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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Remėzienė, Ingrida 30 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Ingrida REMĖZIENĖ Strategic marketing decissions in JSC „Žemaitijos pienas“ Postgraduate final study, 72 pages, 37 pictures, 5 tables, 42 sources of literature, 6 appendixes, Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS : marketing, marketing strategy, marketing mix: product, price, distribution, promotion. Object of research – JSC „Žemaitijos pienas“ . Object of research – strategic marketing decissions. Objectives - analize and evaluate the data of economical activities in JSC „Žemaitijos pienas“ and project strategic ways for market decissions. Goals: 1. To analyze theoretical construction methods for strategic market decissions. 2. To analyze and asses marketing mix in the enterprise. 3. To make an empirical investigation and construct strategic ways of activity. 4. Make generalizations and offer approaches to improve management decissions of the enterprise. Methods of investigation - analysiz and generalization of theory, analysiz and synthesis of secondary data, , survey, graphic presentation and monograph. Hypothesis - application of market methods gives JSC „Žemaitijos pienas“ competitive preeminence potential. Suggestions were proposed to improve management decissions of the company on the basis of Lithuanian and foreign scientists‘ works , periodical literature and the material obtained during the investigation about elements of market complex and their impact on the results of the company.

Rinkodaros strategijos ir jų kūrimas / Marketing strategies and their creation

Daunytė, Aušra 02 June 2005 (has links)
Master‘s closing work, 65 pages, 16 pictures, 13 tables, 52 sources of literature, 2 appendices, Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: strategy, marketing, marketing strategy, company, consumers, product, price, promotion, distribution, model. Object of research – joint stock company „Kaišiadorių paukštynas“ and personal company „Petkus“. Subject of research – marketing strategy. Goal of research –to prepare marketing strategies creation model for poultry companies. Tasks: 1. To analyze theoretical principles of marketing and its complex strategies. 2. To analyze marketing strategies used by joint stock company “Kaišiadorių paukštynas” and personal company “Petkus”. 3. To forecast the actions of marketing strategy preparation in poultry companies “Kaišiadori��� paukštynas” and “Petkus”. Research methods – Lithuanian and foreign authors special literature’s logical analysis and synthesis, primary and secondary data analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical abstracts, graphic presentation, interview. Period of research - 2000 – 2004 years. The final work deals with analysis of theoretical principles of marketing strategies and their classification, research of marketing strategies in poultry companies and preparation of marketing strategy creation model for poultry companies.

Procesinio savikainos kalkuliavimo modelio integravimas ABC metodui / The integration of abc method into process costing model

Maknavičius, Alius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Kiekvienai gamybinę veiklą vykdančiai ar paslaugas teikiančiai įmonei tikslus gaminamos produkcijos ar paslaugų savikainos įvertinimas pinigine reikšme yra itin svarbus klausimas. Savikainos skaičiavimų metodų ir būdų yra labai daug, jų parinkimą įmonei lemia taikomos gamybos pobūdis ir jos organizavimas, įmonės vykdoma veikla, aplinka ir kiti veiksniai. Norint teisingai apskaičiuoti produktų savikainą, visas įmonės patiriamas išlaidas pirmiausia reikia tinkamai identifikuoti, tiesiogines priskirti konkretiems gaminimas, o netiesiogines išlaidas racionaliai paskirstyti tarp numatytų objektų, kurių savikainą reikia apskaičiuoti. Tačiau pagal gamybos pobūdį parinktas savikainos kalkuliavimo metodas dažniausiai nėra pats tinkamiausias netiesioginėms išlaidoms apskaityti ir paskirstyti. Tuo tarpu autoriai tyrę ABC sistemą, savo straipsniuose pažymi, kad šiuo metu su netiesioginių išlaidų paskirstymo užduotimi geriausiai susidoroja būtent ABC metodas. Norint pasinaudoti pagal gamybos pobūdį parinkto metodo (šiuo atveju procesinio fazinio metodo) ir ABC sistemos privalumais susiduriama su problema: mokslinėje literatūroje procesinis ir ABC produkcijos kalkuliavimo metodai pateikiami atskirai, neanalizuojama galimybė šiuos metodus sujungti į vieną savikainos kalkuliavimo modelį. Darbo objektas – procesinio fazinio ir ABC savikainos kalkuliavimo metodų ypatybės bei privalumai. Darbo tikslas – sukurti savikainos skaičiavimo modelį, kuris leistų tiksliai ir efektyviai apskaičiuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Exact value of production or service costs is important issue for all manufacturing or service companies. There are many methods and approaches of costing. The mode of production, the organization of production, company activities, environment and other factors influence method to use for production costing. In order to get correct calculation of production costs, all costs incurred by company firstly must be properly indentified, direct costs should be assigned, overhead allocated to objects which cost must be calculated. However, method of calculation chosen by nature of the production is not most appropriate for accounting and allocating indirect costs. Meanwhile the authors, who analyzed the ABC system, points out that ABC method the indirect cost allocation task handle most notably. In order to use benefits of ABC method and method chosen by nature of production (in this case process phase costing method) encountered a problem: process costing and ABC methods are presented separately into science or professional literature, no one does not examine the possibility to use these two methods in single production costs calculation model. The object – features and benefits of process phase costing and ABC methods. The aim – to design a costing model which can accurately and effectively calculate the direct cost of products, rationally allocate cost of company activities to production. The objectives: • To analyze the nuances of choice cost calculation method by company... [to full text]

Koncesijų taikymo galimybės Lietuvoje / The possibilities to apply the concessions in lithuania

Pereckaitė, Agnė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Per XX a. paskutinius dešimtmečius viešojo ir privataus sektorių santykis gerokai pasikeitė. Tradiciškai viešojo sektoriaus veiklos sričiai priskirtų paslaugų teikimui ar infrastruktūros modernizavimui ir plėtimui imta naudoti viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystę. Koncesija yra vienas iš partnerystės modeliu. Ją galima apibūdinti kaip susitarimą tarp viešojo ir privataus sektorių, kurio tikslas sujungti viešuosius ir privačius išteklius, siekiant realizuoti viešosios politikos tikslus. Lietuvoje koncesijos, lyginant su kitomis valstybėmis, yra naujas reiškinys, neturintis tradicijų ir patirties. Viešosios institucijos retai nusprendžia investicijas pritraukti koncesijos sutarčių pagrindu. Šio darbo objektas yra koncesija. Tikslas - išnagrinėti koncesijų taikymo galimybes Lietuvoje. Tikslo pasiekimui iškelti trys uždaviniai, kurie nulėmė darbo struktūrą. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą ir taikant apibendrinimo metodą nagrinėjamos ekonominės – socialinės viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės atsiradimo prielaidos ir partnerystės sąvoka. Antrojoje dalyje, analizuojant viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės taikymo galimybes atliekama mokslinės literatūros ir informacinių šaltinių analizė, taikomas klasifikavimo ir sisteminimo metodas. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje vertinant koncesijų taikymo galimybės atliekamas kokybinis tyrimas, suformuluojami pagrindiniai klausimai, atliekama norminių teisės aktų ir informacinių šaltinių lyginamoji analizė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Infrastructure has been traditionally viewed as a natural monopoly under the management, control, financial responsibility of the central and local government. However, various countries of the world have shown a growing interest in Concessions (one of the Public Private Partnership model) over the last two decades. Concession is arrangement in which the public and private sectors join together to produce and deliver goods and services. It is a sufficiently new phenomenon in Lithuania and some shortcomings are noticeable in its application. The object of this thesis is Concession. The aim of work is to analyze possibilities to apply the concession in Lithuania. Three tasks were established for the realizing the goal meanwhile determining the structure of thesis. In the first part of thesis there is analysed Public Private Partnership, as phenomena, using analysis of academic literature. In the second part, by using analysis of special and statistical literature, there are analysed subjects influencing Public Private Partnership and experience of various countries of the world in the developing Partnership policy. Situation in Lithuania by excluding main prerequisites for developing concessions is analysed in the third part, using qualitative analysis of academic and special literature, laws, conference materials, comparative, case study methods and quantitative analysis by carrying out a survey of Municipalities opinion. Analysis of theoretical and practical aspects has shown... [to full text]

Gamintojo ir paslaugų teikėjo atleidimo nuo atsakomybės už žalą, padarytą dėl nekokybiškų produktų ar paslaugų, pagrindai / Producer's and Service Supplier's Grounds of Exoneration from Liability for Damage, caused by Defective Products and Services

Skukauskaitė, Neringa 09 May 2006 (has links)
This work analyses producer‘s and service supplier‘s grounds of exoneration from liability for damage, caused by defective products and services. Author presents the conception of producer‘s and service supplier‘s exonerating grounds and designates their place in Lithuanian civil liability system. Thurthermore, work presents an explanation of relationship between circumstances exonerating from liability those of defective product producer and defective service supplier, also their relationship with other circumstances exonerating from civil liabity.

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