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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harassment in Video Games : An Observational Study in an Online Multiplayer Video Game on Frequency, Categories, and Targets

Kopp, Felicia Mercedes January 2024 (has links)
Background: Harassment is defined and labelled differently in different studies. In the context of video games it has been investigated multiple ways: diary studies, interviews, surveys and screen recordings. Methods: Video data through participating observation were conducted from the end of February 2024 to the beginning of April 2024. A total of 24 matches, with 219 participants, were recorded. The questions of how often harassment occurs, which of the five defined types of harassment occur, whether there are differences between game modes, what differences there are in terms of the reaction to harassment, and whether there are gender differences in terms of the victims, were investigated. Results: One third of the matches contained harassment. Offensive harassment occurred most frequently, with harassment occurring more frequently in competitive game mode and demonstrating a wider range of harassment. In most cases, harassment is focussed either on the player's own team or on the opposing team. The range of harassment within a team is also greater than when harassment is directed at the opposing team. In competitive game mode, harassment is mainly focussed on the own team. Conclusions: The results of the study support the findings of other studies. They also indicate that harassment in video games should be investigated with a larger number of influencing factors. In particular, the methodology used closes a research gap and could ensure a better insight into the different types of harassment without collecting the data through third parties and thus presumably causing bias.

隨機利率下分紅保單解約選擇權之評價分析 / Fair Valuation of Participating Insurance Policies with Surrender Options

張智凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討評價可解約分紅保單(Participating Policy)。該保單隱含二個重要的選擇權:分紅選擇權與解約選擇權。分紅選擇權為一歐式買權,解約選擇權可視為美式賣權。Bacinello(2003)使用CRR模型,計算解約選擇權的近似解,然而,Bacinello(2003)假設無風險利率為常數。本文主要探討如何利用無套利評價法,在隨機利率模型下,發展二維度之CRR模型,利用此模型,求得分紅選擇權與解約選擇權之公平價格,並討論利率的波動與長期走勢對該保單的選擇權的價格之影響。本文發現,保單之投資參考組合的波動,將對分紅選擇權的價格造成影響,而利率的波動會導致解約選擇權價格上升;當未來預期利率上升時,分紅選擇權與解約選擇權亦隨之上升。此評價模式可作為保險公司發行分紅保單與避險策略之參考。 / Bacinello (2003a) employed Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (CRR model, 1979) to numerically calculate the fair value of a participating policy containing a surrender option. Bacinello assumed a constant rate of return on risk-free assets. However, this study proposes a two-dimensional CRR model in a stochastic interest rate model as a means of providing a numerical method for contract pricing. The two-dimensional CRR model converges rapidly and achieves similar results to Monte Carlo simulation. Two-dimensional CRR models are used to analyze the importance and sensitivity of a stochastic interest rate model for the policy. Zero coupon bond volatility is an essential parameter in the surrender option, and reference portfolio volatility is important for pricing the participating option. The participating and surrender options are more valuable given upwards trending interest rates than constant or downwards trending rates.

Étude des techniques d’estimation de densité et du tracé de chemins pour le rendu des milieux participatifs

Vibert, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
L'utilisation d'images de synthèse photo réalistes est aujourd'hui devenue commune, que ce soit pour la réalisation de films, la création d'environnements virtuels à des fins vidéo ludiques comme le jeu, ou même pour la prévisualisation de projets architecturaux. La compréhension et les avancées technologiques de ces 20 dernières années permettent maintenant de créer des images très réalistes. Dans certains cas, il est même devenu difficile, voire même impossible, de faire la distinction entre une photo d'un objet réel et une image virtuelle. Mais, pour atteindre un tel degré de réalisme, il faut créer des algorithmes complexes et coûteux, capables de simuler les lois physiques qui gouvernent les interactions de la lumière avec la matière. Les milieux participatifs en sont un parfait exemple. Ils sont incontournables et doivent être intégrés pendant les processus de création que ce soit pour simuler de la fumée, des nuages ou bien pour créer une atmosphère crédible. Malgré les performances toujours plus grandes des ordinateurs modernes, il est encore actuellement impossible de reproduire fidèlement dans un temps raisonnable. Certains effets visuels comme les caustiques ou la diffusion multiple sont difficiles à reproduire pour certains types d'algorithmes, si bien que l’on se limite souvent à une simplification des interactions. C’est encore plus vrai pour les applications temps réels qui nécessitent souvent des rendus à 30 images par seconde. La quantité et la qualité des images à calculer peuvent aussi être tellement importantes qu'il est nécessaire de mettre au point de nouveaux algorithmes. C'est le cas pour l'industrie cinématographique qui doit pouvoir anticiper et planifier ses rendus sur des fermes d'ordinateurs sur souvent plus d'une année et en même temps en contrôler rigoureusement l'aspect financier. Nous allons présenter et analyser dans ce mémoire différentes techniques de simulation de milieux participatifs et proposer certaines directions pour de futurs travaux. / Nowadays, the use of photo-realistic computer images is very common, whether for film making, creating virtual environments, video games, or even for pre-visualizing architectural projects. The understanding and technological advances of the last 20 years allow us to be able to create very realistic images. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between a photo of a real object and a virtual image. But to achieve such a high degree of realism, it is necessary to create complex and costly algorithms capable of simulating the physical laws governing interactions between light and matter. Participating media are a perfect example, as they are unavoidable and must be integrated during the creative processes, whether for simulating smoke or clouds, or for creating a credible atmosphere. Despite the overpowering performance of modern computers, it is still currently impossible to reproduce participating media perfectly, and in a reasonable time. Some visual effects, such as caustics or multiple scattering, are difficult to reproduce for some kinds of algorithms, so one is often limited to a simplification of the interactions. This is even more true for real-time applications that often require rendering at 30 frames per second. The quantity and the quality of the images to be calculated can also be so important that it is necessary to develop new algorithms. This is the case for the film industry, which must be able to anticipate and plan its renderings on computer farms, often over a year, and at the same time strictly control the financial aspect. We will present in this thesis various techniques of simulation of participating media, analyse them, and propose certain directions for future work.

Robust light transport simulation in participating media / Robust light transport simulation in participating media

Vévoda, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Light transport simulation is used in realistic image synthesis to create physically plausible images of virtual scenes. Important components of the scenes are participating media (e.g. air, water, skin etc.). Efficient computation of light transport in participating media robust to their large diversity is still an open problem. We implemented the UPBP algorithm recently developed by Křivánek et al. It addresses the problem by combining several complementary previous methods using multiple importance sampling, and excels at rendering scenes where the previous methods alone fail. The implementation is available online, we focused on its thorough description to facilitate and support further research in this field. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Physically-based Cloud Rendering on GPU / Physically-based Cloud Rendering on GPU

Elek, Oskár January 2011 (has links)
The rendering of participating media is an interesting and important problem without a simple solution. Yet even among the wide variety of participating media the clouds stand out as an especially difficult case, because of their properties that make their simulation even harder. The work presented in this thesis attempts to provide a solution to this problem, and moreover, to make the proposed method to work in interactive rendering speeds. The main design criteria in designing this method were its physical plausibility and maximal utilization of specific cloud properties which would help to balance the complex nature of clouds. As a result the proposed method builds on the well known photon mapping algorithm, but modifies it in several ways to obtain interactive and temporarily coherent results. This is further helped by designing the method in such a way which allows its implementation on contemporary GPUs, taking advantage of their massively parallel sheer computational power. We implement a prototype of the method in an application that renders a single realistic cloud in interactive framerates, and discuss possible extensions of the proposed technique that would allow its use in various practical industrial applications.

Nu blev John så där tokig igen! : en essä om ett utagerande barn på ett familjedaghem / Now John went grazy like that again! : an essay about an acting out child in a family day care

Säflund, Marjatta January 2019 (has links)
This scientific essay starts with a description of a dilemma that I as a childminder find hard to handle. The story is reproducing an incident where this day care child -John- is getting an outburst that is affecting many persons in the group activity local for childminders. The problems that are created by the repeated defiant and unwieldy outbursts by this boy are challenging to handle. I have got certain experiences of children with special needs, but that competence is not sufficient in this case. The text also describes the doubt if a single childminder really is capable to handle a child that is demanding a lot more assistance than what is normal among day care children. Is it possible to offer all the children secure attention and interesting learning when one of them is demanding extra attention and support? Would an single-handed educator be able to help the boy to function better in social contexts? When I reflect over my dilemma, I am framing my questions. Through the writing I seek a deeper insight about what solutions eventually turns out to work for the challenging child. As a result of this examining writing process, I have found that the including of the child in the day care group was successful beyond expectation. The relation between me and the child is developing in a positive way when I choose to handle his tantrums in a less emotional way. An empathic approach and dialogues opens up for a cooperation which give the child possibilities to become a participant and able to affect his everyday situation at the family day care. The smaller group is a postulate for the positive development taking place within the boy. According to me, professional childminders should have a natural place as carers to children who for various reasons do not work or thrive in larger groups. The essay also includes explorations of other educators experiences in the form of participating observations on a preschool. The initial report, the observations, the empirical analysis and the result are all linked together with the theories of practical knowledge, my reflections, new insights, theoretical knowledge, research and literature that strengthen these. The practical knowledge is running like a red thread through the text. / Den här vetenskapliga essän börjar med en beskrivning av ett dilemma, som jag som dagbarnvårdare, upplever svårhanterligt. Berättelsen återger en incident där dagbarnet, John får ett utbrott, som påverkar många personer på dagbarnvårdarnas gruppverksamhet. Problemen som pojkens återkommande trotsiga och svårhanterliga anfall orsakar är utmanande att handskas med. Viss erfarenhet av barn med speciella behov har jag men den kompetensen räcker inte till i det här fallet. Jag funderar över vilken inverkan pojkens raserianfall har på de andra barnen och vuxna i gruppverksamheten -både i den större och mindre gruppen som barnet vistas i. I texten beskrivs också tvivlet över huruvida en ensam arbetande dagbarnvårdare är kapabel att hantera ett barn, som kräver betydande assistans utöver det som dagbarn vanligtvis gör. Kan en pedagog på egen hand hjälpa pojken att fungera bättre i socialt kontext? När jag reflekterar över mitt dilemma så väcks mina frågeställningar. Genom skrivandet söker jag en djupare insikt om det som med tiden visar sig fungera för det utmanande barnet. Till följd av den här granskande skrivprocessen har jag kommit fram till att inkludering av barnet i dagbarnsgruppen lyckades över förväntan. Relationen mellan barnet och mig utvecklas positivt när jag väljer att hantera de problematiska utbrotten mindre emotionellt. Empatiskt förhållningssätt och samtal öppnar till ett samarbete, som ger barnet möjlighet att vara delaktig och påverka sin vardag på familjedaghemmet. Den mindre gruppen är en förutsättning för den gynnsamma utvecklingen som sker hos pojken. Enligt mig bör yrkesgruppen dagbarnvårdare ha sin givna plats som omsorgsgivare för barn som inte av olika anledningar trivs eller mår bra i större grupper. Uppsatsen innehåller även ett utforskande av andra pedagogers erfarenheteri form av deltagande observationer på en förskola. Den inledande berättelsen, observationerna, analysenav empirin samt resultatet knyts samman med den praktiska kunskapens teori, mina reflektioner, nya insikter, teoretiska kunskaper, forskning och litteratur som stärker dessa. Den praktiska kunskapen går som en röd tråd genom texten.

Gli "ibridi finanziari": critica ad una categoria concettuale / Hybrid Debt-Capital Instruments: Critical Examination of a Conceptual Category

VALZER, AMEDEO 09 March 2007 (has links)
L'autore contesta la classificazione degli strumenti finanziari partecipativi e non partecipativi nella categoria concettuale degli ibridi finanziari (o strumenti finanziari ibridi ). Rimarca le differenze tra l' investimento nella società e il finanziamento della società. dimostra che gli strumenti finanziari partecipativi (art. 2346 ult. comma c.c.) possano esser emessi solo a fronte di apporti di patrimonio non imputati a capitale sociale e che gli strumenti finanziari non partecipativi (quasi obbligazioni ex art. 2411 ult. comma c.c.) non possano esser dotati di diritti amministrativi.

Valuation Of Life Insurance Contracts Using Stochastic Mortality Rate And Risk Process Modeling

Cetinkaya, Sirzat 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In life insurance contracts, actuaries generally value premiums using deterministic mortality rates and interest rates. They have ignored them stochastically in most of the studies. However it is known that neither interest rates nor mortality rates are constant. It is also known that companies may encounter insolvency problems such as ruin, so the ruin probability need to be added to the valuation of the life insurance contracts process. Insurance companies should model their surplus processes to price some types of life insurance contracts and to see risk position. In this study, mortality rates and surplus processes are modeled and financial strength of companies are utilized when pricing life insurance contracts.

Patienters erfarenheter av att delta i forskning : En litteraturöversikt / Patients’ experiences of participating in research : A literature review

Blommé, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning- och utvecklingsarbete är något som bedrivs på många håll inom hälso- och sjukvården. Detta innebär att många patienter som söker vård och behandling kan komma att tillfrågas om att delta i forskning. En person som är sjuk, och i behov av vård, kan uppleva att man i patientrollen hamnar i en beroendeställning i förhållande till vårdpersonalen. Patienten är den hjälpsökande och vårdpersonalen är de som på grund av kunskap och förmåga att hjälpa patienten har en starkare ställning. Att vara patient och medverka i forskning kan innebära att patienten får ökad uppmärksamhet men patienten kan också uppleva att beroendeställningen gentemot vårdpersonalen förstärks. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att delta i forskning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där tio vetenskapliga, kvalitativa artiklar, med begränsning vuxna patienter, har utgjort grunden till resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra kategorier, vilka är; Överväganden inför beslut om att delta i forskning, Meningsfullhet av att delta i forskning, Upplevelse av hinder i samband med forskning samt Från känslan av stöd – till känslan av övergivenhet. Diskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats i relation till livsvärldsperspektivet enligt Dahlberg och Segesten. Tre aspekter av resultatet kommer särskilt att diskuteras: Barriärer för ett forskningsdeltagande kontra viljan att delta, Beroendeställningen till vårdpersonal -en riskfaktor för både patienten och forskningen samt Patientens delaktighet och autonomi i samband med beslutsfattande om att delta i forskning. / Background: Research and development is conducted in many areas of health care. This means that many patients seeking care and treatment may be asked to participate in research. A person who is ill and in need of care can experience him/herself, in the role of patient, ending up in a position of dependence in relation to health care professionals. The patient is seeking help and health care staff are those who by virtue of knowledge and ability to help patients have a stronger position. Being a patient and participating in research may thus imply receiving increasing attention, but also inferiority or dependency. Aim: The aim was to describe patients’ experiences of participating in research. Method: A literature review was performed based on results from ten qualitative articles, limited to adult patients with experience of participating in research. Results: The results are presented in four categories; exploring the decision to participate in research, Meaningfulness of participating in research, Perception of barriers related to research and from the feeling of support – to the feeling of abandonment. Discussion: The result has been discussed in relation to the life-world perspective according to Dahlberg and Segesten. Three main aspects of the results will be discussed; Barriers for participating in clinical trials versus willingness to participate, dependency on health care professionals – a risk factor both for the patient and the research trial, and the patient’s autonomy and participation in the decision-making about research.

TALKING THE TALK EQUALS WALKING THE WALK? : A Quantitative Study of the Attitude-Action Gap in the Sharing Economy

Nordström, Anders, Esseen, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Customer behavior has always been of interest for business researchers. However, it is just in recent years that there has been an increasing interest in the phenomenon of the sharing economy. It has been suggested that there is an ongoing shift in the traditional way of consuming. The idea behind the sharing economy is that two different parties can make use of their underused assets through an online platform. Previous quantitative research in the area of interest mainly focuses on the motivational factors for participation in the sharing economy; four of the most prominent factors were therefore identified and further investigated. In this thesis, these factors are referred to as drivers and more specifically, the drivers of enjoyment, sustainability, convenience, and financial benefits. Further, previous research gives an indication of a discrepancy between customer attitudes and actions when making a decision in the sharing economy. With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to describe customer behavior in the sharing economy. More specifically, this thesis seeks to study the relationship between attitudes and actions of customers in the sharing economy. Taking this into account, the following research question was formulated:   What is the relationship between attitudes and actions of the customers participating in the sharing economy of Rentl AB?   In order to fulfill the purpose of this thesis, the Swedish sharing economy business Rentl was addressed. To answer the research question a quantitative research strategy was followed where a survey was sent out to randomly chosen customers of Rentl and 145 responses were collected. The collected data was statistically analyzed by the use of Paired T-tests and Regression Analyses. Further, the empirical findings regarding the four identified drivers were analyzed in accordance with the theoretical framework. The identified attitude-action gap is therefore analyzed by the application of basic customer decision-making, the theory of Bounded Rationality, the Theory of Reasoned Action & the Theory of Planned Behavior, and finally the Self-Determination Theory.   The authors established that there is a positive relationship between attitudes and actions regarding the extrinsic drivers, convenience and financial benefits. However, it was further established that the intrinsic drivers, enjoyment and sustainability, do not have a significant influence on the actual actions. In other words, a positive attitude toward enjoyment and sustainability as drivers for participation in the sharing economy does not necessarily translate into actions. Thus, the authors identified that there is an attitude-action gap in the sharing economy.     In addition to the theoretical contributions, this research further contributes with practical aspects. More importantly, the sharing business Rentl is provided with a better understanding for the customer behavior in their business. Considering that the findings of this research identify convenience and financial benefits as significant drivers for participation, this can be emphasized in marketing contexts by managers.

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