Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pain""
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A infância como portadora do futuro: América Latina, 1916-1948 / The childhood as a holder of the future in Latin America, 1916-1948Eduardo Silveira Netto Nunes 23 August 2011 (has links)
A construção da infância como portadora do futuro na América Latina é o tema sobre o qual está estruturada esta tese, pela qual buscamos identificar, analisar e qualificar em quais termos se delineou esse tema através do movimento de problematização da infância no continente americano, especialmente na América Latina, o qual teve sua expressão mais destacada na realização dos Congresos Panamericanos del Niño desde 1916 até 1948, num total de nove edições. Para isso utilizamos diversas fontes impressas, com especial destaque para a documentação produzida pelos Congresos Panamericanos del Niño, como os seus Anais, Boletins de organização, além de livros de época, conformando um denso corpo documental. Através dessas fontes identificamos o relevante número de sujeitos e instituições envolvidos, direta ou indiretamente, com o tema da infância; o processo de constituição de especialidades profissionais, como médicos, juristas, assistentes sociais, pedagogos, publicistas, filantropos, políticos, os quais procuravam problematizar a vida infantil nos aspectos econômico, político, demográfico, social, racial, biológico, civilizacional, científico, e propunham inúmeras formas e políticas sociais para reformar, intervir, controlar a infância pobre e suas famílias, no intuito de forjar nações modernas, civilizadas, ordeiras, biológica e geneticamente regeneradas e robustas, laboriosas, organizadas hierarquicamente por classes. Para um novo mundo, uma nova infância deveria ser produzida no interstício entre a gestação e a idade adulta. A infância, para tal movimento, portava o futuro da América Latina como uma possibilidade que deveria ser confirmada pela construção de todo um novo universo, conduzida pelos especialistas, no qual a experiência infantil deveria ocorrer. / The construction of childhood as a holder of the future in Latin America is the theme on which this thesis is structured, for which we identify, analyze and classify those childhood in accordance with this theme. Indeed we outlined in this thesis the motion for discussion of childhood in the American continent, especially in Latin America, which had its most prominent achievement in the « Congresos Pan Americanos del Niño » from 1916 to 1948. Considering this we have outlined a total of nine issues. They were extracted from various printed sources, with particular emphasis on the documentation produced by the « Congresos Pan Americanos del Niño », its Proceedings, organizational newsletters, and , old books. All those documents formed a dense data base where our work was grounded. Through these sources we identified a significant involvement of numerous individuals and institutions involved directly or indirectly with children\'s issues. These specialists such as doctors, lawyers, social workers, teachers, publicists, philanthropists, politicians, have been seeking how to discuss the child life in the economic, political, demographic, social, racial, biological, civilization, science, and thus proposed numerous strategies and social policies to reform and intervene to control the poor children and their families in order to forge modern nations, civilized, organized hierarchically into classes, orderly, organic and genetically regenerated and robust, laborious. Towards a new world, a new childhood should be produced in the interstices between gestation and adulthood. Childhood, for such a movement, held the future of Latin America as a possibility, which should be confirmed by the construction of a whole new universe, led by experts, in which childhood experience should occur.
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A distância entre as Américas: uma leitura do Pan-americanismo nas primeiras décadas republicanas no Brasil (1889-1912) / The distance between the Americas: a reading of Pan-amercanism in the early decades of the republic in Brazil (1889-1912)Flávia Maria Ré 16 February 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho procura analisar o processo de americanização republicana no Brasil, entre 1889 e 1912. Pretende-se assim, discutir as interpretações dos intelectuais brasileiros construídas em torno do tema do Pan-americanismo, assim como quais foram alguns dos argumentos que contribuíram para o estabelecimento de proximidades e de distanciamentos entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos e entre o Brasil e os demais países latino-americanos nas primeiras décadas republicanas. Este procedimento possibilitou ainda, compreender as interpretações em torno dos temas raça e civilização, sendo analisadas através do debate intelectual do período no Brasil / This work is an attempt at analyzing the process of political alignment with America that took place in the first years of the Brazilian Republic between 1889 and 1912. Hence, it aims at investigating the interpretations built around the theme of Pan- Americanism by the Brazilian intellectuals of the time, providing a better understanding of the arguments that contributed to the justification of proximities and distances between Brazil and the United States, as well as among Brazil and the other Latin American countries in the first decades of the Republic. This procedure has also enabled a better insight into the then current interpretations encompassing the themes of race and civilization taking place in the intellectual debate of the period in Brazil.
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Entwicklung einer skalierbaren Mikrowellen PlasmaquelleRoch, Uwe Julius-Herbert 20 December 2019 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist eine neuartige, innovative und vielseitig einsetzbare Mikrowellenplasmaquelle entstanden. Die wesentlichen Leistungsmerkmale dieser Plasmaquelle sind deren beliebige Längenskalierbarkeit, sowie der weite Arbeitsdruckbereich vom Feinvakuum bis Atmosphärendruck.
Auf der Basis von Voruntersuchungen, sowie umfangreichen Simulationsrechnungen zur Ausbreitung der Mikrowellenfelder, wurde eine Kavität mit einem Querschnitt von 100 mm Breite und 120 mm Höhe entwickelt, welche um ein Vielfaches der Hohlleiterwellenlänge R = 122 mm skalieren lässt.
In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Demonstrator mit einer Länge von 720 mm aufgebaut. Die Eigenmodeanalyse ergab, dass die geforderte Feldverteilung bis zu einer Frequenz von 2,48368 GHz erhalten bleibt. Die Einkopplung der Mikrowellenleistung erfolgt über mehrere Hohlleiter, welche gegenüber und nebeneinander an der Kavität angeordnet sind. Umfangreiche Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der verlustfreien Leistungseinkopplung haben ergeben, dass eine phasensynchrone Mikrowelleneinkopplung zwingend erforderlich ist, da sich ansonsten der Wirkungsgrad der Plasmaquelle stark reduziert.
Um dem Anspruch der phasensynchronen Einkopplung sowie der notwendigen verlustfreien Mikrowellen–Leistungsverteilung gerecht zu werden, wurden 2–fach und 4–fach Mikrowellenleistungsverteiler entwickelt.
Weiterhin wurde erstmalig das Konzept des „injected–Phase–locking“ zur Ansteuerung der Plasmakavität, mittels mehreren gepulsten Mikrowellengeneratoren, erfolgreich evaluiert. Zudem konnte das synchronisierte Pulsen bis zu 20 kHz Pulsfrequenz mit einem minimalen Tastverhältnis von 60 % nachgewiesen werden.
Die Stabilisierung von PAN–Fasern mittels Plasma wurde erprobt. Untersuchungen mittels Raman, Dichtemessung sowie Durchmesser wurden durchgeführt.
Die Karbonisierung von stabilisierten PAN–Fasern (PANOX, SGL) wurde erfolgreich nachgewiesen. In einem Plasmagasgemisch aus Ar = 0,5 slm und N2 = 0,03 slm, einer Fasergeschwindigkeit von 80 mm/min, einem Prozessdruck 120 – 170 mbar, sowie 2x 3 kW synchronisierter Mikrowellenleistung konnten Fasertemperaturen von bis zu 1100 °C und somit maximale Zugfestigkeiten von 4200 MPa erreicht werden.:1. Einleitung und Motivation
2. Stand der Technik
2.1. Plasmaquellen
2.1.1. RF – Plasma
2.1.2. Corona – Plasma
2.1.3. DBD – Plasma
2.1.4. Mikrowellen – Plasma
2.1.5. Zusammenfassung
2.1.6. Grundlagen Mikrowellenplasma
2.2. Simulationsprogramme
2.3. Konvertierungsverfahren für Kohlenstofffasern
2.3.1. Stabilisierung
2.3.2. Karbonisierung
3. Aufgabenstellung und Zielsetzung
4. Entwicklung der Plasmaquelle
4.1. Konzept der Plasmaquelle
4.2. Resonator
4.2.1. Grundlagen Resonatoren
4.2.2. Analytische Auslegung
4.2.3. Simulation des Resonators
4.3. Mikrowelleneinkopplung
4.3.1. Grundlagen Mikrowellenleitung
4.3.2. Simulation der Einkopplung
4.3.3. Simulation der Plasmakammer
4.4. Mikrowellenleistungsverteilung
4.4.1. Leistungssplitter
4.4.2. synchronisierter und pulsfähiger Mikrowellengeneratorverbund
5. Aufbau einer Demonstrator Plasmaquelle
5.1. Evaluierung der Plasmaquelle
5.1.1. Experimentelle Ermittlung der Parameter für den Betrieb der Plasmaquelle
5.1.2. Optische Emissions–Spektroskopie
5.1.3. Untersuchung der Plasmahomogenität
5.2. Anwendungsbeispiel Faserbehandlung
5.2.1. Aufbau des Faserhandlings
5.2.2. Fasercharakterisierung
5.2.3. Ergebnisse Stabilisierung
5.2.4. Ergebnisse Karbonisierung
6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
7. Literaturverzeichnis
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Lateralidad Manual y Especialización Hemisférica en Chimpancés (Pan Troglodytes). Evaluación Observacional y ExperimentalLlorente Espino, Miquel 07 February 2011 (has links)
Les asimetries funcionals manuals han estat àmpliament estudiades en els primats no humans i altres espècies animals durant les últimes dues dècades. Resulta especialment interessant observar si l'especialització hemisfèrica cerebral, tan característica de l'ésser humà, està o no present i en quin grau dins del regne animal. En ximpanzés, trobem pocs treballs en què s'hagin avaluat les preferències manuals en una única mostra des d'un punt de vista observacional i experimental conjuntament, i cap en ambients intermedis (naturalitzats). El nostre objectiu ha estat comparar els patrons de preferència manual en situacions espontànies i experimentals en una mateixa mostra de ximpanzés i veure quines situacions incideixen sobre la direcció, intensitat i grau d'asimetria individual versus poblacional en els individus. En la fase observacional es van estudiar 53 comportaments espontanis unimanuals i bimanuals que feien referència a contextos tròfics, manipulatius-exploratoris, autodirigits, posturals i socials, entre d'altres. En la fase experimental es van avaluar dues tasques: una unimanual (simple reaching: recollida d'ítems petits d'aliment amb prensions de precisió) i una altra bimanual (tube task: extracció bimanual d'aliment d'un tub). Durant la fase observacional es van dur a terme 2.226 sessions (2005 a 2008: 33 mesos). La fase experimental va tenir una durada total de 4 mesos (2007). La mostra estava formada per un grup de 14 ximpanzés (Pan troglodytes) allotjats al Centre de Recuperació de Primats de la Fundació Mona (Girona). En ambdues fases es va utilitzar un mostreig focal amb registre activat per transicions. Globalment, tant durant la fase observacional com experimental, la major part de la mostra va presentar preferències individuals laterals de manera significativa. Es van comparar els índexs de lateralitat per a les quatre condicions d'estudi: unimanual-espontani (UES), bimanual-espontani (BES), unimanual-experimental (UEX) i bimanual-experimental (BEX). No es van trobar diferències en la direcció de les preferències entre les quatre condicions tot i que sí en la intensitat de la lateralització. D'aquesta manera, la intensitat de la preferència manual era major en les accions bimanuals que en les unimanuals, i també en les tasques experimentals que en les espontànies. L'ús d'instruments i el tipus de prensió també van augmentar la intensitat de les preferències encara que no van tenir cap efecte sobre la direcció d'aquestes. Es va detectar una asimetria dretana poblacional en les accions bimanuals espontànies però no en les experimentals. També es va detectar una asimetria dreta a nivell poblacional en tenir en compte totes les tasques conjuntament. D'aquesta manera, ha estat la primera ocasió que s'evidencia que els ximpanzés allotjats en ambients intermedis són dretans a nivell poblacional. En conclusió, els ximpanzés presentarien un patró de lateralització homòleg al dels éssers humans, sobretot en aquelles accions que impliquen una complexitat en la seva execució (bimanualitat, instrumentalitat i precisió) i que són les més rellevants per entendre el procés d'hominització conductual d'aquest tret a Homo sapiens. / Las asimetrías funcionales manuales han sido ampliamente estudiadas en los primates no humanos y otras especies animales durante las últimas dos décadas. Resulta especialmente interesante observar si la especialización hemisférica cerebral, tan característica del ser humano, está o no presente y en qué grado dentro del reino animal. En chimpancés, encontramos pocos trabajos en los que se hayan evaluado las preferencias manuales en una única muestra desde un punto de vista observacional y experimental conjuntamente, y ninguno en ambientes intermedios (naturalizados). Nuestro objetivo ha sido comparar los patrones de preferencia manual en situaciones espontáneas y experimentales en una misma muestra de chimpancés y ver qué situaciones inciden sobre la dirección, intensidad y grado de asimetría individual versus poblacional en los individuos. En la fase observacional se estudiaron 53 comportamientos espontáneos unimanuales y bimanuales que hacían referencia a contextos tróficos, manipulativos-exploratorios, autodirigidos, posturales y sociales, entre otros. En la fase experimental evaluaron dos tareas: una unimanual (simple reaching: recogida de ítems pequeños de alimento con prensiones de precisión) y otra bimanual (tube task: extracción bimanual de alimento de un tubo). Durante la fase observacional se llevaron a cabo 2226 sesiones (2005 a 2008: 33 meses). La fase experimental tuvo una duración total de 4 meses (2007). La muestra estaba formada por un grupo de 14 chimpancés (Pan troglodytes) alojados en el Centro de Recuperación de Primates de Fundación Mona (Girona). En ambas fases se utilizó un muestreo focal con registro activado por transiciones. Globalmente, tanto durante la fase observacional como experimental, la mayor parte de la muestra presentó preferencias individuales laterales de manera significativa. Se compararon los índices de lateralidad para las cuatro condiciones de estudio: unimanual-espontáneo (UES), bimanual-espontáneo (BES), unimanual-experimental (UEX) y bimanual-experimental (BEX). No se encontraron diferencias en la dirección de las preferencias entre las cuatro condiciones aunque sí en la intensidad de la lateralización. De esta manera, la intensidad de la preferencia manual era mayor en las acciones bimanuales que en las unimanuales, y también en las tareas experimentales que en las espontáneas. El uso de instrumentos y el tipo de prensión también aumentaron la intensidad de las preferencias aunque no tuvieron ningún efecto sobre la dirección de éstas. Se detectó una asimetría diestra poblacional en las acciones bimanuales espontáneas aunque no en las experimentales. También se detectó una asimetría diestra a nivel poblacional al tener en cuenta todas las tareas conjuntamente. De esta manera, ha sido la primera ocasión que se evidencia que los chimpancés alojados en ambientes intermedios son diestros a nivel poblacional. En conclusión, los chimpancés exhibirían un patrón de lateralización homólogo al de los seres humanos, sobre todo en aquellas acciones que implican una complejidad en su ejecución (bimanualidad, instrumentalidad y precisión) y que son las más relevantes para entender el proceso de hominización conductual de este rasgo en Homo sapiens. / Manual functional asymmetries have been extensively studied in nonhuman primates and other animals for the last two decades. It is particularly interesting to see if brain hemispheric specialization, so characteristic human beings, is present or not and to what extent within the animal kingdom. In chimpanzees, there are few studies that have assessed hand preferences in a single sample from an experimental and observational standpoint, and none have been done within intermediate (naturalized) environments. Our objective was to compare the patterns of hand preference for spontaneous and experimental actions in the same sample of chimpanzees and observe what situations impact on the direction, strength and the degree of individual versus population asymmetry in individuals. In the observational phase, we studied 53 spontaneous unimanual and bimanual behaviors related to feeding contexts, manipulative-exploratory, self-directed, postural and social, among others. In the experimental phase, we evaluated two tasks: unimanual (simple reaching: collection of small items of food with precision grips) and bimanual (tube task: bimanual removal of food from a tube). During the observational phase, we conducted 2.226 sessions (from 2005 to 2008: 33 months). The experimental phase lasted a total of four months (2007). The sample was composed of a group of 14 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) housed at the Mona Foundation Primate Rehabilitation Center (Girona). In both phases, a focal sampling method was used. Overall, during both observational and experimental phases, the majority of the sample showed significant individual lateral preferences. We compared the handedness index for four study conditions: unimanual-spontaneous (UES), bimanual-spontaneous (BES), unimanual-experimental (UEX) and bimanual-experimental (BEX). There were no differences in the direction of preferences among the four conditions, but there were differences in the strength of lateralization. The strength of hand preference was higher in bimanual than in unimanual ones, and also in the experimental tasks than in the spontaneous ones. The use of tools and the type of grip also increased the strength of preferences, but had no effect on the direction of such preferences. We detected right-handedness at population-level for spontaneous bimanual actions, but not for the experimental ones. There was also a right asymmetry at the population level when considering all the tasks together. In this way, this was the first evidence that chimpanzees housed in an intermediate environment demonstrate right-handedness at population-level. In conclusion, chimpanzees exhibit a pattern of lateralization homologous to human beings, especially those actions that involve a complexity of execution (bimanual, tool use and precision grip) and that are most relevant for understanding the behavioral process of hominization of this trait in Homo sapiens.
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Spatial abilities of Wild Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verusNormand, Emmanuelle 11 June 2010 (has links)
Malgré la multiplicité des études démontrant le comportement fascinant des animaux dans leur milieu naturel, quelques domaines de recherches demeurent difficiles à aborder. Ainsi, l’étude de certains aspects cognitifs nécessite un certain contrôle sur l’environnement afin de dissocier les influences écologiques et sociales de l’implication cognitive ; par exemple la cognition spatiale incluant la mémoire spatiale, les mécanismes d’orientation spatiale, ainsi que leur implication dans la navigation, tel que par la planification. L’étude de la cognition spatiale des chimpanzés sauvages s’est déroulée dans le Parc national de Taï, une forêt tropicale dense où les ressources potentielles sont abondantes et réparties sur un territoire de 25 km², avec une visibilité d’environ 30 mètres. De plus, les chimpanzés vivent dans une société du type fission-fusion, impliquant de multiples relations sociales. Toutefois, l’enregistrement précis de la position et des activités des chimpanzés, ainsi qu’une carte botanique précise, nous a permis de dissocier les effets écologiques, sociaux et cognitifs afin de mieux comprendre les relations entre ces différents facteurs. Par cette étude, nous montrons que les chimpanzés ont développé un mécanisme permettant une navigation précise grâce à une carte Euclidienne contenant des informations sur la direction et la distances vers des ressources connues. Ce mécanisme est extrêmement adapté et efficace par la connaissance précise de la localisation de milliers de ressources dans leur habitat. Ces capacités permettent d’augmenter leur efficacité en sélectionnant les ressources les plus productives, en les planifiant à l’avance et, de manière plus avancée, en planifiant le parcours le plus court à travers ces différentes ressources durant la journée lorsque la pression sociale requière une meilleure précision dans le choix des ressources. Ces découvertes illustrent d’abord les capacités extraordinaires des chimpanzés, et deuxièmement que les aspects cognitifs peuvent être expliqués dans le milieu naturel des animaux. / Whereas numerous studies demonstrated fascinating behaviour of animals in their natural habitat, some important areas of research were difficult to tackle in the field. This is the case of many studies on cognitive aspects that required controlled environment to dissociate ecological and social influence from cognition. One of these important areas of research is the spatial cognition including spatial memory, spatial orientation mechanisms and the practical use of these abilities to travel efficiently, such as planning skills. This study on spatial cognition in wild chimpanzees took place in Taï National Park, a tropical dense forest where potential food resources are highly abundant in their 25 km² territory, and the visibility is approximately 30 meters. Adding to this complexity, chimpanzees live in a fission-fusion society, maintaining relationships with each other. Nevertheless, with a precise recording of chimpanzee’s location and activities and a precise botanic map of the territory, we were able to dissociate the ecological, social and cognitive effects and understand some relationships between these factors. Here, we showed that wild chimpanzees developed a precise mechanism to navigate efficiently in their large area using a Euclidean map containing accurate information about direction and distance to the known resources. This mechanism is highly adapted and efficient as the chimpanzees have a precise knowledge of the resources location in their area, remembering the location of thousand trees location. These highly developed abilities allowed them to increase their efficiency by selecting the most productive resources, planning them in advanced and on a higher level to plan the shortest path through these major resources during the day when the social pressure induce a higher precision in resource selection. These findings highlight first the outstanding spatial abilities of wild chimpanzees and second that cognition can be better explained in animals’ natural complex environment. / Trotz zahlreicher Studien, die das faszinierende Verhalten von Wildtieren in ihrer natürlichen Umwelt dokumentieren, bleiben einige Studienfelder schwer erfassbar. So ist zum Beispiel bei der Erforschung von bestimmten kognitiven Aspekten die Rücksichtnahme auf den Umweltfaktor erforderlich, damit Umwelt- und Sozialeinfluss von den kognitiven Faktoren unterschieden werden können. Zu diesen Untersuchungsfeldern gehört die Raumkognition, welche das Raumgedächtnis, die Mechanismen der Raumorientierung sowie deren effizientes Nutzen durch die Schimpansen, z.B. durch ihre Fähigkeit zum Planen, einschließt. Die vorgestellte Studie über Raumkognition bei wild lebenden Schimpansen wurde im Nationalpark von Tai durchgeführt, das heißt, in einem dichten tropischen Wald, wo potentielle Ressourcen bei einer Sichtweite von ungefähr 30 Metern auf einem 25 qm großen Areal reichlich verteilt sind. Hinzu kommt, dass Schimpansen in einer Fission-Fusion Gesellschaftsstruktur leben, die vielfache soziale Beziehungen fördern. Jedoch, mit einer genauen Registrierung der räumlichen Lage und der Aktivitäten der Schimpansen und anhand einer präzisen botanischen Karte des Gebiets, konnten wir die Umwelt-, Sozial- und kognitiven Effekte gegeneinander abgrenzen und somit die zwischen diesen unterschiedlichen Faktoren bestehenden Beziehungen erfassen. In dieser Studie zeigen wir, dass Schimpansen einen besonderen Mechanismus zur Raumorientierung auf ihrem Gebiet entwickelt haben. Dabei verfügen sie über eine euklidische Mind-Karte mit präzisen Informationen über Richtungen und Entfernungen zu den bekannten Ressourcen. Durch ein genaues Wissen über die Verteilung der Nahrungsressourcen auf ihrem Gebiet ist dieser Mechanismus hoch effizient. Dank dieser Fähigkeiten werden Schimpansen immer effizienter, indem sie die ergiebigsten Ressourcen auswählen, dabei planende Fähigkeiten einsetzen und weiterhin indem sie an einem Tag die kürzeste Strecke zu den verschiedenen Ressourcen ausmachen, wenn der soziale Druck höchste Präzision in der Wahl der Nahrungsressourcen erfordert. Diese Erkenntnisse erhellen zuallererst die außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten der wild lebenden Schimpansen und beweisen, dass sich kognitive Mechanismen bei wild lebenden Tieren in ihrer natürlichen Umwelt besser erklären lassen.
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Pesquisa cooperativa: o projeto de desenvolvimento de fibras de carbono para aplicação em ultracentrífugas / COOPERATIVE RESEARCH: THE CARBON FIBER DEVELOPMENT FOR URANIUM CENTRIFUGES PROJECTQueiroz, Paulo Cesar Beltrão de 16 December 2008 (has links)
Em um cenário nacional de grandes dificuldades orçamentárias, soluções criativas que conjuguem os esforços de instituições em prol de uma finalidade comum são sempre desejáveis. Neste trabalho, analisa-se o desenvolvimento de fibras de carbono de alto desempenho para aplicação em ultracentrífugas nucleares e o projeto de Pesquisa Cooperativa que o viabilizou. A fibra de carbono com as características necessárias a empreendimentos desse tipo é um insumo de grande complexidade tecnológica. A produção é concentrada em alguns poucos produtores mundiais e seu comércio é alvo de restrições e salvaguardas internacionais. Não há produção no Brasil. É considerada material de uso dual, ou seja, pode ter tanto aplicações exclusivamente civis, como militares. A Marinha do Brasil utiliza essa fibra na fabricação de ultracentrífugas nucleares, nas quais materiais que conjuguem leveza, rigidez e resistência de alto nível são extremamente desejáveis, pois aumentam a eficiência na separação isotópica. Sua fibra de carbono, importada, é baseada na poliacrilonitrila (PAN), comercialmente mais difundida, mais barata e utilizada em aplicações similares. A necessidade de desenvolvimento nacional é decorrência de dificuldades em sua aquisição. Para tanto, foi organizada uma parceria de pesquisa entre o Centro Tecnológico da Marinha (CTMSP), a UNICAMP, a USP e a empresa RADICIFIBRAS, com apoio financeiro de uma agência governamental (FINEP), para a produção nacional de fibra de carbono baseada na PAN. A pesquisa realizada identificou as práticas de sucesso alcançadas, bem como os referenciais teóricos de Projetos de Pesquisa Cooperativa. / This research analyzes both the carbon fiber-based development for uranium centrifuges and the research project that supports its development effort over time. The carbon fiber-based engineering properties make it a valuable supply for high technologic products. Nevertheless, its fabrication occurs only in few developed countries and there is no production in Brazil. In addition, the carbon fiber-based products have dual applications: they can be used by the civilian and military industry. Therefore, there are international restrictions related to its use and applications that justify the internal development. Moreover, the Brazilian Navy centrifuges for uranium enrichment were developed using carbon-fiber which contains polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as an imported raw material. The PAN properties of low weight, high tensile strength increase the isotopic separation efficiency. The Brazilian financial scenario surrounded by the international uncertain economy shows that combined creative project solutions are more effective. Therefore, the Navy\'s Technological Center in Sao Paulo (CTMSP), the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the University of São Paulo (USP), the RADICIFIBRAS company, and the Brazilian FINEP agency, which is responsible for the project financial support, established a partnership aiming the development of a domestic PAN-based carbon fiber industry. The innovative project solutions adopted and the results of this partnership are presented here.
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Pesquisa cooperativa: o projeto de desenvolvimento de fibras de carbono para aplicação em ultracentrífugas / COOPERATIVE RESEARCH: THE CARBON FIBER DEVELOPMENT FOR URANIUM CENTRIFUGES PROJECTPaulo Cesar Beltrão de Queiroz 16 December 2008 (has links)
Em um cenário nacional de grandes dificuldades orçamentárias, soluções criativas que conjuguem os esforços de instituições em prol de uma finalidade comum são sempre desejáveis. Neste trabalho, analisa-se o desenvolvimento de fibras de carbono de alto desempenho para aplicação em ultracentrífugas nucleares e o projeto de Pesquisa Cooperativa que o viabilizou. A fibra de carbono com as características necessárias a empreendimentos desse tipo é um insumo de grande complexidade tecnológica. A produção é concentrada em alguns poucos produtores mundiais e seu comércio é alvo de restrições e salvaguardas internacionais. Não há produção no Brasil. É considerada material de uso dual, ou seja, pode ter tanto aplicações exclusivamente civis, como militares. A Marinha do Brasil utiliza essa fibra na fabricação de ultracentrífugas nucleares, nas quais materiais que conjuguem leveza, rigidez e resistência de alto nível são extremamente desejáveis, pois aumentam a eficiência na separação isotópica. Sua fibra de carbono, importada, é baseada na poliacrilonitrila (PAN), comercialmente mais difundida, mais barata e utilizada em aplicações similares. A necessidade de desenvolvimento nacional é decorrência de dificuldades em sua aquisição. Para tanto, foi organizada uma parceria de pesquisa entre o Centro Tecnológico da Marinha (CTMSP), a UNICAMP, a USP e a empresa RADICIFIBRAS, com apoio financeiro de uma agência governamental (FINEP), para a produção nacional de fibra de carbono baseada na PAN. A pesquisa realizada identificou as práticas de sucesso alcançadas, bem como os referenciais teóricos de Projetos de Pesquisa Cooperativa. / This research analyzes both the carbon fiber-based development for uranium centrifuges and the research project that supports its development effort over time. The carbon fiber-based engineering properties make it a valuable supply for high technologic products. Nevertheless, its fabrication occurs only in few developed countries and there is no production in Brazil. In addition, the carbon fiber-based products have dual applications: they can be used by the civilian and military industry. Therefore, there are international restrictions related to its use and applications that justify the internal development. Moreover, the Brazilian Navy centrifuges for uranium enrichment were developed using carbon-fiber which contains polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as an imported raw material. The PAN properties of low weight, high tensile strength increase the isotopic separation efficiency. The Brazilian financial scenario surrounded by the international uncertain economy shows that combined creative project solutions are more effective. Therefore, the Navy\'s Technological Center in Sao Paulo (CTMSP), the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the University of São Paulo (USP), the RADICIFIBRAS company, and the Brazilian FINEP agency, which is responsible for the project financial support, established a partnership aiming the development of a domestic PAN-based carbon fiber industry. The innovative project solutions adopted and the results of this partnership are presented here.
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Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética (ASM) aplicada ao modelo de posicionamento do Granito Butiá: um granito sintectônico peraluminoso do sul do BrasilLyra, Diego da Silveira January 2018 (has links)
O período pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano é marcado no sul do Brasil pela ocorrência de granitos metaluminosos e peraluminosos, controlados por um sistema transcorrente de zonas de cisalhamento (ZC). No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Dorsal de Canguçu (ZCTDC), de cinemática sinistral e direção NE, é a principal estrutura que condicionou o posicionamento desses granitos (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). Entretanto, o Granito Butiá (GB – 629 Ma), localizado a noroeste da ZCTDC, ocorre como um corpo alongado de direção NNW que intrude rochas de alto grau metamórfico do Complexo Várzea do Capivarita (ca. 650 Ma). O GB possui trama planar bem desenvolvida (S>L), cuja foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para NNW; apesar de raramente apresentar lineação, seu posicionamento é interpretado como sintectônico a uma ZC transcorrente de cinemática destral. Dessa forma, um estudo de anisotropia de susceptibilidade magnética (ASM) foi realizado no GB, com o objetivo de melhor delimitar os mecanismos de seu posicionamento e relacioná-los com o sistema regional de zonas de cisalhamento. No total, 492 espécimes (180 cilindros) foram coletadas em 16 sítios, distribuídos no corpo principal do GB. A mineralogia magnética foi investigada através de curvas termomagnéticas, curvas de histereses e de aquisição de magnetização remanente isotermal, e detalhada com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em amostras representativas. Essas análises demonstram o domínio de fases paramagnéticas e uma pequena contribuição de minerais de baixa coercividade (e.g., magnetita, titanomagnetita) e alta coercividade (e.g., hematita). Apesar disso, a trama magnética é controlada exclusivamente por cristais paramagnéticos de biotita. A susceptibilidade magnética total é baixa e varia entre 0,1 e 8x10-5 SI. O parâmetro de forma (T) varia de 0,272 a 0,908 e o grau de anisotropia (P) varia de 1,073 a 1,266, aumentando do centro em direção as margens do GB. A presença de par S-C destral de origem magmática e microestruturas de deformação em alta temperatura (~650°C) confirmam que a deformação atuava durante o processo de cristalização. Esses elementos, junto à análise da trama magnética, sugerem que a ascensão e o posicionamento do magma foram controlados por uma ZC transcorrente de direção NNW e cinemática destral. Próximo as rochas encaixantes, os elipsoides magnéticos são fortemente oblatos, a foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para W ou E, e a lineação têm alto a moderado caimento, sugerindo significante achatamento e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento puro de deformação. Longe das margens, a lineação tem baixos caimentos, paralelos a direção da foliação (NW-NNW), sugerindo um transporte horizontal e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento simples de deformação, que promoveu o estiramento. No nordeste do corpo, a presença de roof pendants e menores ângulos de mergulho da foliação sugerem proximidade com a cúpula. A combinanção de bouyoancy forces e da partição da deformação regional, em cisalhamento puro e simples durante o posicionamento do GB, está de acordo com um regime transpressivo. Esses resultados também sugerem uma relação no tempo-espaço entre a ZC que controlou o posicionamento do GB e a ZCTDC. Possivelmente, elas formavam um par conjugado do mesmo sistema transcorrente durante o estágio pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano no sul do Brasil. / The post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogenic Cycle in Southern Brazil is marked by metaluminous and peraluminous granites controlled by a transcurrent shear zone system. In the Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil, the sinistral, NE-trending Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone (DCTSZ) is the best known structure that conditioned these peraluminous granites (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). However, the NNW-elongate Butiá Granite (BG – 629 Ma) is emplaced to the northwest of the DCTSZ, intrusive in the high-grade Várzea do Capivarita Complex (ca. 650 Ma). The BG has a S>L fabric, which foliation steeply dips towards NNW. Despite its poorly-developed linear fabric, BG emplacement is interpreted to have been controlled by a dextral transcurrent shear zone. Thus, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed in the BG aiming to constrain its emplacement mechanism and the relation of the granite with the regional shear zone system. A total of 492 specimens (180 drill cores) were obtained through 16 sites distributed along the BG main body. Magnetic mineralogy was investigated by hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM acquisition curves, and a complementary SEM analysis in representative samples. These experiments show a dominant contribution of paramagnetic phases and a small content of low-coercivity (e.g., magnetite and titanomagnetite) and highcoercivity (e.g., hematite) remanence-carrying minerals. In spite of the presence of minor ferromagnetic grains, the BG magnetic anisotropy fabric is interpreted as dominantly controlled by paramagnetic biotite crystals. The bulk magnetic susceptibility ranges between 0.1 and 8.0×10−5 SI. Shape parameter (T) ranges from 0.272 to 0.908, and anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.073 to 1.266, increasing from the inner portion of the pluton to its margins. The presence of dextral S-C magmatic fabric and high temperature (ca. 650 °C), solid-state deformation at the margins confirms that the pluton was deformed during its cooling process. Such features, together the magnetic fabric analysis, suggest that magma ascent and emplacement were controlled by a NNW-trending dextral transcurrent shear zone. Close to the host-rocks, magnetic foliation dips steeply towards W or E, and magnetic lineation plunges steeply to moderate, displaying strongly-oblate ellipsoids. This is interpreted as a result of shortening and the significantly pure-shear component of deformation operating close to the host-rocks. Shallow-plunging lineation parallel to the NWto NNW-striking foliation is found away from the pluton margins, which is related to the horizontal displacement, where the simple-shear component of deformation was more effective, resulting stretching. Foliation becomes less steep towards the BG northeastern portion and the presence of roof pendants in this area suggests the proximity to the roof zone. The combination of buoyancy forces and the partitioning of regional strain into simple and pure shear are in accordance with a transpressive regime. These results also suggest a time-space relationship between the NNW-dextral shear zone that controlled the emplacement of the Butiá Granite and the sinistral, NE-trending DCTSZ, responsible for the emplacement of peraluminous granites. Possibly, these zones formed a conjugate pair during the transcurrent deformation of the early post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/PanAfrican Cycle in southernmost Brazil.
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A reatualização do mito de Peter Pan na modernidadeMelo, Karen Stephanie 09 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-09 / The Scottish writer James Matthew Barrie wrote for the first time about Peter Pan in a book called The Little White Bird, in 1902. In 1904, the writer enlarged the character s universe making, this time, a stage play called Peter Pan or The Boy that Wouldn t Grow up; however, the romance as we know it would only be constructed in 1911, when Barrie decided to rewrite and extend his original play. That is how one of the best well known classics of children s literature was born: Peter Pan and Wendy, a book that, today, is part of many people s childhood and life; the story has even created a myth: the myth of the boy who never grows up, the myth of the eternal and adventurous youth. This way, the romance gave origin to many post-texts, gaining numbers of adaptations since it was first published. By making analysis based on Mikhail Bakhtin s dialogism theory, on Julia Kristeva s intertextuality theory and on Gerard Genette transtextuality theory, the present essay intends to study three different readings and/or adaptations of the base-text Peter Pan and Wendy, in order to verify how the historical/cultural context modifies, increases or contradicts this 1911 version.The texts chosen for the proposed analysis are: Peter Pan, by Monteiro Lobato (1930); Peter Pan the animation from Walt Disney Pictures (1950); and Peter Pan the movie, from the Australian director P. J. Hogan (2003). / O autor escocês James Matthew Barrie escreveu sobre Peter Pan pela primeira vez em uma obra intitulada The Little White Bird, em 1902. No ano de 1904, o escritor ampliou o universo de seu personagem, dessa vez, com uma peça teatral de nome Peter Pan ou O Menino que não Queria Crescer; o romance tal qual o conhecemos só seria concebido, no entanto, em 1911, quando o diretor decidiu reescrever e prolongar sua peça teatral. Era assim que surgia, então, um dos clássicos da literatura infantil mais conhecidos atualmente: Peter Pan and Wendy, obra que, hoje, faz parte da infância e da vida de muitas pessoas, tendo até mesmo criado um mito: o mito do menino que nunca cresce, da eterna e venturosa infância. Sendo assim, a obra daria margem a diversos pós-textos, ganhando inúmeras continuações e adaptações desde seu lançamento. Partindo de análises baseadas nas teorias de Dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin, de Intertextualidade de Julia Kristeva e de Transtextualidade de Gerard Genette, o presente trabalho visa ao estudo de três releituras e/ou adaptações do texto-fonte Peter Pan and Wendy a fim de se verificar em que medida o contexto histórico-cultural de produção dessas versões modifica, amplia ou contradiz o texto de 1911. Os textos escolhidos para a análise proposta são: Peter Pan, de Monteiro Lobato (1930); Peter Pan a animação dos Estúdios Walt Disney (1950) e Peter Pan o filme, do diretor australiano P. J. Hogan (2003).
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Realtidsstyrning av robotiserad kameraplattform / Real time control of robotized camera platformAxelsson, Jonathan, Hultberg, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Försvarets materielverk (FMV), som förser Svenska försvaret med materiel, har en del av sin organisation belägen i Karlsborg nämligen test och evaluering av markstridssystem. Fotogruppen på test och evaluering önskar realtidsstyra en robotiserad kameraplattform av märket Vinten med hjälp av diverse olika positionsgivande system i form av joystick, Doppler-positionsradar, deras självutvecklade system UNIPOS samt en predikterad bana för avlossade projektiler. Projektets huvudsakliga mål blev därför att skapa ett styrsystem för att kontrollera kameraplattformen med hjälp av nämnda indatakällor. Den teoretiska referensramen samt litteraturstudien gav projektets deltagare den kunskapsbas, inom seriell kommunikation och dataprotokoll, som krävdes för att genomföra projektet. De gav även förståelse för hur tidigare liknande arbeten sett ut och valde utifrån detta att följa systemutvecklingsmodellen Rational Unified process (RUP). FMV uttryckte önskemål om att den huvudsakliga styrenheten skulle vara en PC för att möjliggöra fjärrstyrning samt enkel vidareutveckling av systemet. RUP användes för att strukturera upp arbetet samt säkerställa kvalitén på slutprodukten. Utvecklingsprocessen består, enligt RUP’s struktur, av ett antal iterationer som alla tillför någon funktion till systemet. I samråd och nära samarbete med personal på FMV utvecklades systemet och testades succesivt för att säkerställa kvalitén. En enkel manual togs även fram för att förenkla användandet av systemet. Samtliga önskade indatakällor behandlades på något sätt i projektet och resultatet blev ett portabelt system som kan köras på vilken PC som helst. Tester med drönare, granatkastare samt ett stegsvar har utförts för att verifiera att systemets funktion uppfyller de krav som satts upp samt utvärdera systemets möjligheter och begränsningar. Testen visade att realtidsstyrning är möjlig till viss grad med samtliga system och att systemets begränsningar ligger i fördröjningarna som finns både i signalöverföring samt kameraplattformens inbyggda filter för mjuka rörelser. / The Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) that supplies materials to the Swedish military, has a part of its organization located in Karlsborg called test and evaluation of land combat systems. The photogroup of test and evaluation wishes to control a robotized camera platform, of the brand Vinten, in real time using a number of different positioning systems like joystick, Doppler-position radar, their self-constructed system UNIPOS and using a predicted trajectory of a launched projectile. The main goal of the project is therefore to create a control system to maneuver the camera platform with the assistance of mentioned data sources. The theoretical framework and literature review gave the members of the project the knowledge base, in serial communication and data protocols, needed to complete the project and gave understanding about earlier similar projects and choose to follow the structure of the systems development model Rational Unified Process (RUP). FMV wanted the main control unit to be a PC to be able to remotely control the system and to be able to make further developments. RUP was used to give the work structure and to make sure the quality of the end product was satisfactory. The development process consists, in accordance with the RUP structure, of a number of iterations that all add some function to the system. In close cooperation with the staff at FMV the system is developed and continuously tested to ensure the quality. A simple manual has been developed to make usage of the system easier. Every data source wanted by FMV has been handled in some way throughout the project and the result was a portable system that can be ran on any PC. Tests using drones, grenade launchers and a response-test was performed to verify that the functions of the system lives up to the goals that were set up and to evaluate the systems possibilities and limitations. The tests showed that real time control is possible to some extent with all systems and that the limitations lies in the delays that exists both in signal transfers and in the camera platforms built in filters for soft movements.
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