Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pela"" "subject:"peak""
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Inactivation Of Peroxidase And Lipoxygenase In Green Beans, Peas And Carrots By A Combination Of High Hydrostatic Pressure And Mild Heat Treatment.Akyol, Cagdas 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the efficiency of high-pressure treatment (HHP, 250 - 450 MPa) with the combination of heat treatment (20 - 70oC) on peroxidase (POD) and lipoxygenase (LOX) inactivation in green beans, green peas and carrots was investigated for blanching purposes. Two steps treatments were also performed by pressurization at 250 MPa at 20° / C for 15- 60 min and then by water blanching at 40-70° / C.
For green beans, 25 % residual activity was obtained by water blanching at 50° / C for 15 min after the pressurization at 250 MPa for 60 min. The enzyme inactivation in green peas was 78 % with water blanching at 50oC for 30 min after holding at 250 MPa for 60 min. When the carrots were water blanched at 50° / C for 30
min after HHP treatment at 250 MPa for 15min, 13 % residual activity was obtained. During the experiments, the stability gain or the activation of latent form of the enzymes were observed prior to inactivation.
For carrots, LOX activity could not be measured. For green beans, 22 % LOX inactivation was obtained by holding at 250 MPa for 15 min and then by water blanching at 40° / C for 5 min. For green peas, the multiple treatment of 250 MPa for 30 min and water blanching at 50° / C for 30 min provided 70% inactivation.
To obtain the enzyme inactivation higher than 90 % for blanching purposes, the pressure applied must be increased.
Key words: high hydrostatic pressure, green bean, green pea, carrot, blanching, peroxidase, lipoxygenase
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Régulations chromatiniennes et transcriptionnelles impliquées dans le cycle de vie du puceron du pois / Chromatin and transcriptional regulations involved in the pea aphid’s life cycleRichard, Gautier 20 October 2017 (has links)
Les pucerons sont des hémiptères ravageurs des cultures agronomiques particulièrement adaptés à leur environnement. Acyrthosiphon pisum (le puceron du pois) présente un cycle de vie basé sur l’alternance d’une reproduction sexuée ou asexuée en réponse à la photopériode. Ils présentent ainsi un polyphénisme de reproduction aboutissant à la formation de trois phénotypes distincts : femelles asexuées, femelles sexuées, et mâles. Ces derniers étant obtenus par élimination d’un chromosome X, A. pisum est une espèce hétérogamétique mâle présentant un système chromosomique XX chez les femelles et X0 chez les mâles. Le déséquilibre du nombre de chromosome X entre mâles et femelles engendré par cette hétérogamétie nécessite chez certains organismes d’être corrigé par des mécanismes de compensation de dose. Les polyphénismes et compensation de dose impliquent chez d’autres organismes des régulations transcriptionnelles notamment régulées par l’accessibilité de la chromatine.Ma thèse vise ainsi à étudier le polyphénisme de reproduction et la compensation de dose des pucerons sous l’angle d’analyses bio-informatiques de données d’expression des gènes (RNA-seq) et d’accessibilité de la chromatine (FAIRE-seq) dans le but de caractériser l’impact des mécanismes épigénétiques dans ces deux processus biologiques fondamentaux du cycle de vie des pucerons. Les résultats développés dans ma thèse ont permis de montrer d’une part la présence d’une compensation de dose chez le puceron du pois au niveau transcriptomique, supportée par une accessibilité accrue de la chromatine de l’unique X des / Aphids are hemipterous crops pests that are particularly adapted to their environment. Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid) displays a life cycle based on the alternation of sexual or asexual reproduction in response to photoperiod. They thus exhibit a reproductive polyphenism resulting in the formation of three distinct phenotypes: asexual females, sexual females, and males. The latter being obtained by elimination of an X chromosome, A. pisum is a male heterogametic species with a XX chromosomal system in females and X0 in males. The X chromosome number between males and females caused by this heterogamy requires in some organisms to be corrected by dosage compensation mechanisms. Polyphenisms and dosage compensation both involve in other organisms transcriptional regulations that are notably regulated by the chromatin accessibility regulations. My thesis aims to study the reproductive polyphenism and dosage compensation in aphids in the context of bioinformatic analyzes of gene expressioThe results developed in my thesis have shown, on one hand, the presence of dose compensation in pea aphid at the transcriptomic level, which is supported by increased chromatin accessibility of the males’ single X in somatic cells. On the other hand, specific sites of chromatin opening between sexual and asexual embryos seem to participate in the definition of their reproduction mode by modulating the expression of certain genes and by allowing the fixation of transcription factors. Their analysis shows the involvement of ecdysone as a new hormonal pathway that may trigger sexual reproducti
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Impacto dos choques de renda sobre a alocação de tempo da criança/adolescente entre escola e mercado de trabalho / Income shock impact on child/teenager time allocation among school and job.Ivan Donizetti de Paula Júnior 09 June 2014 (has links)
Existe uma vasta literatura evidenciando os determinantes que repercutem negativamente na acumulação de capital humano do menor de idade. O trabalho infantil seria uma dessas causas. Outros trabalhos mostram que um choque de renda sofrido pelas famílias pode estar por trás da oferta de trabalho de outros membros da família (esposa e filhos). Tal efeito é conhecido na literatura como efeito trabalhador adicional e pode estar relacionado, pelo menos no Brasil, à restrição de liquidez das famílias. O objetivo deste trabalho é averiguar o impacto de um choque de renda representado pela perda de emprego do chefe da família sobre a alocação do tempo dos filhos em idade escolar entre escola e mercado de trabalho. Para realizarmos este trabalho usamos dados da Pesquisa Mensal do Emprego, do IBGE, entre 2003 e 2012. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o tratamento, ou melhor, o choque de renda representado perda de emprego do chefe da família não possui impacto significativo sobre a escolha das famílias de manter o filho apenas na escola ou de enviar o filho para o mercado de trabalho. Entretanto, nos casos em que o efeito do tratamento é persistente percebemos um impacto sensivelmente maior, apesar de ainda não ser estatisticamente diferente de zero. Na última subseção reproduzimos nosso modelo com dados da PME antiga com o intuito de checar a interferência da diferença de metodologia entre a PME antiga e a nova nos resultados. Notamos que com nosso desenho de modelo não encontramos os mesmos resultados de Duryea et al. (2007). / There is a vast literature demonstrating the determinants that negatively affect the human capital accumulation of child under eighteen. Child labor would be one of these causes. Other studies show that an income shock suffered by families may be behind the labor supply of other family members (spouse and children). This effect is known in the literature as additional worker effect and may be related, at least in Brazil, the liquidity constraint of households. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of an income shock represented by the loss of employment of head of household on the time allocation of schoolage children between school and the labor market. To accomplish this work we use data from the Monthly Employment Survey, IBGE, between 2003 and 2012. According to the results, treatment, or better, the income shock represented by of the household head\'s job loss has no significant impact on the families\' choice to keeping the child in school or just send the child to the market job. However, in cases where the treatment effect is persistent, we noticed a substantially greater impact, although not statistically different from zero. In the last subsection we applied our model using the old PME data base aiming to check if the methodological differences interfere with the results. We noted that using our new model design, we didn\'t find out the same results as Duryea et al. (2007).
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Efeitos da velocidade de rebaixamento do nível freático na produtividade da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) e da ervilha (Pisum sativum L.). / Effects of the drawdown velocity of the water table in the crop yield of soybean (glycime max l. merrill) and of pea (pisum sativum l.).Jocelito Saccol de Sá 23 January 2002 (has links)
No Brasil, os solos hidromórficos são basicamente utilizados no cultivo de arroz, principalmente na região Sul do Brasil. O plantio de outras culturas em substituição ao arroz, pode ser uma alternativa viável para a melhor exploração destes solos durante o inverno e no pousio da área. O presente trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" em Piracicaba, SP, tendo como objetivos avaliar os efeitos do rebaixamento do nível freático no desenvolvimento e na produtividade de plantas de soja, cv. BR-16 e de ervilha, cv. Axé, pelos parâmetros produtivos: altura e massa seca da parte aérea da planta, número de vagens e de grãos produzidos e peso total de grãos por planta; determinar o estádio de desenvolvimento das culturas mais sensível ao excesso de umidade no solo e determinar a velocidade de rebaixamento do nível freático mais adequada ao desenvolvimento das plantas de soja e de ervilha, dentro das condições experimentais propostas. As plantas foram conduzidas em lisímetros construídos em tubos de concreto preenchidos com Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Álico. Os ensaios foram realizados nos estádios vegetativo e reprodutivo das culturas, com o rebaixamento do nível freático (NF) em 10, 20, 30, 40 e 60 cm por dia e comparando-se com um tratamento de controle, somente irrigado. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente casualizado, arranjado em esquema fatorial [(2x5)+1], com 4 repetições. Os efeitos do rebaixamento do NF foram observados na massa seca da parte aérea das plantas, número de vagens, número de grãos por planta e peso de grãos em soja e ervilha, em comparação com as plantas testemunhas. O peso de grãos de soja produzidos em plantas inundadas durante o estádio reprodutivo, foi 3% maior do que verificado na testemunha, indicando que certos períodos de inundação podem aumentar o peso de grãos. Já as plantas de soja inundadas no estádio vegetativo apresentaram reduções significativas de 37% do peso do grão, demonstrando maior susceptibilidade à inundação neste estádio. Foram observadas reduções no peso de grãos de ervilha em ambos os estádios, sendo o reprodutivo o mais afetado (52%). Os efeitos causados pela inundação do solo, observados no número de vagens e de grãos produzidos pelas plantas de soja e de ervilha foram proporcionais ao tempo em que as raízes permaneceram submersas e variaram com a cultura e com estádio de desenvolvimento da planta. Acredita-se que velocidades de rebaixamento do NF superiores a 30 cm por dia são capazes de promover uma adequada aeração do solo, situação observada na rápida recuperação das plantas de soja inundadas no estádio vegetativo e submetidas ao rebaixamento do NF em 30 cm por dia e também no aumento da taxa de transpiração das plantas de ervilha submetidas à inundação do solo no estádio vegetativo e reprodutivo, após o rebaixamento de 30 cm do NF. O maior prejuízo à produtividade das culturas foi causado pela velocidade de rebaixamento do NF em 10 e 20 cm de profundidade. / In Brazil, most of hidromorfic soils are cultivated with rice. The growth of alternative crops to rice, is a feasible option for better use of hidromorfic soils. The present work was realized in the Department of Rural Engineering of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" in Piracicaba, São Paulo Brazil. The objectives were to study the effects of the water table drawdown in the growth and crop yield of soybean, cv. BR-16, and pea, cv. Axé, at specific stages of their cycle. Yield parameters for these crops were valuated, such as: plant height, dry shoot weight, number of pods per plant, number of seed per plant and seed weight per plant. Also, to determine the growth stage of crop clycle more sensitive to waterlogging and the more appropriate velocity of water table lowering for to development of soybeans and peas plants, by the analysis of the yield parameters, in the experimental conditions proposed. Both crops were cultivated in lysimeters in a greenhouse. The soil used was the Orthic Hapludent. The study was realized in the vegetative and reproductive crop stages. The water table was lowered by 10, 20, 30, 40 e 60cm per day, from initial level. Control plants where only irrigated without flooding. The statistical experimental design was a randomized complete in factorial arrange [(2x5) + 1] with four replications. The effects from different drawdown velocity of water table, were observed in the all parameters in comparison with the control. For soybean, waterlogging during reproductive stage, caused a higher seed weight than control without waterlogging, showing that short waterlogging periods may increase seed weight. The waterlogging of plants at the vegetative stage crop cycle, showed significant reductions in seed weight in all treatments, indicating low waterlogging tolerance. In pea, the seed weight showed for all treatments was lower than control plants. The effects caused by waterlogging of the soil the number of the pods and soybean and pea seed, were proportional to root flooding time and to development stage of the plant. By physiologic responses of the soybeans and pea plants, was possible to determine that the lower limit of reduction of the water table was the 30 cm per day. The water table lowering by 10 and 20 cm per day severely affected the growth and seed yield, in the experiment conditions.
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Consequências da expressão constitutiva do gene Lhcb1*2 de Pisum sativum em plantas de Nicotiana tabacum: impactos no proteoma foliar, montagem dos fotossistemas e influência no desenvolvimento vegetal / Consequences of constitutive expression og Lhcb1*2 gene of Pisum sativum in Nicotiana tabacum plants: Impact of leaves proteomics, assembly of photosystem and influence of plant developmentJosé Matheus Camargo Bonatto 31 March 2010 (has links)
O complexo coletor de luz (LHC) do fotossistema II (PSII) é o principal complexo de proteínas associado a pigmentos situado na membrana dos tilacóides de cloroplastos em plantas. O LHCII funciona como uma antena de transferência de energia para a captura e direcionamento da energia luminosa do PSII para o PSI. A ação coordenada dos dois fotossistemas com o direcionamento do fluxo de elétrons gera a quebra da molécula de água, através da membrana do tilacóide, produzindo força assimilatória ATP e NADPH. A energia química produzida na fotossíntese é de suma importância para a assimilação de carbono, biossíntese de aminoácidos e metabólicos secundários. Portanto, este é um importante gene para estudos em biotecnologia. Linhagens transgênicas de tabaco (TR-1 e TR-2) as quais expressam constitutivamente o transgene Lhcb1*2 de ervilha obtidas por Labate e colaboradores (2004) foram utilizadas nesse trabalho. Estas plantas apresentaram diversos efeitos pleiotrópicos relacionados à anatomia, morfologia, bioquímica e fisiologia. Uma proteína pode não atuar isoladamente, mas freqüentemente interagindo com outras proteínas, influenciando diversos processos metabólicos. O perfil de proteômica dessas linhagens transformantes, em relação à planta selvagem (WT) foi investigado. As proteínas totais foram extraídas de folhas de plantas de três meses crescidas em câmaras de crescimento, então separadas por 2D-PAGE. As proteínas diferencialmente expressas foram identificadas por LC-MS/MS. Os resultados mostram que 244 spots apresentaram alterações significativas na expressão nas duas linhagens transgênicas em relação à WT. 122 spots são expressos exclusivamente nas linhagens transformantes, e 24 spots somente na selvagem. Muitas proteínas como ATP synthase e ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase foram mais expressas nas linhagens transgênicas, mas a glutamine synthetase, uma importante proteína na reciclagem de nitrogênio nos cloroplastos, teve sua expressão diminuída. Para analisar as alterações na expressãode genes relacionados ao ritmo circadiano entre outros, como a conformação do PSII, cotilédones de plântulas estioladas foram submetidas à luz e amostras coletadas depois de 0, 3, 6, 12 e 24 horas. O nível de transcritos foram analisados por PCR quantitativo. A diferenciação de plastídio à cloroplasto maduro foi analisado por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, para se entender as diferenças entre os genótipos em estudo no desenvolvimento vegetal. A expressão constitutiva do gene Lhcb1*2 de ervilha em plantas transgênicas de tabaco acarretou a indução e repressão de várias proteínas e genes em distintos passos de vias metabólicas, estabilizando a homeostase celular, exercendo uma influência significativa no desenvolvimento vegetal e produção de biomassa. / The light harvesting complex (LHC) of photosystem II (PSII) is the major ensemble of pigmet-biding proteins situated in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast in plants. The LHCbII functions as an energy-transferring antenna for capturing and delivering light energy to the photosystems PSII and PSI. The coordinated actions of the two photosystems in turn drive the flow of electrons, generated by the splitting of water, through the thylakoid membranes to produce the assimilatory force ATP and NADPH. The chemical energy produced by photosynthesis is very important for the assimilation of carbon, amino acids biosynthesis, and secundary metabolism. Therefore it is an important gene for biotechnological studies. Transgenic tobacco lines (TR-1 and TR-2) which express the pea Lhcb1*2 transgene constitutively obtained by Labate et al. (2004) were used in this work. These plants presented pleiotropic effects related to anatomy, morphology, biochemistry and physiology. As a protein may not act by itself, but it is, frequently interacting with other proteins, influencing a lot of metabolic processes. The proteomic profile of these transgenic lines, in relation to the wild type (WT), was investigated. The total proteins extracted from leaves of three-month old plants grown in growth chambers were separated by 2DPAGE. The differentially expressed proteins were identified by LC-MS/MS. The results showed that 225 spots displayed significant changes in the expression of the two transgenic lines in relation to the WT. 122 spots were exclusively expressed in the transgenic lines, and 24 only in the wild type. Many proteins as ATP synthase and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase are overexpressed in the transgenic lines, but the glutamine synthetase, an important protein tor nitrogen recycling in the chloroplasts, showed a reducted level of expression. In order to analyse the alterations of the expression of genes related to the circadian rhythm among others, involved in the conformation of the PSII, cotyledons from etiolated seedlings were thenexposed to light and samples collected after 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. The level of transcripts were analysed by RT/RT-PCR. The PSII conformation were analysed by transmition electron microscopy, with the aim of verifying the evolution of plastids into the chloroplasts which could be leading to changes in plant development. The overexpression of the pea Lhcb1*2 gene in transgenic tobacco plants, lead to the induction and suppression of several proteins and genes in key metabolic pathways, as a way to establish a cellular homeostasis, exerting a significant influence on plant development and biomass production.
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Podnikatelský plán Lyckeby Amylex, a.s. / Business plan of Lyckeby AmylexHůlová, Marie January 2007 (has links)
The biggest producer of potato starch in Czech republic is thinking about using the factory for producing pea starch. There are two reasons, at first quotas for producing potato starch, European Union determines these quotas. Secondly, it's very difficult (financially as well as agronomically) to plant potatoes. The capacity of the factory will be fulfilled and the dependence on one raw material will be reduced, these are the advantages of producing new kind of starch. The aim of this thesis, it's to make the business plan and to consider the reality of this plan.
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Carotenóides e composição centesimal de ervilhas (Pisum sativum L.) cruas e processadas / Carotenoids and centesimal composition of raw and cooked peas (Pisum sativum L.)Otilia Teixeira de Carvalho 10 September 2007 (has links)
A ervilha é um dos alimentos mais produzidos no mundo e, conseqüentemente, tem uma grande importância para a nutrição humana, sendo comercializada sob várias formas: fresca, seca, congelada e enlatada, necessitando de cozimento antes de ser consumida. Sendo assim, podem ocorrer alterações em sua composição durante esses processamentos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as mudanças ocorridas devido ao processamento na composição centesimal e no perfil de carotenóides em ervilhas frescas (tortas - com vagem comestível - e em grão), secas e enlatadas e relacionar esses dados com sua origem e safra. Foram analisados seis lotes de ervilhas tortas provenientes de duas regiões produtoras (cruas e cozidas por 5 minutos), três lotes de ervilhas frescas (cruas e cozidas por 7 minutos), dois lotes de ervilhas enlatadas (processadas e sua matéria-prima) e três lotes de ervilhas secas (cruas e cozidas por 35 minutos). A umidade em ervilhas tortas diferiu entre safras e regiões produtoras e em ervilhas em grão, aumentou após o cozimento em duas amostras e variou entre safras. O cozimento ocasionou perdas nos teores de Resíduo Mineral Fixo (RMF) em ervilhas em grão e secas. Em ervilhas enlatadas, o processamento causou aumento da umidade e RMF, devido à incorporação de água e sais. Os carotenóides encontrados foram a luteína, o β-caroteno e traços de violaxantina. O perfil de carotenóides em ervilhas tortas, em grão e secas não se alterou após o cozimento, já o enlatamento revelou um aumento aparente no teor de luteína em apenas um dos lotes estudados. Os teores de luteína e β-caroteno variaram entre as diferentes épocas de coleta de ervilhas tortas, em grão e secas, porém não foi observada variação entre as duas regiões produtoras de ervilhas tortas. Os teores de luteína variaram entre as matérias-primas dos diferentes fornecedores de ervilhas enlatadas. Apenas o β-caroteno possui atividade pró-vitamínica A, porém está presente em quantidade insuficiente para fazer das ervilhas fontes desse nutriente. / Pea is one of the world\'s most produced foods and therefore has great importance for human nutrition, being commercialized under different conditions: fresh, dried, frozen and canned, and further cooking is needed before being consumed. As a result, processing can cause some changes in its composition. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the changes in the centesimal composition and carotenoids profile of garden peas, snow peas, dry peas and canned peas due to processing and to compare these data according to geographic origin and crop. Six batches of snow peas from two different regions (raw and cooked for 5 min), three batches of garden peas (raw and cooked for 7 min), two batches of canned peas (processed and raw material) and three batches of dry peas (raw and cooked for 35 min) were analyzed. Water content in snow peas differed between crops and region and, in garden peas, it increased after cooking and varied between crops. Cooking caused losses in the ash content of garden and dry peas. In canned peas, processing increased water and ash contents due to absorption of water and salt. Lutein, β-carotene and traces of violaxanthin were identified in all samples. Carotenoids profile of snow, garden and dry peas did not change after cooking while canning caused an apparent increase in lutein contents only in one batch. Snow, garden and dry peas showed differences in lutein and β-carotene amount due to crops, though different regions revealed not to influence snow peas carotenoids content. The raw material from two suppliers of canned peas differed in their content of lutein. Only β-carotene is a pro-vitamin A carotenoid, however it was found in such small quantities that peas can not be considered source of this nutrient.
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Заснивање и производно-квалитетне особине еспарзете (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) у условима здружене сетве / Zasnivanje i proizvodno-kvalitetne osobine esparzete (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) u uslovima združene setveVujić Svetlana 02 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Заснивање вишегодишњих легуминоза у пролећном року сетве често је праћено интензивнијим развојем корова и смањеним приносом. Ово је случај и приликом гајења еспарзете (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), која се сматра потенцијалном заменом за луцерку. Здружена сетва, односно гајење две или више врста на једном пољу током одређеног периода, може се користити као начин заснивања ове вишегодишње легуминозе. Осим традиционалног здруживања легуминозе и стрнине, као надусев може се користити и сточни грашак (Pisum sativum L.), због своје краће вегетације и смањеног конкурентског утицаја на подусев. Циљ рада је био да се утврди да ли је сточни грашак погодан за заснивање еспарзете у здруженој сетви, као и да се утврди одговарајућа сорта и густина грашка која омогућава најбољи принос и утицај на подусев. Двофакторијални оглед постављен је на експерименталном пољу Института за ратарство и повртарство, Нови Сад, током 2010-2014. године и укључио је две сорте грашка различитих морфолошких особина (Језеро-афила тип листа, Јавор-редуковане лиске) сејане у три густине. Као контролне варијанте коришћене су чист усев еспарзете и здружена сетва еспарзете и овса. Оглед је засниван у четворогодишњем периоду и испитивања су вршена у години заснивања и првом откосу у години искоришћавања.<br />Утврђено је да су временски услови значајно утицали на остварен принос у току истраживања. Сточни грашак као надусев имао је повољније деловање на еспарзету и њен развој након сваког откоса, с тим да је присуство надусева у другој години живота имало минималан утицај на остварени принос. Принос суве материје у првом откосу био је већи са сортом Језеро. Између приноса са 60 и 90 биљака грашка по m2 разлика у приносу није била статистички значајна, што је посебно значајно са економског аспекта производње. Резултати су показали да је највећи укупан принос суве материје имала еспарзета са овсем, услед значајног са повећањем густине смеше. Резултати су показали да је здружена сетва две легуминозе утицала на већи садржај минералног азота у земљишту након првог откоса. Присуство и густина надусева у првом откосу утицали су на интензивније коришћење влаге у земљишту, док је у наредним мерењима утицај фактора на количину воде у слоју до 60 cm био минималан.</p><p>Значај заснивања еспарзете у здруженој сетви са грашком показан је и кроз садржај сирових протеина, који је био већи у здруженој сетви у односу на чист усев еспарзете. При томе, сварљивост крме је била већа, с обзиром на то да је смеша еспарзете и грашка имала мањи удео NDF-а и ADF-а у односу на контроле.</p><p>Остварени резултати показују да се еспарзета може успешно заснивати у здруженој сетви са сточним грашком чиме се обезбеђује стабилан принос првог откоса високог квалитета, без негативног утицаја на регенерацију еспарзете и принос у наредним откосима. Резултати указују да је здружена сетва поуздан и еколошки начин заснивања еспарзете, који пружа могућност да ова врста буде заступљенија у пракси.удела првог откоса у укупном приносу. Удео корова у здруженој сетви био је мањи у односу на чист усев еспарзете. Сорта Језеро у просеку имала је већу компетативну способност, док је у просеку за обе сорте најмањи удео корова утврђен у смеши са 60 биљака грашка.<br />Морфолошки различите сорте грашка нису довеле до статистички значајних разлика у вредностима индекса лисне површине еспарзете, али се вредност овог параметра смањивала са повећањем густине надусева. Садржај фотосинтетичких пигмената био је већи на третманима са здруженом сетвом, али је и значајно зависио од временских услова. Биолошка активност земљишта била је већа у здруженој сетви у односу на чист усев еспарзете. Бројност азотофиксатора била је већа при мањем присуству надусева, док се укупан број бактерија и гљива<br />повећавао</p> / <p>Zasnivanje višegodišnjih leguminoza u prolećnom roku setve često je praćeno intenzivnijim razvojem korova i smanjenim prinosom. Ovo je slučaj i prilikom gajenja esparzete (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), koja se smatra potencijalnom zamenom za lucerku. Združena setva, odnosno gajenje dve ili više vrsta na jednom polju tokom određenog perioda, može se koristiti kao način zasnivanja ove višegodišnje leguminoze. Osim tradicionalnog združivanja leguminoze i strnine, kao nadusev može se koristiti i stočni grašak (Pisum sativum L.), zbog svoje kraće vegetacije i smanjenog konkurentskog uticaja na podusev. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi da li je stočni grašak pogodan za zasnivanje esparzete u združenoj setvi, kao i da se utvrdi odgovarajuća sorta i gustina graška koja omogućava najbolji prinos i uticaj na podusev. Dvofaktorijalni ogled postavljen je na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, tokom 2010-2014. godine i uključio je dve sorte graška različitih morfoloških osobina (Jezero-afila tip lista, Javor-redukovane liske) sejane u tri gustine. Kao kontrolne varijante korišćene su čist usev esparzete i združena setva esparzete i ovsa. Ogled je zasnivan u četvorogodišnjem periodu i ispitivanja su vršena u godini zasnivanja i prvom otkosu u godini iskorišćavanja.<br />Utvrđeno je da su vremenski uslovi značajno uticali na ostvaren prinos u toku istraživanja. Stočni grašak kao nadusev imao je povoljnije delovanje na esparzetu i njen razvoj nakon svakog otkosa, s tim da je prisustvo naduseva u drugoj godini života imalo minimalan uticaj na ostvareni prinos. Prinos suve materije u prvom otkosu bio je veći sa sortom Jezero. Između prinosa sa 60 i 90 biljaka graška po m2 razlika u prinosu nije bila statistički značajna, što je posebno značajno sa ekonomskog aspekta proizvodnje. Rezultati su pokazali da je najveći ukupan prinos suve materije imala esparzeta sa ovsem, usled značajnog sa povećanjem gustine smeše. Rezultati su pokazali da je združena setva dve leguminoze uticala na veći sadržaj mineralnog azota u zemljištu nakon prvog otkosa. Prisustvo i gustina naduseva u prvom otkosu uticali su na intenzivnije korišćenje vlage u zemljištu, dok je u narednim merenjima uticaj faktora na količinu vode u sloju do 60 cm bio minimalan.</p><p>Značaj zasnivanja esparzete u združenoj setvi sa graškom pokazan je i kroz sadržaj sirovih proteina, koji je bio veći u združenoj setvi u odnosu na čist usev esparzete. Pri tome, svarljivost krme je bila veća, s obzirom na to da je smeša esparzete i graška imala manji udeo NDF-a i ADF-a u odnosu na kontrole.</p><p>Ostvareni rezultati pokazuju da se esparzeta može uspešno zasnivati u združenoj setvi sa stočnim graškom čime se obezbeđuje stabilan prinos prvog otkosa visokog kvaliteta, bez negativnog uticaja na regeneraciju esparzete i prinos u narednim otkosima. Rezultati ukazuju da je združena setva pouzdan i ekološki način zasnivanja esparzete, koji pruža mogućnost da ova vrsta bude zastupljenija u praksi.udela prvog otkosa u ukupnom prinosu. Udeo korova u združenoj setvi bio je manji u odnosu na čist usev esparzete. Sorta Jezero u proseku imala je veću kompetativnu sposobnost, dok je u proseku za obe sorte najmanji udeo korova utvrđen u smeši sa 60 biljaka graška.<br />Morfološki različite sorte graška nisu dovele do statistički značajnih razlika u vrednostima indeksa lisne površine esparzete, ali se vrednost ovog parametra smanjivala sa povećanjem gustine naduseva. Sadržaj fotosintetičkih pigmenata bio je veći na tretmanima sa združenom setvom, ali je i značajno zavisio od vremenskih uslova. Biološka aktivnost zemljišta bila je veća u združenoj setvi u odnosu na čist usev esparzete. Brojnost azotofiksatora bila je veća pri manjem prisustvu naduseva, dok se ukupan broj bakterija i gljiva<br />povećavao</p> / <p>The establishment of perennial legumes in the spring is often followed by intensive weeds infestation and reduced yield. This is also the case when growing sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) which is considered a potential substitute for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Intercropping or growing two or more species in the same field during a certain period can be used for establishing this perennial legume. A field pea (Pisum sativum L.) has a potential to be used as companion crop due to a short growing season and reduced competing impact. The aim of this research was to determine the suitability of field pea as a companion crop for sainfoin establishment and to determine the appropriate cultivar and pea density that provides the best yield and impact on undersown crop. A two-factorial trial was set up in the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, during 2010-2014. The experiment included two morphologically different pea cultivars (Jezero-afila leaf type and Javor-reduced leaflet) and three pea densities. The sainfoin pure stand and a mixture with oat were used as control treatments. The trial included four sowing years and the analysis was performed in the establishment years and in the first cut in the full harvest year.<br />The weather conditions significantly influenced obtained yield. Field pea as a companion crop had a better impact on sainfoin development in the establishment year, while in subsequent year companion crops had minimal impact on sainfoin yield. Concerning pea cultivars, a higher dry matter yield was obtained with cultivar Jezero. It was concluded, there were no significant differences between obtained yield with 60 and 90 pea plants per m2 which have importance from the economic aspect. The results showed that the highest annual yield had a mixture of sainfoin and oat, due to a significant share of the first yield. The weed proportion was lower in intercropping compared to the sainfoin pure stand. The cultivar Jezero and a density of 60 pea plants per m2 were more competitive to weeds.<br />Morphologically different pea cultivars did not significantly affect leaf area index of sainfoin. However, its value decreased with the increase of pea density in the stand. Intercropping and weather conditions had a significant impact on pigment content in sainfoin leaves. The examined soil biological activity was higher in intercropping treatments. The number of nitrogen fixation bacteria increased with a decreased number of pea plants, while the number of total bacteria and fungi increased with increasing pea density. The intercropping of the legumes influenced the higher content of mineral nitrogen in the soil, but also the more intensify use of soil moisture. The positive effect of intercropping of two legumes was demonstrated by the obtained higher content of crude protein with a lower proportion of digestibility parameters - NDF and ADF compared to both control treatments.<br />The obtained results show that sainfoin can be successfully established with field pea in intercropping, which ensures the stable and high-quality yield of the first cut, without negative esainfoin re-growth and yield in subsequent cuts. Thus, intercropping can be considered as a reliable and ecological practice for sainfoin establishment, which provides the possibility for increasing production of this species.</p>
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Future Farming : Building three scenarios based on farmers' perceptions of a changing world, case study in southern Sweden.Lidbom, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur undervisning och guidade naturvetenskapliga undersökningar kan stödja elevers kreativitetJonsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
The use of guided instructions are often debated in science education research, but nevertheless often used in lower secondary school. The aim of this licentiate thesis is to contribute to knowledge about science education in lower secondary school when pupils’ do lab work using guided instructions. Two pupils are observed when they, during an activity, are expected to interpret an instruction and handle different artifacts. In study 1, the aim is to exploratory investigate and illustrate and discuss how a pragmatic analysis of learning (a combination of practical epistemology analysis and pragmatic theory) may contribute when developing principles for guided lab work. The result showed that central principles for teaching is needed. Teachers need to participate during pupils’ lab work and focus on how pupils handle their learning environment and what pupils acknowledge as a learning environment. In study 2 the aim is to develop, empirically test and discuss a methodology (i.e. a combination of an analytical method, a strategy for analysis and pragmatic theory). The pragmatic inspired methodology is developed and tested to create knowledge about what kinds of different engagement may develop when pupils participate in guided lab work. In this study, which is based on earlier contributions to our understanding of engagement, interest and taste, two different intrinsic engagements were found; one is linked to the purpose of the activity and the other to enjoyment. The result showed that the first type of engagement is developed while the pupils solve a practical problem furthermore the pupils’ solution carries artistic qualities, (i.e. a personal investment beyond what is expected from the teacher regarding the laboratory work that they are involved in). Finally, I draw on studies 1 and 2 to conclude principles for guided lab work in lower secondary school. These principles may be useful when teachers want pupils to engage artistically in an activity.
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