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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La critique maoïste péruvienne face à la Réforme agraire de Velasco (1969-1980) : enquête sur les causes d'une révolution qui ne vint pas

Dorais, Geneviève January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

La protection de l'enfant contre ses parents : (1804-1958) / The protection of the child versus his parents : (1804-19058)

Guillemot-Treffainguy, Vanessa 01 December 2017 (has links)
De la promulgation du Code civil en 1804 à l’Ordonnance civile du 23 décembre 1958, la protection de l’enfant « en danger » a connu ses plus grandes transformations. Le Code civil sacralise la puissance paternelle comme un droit-pouvoir exercé sur l’enfant. De cette conception restrictive découle une absence de protection légale de l’enfant « en danger » au sein de son foyer, qu’il soit légitime ou naturel. Dès le XIXe siècle pourtant, les juges ont dégagé la notion d’intérêt de l’enfant pour pallier les insuffisances législatives, mais confrontés à une conception forte du droit du père sur l’enfant, ils ne peuvent en limiter durablement les effets en l’absence d’abus de droit. À la fin du siècle, le passage de la magistrature paternelle à la magistrature judiciaire s’accompagne de l’immixtion graduelle des autorités publiques dans la sphère privée, marquée par la promulgation de la loi du 24 juillet 1889 instituant la déchéance de la puissance paternelle. Il apparaît cependant que les rares interventions législatives des XIXe et XXe siècles portant atteinte au droit sacré du père répondent à une logique première de sauvegarde des intérêts de l’État face à la menace sociale, représentée par des familles considérées comme défaillantes, plutôt qu’à une volonté d’élaborer un droit protecteur pour l’enfant. Dès lors, en œuvrant pour une politique hygiéniste systématique, le législateur a provoqué une politique judiciaire du « tout ou rien » fondée sur la faute des parents au détriment de l’intérêt de l’enfant. Toutefois, les juges ont continué à élaborer des théories juridiques pour combler les lacunes, à tel point que l’intérêt de l’enfant tend à devenir le critère judiciaire de sa protection dès l’entre-deux-guerres. Il faut cependant attendre l’Ordonnance du 23 décembre 1958 pour que l’intervention de l’État ne soit plus fondée sur la faute des parents mais sur le seul intérêt de l’enfant. / From the Civil Code in 1804 to the Ordonnance of Decembre 23rd, 1958, the legal protection of the child « in danger » has been revolutionized. As the Civil Code consideres the « paternal authority » (puissance paternelle) as an inviolable and sacred power of the father on his child, there is a complete absence of legal protection of the child, whether the child is a natural one or a legitimate one. The right of custody may not been taken away from the father who neglects his own child. Nonetheless, since the early 19th century, the judges had drawn the concept of « interest of the child » in order to protect him against his father's abuse of auhtority. However, because the « paternal authority » is strong, they cannot limit durably the effects of the father’s power. Then, at the end of the century, the State involves itself in the legal protection by entering at the father’s home. Indeed, the law of July 24th, 1889 instaures for the first time forfeiture parental rights when parents has commited a fault. According to this new principle, an harmful judicial policy of « all or nothing » paralyzes the child protection. Thus the infrequent legislative interventions in the 19th and 20th centuries, harming the paternal authority, are taken in the aim of protecting the interest of the State in stead of developping a real Right to the child. Consequently, the judges still work for the protection of the child by formulating pretorian theoricies. As a result of the judges’work, the interest of the child tends to be the criterion of judicial protection since the interwar years. It is not until the Ordonnance of December 1958 that intervention of the State is not based anymore on a parental fault but on the only interest of the child.

Informe sobre Expediente N° 279-2013-MIMP-DGNNA-DIT

Coronado Sotelo, Edgardo Mario 25 January 2022 (has links)
El presente informe tiene como objetivo, analizar el cumplimiento y correcta aplicación, por parte de las autoridades administrativas y judiciales, del principio del Interés Superior del Niño y Adolescente, el mismo que fue recogido, con carácter vinculante para los estados firmantes, por la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y Adolescente. Al ser este tratado ratificado por el Estado Peruano forma parte de nuestro ordenamiento legal interno. Para el informe hemos elegido como caso concreto, el expediente N° 279-2013-MIMP-DGNNA DIT en el cual la Dirección de Investigación Tutelar del MIMP abre investigación tutelar por presunto estado de abandono de un menor, quien contaba con sus progenitores, vivía con su padre, pero era testigo de las continuas disputas entre estos por su tenencia. Previo a esta investigación administrativa, la madre había demandado la tenencia del menor en la vía judicial. La metodología empleada para el presente informe, es el estudio de cada una de las resoluciones emitidas por la autoridad administrativa y también el estudio de las principales resoluciones emitidas en el proceso de tenencia, a fin de determinar si en cada una de ellas se resolvió priorizando el Interés Superior del Niño o no se aplicó correctamente, a pesar de ser este término invocado constantemente. Previamente, definimos que se entiende por Interés Superior del Niño de acuerdo a la legislación internacional, nacional y doctrina y, finalmente, analizamos la actual normativa nacional relacionada al cumplimiento del Interés Superior del Niño en los procesos tutelares. Nuestra conclusión principal es que, si bien en la resolución de procedimientos tutelares, las autoridades constantemente invocan el principio del Interés Superior del Niño, en la práctica resuelven sin considerarlo y sin evaluar cuál es la mejor decisión para preservar los derechos del menor, en especial el derecho a la familia. Esto nos lleva a afirmar que los procesos administrativos tutelares subsiste la ya superada doctrina de la “Situación Irregular” en el que las autoridades determinan que es lo mejor para un menor de acuerdo a sus criterios y sin considerar la opinión ni el respeto a sus derechos del tutelado. Respecto al proceso judicial de tenencia, si bien se advierte una mayor comprensión del significado del principio de Interés Superior del Niño, por parte de los jueces, se advierte que la excesiva demora temporal para resolver los procesos, causa una afectación al menor, lo que también atentaría contra su interés superior.

Informe sobre la Resolución N° Veintinueve emitida por el Vigésimo Juzgado Especializado de Familia de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima en el expediente N° 22319-2017

Suero Tipacti, Karina Janet 31 July 2023 (has links)
El presente informe tuvo como propósito identificar problemas netamente jurídicos en los que incurrió el juzgador del Vigésimo Juzgado Especializado de Familia de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima al momento de emitir la Sentencia (Resolución N° Veintinueve); teniendo en cuenta que esta no fue la primera sentencia que había emitido el juzgador en el presente proceso. Para lo que se utilizó una metodología de investigación de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo básica, bajo la teoría fundamentada y un método deductivo, que respalda la doctrina y postura de la autora en lo largo del informe. Llegando a las conclusiones que existieron errores materiales y vicios en la sentencia de primera instancia y que se mantuvieron en la resolución que es menester de investigación en el presente informe. Asimismo, se establecieron los remedios necesarios para subsanar dichos errores, cuidando los requisitos estipulados por la ley, por la jurisprudencia vinculante y los datos doctrinarios recopilados en transcurso de la investigación. Finalmente se emiten recomendaciones propias del autor, dirigidas a la facultad y las posibilidades que tiene el colegiado de instancia superior para identificar, subsanar y pronunciarse sobre los errores materiales o agravios, como en el presente caso, a los principios de congruencia, preclusión o eventualidad en los procesos de familia. / The purpose of this report was to identify purely legal problems incurred by the judge of the Twentieth Specialized Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima when issuing the Judgment (Resolution No. Twenty-Nine). It is worth noting that this was not the first judgment issued by the judge in the ongoing case. To achieve this, a qualitative research methodology was employed, using a basic approach, grounded theory, and a deductive method that supports the author's doctrine and position throughout the report. The conclusions drawn from the investigation revealed the existence of material errors and flaws in the initial judgment, which persisted in the resolution and necessitated further investigation. In order to rectify these errors, the necessary remedies will need to be implemented, while adhering to the requirements stipulated by law, binding precedent, and the doctrinal data collected during the course of the research. Finally, the author provides recommendations aimed at the authority and the possibilities available to the higher court to identify, rectify, and pronounce upon material errors or grievances, as in the present case, with regard to the principles of congruence, preclusion, or eventuality in family proceedings. It is essential to thoroughly examine the legal issues raised in this report, as they have significant implications for the fairness and effectiveness of the judicial process. By addressing these concerns and implementing the recommended remedies, the court can ensure that its decisions align with legal principles and uphold the rights of the parties involved.

Informe jurídico sobre la casación N° 4881-2009 - Amazonas

Lopez Callan, Milagros Geraldine 10 October 2024 (has links)
Hoy en día son varios los casos en los que al fallecer uno de los padres, la tenencia de un menor es discutida ya que no necesariamente el padre que aún le sobrevive puede ser el más idóneo para continuar con su crianza. El presente informe, aborda el tema de la tenencia por parte de los abuelos y pretende exponer y analizar una situación que en la actualidad se presenta continuamente. Si bien es cierto la tenencia parte de un derecho derivado de la patria potestad, qué sucede cuando nos encontramos en situaciones que ameritan una aplicación más flexible de las normas en favor del bienestar de los niños y adolescentes. Para ello, partimos de un análisis inicial de nuestra legislación nacional para luego pasar a estudiar de forma sistemática los principios recogidos en los tratados internacionales y que son de carácter vinculante. Asimismo, analizamos la casación Casación N° 4881-2009 - Amazonas a la luz de los conceptos de la tenencia, principio de interés superior del Niño o adolescente y derecho a la identidad. Finalmente, con este informe pretendemos estudiar los conflictos que pueden generarse al no encontrarse de forma precisa los supuestos en lo que, a pesar de que uno de los padres sobreviva al hijo, muchas veces resulta más beneficioso para el menor que se otorgue su tenencia a sus abuelos. E incluso también a familiares con los que ha desarrollado un vínculo afectivo importante. / Nowadays, there are several cases in which when one of the parents dies, the tenure of a child is disputed since the other parent may not necessarily be the most suitable one to continue with the child's upbringing. This report approaches the issue of grandparents' tenure and aims to expose and analyze a situation that constantly occurs today. While it is true that tenure is a right derived from parental authority, what happens when we find ourselves in situations that merit a more flexible application of the national legislation in favor of the wellbeing of children and adolescents? Therefore, we begin with an initial analysis of our national legislation and continue to study the principles of binding international treaties systematically. Furthermore, we analyze the cassation in question in light of the concepts of tenure, the principle of the best interests of the child or adolescent, and the right to identity. Our final objective is to study the conflicts that may arise when the assumptions are not precisely found. Instead of one of the parents being responsible for the child, it is usually more beneficial for the child to grant custody to the grandparents. In some cases, the child may be awarded to relatives with whom the child has developed a strong emotional bond.

Dynamiques et mutations d'une figure d'autorité : la réception de Solon aux Ve et IVe siècles avant J.C. / The reception of Solon in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.

Psilakis, Catherine 13 June 2014 (has links)
Au VIe siècle avant J.-C., Solon a joué un rôle politique important à Athènes. Législateur, il a établi des lois. Législateur, mais aussi poète : des fragments poétiques qui vont du poème complet à un simple vers nous ont été transmis grâce à des auteurs postérieurs. Jusqu’à présent, les études sur Solon ont, pour la majeure partie, cherché à mieux cerner le législateur athénien d’une part, à comprendre la pensée postulée dans les poèmes d’autre part. Ces démarches visent toutes deux à enrichir notre connaissance lacunaire du VIe siècle avant J.-C. Le scepticisme appliqué aux sources de la tradition indirecte, qui nous apporte des informations sur Solon, a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives. Le projet que nous proposons s’inscrit dans cet héritage. Nous nous intéressons aux auteurs des Ve et IVe siècles avant J.-C. pour analyser, dans la lettre du texte, ce qu’ils disent de Solon et surtout, la manière dont ils le disent. Ainsi, il sera possible de saisir les dynamiques de transmission, de mutation et d’appropriation de cette figure d’autorité chez chacun des auteurs de notre corpus, car tirée à hue et à dia, la figure de Solon a servi des causes fort différentes. Puisque la tradition conditionne fortement les interprétations de la poésie solonienne et l’étude de son action politico-législative, il était nécessaire de revenir à la source même de toutes ces interprétations. Dès lors, il sera possible d’enrichir notre connaissance de l’histoire politique et intellectuelle de l’Athènes démocratique du IVe siècle, mieux comprendre le rapport qu’elle entretient avec son propre passé, mais aussi saisir comment se construit une argumentation politique et une idéologie propre à une société donnée à un moment précis de son histoire. / In the 6th century B.C., Solon played an important role in the city of Athens. As a lawgiver, he established laws for the Athenians. But he was also a poet : Solon's poetic fragments – entirely poems or a single verse – have been passed on later by authors. Up until now, scholars have tried, on the one hand to understand the reforms of the lawgiver and one the other hand to study his poems. Both of these approaches aim to improve our incomplet knowledge about the 6th century B.C. But the sources of the indirect tradition have been submit to skepticism. This allows new and fresh perspectives for Solonian studies. The scope of my PhD Thesis follows this skeptic approach : I will analyze most of the authors of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., what they say and do about Solon. It will allow us to thus understand the dynamics of transmission, of mutation and of appropriation which occur to this authoritative figure in each text of the corpus. Because tradition heavily influences all the interpretations of Solonian poetry and reforms in the field of politic and legislation, it requires us to go back to the first sources of these various interpretations. I hope this study will help us increase our knowledge of the political and intellectual background of the Athenian Democracy of the 4th century B.C., and clarify which kind of connexion exists between the polis and its own past. Last but not least, this study contributes to understand how a political argumentation and a democratic ideology can be shaped by forensic discourses.

Den sjunde världsdelen : Västgötar och Västergötland 1646-1771. En identitetshistoria

Jacobsson, Benny January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis considers regional identity in early-modern Sweden, taking its case from the province (landskap) of Västergötland 1646–1771. The aim is to investigate verbal expressions of regional identity. A theory on the construction of regional identity is suggested from the research results, and typological categories of regional identity are established. Contrary to popular concepts of identity being constructed in relation to an outer “other”, it is argued that identity is formed from self-images. Identity is expressed in the first person (I, we), and includes an insider’s perspective of the place occupied. As the thesis shows, the theory of regional identity is substantiated by the duality of the patria-concept. Patria, Fatherland, was employed for the smaller home province as well as for the greater realm. The realm however, always could claim priority to amor patria, Love of the Fatherland. Thus, any construction of regional identity using the neighbouring provinces as a contrasting “other” would have been counter-productive to the construction of the overarching national identity. This manifold patria-concept is of Roman origin, and made its influence through the Latin language well into early-modern time. A great variety of sources in Latin and Swedish have been consulted, including orations and dissertations, minutes of the academic senate and West Geat student nation (Västgöta nation) at Uppsala University, topography, manuscripts and letters. An in-depth study has been made of the writing processes leading up to dissertations and topographical descriptions.</p>

Den sjunde världsdelen : Västgötar och Västergötland 1646-1771. En identitetshistoria

Jacobsson, Benny January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers regional identity in early-modern Sweden, taking its case from the province (landskap) of Västergötland 1646–1771. The aim is to investigate verbal expressions of regional identity. A theory on the construction of regional identity is suggested from the research results, and typological categories of regional identity are established. Contrary to popular concepts of identity being constructed in relation to an outer “other”, it is argued that identity is formed from self-images. Identity is expressed in the first person (I, we), and includes an insider’s perspective of the place occupied. As the thesis shows, the theory of regional identity is substantiated by the duality of the patria-concept. Patria, Fatherland, was employed for the smaller home province as well as for the greater realm. The realm however, always could claim priority to amor patria, Love of the Fatherland. Thus, any construction of regional identity using the neighbouring provinces as a contrasting “other” would have been counter-productive to the construction of the overarching national identity. This manifold patria-concept is of Roman origin, and made its influence through the Latin language well into early-modern time. A great variety of sources in Latin and Swedish have been consulted, including orations and dissertations, minutes of the academic senate and West Geat student nation (Västgöta nation) at Uppsala University, topography, manuscripts and letters. An in-depth study has been made of the writing processes leading up to dissertations and topographical descriptions.

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