Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pela"" "subject:"peak""
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Effektivitet och säkerhet av palmitoyletanolamid (PEA) för behandling av smärta. / Efficacy and safety of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) for the treatment of painSharipova, Petimat January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palmitoyletanolamid (PEA) är endogen fettsyraamid som produceras naturligt i kroppen. PEA fungerar som en lipidmediator med liknande effekter som endocannabinoider och har olika positiva effekter på kroppen, såsom antiinflammatorisk, smärtlindrande, antikonvulsiv, immunmodulerande och neuroprotektiv verkan. PEA fungerar huvudsakligen genom att aktivera peroxisomproliferatoraktiverade receptor-alfa (PPAR-α) och även cannabinoidreceptorerna CB1, CB2 och GPR55, samt transienta receptorpotential vanilloida receptor 1 (TRPV1). Även om PEA naturligt produceras naturligt av kroppen, kan det finnas en brist vid kroniska inflammatoriska sjukdomar, vilket gör det till en användbar terapeutisk strategi att ta PEA som kosttillskott eller livsmedel för medicinska ändamål. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att genomföra en litteraturöversikt för att undersöka den analgetiska effektiviteten av PEA och dess potentiella oönskade effekter. Resultat: Fyra studier har undersökt effekterna av PEA-behandling på smärta och olika smärtrelaterade tillstånd. Studie 1 visade en signifikant minskning av smärta och ökad smärttålighet utan rapporterade biverkningar efter PEA-behandling. Studie 2 visade positiva effekter av PEA-behandling på neuropatisk smärta, sömn och depressionssymtom. Dessutom visade studien samband mellan glukosmetabolism, sömn, humör och smärta, vilket tyder på att smärtbehandlingen måste vara mer komplex och ta hänsyn till personens totala hälsotillstånd. Studie 3 undersökte effekten av två doser av PEA på symtom associerade med artros och visade att PEA-behandlingen ledde till signifikant förbättring i smärtintensitet, stelhet och fysisk funktion jämfört med placebo utan rapporterade allvarliga biverkningar. Slutligen, studie 4 visade att smärtlindringen var högre i PEA-gruppen jämfört med ibuprofen-gruppen vid slutet av behandlingen för temporomandibulär dysfunktion (TMD) och inga negativa effekter rapporterades i PEA-gruppen. Resultaten av dessa studier indikerar att PEA kan vara en effektiv och säker behandlingsmetod för smärta och smärtrelaterade tillstånd. / Background: Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a naturally occurring endogenous fatty acid amide that acts as a lipid mediator with effects similar to endocannabinoids. It has been shown to have various positive effects on the body, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsant, immunomodulatory, and neuroprotective effects. PEA primarily works by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α) and cannabinoid receptors CB1, CB2, and GPR55, as well as transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) channels. Although the body produces PEA naturally, people with chronic inflammatory diseases may have a deficiency, making it a useful therapeutic strategy to take PEA as a supplement or food for medical purposes Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the analgesic effectiveness of PEA and its potential adverse effects based on a literature overview. Results: Four studies that have investigated the effects of PEA treatment on pain and various pain-related conditions have been considered. Study 1 showed a significant reduction in pain and increased pain tolerance without reported side effects after PEA treatment. Study 2 showed positive effects of PEA treatment on neuropathic pain, sleep, and depressive symptoms. Additionally, that study showed a relationship between glucose metabolism, sleep, mood, and pain, suggesting that pain treatment needs to be more complex and consider the person's overall health status. Study 3 examined the effect of two dosage regimens of PEA on symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and showed that PEA treatment resulted in significant improvement in pain intensity, stiffness, and physical function compared to placebo without reported serious adverse effects. Finally, study 4 showed that pain relief was higher in the PEA group compared to the ibuprofen group at the end of treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) and no negative effects were reported in the PEA group. The results of these studies indicate that PEA may be an effective and safe treatment method for pain and pain-related conditions.
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Probing the Structure of Ionised ISM in Lyman-Continuum-Leaking Green Pea Galaxies with MUSENagar, Chinmaya January 2023 (has links)
Lyman continuum (LyC) photons are known to be responsible for reionising the universe after the end of the Dark Ages, which marked a period called the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR). While these high-energy photons are thought to predominantly originate from young, hot, massive stars within the earliest galaxies, and contributions from high-energy sources like quasars and AGN, the origins of these photons are yet not well known and highly debated. Detecting LyC photons from the early galaxies near the EoR is not possible as they get completely absorbed by the intergalactic medium (IGM) on their way to us, which has prompted the development of various indirect diagnostics to study the amount of LyC photons contributed by such galaxies by studying their analogues at low redshifts. In this study, we probe the ionised interstellar medium (ISM) of seven Green Pea galaxies through spatially resolved[O III] λ5007/[O II] λ3727 (O32) and [O III] λ5007/Hα λ6562 (O3Hα) emission-line ratio maps, using data from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) onboard the Very large telescope (VLT). Out of the two ratios, the former has proven to be a successful diagnostic in predicting Lyman continuum emitters (LCEs). Along with the line ratio maps, the surface brightness profiles of the galaxies are also studied to examine the spatial distribution of the emission lines and the regions from which they originate. The resulting maps indicate whether the ISM of the galaxies is ionization-bounded or density-bounded. Our analysis reveals that a subset of the galaxies with ionization-bounded ISM exhibits pronounced ionisation channels in the outer regions. These channels are potential pathways through which Lyman continuum photons may escape. For density-bounded ISM, the ionised ISM extends well beyond the stellar regions into the halos of the galaxies, highlighting their potential contribution to the ionising photon budget during the EoR. The findings emphasise the importance of spatially resolved ISM studies in understanding the mechanisms facilitating the escape of LyC photons.
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Cell Wall Carbohydrate Modifications during Flooding-Induced Aerenchyma Formation in Fabaceae RootsPegg, Timothy Joseph 19 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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New Insights into Pea Compound Inflorescence Development: Role of FTc and VEGETATIVE1 as Regulatory FactorsSerra Picó, Marcos Pascual 28 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] La arquitectura de la inflorescencia determina la posición y el número de flores (y frutos) en la planta. Esto afecta a la forma de la planta, lo que contribuye a la diversidad morfológica e influye en la producción de semillas. Por lo tanto, comprender cómo funciona la genética que está detrás del desarrollo de la inflorescencia es relevante no solo para saber más sobre la biología del desarrollo de las plantas, sino también para la agricultura, con el fin de diseñar nuevas estrategias para la mejora de plantas.
La mayoría de las leguminosas tienen inflorescencias compuestas, en las que las flores no se forman en el tallo principal sino a partir de inflorescencias secundarias (I2) en los flancos de la inflorescencia primaria o principal (I1). Esto contrasta con las plantas con inflorescencias simples, como Arabidopsis, donde las flores se forman directamente a partir del I1. El guisante (Pisum sativum) pertenece a la familia de las Fabaceae y al clado galegoide de las leguminosas y tiene una inflorescencia compuesta.
Es bien sabido que VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) codifica un factor de transcripción que especifica la identidad del meristemo I2 en leguminosas, pero aún se desconoce cómo y a través de qué genes VEG1 controla el desarrollo del I2 y las vías genéticas en las que está involucrado. En este trabajo, nuestro objetivo fue identificar las dianas regulatorias de VEG1. Para ello, comparamos los transcriptomas provenientes de ápices de inflorescencia del control silvestre (wild-type) con los de mutantes de guisante con defectos en el desarrollo de la inflorescencia: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - con múltiples meristemos I2), veg1 y vegetative2 (veg2 - ninguno de los cuales produce ni meristemos I2 ni flores). Usando este enfoque, hemos aislado algunos genes que se expresan en el I2 e identificado algunas posibles dianas de VEG1, entre ellas algunos genes que parecen prometedores para ser usados a modo de herramientas genéticas para la mejora del rendimiento en la producción en leguminosas.
FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) es un regulador clave en la red genética del fotoperíodo que controla el tiempo de floración en Arabidopsis. En leguminosas, el clado FT se ha diversificado en tres subclados: FTa, FTb y FTc. En guisante,el gen FTc se encuentra distante filogenéticamente de los otros genes FT y tiene un patrón de expresión inusual, ya que solo se expresa en el ápice de la inflorescencia. En este trabajo hemos caracterizado mutantes ftc de guisante y los hemos utilizado para analizar las interacciones genéticas de FTc con DETERMINATE y LATE FLOWERING, que son los homólogos en guisante de TERMINAL FLOWER 1 de Arabidopsis. Este análisis ha revelado una función de FTc en el control de la floración y, curiosamente, también en el desarrollo del meristemo I2, estando esta segunda función posiblemente mediada por la regulación de FTc en la expresión de VEG1. / [CA] L'arquitectura de la inflorescència determina la posició i el nombre de flors (i fruits) en la planta. Això afecta a la forma de la planta, la qual cosa contribueix a la diversitat morfològica i influeix en la producció de llavors. Per tant, comprendre com funciona la genètica que està darrere del desenvolupament de la inflorescència és rellevant no sols per a saber més sobre la biologia del desenvolupament de les plantes, sinó també per a l'agricultura, amb la finalitat de dissenyar noves estratègies per a la millora de plantes.
La majoria de les lleguminoses tenen inflorescències compostes, en les quals les flors no es formen en la tija principal sinó a partir d'inflorescències secundàries (I2) en els flancs de la inflorescència primària o principal (I1). Això contrasta amb les plantes amb inflorescències simples, com Arabidopsis, on les flors es formen directament a partir de l'I1. El pésol (Pisum sativum) pertany a la família de les Fabaceae i al clade galegoide de les lleguminoses i té una inflorescència composta.
És ben sabut que VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) codifica un factor de transcripció que especifica la identitat del meristemo I2 en lleguminoses, però encara es desconeix com i a través de quins gens VEG1 controla el desenvolupament de l'I2 i les vies genètiques en les quals està involucrat. En aquest treball, el nostre objectiu va ser identificar les dianes reguladores de VEG1. Per a això, comparem els transcriptomas provinents d'àpexs d'inflorescència del control silvestre (wild-type) amb els de mutants de pésol amb defectes en el desenvolupament de la inflorescència: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - amb múltiples meristemos I2), veg1 i vegetative2 (veg2 - cap dels quals produeix ni meristemos I2 ni flors). Usant aquest enfocament, hem aïllat alguns gens que s'expressen en l'I2 i identificat algunes possibles dianes de VEG1, entre elles alguns gens que semblen prometedors per a ser usats a manera d'eines genètiques per a la millora del rendiment en la producció en lleguminoses.
FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) és un regulador clau en la xarxa genètica del fotoperíode que controla el temps de floració en Arabidopsis. En lleguminoses, el clade FT s'ha diversificat en tres subclades: FTa, FTb i FTc. En pésol, el gen FTc es troba distant filogenéticamente dels altres gens FT i té un patró d'expressió inusual, ja que només s'expressa en l'àpex de la inflorescència. En aquest treball hem caracteritzat mutants ftc de pésol i els hem utilitzats per a analitzar les interaccions genètiques de FTc amb DETERMINATE i LATE FLOWERING, que són els homòlegs en pésol de TERMINAL FLOWER 1 d' Arabidopsis. Aquest anàlisi ha revelat una funció de FTc en el control de la floració i, curiosament, també en el desenvolupament del meristemo I2, estant aquesta segona funció possiblement mediada per la regulació de FTc en l'expressió de VEG1. / [EN] Inflorescence architecture determines position and number of flowers (and fruits) in the plant. This affects plant shape, contributing to morphological diversity, and also influences seed yield. Therefore, understanding the genetics behind inflorescence development is relevant not only to plant developmental biology but also to agriculture, to design new breeding strategies.
Most legumes have compound inflorescences, in which the flowers do not form on the main stem but from secondary inflorescences (I2) at the flanks of the main primary inflorescence (I1). This is in contrast to plants with simple inflorescences, such as Arabidopsis, where the flowers directly form at the I1. Pea (Pisum sativum) belongs to the Fabaceae family and the galegoid clade of legumes and has a compound inflorescence.
It is well known that VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) encodes a transcription factor that specifies the identity of the I2 meristem in legumes, but it is still unknown how and through which genes VEG1 controls I2 development and the genetic pathways in which it is involved. In this work, we aimed to identify regulatory targets of VEG1. For that, we compared the transcriptomes of inflorescence apices from wild type and pea mutants with defects in inflorescence development: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - with multiple I2 meristems), veg1 and vegetative2 (veg2), none of which produce neither I2 meristems nor flowers). Using this approach, we have isolated I2-expressed meristem genes and identified some possible targets of VEG1, among them some genes that seem promising tools to improve yield in legumes.
FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is a key regulator of the photoperiod inductive pathway that controls flowering time in Arabidopsis. In legumes, the FT clade has diversified into three subclades: FTa, FTb and FTc. Pea FTc is distant phylogenetically from the other FTs and has an unusual expression pattern, being expressed only at the inflorescence apex. In this work we have characterized pea ftc mutants and used them to analyze the genetic interactions of FTc with DETERMINATE and LATE FLOWERING, pea homologues of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 of Arabidopsis. This analysis has revealed a function of FTc in the control of flowering and, interestingly, of I2 meristem development, this second function being possibly mediated through FTc regulation of VEG1 expression. / Serra Picó, MP. (2022). New Insights into Pea Compound Inflorescence Development: Role of FTc and VEGETATIVE1 as Regulatory Factors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181299
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Differences in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) microbial compatibility and/ or their associated farming practices may influence root fungi of the following crop and affect the yield. The main objective of this research was to explain the difference in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) yield the year after pea and chickpea crops through changes in the functional diversity of wheat root fungi. The effect of fungicides used on chickpea on the root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied using plate culture and pyrosequencing. Pyrosequencing detected more Fusarium spp. in the roots of durum wheat after fungicide-treated chickpea than in non-fungicide treated chickpea. Plate culture revealed that the functional groups of fungi responded differently to fungicide use in the field but the effect on total community was non-significant. Highly virulent pathogens were not affected, but antagonists were suppressed. More fungal antagonists were detected after the chickpea CDC Luna than CDC Vanguard. Fungal species responded differently to the use of fungicides in vitro, but the aggregate inhibition effect on antagonists and highly virulent pathogens was similar.
The effect of chickpea vs. pea previous crop and different chickpea termination times on root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied. The abundance of Fusarium spp. increased after cultivation of both cultivars of chickpea as compared to pea according to pyrosequencing and was negatively correlated with durum yield. Plate culture analysis revealed that fungal antagonists were more prevalent after pea than both cultivars of chickpea and chickpea CDC Vanguard increased the abundance of highly virulent pathogens. The abundance of highly virulent pathogens in durum wheat roots was negatively correlated to durum yield. Early termination of chickpea did not change the community of culturable fungi in the roots of a following durum crop.
It is noteworthy that Fusarium redolens was identified for the first time in Saskatchewan and its pathogenicity was confirmed on durum wheat, pea and chickpea. The classical method of root disease diagnostics in cereals is based on the examination of the subcrown internode. I evaluated the method by comparing the fungal communities associated with different subterranean organs of durum wheat. The fungal community of the subcrown internode was different from that of roots and crown, suggesting cautious use of this method.
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Incorporation and release of organic volatile compounds in a bio-based matrix by twin-screw extrusion / Incorporation et libération de composés organiques volatils dans une matrice d'agromatériaux par extrusion bi-visCastro Gutierrez, Natalia 18 February 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel, les communautés scientifiques et politiques sont centrées sur les différentes manières de mieux préserver et utiliser les ressources naturelles de notre planète. Dans le but de réduire la consommation des matières issues du pétrole, et de développer de nouveaux produits et procédés industriels plus propres, l’industrie des fragrances et des arômes cherche aujourd’hui à développer de nouveaux matériaux bio-sourcés pour protéger leurs molécules volatiles odorantes. Dans ce travail de thèse, les maltodextrines ont été choisies comme composé majoritaire, les protéines de pois et un amidon modifié ont été sélectionnés comme additifs compatibilisants pour la composition des matrices d’agromatériaux. L’incorporation des molécules volatiles odorantes, ainsi que l’élaboration des matrices encapsulantes ont été réalisées en une seule étape, grâce à la technologie d’extrusion bi-vis à basse température. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques, thermiques et morphologiques de ces nouvelles matrices enrobantes ont été analysées, de même que la détermination de leur efficacité d’encapsulation et du profil de libération du principe actif. Les différentes investigations menées ont permis de mieux comprendre l’impact des formulations et de l’incorporation des molécules volatiles odorantes sur les paramètres opératoires. Les interactions entre la matrice enrobante et le principe actif ont également été étudiées. Les conditions d’extrusion établies, ainsi que les caractéristiques de ces nouvelles matrices encapsulantes, s’avèrent être pertinentes pour le domaine de la parfumerie. / Nowadays, scientific and political communities are focused on ways to better preserve and manage the natural resources of our planet. In order to reduce consumption of fossil resources, and to develop more environmentally friendly industrial processes, the industry of flavors and fragrances became interested in developing new bio-based encapsulating materials. In the present work, maltodextrins have been chosen as main component of the matrix, and pea protein isolate and a modified starch were selected as compatibilizing additives. The incorporation of volatile odorant compounds and the elaboration of the new bio-based delivery systems were performed, all in one single step, by low temperature twin-screw extrusion. The physicochemical, thermal and morphological properties of these matrices were studied, as well as the encapsulation efficiency and the release profile of the active compounds. These investigations have led to a better understanding of the impact of the formulations and of the incorporation of the active compound on the process parameters. The interactions between the wall and the encapsulated materials were also analyzed. The characteristics of the new bio-based delivery systems and the established extrusion process conditions were found to be very promising to be employed in the field of perfumery.
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Design and Development of Piezoelectric Stack Actuated Trailing Edge Flap for Helicopter Vibration ReductionMallick, Rajnish January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This research investigates on-blade partial span active plain trailing edge flaps (TEFs)with an aim to alleviate the helicopter vibrations. Among all the available smart materials, piezoelectric stack actuator(PEA)has shown its strong candidature for full scale rotor systems. Although, PEAs are quite robust in operation, however, they exhibit rate dependent hysteresis phenomenon and can generate only very small displacements. Dynamic hysteresis is a complex phenomenon which, if not modeled, can lead to drift in the vibration predictions. In this research, a comprehensive experimental analysis is performed on a commercially available piezostack actuator, APA-500L, which is well suited for full scale applications. Rate dependent hysteresis loops are obtained for helicopter operational frequencies. Nonlinear rate-dependent hysteresis loops are modeled using conic section approach and the results are validated with experimental data. Dynamic hysteresis exhibited by the PEA is further cascaded with the helicopter aeroelastic analysis and its effect on helicopter vibration predictions is investigated. PEAs generate high force but are limited by small translational motions. A linear to rotary motion amplification mechanism is required to actuate the TEF for vibration alleviation. A smart flap is designed and developed using computer-aided-design models. A rotor blade test section is fabricated and a lever-fulcrum mechanism (AM-1) is developed for a feasibility study. Smart flap actuation is demonstrated on the rotor blade test section. The conventional motion amplification devices contain several linkages, which are potential sites for structural failure. A novel pinned-pinned post-buckled beam linear-to-rotary motion amplifier (AM-2) is designed and developed to actuate the flaps. A new design of linear-to-linear amplification mechanism (LX-4) is developed and is employed in conjunction with AM-2 to increase the flap angles by an order of magnitude. An analytical model is developed using Mathieu-Hill type differential equations. Static and dynamic tests are conducted on a scaled flap model. Helicopter aeroelastic simulations show substantial reduction in hub loads using AM-2 mechanism. To further enhance the flap angles, an optimization study is performed and optimal beam dimensions are obtained. A new technique is also proposed to actively bias the flaps for both upward and downward motion. Critical flap design parameters, such as flap span, flap chord and flap location influences the flap power requirement and vibration objective function significantly. A comprehensive parametric investigation is performed to obtain the best design of TEFs at various advance ratios. Although, parametric study equips the designer with vital information about various critical system parameters, however, it is a computationally expensive exercise especially when used with large comprehensive helicopter aero elastic codes. A formal optimization procedure is employed to obtain the optimal flap design and location. Surrogate models are developed using design of experiments based on response surface methodology. Two new orthogonal arrays are proposed to construct the second order polynomial response surfaces. Pareto analysis is employed in conjunction with a newly developed computationally efficient evolutionary multi-objective bat algorithm. Optimal flap design and flap locations for dual trailing edge flaps are obtained for mutually conflicting objectives of minimum vibration levels and minimum power requirement to actuate the flaps.
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Le Root Extracellular Trap (RET), un réseau au coeur de la défense racinaire : caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle chez deux légumineuses, Glycine max (Merr.) L. et Pisum sativum (L.) / The Root Extracellular Trap, a Network at the Heart of Root Defense : Molecular and Functional Characterization in Two Leguminous Species, Glycine Max (Merr.) L. and Pisum Sativum L.Ropitaux, Marc 30 November 2018 (has links)
Chez les plantes, le RET (Root Extracellular Trap) est une structure cellulo-moléculaire jouant un rôle central dans la défense racinaire face aux stress abiotiques et biotiques. De nombreuses similitudes de composition ont été observées entre le RET et le NET (Neutrophil Extracellular Trap) du système immunitaire des mammifères, connu pour capturer et tuer certains microorganismes bactériens et fongiques. Le RET est composé de cellules frontières et de leurs sécrétions (composés de haut et de bas poids moléculaire) comprenant des polysaccharides de la paroi cellulaire, des protéoglycannes et des métabolites secondaires. Il contient également des protéines antimicrobiennes et de l'ADN extracellulaire, tout comme le NET. Dans le cadre de mon projet de thèse, nous avons caractérisé la composition moléculaire et la structuration de cette entité de défense chez deux légumineuses, le soja (Glycine max (Merr) L.) et le pois (Pisum sativum L.), par des approches d’imagerie cellulaire photonique et électronique. Nous avons également étudié l’impact du RET du soja sur des pathogènes telluriques, à savoir Phytophthora parasitica et Aphanomyces euteiches. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence la présence de différents morphotypes de cellules frontières et de mucilage au sein du RET de soja et de pois. Pour la première fois, nous avons montré la présence d’hétéromannanes, de xyloglucane et de cellulose dans le RET, formant une ossature stabilisant le mucilage et reliant les cellules frontières entre elles. Ces polysaccharides structuraux semblent être essentiels à l’intégrité structurale et fonctionnelle du RET. Enfin, nos résultats ont montré que le RET de soja était impliqué dans la défense précoce de la racine contre P. parasitica. Cette étude apporte de nouvelles connaissances relatives à la composition moléculaire et la structure du RET, nous amenant ainsi à comparer le RET à d’autres modèles que le NET des mammifères, tels que les biofilms bactériens et les mucilages de graines. En effet, de nombreuses similitudes existent entre ces différents complexes en termes de composition et de fonctionnement, qui méritent d’être explorer plus en détail dans l’avenir. / In higher plants, the RET (Root Extracellular Trap) is a complex made up of border cells and secretions, released by root tips and believed to play a central role in biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. This structure is quite similar to the Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) known as one of the first lines of defense in mammals, able to trap and kill microbial pathogens. RET secretions consist of high and low-molecular weight compounds including cell wall polysaccharides, proteoglycans and secondary metabolites. They also contain a variety of anti-microbial proteins and extracellular DNA much like the NET. During my thesis work, we investigated the release and morphology of root border cells in soybean (Glycine max (Merr) L.) using light and scanning electron microscopy. The molecular composition of the mucilage was also investigated using immunocytochemistry, anti-cell wall glycan antibodies and confocal microscopy. Immunocytochemistry was also applied to pea (Pisum sativum L.) border cells and secretions to examine the occurrence of specific polysaccharides. We also studied the impact of soybean RET on the soilborne pathogens, Phytophthora parasitica and Aphanomyces euteiches. Our findings showed that root tips of soybean released three border cell morphotypes all of which secreted substantial amounts of mucilage. Immunocytochemical data showed that mucilage was enriched in pectin and the two hemicellulosic polysaccharides xyloglucan and heteromannan. Mucilage also contained cellulose, histone and extracellular DNA. Interestingly, the structural polysaccharides formed a fibrous network surrounding the cells and holding them together, supporting their role in maintaining mucilage architecture and integrity. In addition, we found that xyloglucan and cellulose were also secreted into the mucilage of pea, connecting border cells together. Finally, our findings revealed that RET prevented P. parasitica zoospores from colonizing soybean root tip, by stopping their penetration and inducing their death. Overall the study revealed novel insights into the composition, structure and function of plant RETs. Currently, the RET is much less studied than its mammal counterpart, the NET, but structural and functional similarities exist between these two traps. Interestingly, similarities do also exist between the RET and other important biological complexes, including bacterial biofilms and seed mucilage, that deserve to be further investigated and compared in the context of immunity.
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Hotel "Na vyhlídce" / The Hotel "On the View"Brandýská, Veronika Unknown Date (has links)
The content of this bachelor work is the project documentation of the hotel On the View in Nový Hradec Králové. The build has three ground floors, without partial basement and it is roofed by flat roof with pea gravel. A build has 2 parts. First part si for guests and second part is for employees. The build has 2 entrance. In the first floor is reception with facility, toilet, restaurant with kitchen, food warehouses, untility room and background for employees. From a restaurant is access to the terrace. In the second and third floor are rooms for 34 guests (of which 2 for handicapped) and background for cleaning women. A Hotel has car park for guests with 13 places ( of which 2 fort handicapped) and car park for employees with 4 places. The construction system is mostly made of polished ceramic blocks Porotherm. Horizontal construction is made up as Porotherm ceiling with brick inserts MIAKO and ceramic-concrete ceiling beams. Part of the proposal is thermal engineering assessment, fire safety solutions and assessments in terms of acoustic and daylight.
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Use of floral resources by the lacewing Micromus tasmaniae and its parasitoid Anacharis zealandica, and the consequences for biological control by M. tasmaniaeRobinson, K. A. January 2009 (has links)
Arthropod species that have the potential to damage crops are food resources for communities of predators and parasitoids. From an agronomic perspective these species are pests and biocontrol agents respectively, and the relationships between them can be important determinants of crop yield and quality. The impact of biocontrol agents on pest populations may depend on the availability of other food resources in the agroecosystem. A scarcity of such resources may limit biological control and altering agroecosystem management to alleviate this limitation could contribute to pest management. This is a tactic of ‘conservation biological control’ and includes the provision of flowers for species that consume prey as larvae but require floral resources in their adult stage. The use of flowers for pest management requires an understanding of the interactions between the flowers, pests, biocontrol agents and non-target species. Without this, attempts to enhance biological control might be ineffective or detrimental. This thesis develops our understanding in two areas which have received relatively little attention: the role of flowers in biological control by true omnivores, and the implications of flower use by fourth-trophic-level life-history omnivores. The species studied were the lacewing Micromus tasmaniae and its parasitoid Anacharis zealandica. Buckwheat flowers Fagopyrum esculentum provided floral resources and aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum served as prey. Laboratory experiments with M. tasmaniae demonstrated that although prey were required for reproduction, providing flowers increased survival and oviposition when prey abundance was low. Flowers also decreased prey consumption by the adult lacewings. These experiments therefore revealed the potential for flowers to either enhance or disrupt biological control by M. tasmaniae. Adult M. tasmaniae were collected from a crop containing a strip of flowers. Analyses to determine the presence of prey and pollen in their digestive tracts suggested that predation was more frequent than foraging in flowers. It was concluded that the flower strip probably did not affect biological control by lacewings in that field, but flowers could be significant in other situations. The lifetime fecundity of A. zealandica was greatly increased by the presence of flowers in the laboratory. Providing flowers therefore has the potential to increase parasitism of M. tasmaniae and so disrupt biological control. A. zealandica was also studied in a crop containing a flower strip. Rubidium-marking was used to investigate nectar-feeding and dispersal from the flowers. In addition, the parasitoids’ sugar compositions were determined by HPLC and used to infer feeding histories. Although further work is required to develop the use of these techniques in this system, the results suggested that A. zealandica did not exploit the flower strip. The sugar profiles suggested that honeydew had been consumed by many of the parasitoids. A simulation model was developed to explore the dynamics of aphid, lacewing and parasitoid populations with and without flowers. This suggested that if M. tasmaniae and A. zealandica responded to flowers as in the laboratory, flowers would only have a small effect on biological control within a single period of a lucerne cutting cycle. When parasitoids were present, the direct beneficial effect of flowers on the lacewing population was outweighed by increased parasitism, reducing the potential for biological control in future crops. The results presented in this thesis exemplify the complex interactions that may occur as a consequence of providing floral resources in agroecosystems and re-affirm the need for agroecology to inform the development of sustainable pest management techniques.
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