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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní regulace platebních služeb / Legal Regulation of Payment Services

Louthanová, Radka January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to clearly describe all payment services which can be found in current Act on Payments of 2009 and also new payment services under new Act on Payments. New Act on Payments will come into effect on 13 January 2018. The reason for its adoption was the need of transposition of the revised Payment Services Directive known as PSD II. This directive brings significant number of changes into the area of the regulation of payments. Moreover, this thesis devotes to introduction and analysis of all subject authorized to provide payment services in the Czech Republic. The development of the regulation of payments in the Czech Republic is briefly described in the first part of the thesis. Regarding the extensiveness of this topic, it is only outlined which acts have regulated payments in the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis deals with positive and negative definition of payment services. When describing a single payment service, the difficult situations which can occur due to this payment service are mentioned. The section on negative definition of payment services explains the exceptions which cause that some activities are not consider to payment services pursuant to current and new Act on Payments. For the provider it is essential to determine whether some activity is...

Bankinių apmokėjimų pranešimų perdavimo sauga / Bank transfer payments messaging security

Miškelevičius, Andrius 25 August 2010 (has links)
Šiais laikais daugelis bankinių atsiskaitymų vyksta elektroninėje erdvėje. Operatyvumas bei patogumas per kelis dešimtmečius bankines sistemas integravo į viso pasaulio verslą. Vis populiarėjant e. komercijai elektroninės bankininkystės sistemos integravosi į WEB aplikacijas, kuriomis gali naudotis visi elektroninės erdvės vartotojai. Atsiskaitymai elektroninėje erdvėje sukuria didelę pridėtinę vertę visai ekonomikai tačiau dėl didelio panaudojimo masto išaugo ir opios saugumo grėsmės. Dėl piktavališkų veiksmų el.erdvėje per metus padaroma žala siekia 1 trilijoną dolerių, dėl šių patiriamų didelių nuostolių mažėja investicijos į naujų technologijų diegimą ko pasėkoje dar labiau sumažėja saugos lygis. Bankinių apmokėjimų programinė įranga, kuri apdoroja bankinius atsiskaitymus yra laikoma atskira sistemos dalimi, į kurią ji yra integruota. Ši posistemė lanksčiai ir paprastai integruojasi į bendrą sistemą ir efektyviai atlieka svarbias funkcijas susijusias su apmokėjimų apdorojimu. Bankinių apmokėjimų sistema skirta, operatyviai bei lanksčiai apdoroti mokėjimus bei apie įvykusius apmokėjimus informuoti tiek siuntėją, tiek ir gavėją. / Nowadays, many banking payments takes place in cyberspace. Timeliness and convenience through several decades integrated banking systems in the business world. However e.commerce popularity integrated electronic banking systems into Web applications that are available to all users of electronic space. Payments in cyberspace creates significant added value to the economy as a whole but on a large spread banking systems increase sensitive security threat. The hostile actions in e.space damage per year increase to 1 trillion dollars, for the losses incurred by major reduction in investment in new technologies it resulting in further decrease in the level of safety. All IT professionals can help create a safer online space, because the future of electronic payments become more closely associated with our business and life. The purpose of this work is to analyze banking systems safety and threats. In this work I designed and tested several banking systems and choose the best security solutions, to reduce security threats of electronic payments.

Atsiskaitymai e. versle: ypatumai ir naujos tendencijos / Payments in e-business: features and new trends

Vyšniauskas, Jonas 27 January 2014 (has links)
Alternatyvių atsiskaitymų e. versle sistemos pradeda kelti rimtą grėsmę tradiciniams atsiskaitymams elektronine bankininkyste, mokėjimo kortelėmis ar grynaisiais pinigais. Todėl būtina detaliau išsiaiškinti kokie yra alternatyvių atsiskaitymų ypatumai, kurie veiksniai vartotojams yra svarbiausi ir kokie yra alternatyvūs atsiskaitymo būdai. Tai siekiama padaryti išanalizuojant mokslinę literatūrą, pateikiant pagrindines alternatyvių atsiskaitymų sistemas, atliekant alternatyvių atsiskaitymų palyginamąją analizę ir vartotojų bei verslo subjektų naudojimosi alternatyviais atsiskaitymais ypatumų tyrimą. Tyrime ir darbe naudojami įvairūs mokslinės analizės metodai. Įvairios mokslinės literatūros, leidinių, straipsnių, naujienų ir kitų tyrimų ir šaltinių teorinė analizė. Įvairi statistika paimta iš įvairių statistiką renkančių tinklalapių bei institucijų, bei atliktas nestandartinis empirinis tyrimas anketinė apklausa ir tirta tikslinė internetinė bendruomenė, kuri naudojasi alternatyviais atsiskaitymais. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama atskleisti alternatyvių atsiskaitymų ypatumus ir tendencijas. Darbo rezultatai teigia, jog pagrindinės naudojamos sistemos yra PayPal, Mokėjimai.lt, Skrill, WebMoney, BitCoin ir kitos anonimiškumu pasižymėjusios nebeveikiančios sistemos (E-Gold, LibertyReserve ir kt.). Respondentai renkasi alternatyvius atsiskaitymo metodus atsiskaitant gyvenime ir perkant internetinėje parduotuvėje, jei tik yra tokia galimybė. Taip pat galima daryti išvadą, jog respondentai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Alternative payments in e. business begin to pose a serious threat to the traditional payments such as electronic banking, credit and debit cards or cash. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what are the features of alternative payment methods, which factors are the most important and what are the trends. All this work is done by analyzing the scientific literature, introducing main alternative payment systems, making the alternative payment system comparative analysis and making a survey of consumer and business use of the alternative payment system features and trends. There are various techniques used in this study. Theoretical analysis is done in the use of various scientific literatures, publications, articles, news and other sources of research papers. Various statistics are taken from various websites and other sources. The study includes a non-standard empirical survey on target group of the online community, which uses alternative payment systems. This study aims to reveal the alternative payment features and trends. The results display that the main system used are PayPal, Mokėjimai.lt, Skrill, WebMoney, BitCoin and other distinguished defunct anonymous systems (E-gold, LibertyReserve, etc.). Respondents prefer alternative methods when buying in e. shop if there is only such a possibility. It can also be concluded that the respondents are more likely to give up banks and their payment methods rather than cash payments. Respondents also notice that the use of... [to full text]

Konsumenters tillit för mobila betalningar – en kvantitativ studie / Consumer trust in mobile payments – a quantitative study

Ly, Jonny, Mollgren, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
När vi går och handlar är det självklart att betala för sina varor i butiken. Det finns många metoder för att genomföra denna betalning. Allt fler i Sverige har börjat överge användandet av kontanter. I takt med att kontanterna minskas visar statistiken att antalet kortanvändare ökar. Detta leder till att leverantörerna av korttjänsterna kan få en monopolliknande ställning där de kan sätta avgifter efter eget tycke utan konsekvenser. Ett alternativ som fortfarande håller på att etablera sig på marknaden är mobila betalningar. Endast 1 % av alla transaktioner består av mobila betalningar. Trots denna låga siffra har den framgångsrika mobila betaltjänsten Swish över 5 miljoner användare i Sverige. Mobila betalningar har förutsättningar för att fungera som en vanlig betalmetod i butiker men bristande tillit hos konsumenter hindrar de från att använda det som sin primära betalmetod. Detta leder till problematik när mobila betalningar ska etablera sig i marknaden. På grund av problematiken med mobila betalningar fokuserar denna studie på att identifiera och prioritera de faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas tillit till mobila betalningar. För att uppnå studiens syfte utfördes en kvantitativ enkätstudie med ett urval av respondenter. 130 respondenter svarade på enkäten där deras svar analyserades i ett analysprogram för att identifiera upplysande relationer i deras svar. Diskussionen som förs med grund i teori och den insamlade empirin där det framgår att respondenterna i större utsträckning bedömer säkerhet utifrån sin subjektiva uppfattning och baserar den på upplevelsen av gränssnittet. En överväldigande majoritet angav att fördelarna som mobila betallösningar erbjuder utöver de traditionella betallösningarna är viktiga för användandet av mobila betalningar. Respondenterna syftar även på att fördelarna är en viktig bidragande faktor till den tillit de känner. Slutligen diskuteras även hur den personliga integriteten påverkar valet av mobila betalningar. Resultatet av studien visar på att konsumenterna värdesätter säkerhet mest. Dock upplever konsumenterna att säkerheten är bristande men konsumenterna bortser från det. Fördelarna som mobila betalningar erbjuder är även en mycket viktig faktor för konsumenterna vid val av mobila betalningar. För att öka tilliten för mobila betallösningar bör säkerhet och fördelar vara fokus för betaltjänsteleverantören. Dock bör personlig integritet ses som en viktig faktor. Resultatet visar att en liten mängd respondenter prioriterar denna faktor vid val av mobila betalningar. Leverantörerna av betaltjänsterna bör därför även fokusera på personlig integritet för att attrahera de konsumenter som prioritera personlig integritet. / When we buy things in a store it is given that you also pay for the products you buy. There are a handful of payment services available on the market. More and more people choose to abandon cash as a payment method in Sweden. The usage of cash is in a negative trend and the number of card users increase, according to statistics. This in turns means that credit-/debit card providers will have a monopoly-like position over the payment market and can therefore set transactions fees that suit their needs. Only 1 % of all transactions consist of mobile payments. Despite these low numbers the successful mobile payment service Swish has over 5 million users in Sweden. Although mobile payments match all the criteria to be regarded as a payment service in stores, the lack of trust among consumers makes them not confident enough to use it as their primary payment method. This in turn creates problems for mobile payments to establish themselves on the market. With these problems in mind this study focuses on identifying and prioritizing factors that affect consumers trust for mobile payments. To answer this study’s research question a quantitative self-completion questionnaire was conducted with a selection of respondents. 130 respondents answered the self-completion questionnaire and the responses were used in a statistical analysis program to identify and create useful statistical data. A discussion that is grounded in theory and empirical data shows that the respondents mostly assesses safety based on their subjective perception, the subjective perception is often based on the perception of the application interface. Another interesting finding is that a majority of the respondent stated that benefits of mobile payment over traditional payment solutions are equally important. Respondents also point out that the benefits with mobile payments are an important contributing factor towards the trust they experience. Finally, a discussion about personal integrity and how it affects the choice of mobile payments is held. The result of the study shows that consumers value security the most. However, consumers perceive safety as inadequate, but they choose to ignore it. The benefits that mobile payments offer are also a very important factor for consumers in choosing mobile payments. To increase trust in mobile payment solutions, security and benefits should be the focus of the payment service provider. Even if the results only show a small number of respondents prioritizing personal integrity it should still be considered an important factor. Mobile payment providers should therefore also focus on personal integrity in order to attract customers who prioritize integrity.

The Regulatory Framework of Consumer-Payment Collection Services in the Czech Republic / Platby spotřebitelských účtů a služba inkasa hotovostníh plateb v České republice: podklady pro připravení strategie vstupu

Vorobyeva, Irina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on consumer bill payments (payments of a small and medium value of 10 to 100 EUR) and the provision of payment-collection service in the Czech Republic, which being a member-state of the EU can show the trends and characteristics that can be identified in the markets of Germany, France, Italy and other countries of the Single Market of the EU. The purpose of this research is to analyze payment channels used by consumers in C2B level of transfers in the Czech Republic, what provides the basics to understand the appropriate form an instant payments business entity (consumer bill payment collector) should better take to have the space for future development and growth. The focus is made on the market of consumer bill payments and the current development of C2B payments sphere in the Czech Republic and the EU -- all to see the specifics of the market and to answer the question if the entrance and the launch of an IPS in the Czech Republic, first, would be of demand and, second, would have enough time to develop and mature itself to stay in existence in a long-term.

La compensation en droit de l'environnement : un essai de typologie / Compensation in environmental law : a typology

Garcia Batista Lima, Gabriela 31 March 2014 (has links)
Le présent essai de typologie a pour objectif une systématisation de l'usage de la compensation en tant qu'instrument du droit de l'environnement. La compensation revêt en effet des formes multiples : compensation indemnitaire, compensation réglementaire, les marchés de compensation et les paiements pour services environnementaux. Chacune de ces formes revêt des fonctions différentes, dont celles d'indemniser, de réparer, de compenser, de rationaliser, d'inciter et de gratifier. L'organisation de ces différents types représente une sophistication de l'usage de la compensation, dans une volonté de l'adapter à la protection de l'environnement, par le biais des principes et règles d'additionnalité, équité et proportionnalité. La thèse témoigne également d'une recherche croissante d'efficacité de la norme environnementale, à partir de l'utilisation complémentaire des outils de marché, en complément des outils juridiques classiques. À cet égard, les compensations indemnitaires et réglementaires relèvent d'une approche classique du droit, tandis que les marchés de compensation et les paiements pour services environnementaux ressortent d'une approche novatrice, intégrant une protection écosystémique de la nature dans la norme environnementale. Cependant, plusieurs limites à l'efficacité juridique de cet instrument sont identifiées. La compensation, sous ses différentes formes, se présente comme un outil de gestion pour équilibrer les gains et les pertes en matière économique, environnementale et sociale autour d'un enjeu environnemental. / This typology aims to systematize the use of compensation as a tool of environmental law . The compensation takes effect in multiple forms: damages compensation, regulatory compensation, compensation's markets and payments for environmental services. Each of these forms has different functions, including those to compensate, repair, to encourage and to reward. The organization of these types is quite unique as a sophisticate use of compensatory logic, adapting to the environmental, through the principles and rules on the no net loss principle, fairness and proportionality of the compensation measure in relation to what it compensate. It is also shown how the environmental standard has been improved with regard to the legal effectiveness of environmental law, from the complementary use of market tools, together with the more traditional legal tools. In this regard, compensation for environmental damages, and regulatory compensation are seen in a classical approach, while compensation's market and payments for environmental services belong to an innovative approach that integrates ecosystem conservation in the environmental standard. However, several limitations to the legal effectiveness of this instrument are identified. Compensation, in its various forms, is as a management tool to balance the gains and losses in economic, environmental and social around an environmental issue .

Contactless mobile payments in Europe : Stakeholders´ perspective on ecosystem issues and developments

Englund, Rasmus, Turesson, David January 2012 (has links)
A progressive shift from cash and card –based in-store payments, towards contactless mobile payments, is currently in the making on the European market. This shift would imply payments in stores to be performed in a fast, simple, secure and preferably less costly manner, between a consumer´s mobile phone and a merchant´s payment terminal. Technologies such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and the use of Quick Response (QR) -codes, both facilitate such contactless payments, and have already built momentum in many European countries. This implies an undoubtedly very tempting new payment experience by the use of mobile phones. However, this shift entails several uncertainties and issues regarding the crystallization of the new “industry” that is forming. These issues regard social, organizational as well as market –related aspects, and adhere to stakeholders on both the provider- and user- side of contactless mobile payment products and services. It has been found that there is a great need for new research on this matter, from a more holistic perspective, where theories on industrial dynamics, developments and user adoption could be used to guide and explain these new industry-impeding issues as well as reveal new ones. This master thesis aims to answer this call – by using such theories in conjunction with a multi-stakeholder perspective from a wide base of empirically gathered data – in order to find, interpret and shed new light on key issues that impede the development and adoption of contactless mobile payments on the European market. It was deemed necessary to first conduct a thorough literature review on the current mobile payments landscape in Europe, in order to find out which key issues seem to be existent on the European market (adhering to both providers and users of mobile payment solution), with the intention to presuppose from those issues for further guidance of choices in theories and construction of empirical data gathering methodology. The theoretical framework was in such way built upon five different but highly interconnected theoretical concepts on new industry evolvement, strategy and adoption. The empirical data was gathered from a two-day conference on mobile payments in Europe, as well as from 10 in-depth interviews with different key stakeholders on the Swedish and European market. The theoretical framework and the empirical data was later merged for analysis purpose, in order to find, interpret and shed new light on these and other issues on contactless mobile payment development and adoption on the European market. This has led to some key findings or conclusions. Firstly, the literature review on the current mobile payments market in Europe revealed some key issues. On the provider-side of the stakeholder spectra; issues mainly revolve around collaboration and competition, where business models are hard to standardize due to the unevenly distributed control and power over the users. This was seen to relate heavily to the NFC Secure Element (SE) -placement, holding the consumers´ payment credentials, since different stakeholders prefer different SE -placements (on the SIM –card or integrated in the mobile phone). Some big actors have also created their own – more of end-to-end - contactless payment solutions, complicating the evolvement even further. This might further lead to issues related primarily to; early and late movers among providers, alternative mobile payment solutions, as well as issues related to interoperability between solutions/technologies as well as across borders. Security concerns have also been highlighted in the literature as a prioritized matter. Among the user-side of the stakeholder spectra; key issues relate to the adoption of in-store contactless mobile payments, such as investment costs for merchants to implement new hardware and/or software (terminals, mainly NFC -compatible), security concerns, reluctance in behavioral change among consumers´ payment habits, and uncertainties in the perceived added value through these new types of payments compared to foremost card payments. Secondly, after merging the theoretical framework with the empirical data for analysis purpose, it was revealed that the uncertain role of mobile network operators creates tensions in the ecosystem on various levels and to various extents. Secondly, preemption strategies utilized by indigenous firms in European countries shows the possibility of hampering payment interoperability, and first-movers risk hurting not only themselves, but the entire mobile payment ecosystem, if security breaches are discovered due to technological uncertainties. This is one strong reason for banks to move slower, but they mightcontradictively risk losing some of their high trustworthiness towards other stakeholders if being too passive. Moreover, two additional trade-off issues were discovered (technology/business model standardization versus innovation, and too many features in the provided offering versus too few features in the provided offering). The first of these trade-offs is further damaging for the ecosystem since there are strong differences in opinions on the matter, as well as what might increase adoption speed. The second trade-off is important to take into consideration where payment card penetration-rate is high. An additional factor carrying issues was the explicit focus of providers on only one side (consumers) in a two-sided market (consumers and merchants). Also, merchants can not be seen as a homogenous group. Finally, the “chicken and egg” –problem seem do not seem to be such a big of a problem after all.

Bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr und Drittmissbrauchshaftung in Europa / eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung der deutschen, englischen und spanischen Rechtsordnung mit besonderem Blick auf die europäische Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie 64/2007/EG

Stange, Enno 15 December 2009 (has links)
Die europäische Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie enthält ein detailliertes Haftungsregime für Drittmissbrauch im bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr, das von den Mitgliedstaaten bis Ende Oktober 2009 in nationales Recht umzusetzen war. Ziel der harmonisierten Haftungsregelungen ist die Verbesserung von Wettbewerbsfreiheit, Rechtssicherheit und Verbraucherschutz sowie die Minderung von Missbrauch. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zeigt jedoch, dass die Haftungsordnung diesen Zielvorgaben nicht konsequent folgt und zudem von fundamentalen Grundsätzen des europäischen Haftungsrechts abweicht. / The European Payments Services Directive contains detailed liability regulations concerning the abuse of non cash payments. The deadline of transposal for this Directive passed in October 2009. The key aims of the harmonized liability rules are amendment of competition, legal certainty, consumer protection and future reduction of abuse. However, a comparative analysis reveals a considerable lack of consistency in relation to those goals and a renunciation of basic principles of European liability law.

On the Viability of Digital Cash in Offline Payments

Holgersson, Joakim, Enarsson, John January 2022 (has links)
Background. As the financial systems around the world become more digitized with the use of a card and mobile payments - we see a decrease in willingness to accept cash payments in many countries. These digital payments require a stable network connection to be processed in real-time. In rural areas or during times of crisis where these network connections may be unavailable there is a need to resort to some payment method that works offline. Paper cash is preferred by some because of its anonymous nature and with the realization of blind signatures the concept of digital cash was constructed. Digital cash is a digitized version of the traditional paper cash that values payer privacy and can be spent while both parties are offline with the use of smart cards or other mobile devices. Unlike physical paper cash, digital cash is without additional mitigations easily copied and forged as they only consist of information. Objectives. The objective of this work is to determine the viability of digital cash as a replacement or complement to today’s paper cash. The results will describe our findings on what technologies are necessary to securely exchange digital cash offline, as well as our findings on whether arbitrary payment amounts can be exchanged efficiently as well as exchanged between users of different banks. Methods. This work consists of threat modeling to identify the necessary technologies to securely exchange digital cash and what they accomplish. An extensive literature study and theoretical evaluations of state-of-the-art digital cash schemes are also part of the work. Results. The results show that digital cash can be constructed and exchanged securely with various optional features that make it more or less resemble its physical counterpart. With payer anonymity in the center and the inevitable risk of fraudulent users’ double-spending coins - the identified technologies do their best to reduce the cost-effectiveness of double-spending. Cryptographic solutions, as well as hard-to-tamper-with hardware, are the two key technologies for this. Advancements in cryptography have enabled more efficient storage and spending of digital cash with compact wallets and divisible digital cash. Conclusions. Digital cash has been a theoretical concept for almost four decades and is becoming more secure and efficient by being reconstructed using more modern cryptographic solutions. Depending on the requirements of the payment system, some schemes support arbitrary amount payment exchanges in constant time, be-tween users of different banks, transferability and some can run efficiently on privacy assuring hard-to-tamper with hardware. No scheme can do it all, but this work shines a light on some important considerations useful for future practical implementation of digital cash. / Bakgrund. Samtidigt som betalningar sker mer digitalt med hjälp av betalkort och mobiltelefoner ser vi hur färre försäljare accepterar kontanter som betalningsmedel. Det är här digitala betalningarna kräver stabil nätverksuppkoppling för att genom-föras och på avlägsna platser och under krissituationer kan den här uppkopplingen bli otillgänglig - vilket leder till ett behov för offline-betalningar. Kontanter används av några på grund av dess anonyma natur och med förverkligandet av blinda signaturer växte konceptet om digitala kontanter fram. Digitala kontanter är som det låter, en digital variant av kontanter som försöker uppnå samma anonymitet samt kunna överföras medan båda parter är offline med hjälp av betalkort eller andra mobila enheter. Till skillnad från fysiska kontanter kan dessa digitala mynt utan speciella åtgärder lätt kopieras och förfalskas eftersom de enbart består av information. Syfte. Syftet med det här arbetet är att ta redo på huruvida digitala kontanter kan ersätta eller fungera som ett komplement till dagens kontanter, samt ta redo på vilka möjligheter det finns för en implementation av ett sådant system idag. Resultatet ska beskriva våra upptäckter om vilka tekniker som behövs för att på ett säkert sätt kunna överföra digitala kontanter offline, samt våra upptäckter om huruvida godtyckliga summor kan överföras på ett effektivt sätt och mellan kunder av olika banker. Metod. Metoden vi använder består av att konstruera en hotmodell för att identifiera nödvändiga tekniker för att på ett säkert sätt kunna överföra digitala kontanter och kunna redogöra vad de uppfyller för funktioner. Arbetet innefattar även en omfattande litteraturstudie och teoretiska utvärderingar av toppmoderna digitala kontantsystem. Resultat. Resultatet visar att digitala kontanter kan konstrueras för att överföras säkert med flera frivilliga funktioner som gör att överföringarna mer eller mindre liknar sin fysiska motsvarighet. Genom att värna om ärliga betalares anonymitet och med en oundviklig risk för dubbelspendering gör de identifierade teknikerna sittbästa för att minska betalningstider och incitamentet att dubbelspendera med hjälp av kryptering och speciell svårmanipulerad hårdvara. Slutsatser. Digitala kontanter har funnits som ett teoretiskt koncept i snart fyradecennier och blir snabbt säkrare samt effektivare när de byggs om och baseras på nya krypteringslösningar. Beroende på vilka krav man har på sitt betalningssystem kan de byggas för att överföra godtyckliga summor i konstant tidskomplexitet, mellan användare av olika banker, överföras flera gånger likt vanliga kontanter eller med hjälp av svårmanipulerad hårdvara. Inget system kan göra allt idag och det här arbetet kan hjälpa den som vill bygga ett produktionssystem med vilka avväganden som kan göras.

Preparing for Takeoff in the Payment Industry : Co-opetition as Value Creation / Förberedelser för avstamp i betalindustrin : Värdeskapande genom co-opetition

Bern, Francesca, Österling, Othilia January 2020 (has links)
The world is moving towards real-time – and so are payments. A global transformation of payments is lying ahead, and the future offers instant payments in multiple currencies, around the clock, every day of the year. Introducing a new platform that permits instant payments for cross-currencies will change the traditional business for banks and their corporate customers. Since this payment solution is first of its kind, it will become difficult for banks to predict the future needs of their corporate customers, but they do need to find new ways to create value. Moreover, the rise of a more network-centric way of doing business pressures banks into finding new partnerships and break the traditions of incremental improvements. This study aims to investigate how instant payments for cross-currencies influence the interplay of value creation between banks and their corporate customers. It further aims to understand how the need for co-opetition will affect banks’ value creation towards their corporate customers while maintaining a competitive position in the future of payments. Through an empirical study, survey findings, and a review of existing literature, an exploratory study was performed. The results implied that the amount of value created depends on the company’s size, target market, geographical location, transaction intensity, and degree of international relationships. Furthermore, the value can differ for different units within each company; for instance, closeness to end-consumer. A resistance to changing routines and systems was identified, which must be stabilized before the payment solution can properly be utilized. To grasp the new business opportunities emerging for banks, they must continuously sense the balance between customers’ willingness to pay and new value offerings. Suggestively by embedding it into a familiar presence and/or gradual implementation by providing an opportunity to choose among payment solutions. Besides, the future of payments will increasingly involve attention to the core business, availability, and providing customized support. Also, co-opetition was shown to be a promising strategy in many aspects, since the future of payments will be shared with more actors than ever before. However, common trading zones will arise and blur the national boundaries, which result in that partnerships initially taking the form of collaboration will, over time, progress into a coopetition relationship. On top of that, cross-border issues in terms of cultural mismatches, different traditions, as well as integrating different businesses and operating models, might obstruct the progression. Some products or actors depend on other functionalities to grow, and for instant payments for cross-currencies to reach its full potential, all actors and regulations involved need to be aligned. / Världen går mot realtid - och det gäller även betalningar. En global förändring av betalningar kommer att ske, och framtiden erbjuder realtidsbetalningar i flera valutor dygnet runt, året om. Att introducera en ny plattform som tillåter omedelbara betalningar i flera valutakurser kommer att förändra den traditionella verksamheten för både banker och deras företagskunder. Eftersom denna betalningslösning är den första i sitt slag kommer det att bli svårt för bankerna att förutsäga deras kunders framtida behov och de måste hitta nya sätt att skapa värde på. Dessutom bidrar ökningen av ett mer nätverkscentrerat sätt att göra affärer att bankerna är mer pressade till att hitta nya partnerskap och bryta gamla traditioner av inkrementella förbättringar. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur omedelbara betalningar inom flera valutor påverkar samspelet i värdeskapandet mellan banker och deras företagskunder. Vidare avser den förstå hur behovet av co-opetition kommer att påverka bankers värdeskapande gentemot sina företagskunder samtidigt som man behåller en konkurrensposition i framtidens betalningar. Denna studie utfördes som en empirisk studie genom intervjuer, enkätsvar och granskning av befintlig litteratur. Resultaten antydde att värdet som skapas beror på företagets storlek, marknad, geografiska läge, transaktionsintensitet och graden av internationella relationer. Dessutom kan värdet variera för olika enheter inom ett och samma företag; till exempel närheten till slutkonsument. Ett motstånd till att förändra rutiner och system identifierades, vilket måste stabiliseras innan betallösningen kan nå sin fulla potential. För att ta sig an de nya affärsmöjligheter som uppstår för bankerna måste de kontinuerligt urskilja balansen mellan kundernas betalningsvillighet och nya värdeerbjudanden. Detta kan förslagsvis göras genom att bädda in en ny lösning i en mer välbekant skepnad och/eller gradvis implementera innovationen genom att erbjuda en möjlighet att välja mellan betalningslösningar. Därtill kommer betalningarnas framtid i allt högre grad att innebära större satsningar på att arbeta med kärnverksamhet, tillgänglighet och att tillhandahålla personifierad support. Dessutom visade sig co-opetition vara en lovande strategi i flera aspekter, eftersom betalningens framtid kommer att delas med fler aktörer än någonsin. Gemensamma handelszoner kommer emellertid att uppstå och sudda ut de nationella gränserna, vilket resulterar i att partnerskap som ursprungligen tar formen av samarbete kommer med tiden att utvecklas till co-opetition. Dessutom kan samarbete över landgränser utmanas av kulturella missförhållanden, olika traditioner samt integrering av olika företag och operativa modeller vilket kan hindra utvecklingen. Då vissa produkter eller aktörer är beroende av andra funktionaliteter för att växa, och för att realtidsbetalningar i flera valutor ska nå sin fulla potential, måste alla aktörer och förordningar vara i linje.

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