Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pela"" "subject:"peak""
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Antinutritional factors in modeling plant-based rainbow trout diets2014 February 1900 (has links)
The effect of inclusion rate of pea meal (PM), pea protein concentrate (PPC), soybean meal (SBM), soy protein concentrate (SPC), canola meal (CM) and canola protein concentrate (CPC) in salmonid diets was determined through six corresponding meta-analyses of all data available in the literature for these six feed ingredients, which was followed by weighted regression analysis. Increasing dietary inclusion levels of SBM, SPC, CM and CPC reduced specific growth rate (SGR). Regression analysis determined all of these relationships to be linear declines in SGR (P < 0.05). Inclusion levels of PM or PPC did not influence salmonid SGR (P > 0.05). These results showed that the influence plant proteins have on salmonid SGR is dependent on ingredient type and inclusion level.
PM, PPC, SBM, SPC, CM an aqueous-extracted CPC and a high phytate CPC (PCPC) were analyzed for chemical nutrient (proximate, amino acid and phosphorus analysis) and antinutrient composition and total tract digestibility (two separate digestibility trials) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The digestibility of proximate chemical components and amino acids were significantly higher for the soy products than the pea products. These digestibilities were also significantly higher in protein concentrates than in plant meals. Dry matter and gross energy digestibility was higher in CPC than in CM (P < 0.05). Phosphorus digestibility was higher in CPC-fed fish than in CM-fed fish (P < 0.05), which is likely due to the fact that CPC did not contain phytic acid.
Six consecutive growth studies (one trial per test ingredient) were conducted over a 361-day period to determine the effects of feeding increasing inclusion rates of PM, PPC, SBM, SPC, CM and CPC on the growth performance of rainbow trout. Diets were formulated based on the digestible nutrient content of all ingredients as determined in the previously conducted digestibility trials, to contain 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 g/kg of each test ingredient. All diets were nutritionally equal and contained 17.6 MJ/kg digestible energy, 386.2 g/kg digestible crude protein and were balanced for digestible essential amino acids to meet or exceed the requirements of rainbow trout. Linear and quadratic analysis was conducted on the experimental data. There were no significant regressions resulting from feeding PM, SPC or CPC at 0-300 g/kg for average daily feed intake (ADFI), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) or protein efficiency ratio (PER). A positive relationship was associated between PPC inclusion and ADFI (P < 0.05). There was a significantly negative quadratic equation associated with the inclusion level of SBM on SGR and FCR and significantly negative linear and quadratic equations for PER. There were significantly negative linear relationships between the inclusion rate of CM and the SGR, FCR and PER of rainbow trout (P < 0.05). Growth trial results suggest at inclusion levels up to 300 g/kg, PM, PPC, SPC and CPC are feasible plant-based fish meal replacements with predictable growth effects, provided the nutritional constraints set in this experiment are followed.
The results of these growth experiments were further analyzed using structural equation modeling to determine the relationship between ANF in the six ingredients and ADFI and SGR, which were transformed (tSGR and tADFI, respectively) to enable comparisons between experiments. All possible models between ingredient ANF (starch, phytic acid, glucosinolates, tannins, isoflavones, total NSP, soluble NSP, insoluble NSP and saponins) and ADFI and SGR were calculated. The model with the highest likelihood, as determined by the Akaike Information Criteria0, contained 29 parameters and six degrees of freedom. tADFI positively influenced tSGR. Glucosinolates, saponins, and phytates had a significantly negative impact on tADFI, whereas tannins had a significantly positive impact. The presence of saponins in the diet resulted in a decrease in tSGR. This structural equation model had significant correlations between all ANF, with the exception of phytates and saponins. Future applications of this work will be to develop a nutritional model for optimal inclusion of plant-based feed ingredients in rainbow trout diets, based on their ANF content, which may improve the accuracy of diet formulation and growth prediction.
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Pavienis ir kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis skirtingo vystymosi tarpsnio sėjamajam žirniui (Pisum sativum L.) / The single and integrated UV-B radiation and substrate acidity impact on pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) at different development stagesMikelionytė, Jurgita 14 June 2010 (has links)
Ultravioletinės B spinduliuotės intensyvumo didėjimas ir rūgštėjantys dirvožemiai veikia daugelį augalų fiziologinių ir morfologinių procesų. Yra nemažai atliktų tyrimų apie pavienį šių veiksnių poveikį, tačiau kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis augalams kol kas tyrinėtas mažai.
Tyrimų tikslas – ištirti pavienį bei kompleksinį 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B spinduliuotės dozių ir rūgštaus substrato (pH 4,8) poveikį skirtingų vystymosi tarpsnių sėjamiesiems žirniams (Pisum sativum L.). Tyrimai vykdyti dviem etapais: pirmame etape tirtas pavienis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis sėjamiesiems žirniams priklausomai nuo vystymosi tarpsnio; antrame - kompleksinis UV-B spinduliuotės ir rūgštaus substrato poveikis augalams priklausomai nuo vystymosi tarpsnio. Žirniai pasėti į vegetacinius indus su paruoštu neutralaus rūgštumo durpių substratu, o praėjus 10 ir 17 dienų po sudygimo, t.y. lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14-16) ir šoninių ūglių formavimosi (BBCH 21-23) tarpsniais, veikti pasirinktais stresoriais. Penktą poveikio dieną išmatuoti fiziologiniai ir morfologiniai rodikliai: fotosintezės intensyvumas, vandens naudojimo efektyvumas, pigmentų kiekis, žalioji bei sausoji augalų biomasė ir kt.
Nustatyta, jog 1 ir 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV–B spinduliuotė neigiamai veikė tiek fiziologinius, tiek morfologinius sėjamųjų žirnių rodiklius. Lapų vystymosi (BBCH 14-16) tarpsnio žirniai buvo mažiau atsparūs UV-B poveikiui negu šoninių ūglių formavimosi (BBCH 21-23)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / UV-B radiation and acidic soils could pose many direct and indirect effects on plants including the alteration in transpiration and photosynthesis, and the change in growth, development and morphology. The single impact of UV-B radiation and acid substrate on plants has been studied by several research groups. However, integrated UV-B radiation and substrate acidity impact on plants are still little studied.
The aim of the study was to investigate the single and integrated 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B radiation and substrate acidity (pH 4,8) impact on different development stages pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). Researches were performed in two stages: in the first stage the single UV-B radiation and acid substrate effect on sown pea plants was analysed depending on the development stage. In the second stage the integrated UV-B radiation and acid substrate effect on sown pea plants was analysed depending on the development stage. Peas were sown in vegetative pots with prepared a neutral acidity peat substrate. 10 and 17 days after germination, i.e. at leaf development (BBCH 14-16) stage and lateral shoot formation (BBCH 21-23) stage pea plants were exposed to different stressors. On the fifth day of effect the physiological and morphological indices were measured: photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids, fresh and dry biomass, and others.
Investigated that 1 and 3 kJ m-2 d-1 UV-B doses had negative affects on both, physiological and... [to full text]
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Netikrosios miltligės (Peronospora viciae (Berk) Caspary) įtaka miškinio pelėžirnio (Lathyrus sylvestris L.) morfologiniams ir sėklų produktyvumo rodikliams / Influence of downy mildew (Peronospora viciae (Berk) Caspary) on mrphological and seed productivity parameters of flat pea (Lathyrus sylvestris L.)Reipaitė, Aurelija 13 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe 2012–2013 m. tirta netikrosios miltligės (Peronospora viciae (Berk) Caspary) įtaka skirtingos geografinės kilmės miškinio pelėžirnio (Lathyrus sylvestris L.) cenopopuliacijų morfologiniams ir sėklų produktyvumo rodikliams.
Darbo objektas – iš skirtingų Lietuvos rajonų surinktos dvylika miškinio pelėžirnio cenopopuliacijų, augančių vienodos agrotechnikos sąlygomis.
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti netikrosios miltligės įtaką skirtingų cenopopuliacijų miškinio pelėžirnio morfologinias ir sėklų produktyvumo rodikliams.
Darbo metodai – įvertinti skirtingų miškiniopelėžirnio cenopopuliacijų stiebo aukštis, žiedynų, ankščių, sėklapradžių ankštyje skaičius, ankšties produktyvumo, vieno stiebo sėklų produktyvumas. Atsparumas netikrajai miltligei įvertintas 5 balų sistema, atsparumo įtaka ankščiau išvardintiems rodikliams įvertinta naudojantis programa STATISTIKA 8.
Rezultatai. Tyrimo metų duomenimis, miškinio pelėžirnio stiebo aukščiui, žiedynų skaičiui ir ankščių produktyvumui lemiamą įtaką turėjo cenopopuliacijos genotipas ir tyrimo metų meteorologinės sąlygos. Didesnis miškinio pelėžirnio stiebo aukštis teigiamai įtakojo ankščių (r=0,7539) ir sėklų skaičių (r = 0,6223). Stabiliausias iš tirtų rodiklių tyrimo metais buvo sėklapradžių (vid. 12,4 vnt.) skaičius ankštyje (V = 4,7), labiliausi – ankščių (vid. 21,6 vnt.;
V = 36,5) ir subrandintų sėklų skaičiaus (vid. 151,1 vnt., V = 39,8) rodikliai. Miškinio pelėžirnio atsparumas netikrajai miltligei įtakojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Influence of downy mildew (Peronospora viciae (Berk) Caspary) on morfological and seed productivity parameters of different geographical origins flat pea (Lathyrus sylvestris L.) cenopopulations have been investigated in 2012-2013.
Subject of the research – 12 flat pea (Lathyrus sylvestris L.) cenopopulations from different geographical origins of Lithuania, grown on equal agrotechnic conditions.
Aim of the research – estimate an influence of downy mildew on flat pea morfological and seed produktivity parameters.
Methodology – to evaluate stem height, number of inflorescence, pods, ovules per pod and pod productivity, one stalk of seed productivity of different flat pea coenopopulations. Resistance to downy mildew is rated by 5-point scale, impact of resistance on above listed parameters estimated using the statistics program STATISTICA 8.
Results. The research data shows, that genotype of coenopopulation and meteorological conditions had a decisive influence on flat pea stem height, number of inflorescences and pod productivity. Height of stem influenced positively pod (r = 0,7539 ) and seed number (r = 0,6223 ). The most stabile from the investigated parameters were number of ovules (mean 12,4 pcs.) per pod (V = 4,7 ), most labile – number of pods (mean 21,6 pcs., V = 36,5 ) and the number of mature seeds (mean 151,1 pcs., V = 39.8). The flat pea resistance to downy mildew influenced such parameters as the number of pods, number ovules in pod and especially stem seeds... [to full text]
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Simultaneous improvement in black spot resistance and stem strength in field pea (Pisum sativum L.)Beeck, Cameron January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Field pea (Pisum sativum) has many benefits when included in the crop rotation system in broadacre grain farming. These benefits include a disease break and improved weed control for cereals and less dependence on nitrogenous fertilisers due to the leguminous nature of pea. Currently, field pea adoption in Australia is low because the crop is susceptible to the fungal disease `black spot’ (Mycosphaerella pinodes) and has low stem strength and a lodged canopy. Black spot causes yield losses averaging 10-15% per year. Lodging results in difficult and costly harvesting, increased disease pressure and increased wind erosion from exposed soil surface when stems break at the basal nodes. This project aimed to address these problems through breeding, and through the application of quantitative genetics theory to a recurrent selection program. A quantitative measurement of relative stem strength was developed which could be used effectively in the field on single plants. Accurate laboratory measurements of stem strength were closely correlated with the field measure of compressed stem thickness in the basal node region. A diallel analysis of stem strength of the progeny of crosses among a range of pea lines with different values of compressed stem thickness concluded that the genetic control of stem strength was additive, with no maternal inheritance or dominance or epistasis effects.
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A UNESCO no contexto do novo- desenvolvimentismo: reajustando o processo de formação humana/educação alienada na escola / UNESCO in the context of the new developmentalism: readjusting the process of human training/alienated education in schoolMarcelo Silva dos Santos 29 September 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese analisa o papel desempenhado pela UNESCO no que se refere a disseminação de diretrizes e valores ideológicos no campo da educação no Brasil na virada do milênio e a tarefa educativa realizada pelo Programa das Escolas Associadas da UNESCO (PEA-UNESCO) como um dos mecanismos de difusão do modelo educacional da UNESCO no chão das escolas. Dessa forma, resgatamos, num primeiro momento, algumas categorias e conceitos marxianos e marxistas que foram utilizados como suporte teórico para análise do objeto, seguido de uma breve reflexão sobre os limites e as possibilidades de conjuntura. Num segundo momento, caracterizamos a política neoliberal como uma expressão político-pedagógica da nova sociabilidade e o Novo-Desenvolvimentismo no Brasil como uma forma de ressignificar o padrão de intervenção do Estado na economia e na questão social. Além disso, realizamos uma revisão de literatura e análise de estudos que elaboraram sínteses sobre a pedagogia da hegemonia e sua relação com os organismos multilaterais. Abordamos, num terceiro momento, por meio de pesquisa documental e análise bibliográfica, um pouco da história da UNESCO, seus princípios, conteúdos, métodos e seus principais encaminhamentos da virada do milênio, bem como sua articulação com os outros organismos multilaterais. Por último, analisamos o PEA-UNESCO no contexto da perspectiva educacional da UNESCO como forma de dar materialidade a análise. Deste modo, ao compreendermos a vinculação com a necessidade burguesa de educar o consenso e educar para o conformismo, concluímos que a UNESCO, no conteúdo e na forma através de diversas ações , vem exercendo a função de elaborar e difundir um modelo pedagógico que cimenta as orientações de políticas públicas educacionais dos demais organismos multilaterais. Afirma-se que ela cumpre um papel de intelectual orgânico ao contribuir de forma significativa para conformar as classes trabalhadoras aos valores requeridos pelo sistema capitalista no seu atual estágio ao compor o bloco histórico dominante. O PEA-UNESCO cumpre a tarefa pedagógica de difundir, ideologicamente, a perspectiva de educação ao longo da vida e a educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável como elementos que reforçam o processo de afirmação de uma nova sociabilidade requerida pelo Estado educador, no qual a UNESCO/PEA, na nova fase superior do imperialismo, cumpre um papel significativo
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A UNESCO no contexto do novo- desenvolvimentismo: reajustando o processo de formação humana/educação alienada na escola / UNESCO in the context of the new developmentalism: readjusting the process of human training/alienated education in schoolMarcelo Silva dos Santos 29 September 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese analisa o papel desempenhado pela UNESCO no que se refere a disseminação de diretrizes e valores ideológicos no campo da educação no Brasil na virada do milênio e a tarefa educativa realizada pelo Programa das Escolas Associadas da UNESCO (PEA-UNESCO) como um dos mecanismos de difusão do modelo educacional da UNESCO no chão das escolas. Dessa forma, resgatamos, num primeiro momento, algumas categorias e conceitos marxianos e marxistas que foram utilizados como suporte teórico para análise do objeto, seguido de uma breve reflexão sobre os limites e as possibilidades de conjuntura. Num segundo momento, caracterizamos a política neoliberal como uma expressão político-pedagógica da nova sociabilidade e o Novo-Desenvolvimentismo no Brasil como uma forma de ressignificar o padrão de intervenção do Estado na economia e na questão social. Além disso, realizamos uma revisão de literatura e análise de estudos que elaboraram sínteses sobre a pedagogia da hegemonia e sua relação com os organismos multilaterais. Abordamos, num terceiro momento, por meio de pesquisa documental e análise bibliográfica, um pouco da história da UNESCO, seus princípios, conteúdos, métodos e seus principais encaminhamentos da virada do milênio, bem como sua articulação com os outros organismos multilaterais. Por último, analisamos o PEA-UNESCO no contexto da perspectiva educacional da UNESCO como forma de dar materialidade a análise. Deste modo, ao compreendermos a vinculação com a necessidade burguesa de educar o consenso e educar para o conformismo, concluímos que a UNESCO, no conteúdo e na forma através de diversas ações , vem exercendo a função de elaborar e difundir um modelo pedagógico que cimenta as orientações de políticas públicas educacionais dos demais organismos multilaterais. Afirma-se que ela cumpre um papel de intelectual orgânico ao contribuir de forma significativa para conformar as classes trabalhadoras aos valores requeridos pelo sistema capitalista no seu atual estágio ao compor o bloco histórico dominante. O PEA-UNESCO cumpre a tarefa pedagógica de difundir, ideologicamente, a perspectiva de educação ao longo da vida e a educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável como elementos que reforçam o processo de afirmação de uma nova sociabilidade requerida pelo Estado educador, no qual a UNESCO/PEA, na nova fase superior do imperialismo, cumpre um papel significativo
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Life in the nucleus : the genomic basis of energy exploitation by intranuclear MicrosporidiaWiredu Boakye, Dominic January 2016 (has links)
The Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that have jettisoned oxidation phosphorylative capabilities during their early evolutionary history and so rely on ATP import from their host and glycolysis for their energy needs. Some species form tight associations with the host’s mitochondria and this is thought to facilitate ATP sequestration by the developing intracellular microsporidian. The human parasite, Enterocytozoon bieneusi has however lost glycolytic capabilities and may rely entirely on ATP import from its host for energy. E. bieneusi belongs to the Enterocytozoonidae microsporidian family and recent rDNA-based phylogenetic studies have suggested it has close evolutionary ties with Enterospora canceri, a crab-infecting intranuclear parasite. Such a close evolutionary relationship implied that glycolysis might also be absent in the intranuclear parasite raising questions as to how this parasite obtains energy from its unusual niche that is physically walled off from the host mitochondria, the main source of ATP in the host cell. In this study, draft genomes of four species of the Enterocytozoonidae namely, Ent. canceri, E. hepatopenaei, Hepatospora eriocheir and Hepatospora eriocheir canceri and one non-Enterocytozoonidae species, Thelohania sp. were assembled and annotated (The genome assembly of Hepatospora eriocheir was provided by Dr. Bryony Williams). Phylogenomics performed with this and publicly available genomic data confirmed the close evolutionary ties between Ent. canceri and E. bieneusi. Comparative genomic analyses also revealed that glycolysis is indeed lost in all members of the Enterocytozoonidae family sequenced in this study, hinting to the relaxation of evolutionary pressures to maintain this pathway at the base of this microsporidian family. Despite this absence, the hexokinase gene was retained in all aglycolytic genomes analysed, and that of Ent. canceri was fused to a PTPA gene. Functional assays and yeast complementation assays suggest that this chimera is able to recognise glucose as a substrate but the heterologously expressed homolog of H. eriocheir cannot. Finally, phylogenomics have been used here to demonstrate that despite the morphological differences between three Hepatospora-like organisms parasitizing different crab hosts, they are the same species. This finding adds more weight to current evidence suggesting that morphology is not an ideal marker for taxonomical classification in the Microsporidia.
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Identifikace a sekvenování genomu nového viru infikujícího vojtěšku / Identification and sequencing genom of a new virus infecting lucerneBEČKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Samples of lucerne plants characteristic with local necrosic lesions, leave malformation and yellow spots on leaves were investigated with transmission electron microscopy. Virus particles observed there were filamentous ones of 600 to 700 nm long. Nucleic acid was isolated, transcribed and amplified using PCR. Genus-specific primers were designed based on reverse genetics from the highly conserved genes for carlaviruses, potexviruses and potyviruses. Successful amplification with carlavirus-specific primers, sequencing and comparison with sequences in GenBank database revealed presence of a carlavirus. This was later identified by nucleotide sequence comparison as a new isolate V4 of Alfalfa latent virus. Specific primers for isolate V4 were designed in a coat protein position. Half of the genom of this virus was obtained with PCR and PCR modified amplifications and compared with sequences of Alfalfa latent virus and Pea streak virus from GenBank.
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Efeito de brassinosteróide no crescimento, metabolismo e fixação de nitrogênio em plantas de Cajanus cajan noduladas e sob estresse salino / Effect of brassinosteroid on growth, metabolism and nitrogen fixation in Cajanus cajan nodulated plants, under salt stressLongatti, Claudia Aparecida, 1970- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marlene Aparecida Schiavinato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T08:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Longatti_ClaudiaAparecida_M.pdf: 1449126 bytes, checksum: be3aefaf910ddbe46531e367581164f3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O metabolismo geral de uma planta pode ser afetado pelo excesso de sais no solo, visto que a salinidade pode causar reduções no crescimento e acelerar a senescência. Os brassinosteróides são hormônios vegetais envolvidos no aumento da tolerância a vários tipos de estresses, inclusive o estresse salino. Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da aplicação de brassinosteróide no crescimento e metabolismo do nitrogênio em plantas de Cajanus cajan sob diferentes condições de estresse salino, plantas noduladas de C. cajan foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação na ausência ou presença de brassinosteróide (24-epibrassinolídeo), sob diferentes concentrações de NaCl (0 mM, 100 mM e 200 mM). A salinidade afetou o crescimento, reduzindo a área, o comprimento do caule, a longevidade foliar, o teor de umidade de folhas, caules e raízes, bem como a atividade da nitrogenase, os teores de pigmentos fotossintetizantes, de malondialdeído e de nitrogênio total em folhas verde maduras, e a proficiência e eficiência do uso de nitrogênio. A aplicação de brassinosteróide amenizou o efeito do NaCl nas reduções da área foliar e teores de clorofila a e total. Também atenuou o efeito do estresse salino na atividade da nitrogenase. Esse efeito positivo do brassinosteróide sobre a atividade da enzima refletiu-se no aumento da concentração de compostos nitrogenados nas folhas verde-maduras e reduziu, ainda, a perda de N nas folhas senescentes. A maior concentração de N total nas folhas verde-maduras de plantas tratadas com o 24-epibrassinolídeo levou à redução da eficiência de utilização desse elemento / Abstract: The general metabolism of a plant can be affected by salinity excess in soil, due to the fact that salinity can cause growth reduction and accelerate senescence. The brassinosteroids are plant hormones involved in increasing tolerance in several types of stress, including salt stress. In order to verify the influence of the application brassinosteroid on development and nitrogen metabolism in Cajanus cajan plants under different levels of salt stress, nodulated plants of C. cajan were cultivated in the greenhouse in the absence or presence of 24-epibrassinolide, under different concentrations of NaCl (0 mM, 100 mM and 200 mM). Salinity affected growth reducing leaf area, branch length, leaf longevity, moisture content of leaves, stems and roots, as well as activity of nitrogenase, amounts of photosynthetic pigments, malondialdehyde and total nitrogen in mature green leaves; nitrogen use proficiency and efficiency. The application of brassinosteroid attenuated the effect of NaCl on the leaf area and on the concentrations of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll. The hormone also attenuated the effect of salt stress on the activity of nitrogenase. The positive effect of the hormone on the activity of the enzyme led to an increase in the concentration of nitrogenous compounds in the mature green leaves and reduced the lost of nitrogen in senescent leaves. The higher concentration of total nitrogen in mature green leaves of the plants treated with 24-epibrassinolide led to a reduction in nitrogen use efficiency / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal
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Contours d'un métier traversé par un processus de féminisation : Les conseillers.ères Principaux.pales d'Éducation / Representation of a profession crossed by a process of feminization : The Principal Advisers of EducationConfais, Aurélia 17 October 2017 (has links)
A la croisée de la sociologie des professions, du genre et des présences sociales, cette thèse propose une lecture sociologique d’un métier peu observé. Par une enquête quantitative et qualitative, elle éclaire le métier de CPE sous différents angles, et appréhende sa dimension sexuée. Comptant 72 % de femmes aujourd’hui, cet ancien bastion masculin s’est féminisé dès sa création en 1970, mais l’analyse de cette massive progression féminine dévoile des mécanismes complexes. Un corpus inédit de rapports de jury du concours a permis d’étudier les procédés de recrutement du CPE et d’établir son portrait idéal attendu par l’institution.Remontant aux origines du métier par le biais d’une analyse sociohistorique, et s’attardant sur la compréhension des ressorts d’activités de son ancêtre professionnel le Surveillant Général, l’étude révèle la persistance de sa dimension autoritaire, et, dans une moindre mesure sa dimension éducative apparue au tournant du XXème siècle puis s’étant étoffée jusqu’à l’arrivée du CPE. Progressivement, l’accroissement de ses missions lui a donné une image polyvalente. Quoi qu'on puisse traditionnellement associer le care au féminin, tandis que l'autorité relèverait du masculin, le fait que chaque CPE doive disposer de ce socle multiple de compétences, car les exigences de son territoire d’action l’impose et parce qu'il est la plupart du temps le seul de son établissement à occuper la tâche, rend difficile une analyse strictement genrée, et invite plutôt à envisager l’analyse des processus de (dé-)sexuation des activités professionnelles. / This doctoral thesis is a sociological exploration of an occupation very little studied. It aims at examining the job of French CPE from many various angles and approaches, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods so as to better encompass the gendered dimension of this job. In its inception in 1970, this occupation used to be a male stronghold, but it has undergone a growing process of feminization since 72% of CPE today are women. Our analysis must account for the mechanisms underlying such a significant increase. The in-depth analysis of the selection committee’s recent reports sheds new light on the recruitment process of the future CPE and gives a clear picture of the ideal candidate and of what is expected from the institution. The analysis of socio-historical background and origin of the job will help trace back the evolution of the job’s required skills, with a particular focus on the forebear of the CPE (the ‘Surveillant Général’, a stern Dean of Discipline) and chart the evolution of the professional role from a former more authoritative nature to a more educational one. The job has over the years grown in scope and the CPE have been assigned a greater number of tasks and missions that they’ve been endowed with an image of all-purpose, multi-skilled employees. While authority has traditionally been seen as male, and care as more female, the fact that every CPE should have at their disposal such a wide range of skills, because they’re required by their work environment and because most of the time they’re the only ones in the school to tackle such tasks, it makes a purely gendered analysis much more difficult and invites a broader approach of the (de-)gendering of professional activities.
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