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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn som bor med en gömd mamma med skyddade personuppgifter: samhällets insikt och agerande / Children living with a mother living under protective measures: the community's knowledge and action

Moozarmi, Mina January 2011 (has links)
För att kvinnor och barn ska kunna skyddas mot en våldsam man som förföljer och hotar dem, är de tvungna att leva med skyddade personuppgifter. I Sverige finns det ca 4 562 barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter. Eftersom dessa barn ofta lever ett väldigt kringskuret liv samt under ständig stress, påverkas deras fysiska och psykiska hälsa negativt av skyddet. För att barnen ska kunna orka leva med sin speciella och påfrestande livssituation, behöver de få stöd från samhället.   Syftet med denna studie var att studera utbudet av stöd till barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter i en mellanstor kommun i Mellansverige. Aktörer som i sitt arbete kom i kontakt med barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter, intervjuades i denna studie. Totalt genomfördes det sex individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer och två gruppintervjuer.   Innehållsanalys valdes som analysmetod för att analysera det manifesta innehållet, d.v.s. det som var synligt i texten. Analysen resulterade i följande fem kategorier: "Säkerhetsåtgärd som stöd", "Indirekt stöd", "Administrativt samarbete", "Kännedom" och "Barnperspektiv och skyddade personuppgifter".   Studiens resultat pekade på att det inte fanns någon stödverksamhet för barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter, som inriktar sig på svårigheterna barnen upplever till följd av skyddet. Däremot fick dessa barn ett mer s.k. indirekt stöd, där de fick möjligheten att bearbeta sina upplevelser av våldet som de tidigare hade bevittnat i hemmet. För att minimera risken att barnens identitet skulle röjas, stöttade aktörerna dem ur ett mer säkerhetsåtgärdsperspektiv. Dessutom visade studien att kunskapsnivån om dessa barn bör höjas, för att bättre kunna stödja och stärka dem i de svårigheter som de möter i vardagen som gömda. Slutligen visade studien att barnen bör få adekvat stöd i form av samtalsstöd samt gruppverksamhet. / Women and children have to live under protective measures, in order to protect themselves from a violent man who is stalking them. In Sweden 4 562 children are living under protective measures today. These children often live a very restricted and stressful life, and their physical and mental health is negatively affected by the protection. They need support from the community to be able to cope with their unusual and difficult life situation.   The aim of this study was to determine the support given to children living under protective measures in a middle-sized municipality in central Sweden. People who in their profession meet these children were interviewed in this study. Six semi-structured individual interviews and two group interviews were conducted.   Qualitative content analysis was applied in this study to analyse the manifest content. These five categories emerged from the analysis: “Support as a safety measure”, “Indirect support”, “Administrative support”, “Knowledge” and “Child perspective and protected personal data”.   This study indicated that there is not a support group, which should focus on the difficulties these children face as a consequence of their protection. However, these children got an indirect support where they had the opportunity to process the violence they had witnessed at home. To be able to minimize the risk of disclosing the children’s protected personal data; the community supported them by utilizing a safety measurement approach. Furthermore the study implicated that the level of attainment about these children should increase, in order to support and strengthen them in the problems they are facing in hiding. Finally the study showed that these children should get appropriate support, by offering them counseling and a group activity.

User¡¦s Risk Management for the Personal Data of the Cloud Computing Service Industires

Huang, Yen-Lin 06 August 2012 (has links)
With the rapid development of Information Technology, ¡§Cloud Computing¡¨ is becoming increasingly popular in the industry as it is accessible to various data processing services just by connecting to third-party cloud service providers via network. A new global technological trend has thus been ushered as a result of powerful processing, elastic usage and low cost of the cloud computing. Although ¡§Cloud Computing¡¨ provides a cloud which is more large-scaled, relevant and beneficial, most practical cloud patrons are aware that what matters is its corresponding security. Any who has ever used the Internet, whether an enterprise or an individual, will inevitably run the risks of information recorded, copied, leaked, deleted inappropriately or accidently or even used for inappropriate purposes by third-parties. The private data and business secrets of the stakeholders of an enterprise, including its customers, partners, employees or suppliers, will also suffer from the information vulnerability. Therefore, as for the cloud computing industry, what matters for the government, enterprise or individual is to provide an information security shelter rather than a network environment in which the personal data is highly exposed. Cavoukin (2010) argues that the issue of information security related to the cloud computing is one of issues in the public domain. The data generated from the digital cloud computing management and the people involved are so large that each citizen is drawn to be concerned with the government policies and laws (Lee, 2010). In this paper, we make a risk management for the cloud computing and discuss the risk management mechanisms for the cloud computing industry with the Freeman¡¦s stakeholder theory.

Elektroninės bankininkystės teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of electronic banking

Girdenytė, Kristina 24 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe siekiama identifikuoti su elektroninės bankininkystės paslaugų teikimu susijusias problemas, pateikti teisinį jų vertinimą, atlikus elektroninę bankininkystę reglamentuojančių teisinių instrumentų analizę atskleisti elektroninės bankininkystės teisinio reguliavimo tendencijas. Atskiruose darbo skyriuose atskleidžiama elektroninės bankininkystės sąvoka, tinkamo kliento identifikavimo elektroninėje bankininkystėje svarba ir šiam procesui keliami reikalavimai, sutarties dėl elektroninių banko paslaugų teikimo reikšmė reguliavimo mechanizme. Analizuojami vartotojų teisėms elektroninėje bankininkystėje galintys kilti pavojai, atsakomybės tarp kliento ir banko paskirstymas bei tokio paskirstymo pagrindai, taip pat bankų priežiūros institucijų veiklos įvardijant naujai kylančias rizikas susijusias su elektronine bankininkyste, bei pateikiant jų valdymo ir mažinimo principus, reikšmė. / Continuing technological innovation and competition among banks have allowed for a much wider array of banking sevices to become accessible and delivered to costumers through an electronic distribution channel. However, the rapid growth of e-banking capabilities carries new problems as well as benefits. The purpose of this article is to identify such problems, give their legal evaluation, represent their possible solutions and recognize tendencies of legal regulation of electronic banking. Author analizes conception of electronic banking, existing practice, laws related to electronic banking and uncovers shortcomings of existing legal regulation of electronic banking.

Asmens duomenų apsauga darbo vietoje / Protection of personal data at the workplace

Bučinskas, Liudas 20 March 2006 (has links)
Naujų informacinių technologijų pažanga įtakojo ir darbo santykius, iš esmės pakeitė darbo vietos supratimą, supaprastino ir paspartino daugelį darbo procesų. Tačiau tai parodė ir neigiamą savybę: darbdaviui atsirado poreikis kontroliuoti, kokiais tikslais darbo vietoje darbuotojai naudoja informacinės technologijas ir ar jomis nepiktnaudžiauja, tam pasitelkiant elektronines sekimo priemones. Elektroninio stebėjimo ir kontrolės priemonės įgalino darbdavius rinkti milžiniškus kiekius duomenų apie savo darbuotojus ar net kištis į jų asmeninį gyvenimą. Todėl išryškėjo konfliktas tarp darbuotojo teisės į privatumą ir darbdavio teisėtų verslo interesų, kurio sprendimo variantas – teisinėmis priemonėmis pasiektas balansas tarp šių teisinių vertybių. Darbo tema „Asmens duomenų apsauga darbo vietoje“ yra pakankamai plati, todėl autorius iš esmės nagrinėja, jo manymu, vieną problematiškiausių aspektų – elektroninį darbuotojų stebėjimą iš kontrolę. Darbe siekiama atskleisti privatumo darbo vietoje ribas, analizuojamos literatūroje pateikiamos elektroninio darbuotojų stebėjimo ir kontrolės priežastys, nagrinėjamos technologijos ir būdai darbuotojams sekti bei jų keliama grėsmė darbuotojų privatumui. Taip pat autorius analizuoja teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumus, susijusius su darbuotojų privatumu bei jų elektroniniu stebėjimu ir kontrole skirtingose teisinėse sistemose, daugiausiai remdamasis JAV, ES ir Lietuvos teisės aktais ir identifikuodamas pagrindines problemas. Nagrinėdamas... [to full text] / The progress of new modern technologies has made an impact on industrial relations and essentially changed the concept of a workplace. The work aims to reveal workplace privacy limits, to analyse the reasons of electronic monitoring and surveillance found in literature, to investigate the methods and technologies to survey employees and the possible threat to employees privacy caused by these methods. The author also analyses the peculiarities of legal regulations related to employees’ privacy and electronic monitoring and surveillance in different legal systems, his analyses being mainly based on the law of the USA, the EU and Lithuania and on the identification of the main problems.

Ar visų asmenų duomenų kaupimas ir jų atskleidimas siekiant užkirsti kelią sunkiems nusikaltimams nepažeidžia asmens teisės į privatumą? / Does full scale personal data collection and revealing as serious crime prevention comply with the right to personal privacy?

Dinapaitė, Gintarė 07 August 2008 (has links)
Sparčiai besivystant informacinėms technologijoms, atsiradus naujoms elektroninių ryšių paslaugoms, padidėjo saugomų asmens duomenų apimtis. Šie duomenys tapo informatyvesni ir naudingesni tiriant nusikalstamas veikas. Elektroninių ryšių srityje generuojamiems duomenims pastaruoju metu ypač didelį dėmesį teikia teisėsaugos institucijos. Šių duomenų svarba pabrėžtinai akcentuojama, siekiant užkirsti kelią sunkiems nusikaltimams, ko pagrindu Europos Sąjungos mastu buvo priimta Direktyva 2006/24/EB dėl duomenų, generuojamų arba tvarkomų viešai prieinamas elektroninių ryšių paslaugas arba viešuosius ryšių tinklus, saugojimo ir iš dalies keičianti Direktyvą 2002/58/EB (toliau – Direktyva 2006/24/EB). Šis dokumentas turi būti įgyvendintas derinant nuostatas su nacionaliniais teisės aktais. Direktyvos 2006/24/EB įgyvendinimo klausimais dar tik pradedama diskutuoti. Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktų, numatančių asmens duomenų elektroniniuose ryšiuose kaupimo ir teikimo teisėsaugos institucijoms, veikimo mechanizmas išsamiau nėra analizuotas. Tinkamo teisės aktų įgyvendinimo ir laikymosi kontrolei dėmesio taip pat skirta nedaug. Užtikrinant asmens teisę į privatumą, įstatymų numatytais atvejais ją ribojant, būtina įvertinti teisės aktų veikimo, jų laikymosi priežiūros tinkamumą bei su tuo susijusius probleminius aspektus. / Due to the rapid development of media technology and the emergence of new digital communication services the volume of classified personal data has increased. Law enforcement institutions are giving considerable attention to such data during offence investigation. Directive 2006/24/EC has been adopted, according to which traffic and location data on both legal entities and natural persons and related data necessary to identify the subscriber or registered user will be available to law enforcement authorities during serious crime investigation. This document has to be implemented in correlation with the regulations of the Lithuanian law; therefore it is important to analyze the compatibility of the Lithuanian law with the Directive 2006/24/EC. The aim of this paper is to determine whether full scale personal data collection and disclosing as serious crime prevention complies with the right to personal privacy in the context of Directive 2006/24/EC. Consequently this master thesis paper seeks to discuss the notion of the right to privacy, its scope, and to ascertain the legal regulation of data generated during digital communication; to analyze the basis for obtaining data during pre-trial investigation and operational activities; to access the data security and proceedings’ supervision appropriateness of undertakings, and to find out what kind of responsibility is applicable to them; to determine the suitability of supervision execution of law enforcement authorities during... [to full text]

L'encadrement juridique du traitement des données personnelles sur les sites de commerce en ligne

Chassigneux, Cynthia 07 1900 (has links)
Dans un environnement électronique tel qu'Internet, les relations s'établissant entre les entreprises en ligne et les internautes doivent se dérouler dans un climat de confiance. Cette considération, particulièrement importante eu égard au traitement des données personnelles, doit conduire les commerçants électroniques à respecter un certain nombre de principes en la matière. Ces principes sont relatifs au consentement, à la collecte, à l'utilisation, à la communication, à la sécurité, à l'exactitude (droit d'accès et de rectification), et à la destruction. Ils sont énoncés en termes généraux dans des instruments de nature législative, comme les Lignes directrices de l'OCDE, la Convention 108 du Conseil de l'Europe, la Directive 95/46/CE du Parlement européen et du conseil, la Loi Informatique et Libertés, la Loi sur le secteur privé, la Loi C-6. Cependant, compte tenu de la dimension transfrontalière du réseau, ces protections ne suffisent pas à elles seules à instaurer un climat de confiance, leur application étant limitée dans l'espace. Par conséquent, et pour tenir compte de la logique actuelle, il convient de reconnaître l'émergence de nouvelles normes susceptibles d'encadrer les renseignements personnels qui circulent sur les sites de commerce en ligne. Des garanties complémentaires de nature autoréglementaire se développent donc sous la forme de politiques de confidentialité, de labels de qualité ou de standards comme le Platform for Privacy Preferences. Toutefois, la logique sous-jacente de ces garanties soulève des questions quant à leur effectivité et à leur contrôle tant par des autorités publiques que par des associations privées. / In an electronic environment such as Internet, relationships between on-line companies and web users must proceed in a c1imate of trust. This consideration, particularly significant in regard to the processing of personal data, must bring the cyber merchant to respect a number ofprinciples from which trust can emerge. These principles pertain to consent, collection, use, disclosure, safety, accuracy (access and correction rights), and destruction of personal data. They are expressed in general terms in legislative instruments such as the OECD Guidelines on Privacy, the Council of Europe Convention 108, the European Parliament and of the Council Directive 95/46/CE, the Loi Informatique et Libertés, the Loi sur le secteur privé and the Act C-6. However, taking into account the transborder nature of Internet data exchanges, these protections alone are not enough to create a c1imate of trust, their application being limited in space. Consequently, and to take in account CUITent legal protections, it is possible to acknowledge the development of new standards to manage the movements of personal data on commercial web sites. Guarantees like privacy policies, seals or standards like Platform for Privacy Preferences are developed to complement legislative instruments. However, the underlying logic of these guarantees raises questions regarding their effectivity and the control public and private authorities may assert over them. / "Thèse en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit de l'Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) et de docteur en droit de la faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal en droit privé"

Les registres médicaux et la confidentialité

Giroud, Clémentine 08 1900 (has links)
Les registres médicaux sont des banques de données, ayant des caractéristiques spécifiques, rassemblant tous les cas d'une maladie sur un territoire précis. Ces informations permettent la mise en place de politiques de santé publique ainsi que l'étude de maladies afin de faire progresser la recherche médicale. La question se pose donc de savoir comment la réglementation concernant le respect de la vie privée s'applique aux particularités des registres. La législation actuellement en vigueur au Québec prévoit l'obligation d'obtenir le consentement du patient avant d'inclure les données le concernant dans le registre. Ces renseignements personnels de santé recueillis dans le registre doivent être protégés afin de respecter la vie privée des participants. Pour cela, des mesures concernant la confidentialité et la sécurité des données doivent être mises en place en vue de leur conservation et durant celle-ci. Après l'utilisation principale de ces données, il est possible de se servir à nouveau de ces renseignements personnels à d'autres fins, qu'il faille ou non les transférer vers une autre banque de données, nationale ou étrangère. Néanmoins cette utilisation secondaire ne peut se faire qu'à certaines conditions, sans porter atteinte au droit des participants concernant le respect de la vie privée. / Medical registries are databases which record aIl cases of a specifie disease found in a given area. Registries provide vital information for public health research and for the implementation of appropriate public policies. The question is : How does the regulation of privacy apply to registries? Legislation currently in force in the province of Quebec requires the consent of a patient in order to inc1ude personal information in the registry. Personal health data in a registry have to be protected to preserve the privacy of research subjects. To ensure data security and confidentiality sorne measures must be taken during their conservation. Secondary use of data is possible under certain conditions aimed at protecting the right to privacy. It is possible to use such personal information again for other purposes even if the data need to be transferred to another national or foreign database. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en LL.M. Droit - Recherche option Droit, Biotechnologies et Sociétés"

Towards a value theory for personal data

Spiekermann-Hoff, Sarah, Korunovska, Jana 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Analysts, investors and entrepreneurs have recognized the value of personal data for Internet economics. Personal data is viewed as the "oil" of the digital economy. Yet, ordinary people are barely aware of this. Marketers collect personal data at minimal cost in exchange for free services. But will this be possible in the long term, especially in the face of privacy concerns? Little is known about how users really value their personal data. In this paper, we build a user-centered value theory for personal data. On the basis of a survey experiment with 1269 Facebook users, we identify core constructs that drive the value of volunteered personal data. We find that privacy concerns are less influential than expected and influence data value mainly when people become aware of data markets. In fact, the consciousness of data being a tradable asset is the single most influential factor driving willingness-to-pay for data. Furthermore, we find that people build a sense of psychological ownership for their data and hence value it more. Finally, our value theory helps to unveil market design mechanisms that will influence how personal data markets thrive: First, we observe a majority of users become reactant if they are consciously deprived of control over their personal data; many drop out of the market. We therefore advice companies to consider user-centered data control tools to have them participate in personal data markets. Second, we find that in order to create scarcity in the market, centralized IT architectures (reducing multiple data copies) may be beneficial.

Le spamming et le droit : analyse critique et prospective de la protection juridique des "spammés". / Spamming and law : critical and prospective analysis of the legal protection of "spammés"

Renaudin, Klervi 11 July 2011 (has links)
Rares sont les internautes qui peuvent encore affirmer ne jamais avoir reçu de spams, ces courriers électroniques non sollicités qui envahissent les boîtes aux lettres électroniques, jusqu'à, parfois, les saturer. À l'instar de tout échange de correspondance – sous forme papier ou numérique –, sa réception est subordonnée à la connaissance des coordonnées des futurs destinataires. Pour réaliser son opération, le « spammeur » doit donc nécessairement disposer de données nominatives telles que notamment, l'adresse électronique. Les enjeux économiques attachés à ces données à caractère personnel les exposent, de façon inévitable, à des risques accrus de collectes illicites. Engager une réflexion sur les moyens de protéger les « spammés » invite dès lors à raisonner à deux niveaux : lors de la collecte, pour empêcher la capture « sauvage » de telles données et lors de l'envoi proprement dit, afin de prémunir les destinataires contre la réception de ces messages indésirables. Face à des techniques anti-spam qui ont rapidement révélé leurs limites, la lutte contre le spamming s'est orientée vers l'outil législatif lequel sera également mis à rude épreuve. Au niveau national, les réponses offertes par les lois spéciales se révèlent incomplètes, voire inefficaces. Par ailleurs, la dimension intrinsèquement internationale du spamming ne permet pas d'ignorer les droits étrangers. En l'absence de consensus international, les profondes divergences entre législations nationales, en particulier entre la France et les États-Unis, premier pays émetteur de spams, risquent de compromettre leur effectivité à protéger les « spammés ». L'échec partiel des lois spéciales conduira ainsi à recourir aux solutions offertes par le droit commun en vue d'engager la responsabilité civile et pénale des « spammeurs ». Si d'un point de vue national, ces propositions démontreront leur capacité à pallier certaines insuffisances de la législation spéciale, la lutte anti-spam impliquera nécessairement d'engager une réflexion à l'échelle internationale. / Internet users who can still claim that they have never received spam are rare. These unexpected emails fill up, and sometimes blow up your mailbox. The reception of spam follows the same manner as other correspondence exchange, whether in paper or digital format. It is dependant on the knowledge of future recipients' contact information. In order to realize their operation, spammers must possess some private information, in particular email addresses. The economic issue attached to this private information puts them inevitably at increased risk of illegal collection. To think about the means of protection against spam invites us to reason at two levels : at the time of information collection to prevent illegal capture of private information and at the time of “sending” itself to protect recipients from receiving these undesirable messages. Antispam technology has quickly shown its limits. In light of this situation, the fight against spamming has turned towards legislative tools, which will be put to severe tests as well. At the national level, the answers provided by special laws seem to be incomplete, and even inefficient. In addition, the intrinsically international nature of spamming requires knowledge of foreign laws. Having no international consensus, the deep divergences between national legislations, in particular between France and United States, which is the first Spam-relaying country, risk jeopardizing their efficiency to protect spam victims. Thus, the partial failure of special laws leads us to seek recourse using the solutions provided by common law in preparation of engaging civil and criminal liability of spammers. If seen from a national point of view, the suggestions can demonstrate that they are capable of making up for some of insufficiency of special legislation, the antiSpam fight will necessarily involve a study at international scale.

Dataskyddsförordningens påverkan på företags marknadsföringsarbete : Nya regler för företag som hanterar personuppgifter / The impact of GDPR on companies’ marketing: New rules for companies that handle personal data

Andersson, Ellinor, Wessberger, Fredrika January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Det har blivit allt svårare att skydda personuppgifter på grund av den snabbt växande tekniska utvecklingen. Personuppgifter flödar mellan länder i stor utsträckning vilket ställer krav på ett mer sammanhängande dataskydd inom Europeiska unionen. Den 25 maj 2018 kommer en ny EU-förordning att träda i kraft. Förordningen kommer att gälla i alla EU:s medlemsländer och heter GDPR som står för General Data Protection Regulation. Lagändringen kommer att bidra till en striktare hantering och behandling av personuppgifter och därav stärka den enskilda personens integritet. Hur lagändringen kommer att påverka företags arbete med marknadsföring är en fråga som har växt fram. Syfte : Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att få kunskap om hur företagen anpassar sig efter den förändring som GDPR medför och om förändringar behöver göras i företagens marknadsföringsarbete på grund av GDPR. Metod : Uppsatsens angreppssätt är induktivt och det empiriska materialet är insamlat med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Totalt har nio intervjuer utförts, tre mailintervjuer och sex telefonintervjuer. Företagen som har medverkat i den här studien arbetar med marknadsföring och hanterar personuppgifter. Resultat : De intervjuade företagen tror inte att deras marknadsföring kommer att påverkas avsevärt. Några företag har och kommer att ändra vissa delar i kommunikationen till kunden, som till exempel ändra medlemsvillkor, rensa personuppgifter samt förändringar i utskick och nyhetsbrev. För att förbereda sig inför lagändringen har de flesta företagen arbetat med att utbilda anställda samt rensa i sina register. / Introduction : It has become increasingly difficult to protect personal data due to the rapidly evolving technological development. Personal data flow between countries to a large extent, which requires more coherent data protection within the European Union. In May 25th 2018, a new EU regulation will come into force. The regulation will apply in all EU member states and is called GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation. The regulation will contribute to an increasingly rigorous handling and processing of personal data and hence strengthen the individual's integrity. How the change of law will affect business's marketing efforts is a matter that has emerged. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain knowledge of how companies adapt to the change that GDPR entails and whether changes need to be made in corporate marketing efforts due to GDPR. Method: The bachelor thesis is inductive and the empirical material is collected using qualitative interviews. A total of nine interviews have been conducted, three mail interviews and six telephone interviews. The companies that have participated in this study works with marketing and handles personal data. Results: The interviewed companies in the study do not believe that their marketing will be significantly affected. Some companies have and will change certain parts of the communication to the customer, such as changing member terms, clearing personal information, and changes in email and newsletters. In order to get GDPR compliant, most companies educate their employees and clean and enhance their registers.

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