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Storbankerna på den svenska bankmarknaden : Argument för och emot infrastruktursamarbetet enligt 19 § KL / The major banks on th Swedish retail banking market : Pros and cosn with the infrastructure cooperation according to paragraph 19 KonkurrenslagenTensaye, Allem January 2007 (has links)
<p>The retail banking market in Sweden is highly concentrated and oligopolistic. This has been confirmed by numerous reports from different competition authorities within the EU, for example the Swedish competition authority. A considerably high number of different sorts of competition barriers has been pointed out in these reports. The competition barriers are mainly directed to the smaller banks and the potential competition. The retail banking market in Sweden is dominated by four major banks, which together has over 80 percent of all market shares. These four dominating banks more or less control the payment systems and have a great deal of influence within the payment systems. It is necessary for all banks to be able to take part of the payment systems. The control that the four dominants have over the payment systems has been more significant considering their cooperation in so called infrastructure clubs. It is these clubs that have formed the conditions in every contract between the infrastructure club members and other smaller banks, who wants to be able to provide their customers a diversity of banking services. The dominating banks purpose with this infrastructure cooperation is to lower the network-expenses for the owners and to provide a more effective network-system. According to my results, these infrastructure clubs could help create a harder market climate and higher entry barriers for non-members than what ought to be considered as normal for such a market climate. Smaller banks who want to provide a variety of services, so called full-service banks, meet the hardest obstacles to overcome. Therefore there has not started a new full-service bank since 1993. The almost only payment system which the four dominants do not control is Riksbankens payment system “RIX”. The European commission has many different criteria in their search for different violations of abuse and dominant position. I have used nine of these in my paper. Eight of these criteria were concordant with my results whether or not connections exist to abuse and dominant position. My results have pointed out some problems that could be in dispute with Swedish competition law, considering the market position and the key role the members in an infrastructure club possesses. Despite the fact that detailed decisions from the European court of Justice (ECJ) especially obliges dominants to protect and not to distort competition in any way exists, my opinion is that there could be some parallels to a distorted competition on the Swedish retail banking market. Furthermore, the three different steps within the payment system are represented through the dominants participation when they are members in the same infrastructure club. This gives the result that their cooperation is vertically integrated. The cooperation involves important information about the member’s financial strengths and their ability to compete as a market actor, but also information of great importance of the infrastructure and its development and further efficiency. According to my results, the economical cooperation that the members of the infrastructure clubs have, could not be referred to as an “economic entity” in the same way as the ECJ used it regarding their investigations of collective dominance. The dominants cooperation, according to me, is better described as a collective behavior. The dominants cooperation in these infrastructure clubs could also be of that character as referred to in 6 § konkurrenslagen. I do not consider the payment systems owned by the dominants to have the same character as “essential facilities”, since smaller niched banks have entered the market and thus have chosen other channels than the dominants payment systems to reach their customers. I also have the opinion that every effect caused by the cooperation between the dominants could not be defendable as acceptable objective grounds. Due to the above mentioned arguments, I find it sensible to investigate further whether or not the dominants purpose with their infrastructure club is concordant with its means.</p>
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Storbankerna på den svenska bankmarknaden : Argument för och emot infrastruktursamarbetet enligt 19 § KL / The major banks on th Swedish retail banking market : Pros and cosn with the infrastructure cooperation according to paragraph 19 KonkurrenslagenTensaye, Allem January 2007 (has links)
The retail banking market in Sweden is highly concentrated and oligopolistic. This has been confirmed by numerous reports from different competition authorities within the EU, for example the Swedish competition authority. A considerably high number of different sorts of competition barriers has been pointed out in these reports. The competition barriers are mainly directed to the smaller banks and the potential competition. The retail banking market in Sweden is dominated by four major banks, which together has over 80 percent of all market shares. These four dominating banks more or less control the payment systems and have a great deal of influence within the payment systems. It is necessary for all banks to be able to take part of the payment systems. The control that the four dominants have over the payment systems has been more significant considering their cooperation in so called infrastructure clubs. It is these clubs that have formed the conditions in every contract between the infrastructure club members and other smaller banks, who wants to be able to provide their customers a diversity of banking services. The dominating banks purpose with this infrastructure cooperation is to lower the network-expenses for the owners and to provide a more effective network-system. According to my results, these infrastructure clubs could help create a harder market climate and higher entry barriers for non-members than what ought to be considered as normal for such a market climate. Smaller banks who want to provide a variety of services, so called full-service banks, meet the hardest obstacles to overcome. Therefore there has not started a new full-service bank since 1993. The almost only payment system which the four dominants do not control is Riksbankens payment system “RIX”. The European commission has many different criteria in their search for different violations of abuse and dominant position. I have used nine of these in my paper. Eight of these criteria were concordant with my results whether or not connections exist to abuse and dominant position. My results have pointed out some problems that could be in dispute with Swedish competition law, considering the market position and the key role the members in an infrastructure club possesses. Despite the fact that detailed decisions from the European court of Justice (ECJ) especially obliges dominants to protect and not to distort competition in any way exists, my opinion is that there could be some parallels to a distorted competition on the Swedish retail banking market. Furthermore, the three different steps within the payment system are represented through the dominants participation when they are members in the same infrastructure club. This gives the result that their cooperation is vertically integrated. The cooperation involves important information about the member’s financial strengths and their ability to compete as a market actor, but also information of great importance of the infrastructure and its development and further efficiency. According to my results, the economical cooperation that the members of the infrastructure clubs have, could not be referred to as an “economic entity” in the same way as the ECJ used it regarding their investigations of collective dominance. The dominants cooperation, according to me, is better described as a collective behavior. The dominants cooperation in these infrastructure clubs could also be of that character as referred to in 6 § konkurrenslagen. I do not consider the payment systems owned by the dominants to have the same character as “essential facilities”, since smaller niched banks have entered the market and thus have chosen other channels than the dominants payment systems to reach their customers. I also have the opinion that every effect caused by the cooperation between the dominants could not be defendable as acceptable objective grounds. Due to the above mentioned arguments, I find it sensible to investigate further whether or not the dominants purpose with their infrastructure club is concordant with its means.
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Retrodigitalisierte Publikationen dauerhaft und barrierefrei sichtbar und verfügbar machenGramlich, Ludwig 10 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgehend von der Übergangsregelung des § 137l UrhG wird der allgemeine Kontext des deutschen Urheberrechts im Spannungsfeld verschiedener Akteure und unterschiedlicher Interessen skizziert, vom Träger des Rechts bis zu einem Vorschlag, die traditionelle "Pflichtexemplar"-Konzeption in die "open access"-Überlegungen zu integrieren.
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Klasifikace žánrů pomocí strojového učení / Genres classification by means of machine learningBílek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we compare the bag of words approach with doc2vec doc- ument embeddings on the task of classification of book genres. We cre- ate 3 datasets with different text lengths by extracting short snippets from books in Project Gutenberg repository. Each dataset comprises of more than 200000 documents and 14 different genres. For 3200-character documents, we achieve F1-score of 0.862 when stacking models trained on both bag of words and doc2vec representations. We also explore the relationships be- tween documents, genres and words using similarity metrics on their vector representations and report typical words for each genre. As part of the thesis, we also present an online webapp for book genre classification. 1
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The effects of PLEASE on the writing performance of high-school students with high functioning Autism Spectrum DisorderStavropoulou Kampoukou, Ino 22 July 2020 (has links)
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often require academic support to participate in the inclusive classroom. SRSD writing interventions have proven to be effective on this population. As there is a gap in the literature regarding the effectiveness of SRSD writing interventions on high-school students with ASD, this study employed a single-case design (SCD) to investigate the implementation of PLEASE paragraph-writing on two high-school students with high-functioning ASD. Response to intervention was assessed with pretest and posttest measures and with progress monitoring across intervention sessions. Data analysis included Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data (PNDs) and visual inspection of the line. Results indicated that PLEASE was very effective in improving the student’s writing and planning skills regarding theme development and organization, and draft-writing and self-monitoring respectively. Results of this study are discussed in relation to existing literature on SRSD, writing interventions, and ASD. Implications for educators and professionals working with high-school students identified with ASD and writing difficulties are discussed. / Graduate
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Besittningsbrytande grunder i hyreslagen : En rättsstudie av 12 kap. 46 § 1-2 p JB / Tenancy Termination Grounds in the Tenancy LawHedberg, Emma, Singh, Paulin January 2022 (has links)
1942 infördes i svenskt rätt den första typen av besittningsskydd för bostadshyresgäster. Efter det har besittningsskyddet stärkts allt mer till förmån för hyresgästen. Idag är besittningsskyddet mycket starkt och en diskussion som väckts är huruvida man ska prioritera den enskilda äganderätten eller hyresgästens rätt till egen bostad. Som fastighetsägare idag finns både hyresregleringar samt ett starkt besittningsskydd vilket gör det svårare för fastighetsägare att fritt kunna förfoga över sin fastighet. En fråga kring ämnet som uppkommer är hur starkt besittningsskyddet faktiskt är och hur det påverkar hyresvärdens möjligheter att säga upp en hyresgäst som inte är skötsam. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redovisa och analysera punkt 1 och 2 i 12 kap. 46 § JB och förutsättningarna för de besittningsbrytande grunderna samt tillämpningen av dessa. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk metod tillämpats. Som slutsats konstateras att för fall gällande betalningsförsummelser, störningar och vanvård skiljer sig hyresvärdens möjlighet att säga upp en hyresgäst. Av arbetet framgår att för mål rörande betalningsförsummelser är domstolen relativt öppensinnad och tillåter förhållandevis omfattande försummelser. Vilket blir till fördel för hyresgästen. Vid bedömning av mål gällande störningar samt vanvård visar domsluten istället på en mer restriktiv bedömning där hyresgästens vårdslöshet accepteras i mindre grad. För mål gällande vanvård finns tydligare regler och mer distinkta riktlinjer för domstolen att bedöma utifrån. Detta i jämförelse med de andra två typerna där bedömningen blir mer diffus. Tillsist kan konstateras att fastighetsägare vissa gånger tvingas lida förlust till förmån för att trygga misskötsamma hyresgästers rätt till sitt hem. / In 1942, Swedish law introduced the first type of tenure protection for residential tenants. Since then, the protection of possession has been strengthened more and more in favor of the tenant. Today, the tenure protection is very strong and one discussion that has been raised is whether to prioritize the individual right of ownership or the tenant's right to their home. As a property owner today, there are both rent controls and a strong tenure protection, which makes it more difficult for property owners to be able to freely dispose of their property. One question arises is how strong the tenure protection actually is and how it affects the property owners ability to terminate a tenant who has misbehaved. The purpose of the thesis is to present and analyze point 1 and 2 of Chapter 12. 46 § JB and the conditions for the possession breaking grounds and finally the application thereof. In order to answer the questions of the essay, a legal dogmatic method has been applied. In conclusion, it is found that in cases of default, disturbance and neglect, the landlord's ability to terminate a tenant differs. The essay shows that for cases concerning defaults on payment, the court is relatively open-minded and allows for relatively extensive omissions. Which will be to the great benefit of the tenant. When assessing cases concerning disturbances and neglect, the rulings instead show a more restrictive assessment where the tenant's negligence is accepted to a lesser extent. For cases concerning neglect, there are clearer rules and more distinct guidelines helping the court in their judgment. This is in comparison to the other two types where the assessment becomes more diffuse. Finally, it can be stated that property owners are sometimes forced to suffer losses in favor of misbehaving tenants.
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教師回饋對台灣高中EFL低成就學生段落寫作之效用:「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」 / The Effects of corrective feedback on Taiwan high school EFL low-achievers' paragraph writing: “direct correction” vs. “reformulation”許凱絨, Hsu, Kaijung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣EFL低成就學生之段落寫作,比較「直接訂正法」與「語意重述法」兩種寫作回饋之成效。本研究對象為台北市某高職學生,共56名學生全程參與這項從2009年9月到2010年1月的研究。進行修改寫作時,教師對實驗組使用「語意重述法」,學生比較原稿與老師保留學生原意但改寫成符合英文語法的段落,並將發現的文法錯誤記錄並自行訂正;對照組則運用「直接訂正法」,學生審視老師直接在上面訂正的原稿。經過看圖英文段落寫作的前測與後測、實驗組與對照組後測結果比較、以及針對實驗組的訪談,研究結果如下:(1)整體性評量上,「語意重述法」對學生改進寫作較為有效;(2)兩組中程度較差之低成就學生進步程度均優於程度較好之低成就學生,尤其實驗組之程度較差者進步程度猶勝於對照組的;(3) 「直接訂正法」對減少學生文法錯誤之功效優於「語意重述法」;(4)絕大多數參與者認為「語意重述法」有助增進寫作能力。論文最後討論此研究在教學上的意涵與提出對之後研究的建議。 / This study aimed to compare the efficacy of “direct correction” with that of “reformulation” on Taiwan EFL low-achievers’ paragraph writing. Fifty-six students in a vocational high school in Taipei City participated in this study from Sep. 2009 through Jan. 2010. When conducting revision activities, the teacher implemented the “reformulation” technique in the experimental group. The students compared the originals with the reformulated versions given by the teacher, and detected, recorded, and corrected all the grammatical errors mainly on their own. The control group received the “direct correction” treatment, examining their originals with the teacher’s corrections on them. With the pre-test and the post-test on a paragraph-length English picture description, the comparison of the post-test results between the experimental and control groups, and interviews with the experimental group, the results are as follows: First, in holistic rating, “reformulation” was more helpful than “direct correction” in improving the participants’ writing performance. Second, the low-achievers with lower proficiency benefited more from “reformulation” than those with better proficiency. Third, “direct correction” was more effective than “reformulation” in reducing the participants’ grammatical errors. Fourth, the majority in the experimental group were positive of “reformulation” as a way to improve writing. Finally, some implications for pedagogy and suggestions for future studies were made.
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Retrodigitalisierte Publikationen dauerhaft und barrierefrei sichtbar und verfügbar machenGramlich, Ludwig 10 November 2009 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Übergangsregelung des § 137l UrhG wird der allgemeine Kontext des deutschen Urheberrechts im Spannungsfeld verschiedener Akteure und unterschiedlicher Interessen skizziert, vom Träger des Rechts bis zu einem Vorschlag, die traditionelle "Pflichtexemplar"-Konzeption in die "open access"-Überlegungen zu integrieren.
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Odstavec jako kognitivní jednotka výstavby neliterárních textů / Paragraph as a Cognitive Unit of Non-Literary TextsObdržálková, Vanda January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis analyses the paragraph structuring of non-literary texts in Czech and Spanish and in translations from Spanish into Czech. Paragraph has been defined as a textual and cognitive unit, which is characterized by a unity of topic and inner coherence and plays an important role in text production and interpretation. The central part of the thesis presents the results of an empirical analysis of three groups of non-literary texts consisting in a three-stage comparison of comparable and parallel texts. The first aim of the analysis is to detect whether there are any culture-bound differences in paragraph length and thematic structure between comparable Spanish and Czech texts. The quantitative analysis was also focused on average length of sentences. The second aim is to describe the translators' approach by comparing the translations with their respective originals. Subsequently, the translations were compared with comparable original Czech texts. Based on this comparison it has been determined to what extent the translations are oriented towards the pole of adequacy (reflecting the values of the source language), or on the contrary, towards the pole of acceptability (reflecting the values of the target language). A translation analysis attempts to describe the factors influencing the...
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Tids- och kostnadsvinster i planprocessen / Time and cost benefits of planning processImamovic, Jasmina, Patwary, Rahman January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete undersöker tidsåtgången av två skilda planprocesser. Det ena projektet beläget i Sverige och det andra i Tyskland. Anledningen till att jämförelsen gjordes med Tyskland är på grund av deras paragraf 34. Paragrafen innebär att nybyggnation kan ske utanför ett detaljplanerat område inom tätort och har på senare tid varit omtalad i svensk media. Byggbolagen i Sverige anser idag att det är en omständlig process från projektidé till byggstart och begär en förändring i planprocessen för att kunna påskynda byggandet. Befolkningen växer i framför allt storstäderna och det byggs för få bostäder för att kunna tillgodose efterfrågan. En av de bidragande orsakerna till att det byggs för lite är en allt för långt utdragen planprocess. Undersökningen av planprocessen för de två projekt i denna rapport har utförts genom analys av deras respektive detaljplaner. Dessutom genomfördes intervjuer med Sveriges Byggindustrier(BI), Sveriges kommuner och landsting(SKL) och NCC för att erhålla deras bild av den svenska planprocessen. Resultatet visade att planprocessen var 1,9 år längre i Sverige och att det skiljde sig mellan de två projektens planförfaranden. Programskedet tog längst tid i Sverige och i Tyskland tog programskedet och samrådet lika lång tid. Undersökningen visade också att slutpriset för två likartade husprojekt i respektive land skiljde sig med cirka 51 % billigare pris för det tyska projektet. Till detta kan det påpekas att byggprisindex är lägre i Tyskland och de har en effektivare produktutveckling, som är ett led i en snabbare planprocess. Vid en kortare planprocess kan kapitalkostnaden minskas och ur kundens perspektiv innebär det att slutpriset kan sänkas. Det finns flera orsaker till varför bostadsbyggandet inte flyter på trots den rådande bostadsbristen. Ett är att det tar för lång tid i hanteringen kring dokumentation av handlingar i de olika skedena i planprocessen. Därutöver tar överklagandeprocessen en lång tid och ett förslag är att färre instanser skulle påskynda processen. Vidare rekommenderas tydligare riktlinjer i PBL, slopande av kommunala särkrav och att inte detaljplanera mer än nödvändigt. Det behövs en förändring av den svenska planprocessen för att påskynda bostadsbyggandet. Färre instanser under överklagandeprocessen, bättre riktlinjer i PBL och tydligare hantering i kommuner, införande av en mer enhetlig regeluppsättning över hela Sverige och att inte detaljplanera om det inte är nödvändigt. Dessa rekommendationer skulle förbättra den svenska planprocessen. / This thesis examines time and cost consumption under two different planning processes. One project located in Sweden and the other in Germany. The main reason why the comparison was done in relation to Germany is because of an article on paragraph 34.This paragraph has recently been in Swedish media and construction companies in Sweden are requesting a change in the planning process to make it easier and faster to build houses. The population is growing, especially in the larger cities and the buildings fail to meet the demands required by the city. The main reason being that they build far too few homes because of an inefficient planning process. The planning process for these two projects has been carried out through analysis of their planning documents. In addition, interviews were conducted with the Swedish Construction Organization, Sweden's municipalities and NCC to obtain their view on how the Swedish planning process works. The results showed that the planning process was 1.9 years longer in Sweden. The program period took the longest time in Sweden and in Germany the program period and the consultation period took equal time. The investigation revealed that the final price to the customer is about 51% less in Germany. Furthermore, the construction price index is lower in Germany and they have a more efficient product development. With a shorter planning process the cost of capital can be reduced and from the customer's perspective, this means that the final price can be lowered. There are many reasons as to why the buildings aren't meeting the demands despite the housing shortage. One of them is that it takes too long in the handling of documentations in the different stages of the planning process. In addition, the process of appeal takes a very long a time and one suggestion is that a fewer instances would hurry up the planning process. Further recommendations would be that the guidelines in the regulations should be clearer and easier to follow and not to plan in detail more than necessarily. The Swedish planning process needs to change to accelerate the housing construction. Fewer instances during the appeal process, better guidelines in PBL and clearer management in municipalities, create a more uniform set of rules across Sweden and no detailed plan if it is not necessary. These recommendations would improve the Swedish planning process.
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