Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parcela"" "subject:"parcelas""
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Návrh kritérií a tvorba metodiky pro stanovení výše nájmů z pozemků v zemědělských areálech v konkrétních lokalitách / Design of criteria and creation of methodology for determining the size of rents from land in agricultural grounds in concrete localitiesTesařová, Zdeňka January 2018 (has links)
In the doctoral thesis deals with a problem situation, which is based on the lack of a clarified methodology for determining the rents from land in agricultural grounds. Criteria are proposed that could affect the amount of land rents in agricultural grounds. One is the type of water source. The created database consists of a variety of data that are subsequently evaluated. The data for the selected locations was statistically evaluated. Furthermore, the percentage of rentals was determined as against the usual (market) price of the leased land. The proposed coefficients were quantified and verified at the same time in practical cases. The output of the thesis is a methodology developed to determine the usual rental rates from land in agricultural grounds.
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Obchodování se zemědělskými pozemky / Trading in Agricultural LandMachů, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis looks into farm lands and their trade. The purpose of this thesis is to access the conditions in which the business with estates is happening in our country and make schemes for different types of trades. For each type of the trade in the thesis are added comments and documents which are necessary to make a successful deal.
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Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Olomouckém kraji / Evaluation of the Impact of Town and Country Planning on the Land Prices in the town of OlomoucLukaševič, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
My diploma work is focused in evolution land price on dependence input landscape preparedness. My investigation was made in three locations. The locations will be used for production, commerce and housing. I assested what cause the diference and price trends.
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Analýza vybraných vlivů na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů ve Šlapanicích / Analysis of factors influencing the market value of houses in ŠlapaniceLicková, Věra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents the analysis of selected influences on houses valuation in Šlapanice, including the report on present state of the real estate market in the above mentioned locality. It involves expense method, comparative methods – both based on regulations and not, to find out the value of five family houses in Šlapanice. The work also considers the impact which the locality with its territorial plan has on real estate valuation. In the light of the acquired information the real estate prices are compared considering significant changes in territorial plan to join neighbouring cadastral area of Brno city.
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Analýza vlivu lokality a typu konstrukce na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů v Havlíčkově Brodě a okolí / Impact analysis of location and construction type on the market value of houses in Havlíčkův Brod and the surroundingsForman, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The main objective is assessment to which extent the usual price of selected houses is affected by the location and type of structure. Further tasks are finding the cost price of houses according to the valid valuation regulations and finding approximate price comparison method according to the valid valuation regulations, including the price of land in a single functional unit. Another task is to create a database of offered prices of comparable objects through which is determined by a direct comparison of the market price of houses. In the final part of the thesis is a price comparison of observed houses.
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De l'agrandissement des exploitations agricoles à la transformation des paysages de bocage : analyse comparative des recompositions foncières et paysagères en Normandie / From farms enlargment to the bocage landscape dynamics : comparative analysis of the contribution of the farm spatial extension to landscape dynamics in NormandyPreux, Thibaut 05 December 2019 (has links)
Paysages emblématiques des campagnes de l’Ouest, les bocages ont connu une série de transformations rapides et importantes ces quarante dernières années : érosion du linéaire de haies, changements des usages du sol, rationalisation et agrandissement du parcellaire, banalisation et massification des bâtiments agricoles, enfrichement des secteurs les plus difficiles à exploiter. L’ampleur des ajustements observés souligne le décalage entre ces formes paysagères héritées d’une longue histoire agraire, et l’évolution des systèmes agricoles qui contribuent à les produire.Si la transformation des paysages de bocage est généralement attribuée au tournant « productiviste » du modèle agricole français, les processus socio-techniques à l’origine de ces évolutions sont plus rarement explicités. L’objet de ce travail est d’évaluer plus spécifiquement la contribution de l’agrandissement des exploitations agricoles à la dynamique d’évolution des paysages bocagers de l’Ouest de la France.Ce travail de géographie s’appuie dans un premier temps sur une analyse statistique à l’échelle du grand Ouest de la France, visant à étudier l’effet des transformations foncières sur les structures spatiales agricoles (assolements, parcellaire, linéaires boisés…). Dans un second temps, les dynamiques paysagères et foncières de quatre espaces d’étude (Bessin, Bocage Virois, Sud Manche, Pays d’Auge), situés en domaine laitier et bocager mais présentant des configurations agricoles variées, ont été étudiées entre 2003 et 2016. Ce travail s’appuie notamment sur un dispositif méthodologique original, articulant au sein d’un système d’information géographique à échelle parcellaire (1) la construction d’un suivi à échelle spatio-temporelle fine des dynamiques paysagères (évolution du maillage bocager, de la trame parcellaire et de l’occupation du sol) et (2) la reconstitution de l’évolution de la mosaïque des parcellaires d’exploitations par appariement de plusieurs millésimes du registre parcellaire graphique. L’exploitation de cette base de données spatio-temporelle a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle de la transformation foncière des exploitations agricoles dans la dynamique des paysages bocagers. Enfin, une enquête de terrain a été réalisée auprès de 150 agriculteurs équitablement répartis dans les quatre espaces d’étude, afin d’appréhender les conséquences sociales, techniques et productives de l’agrandissement à l’échelle des exploitations agricoles, qui diffèrent singulièrement selon le type de trajectoire foncière suivie. / Symbolic landscapes of the countryside of the West of France, the bocage landscapes have undergone a series of transformations these last forty years : decrease in hedgerow density, land uses changes, plots extension, normalization and enlargement of farm buildings, spatial extension of wilderness… The intensity of landscape transformations highlights the contradiction between these landscape forms produced by a long agrarian history and the contemporary evolutions of farming systems. The transformation of hedgerow landscapes is generally attributed to the "productivist" turn of the French agricultural model. However, the socio-technical processes behind these changes are more rarely explained.The first purpose of this geography work is to study the effects of changing agricultural systems on agricultural spatial structures, based on a statistical analysis at the scale of the West of France. In a second step, the landscape and land dynamics of four study areas (Bessin, Bocage Virois, Sud Manche, Pays d'Auge), located in the dairy and bocage domain, have been studied between 2003 and 2016. This work is based on an original methodological device, set up in a geographical information system. This structuration of geographic information makes possible to (1) monitor the landscape dynamics (evolution of the hedgerow density, land cover and plot morphology changes) at a fine spatial and temporal scale and (2) to reconstruct the evolution of the mosaic of farm plots, by matching land-parcell identification systems across the time (2007, 2011, 2013). From this spatio-temporal database, we characterized the coevolution of landscape structures and farm territories across the time, in order to better understand the landscape consequences of farm enlargment.Finally, a field survey was carried out among 150 farmers equitably distributed in the four study areas, in order to apprehend the social, technical and productive consequences of the farms enlargment, which differ singularly according to the type of land trajectory followed.
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Investigation of gasSOA formation by parcel and 3-D modelingGatzsche, Kathrin 02 May 2019 (has links)
Ein Großteil der Masse des troposphärischen Aerosols wird vielerorts durch organische Aerosolbestandteile gebildet. Ferner bestehen feine Aerosolpartikel bis zur Hälfte aus sekundär gebildetem organischen Aerosol (SOA). Jedoch wird die SOA-Massenkonzentration derzeit häufig durch numerische Modelle unterschätzt. Deshalb war das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Beschreibung der SOA-Bildung durch Gas-zu-Partikel-Konversion in atmosphärischen Modellen zu verbessern, um ein besseres Verständnis der ablaufenden Prozesse und bestimmenden Parameter zu erlangen. Im hierfür verwendeten Boxmodell SPACCIM (SPectral Aerosol Cloud Chemistry Interaction Model) wurde bisher der Massentransfer zwischen der Gasphase und der organischen Partikelphase nicht beschrieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde deshalb das Modell sowohl um einen absorptiven als auch einen kinetischen Partitionierungsansatz erweitert. Wesentliche Vorteile des kinetischen Partitionierungsansatzes sind zum einen die Berücksichtigung von Eigenschaften der Aerosolphase (wie Größe und Phasenzustand der Partikel) und zum anderen Reaktionen in der Partikelphase mit einzubeziehen. Innerhalb der Arbeit wurde dieser Partitionierungsansatz weiterentwickelt, um die von der Zusammensetzung abhängige Diffusivität der Partikelphase und reversible Partikelreaktionen abbilden zu können. Weiterhin wurde das 3-D Chemie-Transport-Modell COSMO-MUSCAT (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling und MUlti-Scale Chemistry Aerosol Transport) mit dem kinetischen Partitionierungsansatz erweitert, um eine verbesserte Beschreibung der SOA-Bildung zu erreichen. Die Bildung von hochoxidierten, wenig flüchtigen organischen Reaktionsprodukten wurde in den jeweiligen Gasphasen-Chemiemechanismen beider Modelle implementiert.
Unter Verwendung von SPACCIM mit dem absorptiven Partitionierungsansatz wurden (i) Sensitivitäten und Limitierungen der SOA-Bildung untersucht, (ii) Aerosolkammerstudien der Ozonolyse von α- und β-Pinen simuliert und (iii) der Einfluss von Wandverlusten bestimmt. Detaillierte Sensitivitätsstudien für den kinetischen Partitionierungsansatz machen deutlich, dass die Partikelreaktivität ein Schlüsselparameter ist, mit dem die SOA-Masse flüssiger Aerosolpartikel um den Faktor vier erhöht werden konnte. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Partikeldiffusivität und, für halbfeste Partikel, die Partikelgröße ebenfalls bestimmende Modellparameter sind. Für Simulationen von Kammerexperimenten der Ozonolyse von α-Pinen mit mäßig schnellen Reaktionen in der Partikelphase konnte eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den gemessenen SOA-Konzentrationen erzielt werden. Dies stellt eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zum absorptiven Partitionierungsansatz dar. Des Weiteren wurde ein Experiment der AIDA-Aerosolkammer unter Verwendung einer monodispersen und einer unimodalen Aerosolverteilung simuliert. Dabei wurde, unter Berücksichtigung von mäßig schnellen oder reversiblen Reaktionen in der Partikelphase, eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den Messergebnissen für beide Verteilungen erzielt. Die Sensitivitätsstudien für den kinetischen Partitionierungsansatz haben jedoch deutlich gezeigt, dass die wichtigsten Modellparameter noch genauer aus Labormessungen charakterisiert werden müssen.
Die Modellergebnisse der COSMO-MUSCAT Simulationen mit dem absorptiven Partitionierungsansatz zeigten, dass die Berücksichtigung von hochoxidierten, organischen wenig flüchtigen Reaktionsprodukten zu erhöhten SOA-Massenkonzentrationen führt und die Vaporisierungsenthalpie die SOA-Bildung deutlich beeinflusst. Außerdem wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Modellsystems mit dem kinetischen Partitionierungsansatz gezeigt und mittels einer nicht-reaktiven Partikelphase vergleichbare Ergebnisse zum absorptiven Partitionierungsansatz erzielt. Der Vergleich mit Messungen von 6 Messstationen zeigte, dass COSMO-MUSCAT in der Lage ist den zeitlichen Trend der beobachteten organischen Massenkonzentration abzubilden. Eine detailliertere Analyse für den Messort Melpitz offenbarte jedoch die zeitweise Unterschätzung der Konzentrationen von monoterpenoiden Vorläufersubstanzen insbesondere in den Nachtstunden. Dies könnte die gleichzeitig auftretende Unterschätzung der SOA-Massenkonzentration durch das Modell erklären. Die zusätzliche Berücksichtigung von Partikelphasenreaktionen erhöht zwar die SOA-Massenkonzentration in diesen Fällen, jedoch werden zuverlässige kinetische Labordaten zur Spezifizierung des jetzigen Modells und für weiterführende Studien benötigt. / In many locations, organic matter represents the largest fraction of the aerosol mass, where the aerosol fine fraction consists of up to about one-half of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). However, the SOA mass is still often underpredicted by models. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at an advanced description of SOA formation from gas-to-particle conversion in a parcel model and a 3-D chemistry transport model (CTM) to gain a better process understanding. Since the utilized parcel model SPACCIM (SPectral Aerosol Cloud Chemistry Interaction Model) has not originally comprised gas-to-particle mass transfer, this framework was further developed by both an absorptive and a kinetic partitioning approach. The latter one has the advantages to be based on aerosol bulk properties, so that particle size and phase state are considered, and to include particle reactivity. Moreover, this approach has been enhanced by a composition-dependent particle-phase diffusivity and reversible particle-phase reactions. The 3-D CTM COSMO-MUSCAT (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling and MUlti-Scale Chemistry Aerosol Transport) has been improved by the kinetic partitioning approach to achieve an advanced treatment of SOA formation for process studies. For both models, the respective gas-phase chemistry mechanisms were modified to consider the formation of HOMs (highly oxygenated molecules).
For SPACCIM using the absorptive partitioning approach, sensitivities and limitations have been explored, aerosol chamber studies for α- and β-pinene ozonolysis have been simulated, and the impact of wall losses have been examined. Using the kinetic partitioning approach, extensive sensitivity studies have revealed the particle-phase reactivity as key parameter, with a 4-times increased SOA mass for liquid particles, followed by the particle-phase bulk diffusivity and, for semi-solid particles, the particle size. Consideration of moderate fast particle-phase reactions for the simulation of α-pinene ozonolysis exhibits an improvement to the absorptive partitioning approach because the formed SOA mass is similar to the measurements. Moreover, an AIDA chamber experiment was simulated for a monodisperse and a unimodal treatment of the aerosol distribution. For both distributions, high similarity to the measurement results have been achieved for moderate fast or reversible particle-phase reactions. Nevertheless, the sensitivity studies have been shown that the kinetic partitioning approach requires more input from laboratory studies for an appropriate characterization of the key model parameters.
The model results of COSMO-MUSCAT using the absorptive partitioning approach have shown that the consideration of HOMs increases the simulated SOA mass and the enthalpy of vaporization markedly influences the formation of SOA. Moreover, the applicability of the kinetic partitioning framework has been established and, for a non-reactive particle phase, almost similar results as for the absorptive partitioning approach are achieved. Comparison with measurements from six field sites has revealed that COSMO-MUSCAT can capture the temporal course of the observed organic mass concentrations. A more detailed analysis for the field site at Melpitz has indicated a partly underestimation of measured monoterpenoid precursor concentrations particularly at nighttime, which might caused the coincident underprediction of the SOA mass concentration. The consideration of particle-phase reactions increase the SOA formation in such cases, but for a final conclusion reliable kinetic measurement data are needed as model input.
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Last Mile Delivery - Examination of Customer Satisfaction regarding Parcel LockersBrunner, Valerie, Majcher, Wanda January 2022 (has links)
Background: The strong growth of e-commerce and the connected last mile delivery problems as well as the increasing customer demands have driven forward delivery innovations in the past years. One of them, parcel locker networks, were developed and have been growing for several years. However, customers still seem to prefer the traditional home delivery, which is highly inefficient for last mile delivery actors. Thereby, it has to be evaluated whether customers are satisfied with the parcel locker technology and which factors determine the satisfaction. Purpose: This study aims at evaluating the factors influencing customer satisfaction in regard to parcel lockers. Therefore, relevant constructs about satisfaction and acceptance models in the last mile context were derived from the literature. Method: In order to accomplish our purpose, a quantitative study was conducted using a questionnaire among end customers in Austria and Germany. The proposed framework and hypotheses were analysed by using structural equation modelling. Furthermore, a multigroup analysis was conducted to identify differences between sociodemographic categories. Conclusion: The results show that perceived ease of use, perceived quality and convenience perception all have an influence on customer satisfaction in Germany and Austria. However, the direct influence of perceived ease of use and convenience perception cannot be confirmed, both constructs are entirely mediated by perceived quality. Furthermore, the multigroup analysis determined significant differences in the gender category for the path between perceived ease of use and convenience perception, in the living area category for the relationship between convenience perception and perceived quality and in the age category for perceived quality and customer satisfaction.
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Som ett paket på posten : En analys av marknaden för paketleveranser till privatpersoner / An analysis of the market for parcel deliveries from business to customerHägglund, Erica, Wikström, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska marknaden för paketleveranser är en marknad i ständig expansion. Med e-handelns tillväxt har antalet varor som skickas från företag till privatpersoner ökat explosionsartat de senaste åren, samtidigt som konsumenternas preferenser ändrats. Ökningen har ställt helt nya krav på leveransföretagen, samtidigt som den inneburit möjligheter för nya företag att etablera sig på marknaden. Syftet med detta arbete är att analysera marknaden för paketleveranser till privatpersoner i Sverige. Vi riktar in oss på e-handlares prissättning på leveranser och konsumenters möjlighet att välja olika leveransalternativ. Analysen görs utifrån Structure-Conduct-Performance-modellen. Genomförandet består av tre olika metoder. Vi gör en kartläggning av leveransföretagen och deras olika leveransalternativ, en egen undersökning av pris och valfrihet samt en enkätundersökning till olika aktörer på marknaden. Vi drar den huvudsakliga slutsatsen att det råder informationsasymmetrier på marknaden som gör att e-handelsföretag har möjlighet att ta ut överpriser på leveranser gentemot sina konsumenter. Vi drar också slutsatsen att konsumenters valfrihet av leveransalternativ är begränsad – trots att antalet leveransföretag är större än någonsin. Vidare konstateras att det råder stark avtalsintegration på marknaden och att flera faktorer talar för att leveransföretagen såväl som e-handelsföretagen besitter marknadsmakt. På grund av detta identifierar vi en risk att konkurrensen och därmed valfriheten försämras på sikt.
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A Conceptual Framework for an Enterprise-Wide Geospatially Enabled Information Management System for Transportation Right-Of-Way Business ProcessesSambana, Kavya 09 June 2010 (has links)
Right-of-way business processes have been identified as one of the areas where information bottlenecks occur in transportation agencies, not only because of the amount of information involved, but also because of the interdependent nature of these activities. Transportation projects are associated with parcels whose status change during and after the project based on information from right-of-way activities. Geospatially enabled decision making tools enhance data interpretation as well as data retrieval of this information. By using enterprise-level applications, information sharing between the transportation agency, other jurisdictions, and the public becomes more efficient. Being able to quickly visualize the status of parcels in a geospatial environment further enhances the management of resources which, in turn, improves timely project delivery. This thesis presents a conceptual framework for an information management system and its geospatial enablement through a logical model for Geospatial Decision Making Activities (GDMA) in transportation right-of-way offices. The logical model for GDMA, presented in Unified Modeling Language, includes state machine diagram and data flow diagram models for tracking the parcel and capturing the geospatial enablement of right-of-way activities. / Master of Science
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