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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Population Genetic Structure and Biogeographic Patterns in the Yellow Perch <i>Perca flavescens</i>: An Analysis of Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Markers

Sepulveda Villet, Osvaldo Jhonatan January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial and temporal population dynamics of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Erie

Yu, Hao 19 August 2010 (has links)
Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Erie support valuable commercial and recreational fisheries critical to the local economy and society. The study of yellow perch's temporal and spatial population dynamics is important for both stock assessment and fisheries management. I explore the spatial and temporal variation of the yellow perch population by analyzing the fishery-independent surveys in Lake Erie. Model-based approaches were developed to estimate the relative abundance index, which reflected the temporal variation of the population. I also used design-based approaches to deal with the situation in which population density varied both spatially and temporally. I first used model-based approaches to explore the spatial and temporal variation of the yellow perch population and to develop the relative abundance index needed. Generalized linear models (GLM), spatial generalized linear models (s-GLM), and generalized additive models (GAM) were compared by examining the goodness-of-fit, reduction of spatial autocorrelation, and prediction errors from cross-validation. The relationship between yellow perch density distribution and spatial and environmental factors was also studied. I found that GAM showed the best goodness-of-fit shown as AIC and lowest prediction errors but s-GLM resulted in the best reduction of spatial autocorrelation. Both performed better than GLM for yellow perch relative abundance index estimation. I then applied design-based approaches to study the spatial and temporal population dynamics of yellow perch through both practical data analysis and simulation. The currently used approach in Lake Erie is stratified random sampling (StRS). Traditional sampling designs (simple random sampling (SRS) and StRS) and adaptive sampling designs (adaptive two-phase sampling (ATS), adaptive cluster sampling (ACS), and adaptive two-stage sequential sampling (ATSS)) for fishery-independent surveys were compared. From accuracy and precision aspect, ATS performed better than the SRS, StRS, ACS and ATSS for yellow perch fishery-independent survey data in Lake Erie. Model-based approaches were further studied by including geostatistical models. The performance of the GLM and GAM models and geostatistical models (spatial interpolation) were compared when they are used to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of the yellow perch population through a simulation study. This is the first time that these two types of model- based approaches have been compared in fisheries. I found that arithmetic mean (AM) method was only preferred when neither environment factors nor spatial information of sampling locations were available. If the survey can not cover the distribution area of the population due to biased design or lack of sampling locations, GLMs and GAMs are preferable to spatial interpolation (SI). Otherwise, SI is a good alternative model to estimate relative abundance index. SI has rarely been realized in fisheries. Different models may be recommended for different species/fisheries when we estimate their spatial-temporal dynamics, and also the most appropriate survey designs may be different for different species. However, the criteria and approaches for the comparison of both model-based and design-based approaches will be applied for different species or fisheries. / Ph. D.

<b>Modeling approaches to understand fish recruitment in large lake ecosystems</b>

Spencer Thomas Gardner (20411378) 11 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Fish population abundance and age structure is primarily determined through annual recruitment success (i.e., early life growth and survival through periods of heightened vulnerability). Many physical and biological processes contribute to fish early life growth and survival. Determining the relative contribution of these to annual recruitment variation is challenging owing to the multiple scales across which highly variable processes influence early life growth, mortality, and eventual survival. Elucidating these mechanisms are increasingly complicated by climate change and various anthropogenic stressors as conditions deviate from historic baselines. Thus, while traditional correlative approaches are often sufficient in explaining broad-scale patterns in historic recruitment variation, they are often unable to elicit processes at finer scales of potential importance and forecast future recruitment potential under climate change. Approaches that a) leverage mechanisms withstanding more than a century of research, and b) attempt to account for spatial and temporal scale-dependencies may promote a new understanding of conditions structuring annual patterns in recruitment and advance forecasting of future recruitment potential. Here, we used statistical and mechanistic modeling strategies to explore patterns in alewife and yellow perch recruitment in large lake ecosystems (i.e., the Laurentian Great Lakes). In chapter 2, we investigated nonstationary shifts in yellow perch stock-recruitment relationships in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. In chapter 3, we explore climate-induced physical transport phenologies of larval fish and consider the consequences of transport to experienced thermal conditions and encountered prey availability. Finally, in chapter 4, we investigated spatial scales of recruitment variation in a large lake to understand the relative influence of fine-scale asynchrony in structuring broader patterns in historic and potential future recruitment potential. </p>

Einfluss des Ausnehmens auf die sensorische und hygienische Beschaffenheit von eisgelagerten Zandern (Sander lucioperca) und Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Sipos, Gyopar 24 April 2003 (has links)
Die Bedingungen für die Vermarktung von Fischereierzeugnissen sind streng geregelt. Die Deutsche Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung (VO) schreibt in den §§ 4 (1) und 6 vor, dass alle Fische unverzüglich nach dem Fang und der Tötung ausgenommen werden müssen. In diesem Punkt ist die deutsche VO strenger als das europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht (RL 91/493/EWG). Sowohl durch die in einzelnen Bundesländern unterschiedliche Auslegung des Begriffes "unverzüglich" als auch durch die in anderen EU-Ländern erlassenen Vorschriften ergibt sich eine gewisse Rechtsunsicherheit bei der Vermarktung von Ganzfischen. Im Gegensatz zu Seefischen gibt es bei Süßwasserfischen nur wenige Untersuchungen zum Vergleich der sensorischen und hygienischen Parameter von ausgenommen und unausgenommen gelagerten Fischen. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es daher, an den zwei Modellfischarten Regenbogenforelle (Oncorhynchus mykiss) und Ostsee-Zander (Sander lucioperca) gesundheitlich-hygienische als auch qualitative Gründe für bzw. gegen das Ausnehmen von Süßwasserfischen zu ermitteln. Zum einen wurde während der Lagerung bis zum Verderb wiederholt der Keimstatus der Fische bestimmt, wobei sowohl die Verderbsorganismen als auch potentiell humanpathogene Keime (Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Clostridium spp., Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.) im Fischgewebe erfasst wurden. Zum anderen wurden fischartspezifische Frischegrad- und Kochprobenschemata entwickelt, die den Verderbsprozessen der beiden Süßwasserfischarten während der Lagerung angepasst sind und für eine Bestimmung der sensorischen Eigenschaften angewendet werden können. Darüber hinaus erfolgte bei den Zandern eine Untersuchung der Muskulatur und der Eingeweide auf einen Befall mit humapathogenen Nematoden und eine Bestimmung von flüchtigen Basenstickstoff (TVB-N) in der Filetmuskulatur. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass unausgenommene Fische, sofern eine optimale Lagerung gewährleistet ist, hygienisch unbedenklich sind und für einen Zeitraum von einigen Tagen qualitativ gleichwertig mit ausgenommenen Fischen bleiben, bevor autolytische Bauchhöhlenprozesse die Qualität des Ganzfisches beeinträchtigen. Dabei hängt der Zeitraum unter anderem von der Fischart und dem Nüchterungsgrad ab. Mikrobiologische Gründe sprechen eher gegen ein frühzeitiges Ausnehmen, da die bakterielle Belastung der Bauchhöhle durch die Schlachtung höher ausfällt als bei unausgenommen gelagerten Fischen. Demnach kann durch ein spätes Ausnehmen zwar ein schnellerer Qualitätsverlust bei Ganzfischen auftreten, aber aus hygienischer Sicht, auch im Zusammenhang mit humanpathogenen Keimen, ist eine erhöhte Gesundheitsgefährdung des Verbrauchers nicht zu erwarten. / Conditions for the marketing of fishery products are strictly regulated. In Germany, the fish hygiene regulations (§§ 4(1) and 6) demand the gutting of all fishes immediately after the catch. This regulation is more restrictive than the corresponding EU-legislation (RL 91/493/EWG). But several German counties interprete the term "immediately" differently, and most other EU-countries have more permitting regulations, thus creating legal ambiguities in the marketing of whole fishes. Unlike the situation in seafish there are only few surveys in fresh water fish comparing possible sensoric and hygienic effects of gutted and ungutted storage. The aim of this study therefore was to examine health and hygiene related as well as qualitative reasons for or against an immediate gutting of freshwater fish, using aquaculture rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) from the Baltic Sea as model fish species. The bacterial load in several tissues of gutted and ungutted fish, spoilage organisms as well as potentially pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Clostridium spp., Salmonella spp., Listeria spp), were determined repeatedly throughout the storage period and statistically compared. Furthermore, species-specific grading schemes for the whole fish as well as for steamed fillets were developed that allowed the assessment of spoilage and of the sensoric characteristics of gutted and ungutted fishes. In pike-perch, muscle tissue and guts were examined for pathogenic nematode larvae and the fillet content of total volatile basic nitrogen was determined. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that ungutted fish, as long as optimal storage conditions are guaranteed, bear no special hygienic risks and keep a quality comparable to gutted fish for at least some days before autolytic processes in the body cavity compromise the quality of the whole fish. The length of this storage period depends mainly on the fish species and the filling of the digestive tract. From a microbiological point of view early gutting is not advisable because the gutting process itself results in a higher bacterial contamination of the body cavity than that found in fish stored ungutted. Therefore, a later gutting may lead to a faster loss of quality in whole fish but a higher hygienic risk for the consumer, even in connection with bacteria pathogenic for humans, can not be stated.

Environmental impacts on spawning and survival of fish larvae and juveniles in an upland river system of the Murray-Darling Basin

Peterson, Kylie, n/a January 2003 (has links)
Six rivers within the upper Mumbidgee catchment were sampled for larval and juvenile fish. The rivers represented both regulated and unregulated flow regimes and varied widely in size. There was wide variation in the larval fish communities supported by each river, both in terms of the species diversity and total abundance of fish sampled. The highly regulated reach of the Mumbidgee River sampled during this study had the highest numbers of native species and native individuals of any river sampled. In the two rivers selected for further study, the Murmmbidgee and Goodradigbee, there was a high level of inter-annual consistency in the species composition within the reaches sampled, despite considerable change in the temperature and flow regimes of both rivers. This indicates that at least some spawning of those species sampled may occur each year, regardless of environmental conditions. Estimates of the relative abundance of each species sampled changed markedly between years, and it is argued, on the basis of growth information contained in the otoliths, that differential survival of larvae and juveniles was largely responsible for this shift in relative abundance. Otolith microstructure provided information on the date of spawning and early growth patterns of all species sampled in the upper Mumumbidgee catchment. In addition to determining the age and thus 'birth-date' of an individual, the effect of a particular event or series of events has on growth, and subsequent survival, is permanently recorded in the otolith microstructure. This enables accurate back-calculation and correlation to management actions or natural events. No other research tool has this ability to retrospectively assess, on a daily basis, the impacts of management actions on condition and subsequent survival of fish larvae. Species sampled could be separated into three groups based on spawning requirements; those linked with flow, those linked with temperature and generalist species that appear to have river independent cues, such as photoperiod or moon phase. Patterns in growth rate during the early life history stages enabled quantification of the consequences of variation in environmental conditions on the survival and recruitment of various species. Growth was not always highly correlated with water temperature, in fact, for mountain galaxias, high temperatures appear to negatively affect larval condition and subsequent survival. Conversely, carp exhibited a strategy more consistent with common perceptions, with growth and survival increasing with increasing temperature. The study uncovered spawning and growth patterns that were unexpected. Age analysis of western carp gudgeon demonstrated that they had undertaken a mid-winter spawning, when the water temperature in the main channel was far lower than that at which spawning was previously recorded for this species. Redfin perch from the unregulated Goodradigbee River exhibited growth rates exceeding the published upper limits for this and other closely related species. This growth could not be correlated with either temperature or flow, indicating that there are additional factors that dominate growth rates of redfin perch in the Goodradigbee River. The proportion and abundance of native species alone is not necessarily indicative of a 'healthy' or pristine system; some native species may be positively affected by river regulation, at least as juveniles. Comparison of the current larval fish community with likely pre-European fish communities does provide an indication of change to the system. The results of this study suggest that larval fish growth rates can be strongly influenced by environmental conditions, thus providing a powerful tool for monitoring future change and the factors which cause it. This study has demonstrated the value of larval and juvenile fish age and growth information, derived from otolith microstructure techniques, for many aspects of river management. Current river management priorities for which these techniques provide unique information include the determination of environmental flow regimes and the control of undesirable exotic species such as carp.

Ecology and Evolution of Adaptive Morphological Variation in Fish Populations

Svanbäck, Richard January 2004 (has links)
<p>The work in this thesis deals with the ecology and evolution of adaptive individual variation. Ecologists have long used niche theory to describe the ecology of a species as a whole, treating conspecific individuals as ecological equivalent. During recent years, research about individual variation in diet and morphology has gained interest in adaptive radiations and ecological speciation. Such variation among individual niche use may have important conservation implications as well as ecological and evolutionary implications. However, up to date we know very little about the extension of this phenomenon in natural populations and the mechanisms behind it.</p><p>The results in this thesis show that the extension of individual diet specialization is widely spread throughout the animal kingdom. The variation in diet is mainly correlated to morphological variation but not always. Furthermore, this variation in diet and morphology among individuals could be both genetically determined and environmentally induced and it mainly comes from trade-offs in foraging efficiency between different prey types. </p><p>The results from a number of studies of perch also show that individual perch differ in morphology and diet depending on habitat, where littoral perch has a deeper body compared to pelagic perch. This difference in morphology corresponds to functional expectations and is related to foraging efficiency trade-offs between foraging in the littoral and pelagic zone of a lake. The variation in morphology in perch is mainly due to phenotypic plasticity but there are also small genetic differences between the littoral and pelagic perch. Two separate studies show that both predation and competition may be important mechanism for the variation in morphology and diet in perch.</p><p>In conclusion, the results in this thesis show that individual variation in diet and habitat choice is a common phenomenon with lots of ecological and evolutionary implications. However, there are many mechanisms involved in this phenomenon on which we are just about to start learning more about, and only further research in this area will give us the full insight.</p>

Verteilung und Ernährung larvaler und juveniler Stadien von Plötze (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) und Barsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) im Biomanipulationsexperiment Feldberger Haussee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Laude, Uwe 23 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In der Studie wurde die Ernährung und die Verteilung von larvalen und juvenilen Stadien von Plötze (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) und Barsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) untersucht. Untersuchungsgewässer war der Feldberger Haussee, ein geschichteter eutropher Hardwassersee, der seit über 15 Jahren biomanipuliert wurde. Der Bestand an Barschen war in diesem Gewässer im gesamten Biomanipulationszeitraum sehr gering (&amp;lt; 1% der Gesamtfischbiomasse). Längerfristig stabilisiert, aus wissenschafticher Sicht, eine hoher Bestand an piscivoren Barschen die Effekte der Biomanipulation. Ziel der Untersuchung war daher die Überprüfung der Hypothese, dass das Vorhandensein von Konkurrenz um die Ressource Zooplankton zwischen den juvenilen Barsch und Plötzen für den geringen Barschbestand verantwortlich ist (PERSSON &amp;amp; GREENBERG 1990, PERSSON et al. 1991). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen ließen sich in folgenden Punkten zusammenfassen: i) Der juvenile Barsch segregierte in der Hochsommer- bis Herbstperiode in eine spezielle Nahrungsnische. Die beiden Fischarten unterschieden sich deutlich bezogen auf die Art der bevorzugten Zooplankter (0+-Barsch vorwiegend Eudiaptomus, Diaphanosoma, Leptodora; 1+/2+-Plötzen fraßen Cladocerennahrung Bosmina und in hohen Anteilen auch Daphnia). Separation und Aufteilung der Zooplanktonresourcen konnte auch für die bevorzugte Größe der Zooplankter beobachtet werden. Die hohen Wachstumsraten und der gute Konditionszustand des juvenilen Barsches sowie das Fehlen von Wintermortalität ließen konkurrenzinduzierte Mortalität als Begründung für den geringen Bestand nicht glaubhaft erscheinen. ii) Die räuberbedingte saisonale Mortalität der juvenilen Barsche in der Hochsommer- bis Herbstperiode ließ sich bei den 0+-Barschen und 1+-Barschen jeweils auf bis zu 90% einschätzen. Dadurch wurde auch ein starker Jahrgang (wie 1997) innerhalb der ersten zwei Lebensjahre auf bis zu 99% reduziert. iii) Als Alternativhypothese wurde aus den Ergebnissen der Studie und den Bedingungen am Feldberger Haussee gefolgert, dass eine Kombination von langer zooplanktivorer Phase und einem hohen Bestand an effektiven pelagischen Piscivoren (wie Sander lucioperca L.) für den geringen Barschbestand verantwortlich ist. / In the study the feeding behaviour and distribution of larval and juvenile stages of roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) was examined. The object of the study was the Lake Haussee, an stratified eutrophic hardwater lake that was biomanipulated for more than fifteen years. Over the whole period of biomanipulation the portion of perch population did not reach the level of one percent of the total fish biomass. From the scientific point of the view, a high biomass of piscivorous perch may stabilize the effects of biomanipulation in the long run. The aim of the study was to evaluate the hypothesis of strong competitive interaction between juvenile roach and perch for zooplankton, which could be responsible for the minor population of perch in lakes (PERSSON &amp;amp; GREENBERG 1990, PERSSON et al. 1991). The results of the study can be summarised as follows: i) In the period of midsummer to autumn juvenile perch segregated to a special food niche. In comparison to 1+/2+-roach, which fed on cladocerans (e.g. Bosmina and a high portion of Daphnia), 0+-perch preferred Eudiaptomus, Diaphanosoma and Leptodora. Thus, partitioning and separation were also observed for size-selectivity. Furthermore, the high growth rates and the good state of condition of the young perch as well as the lack of winter mortality did not indicate a competitive-induced mortality in the Lake Haussee. ii) In the period of midsummer to autumn the predator-induced seasonal mortality of juvenile perch (groups like 0+/1+) was estimated nearly up to 90 percent. Thereby, also a strong age group (like 1997) of juvenile perch was reduced up to 99 percent within the first two years of life. iii) The results of this study supported an alternative hypothesis: the morphological conditions of Lake Haussee, a prolonged zooplanktivore period of juvenile perch in combination with a strong stock of an effective pelagic piscivore predator (like Sander lucioperca L.) are responsible for the low perch stock.

Petit poisson deviendra grand? : évaluation du rôle de la contamination chimique dans le déclin des populations de perchaudes (Perca flavescens) du lac Saint-Pierre

Khadra, Mélissa 05 1900 (has links)
La qualité de l'eau du lac Saint-Pierre (LSP), le plus grand lac fluvial du fleuve Saint-Laurent, est notamment compromise par le déversement d’une mixture composée de métaux et de pesticides provenant des rejets des industries, des effluents municipaux et de l’exploitation des terres agricoles dans son bassin versant. Cette contamination est d'autant plus importante dans les zones du lac caractérisées par une végétation dense favorisant la rétention et la sédimentation de la matière en suspension. Or, ces herbiers aquatiques, qui occupent de vastes étendues du LSP, servent de frayère pour plusieurs poissons, dont la perchaude (Perca flavescens). Cette espèce est donc particulièrement affectée par la dégradation des habitats aquatiques du LSP. À la suite d’un déclin important de ses populations depuis la fin des années 1990 en raison de son important intérêt commercial et sportif, un moratoire de cinq ans sur la pêche de la perchaude a été imposé en 2012 et reconduit jusqu’en 2022, puisque l’incapacité de rétablissement des populations de perchaudes semble persister. La présente étude vise à évaluer l'hypothèse que cette incapacité de rétablissement, qui se reflète par un recrutement déficient, soit en partie attribuable à l'impact de la contamination chimique sur la reproduction, soit par des effets toxiques potentiels sur les femelles ovigères, sur les œufs ou sur les jeunes larves pendant les premiers mois. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué l’hypothèse que le glyphosate, herbicide à large spectre et ingrédient actif de la formulation Roundup®, ait un impact indirect sur les jeunes perchaudes en décimant les communautés de biofilms périphytiques, source d’alimentation des invertébrés dont se nourrissent les jeunes larves. Cette suite d’effets contribuerait à l’accroissement de la mortalité hivernale des jeunes de l’année, due à une insuffisance de ressources énergétiques. Or, nos résultats démontrent que peu importe l’âge, et par le fait même l’épaisseur des biofilms, le glyphosate, en concentrations environnementales réalistes, ne semble pas impacter négativement la composition des communautés ou le métabolisme de la chlorophylle des biofilms. Seul l’âge (2 mois, 1 an, 20 ans) de ces derniers semblait en effet influencer la composition taxonomique des communautés. Nous avons cependant observé une augmentation de l’abondance relative d’Anabaena, un taxon de cyanobactérie toxique qui possède une forme résistante rare de l’enzyme EPSPS, cible principale du mode d’action du glyphosate. Cette étude contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur les effets de l’herbicide le plus utilisé à l’échelle mondiale, actuellement au cœur de préoccupations d’intérêt international. Nous avons également évalué le potentiel de toxicité associé au transfert maternel du mercure et du sélénium chez la perchaude à l’aide de techniques de fractionnement subcellulaire. Le mercure est un contaminant d’intérêt en raison de son omniprésence dans l’environnement ainsi que de ses effets néfastes sur la reproduction des poissons à de très faibles concentrations. Il a également été démontré que des ratios molaires Se:Hg supérieurs à 1 atténuaient les effet néfastes du mercure. Nos résultats démontrent une évidence de transfert maternel de la femelle à ses œufs, mais également aux mitochondries gonadiques, principales composantes sensibles de la cellule. Le transfert maternel représentant la source d’exposition aux contaminants la plus importante pour les embryons, nos observations pourraient contribuer à expliquer le recrutement déficient des jeunes perchaudes au LSP. Nous avons également mesuré des ratios molaires Se:Hg systématiquement supérieurs à 1 dans les différentes fractions subcellulaires hépatiques et gonadiques, résultats novateurs qui laissent sous-entendre un effet protecteur du Se. Puisque nous avons confirmé l’occurrence d’un transfert maternel du mercure, l’étape logique subséquente était d’évaluer la bioaccumulation de ce contaminant au sein des différents stades ontogéniques du cycle de vie de la perchaude. Les stades embryo-larvaires et juvéniles précoces sont en effet des phases particulièrement sensibles aux contaminants organiques et inorganiques. Nos résultats démontrent que les concentrations de MeHg décroissent suivant un patron ontogénique, avec les plus hautes concentrations mesurées chez les juvéniles et les plus basses dans les masses d’œufs. Nous avons également démontré que presque 100% du mercure était présent sous forme de MeHg, forme toxique et bioamplifiable, chez les larves et les juvéniles. Les ratios molaires Se:Hg étaient quant à eux systématiquement supérieurs à 1, résultats comblant d’importantes lacunes au niveau des effets antagonistes entre le mercure et le sélénium chez les poissons. Les résultats découlant des présents travaux de recherche ont un impact important sur la science de l’écotoxicologie en raison de leur caractère novateur. Tout d’abord, nous avons contribué à l’avancement des connaissances sur l’impact de concentrations environnementales de glyphosate sur des biofilms d’âge très contrasté. Ensuite, nous avons, pour la première fois, utilisé des outils de fractionnement subcellulaire afin d’évaluer le potentiel de toxicité lié au transfert maternel du mercure. Enfin, nous rapportons les premières données liées à la bioaccumulation simultanée du mercure et du sélénium aux stades de vie clés du développement de la perchaude. La présente thèse s’avère ainsi nécessaire afin de contribuer au progrès du savoir sur le devenir de certains contaminants d’intérêt au sein des écosystèmes aquatiques. / Lake Saint Pierre (LSP) is the largest fluvial lake in the Saint Lawrence River. Water quality in LSP is heavily affected by inputs of nutrients and chemical pollution from tributaries which drain agricultural watersheds, from municipal effluents and from industrial discharges. This contamination is amplified in areas of LSP with dense vegetation because aquatic plants promote the retention and sedimentation of dissolved and particulate matter. Several fish species, including Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens), use these aquatic vegetation beds as their spawning grounds and are therefore particularly affected by the contamination of aquatic habitats in LSP. This study therefore tests the hypothesis that chemical contamination in Yellow Perch (YP) during their early life stages can help explain this species’ lack of resilience despite the implementation of a fishing moratorium in 2012. This moratorium was extended until 2022 since populations are still undergoing a recruitment failure and a decline in juvenile abundance populations. The phosphonate herbicide glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup®, is currently the most widely used herbicide in the world. Glyphosate-based herbicides are sprayed on food and feed crops during cultivation and are thus subject to leaching to streams and rivers. In aquatic ecosystems, periphytic biofilms, or periphyton, are important primary producers and are often the first trophic level to be in contact with runoff waters. Thus, a trophic cascade could occur if these biofilms are negatively impacted by glyphosate, potentially leading to larval fish mortality due to resource limitation. Results showed that submersion period (2 months, 1 year, 20 years) was the only significant contributor to community structure. However, the glyphosate-resistant Cyanobacteria Anabaena was found to be favoured by the use of glyphosate. This freshwater Cyanobacteria commonly forms toxic blooms, raising concern regarding the use of glyphosate. For all colonization stages, and therefore different thicknesses, chlorophyll a did not show an unequivocal decline over time. This study therefore provides an interesting snapshot of the biological processes related to periphytic biofilms’ exposure to environmental concentrations of glyphosate. As this herbicide is currently of international concern, it is imperative to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about its effects. Mercury (Hg) is a trace element of particular concern since it is ubiquitous in the environment and because its methylated form (MeHg) readily bioaccumulates and biomagnifies in food webs. This latter process leads to elevated Hg concentrations in fish and thus induces toxicity. Maternal transfer of bioaccumulated contaminants to offspring is a suggested mechanism of impaired reproductive success in fish. We therefore assessed the toxicity potential of Hg during maternal transfer in YP from LSP using a sub-cellular partitioning approach. Results showed a strong relationship between Hg bioaccumulation in the liver and Hg concentrations in gonadal mitochondria, which corroborates the potential toxicity of maternal transfer. As selenium is a well-studied Hg antagonist, we also measured the Se:Hg molar ratios in all subcellular fractions. We found that these ratios were systematically above 1, which is the suggested threshold for Hg toxicity alleviation through sequestration by Se. Since early developmental stages in aquatic biota are particularly sensitive to Hg, and after confirming the evidence of maternal transfer, we subsequently addressed Hg bioaccumulation in all parts of YP life cycle. This study is the first of its kind to follow Hg and Se during YP ontogenetic development, from the gravid female to the juvenile. Results show that MeHg follow an ontogenetic pattern, with concentrations decreasing from the juveniles to egg masses. We also found that nearly 100% of THg was measured as the toxic form MeHg in larvae and juveniles. Lastly, Se:Hg molar ratios were systematically above 1, suggesting a potentially protective effect of Se on Hg bioaccumulation. This study will thus provide much needed information on the changes in bioaccumulation patterns during the most sensitive life cycle stages of this declining fish population. Results issued from the present research have significant impact when it comes to the advancement of knowledge in Ecotoxicology due to their novel characteristics. First, we have contributed to the advancement of knowledge on the effects of environmental concentrations of glyphosate on highly age-contrasted biofilms. Also, it is the first time that subcellular partitioning techniques are used in order to assess the toxicity potential of mercury during maternal transfer. Finally, we provide the very first results on the simultaneous bioaccumulation of mercury and selenium in key life stages of YP development. Therefore, this thesis is of particular interest when aiming to assess the fate of certain contaminants of interest within aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological impacts of dam removal in Swedish inland waters : Effects on water chemistry and fish demography / Ekologisk påverkan av dammutrivningar i svenska inlandsvatten : Effekter på vattenkemi och fiskdemografi

Ekman, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Dams play an important role in our society, but their negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems have led to a need for conservation efforts to mitigate the negative effects. In some instances, dam removal has been suggested to be the most economically and ecologically beneficial restoration method to improve longitudinal connectivity. This, however, has increased the need of more research about the effects dam removal have on aquatic ecosystems, since the outcomes of this restoration method can be unpredictable. In this study, I investigated ecological impacts of dam removals in Swedish inland waters. I collected field data from five different lakes in Värmland and Dalarna, two lakes with dam removal in 2017/2018 and three without. I studied how dam removal affected different trophic levels of the aquatic ecosystem, where I predicted that a top-down effect would increase abundances of piscivorous European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and zooplankton, but decrease phytoplankton, whereas a bottom-up effect would lead to increases in biomass at all trophic levels (with most pronounced effects on nutrient concentration). If both top-down and bottom-up effects would operate in parallel, all the above mentioned effects could occur. I also predicted that if dam removal affected the fish community, there would be a change in species diversity and fish biomass. Moreover, if perch demography was affected, there would be a change in perch length and abundance of different age classes. To investigate this, I collected data on fish, plankton, nutrients (P, N), DOC, pH and conductivity in the five lakes and compared this with already existing historical data using a BACI design. Two-way ANOVAs were used to study the effects of dam removals on these variables. There were not enough historical data on P concentration or zoo-and phytoplankton to be analyzed statistically. I did, however, conduct correlation analyses with zoo- and phytoplankton. Contradictory to my prediction, the results showed no effect of dam removal on fish biomass or diversity, water chemistry or perch demography in the studied lakes. There was, however, a statistically significant effect of time on Tot-N, with lower values after the years of 2017/2018 (regardless of dam removal). There were also some differences between the lakes in species diversity, concentration of Tot-N, potentially piscivorous perch and perch length. The outcomes of dam removal are unpredictable, as are the expected time-lapse of the effects, which means that changes may yet occur in the studied lakes. Knowledge about ecosystem responses to dam removal enables managers to better predict the effects of dam removal, and thereby facilitate decision makings related to this restoration method. / Dammar spelar en viktig roll i vårt samhälle, men deras negativa påverkan på akvatiska ekosystem har ökat behovet av bevarandeinsatser för att minska de negativa effekterna. I somliga fall har dammutrivning föreslagits vara den mest ekonomiskt och ekologiskt gynnsamma bevarandemetoden för att förbättra longitudinell konnektivitet. Detta har dock ökat behovet av mer forskning gällande dammutrivningars effekter på akvatiska ekosystem, eftersom utfallen av denna bevarandemetod kan vara oförutsägbara. I denna studie undersökte jag dammutrivningars ekologiska effekter i svenska inlandsvatten. Jag samlade data i fält från fem olika sjöar i Värmland och Dalarna, två sjöar med dammutrivningar under 2017/2018 och tre utan. Jag undersökte hur dammutrivning påverkade olika trofiska nivåer i det akvatiska ekosystemet, med förväntningarna att en top-down-effekt skulle öka abundansen av fiskätande abborre (Perca fluviatilis) samt djurplankton, men minska växtplankton, medan en bottom-up-effekt skulle leda till ökad biomassa inom samtliga trofiska nivåer (men med mest effekter på näringskoncentration). Om både top-down- och bottom-up-effekter skulle verka parallellt kunde samtliga ovanstående nämnda effekter förekomma. Jag förväntade även att om dammutrivning påverkade fisksamhället skulle det ske en förändring i artdiversitet och fiskbiomassa. Därtill bör en effekt på demografi hos abborre leda till förändringar i abborrlängd- och abundans i olika åldersklasser. För att undersöka detta samlade jag in data över fisk, plankton, näringsämnen (P, N), DOC, pH och konduktivitet i de fem sjöarna och jämförde detta med redan existerande historiska data med en BACI design. Tvåvägs-ANOVAs användes för att studera effekterna av dammutrivningar på dessa variabler. Det fanns inte tillräckligt med historiska data över P-koncentration eller djur- och växtplankton för att analyseras statistiskt. Jag utförde dock korrelationsanalyser med djur- och växtplankton. I kontrast till min förväntan visade resultaten ingen effekt av dammutrivning på fiskbiomassa- eller diversitet, vattenkemi eller demografi hos abborre i de studerade sjöarna. Det var däremot en statistiskt signifikant effekt av tid på Tot-N, med lägre värden efter 2017/2018 (oberoende av dammutrivning). Det var även en del skillnader mellan sjöarna i artdiversitet, koncentration av Tot-N, potentiellt fiskätande abborre samt abborrlängder. Utfallen av damutrivningar är oförutsägbara, och detsamma gäller tidsintervallet för effekterna, vilket innebär att det fortfarande kan ske förändringar i de studerade sjöarna. Kunskap om ekosystemrespons till dammutrivning möjliggör för förvaltare att lättare bedöma effekter av dammutrivningar, och underlättar därav beslutsfattning relaterat till denna bevarandemetod.

Diet Analysis of Maumee River Fishes using Cytochrome C Oxidase (COI) DNA Metabarcoding ― Insights into a Critical Time of Year

Shortridge, Megan G., Shortridge 22 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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