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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pappaledighet : Nyblivna pappors resonemang om föräldraledighet - en intervjustudie

Axelsson, Petronella, Jakobsson, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar fördelningen av föräldradagarna och hur nyblivna pappor resonerar om föräldraledighet. Metod: Studiens design är en explorativ kvalitativ intervjustudie, där ett bekvämlighetsurval med snöbollsteknik användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta förstagångspappor. Analysmetoden som användes var en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Få pappor var eller hade varit pappalediga och resterande pappor önskade kunna ta ut pappalediga dagar när barnet blir äldre. Den främsta faktorn som påverkade hur familjerna delat upp föräldraledigheten var mammans önskan att få vara hemma. Amningen gjorde det naturligt för mamman att vara hemma de första månaderna efter barnets födsel. Samtliga pappor hade negativa synpunkter om Försäkringskassan och på deras information om föräldraförsäkringen. De flesta papporna såg även kritiskt på de 60 individuella dagar som de har tillgodoräknade sig. Att ha blivit pappa beskrevs som en positiv upplevelse där personligheten utvecklades. Slutsats: Som nybliven pappa utvecklas en positiv personlighetsförändring genom att man få mer tålamod och bli mer ansvartagande. Pappor valde en mer tillbakadragen position vid fördelningen av föräldraledigheten eftersom de ansåg att mammorna önskade att vara barnlediga. När barnen når en äldre ålder önskar flera pappor mer ledig tid för att umgås med sitt barn och skapa en närmare relation. / Objective: To investigate what factors influence the distribution of parental days and how new fathers have reason about parental-leave. Method: An exploratory qualitative interview study, a convenience selection with snowball technique. Semi-structured interviews were made on eight first-time fathers. To analyze the data, a qualitative content analysis was used. Results: Few fathers were or had been on paternity leave and the remaining fathers wished to have parental-leave days when the child becomes older. The main factor that influenced how families divided parental leave was the mother´s desire to be at home. Breastfeeding made it natural for the mother to be at home the first few months after childbirth. All fathers had negative views on Försäkringskassan and on their information on parental leave. All fathers also looked critically at the 60 individual days that they have credited. Having become a father was described as a positive experience in which ones personality was developed. Conclusion: As a new father you develop a positive personality change by getting more patience and are more accountable. Fathers choose a more withdrawn position in the allocation of parental leave because the mother wants to be on maternity leave. When the children reach an older age dads wises to take more time off to spend with their children and create a closer relationship.

"... som om varje tonfall bävade av dold rörelse..." : Om debutsamlingen Från Skåne av Victoria Benedictsson ur ett maskulinitetsperspektiv

Rydberg, Anette January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine how men is portrayed in three short stories, ”En omvändelsehistoria”, ”Far och son” and ”Jeppa”, from the debut Från Skåne by Victoria Benedictsson. I also investigate the ideas of masculinity during the 1880s. Unmanliness, paternity and manly tears are other concepts that I have been examining with close–reading as the method. The essay begins with a short recap of the earlier research about Benedictsson. Her debut as well as the perspective of masculinity on the work of female authors has been almost ignored by the academic sphere and my aim was to do something about it. Firstly, I discuss unmanliness in the peasant culture, secondly, paternity and absence and thirdly, unmanliness and manly tears. My result shows that the different ideas of masculinity affect the characters in many ways. For example, the elderly in the stories mostly falls down in unmanliness. I have come to the conclusion that the fear of being unmanly urge the men, or the boys, to act manly and follow the ideals.

Föräldralediga pappor : en intervjustudie om pappors tankar om föräldraledighet och upplevelser av bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler

Falkenäs, Linnea, Westlund, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka föräldralediga pappors tankar om att vara föräldralediga samt deras upplevelse av bemötande och information från specialistsjuksköterskor vid besök på barnavårdscentraler. Metod: Explorativ kvalitativ intervjustudie. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio förstagångspappor som valdes genom målinriktat bekvämlighetsurval. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för analys av data. Resultat: Alla pappor var nöjda över sitt val att vara föräldralediga. De flesta uppgav att kontakten med barnet ökade och att relationen stärktes. Upplevelsen av föräldra-ledigheten beskrevs med ord som spännande, roligt, mysigt och häftigt. Högt ställda förväntningar på vad papporna skulle hinna med under ledigheten resulterade i en tuff första period där de fick omvärdera tillvaron för att trivas. De negativa upplevelser som lyftes fram var en känsla av isolering och en känsla av att ställas utanför sin omvärld när papporna var hemma med barnet. Uppdelning av föräldradagar mellan föräldrarna var ett gemensamt beslut som föll sig naturligt. Bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler upplevdes professionellt, kunnigt och relevant. Slutsats: Att vara pappaledig innebär en mängd känslor och upplevelser som är unika. Det upplevs som en ynnest att få ta del av sitt barns liv och fördjupa sin relation till barnet. Pappor upplever bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler som kompetent och relevant. Trots att det finns svårigheter under pappaledigheten överväger alltid det positiva. / Aim: To examine the thoughts of fathers on parental leave about being on parental leave, as well as their experience of treatment and information from specially trained nurses when visiting child care centers. Method: An exploratory qualitative interview study. Semi-structured interviews were made with nine first time fathers that were selected with a target-oriented convenience selection. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: All fathers were content with their choice to take parental leave. Most of the fathers reported that the contact with the child increased, and that the relationship was strengthened. Experience of parental leave was described with words like exciting, fun, cozy and cool. High expectations of what the fathers would be able to do with their time during the parental leave resulted in a tough first period. To be pleased revaluation of their expectations were necessary. The negative experiences emphasized were feelings of isolation and feelings of being placed outside the world around while being at home with the child. Distribution of parental days between the parents was a mutual decision that felt natural. The experience of treatment and information at the child welfare centers were described as professional, knowledgeable and relevant. Conclusion: The paternity leave means a lot of unique emotions and experiences. It is considered a privilege to have access to their children´s lives and to be able to deepen the relationship. Fathers experience treatment and information at the child welfare center as competent and relevant. Even though there are difficulties during the parental leave the positive outweigh.

Pollination ecology and spatial genetic population structure of wild and cultivated species of cacao (Theobroma) in Bolivia

Chumacero de Schawe, Claudia 18 September 2013 (has links)
Der tropische Regenwald im südwestlichen Amazonasgebiet ist durch den zunehmenden Bevölkerungsdruck, die wirtschaftliche Ausbeutung, die Abholzung und das Abbrennen großer Flächen für die Viehwirtschaft bedroht. Allgemein zeichnen sich tropische Regenwälder durch eine hohe Diversität von Baumarten und daraus folgenden niedrigen Populationsdichten und entsprechend hohen Distanzen zwischen den Artgenossen aus. Die räumliche Verteilung der Individuen hat grundlegende Konsequenzen auf die Bewegung der Bestäuber und den intraspezifischen Genfluss, was somit die sexuelle Fortpflanzung beeinflusst. Daher ist das Wissen über den Genfluss grundlegend für das Verständnis von Reproduktionserfolgen und dem Management tropischer Baumarten. In dieser Studie untersuchte ich unterschiedliche Aspekte der sexuellen Fortpflanzung von wildem und kultiviertem Kakao (Theobroma cacao) und zwei weiteren Theobroma-Arten in Bolivien. Folgende Hypothesen wurden angenommen: 1) Wilde und kultivierte Pflanzen von T. cacao in Bolivien sind genetisch unterschiedlich; 2) Die Verteilungsdistanz der Pollen wilder Kakaopflanzen ist größer als die der kultivierten Pflanzen; 3) Es existiert ein gewisser Genfluss zwischen den wilden und den kultivierten Pflanzen von T. cacao; 4) Die Ansammlung der Bestäuber unterscheidet sich zwischen den Populationen wilder und kultivierter Pflanzen von T. cacao, sowohl in Bezug auf die taxonomische Zusammensetzung als auch in der Abundanz der Blütenbesucher; 5) Die kleinräumige genetische Struktur der Theobroma-Arten ist aufgrund der Abhängigkeit von Tieren bezüglich Bestäubung und Samenverbreitung gemäßigt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden im Tiefland von Bolivien drei verbreitete Arten der Gattung Theobroma ausgewählt: T. cacao L. (wild und kultiviert), T. speciosum Willd. ex Spreng und T. subincanum Mart. Diese Arten sind stammblütige Bäume des Unterwuchses. Sie haben zahlreiche kleine Blüten und schwere Früchte mit essbaren Samen, welche von Fruchtfleisch umgeben sind. Um den Pollenfluss des Kakaos zu untersuchen, schätzte ich den Grad der Selbstbestäubung und die Distanz der Pollenverbreitung sowie den Genfluss zwischen wildem und kultiviertem Kakao. Ich untersuchte zudem, ob sich die wilden von den kultivierten Kakaobäumen genetisch unterscheiden. Um die Kakaobestäuber zu identifizieren, dokumentierte ich die Zusammensetzung der Blütenbesucher auf wildem und kultiviertem Kakao. Weiterhin ermittelte ich die genetische Diversität und die kleinräumige genetische Struktur (SGS) der drei Theobroma-Arten, um die Distanzen der genetischen Verbreitung aus den Mustern der SGS zu schätzen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass wilder und kultivierter Kakao sich genetisch unterscheiden, woraus geschlussfolgert wird,  dass die „wilden“ Populationen des Kakaos im Tiefland Boliviens tatsächlich wilde Formen oder zumindest sehr alte Sorten darstellen. Wilde Populationen zeigten eine geringere genetische Diversität als kultivierter Kakao, was möglicherweise durch die unterschiedliche Herkunft der kultivierten Sorten (z.B. Costa Rica, Trinidad y Tobago) begründet ist. Im Unterschied zu früheren Studien konnte ich Hinweise für die Selbstbestäubung in wildem und kultiviertem Kakao finden, auch wenn die Fremdbestäubung klar dominiert. Selbstbestäubung war häufiger in kultiviertem als im wilden Kakao festzustellen. Die gesamtdurchschnittliche Distanz der Pollenverbreitung betrug 867 m. Die Distanz der Pollenverbreitung des wilden Kakaos lag in einem Bereich von 10 und 3007 m, während die der Pollen des kultivierten Kakaos über Distanzen von 13 bis 2360 m verbreitet wurden. Die Bestäubungsdistanzen des Kakaos waren höher als die der typischen Unterwuchsbaumarten, wenn man die geringen Größen der bestäubenden Mücken berücksichtigt. Der relativ hohe Pollenaustausch von kultiviertem zu wildem Kakao (20%) gefährdet die genetische Identität der wilden Populationen. Weiterhin wurde eine große Auswahl an Blütenbesuchern dokumentiert und erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den Besuchern des wilden und des kultivierten Kakaos festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Mücken als Haupt- oder gar alleinige Bestäuber in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet nicht in Betracht kommen, da sie zu selten vorkommen. Potenzielle zusätzliche Bestäuber sind die kleine Diptera (z.B. Chloropidae und Phoridae) und Hymenoptera (z.B. Eulophidae und Platygastridae). Die wilden Verwandten des T. cacao, T. speciosum und T. subincanum zeigten eine relativ hohe genetische Diversität. Die Arten von Theobroma hatten eine niedrige, aber signifikant kleinräumige genetische Struktur. T. speciosum zeigte die höchste Distanz der Pollenverbreitung, was auf eine effiziente Samen- und Pollenverbreitung hindeutet, wohingegen T. subincanum die strukturiertere Art mit der geringsten Distanz der Genverbreitung war.  Abschließend sollten bei verbessertem Management der Kakao-Populationen folgende Punkte beachtet werden: Die hohe Distanz der Pollenverbreitung bei Kakao und der relativ hohe Pollenaustausch von kultiviertem zu wildem Kakao zeigt die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes weitläufiger Naturwälder. Um die genetische Identität des wilden Kakaos in Bolivien zu schützen und zusätzlich den genetischen Austausch zwischen den wilden Populationen zu unterstützen, sollte die genetische Variabilität lebensfähiger Populationen zu erhalten werden. Die kleinräumige genetische Struktur in Theobroma macht die Bedeutung des Schutzes der samenverbreitenden Tiere deutlich, um die genetischen Ressourcen dieser tropischen Baumgattung zu erhalten.

DNA profiling as a means of establishing paternity in South African law.

Singh, Divya. January 1994 (has links)
The pathetic cry 'Who is my father?' has been asked time and again the world over. Discovery of paternity, linked as it is with the processes - legal and scientific - of establishing the alleged father's relationship on a balance of probabilities is a very real problem in the field of family law in South Africa. Blood tests have proved to be one aid in its solution. However, the application of such tests carry with them their own specific difficulties, most notable from the point of view of the lawyer is the extent of the authority of the court to order such tests, the interpretation of the test results and the role and emphasis that should be given to the results of the blood tests in the final determination of each case. Lawyers have to be wary and avoid falling into the trap of the layman who has the distinct tendency to accept unquestionably anything backed by scientific authority. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of Durban-Westville, Durban, 1994.

Reproductive ecology and life history trade-offs in a dimorphic polygynous mammal, the New Zealand fur seal

Negro, Sandra Silvia January 2008 (has links)
Polygyny is the most common mating system in mammalian species (95%), yet our understanding of polygynous systems and microevolutionary processes is still limited. Pinniped mating systems range from extreme polygyny (e.g. elephant seals) to sequential female defence by males and hence have often been used as models for mating system studies. Parentage analysis has enabled the examination of mating success, the identification of pedigrees, and the elucidation of social organisation, greatly enhancing our understanding of mating systems (Chapter 1). However, such analyses are not without pitfalls, with erroneous assignments common in open systems (i.e. when parental and offspring samplings are incomplete). We investigated the effects of the user-defined parameters on the accuracy of parental assignment using two commonly used parental allocation programme, CERVUS and PASOS (Chapter 2). We showed that inaccurate user-defined parameters in CERVUS and PASOS can lead to highly biased output e.g. the assignment rate at 95% CL of offspring with a sampled known mother to sampled males decreased from 58% to 32% when the proportion of candidate males sampled in the parameter options decreasing 4-fold. We found that the use of both CERVUS and PASOS for parentage assignment can increase the likelihood of correctly allocating offspring to sampled parents to 97% in our study system. Incorrect parental assignment can bias estimates of various biological parameters, such as lifetime reproductive success and mate choice preference, and hence bias ecological and evolutionary interpretations. Here, we propose solutions to increase the power of parentage assignment and hence decrease the bias in biological parameter estimates. In addition, we analysed the effects of the intrinsic bias in likelihood assignment approaches towards assigning higher probability of parentage on individuals with rare alleles and those with heightened offspring-parent matches, which increase with the number of homozygous loci (Chapter 3). We showed that, as a consequence of the algorithms employed in the programmes CERVUS and PASOS, heterozygote males with rare genotypes are assigned higher rates of parentage than males with common alleles. Consequently, where two males could both be biological fathers of a given offspring, parentage assignment will more often go to the male with the rarer alleles (most often in heterozygous loci). Thus, the commonly used parentage assignment methods may systematically bias the results of parentage analyses towards supporting the notion that females prefer more genetically unusual, most often heterozygous, males. Such a bias may sway investigators towards incorrectly supporting the concept that females choose genetically more unusual males for heterozygosity fitness benefits that underpin the good genes hypothesis, when in fact no such relationship may exist. In polygynous mammals, successful males mate with multiple females by competing with and limiting the access of other males to females. When the status of many males (age, size, health, genetic etc.) prevents them from achieving the primary mating tactic, theory predicts selection for a diversification of male mating tactics. Recent studies in pinnipeds have shown that observed male mating success was correlated to male paternity success in some species (elephant-seals), but not in others (grey seals). The existence of alternative mating strategies can explain those discrepancies. Chapter 4 implemented the guidelines provided in Chapter 2 and 3 and focused on the polygynous New Zealand fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri, predicting that 1) competition for females is likely to cause a diversification of male mating tactics; and 2) that alternative tactics can yield reproductive success. Our results indicated three male behavioural profiles; one corresponded to large territorial males and two illustrated a continuum of alternative tactics employed by non-territorial subordinate males. Our study highlights that holding a territory is not a necessary condition for reproductive success in a population of otariids. The degree of sexual size dimorphism in polygynous species is expected to increase with the degree of intra-sexual competition and in turn with the degree of polygyny. The life history of an individual is the pattern of resource allocations to growth, maintenance, and reproduction throughout its lifetime. Both females and males incur viability costs of mating and reproduction. However, male viability costs due to increase growth and male-male competition can be greater than female viability costs of mate choice and reproduction. Although an abundant literature on sexual dimorphism in morphology, physiology, and parasite infections is available, little is known on the intra-sexual differences in physiology and parasite infections associated to the reproductive success of different mating strategies in mammalian species. Chapter 5 examined the reproductive costs between territorial and subordinate males New Zealand fur seal related to their relative reproductive success using a multidisciplinary approach (behaviour, genetics, endocrinology, parasitology). We found that dominant New Zealand fur seal males endure higher reproductive costs due to the direct and indirect effects of high testosterone levels and parasite burdens. Our study highlights that holding a territory confers a higher reproductive success, but induces higher costs of reproduction that may impair survival. Understanding microevolutionary processes associated to polygynous systems is fundamental in light of the ongoing anthropogenic alteration of the environment through climatic variations and habitat reduction which ultimately affect opportunity for sexual selection and shape the life history trade-offs.

Patriarchal structures in gothic short fiction, 1770-1820

Murphey, Lauren L. Walker, Eric. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Advisor: Eric Walker, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of English. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed June 7, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains vi, 43 pages. Includes bibliographical references.

Efeitos do corte seletivo de árvores sobre o sistema de reprodução e dispersão de pólen em uma população de Hymenaea courbaril na Amazônia brasileira /

Carneiro, Francimary da Silva. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Este estudo investigou os efeitos do corte seletivo sobre a diversidade genética, sistema de reprodução e dispersão de pólen em uma população de Hymenaea courbaril L., situado na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, Estado do Pará, utilizando nove locos microssatélites. A espécie é uma das mais importantes na Amazônia Brasileira devido o alto valor comercial de sua madeira. Antes do corte seletivo, todas as árvores adultas foram mapeadas, amostradas e genotipadas e 367 sementes foram coletadas de 20 árvores matrizes. Após o corte seletivo de 61% das arvores com DAP>81 cm, foram amostradas e genotipadas 250 sementes de 14 árvores reprodutivas. A análise da herança, ligação e desequilíbrio de ligação mostraram que os nove locos utilizados segregam conforme as leis mendelianas, não estão ligados e estão em equilíbrio gamético.As plantas não reprodutivas tinham maior número de alelos (122 alelos) do que as plantas reprodutivas (103) e as progênies (84). Destes alelos, 29 alelos eram exclusivos as plantas não reprodutivas, nove as plantas reprodutivas e 14 as progênies. O número médio de alelos por locos e a heterozigosidade esperada foram significativamente menores nas progênies antes ( k =16,7; Ho =0,710) e após a exploração madeireira ( k =9,33; Ho =0,555). O índice de fixação foi positivo e significativamente diferente de zero em todas as amostras ( F ad=0,111 , F juv=0,160 e F prog=0,045 ), sugerindo endogamia. A estimativa da taxa de cruzamento multilocos populacional ( tm ) foi significativamente menor do que a unidade ( tm =0,962) e a diferença entre a taxa de cruzamento multilocos e unilocos ( tm−t s =0,066) sugere que ocorreram cruzamentos entre parentes. A estimativa do número efetivo de árvores doadoras de pólen antes da exploração ( Nep =3,79) foi significativamente menor que após a exploração de ( Nep =7,2). A taxa de imigração ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study evaluated the effects of selective logging on the genetic diversity, reproductive system and pollen dispersal of a Hymenaea courbaril L. population by using nine microsatellite loci. Because of the characteristics of the wood, this species is one of the most logged in the Amazon resulting in significant reductions in its natural population. The study is located in the Tapajós National Forest, Para State, Brazil, in a 546 ha stand that is part of a governmental initiative for public forest concessions. To determine the effects of logging, both pre- and post-logging populations were analysed. Before logging, all adult trees of H. courbaril were mapped, sampled and genotyped; additionally progeny was analysed based on 367 seeds collected from 20 matrices. After logging took place (61% of the population above 81cm diameter at breast height), 250 seeds from 14 trees were collected and genotyped. Initially, tests for Mendelian inheritance, linkage and gametic disequilibrium were carried out which confirmed no linkage, deviation or disequilibrium for the used loci. The results for genetic diversity showed that the non-reproductive population presented a higher number of alleles (122) than the reproductive population (103) and progenies (84). From all alleles, 29 were exclusive to non-reproductive trees, nine to reproductive and 14 to progeny. The average number of alleles and expected heterozygosity were significantly lower for progenies in both pre- and post-logging situations ( k =16,7; Ho =0,710; k =9,33; Ho =0,555, respectively). The fixation index was positive and significantly different from zero for all sampled populations which suggests endogamy ( F ad=0,111 , F juv=0, 160 e F prog=0,045 ). The multilocus crossing rate was statistically significant ( tm =0,962) and the difference between multilocus and single-locus outcrossing rate was also significant ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Alexandre Magno Sebbenn / Coorientador: André Eduardo Biscaia de Lacerda / Banca: Miguel Luiz Menezes Freitas / Banca: Milton Kanashiro / Mestre

O perfil das ações filiatórias à luz da era DNA.

Luz, Michelline Soares Bittencourt Trindade January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-17T12:42:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Michelline.pdf: 1199085 bytes, checksum: 2022a1f61f763fde3e6d0769d65e7059 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T18:06:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Michelline.pdf: 1199085 bytes, checksum: 2022a1f61f763fde3e6d0769d65e7059 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T18:06:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Michelline.pdf: 1199085 bytes, checksum: 2022a1f61f763fde3e6d0769d65e7059 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / A carta Magna trouxe novos matrizes pelos quais o tratamento filiatório passou a se sujeitar basicamente aos princípios constitucionais, entre eles, à dignidade de pessoa humana, exigindo-se nova postura e interpretação do sistema do de presunções antes vigente. Com o advento do DNA, impõe-se uma nova concepção das ações desta espécie, já que a possibilidade de verificação da ascendência com precisão e grau de acerto, permitiu o entrelaçamento do processo com novos conhecimentos sobre a vida. Deste modo, o objetivo de estudo deste trabalho é a prova pericial de DNA nas ações filiatórias, como forma de concretização do direito de perfilhação, e seus reflexos na ponderação de interesses, no sistema de presunções legal e judicial e frente ao instituto das coisas julgada. A temática pertinente ao presente trabalho foi escolhida por despertar calorosas discussões, provocar reformulações e contribuir em função da sua relevância, para o aparecimento de novas ponderações e teorias atreladas à perfilhação. Essas discussões conduzem a uma reflexão acerca da autoridade da coisa julgada, nas ações de paternidade, quando a sentença proferida transitou em julgado, destituída do critério científico da verdade biológica dos fatos, tendo a produção da prova genética (Era DNA) restado impossibilitada. Pretende-se assim verificar os meios de assegurar a aplicação coexistente dos princípios em conflito, sopesando o bem que deve prevalecer, tendo como norte a busca da verdade real. / Salvador

Paternidade e desnutrição : um estudo caso-controle / Paternity and malnutrition : a case-control study

Carmo, Bruno Cleiton Macedo do 22 June 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A desnutrição infantil é uma doença que tem suas raízes na pobreza, ocasionada por deficiências nutricionais decorrentes da insuficiente ingestão de macro e/ou micronutrientes e infecções repetidas. Nos países em desenvolvimento ainda se constitui em um grande problema de saúde pública tornando-se um dos grandes vilões da morbidade e mortalidade infantil. Nesse estudo procurou-se investigar se há associação entre paternidade e desnutrição infantil crônica. Trata-se de um estudo caso-controle em que casos são famílias com crianças desnutridas crônicas moderadas e graves, na faixa etária entre dezoito e sessenta meses de idade. A amostra foi composta por 60 famílias casos e 61 famílias controles. Dentre as variáveis relacionadas à paternidade, a não paternidade biológica (OR 3,10; IC95% 1 9,67) e escolaridade paterna (OR 3,30; IC 1,33 8,22) se mostraram como fatores de risco para a desnutrição infantil, quando analisadas individualmente. Após a regressão logística apenas a não paternidade biológica permaneceu como um fator de risco independente para a desnutrição (OR 7,13; IC95% 1,76 30,40). Dentre as variáveis sócio-demográficas estudadas evidenciou-se associação entre a desnutrição infantil crônica e a classe econômica baixa(OR 3,43; IC95% 1,04 11,32), número elevado de residentes no domicílio (OR 3,63; IC95% 1,66 7,92) e número de filhos (OR 2,84; IC95% 1,33 6,08), quando analisadas individualmente. Contudo apenas o número elevado de residentes no domicílio permaneceu como fator de risco independente para desnutrição crônica (OR 8,44; IC95% 2,58 27,59) quando as variáveis são consideradas simultaneamente na regressão logística. Encontrou-se, nesse estudo, associação entre fatores ligados à paternidade e desnutrição infantil com destaque para a não paternidade biológica.

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