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The Blue Monkey In Golden Bengal : Understanding the colonial policy and socialconditions of the indigo rebellion’s peasantIslam, Niazul January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates some social factors that instigated Bengal’s peasants to revolt against theBritish colonial raj repeatedly. The majority of peasant rebellions of Bengal have been examinedfrom the view of political economy, where the general perspective is that peasants revolted becauseof economic exploitations by planters, landlords, and other classes. However, this study argues forextending beyond the political-economic view, and for the importance of also bringing in overallsocial conditions in the examination of peasant rebellions. From these perspectives, this studyexamines a single case, the Indigo rebellion of Bengal, in relation to colonial policy, institutionalarrangements and peasants’ social condition.Archival data, Indigo commission report of 1860, books, academic articles, political drama, etc.,have been used as data sources for the study. To get a personal experience of the indigo rebellion,I have traveled to some districts where the indigo rebellion occurred and discussed with thepeasants to find some oral history. By applying the case study research method, I have analyzedthe data with the thematic analysis method. Commercialization of agriculture, moral economy, andexpansion of the market economy theory has been applied to analyze the data.This study finds that colonial policy and institutional arrangement created conditions to exploit thepeasants’ labor and wealth. The first significant change brought in Bengal by colonial power wasthe change in land ownership. Because of the Permanent Settlement Act, land became a productof money-making in the colonial state. The second significant effect of colonial rule is the changeof agricultural mode of production. The study also shows the commercialization of agriculture thattransformed the traditional method of agriculture, shifted the entire ‘production risk’ on thepeasants’ shoulders, and created insecurity of peasants’ subsistence. Thus, this study indicates thatBengal’s peasants repeatedly revolted because of colonial institutional arrangements andextractive land, economic, social, and indigo production policies that made peasant life miserable
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Gênero, autonomia e resistência na construção das mulheres como atores sociais: o caso das experiências coletivas dos grupos de mulheres camponesas \"Sueños de Mujer\" e \"Aromas del Campo\" Tuluá - Colômbia / Gender, autonomy and resistance in the construction of women as social actors: the case of the collective experiences of groups of peasant women: Sueños de Mujer e Aromas del Campo Tuluá - ColômbiaCáceres Villota, Ivonne Maritza 26 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo reconstruir a experiência coletiva dos grupos de mulheres camponesas Aromas del Campo e Sueños de Mujer. A partir da perspectiva de gênero são analisadas suas práticas e ações na dimensão política, social e econômica no intuito de apreender os caminhos que as mulheres percorrem na sua construção como atores sociais. De igual forma são analisadas as situações do contexto político, social e econômico, nos quais emergiram os grupos; e os fatores socioculturais que influem no processo organizativo, em um cenário marcado pela pobreza rural e a violência do conflito social e armado. Os resultados apontam que no processo de construção dos grupos como atores sociais, as mulheres se defrontam com múltiplas tensões de ordem política, econômica, social e simbólica, tanto na esfera doméstica como na esfera pública, frente às quais os grupos criam diferentes estratégias de resistência no caminho de conquistar a autonomia econômica, política e social das mulheres camponesas. / This research aims to reconstruct the collective experience of two groups of peasant women: \"Aromas del Campo\" and \"Sueños de Mujer.\" From a gender perspective, the practices and actions in the political, social and economic dimensions are analyzed in order to grasp the journeys that women undertook to construct themselves as social actors. In the same way, it will be analyzed the context in which these groups were originated, as well as the sociocultural factors that influences their agency process, in a stage marked by rural poverty and the violence of the social and armed conflict. The results indicate that the process of construction of these groups as social actors, women confront multiple tensions of political, economic, social and symbolic orders, in the private sphere as well as the public sphere. In order to address these tensions, the groups of peasant women create different resistance strategies to achieve social, economic and political autonomy.
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O banditismo social em regiões periféricas do Brasil e do México na segunda metade do século XIX: Antônio Silvino e Pancho Villa / The social banditism in peripherical areas of Brazil and Mexico on the second half of the XIX century: Antônio Silvino and Pancho Villa. 2008.Rosa, Marcos Alexandre Rinaldi 12 August 2008 (has links)
ROSA, M. A. R. O banditismo social em regiões periféricas do Brasil e do México na segunda metade do século XIX: Antônio Silvino e Pancho Villa. 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado) PROLAM, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008. A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, a América latina é definitivamente incorporada ao sistema capitalista internacional na condição de apêndice do mercado mundial, então liderado pela Inglaterra, como produtora e fornecedora de produtos agrícolas. A consolidação dos princípios liberais defendidos pelas elites políticas das jovens nações americanas estabelece a necessidade da modernização dos setores econômicos internos. Paralelamente, a penetração do capitalismo acarreta profundas transformações sobre os setores sociais e as pressões e o ônus desse mecanismo incidem, em última instância, nas camadas pobres do campo e nas comunidades remanescentes de indígenas. Por intermédio da ação do Estado, inicia-se o processo de apropriação e expansão das terras potencialmente agricultáveis e as regiões outrora remotas e isoladas passam ser integradas à totalidade do território nacional. A desarticulação dos valores camponeses decorrentes desse processo provocou a reação das massas do campo e estimulou o crescimento do banditismo social. No presente trabalho, estabelecemos uma análise paralela, através da utilização do método comparativo, acerca desse processo no nordeste brasileiro e no norte do México, tomando como ponto de partida a ação de dois bandoleiros contemporâneos e atuantes em cada uma dessas áreas. As diferentes trajetórias que se estabelecem entre ambas as personagens, a partir de um determinado momento, revelam a interferência dos processos históricos distintos e particulares em cada país. / ROSA, M.A.R. The social banditism in peripherical areas of Brazil and Mexico on the second half of the XIX century: Antônio Silvino and Pancho Villa. 2008. Dissertation (Master) PROLAM, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008. Starting from the second half of the XIX century, Latin America is definitely incorporated to the international capitalist system under the condition of the appendix of the world market - which was then ruled by England - as the producer and supplier of agricultural products. The consolidation of the liberal principles defended by American young nations political elites establishes the modernization need of the internal economical sectors. At the same time, the penetration of the Capitalism brings about deep transformations on the social sectors and the pressure and the onus of this mechanism falls, as a last resort, upon the poor rural class in the remaining indigenous communities. By the means of the State action, it starts the process of appropriation and expansion of the potentially agriculturable lands and the regions which were remote and isolated in the past, become integrated to the totality of the national territory. The disconnection of the rural values resulted from this process caused the reaction of the peasant people and stimulated the growth of the social banditism. In this current work, we establish a parallel analysis, through the utilization of the comparative method, about this process in Brazilian Northeast and in the North of Mexico, considering as a starting point the action of two contemporary bandits who acted in each one of these areas. The different trajectories which get established between both characters, starting at a certain moment, reveal the interference of the particular and distinct historical processes in each country
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O educativo na experiência do movimento de mulheres camponesas : resistência, enfrentamento e libertaçãoCinelli, Catiane January 2016 (has links)
A presente Tese de Doutorado intitulada O educativo na experiência do Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas: Resistência, Enfrentamento e Libertação discute educação a partir dos movimentos populares, em especial, do Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC). A pesquisa é fruto de experiência vivida e estudos sobre mulheres camponesas. Dessa forma, utilizou-se o materialismo histórico dialético enquanto método que busca pensar as relações entre as experiências práticas e a tomada de consciência, gerando novos modos de vida, em meio às contradições e resistências ao modelo capitalista de produção e à cultura patriarcal, construindo formas alternativas de viver. Assim, a metodologia é orientada pela pesquisa participante com elementos da pesquisa-ação. Os instrumentos utilizados se deram com observações participantes ou militantes, registradas no Diário de Campo, e entrevistas semiestruturadas com oito mulheres camponesas que desenvolvem experiências agroecológicas nos estados de Santa Catariana e da Bahia, sendo estas entrevistas gravadas e posteriormente transcritas. Para o delineamento da tese, foram utilizadas ainda, fontes documentais, como cartilhas, relatórios e panfletos escritos pelo MMC, além dos referenciais teóricos e metodológicos. As categorias analíticas se encontram no decorrer do texto: o campesinato, a experiência, a cultura, a resistência, o enfrentamento, o feminismo camponês e popular e o educativo. A pesquisa realizada revelou que as mulheres camponesas constroem alternativas para sair de uma situação de exploração capitalista, consolidada no campo através do agronegócio, e, ao fazer isso, também buscam sair da opressão causada pelo sistema patriarcal revelada nas relações de gênero desiguais. Com a tomada de consciência de que vivem nessa situação, as camponesas partem para uma reflexão pessoal e coletiva sobre a necessidade de construir formas de autonomia e libertação, assumindo-se como protagonistas de uma história de luta, organização e formação, através do feminismo camponês e popular. Trabalha-se sobre cultura, no sentido de compreender que as camponesas constroem uma cultura a partir de suas vivências de mulheres, incluindo seus aprendizados nas lutas enquanto camponesas. A partir de sua experiência, as mulheres camponesas constroem outras formas de viver na sociedade, resistindo e enfrentando o sistema capitalista e patriarcal. Com suas produções agroecológicas mostram que há outras formas de estar e de viver no mundo e no campo, para além do que é ditado pelo agronegócio, experienciando outras relações com a terra, com a natureza, com as pessoas e com todos os seres vivos. Com isso, demonstram que a agroecologia pode também ser considerada como um modo de vida. Mostra-se, na resistência e enfrentamento em meio às contradições vivenciadas, que há um processo pedagógico-cultural, portanto educativo e gerador de culturas, no qual as mulheres aprendem e ensinam, simultaneamente, a produção do viver no envolvimento com o Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas. Por fim, evidencia-se a tese de que “as experiências de resistência e de enfrentamento das mulheres camponesas do MMC, diante do sistema capitalista e patriarcal, para além de serem constituidoras de novos aprendizados, indicam também, as possibilidades de construir outros modos de vida”. / The present doctoral dissertation untitled The educative in the experience of the Rural Women's Movement: resistance, confrontation and release discusses education since the popular movement mainly the Peasant Women Movement (MMC). The research arises from the lived experience and preview studies about peasant women. Thus, it was utilized the historical dialectical materialism as method that searches to think the relationship between practical experience and the awareness taken, generating new ways of life in the midst of contradictions and resistance to the capitalist model of production and the patriarchal culture, building then alternative forms of living. The methodology is oriented by the participant research with elements of research–action. The utilized instruments were participant or militant observation, notes in the field diary and semi structured interview with eight peasant women that develop agro ecologic experiences, in the states of Santa Catarina and Bahia, being the interviews recorded and then transcript. The layout of the doctoral dissertation counted on document sources such as didactic books, reports and folders written by MMC, besides theoretical and methodological references. The analytical categories are found in the text: peasantry, experience, culture, resistance, confronting, popular peasant feminism and education. The research revealed that the peasant women build alternatives to quit an exploring capitalist situation consolidated in the countryside through the agro business and doing that, also search to leave off the oppression caused by the patriarchal system revealed in the unequal gender relationship. Taking awareness of the lived situation, the peasant women reach a personal and collective reflection about the necessity to build autonomy and freedom, assuming themselves as protagonists of their history of struggle, organization and formation through the peasant and popular feminism. Culture is seen in order to comprehend that the peasant produce culture since their experiences of women including their learning in the struggle as peasants. Since their lived experience, the peasant women build other ways of living in society, resisting and confronting the capitalist and patriarchal system. Their agro ecologic productions demonstrate that there are other ways to be and to live in the world and in the countryside, besides what is established by the agro business, having other relationship with the land, the nature, the people and every living being. Along with that, they demonstrate that the agro ecology may also be considered as a way of living. And it is shown in the resistance and confronts in the midst of living contradictions that there is a cultural and pedagogical process, therefore educational and generator of culture, in which the women learn and teach simultaneously the production of living involved with Peasant Women Movement. Finally, it is highlighted the thesis that “the experiences of resistance and confront of peasant women from MMC, since the capitalist and patriarchal system, besides constitute new learning indicate possibilities to build other ways of living as well.
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Gênero, autonomia e resistência na construção das mulheres como atores sociais: o caso das experiências coletivas dos grupos de mulheres camponesas \"Sueños de Mujer\" e \"Aromas del Campo\" Tuluá - Colômbia / Gender, autonomy and resistance in the construction of women as social actors: the case of the collective experiences of groups of peasant women: Sueños de Mujer e Aromas del Campo Tuluá - ColômbiaIvonne Maritza Cáceres Villota 26 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo reconstruir a experiência coletiva dos grupos de mulheres camponesas Aromas del Campo e Sueños de Mujer. A partir da perspectiva de gênero são analisadas suas práticas e ações na dimensão política, social e econômica no intuito de apreender os caminhos que as mulheres percorrem na sua construção como atores sociais. De igual forma são analisadas as situações do contexto político, social e econômico, nos quais emergiram os grupos; e os fatores socioculturais que influem no processo organizativo, em um cenário marcado pela pobreza rural e a violência do conflito social e armado. Os resultados apontam que no processo de construção dos grupos como atores sociais, as mulheres se defrontam com múltiplas tensões de ordem política, econômica, social e simbólica, tanto na esfera doméstica como na esfera pública, frente às quais os grupos criam diferentes estratégias de resistência no caminho de conquistar a autonomia econômica, política e social das mulheres camponesas. / This research aims to reconstruct the collective experience of two groups of peasant women: \"Aromas del Campo\" and \"Sueños de Mujer.\" From a gender perspective, the practices and actions in the political, social and economic dimensions are analyzed in order to grasp the journeys that women undertook to construct themselves as social actors. In the same way, it will be analyzed the context in which these groups were originated, as well as the sociocultural factors that influences their agency process, in a stage marked by rural poverty and the violence of the social and armed conflict. The results indicate that the process of construction of these groups as social actors, women confront multiple tensions of political, economic, social and symbolic orders, in the private sphere as well as the public sphere. In order to address these tensions, the groups of peasant women create different resistance strategies to achieve social, economic and political autonomy.
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The education of true believers? Soviet youth in the 1920sRedlick, Teresa L 01 May 2008
After the October Revolution of 1917, one of the primary aims of the Bolshevik Party was the creation of the New Soviet Man and Woman. In the view of the Party, young people, who were presumably more malleable and less influenced by the countrys tsarist past, were the most logical group to become this new Soviet person. This thesis examines the relationship between the Bolshevik Party and young people in the 1920s. It discusses the methods the Party took to influence young people, including the restructuring of the countrys school system, the creation of a national youth organization, the Communist League of Youth (Komsomol), and the development of recreational and leisure activities intended to teach youth the values and behaviours appropriate to Communists. It also examines the experiences of youth under the regime, with attention paid to the different experiences had by urban youth as opposed to rural youth, and young men as distinct from young women. Finally, the thesis attempts to assess the degree to which the Bolshevik Party was successful in creating believers among young people.
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The education of true believers? Soviet youth in the 1920sRedlick, Teresa L 01 May 2008 (has links)
After the October Revolution of 1917, one of the primary aims of the Bolshevik Party was the creation of the New Soviet Man and Woman. In the view of the Party, young people, who were presumably more malleable and less influenced by the countrys tsarist past, were the most logical group to become this new Soviet person. This thesis examines the relationship between the Bolshevik Party and young people in the 1920s. It discusses the methods the Party took to influence young people, including the restructuring of the countrys school system, the creation of a national youth organization, the Communist League of Youth (Komsomol), and the development of recreational and leisure activities intended to teach youth the values and behaviours appropriate to Communists. It also examines the experiences of youth under the regime, with attention paid to the different experiences had by urban youth as opposed to rural youth, and young men as distinct from young women. Finally, the thesis attempts to assess the degree to which the Bolshevik Party was successful in creating believers among young people.
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The Distinguishing Features of Béla Bartók¡¦s ¡mImprovisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op.20 ¡nBing, Szu-en 20 February 2011 (has links)
Influenced by the ideological trend of nationalism, Béla Bartók (1881-1945), an important Hungarian composer in the 20th century, dedicated himself to compositions with native culture. His piano solo work, Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op.20 (1920), is made of traditional Hungarian peasant music.
In addition to its melody, mode scale, and the unique rhythm derive from the peasant music, this arrangement is created by using 20th-century compositional technique. Bartók had once claimed that this music piece is the most mature and integrated one among all his transcriptions of folk music.
The first chapter of the paper introduces the Béla Bartók¡¦s journey of collecting the folk materials and the musical characteristics of Hungarian folk music, showing its thorough impact on his works. The second chapter discusses the classification of Bartók¡¦s different methods to compose transcriptions of folk music. The third chapter focuses on finding the distinguishing features of Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Op.20. The compositional methods about how Bartók made use of the folk music are analyzed from aspects of melodic structure, rhythmic application, and mode scale.
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Living through rebellion : a local history of the White Lotus Uprising in Hubei, China /McCaffrey, Cecily Miriam. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 250-258).
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Land reform and conflict resolution in Colombia /Nieswiadomy, Mark S. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in National Security Affairs)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 2003. / Thesis advisor(s): Harold Trinkunas, Jeanne Giraldo. Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-117). Also available online.
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