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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La investigación del patrimonio del ejecutado

Sbert Pérez, Héctor S. 16 May 2008 (has links)
"La investigación del patrimonio del ejecutado" analiza los arts. 589, 590 y 591 de la Ley española 1/2000, de Enjuiciamiento Civil.El estudio abarca el conjunto de mecanismos legales previstos para determinar el objeto del embargo, a saber, la manifestación de bienes del ejecutado, la investigación judicial, la colaboración de terceros y la investigación del ejecutante. La tesis analiza en profundidad el régimen jurídico de dichos medios de investigación y sus límites (en particular, los derechos fundamentales del ejecutado), proponiendo formas de rellenar las lagunas legales y de mejorar la coordinación entre los distintos medios de investigación.La tesis examina asimismo el Derecho comparado, buscando en él soluciones practicables para el Derecho español. / The thesis analyzes Articles 589, 590 and 591 of the Spanish Code of Civil Procedure (Ley 1/2000, de Enjuiciamiento Civil).The study focuses on the instruments for the disclosure of assets in order to enforce judicial decisions. These instruments are the debtor's declaration of assets, the tracing of assets by the Court, the collaboration of third parties and the tracing of assets by the creditor.The thesis makes an in-depth analysis under Spanish law of these mechanisms and its limits (in particular, the fundamental rights of the debtor). It also proposes ways to fill the gaps of the Spanish legislation and to improve the coordination between each of the instruments to trace and disclose the debtor's assets for enforcement purposes.The study also analyses Comparative Law, in the search of other practical solutions for Spanish Law.

Indirect Expropriations in Investment As a Result of the Exercise of the Regulatory Power and its Relationship with the Patrimonial state Liability of the Public Administration / Las Expropiaciones Indirectas en Materia de Inversiones Como Consecuencia del Ejercicio de la Potestad Regulatoria y su Relación con la Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración Pública

Terrazos Poves, Juana Rosa, Cabrera Gómez, Enrique Jesús 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article the authors highlight the promotion of private sector participation in infrastructure development for the provision of public services, through joint actiondesigned for the private and public sector instruments. Under that context, they take asa starting point the figure of corporate governance, as an efficient state action, because itinvolves a change in the conception of the state and non-state roles in investment in publicservices, considering the actors public and private, as a cooperating conjunction with theformulation and implementation of public policies.In this context, the authors develop and analyze pending tasks in the exercise of regulatoryauthority and its relation to the patrimonial liability of the State, which in their view must also be taken into account for the effectiveness of corporate governance. / En el presente artículo, se destaca el fomento de la participación del sector privado en el desarrollo de infraestructura para la prestación de servicios públicos, a través de instrumentos ideados para una actuación conjunta de los sectores privado y público. Bajo ese contexto, toman como punto de partida a la gobernanza corporativa como una actuación eficiente del Estado, en tanto implica una variación de la concepción de los roles estatales y no estatales en materia de inversión en la prestación de servicios públicos, considerando a los actores públicos y privados como una conjunción cooperante con la formulación y la ejecución de políticas públicas.En ese contexto, los autores desarrollan y analizan tareas pendientes en materia del ejercicio de la potestad reguladora y su relación con la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado que, desde su perspectiva, deben también tenerse en cuenta para la efectividad de la gobernanza corporativa.

Les inégalités entre époux en droit iranien de la famille / Inequalities between spouses in Iranian family law

Bahrani, Fatemeh 20 December 2017 (has links)
Au moment de l’élaboration du projet de la loi de la protection de la famille en 2007, il semblait exister un consensus général parmi les politiciens, les religieux, les universitaires et les activistes des droits de la femme, sur la nécessité de réformer les dispositions légales iraniennes concernant la famille. Pourtant, en dépit des attentes, la nouvelle L.P.F. a totalement maintenu la même structure de rapport entre les époux que celle qui avait été régie par les dispositions antérieures. Ces inégalités étant fondées sur le droit imamite, ont été justifiées depuis la fin des années 1960, par la théorie de non similitude exposée par Ayatollah Motahari. Selon la théorie de non similitude, du fait de leur différence de nature, l’homme et la femme ne peuvent pas avoir le même rôle : à la femme, le rôle de reproduction de la vie au sein de l’instance familiale, à l’homme la reproduction de la richesse afin de subvenir aux besoins de la famille. A travers l’étude des inégalités dans rapports personnels et patrimoniaux des époux, l’étude montre que cette division du travail n’assure pas une vie conjugale pacifique, digne et équilibrée. L’étude montre aussi que la protection matérielle de l’épouse dure uniquement durant la vie du mari. Par ailleurs, les mesures matérielles de protection théoriquement accordées à l’épouse, sont, en pratique, très difficiles à percevoir. En outre, cette compensation matérielle n’est pas suffisante pour réparer le dommage moral subi par celle-ci / At the time of drafting the family protection bill in 2007, there seemed to be a general consensus among politicians, religious, academics and women's rights activists on the need to revise the Iranian family law legislation. However, despite the anticipations, the new family protection law, has totally maintained the same structure of relation between the spouses as that which had been enacted in previous legislations. These inequalities, based on imamite law, have been justified since the end of the 1960s by the theory of non-similarity between man and woman, set forth by ayatollah Motahari. According to the theory of non-similarity, because of their difference in nature, men and women can not have the same tasks. To woman, the role of reproduction of life within the family; to man, the reproduction of wealth in order to provide for the needs of the family. But, the fact that several pecuniary relations between the spouses were affected by the new family protection law proves that from the point of view of the Iranian legislator, the balance which was supposed to dominate the relation between the spouses was disturbed. The study of inequalities in the personal and patrimonial relations of the spouses, the study shows that this division of task does not ensure a peaceful, dignified and balanced married life. The study also proves that the material protection of the wife lasts only during the life of the husband. On another note, the materiel protection measures that are theoretically granted to the wife, are practically very difficult to perceive. Furthermore, such material compensation is not sufficient to recompense for the non-pecuniary damage suffered by her

Conflits, eau et patrimoine au Mexique : la lutte des communautés agraires du Morelos face à l'urbanisation / Conflicts, water and cultural heritage in Mexico : the struggle of peasant communities of Morelos against urbanization

Latargere, Jade 21 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à renouveler les cadres d’interprétation sur la conflictualité autour de la ressource en eau au Mexique, en adoptant une approche constructiviste des conflits hydriques. A travers l’analyse détaillée de deux situations de conflit sur l’eau liées à l’urbanisation dans l’Etat du Morelos, et l’étude de la façon dont les groupes mobilisés formulent le problème, nous mettons en évidence que les conflits sur l’eau n’expriment pas uniquement une demande d’accès à l’eau, mais aussi des revendications d’ordre patrimonial : les communautés paysannes se mobilisent pour préserver certains points d’eau, certaines infrastructures (réseaux d’eau, réservoirs), qui ont pour eux une signification particulière. Même si dans le Morelos, les réseaux d’eau sont le support d’une culture hydraulique singulière, le projet patrimonial ne répond pas seulement à la volonté de conserver certaines traces qui se trouvent menacées de disparition et revêt des enjeux politiques et identitaires pour les communautés agraires, qui ont subi de profonds bouleversements à la suite des réformes du statut des terres ejidales. Cependant, la dimension patrimoniale n’est pas prise en compte par les acteurs publics de l’eau, et la conflictualité reste latente. / This dissertation aims at renewing interpretations on water conflicts in Mexico, by adopting a constructivist approach. Through the detailed study of two water conflicts linked to urbanization in the State of Morelos and the analysis of the way the actors formulate the problem, we show that water conflicts don’t only express demands on water access, but also patrimonial claims: peasant communities mobilize because they want to preserve some water points, some hydraulic infrastructure (water networks, water tanks) that have a special meaning for them. Although in Morelos, water networks have given rise to a specific hydraulic culture, the patrimonial project is not only linked to the will of preserving a cultural heritage that may disappear and has a political and identity relevance for peasant communities that have been deeply shaken up by the land reforms of the nineties. Nevertheless, water public actors do not take patrimonial claims into account, and conflicts are latent.

Ações educacionais no contexto da arqueologia preventiva: uma proposta para a Amazônia / Educational actions in the context of preventive archeology: a proposal for the Amazon

Carneiro, Carla Gibertoni 10 August 2009 (has links)
A questão central desta tese é delinear os princípios estruturadores das ações de educação patrimonial no âmbito da arqueologia preventiva. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi estruturada, a partir da apresentação de três campos do conhecimento - arqueologia pública, musealização da arqueologia e educação patrimonial - que desenvolvem reflexões acerca da aproximação arqueologia - sociedade, no sentido de apontar parâmetros para a execução de tais ações. A partir do contexto histórico que revela esta aproximação e dos referenciais teórico-metodológicos dos campos citados, apresento um modelo de atuação no contexto da arqueologia preventiva: O Programa de educação patrimonial do projeto de levantamento arqueológico do gasoduto Coari - Manaus (AM). As ações planejadas para sua execução foram desenvolvidas a partir de uma perspectiva processual e sistêmica com vistas a discutir como os estudos arqueológicos vêm contribuindo com as discussões sobre o processo de ocupação da região amazônica e seu equilíbrio ambiental. / The central goal of this dissertation is to present guiding principles for heritage education activities within the realm of preventive archaeology. The research was structured from three fields of knowledge - public archaeology, archaeological museum studies and heritage education - which have developed reflections towards the rapprochement of archaeology and society at large, with the aim of presenting parameters for the execution of these actions. From the historical context underlying these actions and based on the theoretical and methodological of these fields of knowledge, I present a model for heritage education in the context of preventive archaeology: The Program for Heritage Education in the Archaeological Survey the Coari - Manaus Pipeline (AM). The actions planned for the execution of such program were developed from a processual and systemic approach aiming to discuss how archaeological studies have been contributing with discussions about past human occupation of Amazon in a sustainable way.

Dano-evento e dano-prejuízo / Mischief-event and mischief-damage

Flumignan, Silvano José Gomes 07 October 2009 (has links)
As mudanças sociais influenciaram no aumento da importância do dano. Atualmente o elemento exerce o papel central na responsabilidade civil. Pode haver responsabilidade sem culpa, mas não há responsabilidade sem dano. A observância de que a noção jurídica de dano não coincide com a comum favoreceu a compreensão de que o dano, mesmo sendo um fenômeno unitário, tem dois aspectos relevantes. São os dois momentos de sua ocorrência: dano-evento e dano-prejuízo. Tanto um como outro são resultados da conduta, mas suas características são completamente diferentes. O dano-evento consiste na lesão a um direito subjetivo ou a uma norma protetora de interesses. Devido a essa característica, verificada a sua presença a contrariedade ao direito estará presente mesmo nas hipóteses de responsabilidade objetiva. O dano-prejuízo é a conseqüência. Poderá ser patrimonial e não patrimonial, individual e social. Com esses conceitos claros, inúmeras questões são resolvidas, como a prescrição, o dano social, o verdadeiro conceito de dano moral, a competência na ação de reparação e a perda de oportunidade. Quanto ao dano não patrimonial, verifica-se que é gênero, sendo o dano moral uma de suas espécies. O dano social é uma nova categoria que visa abarcar uma lacuna na reparação civil. / Social changes have influenced the increasing importance of the concept of mischief. Nowadays this element represents the central role in the civil liability. It can exists liability without fault, but there is no liability without mischief. The observance that the legal notion of mischief does not coincide with the common notion has favored the comprehension that the mischief, even being an unit phenomenon, has two prominent aspects. The moments of its occurrence are two: mischief-event and mischief-damage. These moments are results of the conduct, but its characteristics are completely different. The mischief-event consists in the aggression against a subjective right or against a protective norm of interests. Due to that characteristic, once detected its presence, the offence against law will be present even in the hypotheses of objective liability. The mischief-damage is the consequence. It can be patrimonial and nopatrimonial, individual and social. Having in mind those concepts, many problems can be resolved, as the prescription, the social mischief, the true concept of moral mischief, the competence in the action of repair and the loss of opportunity. With regards to the no-patrimonial mischief, it can be verified that it is a genus, being the moral mischief one of its species. The social mischief is a new category that aims to fulfill a gap in the civil reparation.


Fialho, Cleonice Abreu 26 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:37:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleonice Abreu Fialho.pdf: 40070504 bytes, checksum: 0ce11e7cc9bdc2bfdc47b432c3c242a0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-26 / The Ethno-musical Brincar de Lembrar (Play to Remember), is a Project of management of Heritage Culture with the proposal to rescue of the traditional childhood games of the regional ethos in Brazilian context, learned, lived and communicated trough oral traditions, musical compositions and publications on the research field and of the anthropology studies. The project is based in the production of objective and the performance achievement, for the purpose to of reinforcing values and principles in the Brazilian tradition. This project uses children to carry out the art of playing, communicating and understanding the ethno-games and ethno-music of our rich national repertoire, providing support for the Heritage Education. / Etnomusical Brincar de Lembrar, é um Projeto de Gestão do Patrimônio Cultural, com o propósito do resgate de brincadeiras tradicionais infantis do ethos regional do mundo infantil brasileiro, aprendido, vivido e divulgado através da oralidade, de partituras e publicações no campo das pesquisas e dos estudos antropológicos. Fundamentado com o objetivo de produção e realização de um espetáculo, a fim de ressaltar princípios e valores da tradição brasileira. Este Projeto envolve o universo da criança na arte de brincar, divulgar e conhecer os etnobrinquedos e etnomúsicas do riquíssimo repertório nacional, oferecendo subsídios para a Educação Patrimonial.


D'osvualdo, Vera Lúcia Abrantes 16 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:37:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia Abrantes DOsvualdo.pdf: 6808820 bytes, checksum: 7221612c4eab8cbd1f5c04114d005aaa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-16 / This research aims to discuss and reflect the reintroduction of a course of training in Heritage Education for teachers of the Municipal Network for Education in the municipality of Goiania. In 2004, was the first initiative, where 49 teachers participated in a course of Education Sheets, but this project, which had a larger (than the course itself), not developed. This work arose from a course of Education Asset held in a municipal school. This course formou 11 educators who have become multipliers in a class of elementary school selected. The viability of this project is based on two benchmarks: a work of Heritage Education held in a municipal school of Goiania, which served as reference for structuring this project, a qualitative analysis conducted with teachers who attended the first course of Education Sheet ( 2004), about the exploitation of that event and its extension to his academic activities. / A presente pesquisa visa a discutir e refletir a reimplantação de um curso de capacitação em Educação Patrimonial para os professores da Rede Municipal de Educação do município de Goiânia. No ano de 2004, ocorreu a primeira iniciativa, quando 49 educadores participaram de um curso de Educação Patrimonial, porém esse projeto, que possuía uma dimensão maior (além do curso em si), não se desenvolveu. O presente trabalho surgiu a partir de um curso de Educação Patrimonial realizado em uma escola municipal. Tal curso formou 11 educadores que se tornaram multiplicadores em uma turma do Ensino Fundamental selecionada. A viabilidade do presente projeto se fundamenta em dois referenciais: um trabalho de Educação Patrimonial realizado em uma escola municipal de Goiânia, que serviu de referência para a estruturação desse projeto; uma análise qualitativa realizada com os professores que participaram do primeiro curso de Educação Patrimonial (2004), acerca do aproveitamento daquele evento e de sua extensão às suas atividades acadêmicas.

Colonialismo em ação - fiscalismo, economia e sociedade na Capitania da Paraíba (1647-1755) / Colonialism in action: fiscalism, economics and society in the Captaincy of Paraíba (1647 - 1755)

Menezes, Mozart Vergetti de 08 April 2005 (has links)
O trabalho versa sobre o processo de montagem e falência de um órgão administrativo, a Provedoria da Fazenda Real da Capitania da Paraíba (1647 - 1755). Através da análise sistêmica, política-administrativa, do órgão fazendário paraibano, pode-se entender a relação contraditória entre o funcionamento, na esfera fiscal, da estrutura patrimonialista montada desde a expulsão dos holandeses da Paraíba, e as investidas centralizadoras do fiscalismo régio. Tais investidas foram sentidas: a) na busca da diminuição de privilégios dos administradores da Fazenda paraibana; b) na constante centralização dos vários pontos de receita existentes na capitania para o seio da Provedoria da Fazenda; e c) na radical intervenção do Marquês de Pombal, quando do decreto da anexação e subordinação da Capitania da Paraíba à de Pernambuco. Destaca-se ainda, a trajetória da falência econômica da Capitania da Paraíba, cuja asfixia repercutiu na crise fiscal e na subordinação / This work studies the process of setting as well as bankruptcy of an administrative organ, the department of the royal treasury Captaincy of Paraíba (1647 - 1755). Throughout the analysis of the political and administrative system of this organ, the research points out a contradictory relationship between the patrimonial structure that was built on the occasion of the expulsion of the Dutch from Paraíba, and the attempts to centralize the charge of tributes under the royal control. Such attempts may be characterized by the following actions: a) trying to diminish the privileges of the administrators; b) centralizing the various points of receipts under the department of royal treasury control; c) annexing and subordinating Captaincy of Paraíba to Pernambuco one, a radical intervention by Marquis of Pombal. In addition, the work emphasizes the course of economic bankruptcy of Captaincy of Paraíba, resulting in the crisis of the charge of tributes as well as in the subordination.

Apontamentos sobre as normas gerais das sociedades no Código Civil / Notes about the general rules of the companies in the civil code

Moysés, Maurício Boudakian 21 May 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo o entendimento das normas das sociedades no Código Civil Brasileiro, uma vez que é possível verificar três fontes normativas das sociedades: as normas das pessoas jurídicas (normas gerais em sentido amplo), as normas das associações (normas gerais por conectividade) e as normas das sociedades simples (normas gerais em sentido estrito). Por serem normas destinadas a vários tipos societários, foram classificadas como normas gerais, em função da variedade de destinatários. Cada uma destas fontes de normas gerais possui uma aplicação diferenciada aos nove tipos societários existentes no Código Civil. Com base nas discussões doutrinárias de mais de oitenta anos sobre os critérios para a aplicação do artigo 18 do Decreto 3.708/19, que tratava da aplicação subsidiária das normas das sociedades anônimas às sociedades limitadas, foi possível desenvolver uma metodologia de interpretação e análise da integração das três fontes normativas às normas de cada tipo societário existente no Código Civil. Para tanto, foram classificadas três espécies de normas gerais: cogentes, dispositivas e incompatíveis. Este critério vale para a análise de qualquer uma das três fontes normativas. Para a aplicação das normas das associações foi constatada a necessidade de segregar aquelas que são incompatíveis com a natureza das sociedades. Para a aplicação das normas das sociedades simples foi verificada a necessidade de análise da compatibilidade de tais normas com ao menos três características essenciais dos tipos societários: responsabilidade dos sócios, capital social e forma de representação da sociedade. A partir desses critérios foi possível realizar uma análise de quais são as normas gerais em sentido amplo (pessoas jurídicas), por conectividade (associações) e em sentido estrito (sociedade simples). Da análise realizada verificou-se a existência de uma série de normas gerais, integradas pelas remissões realizadas pelo Código Civil e que devem ser sempre interpretadas em conjunto com as regras de cada tipo societário para o entendimento completo das normas do tipo. / This study has as purpose the understanding of the rules of the companies in the Brazilian Civil Code, once that it is possible to verify three normative sources of the companies: the rules of legal entities (general rules in wide sense), the rules of associations (general rules by connectivity) and the rules of simple companies (general rules in strict sense). In virtue of being rules destined to several company types, they were classified as general rules, due to the diversity of recipients. Each one of these sources of general rules has a different application to the nine company types existent in the Civil Code. Based on the doctrinaire discussions from more than eighty years on the criteria for the application of the article 18 of Decree 3.708/94, that considered the subsidiary application of the rules of corporations to the limited liability companies, it was possible to develop a methodology of interpretation and analysis of the integration of the three normative sources to the rules of each company type existent in the Civil Code. For such, three types of general rules were classified: binding, dispositive and incompatible. This criterion is valid for the analysis of any of the three normative sources. For the application of the rules of the associations, it was verified the necessity to segregate those rules that are incompatible with the nature of the companies. For the application of the rules of simple companies, it was verified the necessity of a compatibility analysis of such rules with at least three essential characteristics of the company types: liability of the partners, share capital and representation form of the company. From these criteria, it was possible to perform an analysis of which are the general rules in wide sense (legal entities), by connectivity (associations) and in strict sense (simple company). From the analysis performed, it was verified the existence of a series of general rules, integrated by remissions performed by the Civil Code and that must always be interpreted together with the rules of each company type for the full understanding of the rules of the type.

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