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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv výstavby silniční komunikace na cenu pozemků / The Influence of Road Construction on the Price of Land Parcels

Podrová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the assessment and comparison of land prices which are connected to the construction of roads, before and during the redemption. Based on gained results was made the average evaluation of land. The price difference stems from the fact that before the redemption was a mostly agricultural land and during the redemption was already building land. This is due the construction which to be built on it and also the costs of readiness of the land

Vyhodnocení vývoje cen stavebních pozemků dle cenových předpisů / Evaluation of Trends in Prices of Building Plots According to the Price Regulations

Krejsová, Věra January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to identify trends in prices building plots over the years, the price set by the price regulations is determined according to the legislation in force for the years, this legislation is detailed and chronologically sorted in the theoretical part of this thesis. The actual valuation of building plots is carried out since 1939 to the present in the practical part of this work. The award is made over the years to the identical construction site located in the town of Olomouc.

Tjänsteinnovationer inom sista milen - En studie av konsumenters inställning till crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås

Herlin, Malin, Mårtensson, Adrian, Nydahl, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Det ständigt växande e-handelssegmentet ställer helt nya krav på transporter inom sista milenleveranser. Sista milen är ofta förknippad med negativa externaliteter som buller, trängsel ochutsläpp och dessutom låg kostnadseffektivitet. Sista milen är därför en del i logistikkedjan somhar stor förbättringspotential. Det har därför på senare tid uppkommit en del innovationer inomsista milen som ska kunna öka effektiviteten och minska de negativa externaliteterna.I denna studie har vi, med hjälp av virtuella fokusgruppsintervjuer, undersökt åtta individersinställning till tre olika innovativa leveransmetoder; crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås.Vi har även undersökt vad det är som påverkar denna inställning och antagandet av dem, samt vilka förväntningar som individerna har på nya leveranssätt. Till vår hjälp har vi bland annat haft teori kring hur individer antar nya innovationer, vad en tjänsteinnovation är samt tidigare forskning om våra undersökta leveranssätt. Fortsättningsvis har vi även haft teori kring upplevd risk och vad som skapar värde för kunder. Med hjälp av dessa teorier kunde vi i analysen besvara våra frågeställningar. Det visade sig att deltagarna generellt sett har en negativ inställning till crowdsourcing och smarta lås som leveranssätt. Beträffande paketskåp fanns en generellt sett positiv inställning. Det var också det leveranssätt som många deltagare provat tidigare. De är generellt sett nöjda med de leveranssätt som redan existerar och därför är intresset för innovativa leveranssätt inte så stort. Vid diskussioner gällande samtligaleveranssätt fördes resonemang kopplat till värde och risk. Beträffande både inställningen tillinnovationerna och förväntningarna på dem uppfattar vi det som att relativa fördelar,komplexitet och kompatibilitet spelar stor roll vid antagande av innovationer. Även recensioneroch “word of mouth” har visat sig spela in. / A continuously growing B2C e-commerce sector creates new challenges and a differentdemand in the transport sector, especially in the final step of a logistic supply chain - the lastmile delivery. Furthermore, the last mile is also known as the least cost effective part of alogistic chain as well as the part that is associated with negative externalities like congestion,air pollution and noise pollution, especially in urban areas. Considering this, the last mile is apart with high potential of improvement. This is also why last mile delivery innovations arestarting to show up on the market.With the help of virtual focus group methodology, we have in this study aimed to investigateeight people’s attitude towards three last mile delivery innovations; crowdsourcing, parcellockers and smart locks. We have studied things that can have an affect on this attitude and the adoption of innovations, but also what expectations the customers have on last mileinnovations in general. To be able to analyze our data, we have used a variety of theories,including Diffusion of innovations theory, and theories regarding customer value, risk andservice innovation. Regarding our three service innovations, we have also included previousresearch concerning those.Our research showed a negative attitude towards crowdsourcing and smart locks, and a positive attitude towards parcel lockers, which also was the innovation that a lot of our participants had tried. In general, all participants were satisfied with existing delivery methods, why the motivating factors for using the innovations are few. Discussions regarding customer value and risk were influential in our results. We also found mutual factors in what affects attitude and expectations, factors like complexity, compatibility and relative advantages. Furthermore, reviews and word of mouth also seem to have an affect on their attitude towards the innovations.

Optimering av paketdistributionen på ett fallföretags pakettransportrutt

Björkenstam, Alice, Andersson Lans, Nellie January 2023 (has links)
Internal transportation is one of the key elements in manufacturing operations, and there is a constant need to optimize this process (Antoniuk, 2021). The case company has a very large industrial are covering 3 km2, which poses significant challenges for the internal transportation. The company has too many parcel stations, lacks clear requirements for new parcel stations and documentation for the parcel stations, and faces route planning issues as a result. The purpose of this case study was to identify obstacles and problems to optimize the company’s parcel transport in terms of route planning, placement of parcel stations and the number of parcel stations. The project aimed to develop a general working model for how a parcel transport can be optimized without relying on the Industrial Internet of Things (Sinsinni et al., 2018) and digital technology. The study focused on the company’s internal and external parcel transport routes within and outside the industrial area. Observations and interviews were conducted at the case company, revealing that customers needs include receiving deliveries twice a day and ensuring correct parcel deliveries. The drivers require unchanged or reduced workload, easier training, fewer parcel stations, properly equipped parcel stations, and improved route planning. The transport manager needs a standardised work approach, fewer parcel stations, documentation of parcel stations, and an expanded requirements list. To optimize the case company’s transport, the number and placement of parcel stations, and simultaneously meet these needs, several improvement suggestions were developed. It was found that implementing a scanning system could enhance the accuracy of the parcel deliveries, but this option was not recommended due to it being expensive and gives no guarantee of correct deliveries, among other things. Instead, it is recommended that the company implements a milk run system to achieve JIT (Just-in-time) deliveries for customers and a standardized work approach standardized work approach for drivers. Additionally, a proposal for a digital map was presented to improve documentation and facilitate training, along with a suggestion to merge parcel stations to reduce workload and enhance route planning. Lastly, expanding the requirements list was suggested to ensure properly equipped parcel stations and provide clearer specifications for parcel stations. A general conceptual work model for this optimization process is outlined as follows: 1.       Observe current delivery routes and stations. 2.       Interview stakeholders (such as customers and drivers). 3.       Identify and compile requirements. 4.       Map out stations on a digital map. 5.       Apply a heuristic selection process.  a.       Examine clusters of stations of the digital map.  b.       Evaluate stations based on collected data.  c.       Assess the activity level; if multiple stations have high activity, make an individual assessment.  d.       Merge the stations.  e.       Apply the 250-meter rule to the remaining selection without available data. 6.       Create an optimal route using the selected stations. / Interna transporter är ett av de viktigaste elementen i en tillverkningsverksamhet och det finns ett konstant behov att optimera denna process (Antoniuk, 2021). Fallföretaget har ett mycket stort industriområde som omfattar 3 km2 vilket ställer stora krav på de interna transporterna. Företaget har för många paketstationer, saknar en tydlig kravbild av nya paketstationer och dokumentation över paketstationerna, och har på grund av detta ett ruttplaneringsproblem. Syftet med denna fallstudie var att identifiera hinder och problem för att kunna optimera företagets pakettransport med avseende på ruttplanering, paketstationers placering och antal paketstationer. Målet med projektet var att ta fram en generell arbetsmodell för hur en pakettransport kan optimeras utan Industrial Internet of Things och digital teknologi (Sinsinni et al., 2018). Studien avgränsades till företagets interna och externa pakettransportrutt, innanför och utanför industriområdet. Det utfördes observationer och intervjuer på fallföretaget som visade att kundernas behov är att få leverans två gånger per dag och att paketen levereras rätt. Chaufförerna har behov av oförändrad eller minskad arbetsbelastning, lättare upplärning, färre paketstationer, korrekt utrustade paketstationer och bättre ruttplanering. Transportchefen har behov av ett standardiserat arbetssätt, färre paketstationer, dokumentation över paketstationer och en utökad kravlista. För att optimera fallföretagets transporter, antalet paketstationer och placeringen och samtidigt uppfylla dessa behov tog vi fram flera förbättringsförslag. Vi kom fram till att ett skanningssystem kan öka möjligheten att kundernas paket inte kommer fel men rekommenderar inte detta då det bland annat är kostsamt och inte garanterar att paketen levereras rätt. Vi rekommenderar i stället att företaget implementerar en milk run som skapar JIT (Just-in-time) leverans för kunderna och ett standardiserat arbetssätt för chaufförerna. Det har också tagits fram ett förslag på en digital karta för ökad dokumentation och lättare upplärning, samt ett förslag på sammanslagning av paketstationer och därigenom en minskning. Detta för att minska arbetsbelastningen och skapa en förbättrad ruttplanering. Till sist ger vi även förslaget att de utökar sin kravlista för att uppfylla behovet av korrekt utrustade paketstationer och ge dem en tydligare kravbild. En generell och konceptuell arbetsmodell för denna optimering ser ut som följande: 1.       Observera nuvarande leveransrutter och stationer. 2.       Intervjua intressenter (såsom kunder och chaufförer). 3.       Identifiera och sammanställ krav. 4.       Kartlägg stationer på en digital karta. 5.       Heuristisk urvalsprocess.  a.       Undersöka kluster av stationer på digital karta.  b.       Granska stationerna utefter insamlade data.  c.       Bedöm aktiviteten, om fler stationer har hög aktivitet gör en individuell bedömning.  d.       Slå ihop stationerna.  e.       Resterande urval som inte har någon data utförs med 250 meters-regeln. 6.       Skapa optimal rutt med de valda stationerna.

Smart Delivery Mobile Lockers: Design, Models and Analytics

Liu, Si January 2024 (has links)
This doctoral thesis represents pioneering research in integrating Smart Mobile Lockers with City Buses (SML-CBs) for e-commerce last-mile delivery, a novel concept rooted in the sharing economy. It explores the innovative use of underutilized urban bus capacities for parcel transportation while incorporating smart parcel lockers to facilitate self-pick-up by customers. Comprising six chapters, the thesis delineates its background, motivations, contributions, and organization in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive review of the recent literature on last-mile freight deliveries, including a bibliometric analysis, identifying gaps and opportunities for SML-CBs intervention. In Chapter 3, using survey data, we conduct empirical analytics to study Canadian consumers’ attitudes towards adopting SML-CBs, focusing on deterrents such as excessive walking distances to pick-up locations and incentives led by environmental concerns. This chapter also pinpoints demographic segments likely to be early adopters of this innovative delivery system. To address the concerns over walking distances identified in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 presents a prescriptive model and algorithms aimed at minimizing customer walking distance to self-pick-up points, considering the assignment of SML-CBs and customers. The case study results endorse the convenience of SML-CBs in terms of short walking distances. To systematically assess the sustainability benefits, a key motivator identified in Chapter 3, Chapter 5 includes analytical models for pricing and accessibility of SML-CBs. It also employs a hybrid life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to analyze the sustainability performance of SML-CBs. It establishes system boundaries, develops pertinent LCA parameters, and illustrates substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) savings in both operational and life cycle phases when SML-CBs are utilized instead of traditional delivery trucks. The dissertation is concluded in Chapter 6, summarizing the principal contributions and suggesting avenues for future research. This comprehensive study not only provides empirical and analytical evidence supporting the feasibility and advantages of SML-CBs but also contributes to the literature on sustainable logistics and urban freight deliveries. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This doctoral thesis represents pioneering research in integrating Smart Mobile Lockers with City Buses (SML-CBs) for e-commerce last-mile delivery. It explores the innovative use of underutilized urban bus capacities for parcel transportation while incorporating smart parcel lockers to facilitate self-pick-up by customers. Comprising six chapters, the thesis delineates its background, motivations, contributions, and organization in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive review of the recent literature on lastmile freight deliveries. In Chapter 3, we study Canadian consumers’ attitudes towards adopting SML-CBs, focusing on deterrents such as excessive walking distances to pickup locations and incentives led by environmental concerns. To address the concerns over walking distances identified in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 presents models and algorithms for operating SML-CBs. Chapter 5 presents an assessment of the sustainability of SML-CBs. The dissertation is concluded in Chapter 6, summarizing the principal contributions and suggesting avenues for future research.

Strategie poskytovatelů KEB služeb v období hospodářské recese a oživení / Strategies of courier, express and parcel service providers in a period of economic recession and recovery

Žilková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The thesis explores the influence of economic recession and recovery on strategy of courier, express and parcel service providers and on a change of the service portfolio. It then focuses on the development of the supply chain caused by increasing volume of small consignment. The thesis also analyzes the impact of the economic crisis on employment and turnover of selected service providers.

Aerosol Absorption And Source Characteristics Over Different Environments

Sindhu, Kapil Dev 05 1900 (has links)
Extremely fine liquid droplets or solid particles, those remain suspended in the air, are known as aerosols. They are produced by natural sources and anthropogenic activities. Several types of aerosols produced by different processes are present in the atmosphere and every type of aerosol species exhibit different types of physical and chemical properties. Though making up only a small fraction of atmospheric mass aerosols are capable of altering Earth’s climate by scattering and absorbing incoming solar radiation and absorbing outgoing radiation. Adding to the complexity, they can act as cloud condensation nuclei and modify cloud properties. Major objective of this thesis is to study absorption due to aerosols and factors controlling the absorbing efficiency of aerosols over various environments. We have demonstrated a new method to quantify the organic carbon in terms of optical depth. Our studies demonstrate large “anomalous” absorption in the UV wavelength region over several regions. Further investigations revealed that a major part of this additional absorption is contributed by organic carbon aerosols and partly due to dust aerosols. We show that it is possible to discriminate UV absorption by dust and organic carbon by making use of the fact that dust aerosols are much larger in size compared to organic aerosols. Examination of aerosol optical depth values measured at cities south of Saharan desert indicates high short wave absorption due to coarse mode aerosols probably dust. Even at low values of Angstrom wavelength exponent, which indicates the presence of large aerosols (e.g., dust over land), absorption was found reasonably high compared to that of pure dust. On the other hand, over regions in the northern part of the Sahara close to Europe, short wave absorption was found to be lower. The enhanced short wave absorption due to coarse particles is unexpected. It appears that the deposition of anthropogenic aerosols such as black carbon over dust aerosols is likely to be responsible for this enhanced short wave absorption. This is a typical example of how anthropogenic aerosols can modify the properties of natural aerosols. We have carried out source apportionment using backward air parcel trajectories by applying k-means method of clustering and obtained various aerosol terms corresponding to each cluster. We have selected three island sites and one site in the middle of Saharan desert for this study. High aerosol radiative forcing values are observed even over remote island locations. Our study demonstrates the role of aerosols transported from the main land in influencing the aerosol environment even over remote marine regions.

Efficient city logistics : Can travel patterns of goods and people be intertwined?

Merkel, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Optimizing city logistics is a topic of great importance for big cities today. Even though the environmental- and economical consequences of the increasing goods transportation fleet has been present for quite some time, actions from affected stakeholders has not been taken until just recently.  In this brief 9 week project the aim has been to,  from a design point-of-view, in this complex topic, give a suggestion and raise a discussion onto how goods transportation in cities can be made in the future.  The basic idea is to get the consignments as close to the consignees and their travel patterns as possible. Public transportation networks are an existing grid where people are moving around and can potentially be used for combined transport of goods and people. The outcome of this concept is focusing on light parcel delivery towards private consignees, due to the increasing e-commerce trend. By using small transporter vehicles connected to buses, light parcels can be distributed throughout a city and easily accessible for consignees at the bus stops.  The transporter vehicle developed through this project aims to conceptualize connectivity and integration between mobility and parcel delivery services, to ease the every day life of urban citizens as well as decrease the environmental- and economical impacts which the distribution vehicle-fleet of today entails.  The design of the transporter vehicle is an interpretation of how a autonomous distribution vehicle can look like in a future city environment where the integration of public-utility-vehicles is of greater importance.

Medynų tūrio nustatymo metodų tyrimas (vidurio Lietuvos miškai) / Wood bulk evaluation methods research (Middle Lithuania forests)

Urbanavičius, Justinas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas – Kazlų Rūdos mokomosios miškų urėdijos, Šališkių girininkijos miškai, brandūs mišrūs derlingų drėgnų augaviečių medynai (iškirstos pagrindiniais plynais kirtimais biržės). Darbo tikslas – nustatyti dažniausiai miško inventorizacijos praktikoje (miškotvarkos darbų metu naudojami metodai, miškininkų gamybininkų miško urėdijose naudojami metodai ir moksliniuose tyrimuose naudojami metodai) naudojamų tūrio nustatymo metodų tikslumą ir išsiaiškinti jį lemiančias priežastis. Darbo metodai – atrankos, statistinių hipotezių tikrinimo ir vidurkių palyginimo bei dendrometrinis metodai. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus medynų tūrio įvertinimą etalonu laikant ištisinio medžio matavimo metodą lyginant su sklypinės miškų inventorizacijos gautu tūriu pagal medžių rūšis paaiškėjo, kad didžiausi skirtumai yra beržo 8,2%, pušies 7,7 %, eglės 4,7 %, juodalksnio 4,2 %, uosio -1,7 %. Ištisinio medžių matavimo metu gautus tūrius lyginant su sklypinės miškų inventorizacijos gautais tūriais paaiškėjo, kad sklypinė miškų inventorizacija medžių tūrį biržėje didina vidutiniškai 21,5m³/ha. Ištisinio medžių matavimo metu gautus tūrius lyginant su pagaminta miško produkcija paaiškėjo, kad tūris atskirose miško sklypuose didinamas, bendra paklaida 16 miško sklypų sudaro iki 1 %. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad tūrio tikslumui nustatyti įtakos turi medžių rūšinė sudėtis sklype, taksaciniai instrumentai, naudojami normatyvai. Reikia įvertinti tai, kad matuojant ištisai kiekvieną medį, gautas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research – the forests of Kazlų Rūda educational forest office, Šališkės forrest office, cut in main cuttings. The main aim of the research: – to estimate the precision of the most frequent bulk evaluation methods and to find the reasons that determine it. Methods of the research – selection, statistic hypothesis check and average comparison. Results of the research. After performing a wood bulk evaluation keeping solid tree measurement as a standard, comparing with the bulk, found by parcel forest inventorization according to tree species, it emerged that the biggest differences are of the birch 8,2%, pine 7,7 %, fir 4,7 %, black alder 4,2 %, ash -1,7 %. The bulks found by solid trees measurement comparing with the bulks found by parcel forest inventorization, it emerged that parcel forest inventorization increases wood bulk in the stall 21,5m³/ha on the average. The bulks found by solid trees measurement comparing with forest production, it emerged that the bulk in separate forest parcels is increased, common bias in 16 forest parcels is up to 1%. The results showed that the varietal composition in the parcel, taxation instruments, used normatives have influence. It is needed to evaluate that measuring each tree throughout, we get a bulk precision that better reflects reality. But using selective trees measurement in the parcel, we can evaluate with enough precision and in short period of time.

Nuosavybės teisių į žemę atkūrimas Panevėžio mieste / Reestablishment of Real Property Rights in Panevezys City

Balčas, Linas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Nuosavybės teisių į miesto žemę atkūrimo darbai teisiškai buvo sureglamentuoti tik 2002 m. patikslinus įstatymą. Nuo to laiko piliečiams ne tik suteikiami nuosavybėn žemės sklypai prie pastatų ar nauji žemės sklypai individualiai statybai, bet ir grąžinama natūra laisva (neužstatyta) miesto žemė. Bendras žemės plotas, į kurį prašoma atkurti nuosavybės teises Panevėžio mieste – 2482 ha. Iki 2009 m. pradžios Panevėžio mieste atkurtos nuosavybės teisės į 43,6 proc. pretendentų prašymuose nurodyto ploto. Grąžinta natūra 134 ha žemės. 2009 m. pradžioje dar nebuvo suteikta nuosavybėn žemės sklypai 703 asmenims. Esant tokiems žemės reformos tempams, visus žemės reformos darbus Panevėžio mieste bus galima užbaigti tik per 11 metų. Siekiant šį procesą paspartinti, siūloma: miesto savivaldybei rengti daugiau detaliųjų planų, kuriuose suformuojami kompensavimui skirti žemės sklypai; sudaryti sąlygas už miesto žemę gauti žemės sklypus kaimo vietovėje, – ne tik žemės ūkio paskirties žemėje, bet ir miškų ūkio paskirties žemėje. / Reestablishment of urban real property rights legally were regulated in 2002, when legal act was corrected. From that time, the citizens are not only granted for ownership of land parcels near buildings or new land parcels for individual construction, but restored free natural urban land. General land plot, for which is applied to reestablish property rights in Panevezys city is 2482 ha. Till the beginning of 2009, reestablished property rights to the 43.6 percent from all applied land plot. Restored 134 ha of free natural land. In the beginning of 2009 the property rights were not reestablished to 703 citizens. According to the situation all the land reform in Panevezys will finish after 11 years. The way to solve this problem faster, we suggest municipality, to do more detail plans of creation land parcels for compensation, to create conditions for citizens to get a rural land and forest land in accordance of urban land.

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