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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O editor e seus labirintos: reflexos da crise de paradigmas do jornal impresso

Renato Essenfelder Abrahão Filho 28 January 2013 (has links)
Com o advento e a popularização da internet - e especialmente das ferramentas de elaboração e compartilhamento de conteúdos -, os jornais impressos viram a verba publicitária destinada a eles encolher na última década e passaram a experimentar uma crise em seu modelo de negócios. A crise comercial-financeira, por sua vez, trouxe à tona uma segunda crise que já se desenrolava havia mais tempo: a crise de paradigmas do jornalismo praticado nos meios impressos na sociedade contemporânea. Esta tese se concentra justamente nesta crise, investigando, com o apoio de autores da comunicação social, do jornalismo, da sociologia, da economia e da história, como os editores de jornal impresso enxergam o seu papel e o papel desses veículos na atualidade, em um cenário marcado pela instantaneidade da informação. A bibliografia sobre o tema foi confrontada com as opiniões de 11 editores seniores dos principais jornais paulistanos, entrevistados nesta pesquisa, que explicitam em seus relatos angústia em relação ao cenário atual de incertezas na atividade e consciência de que há uma transformação de paradigmas em curso na área. / With the popularization of the Internet - and especially the tools of cooperation and content sharing - newspapers experienced a strong decrease in their revenues over the last decade and are now passing through a crisis in their business model. The commercial and financial crisis, in turn, brought to light a second crisis that was in place for a longer time: a crisis of paradigms in contemporary print journalism. This thesis focuses precisely on this crisis, investigating, with the support of authors of media, journalism, sociology, economics and history, how the editors of newspapers see their role and the role of these vehicles today, in a scenario marked by the instantaneity of information. The literature on the subject was confronted with the views of 11 senior editors of major newspapers from São Paulo, interviewed in this research, which show in their reports anguish over the present scenario of uncertainty and awareness that there is a transformation of paradigms in progress.

Tendência do processo de evolução dos sistemas de administração da produção / Trend of the evolution process of production management systems

Walther Azzolini Júnior 21 December 2004 (has links)
A evolução da tecnologia da informação, tanto em hardware quanto em software, na última década, proporcionou ao mundo globalizado mudanças significativas na Gestão das organizações privadas e governamentais, permitindo a integração do fluxo de informações de operação ao fluxo de informações de gestão dos processos de produção, através de uma linguagem de programação específica como o CAD e CAM. Como resultado desse processo de evolução, a partir da década de 90, surgiram os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning) os quais passaram a incorporar os processos de negócio das empresas induzindo-as a mudanças significativas no ambiente de operação, desde os procedimentos mais simples até os mais complexos. É nesse contexto que pesquisadores e profissionais envolvidos com a implantação de tais sistemas constataram que o custo de aquisição, incluindo investimentos em inovações tecnológicas e treinamento, necessários à operação desses sistemas, por si só não garantiu o custo benefício e o retorno dos investimentos realizados, resultados esses não compatíveis com as expectativas geradas no período de implantação, causando em alguns casos perda de eficiência e frustração por parte dos usuários desses sistemas. Tal evidência induziu o autor do presente trabalho ao objetivo geral de elucidar as causas dos insucessos, partindo para a pesquisa descritiva de diferentes empresas, de segmentos distintos, que implantaram os sistemas ERP de diferentes fornecedores disponíveis no mercado. A pesquisa descritiva de campo permitiu esclarecer no âmbito de operação dessas empresas as suas peculiaridades quanto à estrutura do departamento de planejamento e controle da produção e sua integração com suas técnicas auxiliares. Nesse contexto foi possível avaliar a implantação desses sistemas pelas unidades produtivas pesquisadas que tiveram o objetivo de garantir ganhos significativos quanto à redução do tempo de resposta ao atendimento das necessidades dos clientes, com a possibilidade do apontamento de indicadores de desempenho mais precisos, direcionando a pesquisa para a avaliação do papel do PCP como agente facilitador do processo de implantação e como responsável pela aderência ou não desses sistemas ao sistema produtivo. Logo, um estudo mais aprofundado dos conceitos elucidados na literatura quanto aos tempos de processo e, conseqüentemente, aos tempos de resposta de todo o processo de fabricação, enfatizou a necessidade de se estudar a evolução do processo de manufatura ao longo das últimas décadas. A condução da pesquisa ao estudo das fases inerentes ao processo de evolução da manufatura nas últimas décadas, apontou para a divisão do processo de evolução em quatro fases: 1. Manufatura em Massa; 2. Manufatura Enxuta; 3. Manufatura Ágil; 4. Manufatura Responsiva. Nesse cenário, um dos objetivos específicos do trabalho é o de apontar as deficiências dos sistemas ERP em operação nas empresas que tiveram como meta reduções significativas de tempo de processo, com base no estudo das fases descritas, das técnicas auxiliares do PCP e da relação da função tempo com o contexto atual, além dos sistemas de gestão integrada. A revisão bibliográfica detalhada e cinco estudos de caso aqui apresentados formam o corpo deste trabalho. / The evolution of the technology of information, both in hardware and software, during the last decade, have provided to the globalized world significant changes in the Management of private and governmental organizations, allowing the integration of the flow of information of operation with the flow of information of production management processes, by means of specific programming language as CAD and CAM. As a result of this cycle of evolution, which started in the 90\'s, the ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning - was incorporated to the processes of business in companies leading them to significant changes in the operation environment, from the most simple to the most complex procedures. It is in this context that researchers and professionals, involved with the implantation of such systems, had evidenced that the acquisition cost, including investments in technological innovations and training so necessary to the systems operation, did not guarantee the cost benefits and the return of the investments. These results were not compatible with the expectations generated in the implantation period causing, in some cases, loss of efficiency and frustration on the part of the users of these systems. Such evidences lead the author of the present paper to the general objective of elucidating the causes of the failures. The work started from the descriptive research of different companies of distinct segments, which had implanted ERP systems of different available suppliers in the market. The descriptive field research allowed the clarifying of some peculiarities in the scope of operation of the companies as to the structure of their planning department and production control and the integration with supporting techniques. In this context it was possible to evaluate the implantation of these systems, in the considered productive units, which had aimed at guaranteeing significant profits as to the reduction of time of response to customer needs, with the possibility of pointing to more precise performance indicators, thus directing the research to the evaluation of the role of PCP as a facilitator agent in the implantation process and as a responsible one for the observance or not of these systems to the productive scheme. As a result, a broaden study of the concepts, focused on the specific literature, referring to the time of processing and, consequently, to the time of response of all the manufacturing procedures, emphasized the necessity of studying the evolution of the manufacturing process during the last decades. The conduction of the research to the study of inherent phases of the evolution process of manufacturing in the last decades, pointed to the division of the of evolution process in four phases: 1. Mass Manufacturing; 2. Lean Manufacturing (just in time); 3. Agile Manufacturing; 4. Responsive Manufacturing. In this scenario, one of the specific targets of this work is to spot the deficiencies of ERP systems currently in use in the companies which had as a goal significant reductions of processing time, based on the study of the mentioned paradigms, the PCP supporting techniques, and the relation of the function time with the current context, besides the systems of integrated management. The detailed bibliographical revision and five case studies, herein presented, compose the corpus of this work.

Fraturas metodológicas nas arquiteturas digitais / Methodology break in the digital architectures

Verônica Gomes Natividade 20 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação é investigar as mudanças ocorridas na metodologia de projeto arquitetônico em função da incorporação do computador como ferramenta auxiliar na concepção de projetos. Parte do princípio de que existe relação íntima entre a ferramenta empregada, a metodologia adotada e a forma arquitetônica, tomando como recorte temporal a segunda metade do século XX. Mais especificamente, investiga as chamadas arquiteturas digitais, isto é, aquelas arquiteturas cuja elaboração e manipulação da forma tiveram como plataforma as ferramentas digitais ou softwares específicos para o desenho e modelagem. Neste caso, o computador não é empregado como ferramenta de representação, mas associado ao processo criativo, causando interferências diretas na forma dos edifícios. Norteada pela pergunta como as novas arquiteturas têm sido concebidas?, o foco primordial da dissertação são as técnicas básicas exclusivamente digitais. Para isso, o estudo analisa três momentos evolutivos da metodologia de projeto assistido pelo computador. O período de formulação, onde é estudada a evolução das ferramentas digitais de projeto e sua gradativa incorporação ao domínio arquitetônico, bem como as novas técnicas e conceitos surgidos nesse momento; o ponto de inflexão, com a construção da primeira das arquiteturas digitais, o Museu Guggenheim de Bilbao, a partir do qual houve a consolidação do movimento digital na disciplina; e, finalmente, o terceiro momento, onde é identificada a fratura metodológica, isto é, quando as tecnologias paramétricas e algorítmicas, identificadas como duas técnicas básicas essencialmente digitais, emergiram como fontes catalisadoras do processo de evolução das arquiteturas digitais para as arquiteturas geradas digitalmente. Com este trabalho, pretende-se fornecer contribuições iniciais para a atualização e evolução da prática de projeto na cena arquitetônica brasileira. / This research aims to investigate the changes in architectural design methodology due to the introduction of the computer as a tool to assist the design process. It assumes that tools, adopted methodology and architectural form are close related, taking as cut-off time the second half of the twentieth century. More specifically, it investigates the so-called \'digital architecture\', that is, the digitally-based design architectures. In this case, the computer is not used as a tool for visualization, but as a generative tool to manipulates and transform architectural form. Guided by the question \'how new architectures have been conceived?\', this research focused on exclusively digital techniques. The research examines three moments of the evolutionary digital design methodology. The formulation period, where embracing the evolution of digital design tools and their gradual incorporation into the architectural practice, as well as new techniques and concepts arising in this moment. The turning point, with theconstruction of the first digital architecture, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, which can be defined as a consolidating moment of the digital real in architecture realm, and finally, the third moment, identified as a \'methodology break\', when the parametric and algorithmic technologies, recognized as essentially digital techniques that emerged as catalyst in the process of evolution \'from digital architectures for digitally generated architectures\'. This research aims to provide initial contributions for the upgrade and evolution of design practice in Brazilian architectural scenario.

Du cinéma comme un art à l'école. Paradigmes et enjeux de l'enseignement obligatoire et de spécialité "Cinéma et audiovisuel" en série L / Film as art at school. Paradigms and issues of compulsory education and specialization in film and media studies for humanities students

Laborde, Barbara 04 February 2012 (has links)
Paradigmes et enjeux de l’enseignement obligatoire et de spécialité "cinéma et audiovisuel" en série L. Les enseignements artistiques "cinéma et audiovisuel" apparus dans les années 80 dans les lycées français en série L sont le fruit d’une volonté politique. À travers des analyses de discours officiels, le repérage des paradigmes récurrents, leur explicitation théorique et historique constituent l’enjeu d’une première partie, destinée à mettre en place, comme une base de travail, les différentes manières dont le "cinéma" et "l’audiovisuel" sont définis et considérés "d’en haut". Mais mon travail de recherche ne pouvait se satisfaire de ce surplomb. J’ai donc adopté les outils de la sociologie pour étudier, dans une deuxième partie, la manière dont les professeurs et les élèves s’approprient ces paradigmes, les transmettent, les déjouent, sur le "terrain". Dans un troisième temps, la thèse s’intéresse aux programmes des enseignements et à l’analyse filmique. En m’appuyant sur les Bulletins officiels, sur des copies d’élèves, sur des analyses de professeurs et sur des documents pédagogiques publiés par l’Institution, j’ai voulu décrypter les paradigmes théoriques dans lesquels se définit l’œuvre d’art et ceux qui prévalent pour son analyse. Enfin, il restait à m’interroger sur la "pratique" encouragée dans ces enseignements : les réalisations audiovisuelles des élèves, la manière dont elles sont mises en œuvre, ce qu’elles recouvrent aussi d’implicites pédagogiques, politiques – voire économiques. Ma conclusion tente de faire des propositions concrètes, car je souhaite avant tout que cette thèse soit un outil de réflexion épistémologique, socio-politique, théorique, institutionnel et pédagogique, bref, un outil essentiellement pluridisciplinaire. / Classes in the artistic field of "film and media studies", which emerged in the 1980’s in French high schools for students specializing in humanities, is the result of a political decision. In the first part of my thesis, I elaborate on this question through the analysis of political discourse. Recurring paradigms and their historical and theoretical expression, used as a starting point for my research, comprise the main issue of this section, which aims at organizing the different ways in which "film" and "media studies" are defined and considered from on high. However, this research cannot be considered complete without a bottom up perspective. Therefore I adopt, in the second section, sociological strategies in order to study the ways in which teachers and students appropriate, impart and transform these paradigms in the classroom. The third part of my thesis deals precisely with the formal programs and film analysis. Using examples taken from analyses, student’s papers, and pedagogical documents published by the French national education institution, I endeavor to elucidate the theoretical paradigms at work for the exercise of analyzing films. Lastly, I examine the "practices" advocated by the teaching of these subjects, the students audiovisual productions, the ways in which they are carried out and the implicit pedagogical, political, or even economical issues they cover. In my conclusion I endeavor to make concrete suggestions for the problems raised throughout my research, since, above all other things, I would like my thesis to be used as a tool for epistemological, socio-political, theoretical, institutional and pedagogical reflection; in short, a tool essentially pluridisciplinary.

Who moved the textbook ...? A case study describing how ideological change in South Africa manifested itself in terms of racial representation in a transitional Afrikaans language textbook series

Engelbrecht, Alta 18 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative case study is to determine the extent to which an Afrikaans language textbook series acted as a change agent in terms of racial representation on the eve of democracy in South Africa. Data sources for the content analysis are press reports, parliamentary records and interviews with the publisher, the authors and leading academics. The contextualisation includes an explanation of how the authors of the Ruimland series were the first to intentionally break away from the apartheid perspective. The literature study comprises an explication of the master symbol model which serves as theoretical framework for this study. Influential issues in the literature on textbooks, representation, language and identity are also described. The main focus is on the three master symbols relevant to the study, which are presented as indicators of racial stereotyping, viz. the exclusivity and isolation of the in-group, appropriation and generalising and simplifying. These indicators are utilised as measurable norms in the analysis of racial representation. Counter-indicators obtained from the data are used to increase the reliability of the analysis. Traces of stereotyping regarding all the indicators and counter-indicators were found in the data. The findings show that master symbols are evident in the data, but that the series also incorporates counter-symbols directed toward a post-apartheid society. The concluding chapters suggests that the series could have been an early signal of a paradigm shift in Afrikaner ranks toward democracy in South Africa. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

The Effects of the Ethic of Care in an All-Boys School from 1903-1974

Cramp, Donald A, Jr. 08 November 2011 (has links)
Nel Noddings’ 1984 publication, Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education was the first formal introduction of the concept of an “ethic of care”. It is a concept that stresses the importance of compassion in any relationship. For the purpose of this dissertation, the ethic of care was studied in a specific educational community. This research focused on the role of care ethics in a secondary school (The Ransom School for Boys) from 1903 to 1974. The researcher identified this school as one that operated with an ethic of care and collected and analyzed data from historical school documents as well as from 60-90 minute individual interviews with six alumni, five retired faculty, and two administrators. The case study addressed how students and faculty experienced care ethics within the school and how it has been maintained throughout the adult lives of alumni. An a priori coding rubric was used to examine the presence of care ethics at the Ransom School for Boys and in the adult lives of its alumni. This rubric was generated using information taken from the literature review and encompasses 36 different words to identify the presence of care ethics. The primary research question was: How have alumni incorporated care ethics into their personal and professional lives? Secondary questions included: How did the ethic of care present itself over the span of 71 years? Was character education part of the formal curriculum at the Ransom School? Was character education part of the hidden curriculum at the Ransom School? Did the presence of care ethics support the values being taught in the home? While there has been research done on the importance of care ethics in an educational institution, the research is void of direct evidence associated with care ethics in a school community, specifically, an all-boys, private school. Through deductive analysis, care ethics was found to be present and utilized at the school. The interviews and historical documents suggested that moral education was an integral part of the informal curriculum and helped to integrate the ethic of care within the community.

A comparison of functional and object-orientedprogramming paradigms in JavaScript

Svensson Sand, Kim, Eliasson, Tord January 2017 (has links)
There are multiple programming paradigms that have their own set rules forhow code should be written. Programming languages utilize one or multiple ofthese paradigms. In this thesis, we will compare object-oriented programming,that is the most used today with languages such as C++ and Java, and functionalprogramming. Functional programming was introduced in the 1950's butsuered from performance issues, and has not been used much except for in theacademic world. However, for its ability to handle concurrency and big data,functional programming is of interest in the industry again with languages suchas Scala. In functional programming side effects, any interaction outside of thefunction, are avoided as well as changing and saving state. To compare these paradigms we have chosen four dierent algorithms, whichboth of us have implemented twice, once according to object-oriented programmingand once according to functional programming. All algorithms were implementedJavaScript. JavaScript is a multiparadigm language that supportsboth functional and object-oriented programming. For all implementations,we have measured development time, lines of code, execution time and memoryusage. Our results show that object-oriented programming gave us betterperformance, but functional programming resulted in less code and a shorterdevelopment time.

The implementation of the constructivist needs research paradigm in inner city community needs assessment: A case report

Cooney, Edward B., Steinberg, Steven M. 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Coping with paradigmatic influence on educational practices through an analytical approach to change

Bedolla, Patricia Jean 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

School sport and political change

Powell, Keith Baden January 1990 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / This dissertation will attempt to explain the changes that have and are taking place within south African sport and especially school sport. This will be viewed in the context of changing political developments. The central question that will be addressed is whether progressive school sports bodies can effect meaningful political change. Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions will be used as the theoretical framework for understanding social and political change. He developed the concept of paradigms (frame of .reference) in which an established paradigm prevails, challenged by an emerging rival paradigm. This theory has been applied to the present day south African political context in which the apartheid structure is the prevailing paradigm and the democratic movement, the emerging rival paradigm.

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