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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiological and diagnostical aspects of prostatitis

Mehik, A. (Aare) 20 September 2001 (has links)
Abstract The principal aim of a population-based cross-sectional survey was to generate information on the lifetime occurrence of prostatitis in Finnish men and their exposure to the disease, and also on the influence of prostatitis-related fears and disturbances on their sexual life. A second aim was to develop and clinically validate a new diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis between the forms of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS), especially between patients belonging to categories IIIA and IIIB in the new NIH (National Institutes of Health) clinical classification. Altogether 1832 men out of 2500 aged 20–59 years chosen randomly from the two most northerly provinces of Finland (Oulu and Lapland) participated in the epidemiological study, a response rate of 75%. The overall lifetime prevalence of prostatitis was 14.2%. The risk of having had the disease increased with age, being 1.7 times greater in the men aged 40–49 years than in those aged 20–39 years, and 3.1 times greater in those aged 50–59 years. More than a quarter of the 261 men who had or had had prostatitis symptoms (27%) suffered from them at least once a year, while 16% suffered from chronic prostatitis symptoms throughout the year. 63% of the men with prostatitis had their worst symptoms during the wintertime (November–march). 17% of the men with chronic prostatitis reported a constant fear of undetected prostate cancer. Erectile dysfunction was reported by 43% of the symptomatic men and decreased libido by 24%. Self-assessment of personality showed that the men with prostatitis were more often busy and nervous and had a meticulous attitude to life and problems than were the non-symptomatic men. 197 patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome participated in three clinical case-control studies during the years 1995–2000, at Oulu University Hospital, the District Hospital of Oulainen and Seinäjoki Central Hospital. The first prostatic tissue pressure measurement (PTPM) study included 34 patients and 9 controls. A novel method was developed to measure intraprostatic tissue pressure with a Stryker® intracompartmental pressure monitor. The PTPM showed a clear increase (p < 0.001) in the patients with symptoms of prostatitis and benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) relative to the controls and the patients with BPE but without pain symptoms. The second PTPM study included 42 patients with chronic prostatitis symptoms without significant BPE and 12 new controls. Significantly higher pressure readings (p < 0.001) were recorded at all three measurement points in the patients than in the controls. 48 new patients and 12 new controls were enrolled for the third PTPM study, the purpose of which was to confirm the results of the previous ones and to compare the prostatic tissue pressures of two clinical groups (IIIA and IIIB). The prostatic tissue pressure was again significantly higher in the patients with chronic prostatitis symptoms than in the controls (p < 0.001). An interesting finding was that prostatitis patients belonging to clinical category IIIA had significantly higher tissue pressures (p < 0.01) than those in category IIIB, probably reflecting more severe inflammation in the prostatic tissue. This new PTPM method provides a more precise and/or exact tool for differential diagnosis between the forms of pelvic pain and CP/CPPS.

Irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis: is there a connection?

Issa, Basma January 2012 (has links)
Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an extremely common condition affecting approximately 10-15% of the population. Lower abdominal pain is a common feature and, if the patient also has gynaecological symptoms such as heavy periods, they may be referred to a gynaecologist especially when the bowel symptoms are relatively mild. In this setting a laparoscopy is often undertaken and endometriosis commonly identified as this condition affects up to 10% of women. Consequently pain is frequently attributed to the endometriosis even when it is relatively mild. However it is a common observation amongst gynaecologists that women with mild endometriosis often have severe symptoms which do not seem to respond well to treatment. This raises the possibility that their pain may not actually be due to endometriosis or is being amplified by the visceral hypersensitivity which is a characteristic feature of irritable bowel syndrome.Methods: 20 patients with minimal-mild endometriosis, 20 with moderate-severe endometriosis, 20 healthy volunteers (HV) who have had laparoscopy for sterilisation, 20 IBS patients and 20 patients with pain who were found to have a normal pelvis (on laparoscopy) were studied. Gastrointestinal, gynaecological, and noncolonic symptoms were recorded as well as demography, quality of life and psychological status. Visceral sensitivity was assessed in all patients and abdominal distension was studied in a sub group of 26 endometriosis patients and 20 IBS patients.Results: 20 (100%) of IBS patients, 13 (65%) of minimal-mild endometriosis patients, 11 (55%) of moderate-severe endometriosis patients, 17 (85%) of laparoscopic negative pain patients and no healthy volunteers fulfilled ROME III criteria for IBS. Patients with endometriosis and IBS had similar levels of visceral sensitivity which were significantly lower than that observed in controls (p=0·002, p<0·001).In particular, both minimal-mild and moderate-severe endometriosis patients had significantly lower (mean-95% CI) pain thresholds in mmHg 28.1(24.5, 31.6) and 28.8(24.9, 32.6) respectively compared with controls 39·5 (36·0, 43·0) p=0.001and p=0.002. However, with few exceptions, there were no distinguishing features between patients in terms of demography, symptomatology and distension.Conclusion: Clinically, it is very difficult to distinguish between endometriosis and IBS. However, visceral hypersensitivity appears to be a major component of endometriosis and may explain the problem of excessive pain especially in patients with mild disease offering a potential new target for treatment

Den dolda smärtan : - yngre mäns upplevelse av underlivssmärta / The hidden pain : - experiences of pelvic pain in younger men

Jarting, William, Sandberg, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
Kronisk underlivssmärta hos män är ett vanligt fenomen. Trots detta är ämnet relativtoutforskat, framförallt gällande yngre män. Studiens syfte var att undersöka upplevelser av attleva med denna smärta, hos män i åldrarna 18-40 år. Datainsamling skedde genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer (n = 5), utförda via Skype eller personligt möte. Dataanalyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Fem huvudteman utvecklades: “smärtan rubbardet dagliga livet”, “en klassisk man har inte problem där nere”, “smärtan blir något manmåste förhålla sig till”, “hjälpsamt att inte känna sig ensam” samt “vården kantas avosäkerhet”. Tillsammans ger de en bild av männens upplevelser. Resultatet visar att manligunderlivssmärta påverkar många områden i livet samt att det präglas av stigma ochstereotyper. Psykologiska och sociala mekanismer verkar avgörande för att förstå hur manhanterar smärtupplevelsen. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare fynd från studier på äldre män samtbidrar med nya rön från en yngre population. / Chronic pelvic pain is a common phenomena amongst men. Despite this, research on thesubject is still relatively scarce, especially amongst younger men. The aim of this study was toexamine the experience of living with pelvic pain. Data was collected through semi-structuredinterviews (n = 5), via Skype or face-to-face, from a Swedish sample. An inductive thematicanalysis was conducted. Five main themes were developed: “pain disturbs daily life”, “a real man has no problems down there”, “the pain is something you need to relate to”, “helpful tonot feel alone” and “the healthcare is riddled with insecurity”. Together these help summarizemen’s experiences. The results show that chronic pelvic pain affect many areas in everydaylife. It also shows that this pain is characterized by stigma and stereotypes. Psychological andsocial mechanisms seems vital for understanding how coping and pelvic pain relates. Theresults confirm parts from previous research and adds to existing knowledge, but from ayounger and less examined sample.

Att leva med endometrios : En litteraturöversikt / Living with endometriosis : A literature review

Swahn, Isabelle, Granli, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det råder ojämlikheter i vården, och kvinnor är en grupp som drabbas av sämre hälsa och sämre tillgång till vård. Endometrios, en kronisk kvinnosjukdom som drabbar var tionde kvinna, orsakar smärtsamma symtom kopplade till menstruation. Diagnosfördröjningar beror ofta på normalisering av menstruationssmärta. Trots dess vanliga förekomst finns ingen känd orsak eller botemedel för endometrios. Sjuksköterskor spelar en viktig roll i att stödja dessa patienter. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med endometrios. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med tio kvalitativa artiklar inkluderade i resultatet från två databaser; Cinahl Complete och PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av tre huvudteman och sju underteman: 1. Att bli misstrodd; En lång väntan på diagnos; Bristande förtroende för vården 2. Att hantera vardagen; Hinder i vardagen; Strategier i vardagen 3. En känslomässig berg- och dalbana; Påverkan på intima relationer; En förändrad kvinnlighet; En förändrad kroppsuppfattning Slutsats: Kvinnor med endometrios upplever att hela livet påverkas vilket resulterar i många olika känslor och en förlorad autonomi. Många tappar förtroende för vården och känner sig felbehandlade. Misstro från omgivningen bidrar till ytterligare lidande för kvinnorna. / Background: Inequalities exist in healthcare, and women are a group disproportionately affected by poorer health and limited access to healthcare. Endometriosis, a chronic women's health condition affecting one in ten women, causes painful symptoms linked to menstruation. Delays in diagnosis often stem from normalization of menstrual pain. Despite its common occurrence, there is no known cause or cure for endometriosis. Nurses play a crucial role in supporting these patients. Aim: The aim was to explore women's experiences of living with endometriosis. Method: A literature review with ten qualitative articles included in the results from two databases; Cinahl Complete and PubMed. Results: The results consisted of three main themes and seven subthemes: 1. Being disbelieved; A long wait for a diagnosis; Lack of trust in healthcare 2. Managing everyday life; Daily life obstacles; Strategies in daily life 3. Emotional turmoils; Impact on intimate relationships; Altered femininity; Altered body perception Conclusions: Women with endometriosis experience that their entire lives are affected, resulting in many different emotions and a lost autonomy. Many lose trust in healthcare and feel mistreated. Distrust from their surroundings contributes to further suffering for the women.

A relação entre a experiência de abuso sexual na infância e queixas de dor pélvica crônica e disfunção sexual masculina / The relationship between childhood sexual abuse experience and complaints of chronic pelvic pain and male\'s with sexual dysfunction

Pap, Amanda Diogo 15 April 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos realizados com mulheres apontam para a importância de se fazer uma avaliação de ocorrência de abuso sexual infantil em pacientes com disfunções sexuais e dor pélvica crônica, pois o histórico de abuso aumenta o risco de apresentarem problemas sexuais na vida adulta. O Abuso sexual infantil é um fenômeno universal que atinge todas as idades, classes sociais e culturas. No Brasil é a segundo maior tipo de violência entre crianças de 0 a 9 anos. Diferentemente de mulheres, há poucos estudos relacionam a experiência de abuso sexual infantil e o desenvolvimento de queixas urológicas que afetem a função sexual masculina. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre a experiência de abuso sexual na infância e as queixas de dor pélvica crônica (DPC), disfunção erétil (DE) e/ou ejaculação precoce (EP). MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo cross-section. A amostra foi composta por oitenta homens, entre 30 e 59 anos, pacientes da Divisão de Clínica Urológica do Hospital das Clínicas, que apresentavam EP, DE e/ou DPC. Os dados foram coletados por um ano. O antecedente de abuso sexual na infância foi avaliado por meio do questionário de Childhood Sexual Experiences Questionnai, traduzido e testado para uso na pesquisa. Também foi avaliado o tipo de abuso, pessoas envolvidas, idade de inicio e tempo de duração do abuso, opção sexual, estado civil e fatores de risco (cardiopatia, hipertensão, diabetes e doenças psiquiáticas) para EP, DE e DPC. Na análise estatística o teste de Qui Quadrado foi utilizado para avaliar as variáveis categóricas e o GLM univariado para avaliar as variáveis contínuas, representadas por média ± desvio padrão. Os dados contínuos foram representados em frequência absoluta e percentual (%). RESULTADOS: A amostra se caracterizou por homens predominantemente heterossexuais e em união estável. A média de idade foi de 50,2 anos. O grupo com DE apresentou maior índice de diabetes comparado com os demais. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à hipertensão, cardiopatia e transtornos psiquiátricos. Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanta a prevalência de abuso. 10% do total da amostra relatam ter sofrido abuso com ou tentativa de penetração A média de idade do inicio do abuso foi de 9,6 anos. A maioria dos abusos durou mais de um ano sendo que em todos os episódios a pessoa envolvida era conhecida da criança. CONCLUSÃO: A alta prevalência de abuso sexual infantil na amostra revela um problema na notificação dos casos ocorridos com o gênero masculino, pelo estigma do abuso com meninos, conceito restrito de abuso (focados em casos graves), despreparo dos profissionais de saúde e educação em identificar os casos. A literatura indica maiores taxas de abuso com a população feminina, mesmo comparado com estes dados a prevalência de violência sexual infantil é maior nesta pesquisa, reforçando a hipótese de que o antecedente de violência sexual é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de problemas de saúde que afetam a sexualidade masculina / INTRODUCTION: Child sexual abuse is a universal phenomenon that affects all ages, social classes and cultures. In Brazil it is the second largest type of violence among children from 0 to 9 years old. Many studies point to the importance of evaluating the ocurrence of child sexual abuse in patients with sexual disfunctions and chronic pelvic pain, since the history of abuse increases the risc of presenting sexual problems in the adult life. Unlinke women, there are few studies that relate the experience of child sexual abuse and the development of utological complaints the affect male sexual function. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship of sexual abuse experience in childhood and chronic pelvic pain (CPP), erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). METHOD: This is a cross sectional study. The sample consisted of eighty men, between 30 and 59 years old, patients of the Urological Clinic Dividion of the Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo, Brazil. The patients presented chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and or premature ejaculation. Data were collected during one year. The history of childhood sexual abuse was assessed using the Childhood Sexual Experience Questionnaire, translated and tested for use in research. The type of abuse, people involved, age of onset and duration of abuse, sexual choice, marital status and risk factors (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and psychiatric diseases) were also evaluated. Chi Square test was used to evaluate the categorical variables and univariate GLM to evaluate the continuous variables, represented by mean ± standard deviation. The continuous data were represented in absolute frequency and percentage (%). RESULTS: The sample was characterized by predominantly married and heterossexual men wich mean age of 50.2 years. The ED group presented a higher diabetes index compared to the CPP and PE groups. There were no statistical difference between groups in prevalence of abuse. The mean age at onset of abuse was 9.6 years. Most of the abuses lasted more than a year and in all episodes the person involved was known to the child. COCLUSION: The high prevalence of child sexual abuse in the sample reveals a problem in the notification of cases with the male gender. The stigma of child abuse, restricted concept of abuse (focused on serious cases), unprepared health professional in identify the cases. The literature indicates higher rates of abuse with the famale population. Even compared to these data, the prevalence of child sexual violence is higher in this research, reinforcing the hypothesis that the antecedente of sexual violence is a risk fator for the development of health problems which affect male sexuality

Dor pélvica crônica de origem não visceral: caracterização da amostra, avaliação da excitabilidade cortical e resultado do tratamento com sessão única de estimulação magnética transcraniana do córtex motor / Non-visceral origin chronic pelvic pain: sample characterization, assessment of cortical excitability and result of treatment with single session of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex

Zakka, Telma Regina Mariotto 14 April 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A dor pélvica crônica não visceral constitui desafio clínico, justificável pela diversidade de estruturas presentes na pelve e pelo amplo arcabouço musculoesquelético que a envolve, sustenta e protege, o que dificulta seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Várias são as causas de sua ocorrência e vários sistemas orgânicos podem estar nela envolvidos, isolada ou associadamente, incluindo-se especialmente o geniturinário, o gastrointestinal, o neuropsicológico e o musculoesquelético. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar-se clínica e demograficamente uma amostra composta de mulheres com dor pélvica crônica de origem não visceral refratária ao tratamento convencional e avaliar-se do efeito analgésico da estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EMTr) na magnitude da dor, psiquismo, função sexual e qualidade de vida. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Dezoito doentes foram aleatorizadamente incluídas em dois grupos (A e B) de estudo para receber tratamento inicial com EMTr ativa (EMTr-a) ou EMTr sham (EMTr-s) respectivamente, aplicadas na área de representação da pelve e períneo do córtex motor primário. EMTr-a foi realizada com a frequência de 10Hz; 80% do limiar motor de repouso totalizando 3000 pulsos por sessão. A EMTr-s foi realizada com uma bobina desconectada e uma segunda bobina ativa aplicada perpendicularmente à primeira e ligada de modo a emitir sons e reverberações sobre o escalpo semelhantes ao da EMTr. Três semanas após a sessão de EMTr-a, as doentes do grupo A foram tratadas com EMTr-s e as do grupo B com EMTr-a. As avaliações foram realizadas no momento basal (D-7), e nos dias, -1, +7, + 21, +28 e +36 do início do estudo. Foram utilizados os seguintes inventários validados para a língua portuguesa: Inventário Breve de Dor; DN-4, Questionário de descritores breve de dor McGill, Inventário de Sintomas de Dor Neuropática, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Índice da Função Sexual Feminina, WHOQOL-breve, Escala Visual Analógica e Questionário para Avaliação da Dor Pélvica e um algiometro para avaliar a sensibilidade dolorosa muscular na pelve e quadril. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: A DPC era intensa, havia escores elevados de ansiedade e depressão, a dor causou impacto negativo nas atividades físicas e diárias, na autopercepção do estado de saúde, na função sexual feminina e na qualidade de vida e houve elevada ocorrência da síndrome dolorosa miofascial nos músculos pélvicos e do quadril. A EMTr-a proporcionou melhora significativa da dor nas doentes tratadas inicialmente com EMTr-a e a EMTr-s causou melhora significativa e menos marcante da dor quando foi precedida do tratamento com a EMTr-a. Não houve modificação significativa dos valores dos escores de depressão e ansiedade e dos valores dos escores do Índice da Função Sexual Feminina nas doentes inicialmente tratadas com EMTr-a e ocorreu aumento do valor do escore ansiedade nas doentes inicialmente tratadas com EMTr-s. Houve aumento dos valores dos domínios \"psicológico\" e \"meio ambiente\" do WHOQOL-breve nas doentes tratadas inicialmente com EMTra. O resultado do tratamento inicial com EMTr-a ou EMTr-s influenciou o resultado do segundo procedimento. O limiar motor em repouso estava elevado, a inibição intracortical reduzida e a facilitação intracortical normal. Houve correlação entre o limiar motor de repouso e o maior número de descritores afetivos do Questionário de Dor McGill e entre a redução da inibição intracortical e o número aumentado de descritores afetivos do mesmo questionário. A estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva é procedimento seguro e alternativa terapêutica para doentes com DPC / INTRODUCTION: Non-visceral chronic pelvic pain is clinical challenge due to the diversity of structures present in the pelvis and the widespread musculoskeletal framework that surrounds, supports and protects, which makes its diagnosis and treatment very difficult and usually unsatisfactory. Many are its causes and various organs may be involved in its occurrence, either alone or in association, especially the genitourinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and neuropsychological structures. OBJECTIVES: Clinical and demographic characterization of a sample of women with non-visceral chronic pelvic pain refractory to conventional treatments and evaluation of the analgesic efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the magnitude of pain, psychic, sexual function and quality of life. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighteen patients were randomly included into two groups (A and B) accordingly the use of active rTMS (rTMS-a) or sham rTMS (rTMS-s), respectively, applied in the representation area of the pelvis and motor cortex perineum primary as the first approach. rTMS-a was performed with 10Hz, 80% of the muscle resting threshold and 3000 pulses per session. s-rTMS was performed with a disconnected coil and a second coil applied perpendicularly to the first one to generate sounds and reverberations on the scalp similar to rTMS-a. Three weeks after the session of rTMS-a the group A patients were treated with rTMS-s and the group B patients with rTMS-a. The evaluations were performed at baseline (D-7), and on days -1, +7, +21, +28 and +36 from the start of the study. The following inventories validated for the Brazilian-Portuguese language were used, Brief Pain Inventory were used; DN-4, Questionnaire brief descriptors of McGill Symptoms Inventory Neuropathic Pain, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Female Sexual Function Index, WHOQOL-brief, Visual Analogue Scale and the Questionnaire for Assessment of Pelvic Pain. A muscle algometer to assess muscle soreness in the pelvis and hip was also used. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The DPC was severe, the patients presented high scores of anxiety and depression, pain caused negative impact on physical and daily activities, self-perceived health status, female sexual function and quality of life and there was high incidence of myofascial pain syndrome the pelvic muscles and hip. rTMS-a provided significant improvement of pain in patients initially treated with rTMS-a and rTMS-s resulted in significant but less expressive improvement in pain when it was preceded by treatment with rTMS-a. There was no significant change in the values of the scores of depression and anxiety and of the Female Sexual Function Index in patients initially treated with rTMS-a it and there was an increase in the value of the score anxiety in patients initially treated with rTMS-s. There was improvement of the \"psychological\" and \"environment\" dominions of the WHOQOL-brief in patients initially treated with rTMS-a. The results of initial treatment with rTMS-a or rTMS-s influenced the outcome of the second procedure. The resting motor threshold was high, the intracortical inhibition was reduced, and the intracortical facilitation normal. There was correlation between the resting motor threshold and the affective descriptors of the McGill Pain Questionnaire and between reduced intracortical inhibition and the increased number of affective descriptors of the same questionnaire. rTMS is a safe procedure and therapeutic alternative for patients with DPC

Abordagem fisioterapêutica da dispareunia na mulher com dor pélvica crônica: comparação entre duas técnicas. Trial clínico, randomizado / Physiotherapeutic approach of dyspareunia in women with chronic pelvic pain: comparison between two techniques. A randomized clinical trial

Silva, Ana Paula Moreira da 07 May 2018 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a efetividade da massagem perineal de Thiele e a efetividade da eletroestimulação intravaginal no tratamento de mulheres com dor pélvica crônica (DPC) e dispareunia causada por espasmo dos músculos pélvicos, comparar as duas técnicas e seus efeitos sobre a dor, risco de ansiedade e depressão e na função sexual. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo clínico randomizado, com alocação aleatória dos sujeitos da pesquisa em grupos paralelos, grupo A: 14 mulheres tradadas com massagem perineal e grupo B: 16 mulheres tradadas com eletroestimulação intravaginal. Foram incluídas mulheres com diagnóstico de DPC e dispareunia superficial causada por espasmo de músculos pélvicos, foram excluídas mulheres com dispareunia sem espasmo de músculos pélvicos, mulheres grávidas, menopausadas e que constassem em seus prontuários: vasculopatias, neuropatias, diabetes ou tireoideopatias. Foram recrutadas no Ambulatório de Dor Pélvica Crônica (AGDP) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade São Paulo (HC/FMRP- USP). Sendo realizadas avaliações através de exame físico e aplicação dos questionários EVA, McGILL, HAD e FSFI e coleta de dados demográficos. Após término do tratamento essas mulheres foram reavaliadas com a periodicidade de uma, quatro, doze e 24 semanas por um avaliador alheio ao tipo de tratamento por elas realizado. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quando comparada a efetividade de uma técnica em relação à outra em nenhum dos tempos de reavaliação. Porém foram encontrados resultados significativos dentro de cada grupo entre os tempos antes do tratamento e depois do tratamento (1, 4, 12 e 24 semanas após). Em relação à melhora da dor (EVA, McGILL) e função sexual (FSFI), não foram encontradas diferenças significativas em relação às técnicas de tratamento e o risco para ansiedade e depressão. CONCLUSÃO: As duas modalidades de tratamento foram efetivas na melhora da dor, sugerindo assim o uso delas separadamente ou em associação nos casos de DPC associado a dispareunia superficial secundária a espasmos de músculos pélvicos. / OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the effectiveness of Thiele perineal massage and the effectiveness of intravaginal electrostimulation in treating women with Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and dyspareunia caused by spasm of the pelvic muscles, to compare two techniques and their pain effects, anxiety and depression risks and sexual function. METHODS: Was realized a clinical trial randomized with random allocation of people in parallel groups. Group A:14 women treated with perineal massage and group B:16 women treated with intravaginal electrostimulation. Inclusion criteria: Women with CPP and superficial dyspareunia caused by spasms of the pelvic muscles diagnosed and exclusion criteria: Dyspareunia without spasm in pelvic muscles, pregnant, menopause and with medical records of vasculopathies, neuropathies, diabetes, thyroid disease. These women were recruited in the Clinic of Chronic Pelvic Pain of the Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School of the University of São Paulo (HC/FMRP-USP). Evaluation with physical examination and application of VAS, McGill pain, HAD and SFIF and the collection of demographic data were performed. After end of treatment these women were re-evaluated after 1, 4, 12 and 24 weeks follow-up by a foreign evaluator to the type of treatment. RESULTS: No significant differences were found when comparing the effectiveness of one technique in relation to the other in any of the reevaluation times. However, significant results were found within each group between pre-treatment and post-treatment times (1, 4, 12, and 24 weeks post-treatment). In relation to the improvement of pain (EVA, McGILL) and sexual function (FSFI), no significant differences were found regarding treatment techniques and the risk for anxiety and depression. CONCLUSION: The two treatment modalities were effective in improving pain, thus suggesting their use separately or in combination in cases of DPC associated with superficial dyspareunia secondary to pelvic muscle spasms.

Inteligência artificial aplicada ao auxilio no diagnóstico da dor pélvica crônica / Artificial intelligence applied to aid in the diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain

Oliverio, Vinícius 18 April 2018 (has links)
A dor pélvica crônica (DPC) é uma condição clínica comum, inclusive no Brasil. Estudos do nosso núcleo de pesquisa evidenciam uma prevalência em torno de 11%. Ela é, dentre outros agravos, causa recorrente de procura a serviços de saúde, falta ao trabalho e baixa produtividade. Com a inserção definitiva da mulher no mercado de trabalho a doença tem impactado negativamente no desempenho econômico desse grupo, afetando diretamente a atividade econômica domiciliar. Todavia, o diagnóstico da causa desta condição clínica não é trivial e erros podem ocorrer devido à falta de conhecimento sobre o assunto, portanto, a criação de um sistema que possa auxiliar no diagnóstico e na identificação das causas desta condição clínica é de grande importância para que os erros de diagnósticos sejam minimizados e para que esta condição seja tratada da melhor maneira possível. Contudo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema de inteligência artificial que auxilie no diagnóstico da DPC em seu estágio inicial, minimizando erros e tempo de tratamento por meio da mineração de dados em uma base médica previamente preenchida com casos já diagnosticados como auxilio a aprendizagem do sistema. / Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a common clinical condition, including in Brazil. Studies held by our research group shows evidences of a prevalence around 11%. It is, among other illness, a recurrent cause of lack of productivity, work miss and utilization of healthcare services. As the women is each time more inserted in the labor force this condition is impacting negatively the economic performance of this group, affecting directly the domestic economic activity. However, the diagnostic of the cause of this condition is not trivial, and mistakes can happen due to the lack of knowledge about the matter, therefore, the creation of a system that may help in the diagnosing and identification of the causes of this clinical condition is of great importance to the decrease of mistaken diagnoses leading to a better treatment of the condition. However, the current work has as objective the development of an artificial intelligence system that help in the CPP diagnose in its initial stage, decreasing mistakes and treatment time by using data mining in a medical database previously filled with already diagnosed cases as auxiliary to the learning of the system.

Avaliação das células iNKT em pacientes com endometriose / Evaluation of iNKT cells in patients with endometriosis

Correa, Frederico José Silva 23 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A endometriose é uma doença com características inflamatórias que atinge as mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A patogênese da endometriose não está esclarecida. Tem sido demonstrada associação entre distúrbios imunológicos e endometriose, como alterações nos macrófagos, células NK, citocinas e nas repostas Th1, Th2 e Th17. As células iNKT, um tipo especial de linfócitos T, tem importante papel na resposta inflamatória como mediadores das repostas Th1, Th2 e Th17. Objetivos: o objetivo principal deste estudo foi comparar as frequências das células iNKT e seus subtipos entre pacientes com endometriose e pacientes sem endometriose. Procuramos também comparar as frequências destas células em ambos os grupos relacionando com alguns os aspectos clínicos e cirúrgicos da doença. Métodos: Realizamos estudo transversal, prospectivo entre fevereiro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2015 que avaliou a porcentagem de células iNKT e os subtipos iNKT CD4+, iNKT CD4+ CCR7+, iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN CCR7+, iNKT DN CD25+, iNKT CD4+ IL6+, iNKT CD4+ IL10+, iNKT CD4+ IL17+, iNKT CD8+ IL6+, iNKT CD8+ IL10+, iNKT CD8+ IL17+, iNKT DN IL6+, iNKT DN IL10+, iNKT DN IL17+ no sangue periférico, por citometria de fluxo, em pacientes com endometriose profunda (n = 47) e sem endometriose (n = 26). As frequências de células iNKT e seus subtipos foram comparadas entre os grupos de acordo com os sintomas, fase do ciclo, estádio da doença e classificação histológica. Resultados: Na avaliação da frequência das células iNKT, iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ foi evidenciada diminuição significativa nas pacientes com endometriose (p=0,010, p=0,020, p=0,050; respectivamente). Além disso, foi observada diminuição significativa nas frequências das células iNKT CD4+ CCR7+ e aumento significativo das células iNKT CD4+ IL-17+ em pacientes com endometriose e dismenorréia severa em comparação a dismenorréia ausente/leve. Nas pacientes com endometriose e dor acíclica severa observou-se diminuição significativa da frequência das células iNKT CD4+ IL17+ em comparação a dor acíclica ausente/leve (p=0,048). Houve diminuição das células iNKT nas pacientes com endometriose em relação ao grupo controle na fase secretora do ciclo menstrual (p=0,030). Na avaliação da fase do ciclo menstrual foi observado na fase proliferativa aumento significativo na frequência das células iNKT CD4+ CD25+ (p=0,022) e diminuição significativa das células iNKT DN (p=0,011) nas pacientes com endometriose. Na fase secretora foi evidenciado diminuição significativa na frequência das células iNKT DN IL17+ (p=0,049) nas pacientes com endometriose. Foi identificado também nas pacientes com endometriose uma diminuição na frequência das células iNKT DN CD25+ na fase secretora em relação a fase proliferativa do ciclo menstrual. Conclusões: As células iNKT e os subtipos iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ se mostraram alteradas nas pacientes com endometriose profunda. Subtipos específicos de células iNKT estão alteradas nas pacientes com endometriose profunda em pacientes com dismenorréia e dor acíclica severas. As fases do ciclo menstrual estão relacionadas a alteração nas frequências das células iNKT e dos subtipos iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN IL17+ e iNKT DN CD25+ nas pacientes com endometriose profunda. Estes resultados sugerem participação das células iNKT no desenvolvimento da endometriose / Introduction: Endometriosis is a disease with inflammatory characteristics that affects women of reproductive age. The pathogenesis of endometriosis is unclear. There has been an association between immune disorders and endometriosis, such as changes in macrophages, NK cells, cytokines, and Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses. iNKT cells, a special type of T lymphocytes, play an important role in the inflammatory response as mediators of the Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to compare the frequencies of iNKT cells and their subtypes between patients with endometriosis and patients without endometriosis. We also compare the frequencies of these cells in both groups relating to some clinical and surgical aspects of the disease. Methods: We performed a prospective cross-sectional study between February 2013 and February 2015, which evaluated the percentage of iNKT cells and iNKT CD4+, iNKT CD4+ CCR7+, iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN CCR7+, iNKT DN CD25+, iNKT CD4+ IL6+ , iNKT CD8+ IL17+, iNKT DN IL6+, iNKT DN IL10+, iNKT DN IL17+ in the peripheral blood, by flow cytometry, in patients with deep endometriosis (n = 47), iNKT CD4+ IL10+, iNKT CD4+ IL17+, iNKT CD8+ ) and without endometriosis (n = 26). The frequencies of iNKT cells and their subtypes were compared between groups according to symptoms, stage of the cycle, stage of the disease and histological classification. Results: iNKT, iNKT DN and iNKT DN IL17+ cells showed significant decrease in patients with endometriosis (p = 0.010, p = 0.020, p = 0.050, respectively). In addition, a significant decrease in iNKT CD4+ CCR7+ cell numbers and a significant increase of iNKT CD4+ IL17+ cells were observed in patients with endometriosis and severe dysmenorrhea compared to absent / mild dysmenorrhea. In patients with endometriosis and severe acyclic pain, there was a significant decrease in the frequency of iNKT CD4+ IL17+ cells compared to absent / mild acyclic pain (p = 0.048). There was a decrease in iNKT cells in patients with endometriosis compared to the control group in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle (p = 0.030). In the menstrual cycle, a significant increase in iNKT CD4+ CD25+ cells (p = 0.022) and a significant decrease in iNKT DN cells (p = 0.011) was observed in the proliferative phase in patients with endometriosis. In the secretory phase there was a significant decrease in the frequency of iNKT DN IL17 + cells (p = 0.049) in patients with endometriosis. It was also identified in patients with endometriosis a decrease in the frequency of iNKT DN CD25+ cells in the secretory phase in relation to the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. Conclusions: iNKT cells and subtypes iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ have been altered in patients with deep endometriosis. Specific subtypes of iNKT cells are altered in patients with deep endometriosis in patients with severe dysmenorrhea and acyclic pain. The phases of the menstrual cycle are related to changes in the frequencies of iNKT cells and subtypes iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN IL17+ and iNKT DN CD25+ in patients with deep endometriosis. These results suggest the participation of iNKT cells in the development of endometriosis

Avaliação das células iNKT em pacientes com endometriose / Evaluation of iNKT cells in patients with endometriosis

Frederico José Silva Correa 23 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A endometriose é uma doença com características inflamatórias que atinge as mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A patogênese da endometriose não está esclarecida. Tem sido demonstrada associação entre distúrbios imunológicos e endometriose, como alterações nos macrófagos, células NK, citocinas e nas repostas Th1, Th2 e Th17. As células iNKT, um tipo especial de linfócitos T, tem importante papel na resposta inflamatória como mediadores das repostas Th1, Th2 e Th17. Objetivos: o objetivo principal deste estudo foi comparar as frequências das células iNKT e seus subtipos entre pacientes com endometriose e pacientes sem endometriose. Procuramos também comparar as frequências destas células em ambos os grupos relacionando com alguns os aspectos clínicos e cirúrgicos da doença. Métodos: Realizamos estudo transversal, prospectivo entre fevereiro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2015 que avaliou a porcentagem de células iNKT e os subtipos iNKT CD4+, iNKT CD4+ CCR7+, iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN CCR7+, iNKT DN CD25+, iNKT CD4+ IL6+, iNKT CD4+ IL10+, iNKT CD4+ IL17+, iNKT CD8+ IL6+, iNKT CD8+ IL10+, iNKT CD8+ IL17+, iNKT DN IL6+, iNKT DN IL10+, iNKT DN IL17+ no sangue periférico, por citometria de fluxo, em pacientes com endometriose profunda (n = 47) e sem endometriose (n = 26). As frequências de células iNKT e seus subtipos foram comparadas entre os grupos de acordo com os sintomas, fase do ciclo, estádio da doença e classificação histológica. Resultados: Na avaliação da frequência das células iNKT, iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ foi evidenciada diminuição significativa nas pacientes com endometriose (p=0,010, p=0,020, p=0,050; respectivamente). Além disso, foi observada diminuição significativa nas frequências das células iNKT CD4+ CCR7+ e aumento significativo das células iNKT CD4+ IL-17+ em pacientes com endometriose e dismenorréia severa em comparação a dismenorréia ausente/leve. Nas pacientes com endometriose e dor acíclica severa observou-se diminuição significativa da frequência das células iNKT CD4+ IL17+ em comparação a dor acíclica ausente/leve (p=0,048). Houve diminuição das células iNKT nas pacientes com endometriose em relação ao grupo controle na fase secretora do ciclo menstrual (p=0,030). Na avaliação da fase do ciclo menstrual foi observado na fase proliferativa aumento significativo na frequência das células iNKT CD4+ CD25+ (p=0,022) e diminuição significativa das células iNKT DN (p=0,011) nas pacientes com endometriose. Na fase secretora foi evidenciado diminuição significativa na frequência das células iNKT DN IL17+ (p=0,049) nas pacientes com endometriose. Foi identificado também nas pacientes com endometriose uma diminuição na frequência das células iNKT DN CD25+ na fase secretora em relação a fase proliferativa do ciclo menstrual. Conclusões: As células iNKT e os subtipos iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ se mostraram alteradas nas pacientes com endometriose profunda. Subtipos específicos de células iNKT estão alteradas nas pacientes com endometriose profunda em pacientes com dismenorréia e dor acíclica severas. As fases do ciclo menstrual estão relacionadas a alteração nas frequências das células iNKT e dos subtipos iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN IL17+ e iNKT DN CD25+ nas pacientes com endometriose profunda. Estes resultados sugerem participação das células iNKT no desenvolvimento da endometriose / Introduction: Endometriosis is a disease with inflammatory characteristics that affects women of reproductive age. The pathogenesis of endometriosis is unclear. There has been an association between immune disorders and endometriosis, such as changes in macrophages, NK cells, cytokines, and Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses. iNKT cells, a special type of T lymphocytes, play an important role in the inflammatory response as mediators of the Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to compare the frequencies of iNKT cells and their subtypes between patients with endometriosis and patients without endometriosis. We also compare the frequencies of these cells in both groups relating to some clinical and surgical aspects of the disease. Methods: We performed a prospective cross-sectional study between February 2013 and February 2015, which evaluated the percentage of iNKT cells and iNKT CD4+, iNKT CD4+ CCR7+, iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN CCR7+, iNKT DN CD25+, iNKT CD4+ IL6+ , iNKT CD8+ IL17+, iNKT DN IL6+, iNKT DN IL10+, iNKT DN IL17+ in the peripheral blood, by flow cytometry, in patients with deep endometriosis (n = 47), iNKT CD4+ IL10+, iNKT CD4+ IL17+, iNKT CD8+ ) and without endometriosis (n = 26). The frequencies of iNKT cells and their subtypes were compared between groups according to symptoms, stage of the cycle, stage of the disease and histological classification. Results: iNKT, iNKT DN and iNKT DN IL17+ cells showed significant decrease in patients with endometriosis (p = 0.010, p = 0.020, p = 0.050, respectively). In addition, a significant decrease in iNKT CD4+ CCR7+ cell numbers and a significant increase of iNKT CD4+ IL17+ cells were observed in patients with endometriosis and severe dysmenorrhea compared to absent / mild dysmenorrhea. In patients with endometriosis and severe acyclic pain, there was a significant decrease in the frequency of iNKT CD4+ IL17+ cells compared to absent / mild acyclic pain (p = 0.048). There was a decrease in iNKT cells in patients with endometriosis compared to the control group in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle (p = 0.030). In the menstrual cycle, a significant increase in iNKT CD4+ CD25+ cells (p = 0.022) and a significant decrease in iNKT DN cells (p = 0.011) was observed in the proliferative phase in patients with endometriosis. In the secretory phase there was a significant decrease in the frequency of iNKT DN IL17 + cells (p = 0.049) in patients with endometriosis. It was also identified in patients with endometriosis a decrease in the frequency of iNKT DN CD25+ cells in the secretory phase in relation to the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. Conclusions: iNKT cells and subtypes iNKT DN e iNKT DN IL17+ have been altered in patients with deep endometriosis. Specific subtypes of iNKT cells are altered in patients with deep endometriosis in patients with severe dysmenorrhea and acyclic pain. The phases of the menstrual cycle are related to changes in the frequencies of iNKT cells and subtypes iNKT CD4+ CD25+, iNKT DN, iNKT DN IL17+ and iNKT DN CD25+ in patients with deep endometriosis. These results suggest the participation of iNKT cells in the development of endometriosis

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