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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo in vitro do metabolismo microssomal hepático de agentes tripanossomicidas / Liver microsomal metabolism of compounds with potential trypanocidal activity

Ribeiro, Jean Francisco Rosa 20 March 2013 (has links)
Em face das recentes exigências das agências regulatórias quanto à aprovação de novos fármacos, os estudos de biotransformação têm-se tornado uma etapa indispensável para a identificação e otimização de compostos bioativos. O objetivo desses estudos é identificar, já nas fases iniciais da descoberta de fármacos, candidatos que apresentam propriedades indesejáveis como a (i) presença de metabólitos ativos ou tóxicos; (ii) inibição de enzimas metabolizadoras; (iii) depuração metabólica inadequada, entre outras. Neste estudo, foi realizada a caracterização metabólica e a identificação de possíveis inibidores das enzimas do citocromo P450 de oito promissores candidatos a fármacos, identificados através de ensaios virtuais como inibidores da TcGAPDH, Cruzaina e TcDHODH, todas do Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causador da doença de Chagas. Esses compostos foram testados contra as três principais isoformas do citrocromo P450: CYP 3A4, CYP 2D6 e CYP2C9. Os valores de IC50 de 1,4 µM e 1,3 µM contra a CYP2C9 foram encontrados para os compostos Nequimed53 e Nequimed125, enquanto o Nequimed42 inibiu a CYP 3A4 com um valor de IC50 de 7,12 µM. Posteriormente foi conduzida a caracterização metabólica dos compostos Nequimed53 e 125 com foco na identificação dos principais metabólitos, sítios de metabolismo e vias de biotransformação através da técnica de LC-ESI-QqTOF-MS. Para ambos os compostos, a biotransformação por microssomas extraídos de fígado de ratos deu-se preferencialmente por uma única via dependente de NADPH. No caso do Nequimed54, o metabólito formado apresentou uma variação da razão m/z de +16, indicando a ocorrência da hidroxilação do composto parental, enquanto que para o composto Nequimed125, o metabólito formado apresentou uma variação da razão m/z de -28, condizente com a perda de um fragmento etila do composto parental. / In the light of recent demands from regulatory agencies for the acceptance of new drugs, the biotransformation studies have become an essential step for the identification and optimization of bioactive compounds. The objective of these studies is to identify compounds that have undesirable properties such as (i) the presence of toxic or active metabolites, (ii) inhibition of metabolizing enzymes, (iii) excessive metabolic clearance, inter alia. In this study we characterized the metabolism and cytochrome P450 inhibition of eight compounds identified by virtual screening as inhibitors of TcGAPDH, Cruzain and TcDHODH which are of interest as targets for intervention in treatment of Chagas Disease. These compounds were tested against cytochrome P450 isoforms 3A4, 2D6 and 2C9. IC50 values of 1.4 µM and 1.3 µM against CYP 2C9 were observed for Nequimed53 and Nequimed125.while Nequimed42 inhibited CYP 3A4 with an IC50 of 7.1 µM. Subsequently, we characterized the in vitro metabolism of Nequimed53 and 125 with a focus on metabolite identification and biotransformation pathways using the LC-ESI-MS-QqTOF technique. For each, the biotransformation by rat liver microsomes occurred by a single NADPH-dependent pathway. For Nequimed54, the observed metabolite [M+16]+ indicated hydroxylation of parent compound. The metabolite [M-28]+ observed for Nequimed125 indicated desethylation of the parent compound.

Indução do sistema citocromo P450 em linhagens de hepatoma humano para utilização como modelo in vitro no desenvolvimento de fármacos / Induction of cytochrome P450 system in human hepatoma cell lines for using as in vitro model in drug development

Míriam Cristina Sakuragui Matuo 31 January 2012 (has links)
Na etapa inicial do desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, a avaliação do metabolismo e da toxicidade é fundamental para definir seu potencial emprego como candidato a fármaco. Nestes estudos, diversos modelos in vitro são empregados, dentre eles linhagens de hepatoma humano. Entretanto, uma grande limitação ao uso deste modelo in vitro é a baixa expressão das enzimas do sistema citocromo P450. O carotenóide bixina, componente majoritário do anato (urucum), apresentou em estudos in vivo, a capacidade de induzir algumas isoformas do sistema citocromo P450, com a vantagem de apresentar baixa toxicidade. Neste trabalho, a fração lipossolúvel do anato (bixina) e hidrossolúvel (norbixina) foram avaliadas como indutores do sistema citocromo P450 em linhagens de hepatoma humano. Ensaios de MTT, empregando as linhagens HepG2, C3A e SK-HEP-1 indicaram que bixina e norbixina em concentrações abaixo de 0,22 mM são seguras quanto à citotoxicidade. A expressão dos genes CYP 1A1, 1A2, 2C9, 2B6, 2E1 e 3A4 foi avaliada, através de ensaios de RT-PCR em tempo real, em linhagens de hepatoma humano submetidas a tratamento com os compostos bixina e norbixina. Os resultados mostraram que células HepG2 e C3A tratadas com bixina nas concentrações de 0,05 e 0,1 mM, por períodos de 24 e 48 horas, apresentaram aumento de expressão da CYP 1A1 e CYP 1A2. Porém, a exposição de células HepG2 e C3A ao composto norbixina não resultou em aumento de expressão das isoformas avaliadas neste estudo. Os resultados deste trabalho indicaram o potencial emprego de bixina como agente indutor das CYPs 1A1 e 1A2, em linhagens de hepatoma humano utilizadas como modelo in vitro, para estudo de compostos cuja metabolização envolva uma destas vias, entretanto, estudos adicionais são fundamentais, a fim de avaliar a ação deste composto sobre outras isoformas do sistema citocromo P-450, bem como outros sistemas enzimáticos. / In the early development stage of the new drugs, the pharmacological and toxicological properties are critical to define the potential use of the candidate drug. During this stage, several in vitro models systems are employed, including human hepatoma cell lines. However, the main limitation of the use of cell lines as in vitro model is the low expression level of cytochrome P450 enzymes. A carotenoid knowed as bixin, the main pigment in the annatto (urucum), it has been reported to induce some isoforms of cytochrome P450 in rats, with the advantage of its low toxicity. In this work, the oil-soluble (bixin) and aqueous soluble extracts (norbixin) were evaluated as inducers of the cytochrome P450 system in human hepatoma cell lines (HepG2, C3A, SK-HEP-1). The results of MTT assays showed that bixin concentrations below 0.22 mM were not cytotoxic in HepG2, C3A and SK-HEP-1 cell lines. Expression changes in CYP 1A1, 1A2, 2C9, 2B6, 2E1 and 3A4 were evaluated, by real time RT-PCR and the results showed that the exposition to 0,05 mM and 0,1 mM bixin, for 24 and 48 hours of treatment, lead to an increase in CYP 1A1 and CYP 1A2 expression level. By contrast, the cytochrome P450 isoforms were not affected by the exposition to norbixin. In conclusion, this work indicated the potential use of bixin induced hepatoma cell lines as in vitro model for studies of biotransformation and toxicity of drugs involving CYP 1A, however, further studies are necessary to evaluate the effect of bixin on the other cytochrome P450 isoforms as well as other enzymatic systems.

Associação dos polimorfismos do CYP3A5 e da PGP com a farmacocinética do tacrolimus, nefrotoxicidade aguda e rejeição do enxerto após transplante renal / Association of CYP3A5 and PGP polymorphisms and haplotypes with tacrolimus pharmacokinetics, acute nephrotoxicity and allograft rejection after kidney transplantation

Diego Alberto Ciscato Cusinato 01 August 2012 (has links)
Tacrolimus (TAC) é um fármaco imunossupressor muito utilizado na prevenção de rejeição aguda após o transplante de órgãos. Essa droga apresenta um índice terapêutico muito baixo e grande variabilidade intra e interindividual, sendo necessário programas de monitorização terapêutica para se otimizar a eficácia e limitar a toxicidade. O TAC é um fármaco substrato do CYP3A5 e transportado pela proteína de efluxo PGP e acredita-se que o polimorfismos genéticos (SNPs) destas proteínas estejam relacionados a alta variabilidade farmacocinética desta droga. Neste estudo, investigamos a influência dos polimorfismos destas proteínas sobre alguns parâmetros farmacocinéticos do TAC e também, na incidência de lesões renais e rejeição em receptores de transplante renal. Pacientes recebendo TAC a no mínimo 12 meses (n=108) foram genotipados (PCR real time) para os polimorfismos do CYP3A5*3 (rs776746) e do gene ABCB1 1236C>T (rs1128503), 2677G>T/A (rs2032582) e 3435C>T (rs1045642). Dados da concentração plasmática de vale (Co; ng/mL), dose diária normalizada (mg/dia por Kg do paciente) e a concentração plasmática do fármaco normalizada pela dose ingerida (Co/dose, ng/mL por mg/dia por kg do paciente) de TAC foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos ao longo de três anos após o transplante renal. O desfecho clínico foi analisado avaliando-se a curva de sobrevida o enxerto, a função renal obtida pelo clearance de creatinina (Equação de Cockroft-Gault), e desenvolvimento de lesões renais e rejeição aguda e crônica com diagnósticos estabelecidos mediante suspeita clínica e confirmados pela avaliação das biópsias quanto a presença de necrose tubular aguda (NTA) e nefropatia crônica do enxerto (NFC) de acordo com a classificação de BANFF 07. Os haplótipos do gene ABCB1 foram inferidos estatisticamente utilizando o software PHASE (version 2.1). Diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando p<0,05. Não observamos desvios em relação ao esperado pelo equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg em nossa população para nenhum dos genes estudados. Frequências alélicas destes polimorfismos (6986G 74%; 1236C 60%; 3435C 59% and 2677G 64%) e haplótipos (49% 2677G-3435C-1236C e 31% 2677T-3435T-1236T) foram consistentes com outros estudos realizados na população brasileira. Indivíduos portadores de ao menos um alelo *1 do gene CYP3A5 necessitavam de maiores doses de TAC para obter níveis plasmáticos semelhantes aos dos indivíduos homozigotos para o alelo *3 (0,09 ± 0,03 vs. 0,06 ± 0,03; mg/dia/kg; p<0,001). Ao final do primeiro ano de transplante pacientes CYP*3/*3 apresentavam praticamente o dobro da razão Co/dose quando comparados com os pacientes CYP*1/*1 (144,60 ± 67,29 vs. 70,44 ± 56,05 ng*mL-1 /mg*kg- 1 /dia; p<0,001). Observou-se semelhante em relação quando indivíduos portadores dos alelos e haplótipo variante da PGP foram avaliados. Não encontramos associações significativas entre os genótipos e a sobrevida do enxerto ou clearance de creatinina. No entanto, observamos que os pacientes portadores do haplótipo GCC apresentaram maior incidência de desenvolvimento de NFC. Este estudo confirma o efeito dos polimorfismos do CYP3A5 e, em menor grau da PGP na farmacocinética do TAC. No entanto, não encontramos associações entre esses polimorfismos e desfechos clínicos significantes, sugerindo que a genotipagem para o CYP3A5 ou ABCB1 ainda não deva ser incorporada na prática clínica como uma ferramenta para o manejo de transplante renal. / Tacrolimus (TAC) is widely used to prevent acute rejection following solid-organ transplantation. This drug is characterized by a narrow therapeutic index and drug monitoring programs are required both to optimize efficacy and to limit toxicity. TAC is known to be substrate of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A5 and P-glycoprotein (PGP/ABCB) and its been suggested that genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) of these proteins are highly associated with variations in TAC pharmacokinetics. We investigated the influence of polymorphisms of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 gene on the pharmacokinetic parameters (PK) of TAC and on the incidence of kidney injuries and allograft rejection (AR) in renal transplant recipients. Patients receiving TAC for at least 12 months (n=108) were genotyped (real-time PCR) for CYP3A5*3 (rs776746) and for ABCB1 1236C>T (rs1128503), 2677G>T/A (rs2032582) and 3435C>T (rs1045642) polymorphisms. TAC predose concentration (Co; ng/mL), TAC daily dose (mg/day per kg body weight) and dose-normalized predose concentrations (Co/dose; ng/mL per mg/day per kg body weight) were retrieved from medical records up to 03 years after transplantation. Clinical outcomes were analyzed evaluating renal function in terms of creatinine clearance ( Cockroft-Gault equation) and allograft survival. Kidney injuries and AR diagnostics were established by clinical suspicion and in presence of histological findings in renal biopsies according to the 2007 Banff classification. ABCB1 gene haplotypes were statistically inferred using PHASE software (version 2.1). No deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in our study population for the polymorphic loci examined in CYP3A5 and ABCB1. Allelic frequencies of these polymorphisms (6986G 74%; 1236C 60%; 3435C 60% and 2677G 65%) and haplotypes (49% 2677G-3435C-1236C and 30% 2677T- 3435T-1236T) were consistent with other studies in the Brazilian population. Individuals carrying at least one CYP3A5*1 allele required higher TAC dose to achieve similar TAC blood levels as the homozygous individuals for the *3 allele (0.09 ± 0.03 vs.0.06 ± 0.03, mg/day per kg body weight, p<0.001). The presence of the CYP3A5*1 allele was also associated with lower TAC Co/dose compared to CYP*3 homozygous (84.9 ± 43.2 vs. 144.6 ± 66.7 ng/mL per mg/day per kg body weight, p<0.001). Regarding ABCB1 polymorphisms, individuals homozygous for the variant allele of each individual SNP and for the haplotype (TTT) showed higher Co/dose ratio. No associations were found between SNPs or haplotypes and allograft survival or creatinine clearance. We did find, though, that patients carrying GCC haplotype had a higher incidence of chronic rejection. Our findings confirm the effect of CYP3A5 and, less pronounced of ABCB1 polymorphisms, on the TAC pharmacokinetic. On the other hand, we did not find any association between these polymorphisms and relevant clinical outcomes, suggesting that CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genotyping must not be incorporated as a useful clinical tool on the management of kidney transplantation.

Associação dos polimorfismos do CYP3A5 e da PGP com a farmacocinética do tacrolimus, nefrotoxicidade aguda e rejeição do enxerto após transplante renal / Association of CYP3A5 and PGP polymorphisms and haplotypes with tacrolimus pharmacokinetics, acute nephrotoxicity and allograft rejection after kidney transplantation

Cusinato, Diego Alberto Ciscato 01 August 2012 (has links)
Tacrolimus (TAC) é um fármaco imunossupressor muito utilizado na prevenção de rejeição aguda após o transplante de órgãos. Essa droga apresenta um índice terapêutico muito baixo e grande variabilidade intra e interindividual, sendo necessário programas de monitorização terapêutica para se otimizar a eficácia e limitar a toxicidade. O TAC é um fármaco substrato do CYP3A5 e transportado pela proteína de efluxo PGP e acredita-se que o polimorfismos genéticos (SNPs) destas proteínas estejam relacionados a alta variabilidade farmacocinética desta droga. Neste estudo, investigamos a influência dos polimorfismos destas proteínas sobre alguns parâmetros farmacocinéticos do TAC e também, na incidência de lesões renais e rejeição em receptores de transplante renal. Pacientes recebendo TAC a no mínimo 12 meses (n=108) foram genotipados (PCR real time) para os polimorfismos do CYP3A5*3 (rs776746) e do gene ABCB1 1236C>T (rs1128503), 2677G>T/A (rs2032582) e 3435C>T (rs1045642). Dados da concentração plasmática de vale (Co; ng/mL), dose diária normalizada (mg/dia por Kg do paciente) e a concentração plasmática do fármaco normalizada pela dose ingerida (Co/dose, ng/mL por mg/dia por kg do paciente) de TAC foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos ao longo de três anos após o transplante renal. O desfecho clínico foi analisado avaliando-se a curva de sobrevida o enxerto, a função renal obtida pelo clearance de creatinina (Equação de Cockroft-Gault), e desenvolvimento de lesões renais e rejeição aguda e crônica com diagnósticos estabelecidos mediante suspeita clínica e confirmados pela avaliação das biópsias quanto a presença de necrose tubular aguda (NTA) e nefropatia crônica do enxerto (NFC) de acordo com a classificação de BANFF 07. Os haplótipos do gene ABCB1 foram inferidos estatisticamente utilizando o software PHASE (version 2.1). Diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando p<0,05. Não observamos desvios em relação ao esperado pelo equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg em nossa população para nenhum dos genes estudados. Frequências alélicas destes polimorfismos (6986G 74%; 1236C 60%; 3435C 59% and 2677G 64%) e haplótipos (49% 2677G-3435C-1236C e 31% 2677T-3435T-1236T) foram consistentes com outros estudos realizados na população brasileira. Indivíduos portadores de ao menos um alelo *1 do gene CYP3A5 necessitavam de maiores doses de TAC para obter níveis plasmáticos semelhantes aos dos indivíduos homozigotos para o alelo *3 (0,09 ± 0,03 vs. 0,06 ± 0,03; mg/dia/kg; p<0,001). Ao final do primeiro ano de transplante pacientes CYP*3/*3 apresentavam praticamente o dobro da razão Co/dose quando comparados com os pacientes CYP*1/*1 (144,60 ± 67,29 vs. 70,44 ± 56,05 ng*mL-1 /mg*kg- 1 /dia; p<0,001). Observou-se semelhante em relação quando indivíduos portadores dos alelos e haplótipo variante da PGP foram avaliados. Não encontramos associações significativas entre os genótipos e a sobrevida do enxerto ou clearance de creatinina. No entanto, observamos que os pacientes portadores do haplótipo GCC apresentaram maior incidência de desenvolvimento de NFC. Este estudo confirma o efeito dos polimorfismos do CYP3A5 e, em menor grau da PGP na farmacocinética do TAC. No entanto, não encontramos associações entre esses polimorfismos e desfechos clínicos significantes, sugerindo que a genotipagem para o CYP3A5 ou ABCB1 ainda não deva ser incorporada na prática clínica como uma ferramenta para o manejo de transplante renal. / Tacrolimus (TAC) is widely used to prevent acute rejection following solid-organ transplantation. This drug is characterized by a narrow therapeutic index and drug monitoring programs are required both to optimize efficacy and to limit toxicity. TAC is known to be substrate of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A5 and P-glycoprotein (PGP/ABCB) and its been suggested that genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) of these proteins are highly associated with variations in TAC pharmacokinetics. We investigated the influence of polymorphisms of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 gene on the pharmacokinetic parameters (PK) of TAC and on the incidence of kidney injuries and allograft rejection (AR) in renal transplant recipients. Patients receiving TAC for at least 12 months (n=108) were genotyped (real-time PCR) for CYP3A5*3 (rs776746) and for ABCB1 1236C>T (rs1128503), 2677G>T/A (rs2032582) and 3435C>T (rs1045642) polymorphisms. TAC predose concentration (Co; ng/mL), TAC daily dose (mg/day per kg body weight) and dose-normalized predose concentrations (Co/dose; ng/mL per mg/day per kg body weight) were retrieved from medical records up to 03 years after transplantation. Clinical outcomes were analyzed evaluating renal function in terms of creatinine clearance ( Cockroft-Gault equation) and allograft survival. Kidney injuries and AR diagnostics were established by clinical suspicion and in presence of histological findings in renal biopsies according to the 2007 Banff classification. ABCB1 gene haplotypes were statistically inferred using PHASE software (version 2.1). No deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in our study population for the polymorphic loci examined in CYP3A5 and ABCB1. Allelic frequencies of these polymorphisms (6986G 74%; 1236C 60%; 3435C 60% and 2677G 65%) and haplotypes (49% 2677G-3435C-1236C and 30% 2677T- 3435T-1236T) were consistent with other studies in the Brazilian population. Individuals carrying at least one CYP3A5*1 allele required higher TAC dose to achieve similar TAC blood levels as the homozygous individuals for the *3 allele (0.09 ± 0.03 vs.0.06 ± 0.03, mg/day per kg body weight, p<0.001). The presence of the CYP3A5*1 allele was also associated with lower TAC Co/dose compared to CYP*3 homozygous (84.9 ± 43.2 vs. 144.6 ± 66.7 ng/mL per mg/day per kg body weight, p<0.001). Regarding ABCB1 polymorphisms, individuals homozygous for the variant allele of each individual SNP and for the haplotype (TTT) showed higher Co/dose ratio. No associations were found between SNPs or haplotypes and allograft survival or creatinine clearance. We did find, though, that patients carrying GCC haplotype had a higher incidence of chronic rejection. Our findings confirm the effect of CYP3A5 and, less pronounced of ABCB1 polymorphisms, on the TAC pharmacokinetic. On the other hand, we did not find any association between these polymorphisms and relevant clinical outcomes, suggesting that CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genotyping must not be incorporated as a useful clinical tool on the management of kidney transplantation.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para a determinação dos genótipos principais dos genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9: aplicação na farmacogenética / evelopment of methodology for determining the major genotypes of CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genes: application in pharmacogenetics

Prado, Carolina Martins do 25 February 2010 (has links)
As enzimas CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9 são responsáveis pelo metabolismo de aproximadamente metade dos 200 medicamentos mais prescritos nos EUA. Padronizamos ensaios de genotipagem baseados na discriminação alélica com o sistema TaqMan® em 198 indivíduos. Para o gene CYP2D6, os alelos *1 e *2 foram os mais freqüentes, seguidos pelos alelos *4, *41, *35, *17, *5, *10, *6, *29 e *9. Desenvolvemos também uma nova metodologia para a determinação do número de cópias do gene CYP2D6. Para o gene CYP2C19, o alelo *1 foi o mais frequente, seguido pelos alelos *17, *2 e *3. Nosso estudo foi o primeiro a determinar a freqüência alélica do gene CYP2C19 no Brasil. Para o gene CYP2C9, o alelo *1 foi o mais frequente, seguido pelos alelos *2 e *3. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia reprodutível e acessível para a genotipagem dos polimorfismos principais dos genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 e CYP2C9. A identificação precoce de indivíduos suscetíveis a efeitos adversos, bem como de metabolizadores rápidos pode trazer grandes benefícios aos pacientes possibilitando assim uma medicina personalizada. / The enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 metabolize approximately half of the 200 most prescribed drugs in the USA. We standardized genotyping tests based on allelic discrimination, using TaqMan® genotyping system in 198 samples. For the CYP2D6 gene, allele *1 and *2 were the most frequent, followed by alleles *4, *4, *35, *17, *5, *10, *6, *29 and *9. We have also developed a new methodology for determining the copy number variations of the CYP2D6 gene. For the CYP2C19 gene, the allele *1 was the most common, followed by the alleles *17, *2 and *3. In our concern, our study was the first to determine the allele frequency of the CYP2C19 gene in Brazil. For CYP2C9 gene, the allele *1 was the most common followed by the alleles *2 and *3. We developed a methodology reproducible and accessible for genotyping the most important polymorphisms of the genes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9. The previous identification of individuals at risk to develop adverse drug reactions as well as ultrarapid-metabolizers may bring benefits to the patients, leading to a personalized therapy.

Ενεργοποίηση του μεταγραφικού παράγοντα CREB από υπότυπους a2-αδρενεργικού υποδοχέα σε διαμολυσμένα PC12 κύτταρα

Μονάντερα, Γεωργία Σ. 15 December 2008 (has links)
Ο α2 –αδρενεργικός υποδοχέας διακρίνεται σε 3 γνωστούς υποτύπους (α2Α, α2Β, α2C) και μετά αλληλεπίδραση με G-πρωτεΐνες (GPCRs), διαμεσολαβεί μέρος των δράσεων των ορμονών- νευρομεταβιβαστών, επινεφρίνη και νορεπινεφρίνη σε πολλά όργανα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του νευρικού συστήματος. Πρότυπο μελέτης του νευρικού συστήματος in vitro, αποτελεί η κυτταρική σειρά PC12, που περιλαμβάνει κύτταρα από φαιοχρωμοκύττωμα αρουραίου, τα οποία υπό την επίδραση του Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) διαφοροποιούνται σε συμπαθητικούς νευρώνες. Μετά από διαμόλυνση, αυτά τα κύτταρα εκφράζουν τους υποτύπους των α2-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων και βάσει δεδομένων από προηγούμενη εμπειρία του εργαστηρίου μας, μπορούν μετά από ενεργοποίηση με επινεφρίνη να οδηγήσουν στην ενεργοποίηση ενός καταρράκτη μεταγωγής σήματος, που περιλαμβάνει τις κινάσες Akt και ERK1/2. Δεδομένου ότι τα μόρια αυτά συμβάλλουν στην ενεργοποίηση του μεταγραφικού παράγοντα CREB (cAMP response element binding protein) θελήσαμε στην παρούσα εργασία να διερευνήσουμε κατά πόσο η ενεργοποίηση των α2-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων προκαλεί την CREB φωσφορυλίωση. Βάσει προηγούμενων αποτελεσμάτων, που αποδείκνυαν την απελευθέρωση αραχιδονικού οξέος και διαφόρων μεταβολιτών του μετά από ενεργοποίηση των α2 –αδρενεργικών υποτύπων, μελετήσαμε εάν αυτή η απελευθέρωση αραχιδονικού οξέος, μπορούσε να προκαλέσει ενεργοποίηση μέσω φωσφορυλίωσης του CREB και μέσω ποιών μεταβολικών μονοπατιών μπορεί αυτό να πραγματοποιηθεί. Επιπλέον μελετήσαμε εάν αυτή η ενεργοποίηση του CREB ήταν παρούσα και στους 3 υποτύπους και εάν παρουσίαζε υποτυποειδικότητα. Χρησιμοποιήσαμε την τεχνική Western Blotting , σε εκχυλίσματα PC12 κυττάρων, κατάλληλα επεξεργασμένων με επινεφρίνη, παρουσία διαφόρων αναστολέων των μεταβολικών μονοπατιών του αραχιδονικού οξέος. Τα αποτελέσματά μας δείχνουν ότι η επινεφρίνη επάγει τη φωσφορυλίωση του CREB και στους 3 υποτύπους των α2-αδρενεργικών υποδοχέων σε PC12 κύτταρα. Επίσης η απελευθέρωση αραχιδονικού οξέος και η επακόλουθη φωσφορυλίωση του CREB διαμεσολαβείται από την PLC (φωσφολιπάση C) και την εποξυγενάση του κυτοχρώματος P450, αφού έχουμε αναστολή από τους ειδικούς αναστολείς U73122 και κετοκοναζόλη αντίστοιχα. Τα επίπεδα φωσφορυλίωσης ήταν ίδια στους α2A- και α2C-υποτύπους και σημαντικά μεγαλύτερα από τον α2Β-υπότυπο, αποδεικνύοντας ότι παρουσιάζεται σημαντική υποτυποειδικότητα. / α2-adrenergic receptor is divided into 3 known subtypes (α2A, α2Β, α2C) and after interaction with G-proteins (GPCRs) mediates part of actions of hormones-neurotransmitters, epinephrine and nor epinephrine in many organs, including Central Nervous System. Cell line PC12, which origins from cells of rats’ pheochromocytoma , consist a study model of nervous system in vitro and under the influence of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is differentiated into sympathetic neurons. After transfection, these cells express the subtypes of α2-adrenergic receptors and based on data from previous experience, after activation with epinephrine, they activate a cascade of signal transduction , which includes kinases Akt and ERK1/2. Based on the fact that these molecules contribute to the activation of transcription factor CREB (cAMP response element binding protein) we study whether the activation of α2-adrenergic receptors can cause direct CREB phosphorylation. Based on previous results, which prove release of arachidonic acid and its metabolites after activation of α2-adrenergic subtypes, we study if the release of arachidonic acid could cause activation, through phosphorylation, of CREB and via which metabolic pathways this happens. Furthermore, we studied if the activation was present in all 3 subtypes and if it presented sub-specificity. We performed the Western Blotting technique in PC12 cells properly pro-incubated with epinephrine and addition of enzymic inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism. Our results figure that epinephrine induce CREB phosphorylation in all 3 subtypes of α2-adrenergic receptors in PC12 cells. The release of arachidonic acid and the following phosphorylation of CREB is mediated from phospholipase C (PLC) and cytochrome P450-dependent epoxygenase, as proved by inhibition with the specific inhibitors U73122 and ketokonazole, respectively. The levels of CREB phosphorylation were comparable between α2Α - and α2C- subtypes and higher than the α2Β- subtype, proving that this is an action which presents sub-specificity.

Citochromų P450 katalizuojamo vaistų metabolizmo kompiuterinis modeliavimas / Computational modeling of cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism

Dapkūnas, Justas 03 October 2011 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo kiekybinio struktūros ir aktyvumo ryšio modelių, prognozuojančių su vaistų metabolizmu susijusias savybes, kūrimas. Modeliai, prognozuojantys CYP3A4 slopinimą ir žmogaus kepenų mikrosomų katalizuojamo metabolizmo regioselektyvumą, buvo sukurti naudojant GALAS (angl. Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity; Globalus, lokaliai pakoreguotas pagal panašumą) modeliavimo metodą, kuris geba įvertinti prognozės patikimumą, taip apibrėždamas modelio pritaikymo sritį. Sukurtų modelių prognozės buvo tikrinamos naudojant eksperimentinius naujų cheminių junginių duomenis. Visų globalių modelių prognozės gerėjo po korekcijų pagal panašumą, o neteisingų spėjimų skaičius buvo ženkliai mažesnis tarp aukšto patikimumo prognozių. Visgi daugiau nei pusė išorinių duomenų nepatenka į šių modelių pritaikymo sritį. GALAS modeliai gali būti gana paprastai apmokomi, pridedant naujus duomenis į lokalią modelio dalį ir apskaičiuojant reikiamą korekciją. Po tokios apmokymo procedūros CYP3A4 slopinimo modelis prisitaikė prie PubChem duomenų bazės cheminių junginių ir taip pat prie vaistų, turinčių naują cheminį karkasą. Pridėjus naujų junginių ir apmokius regioselektyvumo modelį, jis pradėjo prognozuoti naujas metabolizmo vietas. Pastarasis modelis taip pat buvo pritaikytas atskirų fermentų katalizuojamo metabolizmo prognozavimui. / The main objective of this study was the development of QSAR models for drug metabolism-related properties. Novel GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity) modeling method was used, which is a combination of baseline global QSAR model and local similarity based corrections. GALAS modeling method allows forecasting the reliability of prediction thus defining the model applicability domain. Models predicting CYP3A4 inhibition and regioselectivity of metabolism in human liver microsomes were developed and validated using external test sets. In all cases the baseline models already showed acceptable results, and the overall accuracy of predictions increased after the similarity based corrections. Moreover, the numbers of mispredictions reduced significantly when only results of higher reliability were taken into account. However, the original models are applicable only for less than a half of external datasets. Since the similarity correction procedure of GALAS modeling method allows simple model training, the possibility to expand the applicability domain has been tested. The CYP3A4 inhibition model was successfully adapted to PubChem data and compounds with a novel chemical scaffold. After training the regioselectivity model new metabolism sites could be identified in compounds of new chemical class. Moreover, this model was adapted for human cytochrome P450 isoform profiling.

Computational modeling of cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism / Citochromų P450 katalizuojamo vaistų metabolizmo kompiuterinis modeliavimas

Dapkūnas, Justas 03 October 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this study was the development of QSAR models for drug metabolism-related properties. Novel GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity) modeling method was used, which is a combination of baseline global QSAR model and local similarity based corrections. GALAS modeling method allows forecasting the reliability of prediction thus defining the model applicability domain. Models predicting CYP3A4 inhibition and regioselectivity of metabolism in human liver microsomes were developed and validated using external test sets. In all cases the baseline models already showed acceptable results, and the overall accuracy of predictions increased after the similarity based corrections. Moreover, the numbers of mispredictions reduced significantly when only results of higher reliability were taken into account. However, the original models are applicable only for less than a half of external datasets. Since the similarity correction procedure of GALAS modeling method allows simple model training, the possibility to expand the applicability domain has been tested. The CYP3A4 inhibition model was successfully adapted to PubChem data and compounds with a novel chemical scaffold. After training the regioselectivity model new metabolism sites could be identified in compounds of new chemical class. Moreover, this model was adapted for human cytochrome P450 isoform profiling. / Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo kiekybinio struktūros ir aktyvumo ryšio modelių, prognozuojančių su vaistų metabolizmu susijusias savybes, kūrimas. Modeliai, prognozuojantys CYP3A4 slopinimą ir žmogaus kepenų mikrosomų katalizuojamo metabolizmo regioselektyvumą, buvo sukurti naudojant GALAS (angl. Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity; Globalus, lokaliai pakoreguotas pagal panašumą) modeliavimo metodą, kuris geba įvertinti prognozės patikimumą, taip apibrėždamas modelio pritaikymo sritį. Sukurtų modelių prognozės buvo tikrinamos naudojant eksperimentinius naujų cheminių junginių duomenis. Visų globalių modelių prognozės gerėjo po korekcijų pagal panašumą, o neteisingų spėjimų skaičius buvo ženkliai mažesnis tarp aukšto patikimumo prognozių. Visgi daugiau nei pusė išorinių duomenų nepatenka į šių modelių pritaikymo sritį. GALAS modeliai gali būti gana paprastai apmokomi, pridedant naujus duomenis į lokalią modelio dalį ir apskaičiuojant reikiamą korekciją. Po tokios apmokymo procedūros CYP3A4 slopinimo modelis prisitaikė prie PubChem duomenų bazės cheminių junginių ir taip pat prie vaistų, turinčių naują cheminį karkasą. Pridėjus naujų junginių ir apmokius regioselektyvumo modelį, jis pradėjo prognozuoti naujas metabolizmo vietas. Pastarasis modelis taip pat buvo pritaikytas atskirų fermentų katalizuojamo metabolizmo prognozavimui.

The Cytochrome P450 2A5:Induction by Cadmium and its Role as Hepatic Bilirubin Oxidase

Abu Bakar, A'edah Unknown Date (has links)
Cadmium (Cd), is a non-essential metal with no known physiological function. It is known to alter redox state by disrupting the mitochondrial electron transport chain, as well as inactivating protein and non-protein thiols. It is thus believed that oxidative stress may comprise an important part of the mechanism of Cd toxicity. Accordingly, the initial cellular response to acute Cd exposure is defensive, where various anti-oxidant defence systems are triggered. One of the induced systems is the haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1). Its activation is mediated by the transcription factor Nrf2, which is the general regulator of cellular defence against oxidative stress. The protective effects of HO-1 are mediated, in part, through the generation of potent anti-oxidant bilirubin (BR) and its metabolites, which exploit the intrinsic antioxidant properties of these species at a cellular level. The oxidative metabolism of BR is an important route of detoxification in addition to glucuronidation. However, the major enzyme(s) involved in this oxidative degradation are not known. This thesis presents evidence for a major role of the hepatic cytochrome P450 2a5 (Cyp2a5) in BR degradation during Cd intoxication, where the BR levels are elevated following induction of HO-1. Treatment of DBA/2J male mice with CdCl2 induced both the Cyp2a5 and HO-1, and increased the microsomal BR degradation activity. By way of contrast, the total cytochrome P450 (CYP) content and the expression of Cyp1a2 were down-regulated by the treatment. The induction of the HO-1 and Cyp2a5 was significant at the mRNA, protein and enzyme activity levels. In each case, the up-regulation of the HO-1 preceded that of the Cyp2a5 with a 5-10 hr interval. In addition, BR totally inhibited the microsomal coumarin hydroxylase activity (a Cyp2a5-catalysed reaction) with an IC50 approximately equal to the substrate concentration. The MROD activity, catalysed mainly by the Cyp1a2, was inhibited up to 36% by BR. The microsomal BR degradation was inhibited by coumarin and by a monoclonal antibody against the Cyp2a5 by about 90%. In addition, 7-methoxyresorufin, a substrate for Cyp1a2, inhibited BR degradation activity by approximately 20%. A study using Nrf2 null mutant mice suggests that Cd-mediated induction of Cyp2a5 is dependent on the transcription factor Nrf2. Additionally, acute exposure to Cd activated localisation of Nrf2 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Furthermore, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) analysis suggests that Cd induced sequence-specific binding of various species of the StRE-binding proteins on the 5’-flanking region of the Cyp2a5 gene. Collectively, these observations strongly suggest that BR may act as a substrate for the hepatic Cyp2a5, a major catalyst for BR degradation under conditions of substantial elevation of BR levels following induction of HO-1 by Cd. Secondly, the concurrent up-regulation of the HO-1 and Cyp2a5 during Cd-mediated injury implicates a coordinated regulation of two enzyme systems in the maintenance of balancing BR production and elimination. Finally, StRE-binding proteins, in particular Nrf2, may be involved in the regulation of the Cyp2a5 gene, which leads to the oxidation of BR. However, the respective roles of these factors in the regulation of the Cyp2a5 gene, as well as the coordinated regulation of ho-1 and Cyp2a5 genes remain an open question, requiring further investigations.

Expressão dos genes CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2A6 e CYP2E1 em fumantes com câncer bucal. / Expression of CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 in smokers with oral cancer

Almeida, Adriana Ávila de [UNESP] 05 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Ávila de Almeida null (celdrica2003@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-23T16:45:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Final - Adriana Ávila de Almeida.pdf: 2506211 bytes, checksum: e38a3f026d55d541be0fd2ec9142a2a2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Silvana Alvarez null (silvana@ict.unesp.br) on 2018-04-03T21:06:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_aa_dr.sjc.pdf: 2506211 bytes, checksum: e38a3f026d55d541be0fd2ec9142a2a2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-03T21:06:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_aa_dr.sjc.pdf: 2506211 bytes, checksum: e38a3f026d55d541be0fd2ec9142a2a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-05 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Os carcinógenos do tabaco estão relacionados a diversos tipos de câncer incluindo o carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) bucal. Aliado ao álcool, o tabaco contribui para o desfecho desfavorável destes casos. A susceptibilidade individual ao câncer pode estar relacionada a expressão das enzimas que metabolizam tais carcinógenos. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a expressão dos genes CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2A6 e CYP2E1 no CCE bucal por meio de qPCR. Foram coletadas amostras de 32 indivíduos com CCE e de 15 controles submetidos a cirurgias bucais por lesões benignas. Foram constituídos quatro grupos: Grupo CCE fumante (n=26), Grupo CCE não fumante (n=6), Grupo controle fumante (n=9) e Grupo controle não fumante (n=6). O Teste de Fagerström para Dependência a Cigarros (TFDC) foi usado para avaliar a dependência nicotínica (DN) e AUDIT para avaliação do consumo de etílicos. Houve diminuição da expressão do gene CYP1B1 nos casos de CCE comparados aos controles. Foram encontradas diferenças estaticamente significativas de expressão gênica de CYP1B1 entre os Grupos CCE fumante e controle fumante (p=0,0018), Grupo CCE não fumante e controle não fumante (p=0,0079) e CCE fumante com CCE não fumante (p=0,0385) e entre os quatro grupos (p<0,0001). Houve diminuição da expressão do CYP2A6 no Grupo CCE fumante em relação ao Grupo controle, mas apenas um paciente do Grupo controle expressou este gene. Houve aumento da expressão de CYP2E1 entre os Grupos CCE fumante e controle fumante (p=0,0424). Concluindo, foi encontrada grande variabilidade interindividual no estudo da expressão dos genes estudados. Houve maior expressão de CYP1A1 e CYP2E1 em amostras de indivíduos fumantes com CCE. Os genes CYP1B1 e CYP2A6 estavam menos expressos no Grupo CCE fumante em relação ao Grupo controle. Para os genes CYP1B1 e CYP2E1 foram encontrados valores significativos na correlação entre a expressão gênica e parâmetros demográficos e de perfil tabágico no Grupo controle fumante, e do AUDIT no Grupo CCE não fumante. O gene CYP2E1, além de estar relacionado ao metabolismo do álcool, também deve ser considerado importante marcador do metabolismo dos carcinógenos derivados do tabaco. / Tobacco carcinogens are related to various types of cancer, including oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Allied to alcohol, tobacco contributes to the unfavorable outcome of the cases. Individual cancer susceptibility may be related to an expression of the enzymes that metabolize such carcinogens. The aim of this work is to evaluate the expression of the genes CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 on OSCC by qPCR. Samples were collected from 32 individuals with OSCC and 15 controls submitted to oral surgeries due to benign lesions. There were four groups: Smoker SCC group (n = 26), nonsmoker SCC group (n = 6), Smoker control group (n = 9) and nonsmoker control group (n = 6). The Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence (TFCD) was used to evaluate nicotinic dependence (ND) and AUDIT for the evaluation of alcohol consumption. There was a decrease in CYP1B1 gene expression in cases of SCC compared to controls. (P = 0.0018); smoker CCE and non-smoker control (p = 0.0079); smoker SCC with nonsmoker SCC (p = 0.0385) and between the four groups (p <0.0001). There was a decreased expression in CYP2A6 in the smoker SCC Group compared to the control group, but only one control group patient expressed this gene. There was an increased expression of CYP2E1 between the smoking and nonsmoking SCC groups (p = 0.0424). In conclusion, large interindividual variability was found in the study of the expression of the genes studied. There was greater expression of CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 in samples from smokers with SCC. The CYP1B1 and CYP2A6 genes were less expressed in the smoker SCC Group. Significant values were found for the CYP1B1 and CYP2E1 genes in the correlation between a gene expression and a parameter and a non-smoker control group, non-smoker control group and AUDIT. The CYP2E1 gene, besides being related to alcohol metabolism, should also be considered an important marker of the metabolism of the carcinogens derived from tobacco. / 2016/08633-0

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