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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"O meu cabelo é assim... igualzinho o da bruxa, todo armado" : hierarquização e racialização das crianças pequenininhas negras na educação infantil / "My hair is like that... just like the witch's, all busch" : hierarchization and racialization of the tiny young black children in early childhood education

Santiago, Flávio, 1987- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T20:23:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santiago_Flavio_M.pdf: 1668411 bytes, checksum: cecc3551c2da3b101b257ea7f355ebc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: As escolhas conceituais, linguísticas e políticas presentes nas páginas desta dissertação são frutos dos diferentes encontros ocorridos durante uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada no período de agosto a dezembro de 2012, em um Centro de Educação Infantil de uma cidade da região metropolitana de Campinas-SP. Trata-se de uma pesquisa envolvendo crianças pequenininhas de três anos e suas/seus docentes. O objetivo é apresentar a violência da hierarquização social capitalista fundamentada no processo de racialização sobre a construção das culturas infantis. A partir dos pressupostos teóricos da Sociologia da Infância e dos estudos das Ciências Sociais, relacionados às Relações Raciais no Brasil, procurei compreender a influência macro desse processo nas construções dos estereótipos referentes às crianças pequenininhas negras. Além disso, analiso como esse processo de racialização contribui para o afastamento da cultura e história negra das pedagogias presentes na educação infantil e na exclusão de meninas pequenininhas negras e meninos pequenininhos negros do campo social permissível às experiências relativas à aceitação do seu corpo, de sua ancestralidade. Os resultados apontam para a presença de uma pedagogia da "branquitude", que se embasa num modelo educacional com propósitos de reprodução de preconceitos referentes às crianças pequenininhas negras para a manutenção dos privilégios das crianças pequeninhas brancas. Indicam, também, como as crianças pequeninhas negras percebem o racismo presente nas posturas pedagógicas adotadas pelo Centro de Educação Infantil e deixam explícito, por meio de diferentes linguagens, a não aceitação dos enquadramentos que as fixam em posições subalternas na sociedade / Abstract: The conceptual, linguistic and political choices presented on the pages of this dissertation are the outcome of different meetings occurred during an ethnographic research at an Early Childhood Center in Vinhedo ¿ SP, conducted in the period that goes from August to December 2012. This research involves three-year-old tiny young children and their teachers. It aims to bring up the violence of capitalist social hierarchization based on the process of racialization on the construction of peer cultures. From the theoretical assumptions of Childhood Sociology, and studies of Social Sciences related to Racial Relationships in Brazil, I sought to understand the macro influence of this process on the construction of stereotypes related to tiny young black children. In addition to that, I analyze how this process of racialization contributes to the withdrawal of both culture and black history from the pedagogies present in childhood education, and to the exclusion of black girls and black boys from a social field that is permissible to experiences related to the acceptance of their own body; of their ancestry. The results point out to the presence of a pedagogy of "whiteness" that relies on an educational model with purposes of reproduction of prejudices against tiny young black children in order to achieve the maintenance of the privileges of white tiny young children. The results also indicate how these tiny young black children perceive racism installed on the pedagogical postures adopted by childhood educational centers, and make it explicit, through different languages, the non-acceptance of the fitting framework that pins them down in a subordinate position in society / Mestrado / Ciencias Sociais na Educação / Mestre em Educação

”Nej men nu är dörren stängd dom leker en lek där nu” : En studie om förskollärares synsätt på barns inträde i fri lek / ”No but the door is closed they are playing there now” : A study on preschool teachers views on children’s entry in free play

Karlsson, Isagell January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att öka kunskaperna om förskollärares synsätt på barns inträde i lek. Det är en kvalitativ studie med semi-strukturerad intervju som metod där 5 förskollärare intervjuats. Insamlade data transkriberades och analyserade med hjälp utav barndomssociologisk teori och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Detta genererade 3 teman som handlade om hur förskollärare bedömer lek, hur förskollärare fredar lek samt hur förskollärare inkluderar barn i lek. Resultatet visar att förskollärare bedömer leken där flera faktorer är viktiga för besluta om de ska freda leken eller inte. Faktorer som ålder på barnet, vad barnen i den befintliga leken leker, hur länge den pågått var saker som förskollärare undersökte eller letade efter. Studien fann även hur förskollärares förhållningssätt till att freda lek ser ut. Samt hur förskollärare inkluderar barn i befintlig lek. Där de beskrev flera förhållningssätt för att hjälpa barnet där de bland annat gick in själva i leken eller gick in interaktion med barnen för att samtala. Flera av förhållningssätten som förskollärarna beskrev att de använder är sådana som även barn själva använder när de vill tillträda lek. / The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about preschool teachers views on children’s entry in play. This is a qualitive study with a semi-structured interview as method where five preschool teachers were interviewed. Collected data were transcribed and analysed with help of the sociology of childhood theory and sociocultural theory. Three themes where generated about how preschool teachers assesses play, how preschool teachers protect play and how preschool teachers includes children in play. The results show that preschool teachers assess play where multiple factors are important when taking the decision if they should protect play or not. Factors such as the age of the children, what the children in the existing play are playing, how long the play has been going on were things that preschool teachers examined or looked for. The study also found out how preschool teachers approach to protect play. Also how preschool teachers includes children in an ongoing play. Where the preschool teachers described several approaches for how to help children where they sometimes also joined the play or went in to interact with the children to talk. Several of these approaches that the preschool teachers described that they were using are also approaches that children use when they want to access play.

"Vad håller ni på med?! Sluta slåss!" : En vetenskaplig essä om barns fysiska lekar i förskolans fria lek / “What are you doing?! Stop fighting!” : A scientific essay about children’s physical play in the preschool’s free play

Topolog, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Denna essä avser att uppnå en djupare förståelse om vad barns fria lek och fysiska lek innebär i förskolan och på vilket sätt fysisk lek bidrar till barns lärande och värdegrundsarbete, genom reflektioner med hjälp av mina erfarenheter och vetenskapliga teorier. Fokus riktas mot barnens inomhuslek. Till denna essä används Lev S Vygotskijs teorier om barns lärande och utveckling samt fantasi och kreativitet. William Corsaros teorier om barns kamratkulturer används för att reflektera över barnens finess i hur de anpassar sig efter förskolans regler. Förutom detta används två lekperspektiv för att fördjupa förståelsen av barns fysiska lek.   Förskolan omfattas av den fria leken där den karakteriseras av att den erbjuder barnen fria val att välja lek, lekkamrater och vilket material som ska användas i leken. Enligt min erfarenhet har jag dock upplevt att fri lek inte är så fri som det låter. Därför kommer jag att undersöka pedagogiska aspekter av den fria leken. Fysisk lek utmanar och väcker pedagogiska frågor och farhågor bland pedagoger i förskolan. Mina reflektioner har fått mig inse att friheten i barns lek är komplext och kräver kritisk reflektion av mitt och andra pedagogers förhållningssätt inför frågor som uppstår vid fysisk lek. Detta har lett mig till förståelsen att fysisk lek har en stämpel som frambringar negativa associationer. Dessa negativa associationer inverkar på hur pedagoger bemöter barn i den fysiska leken. Till exempel frambringar ”bråklek” associationer till allvarligt bråk som leder till konsekvensen att pedagogen avbryter leken. Denna insikt har bidragit till att jag undersökt andra benämningar på fysisk lek vilket fått mig att se vad som sker bortom det som är synligt i barns fysiska lek.    Med nyfikenhet och respekt för barns intresse för att leka fysiska lekar har jag insett hur givande fysiska lekar kan vara för barnen. För att fysiska lekar ska bli givande för barnen behöver pedagogerna ge dem rätta förutsättningar i leken. / This essay intends to achieve a deeper understanding of what children's free play and physical play means in the preschool and in what way physical play contributes to children's learning and value-based work, through reflections using my experiences and scientific theories. The focus is on the children's indoor play. Lev S Vygotsky's theories on children's learning and development as well as imagination and creativity are used for this essay. William Corsaro's theories of children's peer cultures are used to reflect on the children's finesse in how they adapt to the preschool's rules. In addition to this, two play perspectives are used to deepen the understanding of children's physical play. The preschool is embraced by the free play in which it is characterized by the fact that it offers children free choices to choose play, playmates and which material to use in the play. In my experience, however, I have experienced that free play is not as free as it sounds. Therefore, I will examine the educational aspects of free play. Physical play challenges and raises pedagogical issues and concerns among educators in preschool. My reflections have made me realize that freedom in children's play is complex and requires critical reflection of my and other pedagogues’ attitudes to issues that arise during physical play. This has led me to the understanding that physical play has a stamp that gives rise to negative associations. These negative associations affect how educators encounter children in the physical play. For example, gives “play fighting”rise to associations with serious fighting leading to the consequence that the educator interrupts the play. This insight has helped me to see into other names of physical play which made me see what happens beyond what is visiblein children's physical play. With curiosity and respect for children's interest in playing physical play, I have realized how rewarding physical play can be for the children. For physical play to be rewarding for the children, the educators need to give them the right conditions in the play.

Barns sociala vardagsliv i förskolan / Children’s everyday social life in preschool

Skånfors, Lovisa January 2013 (has links)
The overarching aim of the studies in this dissertation is to contribute knowledge about children’s shared social knowledge in their preschool peer cultures, regarding both content and how it is established and maintained. An ethnographic approach has been used to study the shared activities of children, aged 3-5, in the preschool. During 1 ½ years, one preschool setting was visited on a regular basis. One hundred hours of observation have been made and documented through video camera recordings and field notes. The theory of children’s peer cultures (Corsaro, 2005), positioning theory (Harré & Langenhove, 1999a) and social representation theory (Moscovici, 2001) have been used as theoretical tools in the analyses. The empirical results are presented in four articles (articles I-IV) and are all illustrations of the children’s shared social knowledge. The findings are that children’s shared social knowledge involves two main aspects of knowledge about relations; how to establish and maintain relations vis-à-vis various tokens or social resources (articles III and IV), and how to create distance to relations (articles I and II). Another find is that there seems to be a tension between the children’s social knowledge and the social norms explicitly formulated in the studied preschool context. / I den här avhandlingen undersöker Lovisa Skånfors barns sociala vardagsliv i förskolan. Det specifika syftet är att bidra med kunskap om barns gemensamma sociala kunskaper i förskolans kamratkulturer, både vad gäller dess innehåll och hur de etableras och upprätthålls. Författaren har genom ett etnografiskt arbetssätt följt barns gemensamma aktiviteter på en 3-5-årsavdelning i en svensk förskola, under 1,5 år. Resultatet visar att barns gemensamma sociala kunskaper handlar om hur man kan skapa och upprätthålla relationer och hur man kan distansera sig från relationer. Barns sociala relationer skapas och upprätthålls i relation till olika sociala resurser (rätt ålder, specifika kompetenser och tidigare etablerade relationer). Barn skapar dessutom distans till andra barn och vuxna genom att på olika sätt dra sig undan i förskolekontexten. Resultatet visar också att det tycks finnas en spänning mellan barnens gemensamma sociala kunskaper och de normer om kollektivitet som explicit formuleras i den studerade förskolekontexten. Avhandlingen vänder sig till forskare och praktiker med intresse för frågor kring förskola och förskolebarns sociala samspel.

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