optimization of bioactive compounds. The objective of these studies is to identify compounds that have undesirable properties such as (i) the presence of toxic or active metabolites, (ii) inhibition of metabolizing enzymes, (iii) excessive metabolic clearance, inter alia. In this study we characterized the metabolism and cytochrome P450 inhibition of eight compounds identified by virtual screening as inhibitors of TcGAPDH, Cruzain and TcDHODH which are of interest as targets for intervention in treatment of Chagas Disease. These compounds were tested against cytochrome P450 isoforms 3A4, 2D6 and 2C9. IC50 values of 1.4 µM and 1.3 µM against CYP 2C9 were observed for Nequimed53 and Nequimed125.while Nequimed42 inhibited CYP 3A4 with an IC50 of 7.1 µM. Subsequently, we characterized the in vitro metabolism of Nequimed53 and 125 with a focus on metabolite identification and biotransformation pathways using the LC-ESI-MS-QqTOF technique. For each, the biotransformation by rat liver microsomes occurred by a single NADPH-dependent pathway. For Nequimed54, the observed metabolite [M+16]+ indicated hydroxylation of parent compound. The metabolite [M-28]+ observed for Nequimed125 indicated desethylation of the parent compound.

Esteroidogênese testicular durante o desenvolvimento sexual pós-natal em Galea spixii (Wagler, 1831) / Testicular steroidogenesis during post-natal sexual development in Galea spixii (Wagler, 1831)

Paulo Ramos da Silva Santos 04 November 2016 (has links)
O desenvolvimento testicular e a manutenção da espermatogênese são controlados por gonadotrofinas e testosterona, cujos efeitos são modulados por uma rede complexa de fatores produzidos localmente e, entre eles, os estrógenos estão em causa. Uma compreensão da dinâmica dos hormônios esteroides sexuais mostra-se importante para revelar as funções durante o desenvolvimento testicular. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre a espermatogênese do Galea spixii, associando a atuação das enzimas do complexo citocromo P450: P450 aromatase e P450c17 (17-α-hidroxilase/17,20-liase) importantes para a biossíntese de hormônios ligados à reprodução durante o desenvolvimento sexual pós-natal. Fragmentos de testículos de preás machos nas fases impúbere, pré-púbere, púbere e pós-púbere foram coletados no Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, Mossoró, RN, fixados em Paraformoaldeido 4% e RNAlater, e processados para Imunohistoquímica e PCR em tempo real. A expressão gênica das enzimas esteroidogênicas foram cruciais da prépuberdade para a puberdade. Durante as fases do desenvolvimento sexual a enzima P450c17 apresentou imunomarcação positiva apenas nas células de Leydig. A imunomarcação da enzima P450 aromatase foi positiva em diferentes tipos celulares ao longo do desenvolvimento sexual. A síntese de estrógenos no parênquima testicular não ficou restrita às células somáticas, as células germinativas também mostraram capacidade de converter andrógenos em estrógenos / The testis development and maintenance of spermatogenesis are controlled by gonadotropins and testosterone, whose effects are modulated by a complex factor locally produced, and the estrogens are involved. An understanding of the dynamics of sex steroid hormones shown to be important to reveal the functions during testicular development. Thus, the aimed was study the spermatogenesis of Galea spixii, associating the performance of cytochrome P450 complex: P450 aromatase and P450c17 (17-α-hydroxylase / 17,20-lyase) important for the biosynthesis of hormones related to reproduction during postnatal sexual development. Fragments of testes of immature, prepubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal were collected at Centro de Multiplicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, Mossoró, RN, fixed in Paraformaldehyde 4% and RNAlater, processed for immunohistochemistry and real time PCR. The steroidogenic enzymes gene expression were significant from prepubertal to pubertal stage. Cytochrome P450c17 expression in testicular parenchyma showed a positive reaction only in Leydig cell clusters. The expression of cytochrome P450 aromatase in testicular parenchyma were different during the sexual development of Galea spixii. During sexual development was observed that estrogen synthesis was not restricted to somatic cells (Leydig cells / Sertoli cells), the germ cells have also shown to be capable to convert androgens into estrogens via aromatase

Analyse fonctionnelle du rôle CYP76C2 dans les mécanismes de défense des plantes contre les agents pathogènes / Functional analysis of CYP76C2 in plant defense mechanisms against pathogens

Iglesias, Juliana 17 June 2015 (has links)
Une analyse du transcriptome d’Arabidopsis thaliana soumis à différents stress biotiques a révélé l’activation de certains membres de la famille CYP76, particulièrement celle de CYP76C2 (≈ 50 fois). La caractérisation fonctionnelle de la famille CYP76, et plus particulièrement celle de CYP76C2 a donc fait l’objet de cette thèse. Après confirmation de l’activation sélective de CYP76C2 en réponse aux pathogènes par qRT-PCR, le phénotype de ses mutants d’insertion et de surexpression a été caractérisé sous différentes conditions d’infection par: Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 avrRpm1 et par Botrytis cinerea. Afin d’identifier la voie métabolique faisant intervenir CYP76C2, un profilage métabolique ciblé et non ciblé a été entrepris, centré sur le(s) métabolite(s) différentiellement accumulés dans les différents mutants en condition d’infection. Alors que des différences subtiles de sensibilité des mutants de CYP76C2 aux pathogènes semblent confirmer son rôle dans la réponse aux pathogènes, les lignées affectées dans son expression ne présentent pas de phénotypes clairement différents de ceux des plantes sauvages. Une analyse non–ciblée en UPLC-MS (Orbitrap) a permis d’identifier un composé absent dans le mutant cyp76c2 qui pourrait correspondre à un dérivé conjugué en C11, sans que sa structure ne puisse pour l’instant être identifiée (formule brute C17H28O9). CYP76C2 ne semble pas impliqué directement dans la synthèse d’une molécule cruciale pour la mise en place du processus de défense, mais exerce plus probablement une fonction spécialisée ou partiellement redondante de défense ou de détoxication. / A transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to biotic stresses has revealed the activation of members of the CYP76 family, especially of CYP76C2 (≈ 50 times). The functional characterization of CYP76C2, has been the objective of this thesis. After confirmation of the selective activation of CYP76C2 by pathogens, the phenotype of its insertion and overexpressor mutants was characterized under infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 avrRpm1 and Botrytis cinerea. In order to identify the metabolic pathway involving CYP76C2, targeted and non-targeted metabolic profiling was focused on differentially accumulated compounds in the different mutants after infection. Whereas subtle differences of response of the CYP76C2 mutant lines in response to pathogens seemed to confirm its involvement in response to biotic stress, phenotypes strikingly different from those of wild-type plants were not observed. A non-targeted analysis by UPLC-MS (Orbitrap) identified a compound absent in the cyp76c2 line that may correspond to an oxygenated C11 conjugate (raw formula C17H28O9), but its structure was not identified. CYP76C2 thus does not seem directly involved in the synthesis of a molecule crucial for defense responses, but more likely has a role in the synthesis of a potentially redundant specialized defense compound or in a detoxification process.

Role of cytochromes P450 in wine aroma / Rôle des cytochromes P450 dans l’arôme du vin

Ilc, Tina 18 December 2015 (has links)
L’annotation détaillée de la superfamille des cytochromes P450 dans le génome de la vigne nous a permis d’étudier sa structure génétique, sa phylogénie et son expression, mais aussi d’identifier des gènes dont l’expression est activée dans le grain à maturité, lors de la synthèse de nombreux composés aromatiques. La lactone du vin est la molécule dont le seuil de détection olfactive est le plus bas, ce qui en fait un composant essentiel de l’arôme du vin. Nous avons pu démontrer que cette lactone se forme au cours du vieillissement du vin par une réaction lente et non-enzymatique à partir du 8-carboxylinalool. L’accumulation de ce dernier dans la baie est concomitante à l’expression de plusieurs P450s, dont CYP76F14 est le plus fortement exprimé. Trois enzymes catalysent des étapes d’oxydation conduisant du linalool au (E)-8-carboxylinalool, mais seul CYP76F14 catalyse efficacement la formation de l’acide. Tant par son activité catalytique que son profil d’expression, CYP76F14 apparaît donc comme le responsable le plus probable de la formation du précurseur de la lactone du vin. / A thorough annotation of the P450 superfamily in grapevine, revealed its genomic organization, phylogeny and expression. Specifically, we identified genes showing an activated expression in the ripe grape berry, the stage during which the biosynthesis of many aroma compounds takes place. Among the known oxygenated monoterpenols in grapevine, wine lactone has the lowest odor detection threshold and therefore the largest potential impact on wine aroma. We demonstrated that wine lactone is formed during wine ageing via a slow non-enzymatic reaction from the precursor (E)-8-carboxylinalool. We showed that the accumulation of this precursor in grape berries parallels the expression of several cytochrome P450 genes, among which CYP76F14 has the highest expression. While three of them catalyzed some of the oxidative steps from linalool to (E)-8-carboxylinalool, only CYP76F14 efficiently catalyzed the whole pathway. Taken together, CYP76F14 catalytic activity and expression pattern indicate that it is a prime candidate for the formation of the wine lactone precursor in grape berries.

Etude biochimique d’un cytochrome P450 de cerveau humain : le CYP2U1 / Biochemical cytochrome P450 human brain : the CYP2U1

Ducassou, Lionel 09 November 2012 (has links)
Parmi les 57 cytochromes P450 identifiés lors du séquençage complet du génome humain, on en dénombre environ 15 dont on ne connaît pratiquement rien de leurs rôles physiologiques, de leurs substrats, et de leurs structures, d’où le nom de «P450 orphelins». Le CYP2U1 est l’un des cytochromes P450 les plus fortement exprimé au niveau du cerveau et du cervelet mais c’est aussi l’un des plus conservé parmi les différentes espèces du règne animal. Ce travail de thèse a tout d’abord consisté à optimiser les conditions d’expression du CYP2U1 sous une forme active. Un premier système d’expression dans la levure Saccharomyces Cerevisiae a permis une production d’un complexe CYP2U1-P450 réductase catalytiquement actif permettant des études de recherche de substrat. Un second système d’expression dans Escherichia Coli devrait permettre d’obtenir de plus grandes quantités d’enzyme soluble destinée à des études structurales. Dans un second temps, une recherche de substrats a été effectuée à l’aide d’analyse d’incubats par chromatographie liquide couplée à une détection par spectrométrie de masse. A ce jour, un screening dirigé de plus de soixante-dix molécules, substrats de P450s de la famille 2, a permis d’identifier les premiers substrats exogènes du CYP2U1, les analogues de terfénadone et la débrisoquine. D’autre part, une étude par modélisation moléculaire de la structure du CYP2U1 a été effectuée. Cette étude montre que le CYP2U1 diffère de tous les autres P450s par la présence d’un insert très spécifique dans son domaine N-terminal. Des modèles par homologie basés sur les structures cristallographiques des P450s de la famille 2 ont été construits. Ces modèles ont été validés par dynamique moléculaire et ont permis de proposer un mode d’interaction avec la membrane, d’identifier la position des canaux d’accès ainsi que de déterminer la topologie du site actif. Enfin, un docking des premiers substrats exogènes au sein du site actif du CYP2U1 a permis de confirmer la régioselectivité des hydroxylations catalysées par le CYP2U1. / Among the 57 human cytochrome P450 genes that have been identified; substrates, structure and physiologic role of 15 of them is practically unknown. They are called orphan. One of them, CYP2U1 is one of the most expressed cytochrome P450 in the brain and in the cerebellum but also one of the most conserved isoform in the all animal kingdom. This manuscript first describes the optimization of the heterologous expression of an active form of CYP2U1. Expression in a eukaryotic host, yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae first allows the production of a catalytic active CYP2U1-P450 reductase complex needed for substrate screening. Another expression system in a prokaryote host Escherichia Coli will allow higher production rate of a truncated and soluble form of the protein which will permit structural studies. Then a directed substrate screening was performed with the liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis of CYP2U1 incubations. To date, 70 molecules, CYP2 family substrates, were tested that allow the identification of the two first exogenous CYP2U1 substrates: débrisoquine and terfenadone analogs. A structural study was achieved using a homology tridimensional model of the enzyme. We have found that CYP2U1 is longer than the other human CYPs, with an N-terminal 20 amino acids insertion, located after the  helical membrane spanning domain. Structural models were built using six crystallized human CYP2s as templates. Molecular dynamics experiments in membrane suggested a specific interaction with the membrane. The active site topology and the access channels were also determined and a docking of the two first exogenous CYP2U1 substrates was performed in order to confirm the regioselective hydroxylation activities observed in vitro.

Vliv vybraných endokrinních disruptorů na cytochromy P450 1B1 a 3A1/2 / The effect of selected endocrine disruptors on cytochromes P450 1B1 and 3A1/2

Holecová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Many exogenous and endogenous compounds are referred to as endocrine disruptors (EDCs), as they interfere with natural synthesis, signaling and metabolism of endogenous hormones. Common exogenous endocrine disruptors are benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). Endogenous endocrine disruptor 17β-estradiol (E2) is frequently present in the environment as well. In this thesis, the effect of the mentioned EDCs and their combinations on gene and protein expression of CYP1B1, 3A1 and 3A2 in rat liver, kidney and lung was determined. Protein expression was studied using Western blot method and specific antibodies; gene expression was assessed by quantitative PCR. Moreover, the effect of tested EDCs and their combinations on BaP metabolism and CYP3A specific activity (measured as testosterone 6β-hydroxylation) were studied in liver microsomal samples. It was confirmed, that BaP significantly increases CYP1B1 expression in rat liver and lung both alone and together with EE2 or E2. Pretreatment of rat with E2 and BaP increases the ability of BaP to induce CYP1B1 expression. On the contrary, EE2, E2 and their combination decrease the CYP1B1gene expression. The rate of BaP metabolites formed in liver microsomal samples increases in rats pretreated with BaP and its combinations. In liver, there was...

Species-specific effects of dioxin exposure on xenobiotic metabolism and hard tissue in voles

Murtomaa-Hautala, M. (Mari) 25 March 2012 (has links)
Abstract The evaluation of the effects and levels of contaminants in wildlife is an essential part of assessing risks for chemical exposure in the environment. Although the circumstances are not as controlled as in laboratory, wildlife studies offer the concept of environmental exposure in its entirety, with all the natural variation. In the present study, two wild vole species, bank vole (Myodes glareolus) and field vole (Microtus agrestis), were used in assessing environmental levels of dioxins. The effects of dioxin exposure on tooth and bone development were studied in order to determine whether they could be used as biomarkers for environmental exposure. Xenobiotic metabolism activity after dioxin exposure – both natural and experimental – was studied by quantifying selected cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzymes. The results confirmed the fact that dioxins are ubiquitous in the environment, also in areas far from contaminant sources and human activity. The development of the third molar in bank vole was found to be a sensitive biomarker for dioxin exposure. The two vole species under study do not respond similarly to environmental concentrations of dioxins; there were significant differences in body burdens and activity levels of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. / Tiivistelmä Haitallisten kemikaalien tason ja vaikutusten arviointi ympäristössä on olennainen osa kemikaalien riskin arviointia. Vaikka laboratoriossa olosuhteita kontrolloidaan ja tutkimukseen vaikuttava variaatio on paremmin hallittavissa, luonnonvaraisten lajien tutkiminen luo kokonaisvaltaisen ja todenmukaisen kuvan ympäristön kemikaalialtistuksesta kaikkine todellisine vaihteluineen. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan kahden luonnonvaraisen pikkunisäkkään, metsämyyrän (Myodes glareolus) ja peltomyyrän (Microtus agrestis), käyttöä ympäristön kemikaalitason arvioinnissa. Pääpaino on dioksiinien kaltaisissa yhdisteissä. Työssä tutkitaan yhdisteiden kertymistä myyriin kahdessa ympäristössä: voimakkaasti dioksiineilla saastuneella maa-alueella sekä kaukana ihmistoiminnasta sijaitsevassa erämaassa. Herkiksi tiedettyjä vasteita – hampaiden ja luiden kehitystä – käytetään dioksiinialtistuksen indikaattoreina. Vierasainemetaboliasta vastaavien entsyymien (sytokromi P450 eli CYP) aktiivisuutta kartoitetaan molemmilla myyrälajeilla, jotta saadaan tietoa entsyymien indusoinnista luonnonvaraisilla myyrillä yleensä ja selvitetään havaittuja lajien välisiä eroja dioksiinivasteissa. Tulokset vahvistavat, että dioksiinit ovat laajalle levinneitä yhdisteitä, joita löytyy paitsi läheltä päästölähdettä myös kaukana ihmistoiminnasta olevilta alueilta. Metsämyyrällä kolmannen poskihampaan kehitys osoittautuu herkäksi dioksiinialtistuksen biomarkkeriksi. Samasta elinympäristöstä huolimatta tutkituista myyrälajeista mitatut dioksiinipitoisuudet eroavat huomattavasti toisistaan, samoin kuin vierasainemetaboliasta vastaavien entsyymien aktiivisuus ja niiden induktio TCDD-altistuksen jälkeen.

Caracterização do mutante de desenvolvimento redA de Dictyostelium discoideum / Characterization of the developmental mutant redA of Dictyostelium discoideum

Daniela Carvalho Gonzalez 25 November 2002 (has links)
O mutante redA de Dictyostelium discoideum, obtido por inativação gênica aleatória, tem crescimento aparentemente normal, porém seu ciclo de desenvolvimento não progride além do estágio de agregados compactos. Neste trabalho relatamos a caracterização deste mutante, cujo gene defeituoso codifica a enzima NADPH citocromo P450 redutase (NCPR). O principal papel desta enzima é transportar elétrons do NADPH para as várias isoformas do citocromo P450. Um cDNA de 2094 pb que codifica a NCPR de D. discoideum (DdNCPR) foi isolado através da varredura de uma biblioteca de cDNA com uma sonda derivada de um fragmento do gene inativado no mutante redA. A análise da seqüência de aminoácidos deduzida do cDNA DdNCPR revelou que esta codifica uma proteína de 631 aminoácidos com 31% de identidade e 50% de similaridade com a NCPR humana. Verificamos o acúmulo do mRNA da DdNCPR durante fase de crescimento mas durante as fases iniciais do desenvolvimento ocorre significativa diminuição em seus níveis até a formação dos agregados compactos onde o mRNA da NCPR não é detectável. Demonstramos que o gene que codifica a NCPR aparentemente está presente em uma única cópia no genoma de Dictyostelium. Ademais, a análise de outras linhagens mutantes nocautes do gene da NCPR confirmaram que a inativação deste gene está diretamente relacionada ao fenótipo exibido pelo mutante redA-. Contudo, é provável que um ou mais produtos gênicos possam complementar a ausência desta enzima, uma vez que nem a linhagem redA nem as outras linhagens nocautes do gene da NCPR apresentaram alteração na taxa de crescimento e, em algumas circunstâncias experimentais, não exibiram qualquer alteração no ciclo de desenvolvimento. Nossos resultados sugerem, ainda que o bloqueio do desenvolvimento eventualmente observado no mutante redA pode ser devido a um provável papel da NCPR no metabolismo de DIF-1 (fator indutor de diferenciação-1), que parece desempenhar um papel primordial no controle da diferenciação de células pré-talo e células pré-esporo durante o desenvolvimento de D. discoideum. / The Dictyostelium discoideum redA mutant, obtained by random gene inactivation, exhibits normal growth but has its developmental cycle impaired at tight mound stage. In this study we describe the characterization of this mutant whose defective gene encodes the enzyme NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase (NCPR). NCPR is known to play an essential role in the transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH to various cytochrome P450 isoforms. We isolated a 2094 bp cDNA that encodes D. discoideum NCPR (DdNCPR) by screening a cDNA library using as probe the mutated gene fragment rescued from redA cells. Analysis of the deduced aminoacid sequence of DdNCPR cDNA shows that it encodes a 631 aminoacid protein with 31% of identity and 50% of similarity with human NCPR. Northern blot analysis showed that DdNCPR mRNA levels is maximum during growth phase and decreases at early stages of the development. After slug stage this mRNA is not detectable. D. discoideum has a single copy of NCPR gene and, as shown by analysis of other NCPR knockout mutants, inactivation of this gene is strongly correlated to the redA phenotype. However, redA, as well as the other NCPR knockout strains, do have growth alterations and in some circumstances they do not show the described developmental defects. Thus, it is possible that one or more proteins be able to compensate for the lack of NCPR in these mutants. Our results also suggest that the redA developmental phenotype might play a role of NCPR on the metabolism of DIF-1, a prime candidate for controlling prestalk and prespore cell differentiation during D. discoideum development.

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