Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parcela"" "subject:"parcelas""
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A rigorous approach to the technical implementation of legally defined marine boundariesFraser, Roger W. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The management and administration of legally defined marine boundaries in Australia is subject to a variety of political, legal and technical challenges. The purpose of this thesis is to address three of the technical challenges faced in the implementation of marine boundaries which cannot be dealt with by applying conventional land cadastre and land administration principles. The three challenges that are identified and addressed are (i) marine boundary delimitation and positioning uncertainty, (ii) the construction and maintenance of four dimensional marine parcels, and (iii) the modelling and management of marine boundary uncertainty metadata.
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SISTA MILEN LEVERANSER : Effektivisering av logistiklösningar med hjälp av eldrivna lastcyklar och paketskåp / THE LAST MILE DELIVERIES : Delivery solutions efficiency by using electric cargo bike and parcel lockersLatovic, Minela, Pikus, Angelika, Pourahmadi, Parvaneh, Ramadan, Hager January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett problem med sista mil leveranser är att kunderna sätter höga krav på snabba och bekväma leveranser vilket har bidragit till en ökning av sista mil leveranser under de senaste åren. Införandet av energisnåla och utsläppsfria fordon som el- lastcyklar kan leda till att minska negativa externaliteter i trafiken. En annan logistisklösning som är smidig samt miljövänlig är paketskåp. Användning av paketskåp gör det att transporter, leveranser och upphämtning av paket går snabbt och effektivt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera logistiklösningar genom leveransprocessen och de logistiklösningar som behandlas är: cykelleveranser och paketskåp. Metod:Examensarbetet grundas i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv ansats. Fyra intervjuer genomfördes med två olika transportföretag i Malmö. Utgångspunkten i studien är den teoretiska referensramen som byggs på tidigare forskning i form av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet av intervjuerna har byggt upp det empiriska kapitlet. Resultat:Analysen tyder på att sista milen leder generellt till högre kostnader för transportföretag samt orsakar föroreningar och trängsel. Effektivisering av logistiklösningar bidrar till högre produktivitet samt förbättrad hållbarhet i staden. Resultatet redogör även att effektivisering av leveransprocessen genom aspekter som leveranssäkerhet, korta leveranstider samt leveranspålitlighet skapar kundlojalitet och ökar företagets attraktivitet. De slutsatserna som kan dras är att cykelleveranser och paketskåp kan bidra till effektiva sista mil leveranser. Vidare visar studien att effektivisering av logistiklösningar medför till en högre produktivitet och förbättrad leveransservice. Kundernas krav på hög leveransservice med korta leveranstider, god flexibilitet och leveranssäkerhet leder till att företag anpassar sina leveransprocesser för att kunna uppfylla kraven. / Background: A problem that exists in The Last Mile Delivery is customer’s high demands on fast and efficient deliveries which has led to the reason that last mile has increased significantly in recent years. The introduction of energy efficiency and emission- free vehicles as electric cargo bikes can reduce the negative externalities in traffic. Another logistics solution that is flexible and helps to preserve the environment is parcel lockers. The use of parcel lockers means that transport, deliveries, and collection of parcels are fast and efficient. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze logistics solutions within the delivery process and these solutions are bike delivery and parcel lockers. Method: This paper is based on a qualitative research method and an abductive approach. Four different interviews were carried out with two different transport companies in Malmo, which led to the results being used for the empirical research and analysis. The focus for this study is to build upon the theoretical work of scientific research articles. Result: The analysis indicates that the last mile leads to high cost for transport companies and contributes to pollution and congestion. This has led to new efficient transport system with purpose to efficient logistics solution that brings higher productivity and improved sustainability in the city. The result shows that delivery process efficiency has different aspect that increases the company’s attractiveness and creates loyal customers. These aspects are delivery security, short delivery time and reliability. This study concludes that bike deliveries and parcel lockers can contribute to effective last mile deliveries. The conclusion also shows that the relationship between the company and customer plays a big part if the communication is not good that customer would not buy more goods.
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Oceňování věcných břemen - komparace různých metod ocenění / Valuation of Easements - Comparison of Valuation MethodsProkop, Jan January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I deal with methods of valuation of easements according to current legislation and methodology. The easements, as a tool for limiting or extending the rights to real estate, are dealt with in a general way, I will state the methods for their valuation and subsequently apply these methods to specific easements.
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Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Prostějově a jeho okolí / Evaluation of the Impact of Town and Country Planning on the Land Prices in Prostějov and its SurroundingsHrubanová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on setting land prices according to the rules of valuation and market price (the current). Selected lands are placed in non-structural locations and locations designed to be constructed at selected stages of landscape planning. Based on gained results was made evaluation of how various stages of landscape planning affects the current price and also the administrative price. The thesis also explains the cause of the difference and way how it affects the price of invested land.
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Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků ve Zlínském kraji / Evaluation of the Impact of Town and Country Planning on the Land Prices in the Zlín RegionDvořáčková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on setting market (current) land price and land price according to the rules of valuation. Lands are selected in non-structural locations and locations designed to be constructed at selected stages of landscape planning. Based on gained results was made a comparison of how can be the administrative and current price affected by various stages of landscape planning. I assessed what causes this difference and also how is the price affected in case of networking.
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Analýza vlivu rekonstrukce na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů v Hodslavicích / Impact analysis of renovation on the normal price of single-family houses in HodslaviceFilipová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to assess to what extent does an reconstruction of houses affect the usual price. The theoretical part is focused on the basic therms and description of used methods in valuing of family hauses and the practical part deals with creating of database from bid prices of comparable objects and then by calculation the direct comparison of the market price of family houses. Further tasks are to find the cost price in accordance with the valid valuation regulation and also to find the comparative price in accordance with current pricing regulation. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis there is a comparison of prices according to the used valuation method.
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Land Disjunctions; A historical survey / Jordavsöndringar; En historisk kartläggningSchmidt, Mimmi January 2014 (has links)
Parcelling was a land divison institution that was used intensively in Sweden during the years 1827-1928. The parcelling consisted of one person selling a certain, decided piece of land to another. The deal was sealed with a simple contract. Whilst the seller was a member of the villages commonities and his land was assigned a quantity in the village, and he was bound to pay tax responding to that quantity, the sold parcel was not. In order not to reduce the land owners taxability, the buyer was therefore required to pay an annual fee to the seller. This fee was to be approved by the county administration, and the buyer also had to apply for Title Deed to have the transfer approved. These approvals were for a long time the only points of control toward parcelling. Involvement of a land surveyor was not a required part of the parcelling process until year 1918. Parcelling was terminated in 1928, but the parcels created before then are independent real estate units just like any other. This means that they sometimes are affected by land regulations and surveys just like any other real estate. When investigating the contents of these parcels the contract, past claims and other factors shall be used, to search out the initial purpose of the transfer. The contract that seller and buyer signed is the main source of evidence. Unfortunately, the contracts do not always answer the questions that may arise over time. Maps were not always made, and even when they were, they might have disappeared over time or simply be unspecific. What then remains are past claims and other circumstances to provide clues about what the purpose may once have been. The questions that arise when a parcel is to be investigated often concern its borders, wether water was included, fishing rights as well as other rights and commonities. The issue of water for these parcels has been particularly contentious. Legal practice has concluded that there are no presumptions, although such have been suggested and sometimes applied. There are however a number of scenarios where water and fishing in principle can be considered to have been part of the transfer. / Denna rapport redovisar ett examensarbete som syftat till att genom en litteraturstudie kart-lägga ett äldre jorddelningsinstitut, jordavsöndring. Jordavsöndring var ett jorddelningsinstitut, som fanns i svensk lagstiftning åren 1827-1928. Innan dess förekom också jorddelning som liknade jordavsöndring, men det var i allmänhet förbjudet att dela jord eftersom staten var beroende av skatteintäkter från jordägarna. Jordavsöndring gick, något generaliserat, till så att en person genom ett avtal sålde ett bestämt markområde till en annan. Med detta markområde – avsöndringslägenheten, jordavsöndring-en, avsöndringslotten – följde inte något mantal i byn och heller ingen skattskyldighet. För att inte minska skattekraften i stamfastigheten var köparen skyldig att betala en årlig avgift till säljaren. Den här avgiften skulle godkännas av länsstyrelsen, och köparen skulle söka lagfart för att få överlåtelsen godkänd. Dessa godkännanden var länge den enda kontrollen som gjordes vid avsöndring. Lantmätares inblandning blev inte en nödvändig del i avsöndringsprocessen för-rän år 1918. Jordavsöndringsinstitutet togs bort 1928, men fastigheter som avsöndrats innan dess är själv-ständiga fastigheter som alla andra. Det innebär att de blir berörda av lantmäteriförrättningar precis som alla andra fastigheter ibland blir. Vid bestämning av gränser till en avsöndrad fastighet ska överlåtelsehandlingar, innehav, och andra omständigheter användas för att söka syftet med avsöndringen. Det avtal som säljare och köpare tecknade är den viktigaste beviskällan när man ska utreda vad som ingår i en av-söndrad fastighet. Tyvärr erbjuder avtalen inte alltid svar på de frågor som kan uppstå med tiden. Kartor har inte alltid upprättats, och även när de har upprättats så är de inte alltid till hjälp. Kvar står sedan innehav och andra omständigheter att ge ledtrådar om vad syftet en gång kan ha varit. De frågetecken som uppstår när en avsöndring ska utredas rör ofta gränser, vattenområden och rätt till fiske samt rättigheter och samfälligheter. Frågan om vattenområdens tillhörighet för avsöndringar har varit särskilt omtvistad. Praxis har utvecklats till att det inte finns någon presumtionsregel, även om det har varit på förslag och i perioder har tillämpats. Det finns ett antal typfall där vatten och fiske principiellt kan anses ha ingått vid avsöndring.
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Paketbox? Yes box! : Skillnader och likheter vid kunders användning av paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från apoteks- respektive modebranschen / Parcel locker? Yes box! Differences and similarities when customers use parcel lockersas delivery option when e-shopping from the pharmacy and fashion industriesKempe Sjöström, Caroline, Sackbrook, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
De senaste åren har kantats av en ökad e-handel samt allt högre krav från kunder på leveransalternativ. Paketbox är ett leveransalternativ som ökar alltmer i popularitet men är i Sverige fortfarande under utveckling. Två branscher där de flesta kunder har e-handlat från är apoteksbranschen och modebranschen. Dessutom har dessa branscher haft en tydlig tillväxt de senaste åren. Tidigare forskning om paketbox dock begränsad, framför allt i Sverige. Således är syftet med studien att kartlägga vilka faktorer som är viktiga för kunder vid användning av paketbox som leveransalternativ i Sverige vid e-handel från apoteks- respektive modebranschen. Utifrån detta syfte konstruerades följande två forskningsfrågor: ”Vilka faktorer är viktiga för kunder vid användning av paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från apoteks- respektive modebranschen?” samt ”Vilka faktorskillnader och -likheter finns det för kunder vid användning av paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från apoteks- respektive modebranschen?”. I linje med syftet och för att skapa en generaliserbarhet valdes en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning. Faktorerna som undersöktes var leveranstid, geografisk bekvämlighet, öppettider, miljömässig hållbarhet, användarvänlighet och undvikande av mänsklig interaktion. Resultaten visar att samtliga faktorer var viktiga för paketboxanvändare men i olika grad. Däremot fanns det faktorskillnader vid paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från apoteks- respektive modebranschen för två av de sex undersökta faktorerna. Leveranstid visade sig vara viktigare för kunder vid paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från apoteksbranschen. Miljömässig hållbarhet var däremot viktigare för kunder vid paketbox som leveransalternativ vid e-handel från modebranschen. Således bidrar denna studie med kunskap om vad kunder upplever som viktigt vid paketboxanvändning. Vidare belyser studien att det finns faktorskillnader vid e-handel via paketbox från apoteks- respektive modebranschen. Studiens bidrag öppnar upp för vidare forskning inom ämnet för branschskillnader vid paketboxanvändning och vad det kan bero på. / In recent years, e-commerce as well as customer demands regarding delivery options have increased. The parcel locker is a delivery option that is increasing in popularity, but it is still under development in Sweden. Two industries where most customers have e-shopped from are the pharmacy- and the fashion industries. In addition, these industries have had a distinct growth in recent years. Previous research on parcel lockers is limited, especially in Sweden. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to map which factors are important when using parcel locker as a delivery option in Sweden when e-shopping from the pharmacy and fashion industries. Based on this purpose, the following two research questions were constructed: "What factors are important for customers' use of parcel locker as a delivery option when e-shopping from pharmacy and fashion industries?" and "What factor differences and similarities for customers can be found when using parcel locker as a delivery option when e-shopping from pharmacy and fashion industries?". In line with this purpose and to create a generalizability, a quantitative method was chosen in the form of a survey. Factors examined were delivery time, geographical convenience, opening hours, environmental sustainability, ease of use and avoidance of human interaction. The results show that all factors were important for parcel locker users but to varying degrees. On the other hand, there were factor differences for two of the six factors when customers use parcel locker as a delivery option when e-shopping from the pharmacy and fashion industries. Delivery time proved to be more important for parcel locker users when e-shopping from the pharmacy industry. Environmental sustainability, on the other hand, proved to be more important for parcel locker users when e-shopping from the fashion industry. This study contributes with knowledge of what could be perceived as important when using parcel lockers. Furthermore, this study highlights that there are factor differences when e-shopping via parcel lockers from pharmacy and fashion industries. The study's contribution opens for further research regarding how customer preferences about parcel lockers differ when e-shopping from different industries.
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The Spatial Relationship Between Septic System Failure and Environmental Factors in Washington Township, Marion County, IndianaHanson, Brian L. 04 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Underground septic systems thrive or fail based on the relationship with their local environment. This paper explores ways environmental variables such as soil type, tree roots, degree of slope, and impervious surfaces affect on-site wastewater treatment systems. It also discusses the effects each of these variables may have on a septic system, and the resulting impact a compromised system may have on the surrounding environment. This research focuses on an approximately 20 square mile area of central Washington Township in Marion County, Indiana. This area of central Indiana contains a large septic system owning population in a sampling of different environments such as wooded areas, hilly areas, and a variety of different soil types.
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An evaluation of food parcel interventions by Societas Socialis (SOS) Children's Villages in the context of HIV and AIDS : a case study of Ennerdale informal settlement in Johannesburg, South AfricaHlabangana, Vincent 10 1900 (has links)
This study investigated and evaluated the success and impact of the foodstuff package intervention that is offered by SOS Children’s Villages to households affected by HIV and AIDS. The study population comprised households who were involved in the food parcel distribution intervention, those affected by HIV and AIDS, those individuals who were able to talk freely about their lives as full participants and recipients of food parcels, and those aged 18 years and older.
This study determined how food parcel intervention promotes self-sufficiency post-intervention. This was determined by interviewing recipients of food parcels from 2010 to 2018. The food parcel dissemination has been a core intervention to families affected by HIV and AIDS, but yielded very little progress towards assisting people to reach self-reliance. The aim of the study was to gain an understanding of the food parcel intervention using a qualitative research design. This study focused only on families affected by HIV and AIDS, including young people aged eighteen years and above. The study was based on a purposive sampling method with in-depth and focus group interviews as a means of collecting data. The results and implications of this study are discussed in depth in this research report. Essentially, the findings of this study could inform the development of policies and strategies to be considered for possible implementation by NGO’s and government in supporting family units affected by HIV and AIDS. / Sociology / M.A. (Social and Behavioural Studies in HIV and AIDS)
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