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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arqueologia de Itapeva, SP : contribuição a formação de políticas públicas para gestão patrimonial / Archaeology of Itapeva, SP : contribution to the formation of public policies for heritage management

Silvio Alberto Camargo Araujo 08 December 2006 (has links)
O município de Itapeva, SP, porta em seu território uma grande diversidade de sítios arqueológicos pré-históricos e históricos, conhecidos à décadas, muitos dos quais, estão sendo destruídos por fatores naturais e antrópicos, em alguns casos, junto com seus ambientes. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta dados e informações para subsidiar pesquisas e métodos de gerenciamento do patrimônio arqueológico local, a fim de promover e desencadear ações de preservação e valorização desses bens, revertendo o atual quadro de alienação e abandono, pelo quadro desenvolvimento sócio-cultural, apropriação e o fortalecimento das comunidades envolvidas de sua identidade cultural. Para tanto, foi realizada intensa pesquisa de campo para entender o que está ocorrendo \"in situ\", além de recorrer ao estudo e compreensão dos diversos diplomas legais, em especial, a legislação municipal. Ao final, foi elaborado um texto com considerações e indicativos que podem contribuir para mitigar os fatores de destruição dos sítios arqueológicos do Município de Itapeva, além de subsidiar e incentivar a gestão pública, participação coletiva e o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas arqueológicas / The town of Itapeva, SP, has in its area a great diversity of the pre-historical and historical archaeological sites, known for decades, many of which have been destroyed by natural and human forces, in some cases, together with their environments. Therefore, this paper presents data and information to support research and methods of management of local archaeological heritage, in order to promote and trigger actions aiming as the preservation and appreciation of those assets, replacing the present status of alienation and disregard by a frame of socio-cultural development, incorporation and empowerment of the communities involved in the cultural identity. For that purpose, intensive field research was carried out in order to understand what is happening \"in situ\" besides resorting to the study and understanding of the several legal regulations, especially, the municipal legislation. Finally, a document was elaborated containing facts and indicators that may contribute to the mitigate the destructive factors affecting local archaeological sites, as well as foster and stimulate the public management, collective participation and the development of further archaeological research

Ações educacionais no contexto da arqueologia preventiva: uma proposta para a Amazônia / Educational actions in the context of preventive archeology: a proposal for the Amazon

Carla Gibertoni Carneiro 10 August 2009 (has links)
A questão central desta tese é delinear os princípios estruturadores das ações de educação patrimonial no âmbito da arqueologia preventiva. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi estruturada, a partir da apresentação de três campos do conhecimento - arqueologia pública, musealização da arqueologia e educação patrimonial - que desenvolvem reflexões acerca da aproximação arqueologia - sociedade, no sentido de apontar parâmetros para a execução de tais ações. A partir do contexto histórico que revela esta aproximação e dos referenciais teórico-metodológicos dos campos citados, apresento um modelo de atuação no contexto da arqueologia preventiva: O Programa de educação patrimonial do projeto de levantamento arqueológico do gasoduto Coari - Manaus (AM). As ações planejadas para sua execução foram desenvolvidas a partir de uma perspectiva processual e sistêmica com vistas a discutir como os estudos arqueológicos vêm contribuindo com as discussões sobre o processo de ocupação da região amazônica e seu equilíbrio ambiental. / The central goal of this dissertation is to present guiding principles for heritage education activities within the realm of preventive archaeology. The research was structured from three fields of knowledge - public archaeology, archaeological museum studies and heritage education - which have developed reflections towards the rapprochement of archaeology and society at large, with the aim of presenting parameters for the execution of these actions. From the historical context underlying these actions and based on the theoretical and methodological of these fields of knowledge, I present a model for heritage education in the context of preventive archaeology: The Program for Heritage Education in the Archaeological Survey the Coari - Manaus Pipeline (AM). The actions planned for the execution of such program were developed from a processual and systemic approach aiming to discuss how archaeological studies have been contributing with discussions about past human occupation of Amazon in a sustainable way.

La notion d'oeuvre aujourd'hui : entre bibliothèque patrimoniale et bibliothèque multimodale / The concept of a work of art today : between patrimonial library and multimodal library

Puidoyeux, Claude 12 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le bouleversement épistémologique qui affecte la littérature patrimoniale, à l’ère du numérique et du multimédia. La première partie s’intéresse à la fondation de la notion de littérature patrimoniale en France. Elle propose une revue synthétique des contextes et des discours qui ont fondé cette notion à travers le temps. Les zones de fracture et de continuité entre conceptions passées et conceptions contemporaines y sont questionnées. L’analyse aboutit au constat que conceptions émergentes et traditionnelles forment une mémoire dialogique, vive et complexe, qui innerve de ses paradoxes les archétypes fondateurs : les notions d’auteur, d’œuvre et de « bibliothèque ». La deuxième partie examine la réception contemporaine de la littérature patrimoniale, pour laquelle « la bibliothèque » est une mémoire du passé mais aussi une réserve d’œuvres à venir dans le cadre du dialogue entre les arts et les modes que les techniques contemporaines favorisent. Pour le récepteur contemporain, la bibliothèque patrimoniale est intériorisée comme une triple mémoire formée de la bibliothèque collective, de sa propre bibliothèque intérieure, d’une bibliothèque virtuelle où se régénèrent le corpus patrimonial et les discours qui l’environnent. Ce récepteur connaît et pratique la bibliothèque collective, vouée à la conservation de la mémoire collective ; il est conscient aussi de posséder une bibliothèque intérieure où s’opère pour lui une double conversion : il devient sujet lecteur et l’œuvre patrimoniale texte du lecteur. Cette double conversion créative se concrétise et se réalise effectivement dans la bibliothèque virtuelle multimodale, lieu de partage et de discours sur les œuvres qui lui permet d’entrer en conversation avec d’autres sujets-lecteurs et en contact avec d’autres communautés discursives et, dans ce cadre, de produire à la fois de nouveaux discours sur les œuvres mais aussi des œuvres secondes. On pose que l’œuvre source et ses objets seconds forment alors une sémiosphère multimodale. Comme les objets seconds multimodaux émanent de communautés diverses, la notion de sémiosphère réinterroge les hiérarchies culturelles héritées. Etre cultivé aujourd’hui, ce n’est plus seulement connaître les œuvres de la bibliothèque collective mais investir la sémiosphère. Le sujet lecteur est amené à devenir sujet récepteur multi-compétent, capable de naviguer d’une communauté de discours et de pratiques à une autre. Il se nourrit de la diversité, assure la communication productive entre les objets et les communautés dans la sémiosphère et favorise, par sa seule navigation experte, le développement de la sémiosphère, c’est-à-dire de la culture partagée. / This research is concerned with the epistemological upheavals which affect literary heritage in the digital and multimedia age. The first part of this work explores the origin of the notion of literary heritage in France. It provides a synthetic review of the contexts and discourses which have underpinned this notion through time. Present and past concepts are examined in terms of continuity and discontinuity. The analysis leads to the conclusion that both emerging and traditional understandings blend together creating a dynamic, complex and dialogical trace which through its paradoxes informs the founding archetypical notions of author, literary work and ‘library’. The second part examines the contemporary reception of literary heritage for which the ‘library’ represents not only a record of past literary works but constitutes a stock for future ones given the increasing trend by which the Arts are distributed to the public using the medium of multimedia digital technology. The contemporary receiver conceives and internalizes the literary heritage library in three ways: as a public library, as an internal library, and as a virtual library where heritage corpus and discourses about corpus are regenerated. This receiver knows and uses the public library as a place which is dedicated to the conservation of the collective memory; s/he is also conscious of possessing an internal library where a double conversion takes place: s/he becomes a « reader-subject » and the heritage literature is the reader’s text. This double creative conversion takes a concrete form in the virtual multimodal library where literature can be shared and discussed. This enables the receiver to start up a conversation with other readers and be connected with other discourse communities. Within this framework, new discourses are generated concerning mainstream literary works and their offshoots. We consider then that the original literary work and its offshoots constitute a multimodal semiosphere. As the derived multimodal objects come from different communities, the notion of semiosphere re-interrogates the cultural inherited hierarchies. Nowadays, being cultured does not consist in knowing the contents of the public library but instead involves being invested in the semiosphere. The reader is encouraged to become a multi-skilled receiver navigating from one discourse community and/or community of practice to another. S/he feeds on diversity, ensures prolific communication within the semiosphere between objects and communities and, thanks to expertise in multimedia browsing skills, s/he enhances the development of the semiosphere, i.e. the shared culture.


Freitas, Neida Maria Camponogara de 30 May 2014 (has links)
Thinking of public school in the context of formal education, as the institution responsible for the basic training of most Brazilian citizens, it is important to approach the Heritage Education in the school curriculum. This study will focus the trend analysis of cultural freeholds which approach their relations with the identities and memories of a place, linked to the people who live there and enjoy the collective environments in their daily lives. It constitutes therefore an important link to the cultural formation of the individual related to the different realities, seeking to expand their knowledge in the formation of their citizenship. The main goal of this research was to investigate how educational activities planned on the Cultural Heritage may contribute to the understanding of the place of living of the students of the Youth and Adult Education (EJA), from the Public Elementary School Marietta D'Ambrosio in the city of Santa Maria. Thereunto, several educational activities were planned on cultural freeholds around the school, expanding educational activities for the Historical Center of the city of Santa Maria, RS. The specific goals of the survey were: understand the sociocultural reality of the students from EJA; understand how the students from EJA perceive cultural property from educational activities in different locations around the city; analyze how educational activities on local cultural freeholds can contribute to the understanding of the place of living of the students from EJA; identify how heritage education can be addressed in the curriculum of EJA. Based on this assumption, this paper presents some results and thoughts related to this theme from the experiences lived by the students in understanding the questions and proposals according to the objectives of this survey. It was defined as an investigative method the action-survey, developed in three different stages: a) literature review of concepts by authors that theoretically underlie the issue and analysis of existing legislation; b) data collection from secondary sources through analysis of iconographic and textual documents on cultural freeholds under study; c) empirical data collection on the articulation of the cultural heritage of the city through educational activities. The results revealed that for most students the actions of Heritage Education on cultural local freeholds increased their knowledge about the historical places in the city, providing knowledge about many places that they did not know or did not attribute value. Besides having experienced moments of collective living, which marked the educational process in the school, it was observed the emergence of ties to the city where they live, as well as the comprehension of the importance of knowing to attribute value and assign meaning to the different cultures that permeate the collective spaces, in the representation of distinct social groups through the time. It was also gathered some subsidies to promote progress and improvement on the practice of heritage education which can be developed in schools. / Pensando-se a escola pública no contexto da educação formal, como a Instituição responsável pela formação básica da maioria dos cidadãos brasileiros, faz-se relevante aproximar a Educação Patrimonial do currículo escolar. Este estudo estará enfocando a tendência de análise dos bens culturais que abordam as suas relações com as identidades e memórias de um lugar, vinculado às pessoas que ali vivem e desfrutam dos ambientes coletivos no seu cotidiano. Constitui-se pois, importante elo na formação cultural do indivíduo diante das diferentes realidades, visando ampliar seus conhecimentos, na formação de cidadãos mais plenos. Teve-se como objetivo central desta pesquisa, investigar como ações educativas planejadas sobre o Patrimônio Cultural podem contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento do lugar de vivência dos alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Marieta D Ambrósio, na cidade de Santa Maria. Para isso, foram planejadas diversas ações educativas sobre os bens culturais no entorno da escola, ampliando-se as ações educativas para o Centro Histórico da cidade de Santa Maria, RS. Foram definidos como objetivos específicos da pesquisa: conhecer a realidade sociocultural dos alunos da EJA; compreender como os alunos da EJA percebem os bens culturais a partir de ações educativas em diferentes locais da cidade; analisar como ações educativas sobre os bens culturais locais podem contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento do lugar de vivência dos alunos da EJA; identificar como a educação patrimonial pode ser contemplada no currículo da EJA. Partindo desse pressuposto, este trabalho visa apresentar alguns resultados e reflexões que envolvem essa temática, a partir das experiências vivenciadas pelos educandos, na compreensão das indagações propostas e conforme os objetivos desta pesquisa. Definiu-se como método investigativo a pesquisa-ação, desenvolvido em três diferentes etapas: a) revisão bibliográfica de conceitos através de autores que fundamentam teoricamente o tema e revisão da legislação em vigor; b) coleta de dados em fontes secundárias através da análise de documentos iconográficos e textuais sobre os bens culturais em estudo; c) coleta de dados empíricos na articulação do patrimônio cultural da cidade através das ações educativas. Os resultados revelaram que para a maioria dos educandos as ações de Educação Patrimonial sobre os bens culturais locais, ampliaram o conhecimento dos lugares de patrimônio cultural da cidade, propiciando conhecer diversos lugares que não conheciam ou que não atribuíam valor. Além de terem experienciado momentos de vivência coletiva, que marcaram o processo educativo na escola, evidenciou-se, o surgimento de vínculos com a cidade onde moram. Bem como, a compreensão da importância de conhecer para valorizar e atribuir significados às diferentes culturas que permeiam os espaços coletivos, na representação de grupos sociais distintos através dos tempos. Reuniu-se também, alguns subsídios na promoção de avanços e melhorias das práticas de Educação Patrimonial possíveis de serem realizadas no âmbito escolar.


Baisch, Lucas Figueiredo 11 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation aims to safeguard the information about the architectural patrimony in Santa Maria, a city in Rio Grande do Sul State. With this objective it was developed and implemented a systematic methodology to register and publish digital photos on the internet using free license software, what was done with the building of a website named Patrimônios de Maria , which is the result of this work done during a professional master s course. The solutions to this problem go through architectural photography, archival functions description and dissemination and the electronic document management with the use of Content Management System. It was concluded that the file format of digital photography used on the website should be: JPEG for visualizing, TIFF for downloading and RAW for backing up files. The isn t any prior direction on digital technique or framing of pictures, since all photographs, over the years, become a patrimony themselves. In addition to this it was concluded that the Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística (Standard Rules for Archival Description) fits the description of architectural patrimony photographs of Santa Maria, since the collection created belongs to the Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria ( Municipal Historic Archive of Santa Maria), that uses the same standard rule in its collection. Similarly, the website Wordpress has been shown more suitable for disseminating information because it has more applications and developers available. Finally Patrimônios de Maria becomes a knot on the internet for comunication about the architectural patrimony in the city of Santa Maria and it is a foundation that supports other media. / Esta dissertação tem como finalidade a salvaguarda das informações do patrimônio arquitetônico da cidade de Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A partir disso, elabora--se e implementa-se uma metodologia sistemática para a o registro e a publicação de fotografias digitais via Internet com softwares livres, com a confecção do website Patrimônios de Maria o produto do mestrado profissionalizante. As soluções apresentadas para este problema passam pela fotografia de arquitetura, pelas funções arquivísticas descrição e difusão e pela Gestão Eletrônica de Documentos com a utilização de um Content Management System. É uma pesquisa científica de natureza aplicada, de abordagem qualitativa, com procedimentos técnicos experimentais e de estudo de caso com o método de abordagem qualitativo. Conclui-se que o formato de arquivo de fotografia digital deve ser: JPEG para visualização; TIFF para o download e RAW para back up. Não é definido nenhum direcionamento prévio na técnica digital ou enquadramento das fotos, uma vez que a totalidade de fotografias, no decorrer dos anos, torna-se por si só também um patrimônio. Além disso, conclui-se que a Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística se adapta à descrição de fotografias do patrimônio arquitetônico da cidade, uma vez que o acervo criado pertence ao Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria, que utiliza a mesma norma em seu acervo. Do mesmo modo, WordPress se demonstrou mais adequado à difusão da informação, por possuir mais aplicativos e desenvolvedores. Por fim, Patrimônios de Maria torna-se um nó na Internet para a comunicação sobre o patrimônio arquitetônico da cidade de Santa Maria e é uma base que aceita outras mídias.

Les dettes familiales / The family debts

Houssier, Jérémy 10 December 2014 (has links)
Absente des textes de lois, introuvable en jurisprudence et ignorée de la pratique, la notion de dette familiale suscite l'étonnement. Si l'on en pressent intuitivement le sens, sitôt la question de sa définition juridique posée, les plus grandes difficultés surgissent pour en dessiner les contours. En s'affranchissant des clivages habituels du droit patrimonial de la famille - régimes matrimoniaux, successions et libéralités - l'étude envisage de percer le mystère de ces dettes. Les dettes familiales peuvent être comprises comme l'ensemble des obligations passives à finalité familiale, unissant un ou plusieurs membres de la famille, soit entre eux, soit vis-à-vis des tiers. Derrière cette unité notionnelle, apparaît ainsi une opposition majeure : aux dettes entre les membres de la famille répondent les dettes envers les tiers. Entre les membres de la famille, les dettes familiales peuvent à leur tour être divisées entre les dettes de liquidation et de contribution. Chacune de ces catégories obéit à sa propre logique: équité pour les premières, solidarité pour les secondes. Or c'est encore la solidarité qui gouverne les dettes envers les tiers: elles expriment en effet l'union du groupe en offrant aux tiers une précieuse garantie. S'appuyant sur cet ordonnancement nouveau, une reconstruction du régime de ces obligations est proposée. Ainsi, une mise en cohérence des règles applicables à ces dettes en fonction de leurs fondements respectifs et des mécanismes employés pour parvenir à leur réalisation apparaît plus clairement. / Absent from legal texts, unable to be found in jurisprudence and unknown in practice, the notion of family debt evokes astonishment. Great difficulty arises in establishing a legal definition for these issues. In crossing the line of usual cleavages of patrimonial family law - matrimonial regimes, inheritance and gifts - this study plans to shed light on the mystery of these debts. Family debt can be understood as a group of passive obligations for the use of the family, involving one or several members of the family, either amongst each other or vis-à-vis a third party. Behind this notional unity, there is a major difference: debts between family members juxtaposed to debts towards third parties. Between family members, family debts can in turn be divided into contribution debts and liquidation debts. Each one of these categories has its own logic: equity for the first, solidarity for the second. However, it is still solidarity which governs debt towards third parties: they highlight the union of the group by offering a precious guarantee to third parties. Based on this new set of rules, a reconstruction of the system of these obligations is proposed. Thus, an alignment of the rules for these debts according to their basis and mechanisms used to achieve their implementation becomes clearer.

Le karaté, patrimoine vivant immatériel : médiation interculturelle des pratiques japonaises/françaises / Karate, immaterial living heritage : intercultural mediation of japanese/french practices

Bride, Jérémie 14 January 2015 (has links)
Art martial inscrit dans une tradition sino-japonaise et bouddhiste, le karaté constitue un patrimoine vivant immatériel. Issus de différentes écoles de style, les Grands Maîtres perpétuent les pratiques d’une part en assurant la relève et d’autre part en régulant leurs formes recevables. L’objet de cette thèse porte sur les modalités et conditions par lesquelles la médiation interculturelle des pratiques de karaté s’opère en contexte de globalisation et sous l’effet du temps et des Maîtres. Quatre études complémentaires forment la démarche. 1) L’étude préliminaire restitue le macrocontexte socio-historique des trajectoires migratoires du karaté incarné par des maîtres et des écoles. 2) L’approche ethnographique d’entraînements japonais (cinq dojos remarquables) décrit et modélise les pratiques originelles en regard de formes reconfigurées. 3) L’approche contrastive des discours de Grands Maîtres dans leurs récits de vie (N enquêtés = 4 japonais + 4 français) fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu. 4) La micro-étude du kata respiratoire Tenshô permet de restituer la dimension anthropo-culturelle du karaté en regard des invariants partagés avec d’autres arts patrimoniaux japonais. Les résultats montrent que la médiation interculturelle des pratiques entre le Japon et la France génère des formes d’enseignement inédites qui prennent un sens culturel hautement contextualisé. La dimension anthropo-didactique de l’enseignement du karaté est identifiée aux fins de questionner les modalités de médiation interculturelle dans la perspective d’une mise en dialogue des altérités. / Martial art included in a sino-japanese and bouddhist tradition, karate is a living intangible heritage. From different schools of karate style, Grandmasters perpetuate practices on one hand ensuring succession and secondly by controlling their admissible forms. The purpose of this thesis focused on the terms and conditions under which the intercultural mediation of the practices karate took place in the globalization context and under the effect of time and of the Masters.Four additional studies were provided. 1) The preliminary study reproduced the socio-historical macrocontext of the karate migration paths played by teachers and schools. 2) The ethnographic approach of Japanese trainings (five remarkable dojos) described and modeled the original practices facing reconfigured forms. 3) The contrastive approach of grandmasters speech in their life stories (N interviewed = 4 Japanese + 4 French) was processed by a content analysis. 4) The micro-study of respiratory kata Tenshô allowed to reach the anthropo-cultural dimension of karate facing shared invariants with other Japanese arts heritage. Results showed that the intercultural mediation of practices between Japan and France generated new forms of education that took a highly contextualized cultural meaning.The anthropo-didactic dimension of karate teaching was identified so as to question the intercultural mediation terms in the perspective of a dialogue with otherness.

La inscripción de la sustitución de régimen patrimonial de los convivientes integrantes de una unión de hecho debidamente reconocida en el Perú

Marín Rodríguez, Fenner Benjamín 07 March 2024 (has links)
El autor del presente trabajo académico nos aproxima a la inscripción en el registro personal de la sustitución del régimen patrimonial de los convivientes que forma una unión de hecho reconocida notarial o judicialmente. El autor pretende determinar, en base al análisis de diversas fuentes de derecho, si el sistema jurídico peruano debería (o no) permitir la entrada al registro personal del cambio de régimen patrimonial de la unión de hecho por el de separación de patrimonios (propio del matrimonio). Con ese objetivo, el autor presenta un breve repaso histórico de la regulación legal de la unión de hecho en el Perú, desde su primera mención, hasta su actual regulación normativa en la Constitución y el Código Civil, así como algunos ejemplos de cómo países cercanos a esa realidad jurídica y social, han establecido la regulación de la mencionada institución jurídica; para posteriormente comenzar con el desarrollo legislativo y jurisprudencial, además del análisis de las más importantes resoluciones del Tribunal Registral. El autor finalmente concluye que, si debe proceder el cambio de régimen patrimonial de la unión de hecho, más no por las razones expuestas por el Tribunal Registral; siendo necesario un cambio en la regulación actual de la figura de la union de hecho en el país. / The author of this academic work brings us closer to the registration in the personal registry of the replacement of the property regime of the cohabitants that forms a de facto union recognized notarially or judicially. The author intends to determine, based on the analysis of various sources of law, whether the Peruvian legal system should (or not) allow the entry into the personal registry of the change of property regime from the de facto union to that of separation of assets (typical of the marriage). With this objective, the author presents a brief historical review of the legal regulation of the de facto union in Peru, from its first mention, to its current normative regulation in the Constitution and the Civil Code, as well as some examples of how nearby countries to that legal and social reality, they have established the regulation of the aforementioned legal institution; to later begin with the legislative and jurisprudential development, concluding with the analysis of the most important resolutions of the Registry Court. The author finally concludes that the change in the property regime of the de facto union should proceed, but not for the reasons stated by the Registry Court; change is necessary in the current regulation of the figure of de facto union in the country. / Trabajo académico

Comunicación y cultura : el proceso comunicativo para la sensibilización y valorización del patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial en Andahuaylillas, Cusco

Barbier López, María Fé 10 November 2015 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como propósito describir el proceso de comunicación implementado por el Grupo Patrimonio Qoriorqo y la Compañía de Jesús (en el marco de su proyecto turístico “La Ruta del Barroco Andino”) orientado a la población de Andahuaylillas, Cusco (Perú) para la sensibilización y compromiso en relación a la conservación y difusión de su patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial. La metodología que se implementó es de carácter cualitativo y tiene un enfoque descriptivo, analítico y propositivo, que se basa en el análisis de variables como: “proceso de comunicación”, “sensibilización” y “compromiso”, buscando entender las razones de ciertos fenómenos y comportamientos. Además, a modo de una Auditoria de comunicación, se realizó un análisis situacional de las organizaciones estudiadas, permitiendo revisar la eficacia de la política interna así como los canales y medios comunicativos que implementan. / This research aims to describe the communication process implemented by “Grupo Patrimonio Qoriorqo” and “Compañía de Jesús” (in the context of its tourism project "The Route of Andean Baroque") aimed at the population of Andahuaylillas, Cusco (Peru) for the awareness and commitment in relation to preserve and transmit their tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The methodology is qualitative and has a descriptive, analytical and purposeful approach based on the analysis of variables such as "communication process", "awareness" and "commitment", seeking to understand the reasons for certain phenomena and behaviors. In addition, as an Audit of communication, its analyzed the context of organizations studied, allowing review the effectiveness of internal politics and, media and communication channels they implement.

Adaptación del método Rehabimed para la intervención en el patrimonio: estudio de caso en el complejo San Pedro de Mórrope, costa norte peruana

Chafloque Tullume, Cristian Joel January 2023 (has links)
El patrimonio cultural de la costa norte peruana ha experimentado un proceso de degradación continuo a lo largo de los siglos, requiriendo intervenciones específicas para su preservación y restauración. Esta tesis se centra en analizar en profundidad el método Rehabimed de intervención patrimonial, dada la falta de atención a este patrimonio en esta región. Utilizando el Complejo San Pedro de Mórrope como caso de estudio, se exploraron las características esenciales de Rehabimed. Mediante el análisis y la interpretación de la aplicación de Rehabimed en un contexto específico, se desarrolló una guía metódica que incluye conceptos, indicadores y procesos de datos, la cual se utilizó para evaluar la viabilidad de implementar la metodología en la costa norte peruana. La adaptación de la metodología a esta región se reveló como esencial debido a los desafíos particulares que presenta. El estudio detallado en el Complejo San Pedro de Mórrope tras la adaptación de la metodología reveló que más del 50% de la superficie edificada muestra lesiones que requieren intervención urgente, ya que la prolongación de estas lesiones podría acelerar el deterioro de la edificación. En el proceso de adaptación, se concluyó que es esencial combinar la visión del método Rehabimed con criterios específicos adaptados a las necesidades regionales, lo cual garantiza intervenciones efectivas y adecuadas para preservar el valioso patrimonio de la costa norte peruana. / The cultural heritage of the northern coast of Peru has undergone a continuous process of degradation over the centuries, necessitating specific interventions for its preservation and restoration. This thesis focuses on a deep analysis of the Rehabimed method of heritage intervention, considering the lack of attention to this heritage in the region. Using the San Pedro de Mórrope Complex as a case study, we explored the essential characteristics of Rehabimed. Through the analysis and interpretation of the application of Rehabimed in a specific context, a methodological guide was developed, including concepts, indicators, and data processing procedures, which was used to assess the feasibility of implementing the methodology in the northern coast of Peru. Adapting the methodology to this region was revealed as essential due to its particular challenges. The detailed study in the San Pedro de Mórrope Complex following the methodology's adaptation revealed that over 50% of the building's surface exhibits lesions requiring urgent intervention, as the prolongation of these lesions could accelerate the deterioration of the structure. In the adaptation process, it was concluded that it is essential to combine the Rehabimed method's perspective with region-specific criteria, ensuring effective and suitable interventions to preserve the valuable heritage of the northern coast of Peru.

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