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Contribuições da psicoterapia breve pais-bebê para a conjugalidade e para a parentalidade em contexto de depressão pós-parto / Contributions of a brief parent-infant psychotherapy to conjugality and parenthood in the context of postpartum depressionFrizzo, Giana Bitencourt January 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo investigou a conjugalidade e a parentalidade durante uma psicoterapia breve pais-bebê, em famílias em que a mãe apresentava depressão pós-parto. Participaram do estudo duas famílias com mães deprimidas, com base no Inventário Beck de Depressão e em uma entrevista diagnóstica. Os pais não apresentavam depressão. Foi utilizado um delineamento de estudo de casos, a fim de se analisar o processo de mudança ao longo de três momentos da psicoterapia: entrevistas iniciais, sessões de psicoterapia e avaliação final. Ao todo foram realizados 14 encontros com a primeira família atendida e 18 com a segunda. Todos os encontros foram filmados e transcritos para fins de análise, que foi baseada em duas categorias: conjugalidade e parentalidade. Os resultados revelaram que a conjugalidade e a parentalidade estavam sendo experienciadas com dificuldades pelas famílias atendidas. No entanto, isso não se traduziu necessariamente em interações disfuncionais entre a mãe e o bebê. Apesar das particularidades de cada família atendida, os resultados da psicoterapia foram bastante positivos, com relatos de mudanças tanto na conjugalidade como na parentalidade, já a partir da quarta sessão de psicoterapia. Nos dois casos também se observou que eventos significativos na história de vida das mães estavam intimamente relacionadas com as dificuldades após o nascimento do bebê, reforçando a importância de se considerar fatores relacionais durante o tratamento de mães deprimidas. As avaliações que se seguiram após a psicoterapia não revelaram depressão nas mães. A participação do pai na psicoterapia se mostrou muito relevante para a melhora de suas esposas, refletindo num aumento da satisfação conjugal. Além disso, ao se intervir durante um momento de crise na família, como a depressão após o nascimento de um filho, é possível evitar que padrões interativos disfuncionais sejam cristalizados. Discute-se o papel dos aspectos relacionais envolvidos na depressão, bem como a adequação da psicoterapia pais-bebê como um dos tratamentos possíveis para a depressão pós-parto. / The present study investigated conjugality and parenthood during a brief parent-infant psychotherapy, in families in which the mother had postpartum depression. Two families with depressed mothers participated in the study. Postpartum depression was assessed according to the Beck Depression Inventory and a diagnostic interview. The fathers didn’t have depression. A case-study design was used, in order to analyze the process of change in three moments of the psychotherapy: the initial interviews, the psychotherapy sessions and the final evaluation. The total number of meetings was 14 with the first family and 18 with the second. All meetings were filmed and transcribed in order to be analyzed, based on two categories: conjugality and parenthood. The results showed that conjugality and parenthood were being experienced with difficulties by the two families. However, did not result necessarily in dysfunctional interactions between the mother and the baby. Despite the particularities of each family, the results of the psychotherapy were very positive, with report of changes in both conjugality and parenthood from the forth session onwards. In both cases it was also observed that significant events in the mothers’ life history were intimately related to difficulties after child birth, reinforcing the importance of relational factors during the treatment of depressed mothers. The evaluations that were made after the psychotherapy did not show depression in the mothers. The fathers´ participation in psychotherapy seemed to be very relevant to theirs wives´ improvement, reflecting an increased marital satisfaction. Moreover, when intervening in a moment of crisis in the family, such as depression after childbirth, it is possible to avoid that dysfunctional interactional patterns be crystallized. The role of relational aspects involved in depression is discussed, as well as the adequacy of parent-infant psychotherapy as one of the possible treatments for postpartum depression.
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As relações de gênero nas práticas de justiça : igualdade e reconhecimento em processos de guarda de crianças e adolescentesSimioni, Fabiane January 2015 (has links)
A guarda compartilhada era desconhecida até o ano 2000, no Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul (SIMIONI, 2007). Em 2014, a Lei 13.058 altera o Código Civil (2002) para dispor que o tempo de convívio com os filhos deverá ser dividido de forma equilibrada com a mãe e com o pai, sempre tendo em vista as condições fáticas e os interesses de crianças e adolescentes. No contexto legislativo brasileiro, houve uma ruptura com o padrão sistemático de atribuição da guarda às mulheres. Essa ruptura se reflete nas práticas de justiça? A partir dessa pergunta, essa tese demonstrou, com base em pesquisa empírica e revisão bibliográfica, que há uma invisibilidade das desigualdades de gênero, em relação às demandas judiciais de guarda de crianças e adolescentes. O conceito de gênero é a ferramenta analítica que articulou as representações e as práticas sociais e legais. A condição pós-moderna do direito possibilita o reconhecimento da diversidade de vivências familiares da contemporaneidade, não havendo mais espaço para um modelo de família universal. As contribuições epistemológicas trazidas pela teoria do reconhecimento são temperadas pelo ‘paradoxo legal brasileiro’ (KANT DE LIMA, 1995), em que a ordem constitucional igualitária é aplicada de maneira hierárquica pelo sistema de justiça. A dimensão moral em torno do reconhecimento da qualidade ou do status social de um homem-pai em demandas de guarda de crianças e adolescentes norteia o debate. As mudanças relativas às funções parentais contemporâneas apontam para um engajamento na parentalidade masculina a partir da confrontação e depreciação, da desconstrução do reconhecimento ao modelo de parentalidade feminina. / The shared custody was unknown until the 2000 year for the Court of Justice of the Rio Grande do Sul (SIMIONI, 2007). In the year of 2014, the Law 13.058 amending the Civil Code (2002), to provide that the time of acquaintanceship with the children must be divided in equal form for the mother and the father, always observing the factual conditions, and the interests of children and adolescents involved. In the brazilian legislative context, there was a rupture with the systematic pattern of attribution of custody to the women. Does this rupture reflects in justice's practices? Starting from this question, this thesis has demonstrated, based on empirical research and in bibliographic revision, that there is an invisibility of gender inequality, in relation to the lawsuits of custody of children and adolescents. The concept of gender is the analytical tool that has articulated the representations and the legal and social practices. The postmodern condition of law makes capable the recognizing of the diversity of family in the contemporaneity, and there is no more space for a model of universal family. The epistemological contributions, that were given by the Theory of Recognition, they are tempered by the ‘brazilian legal paradox’ (KANT DE LIMA, 1995), in which the egalitarian constitutional order is applied in hierarchical ways by the system of justice. The moral dimension on the recognition of quality or on the social status of a father-man in lawsuits of custody of children and adolescents directs the debate. The related changes to the contemporary parental functions lead to a commitment in male parenthood, starting from the confrontation and the depreciation, from the deconstruction of recognition to the model of female parenthood.
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Sociální aspekty v přístupu k rodičovství v České republice / The Social Aspects of the Approach to Parenthood in the Czech RepublicČARNICKÁ, Hana January 2007 (has links)
The theme of my diploma project deals with an influence of social aspects on approach to parenthood. Many changes have happened in question of family behaviour during the last decades in the Czech society. The goal of my thesis is to contribute to understanding of social events, which influence formation of attitudes and immediate approach to parenthood of contemporary population and fitting research of these aspects to the wide scope of special socio-demographic factors. The first part of theoretical section concerns with historical changes in family behaviour and its contemporary trends. I also illustrate the list of basic demographic data connected with parenthood. The second part of the theoretical section describes development of family policy in the Czech Republic and its contemporary status. The main accent is focused on contemporary family steps. The third section is addressed to the research. It evaluate effectivity of contemporary steps of family policy of the state. Especially the influence of these steps on the parents decisions on their future parenthhod. This thesis ends with discussion and brief conclusion.
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Les temporalités en droit de la famille / Temporalities in family lawBernand, Younes 17 September 2015 (has links)
Les temporalités désignent tout à la fois le caractère de ce qui s'inscrit dans le temps et une forme d’agencement du passé, du présent et du futur. L’évolution du droit de la famille marque le passage du modèle traditionnel, fondé sur l’idée d’un mariage perpétuel et source de pérennité des liens familiaux à un nouveau modèle, empreint de « présentisme », construit sur l’indissolubilité du couple parental. Devant le risque de dyschronie de la famille et de rupture du continuum de liens familiaux abandonnés à l’instabilité provoquée par la contraction du temps conjugal, le législateur a été amené à renforcer et à consolider la parenté. L’objectif parait de plus en plus de faire survivre le « couple parental » au « couple conjugal », au nom des intérêts bien compris de l’enfant. On observe, dès lors, un déplacement de la durée de la conjugalité à la parenté. Dans une logique de dissociation de la conjugalité et de la parenté, le temps subjectif, conditionnel et instantanéiste de la conjugalité - s’oppose au temps objectif, inconditionnel et perpétuel de la parenté. / Temporalities signify both all that which, by its nature, occurs in time, and an organization of the past, present and future. The evolution of family law has marked the passage from a traditional model, one based on the idea of perpetual marriage and a source of unending family ties, to a new model imprinted by “presentness”, one built on the indissolubility of the parental couple. Legislators are being led to reinforce and consolidate ideas of parenthood as they are faced with the risks presented by familial desynchronization and of the breakdown of the continuity of family ties abandoned due to the instability met by the shortened time of conjugal life. It would seem that the goal is to let the “parental couple” outlive the “conjugal couple” in order to serve the best interests of the child. Consequently, we can observe a shift in duration from conjugality to parenthood. Through a logical reasoning of disassociating the conjugal from the parental, the conditional, subjective and transitory time of conjugality becomes contradictory to the unconditional, objective and perpetual time of parenthood.
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Les enfants nés par assistance médicale à la procréation : étude comparée des droits français, anglais et iranien / Children born by assisted reproductive technologies : comparative study of French, English and Iranian lawsMohseni, Elaheh 04 July 2018 (has links)
L’assistance médicale à la procréation, parce qu’elle aboutit à faire naitre des enfants, ne relève pas seulement du domaine de la vie privée ou de l’autonomie de la personne mais s’inscrit profondément dans le cadre de la famille et du droit de la filiation. Cette recherche vise à répondre aux diverses questions liées à la filiation et au statut familial de l’enfant né par les techniques de procréation médicalement assistée à travers une étude comparative des législations en vigueur dans trois pays ayant trois systèmes juridiques différents : le droit français bien connu parmi les pays du droit romano-germanique, le droit anglais comme un système de Common law et le droit iranien comme un système juridique basé essentiellement sur les valeurs et les principes du droit musulman chiite. À travers l’étude comparée de ces trois systèmes juridiques, dont les principes et les méthodes sont a priori très différents, nous analysons la façon dont le droit appréhende des problématiques communes et tente de répondre, in fine, à une même interrogation : qu’est-ce que la parenté aujourd’hui?Il s’agit d'un travail important qui aborde des questions d'une grande complexité tant sur le plan juridique que sur le plan éthique. Sont ainsi abordées, dans une première partie, les questions quant aux principes fondateurs régissant l’assistance médicale à la procréation et les conditions d’accès aux techniques de procréation artificielle notamment en cas d’intervention d'un tiers donneur ou d'une mère porteuse dans le projet parental. Sont ensuite étudiés, dans une deuxième partie, les problèmes concernant le rattachement de l’enfant né par les techniques de procréation artificielle et son statut familial. Les progrès de la technologie de la procréation et l'augmentation de la fluidité et de la diversité de la vie familiale moderne ont conduit à la «parenté» devenant un concept de plus en plus fragmenté. Cette étude nous montre que plus les pays choisissent de s’écarter de la conception traditionnelle hétérosexuelle de la famille nucléaire, plus l’offre des techniques de l’assistance médicale à la procréation est large. / Since assisted reproductive technologies result in the birth of children, they do not only fall within the domain of private life or the autonomy of the person, but fall deeply within the framework of the family and the law of legal parenthood. This research aims to answer the various questions related to the parenthood and the family status of the child born by assisted reproductive technologies through a comparative study of the laws in force in three countries with three different legal systems: French law is well known among the countries of Romano-Germanic law, English law as a common law system and Iranian law as a legal system based on the values and principles of Shiite Muslim law. Through the comparative study of three legal systems whose principles and methods are a priori very different, we analyze the way in which the law apprehends common problems and attempts to answer, finally, the same question: what is parenthood today? This is an important work that addresses issues of great complexity both legally and ethically. The first part deals with the fundamental principles governing assisted reproductive technologies and the conditions for access to these techniques, particularly in the case of gamete donation or a surrogacy. Then, in a second part, the problems concerning the parenthood of the child born by the techniques of artificial reproduction and his family status, the place of the intended parents, the donor or the surrogate mother are studied. Advances in reproductive technology and increased fluidity and diversity of modern family life have led to "parenthood" becoming an increasingly fragmented concept. This study shows us that the more the countries choose to deviate from the traditional heterosexual conception of the nuclear family, the more widely assisted reproductive technologies are available.
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Postoj svobodných mladých žen k problematice nechtěného rodičovství a k potratům / Attitude of unmarried young women to the issue of unwanted parenthood and abortionCIPÍNOVÁ, Dagmar January 2012 (has links)
The issue of abortions raises a number of conflicting opinions. Although women in the western society can use methods of a birth control, there are still unwanted pregnancies ending in the abortion. This intervention is legal in our society, but many people condemn it. Based on my diploma thesis I therefore wanted to ascertain opinions and attitudes of contemporary young women to the issue of an unwanted parenthood and abortions. I was primarily interested whether their opinions were influenced by a level of their education attainment. In relation to the aim of my thesis one of two determined hypotheses was confirmed. The research showed that an opinion of unmarried young women to this issue was not influenced by their education. Most women think that the right to undergo the abortion has every woman no matter what her reason is. Though, at the same time women perceive the intervention as a desperate solution of a hopeless situation, which they would undergo only from compelling reasons such as for example health problems or a pregnancy after the rape. Economic and social reasons are no longer a sufficient argument for them.
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Je správné mít v dnešní době více dětí? Historie, současný význam vícedětných rodin a jejich perspektivy se zvláštním ohledem na situaci v ČR / Is it right to have more children nowadays? Historical evaluation, present importance and perspectives of families with more children with particular regard to conditions in the Czech Republic.ONDŘICHOVÁ, Marie January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the question whether is good or not to have more children. The first chapter describes historical evolution of family, its changes and tasks in different historical periods. It also focuses on the value and position of a child in families. The second chapter focuses on the position of families with more children at the time after velvet revolution in the Czech Republic. It deals with actual demographical situation, economic conditions of families with more children and with official state methods of support of families. The third chapter is focused on motivation to parenthood, value of a child and on relationships in families with more children. The fourth chapter presents marriage, parenthood and families with more children from the catholic point of view. The thesis highlights the need of protection of the values that the family means to our society.
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O interdito sexual em famílias de recasamento. / Sexual interdict in remarried families.Mariah Fernandes Maia 18 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho buscou investigar como se estabelecem e se criam os laços da família recasada a partir da experiência dos filhos a fim de compreender que tipos de interditos aparecem neste contexto e no que se baseiam. Para tal, foi preciso reunir material bibliográfico nacional sobre o recasamento e lançar mão da literatura francesa sobre a fratria neste contexto; foram feitas ainda entrevistas com sete filhos nesta posição; e uma breve ilustração com material midiático acerca do tema do recasamento. Pode-se concluir que as famílias de recasamento pesquisadas vivenciam algumas inconsistências sociais ao reunirem sob um mesmo teto valores ambíguos. O individualismo e o poder da escolha são mais possíveis para os adultos e há uma valorização do casal conjugal, que deve ser preservado. A partir dos estudos apresentados e da variabilidade de experiências de recasamento coletadas nas entrevistas, responde-se que há sim o interdito sexual nas famílias de recasamento com filhos adolescentes. Quer dizer, há também. Pois não é uma estrutura determinista e o surgimento dos interditos depende da combinação de múltiplos e variados fatores, sendo o projeto de família pensado e praticado pelo casal um dos mais relevantes. / This study aimed to investigate how remarried family establish and create ties from the experience of the children in order to understand what kinds of prohibitions appear in this context and in which they are based. To this end, it was necessary to meet national publications on remarriage and make use of French literature on the phratry in this context; interviews were done with seven children in this position; and a brief illustration with media material on the remarriage theme. It can be concluded that the families of remarriage surveyed experience some social contradictions to gather under one roof ambiguous values. Individualism and the power of choice are more likely to adults and there is an appreciation of the married couple, which must be preserved. From the studies submitted and the variability of remarriage experiences collected in the interviews, one responds that there is rather the sexual forbidden in the families of remarriage with teenage children. I mean, there too. It is not a deterministic structure and the emergence of prohibitions depends on the combination of multiple and varied factors, and the family project conceived and practiced by the couple one of the most relevant.
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O princípio da paternidade responsável: de suas diretrizes conceituais à influência sobre os efeitos decorrentes da filiação / The principle of responsable parenthood: the conseptual guidelines of their influence on the effects of membershipVanessa Ribeiro Corrêa Sampaio Souza 27 March 2012 (has links)
A paternidade responsável se destaca no contexto da Constituição de 1988, refletindo seus efeitos para todo o sistema. Os pais, ao assumirem esse status, passam a ser titulares de diversas obrigações sendo verdadeiro afirmar que deles, de alguma forma, sempre se exigiu certo tipo de responsabilidade. Seu conteúdo, todavia, é que variou no histórico da construção da família brasileira. A proteção aos filhos, anteriormente mais formalista e restrita à aplicação de medidas de suspensão ou destituição do poder familiar (pátrio poder), cedeu espaço para outros valores. Atualmente, cabe aos pais, em essência, a formação e a emancipação da pessoa do filho. Assistir, educar e criar são as ações básicas que informam a sua responsabilidade, sendo ainda titulares do dever de inserir o menor no contexto da família e da sociedade. A igualdade, a solidariedade e a autonomia se mesclam ao encargo parental, a bem da formação física e psíquica da prole. Mas, é necessário observar que o dever de cuidado, imposto constitucionalmente aos pais, é transferido para os filhos após a maioridade, por meio de uma lógica de reciprocidade e vulnerabilidade. Assim, passam estes a ser responsáveis pela assistência e pelo cuidado dos ascendentes doentes ou, por qualquer outro motivo, necessitados. Considerado o fato de que a verdadeira parentalidade é aquela que cria o estado concreto de pai-filho, reflexo do cumprimento da responsabilidade, é forçoso concluir pela inexistência de seus efeitos jurídicos nos casos em que o vínculo restou fixado pela simples formalidade do registro. Defende-se, então, para o fim de eximir os filhos de seus deveres, a desconstituição do vínculo registral ou a inocuidade de seus efeitos, sempre que os pais não tenham cumprido responsavelmente as suas funções em benefício da prole. As normas jurídicas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais legitimam tal prerrogativa, afastando as obrigações dos filhos cujos direitos fundamentais não foram respeitados pela incúria daqueles que tinham contrariamente o encargo de assistir e cuidar. / The responsible parenthood stands out in the context of the 1988 Constitution, reflecting its effects on the entire system. Parents, as assuming this status, become holders of various obligations, being true say of them that, somehow, always demanded a certain kind of responsibility. Its contents, however, is what varied in the historic construction of Brazilian family. The children protection, previously more formal and restricted to the application of measures of suspension or dismissal of family power (patria potestas) gave way to other values. Currently, parents have, in essence, training and empowerment of the individual child. Assist, educate and create are the basic actions that inform their responsibility and even the duty holders to enter the child in the family and society. Equality, solidarity and autonomy are mixed to parental burden for the sake of physical and emotional training of the offspring. But it should be noted that the duty of care, first imposed on parents, based on vulnerability of children, is transferred from the majority of these through a logic informed by reciprocity. So are the children to be responsible for assistance and care of patient risings, or for any other reason, need. Considering the fact that the true parenting is one that creates the actual state of parent-child reflecting the fulfillment of responsibility, it is clear that there was no legal effect in cases where parenting remained fixed for the simple formality of registration. It is argued, then, for the purpose of shielding children from their responsibilities, the registral deconstitution the bond or the safety of its effects when parents have not fulfilled the duties for de benefit of minor children. The constitutional and infraconstitutional legal order legitimize this prerogative, away the duties and obligations from those whose fundamental rights werent respected by the carelessness of those who had the burden of doing so.
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Sociální aspekty života žen samoživitelek / Social Aspects of the Life of Single MothersČUŘÍNOVÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of single parenthood from the perspective of women mothers. The main aim of the thesis was to survey the attitude of lone mothers - mothers of minor children - to the single parenthood. To generally describe the impact, which a termination of a partnership may have on a lone woman a mother raising minor child/children. What living circumstances she has to face and what lifestyle they chose at this stage of their lives. And finally, what forms of help they use. The text is divided into two parts theoretical and practical one. First chapter of the theoretical part deals with the family and its mission, what functions the family should fulfil in relation to its individual members and what could be the results if these functions are disrupted. The chapter is completed with the view of parenthood, which significantly changes the proper functioning of a family. Chapter two describes the crisis in partnership or marriage resulting in single parenthood. Furthermore, various forms related to child care after separation of partners are mentioned as well as potential impacts of the separation on the family. The third chapter discusses the maintenance and potential support, which single mother may receive from the state, surroundings or family. Finally, the chapter assesses the potential of women single mothers on the labour market. For the practical part of the thesis, a questioning technique was chosen and used in semi-structured interviews. The examined group consisted of fifteen women single mothers, aged 25-55, living in the district of Písek, having been at least six months after a divorce/separation and taking care of minor children. Women, who involuntarily become single mothers due to the partner´s death, were not included in the examined group. In connection with the thesis objective, two survey questions were asked: "How do lone women mothers of minor children - deal with single parenthood?" and "What support provided by the family, surroundings or the state do the lone women mothers of minor children use?". The survey has revealed that the majority of communication partners faces difficult financial situation caused by the loss of a second income or generally deteriorated potential on the labour market due to the necessity to combine work and child care without the support of the second partner and in many cases due to the improper fulfilment of maintenance obligations by fathers. Almost half of the communication partners has experienced such a situation, when the obliged parent fails to fulfil his maintenance obligation properly. Among other issues connected with the single parenthood, many communication partners mentioned the feeling of loneliness, lack of the father´s interest in his children, compromises they have to make when choosing a job or activities for their leisure time. The survey has shown that majority of the communication partners spends most of their leisure time by taking care of children or the household. The thesis may be used as a study material for students with social and legal specialization, as an introduction to the issue. In addition, women who experienced divorce/separation may utilize it as one of prospective manuals for the solution to their difficult situation.
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